xenial (1) tknewsbiff.1.gz

Provided by: expect_5.45-7_amd64 bug


       tknewsbiff - pop up a window when news appears


       tknewsbiff [ server or config-file ]


       tknewsbiff  pops up a window when there is unread news in your favorite newsgroups and removes the window
       after you've read the news.  tknewsbiff can optionally play a sound, start your newsreader, etc.


       By default, the configuration file ~/.tknewsbiff describes how tknewsbiff behaves.  The  syntax  observes
       the  usual Tcl rules - however, even if you don't know Tcl, all but the most esoteric configurations will
       be obvious.

       Each newsgroup (or set of newsgroups) to be watched is described  by  using  the  "watch"  command.   For

       watch dc.dining
       watch nist.*
       watch comp.unix.wizard  -threshold 3
       watch *.sources.*       -threshold 20

       For  each  newsgroup pattern, any newsgroup that matches it and which you are subscribed to (according to
       your newsrc file) is eligible for reporting.  By default, tknewsbiff reports on the newsgroup if there is
       at  least  one unread article.  The "-threshold" flag changes the threshold to the following number.  For
       example, "-threshold 3" means there must be at least three articles unread before tknewsbiff will  report
       the newsgroup.

       If  no watch commands are given (or no configuration file exists), all groups which are subscribed to are

       To suppress newsgroups that would otherwise be reported, use the  "ignore"  command.   For  example,  the
       following matches all comp.* and nist.* newgroups except for nist.posix or .d (discussion) groups:

       watch comp.*
       watch nist.*
       ignore nist.posix.*
       ignore *.d

       The  flag "-new" describes a command to be executed when the newsgroup is first reported as having unread
       news.  For example, the following lines invoke the UNIX command "play" to play a sound.

       watch dc.dining -new "exec play /usr/local/sounds/yumyum.au"
       watch rec.auto* -new "exec play /usr/local/sounds/vroom.au"

       You can cut down on the verbosity of actions by defining procedures.  For example, if you have many  -new
       flags  that  all  play  sound  files,  you  could  define  a  sound procedure.  This would allow the -new
       specification to be much shorter.

       proc play {sound} {
            exec play /usr/local/sounds/$sound.au

       watch dc.dining -new "play yumyum"
       watch rec.auto* -new "play vroom"

       As an aside, you can  put  an  "&"  at  the  end  of  an  "exec"  command  to  get  commands  to  execute
       asynchronously.  However, it's probably not a good idea to do this when playing sound files anyway.

       "newsgroup"  is  a  read-only  variable  which contains the name of the newsgroup that is being reported.
       This is useful when the action is triggered by a pattern.  For example, the following line could run  the
       newsgroup name through a speech synthesizer:

       watch * -new {
            exec play herald.au
            exec speak "New news has arrived in $newsgroup."

       The  flag  "-display"  describes  a command to be executed every time the newsgroup is reported as having
       unread news.  The special command "display" is the  default  command.   It  schedules  $newsgroup  to  be
       written  to  tknewsbiff's  display when it is rewritten.  For example, by explicitly providing a -display
       flag that omits the display command, you can disable the display of newsgroups that are already  reported
       via -new.

       watch dc.dining -new {exec play yumyum.au} -display {}

       If  you  want  to  execute  an  action  repeatedly and still display the newsgroup in the default manner,
       explicitly invoke the display command via the -display flag.  For example:

       watch *security* -display {
            exec play red-alert.au

       Actions associated with the -new and -display flags are executed only once for each  matching  newsgroup.
       The  command executed is the one associated with the first pattern in the configuration file that matches
       and observes the given threshold.

       Any command that is simply listed in the configuration file is executed each time before the update  loop
       in  tknewsbiff.  The reserved (but user-defined) procedure "user" is run immediately after the newsgroups
       are scheduled to be written to the display and before they are actually written.

       For example, suppose unread articles appear in several rec.auto groups and you play the  same  sound  for
       each  one.  To prevent playing the sound several times in a row, make the -new command simply set a flag.
       In the user procedure, play the sound if the flag is set (and then reset the flag).

       The user procedure could also be used to start  a  newsreader.   This  would  avoid  the  possibility  of
       starting  multiple  newsreaders  just  because  multiple  newsgroups contained unread articles.  (A check
       should, of course, be made to make sure that a newsreader is not already running.)


       The following example lines show variables that can affect the behavior of tknewsbiff

       set delay          120
       set server         news.nist.gov
       set server_timeout 60
       set newsrc         ~/.newsrc
       set width          40
       set height         20
       set active_file    /usr/news/lib/active

       tknewsbiff alternates between checking for unread news and sleeping (kind of like  many  undergraduates).
       The "delay" variable describes how many seconds to sleep.

       The  "server"  variable names an NNTP news-server.  The default is "news".  The "server" variable is only
       used if the "active_file" variable is not set.

       The "server_timeout" variable describes how how many seconds to wait  for  a  response  from  the  server
       before  giving  up.   -1  means  wait  forever  or  until the server itself times out.  The default is 60

       The "newsrc" variable describes the name of your .newsrc file.  By default, tknewsbiff looks in your home
       directory  for  a  newsrc file.  A server-specific newsrc is used if found.  For example, if you have set
       server to "cubit.nist.gov", then tknewsbiff looks for ~/.newsrc-cubit.nist.gov.  (This is the Emacs  gnus
       convention  - which is very convenient when you read news from multiple servers.)  If there is no server-
       specific newsrc, tknewsbiff uses ~/.newsrc.

       The "width" variable describes the width that  tknewsbiff  will  use  to  display  information.   If  any
       newsgroup  names  are  long enough, they will be truncated so that the article counts can still be shown.
       You can manually resize the window to see what was truncated.  However, if your configuration  file  sets
       the  width  variable,  the  window will be restored to that size the next time that tknewsbiff checks for
       unread news and updates its display.

       The "height" variable describes the maximum height that tknewsbiff will use to display  information.   If
       fewer  newsgroups are reported, tknewsbiff will shrink the window appropriately.  You can manually resize
       the window but if your configuration file sets the height variable, the window will be restored  to  that
       size the next time that tknewsbiff checks for unread news and updates its display.

       The  "active_file"  variable describes the name of the news active file.  If set, the active file is read
       directly in preference to using NNTP (even if the "server" variable is set).  This is particularly useful
       for  testing out new configuration files since you can edit a fake active file and then click button 2 to
       immediately see how tknewsbiff responds (see BUTTONS below).

       If the environment variable DOTDIR is set, then its value is used as a directory in  which  to  find  all
       dotfiles  instead  of  from the home directory.  In particular, this affects the tknewsbiff configuration
       file and the .newsrc file (assuming the newsrc variable is not set explicitly).


       To watch multiple servers, run tknewsbiff multiple times.  (Since you need different  .newsrc  files  and
       the  servers have different newsgroups and article numbers anyway, there is no point in trying to do this
       in a single process.)

       You can point tknewsbiff at a different server with an appropriate argument.  The argument is tried  both
       as a configuration file name and as a suffix to the string "~/.tknewsbiff-".  So if you want to watch the
       server "kidney", store the tknewsbiff configuration information in ~/.tknewsbiff-kidney".  The  following
       two commands will both use that configuration file.

            tknewsbiff kidney
            tknewsbiff ~/.tknewsbiff-kidney

       In  both  cases,  the  actual  server  to  contact  is  set  by  the  value of the server variable in the
       configuration file.

       If no configuration file is found, the argument is used as the server to contact.  This allows tknewsbiff
       to be run with no preparation whatsoever.

       If  the  argument  is  the  special keyword "active" (or ends in "/active"), it is used as the name of an
       active file.  This is in turn used to initialize the variable "active_file" so that tknewsbiff reads from
       the active file directly rather than using NNTP.

       Creating your own active file is a convenient way of testing your configuration file.  For example, after
       running the following command, you can repeatedly edit  your  active  file  and  trigger  the  update-now
       command  (either  by  pressing  button  2  or  setting the delay variable very low) to see how tknewsbiff

       The active file must follow the format of a real active file.  The format  is  one  newsgroup  per  line.
       After  the newsgroup name is the number of the highest article, the lowest article.  Lastly is the letter
       y or m.  m means the newsgroup is moderated.  y means posting is allowed.


       When unread news is found, a window is popped up.  The window lists the names of the newsgroups  and  the
       number  of unread articles in each (unless suppressed by the -display flag).  When there is no longer any
       unread news, the window disappears (although the process continues to run).


       Button or key bindings may be assigned by bind commands.  Feel free to change  them.   The  default  bind
       commands are:

       bind .list <1> help
       bind .list <2> update-now
       bind .list <3> unmapwindow

       By  default  button  1  (left)  is  bound to "help".  The help command causes tknewsbiff to pop up a help

       By default, button 2 (middle) is bound to "update-now".  The  update-now  command  causes  tknewsbiff  to
       immediately  check  for  unread  news.   If  your news server is slow or maintains a very large number of
       newsgroups, or you have a large number of patterns  in  your  configuration  file,  tknewsbiff  can  take
       considerable time before actually updating the window.

       By  default,  button  3  (right) is bound to "unmapwindow".  The unmapwindow command causes tknewsbiff to
       remove the window from the display until the next time it finds  unread  news.   (The  mapwindow  command
       causes tknewsbiff to restore the window.)

       As an example, here is a binding to pop up an xterm and run rn when you hold down the shift key and press
       button 1 in the listing window.

       bind .list <Shift-1> {
            exec xterm -e rn &

       Here is a similar binding.  However it tells rn to look only at the newsgroup that  is  under  the  mouse
       when you pressed it.  (The "display_list" variable is described later in this man page.)

       bind .list <Shift-1> {
            exec xterm -e rn [lindex $display_list [.list nearest %y]] &


       Built-in  commands  already  mentioned  are:  watch,  ignore, display, help, update-now, unmapwindow, and

       Any Tcl and Tk command can also be given.  In particular, the list of newsgroups is stored  in  the  list
       widget  ".list",  and the scroll bar is stored in the scrollbar widget ".scroll".  So for example, if you
       want to change the foreground and background colors of the newsgroup list, you can say:

            .list config -bg honeydew1 -fg orchid2

       These can also be controlled by the X resource database as well.  However, the configuration file  allows
       arbitrarily complex commands to be evaluated rather than simple assignments.

       Certain  Tcl/Tk  commands  can  disrupt proper function of tknewsbiff.  These will probably be obvious to
       anyone who knows enough to give these commands in the first place.  As  a  simple  example,  the  program
       assumes  the  font  in the list box is of fixed width.  The newsgroups will likely not align if you use a
       variable-width font.

       The following variables are accessible and can be used  for  esoteric  uses.   All  other  variables  are
       private.   Private  variables  and  commands  begin  with "_" so you don't need to worry about accidental

       The array "db" is a database which maintains information about read and unread  news.   db($newsgroup,hi)
       is the highest article that exists.  db($newsgroup,seen) is the highest article that you have read.

       A  number  of  lists  maintain  interesting  information.  "active_list"  is  a list of known newsgroups.
       "seen_list" is a list of newsgroups that have been seen so far as the -new and -display flags  are  being
       processed.   "previous_seen_list"  is  "seen_list" from the previous cycle.  "ignore_list" is the list of
       newsgroup patterns to ignore.  "watch_list" is the list of newsgroup patterns to  watch.   "display_list"
       is the list of newsgroup will be displayed at the next opportunity.


       tknewsbiff  automatically rereads your configuration file each time it wakes up to check for unread news.
       To force tknewsbiff to reread the file immediately (such as if you are testing  a  new  configuration  or
       have just modified your newsrc file), press button 2 in the display (see BUTTONS above).


       tknewsbiff  defines  the  number  of  unread  articles  as the highest existing article minus the highest
       article that you've read.  So if you've read the last article in the newsgroup but no others,  tknewsbiff
       thinks there are no unread articles.  (It's impossible to do any better by reading the active file and it
       would be very time consuming to do this more accurately via NNTP since servers provide no  efficient  way
       of reporting their own holes in the newsgroups.)  Fortunately, this definition is considered a feature by
       most people.  It allows you to read articles and then mark them "unread" but not have tknewsbiff continue
       telling you that they are unread.


       Your  news  administrator  may wonder if many people using tknewsbiff severely impact an NNTP server.  In
       fact, the impact is negligible even when the delay is very low.  To gather all the information it  needs,
       tknewsbiff  uses  a  single  NNTP  query  -  it  just  asks for the active file.  The NNTP server does no
       computation, formatting, etc, it just sends the file.  All the interesting processing happens locally  in
       the tknewsbiff program itself.


       The man page is longer than the program.


       "Exploring  Expect:  A  Tcl-Based Toolkit for Automating Interactive Programs" by Don Libes, O'Reilly and
       Associates, January 1995.


       Don Libes, National Institute of Standards and Technology

                                                 1 January 1994                                    TKNEWSBIFF(1)