xenial (1) rds-create-db-instance-read-replica.1.gz

rds-create-db-instance-read-replica - Create a read-replica database instance
rds-create-db-instance-read-replica DBInstanceIdentifier --source-db-instance-identifier value [--auto-minor-version-upgrade value ] [--availability-zone value ] [--db-instance-class value ] [--iops value ] [--option-group value ] [--port value ] [General Options]
Creates a DB Instance which acts as a read replica of a source DB Instance. The source DB Instance must have backup retention enabled.
DBInstanceIdentifier Identifier of the read replica to be created. You can also set this value using "--db-instance-identifier". Required.
-au, --auto-minor-version-upgrade VALUE Whether minor version upgrades will automatically be applied to the read replica during its maintenance window. -c, --db-instance-class VALUE The compute and memory capacity of the read replica. Valid values: db.m1.small, db.m1.large, db.m1.xlarge, db.m2.2xlarge, db.m2.4xlarge. Defaults to the same instance class as the source DB Instance. --iops VALUE Provisioned storage I/O operations per second. If this parameter is not specified, the value will be copied from the master. If this parameter is set to 0 (zero), the read replica will not have Provisioned IOPS. -og, --option-group VALUE The option group with which the database instance will be associated with. If omitted, the default Option Group for the engine specified will be used. -p, --port VALUE Port number on which the read replica will accept connections. Defaults to the same port as the source DB Instance. -s, --source-db-instance-identifier VALUE Identifier of the DB Instance which the read replica is to replicate. Required. -z, --availability-zone VALUE The name of the EC2 Availability Zone where the read replica will be created. Defaults to a system-chosen (random) availability zone.
--aws-credential-file VALUE Location of the file with your AWS credentials. Must not be specified in conjunction with --ec2-cert-file-path or --ec2-private-key-file-path. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'. -C, --ec2-cert-file-path VALUE Path to AWS X.509 certificate file. Must be specified in conjunction with --ec2-private-key-file-path and must not be specified in conjunction with --aws-credential-file. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'EC2_CERT'. --connection-timeout VALUE Specify a connection timeout VALUE (in seconds) for API calls. The default value is '30'. --debug If an error occurs while --debug is used, it will display information useful for debugging the problem. The default value is 'false'. --delimiter VALUE What delimiter to use when displaying delimited (long) results. --headers If you are displaying tabular or delimited results, it includes the column headers. If you are showing xml results, it returns the HTTP headers from the service request, if applicable. This is off by default. -I, --access-key-id VALUE Specify the AWS Access ID to use. -K, --ec2-private-key-file-path VALUE Path to AWS X.509 private key file. Must be specified in conjunction with --ec2-cert-file-path and must not be specified in conjunction with --aws-credential-file. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'EC2_PRIVATE_KEY'. --region VALUE Specify region VALUE as the web service region to use. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'EC2_REGION'. -S, --secret-key VALUE Specify the AWS Secret Key to use. --service-sig-name VALUE Specify the service name to use when signing requests. The default is "rds". This value can be set by using the environment variable 'SERVICE_SIG_NAME'. --show-empty-fields Show empty fields and rows, using a "(nil)" value. The default is to not show empty fields or columns. --show-request Displays the URL used by the tools to call the AWS Service. The default value is 'false'. --show-table, --show-long, --show-xml, --quiet Specify how the results are displayed: tabular, delimited (long), xml, or no output (quiet). Tabular shows a subset of the data in fixed column-width form, while long shows all of the returned values delimited by a character. The xml is the raw return from the service, while quiet suppresses all standard output. The default is tabular, or 'show-table'. -U, --url VALUE This option will override the URL for the service call with VALUE. This value can be set by using the environment variable 'RDS_URL'.
Create a read replica with the minimal set of parameters, accepting all defaults $PROMPT>rds-create-db-instance-read-replica SimCoProd01Replica01 -s SimcoProd01
This command returns a table that contains the following: * DBInstanceId - User-supplied database identifier, this is the unique key that identifies a database instance. * Created - When the instance was created, in UTC. * Class - The compute and memory capacity of the database instance. * Engine - Name of the database engine to be used for this database instance. * Storage - Initially allocated storage size specified in GBs. Limited to 200GB. * Iops - Provisioned storage I/O operations per second. * Master Username - The master username for the instance. * Status - The current status of the instance. * Endpoint Address - Address of the database instance. * Port - Port used to connect to the database instance. * AZ - The instance's availability zone. * Backup Retention - The number of days for which automated backups and point-in-time restore are available. * PendingBackupRetention - Indicates a pending or in-progress change in the number of days for which automated backups and point-in-time restore are available. * PendingClass - The class to which the instance will be scaled during the next maintenance window, or to which it is currently being scaled if the --apply-immediately option was specified. * PendingCredentials - Indicates a pending or in-progress change of the master user password for the database instance. Always displayed as "****" for security reasons. * PendingStorage - The storage size to which the instance will be scaled during the next maintenance window, or to which it is currently being scaled if the --apply-immediately option was specified. * PendingIops - The storage I/O operations per second to which the instance will be provisioned during the next maintenance window, or to which it is currently being provisioned if the --apply-immediately option was specified. * PendingMulti-AZ - If true, the instance will be converted to run as a Multi-AZ deployment. If false, it will be converted to run as a standard (Single-AZ) deployment. * PendingVersion - Version of the database engine which will be deployed during the next maintenance window, or which is currently being deployed if the --apply-immediately option was specified. * DB Name - Name of the initial database created when the instance was created. This column appears only in the --show-long view. * Maintenance Window - The window during which patching and instance modifications will be performed. This column appears only in the --show-long view. * Backup Window - The window of time during which daily automated backups are taken. This column appears only in the --show-long view. * Latest Restorable Time - The latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore. This column appears only in the --show-long view. * Multi-AZ - Whether the instance is running as a Multi-AZ deployment. * Version - The database engine's version number. * Auto Minor Version Upgrade - Whether minor version upgrades will automatically be applied to the database instance during its maintenance window. This column appears only in the --show-long view. * Read Replica Source ID - The DB Instance which this DB Instance replicates. * License - No description available for this column. * Character Set - The character set that this DB Instance was created with, if applicable. * Name - Security Group name. * Status - Status of authorization. * Name - Subnet Group name. * Description - Subnet Group description. * Status - Status of the DB Subnet Group. * VpcId - Vpc Id of the Subnet Group. * Subnet Identifier - Subnet Group Identifier. * Subnet Availability Zone - Subnet Availability Zone. * Status - Status of Subnet. * Group Name - Name of database parameter group applied to. * Apply Status - Status of applying the parameter group. It can be either in-sync or pending-reboot. * Name - The name of the associated option group. * Status - The status of the option group membership (e.g. in-sync, applying, pending, pending-maintenance). * Read Replica ID - The identifier of a DB Instance which acts as a read replica of this DB Instance.
Output with column headers
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