Provided by: yorick-spydr_0.8.2-3_all 

spydr - GUI for Image display and analysis with yorick
Spydr (pronounce spider) can be invoqued from the shell spydr [ options ] image1.fits [ image2.fits ... ] where the fits images can contain single images (not necessarily of the same size) or data cube. Widlcards are allowed in names. or within yorick #include spydr.i spydr,im1,im2,cube spydr,"image1.fits",...
--conf file configuration file. --hdu value Specify a fits HDU to read --dpi value Yorick dpi value (yorick default = 75, spydr default = 83). Any value between 30 and 150 make sense. --itt value Intensity Transfer Table (1=linear, 2=sqrt, 3=square, 4=log, 5=hist equalized) --pixsize value Pixel size (or plate scale) in arcsec. --boxsize value Size of box for PSF fitting and Strehl calculation (pixels) --saturation value Value above which pixels have to be considered as saturated (ADU) --wavelength value Force wavelength for all images --zeropoint value Photometric zeropoint (magnitude) --nbins value Number of bins for histograms --strehlaper value Diameter of circular mask for Strehl calculations (pixels). The flux is integrated in a circle of this diameter, while the sky is estimated from the remaining pixels within the box of size "boxsize" --batch Turn on yorick batch mode (yorick quits when encountering an error). This flag is recommended when starting spydr from a non-interactive session (e.g. from a gnome applet). --debug Turn on the verbose mode (debugging mode). --invert Invert LUT --fullgui Show the plugin pane when the GUI is realized --compact Hide the lower part of the GUI at startup
Spydr is a GUI for image visualization and simple analysis (cuts, zoom, values, statistics, histogram, sigma filter) with changeable LUT and ITT. Spydr has a couple of plugins to measure FWHM and Strehl. Press "?" on the main display area to get a popup help: The following shortcuts are available: x/y: Plot line/column under cursor X/Y: Toggle continuous plot of line/column under cursor c: Interactive plot of cut across image h: Plot histogram of visible region r: Radial plot centered on cursor f: Fit 1d gaussian to 1d plot e: Adjust min and max cut to 10% and 99.9% of distribution E: Reset min and max cut to min and max of visible region n/p: Next/prevous image s: Sigma filter displayed image -/+: Decrease/Increase zoom factor in zoom window ?: This help
From the shell: $ spydr --dpi 74 --fullgui 20070730_2*.fits $ spydr --pixsize 0.127 20070730_2[2-3]?.fits 20070730_241.fits Within yorick: > spydr,"~/ascam/2007jun26/20070625T2000*.fits" > spydr,["20070730_1[1-3].fits","20070730_23.fits"] > spydr,image > spydr,[im1,im2] > spydr,im1,im2
Y_PYTHON Force the path to The default path is ./:Y_USER:Y_USER/python/:Y_SITES/python/:Y_SITE/python/ Y_GLADE Force the path to The default path is ./:Y_USER:Y_USER/glade/:Y_SITES/glade/:Y_SITE/glade/ Y_CONF Force the path to spydr.conf. The default path is ./:Y_USER:Y_SITE:/etc/: ./share/:Y_USER/share/:Y_SITE/share/: ./share/spydr/:Y_USER/share/spydr/:Y_SITE/share/spydr/
- only fits images handled to date - the ITT display is not very well handled
Francois Rigaut, Gemini Observatory
Input files: spydr.conf The spydr configuration file. Needed. It should have come with your installation. The routine which_spydrconf() returns the path to the used spydr.conf. The following directories are searched for spydr.conf, in this order: Y_USER, Y_SITE, /etc, Y_USER/share, Y_SITE/share, Y_USER/share/spydr, Y_SITE/share/spydr. If you wish to modify the defaults, copy the file over to Y_USER and modify at will. Output files: none.
yorick(1), yao(1)