Provided by: aegis-tk_4.24.3-3_all 

tkaegis - GUI interface for Aegis, using TCL/TK
The tkaegis command is used to provide a GUI interface to Aegis. Its use should be self-evident to anyone familiar with Aegis. There are some areas where tkaegis is still missing functionality; these are primarily related to project and change attributes that are not yet included in the dialogs, and also issues such as configuring the change and history tools, the architectures, and so on.
First, you will need Tcl/Tk installed, and will need to modify the path in the first line of tkaegis to reflect the path of your Tk wish interpreter. Hopefully, the ./configure script took care of this. Next, you may need to modify some important variables that occur immediately below these comments, to specify the architecture, project base directory, and the editor you are using (if you leave that blank, tkaegis will try to determine the editor to use from the EDITOR environment variable; if that fails, it will fall back to emacs or vi).
When you run tkaegis, a window will appear with a menu at the top. The window is used to display the output of aegis commands and some other feedback. The menu will initially have only two items, Project and Help. At this stage the Help menu only has an About dialog box. The Project menu will allow you to create new projects, select from your existing projects, clear the contents of the feedback window, or exit the program. If you create a new project, a dialog box will appear allowing you to enter the project name, directory, and initial branch number. When you press OK the project will be created and should then appear in the Project menu. If you select an existing project, a new option will be added to the Project menu, allowing you to delete the project. A Branch menu will also appear. This is similar to the Project menu, but allows you to create, delete, or select project branches. If you select a branch in the branch menu, a Role menu will appear. This will allow you to choose the role that you will be playing, namely one of administrator, developer, reviewer, or integrator. tkaegis uses your UNIX login name and the names of the roleplayers associated with the project and branch, to determine which of the roles it will allow you to choose. If you create a new project, only the administrator role will appear. Selecting a role will put you in a `mode', which will determine what other menus appear and what you can do next. Each mode will now be described in turn, by giving a brief description of the role-specific menu hierarchy. Following the name of each menu item is the corresponding aegis command, where applicable.
In this mode, you can modify the staff and roles associated with the branch, and create, remove, and change the attributes of change requests, and view all the change requests. Admin: Edit Branch Attributes (aepa) - Change the attributes for the branch Staff: Administrators: Add (aena) - Add an administrator for the branch View (ael a) - View the administrators for the branch Remove (aera) - Remove an administrator for the branch Developers: Add (aend) - Add a developer for the branch View (ael d) - View the developers for the branch Remove (aerd) - Remove a developer for the branch Reviewers: Add (aenrv) - Add a reviewer for the branch View (ael r) - View the reviewers for the branch Remove (aerrv) - Remove a reviewer for the branch Integrators: Add (aeni) - Add an integrator for the branch View (ael i) - View the integrators for the branch Remove (aeri) - Remove an integrator for the branch Change: Add New Change (aenc) - Add a new change request New Change Undo (aencu) - Undo the addition of a change request Edit Change Attributes (aeca) - Modify the attributes of a change request View Changes (ael c) - View the set of changes
This mode is used by developers. When entering this mode, the Develop menu will appear, but no others. A change must be selected after which the other menus will appear. If there is only one change awaiting development, this will be auto-selected. Develop: View Changes (ael c) - View all the change requests Begin Change (aedb) - Start work on a new change Continue Change - Continue work on a change in development View Differences (aediff) - Show all the diffs for this change Abort Change (aedbu) - Abort working on the change End Change (aede) - (Attempt to) end working on the change Resume Change (aedeu) - Resume work on a change awaiting review File: Edit Files - Allow files to be loaded into an editor Add New File (aenf) - Add a new file to the project Discard New File (aenfu) - Discard a newly added file Remove Existing File (aerm) - Discard a previously existing file Restore Existing File (aermu) - Undo discard of a previously existing file Change Existing File (aecp) - Allow an existing file to be edited Undo Changes to Existing File (aecpu) - Lose changes to an existing file Build: Build Project (aeb) - Attempt to build the project Test: Add New Test Script (aent) - Add a new test script to the project Discard New Test Script (aentu) - Remove a new test script Run New Tests (aet) - Run the new tests Run Regression Tests (aet -reg) - Run the old tests Run Baseline Test (aet -bl) - Run the baseline test
In this mode you are able to review changes. Review: View Changes (ael c) - View all the changes Begin Review (aerb) - Start reviewing a change Abort Review (aerbu) - Abort reviewing a change Pass (aerpass) - Pass a change review Fail (aerfail) - Fail a change review Undo Pass (aerpu) - Undo a previously passed review
In this mode you can perform integration activities. Integrate: View Changes (ael c) - View all the changes Start Integration (aeib) - Start integrating a change Resume Integration - Resume an integration in progress Cancel Integration (aeibu) - Cancel an integration View Differences (aediff) - Show the file differences for the change Build (aeb) - Build the project New Tests (aet) - Run the new tests Baseline Test (aet -bl) - Run the baseline test Regression Test (aet -reg) - Run the regression tests Pass (aeipass) - Pass the integration Fail (aeifail) - Fail the integration
tkaeca(1) GUI interface for the aeca(1) command. tkaenc(1) GUI interface for the aenc(1) command. tkaepa(1) GUI interface for the aepa(1) command.
tkaegis version 4.24.3 Copyright © 1995, 1999 Graham Wheeler
Graham Wheeler <> Citadel Data Security