Provided by: subread_1.5.0-p1+dfsg-2_amd64 bug


       subread-align  -  an accurate and efficient aligner for mapping both genomic DNA-seq reads
       and RNA-seq reads (for the purpose of expression analysis)


       subread-align [options] -i <index_name> -r <input> -o <output> -t <type>

       Required arguments:

       -i <string>
              Base name of the index.

       -r <string>
              Name of the input file. Input formats including gzipped fastq, fastq, and fasta can
              be  automatically  detected.  If  paired-end,  this  should  give  the name of file
              including first reads.

       -t <int>
              Type of input sequencing data. Its  values  include  0:  RNA-seq  data  1:  genomic
              DNA-seq data.

       Optional arguments:

       -o <string>
              Name of the output file. By default, the output is in BAM format.

       -n <int>
              Number of selected subreads, 10 by default.

       -m <int>
              Consensus  threshold  for  reporting  a hit (minimal number of subreads that map in
              consensus) . If paired-end, this gives the consensus threshold for the anchor read.
              3 by default

       -M <int>
              Specify  the  maximum  number  of  mis-matched bases allowed in the alignment. 3 by
              default. Mis-matches found in softclipped bases are not counted.

       -T <int>
              Number of CPU threads used, 1 by default.

       -I <int>
              Maximum length (in bp) of indels that can be detected. 5 by  default.  The  program
              can detect indels of up to 200bp long.

       -B <int>
              Maximal number of equally-best mapping locations to be reported. 1 by default. Note
              that -u option takes precedence over -B.

       -P <3:6>
              Format of Phred scores in input files, '3' for phred+33 and '6' for  phred+64.  '3'
              by default.

       -u     Report  uniquely  mapped  reads  only.  Number  of  matched bases ( for RNA-seq) or
              mis-matched bases(for genomic DNA-seq) is used to break the tie.

       -b     Convert color-space read bases to base-space read bases in the mapping output. Note
              that read mapping is performed at color-space.

       --sv   Detect   structural   variants   (eg.   long   indel,  inversion,  duplication  and
              translocation)  and  report  breakpoints.  Refer  to  Users  Guide  for  breakpoint

              Input reads are in SAM format.

              Input reads are in BAM format.

              Save mapping result in SAM format.

       --trim5 <int>
              Trim off <int> number of bases from 5' end of each read. 0 by default.

       --trim3 <int>
              Trim off <int> number of bases from 3' end of each read. 0 by default.

       --rg-id <string>
              Add read group ID to the output.

       --rg <string>
              Add <tag:value> to the read group (RG) header in the output.

       --DPGapOpen <int> Penalty for gap opening in short indel detection. -1 by

       --DPGapExt <int>
              Penalty for gap extension in short indel detection. 0 by default.

       --DPMismatch <int> Penalty for mismatches in short indel detection. 0 by

       --DPMatch <int>
              Score for matched bases in short indel detection. 2 by default.

              Detect  multiple  short  indels  that  occur concurrently in a small genomic region
              (these indels could be as close as 1bp apart).

       -v     Output version of the program.

       Optional arguments for paired-end reads:

       -R <string>
              Name of the file including second reads.

       -p <int>
              Consensus threshold for the non-anchor read (receiving less votes than  the  anchor
              read from the same pair). 1 by default.

       -d <int>
              Minimum fragment/insert length, 50bp by default.

       -D <int>
              Maximum fragment/insert length, 600bp by default.

       -S <ff:fr:rf>
              Orientation of first and second reads, 'fr' by default ( forward/reverse).

       Refer to Users Manual for detailed description to the arguments.