xenial (1) wb_command.1.gz

Provided by: connectome-workbench_1.1.1-1_amd64 bug


       wb_command  -  command-line  program for performing a variety of algorithmic tasks using volume, surface,
       and grayordinate data




       -add-to-spec-file ADD A FILE TO A SPECIFICATION FILE

              wb_command -add-to-spec-file

              <specfile> - the specification file to add to  <structure>  -  the  structure  of  the  data  file
              <filename> - the path to the file

       The resulting spec file overwrites the existing spec file.
              If the spec

       file doesn't exist, it is created with default metadata.
              The structure

              argument must be one of the following:



              wb_command -backend-average-dense-roi

              <index-list>  -  comma  separated  list of cifti indexes to average <out-file> - file to write the
              average row to

              This command is probably not the one you are looking for, try -cifti-average-dense-roi.  It  takes
              the  list  of  cifti files to average from standard input, and writes its output as little endian,
              32-bit integer of row size followed by the row as 32-bit floats.


              wb_command -backend-average-roi-correlation

              <index-list> - comma separated list of cifti indexes to average and then


              <out-file> - file to write the average row to

              This command is probably not the one you are looking for, try -cifti-average-roi-correlation.   It
              takes  the  list  of  cifti  files to average from standard input, and writes its output as little
              endian, 32-bit integer of row size followed by the row as 32-bit floats.

       -border-export-color-table WRITE BORDER NAMES AND COLORS AS TEXT

              wb_command -border-export-color-table

              <border-file> - the input border file <table-out> - output - the output text file

              [-class-colors] - use class colors instead of the name colors

              Takes  the  names  and  colors  of  each  border,  and  writes  it   to   the   same   format   as
              -metric-label-import  expects.   By  default,  the  borders  are  colored  by border name, specify
              -class-colors to color them by class instead.  The key values start at 1 and follow the  order  of
              the borders in the file.

       -border-file-export-to-caret5 EXPORT BORDER FILE TO CARET5 FILE FORMAT

              wb_command -border-file-export-to-caret5

              <border-file> - workbench border file <output-file-prefix> - prefix for name of output caret5

              border/borderproj/bordercolor files

              [-surface] - repeatable - specify an input surface

              <surface-in> - a surface file for unprojection of borders

              A  Workbench  border  file  may  contain borders for multiple structures and borders that are both
              projected and unprojected.  It also contains a color table for the borders.

              Caret5 has both border (unprojected) and border projection (projected) files.  In  addition,  each
              Caret5  border  or  border  projection file typically contains data for a single structure. Caret5
              also uses a border color file that associates colors with the names of the borders.

              This command will try to output both Caret5 border  and  border  projection  files.   Each  output
              border/border  projection  file  will  contains  data for one structure so there may be many files
              created.  The structure name is included in the name of each border or border projection file that
              is created.

              One Caret5 border color file will also be produced by this command.

              Providing  surface(s) as input parameters is optional, but recommended.  Surfaces may be needed to
              create both projected and/or unprojected coordinates of borders.  If there is a failure to produce
              an  output  border  or  border projection due to a missing surface with the matching structure, an
              error message will be displayed and some output files will not be created.

              When writing new files, this command will overwrite a file with the same name.


              wb_command -border-merge

              <border-file-out> - output - the output border file

              [-border] - repeatable - specify an input border file

              <border-file-in> - a border file to use borders from

              [-select] - repeatable - select a single border to use

              <border> - the border number or name

              [-up-to] - use an inclusive range of borders

              <last-border> - the number or name of the last column to include

              [-reverse] - use the range in reverse order

              Takes one or more border files and makes a new border file from the borders in them.

              Example: wb_command -border-merge out.border -border first.border -select 1 -border second.border

              This example would take  the  first  border  from  first.border,  followed  by  all  borders  from
              second.border, and write these to out.border.


              wb_command -border-resample

              <border-in>  -  the border file to resample <current-sphere> - a sphere surface with the mesh that
              the metric is

              currently on

              <new-sphere> - a sphere surface that is in register with <current-sphere>

              and has the desired output mesh

              <border-out> - output - the output border file

              Resamples a border file, given two spherical surfaces that are in  register.   Only  borders  that
              have the same structure as current-sphere will be resampled.

       -border-to-rois MAKE METRIC ROIS FROM BORDERS

              wb_command -border-to-rois

              <surface>  -  the  surface the borders are drawn on <border-file> - the border file <metric-out> -
              output - the output metric file

              [-border] - create ROI for only one border

              <name> - the name of the border

              [-inverse] - use inverse selection (outside border)

              By default, draws ROIs inside all borders in the border file, as separate metric columns.

       -border-to-vertices DRAW BORDERS AS VERTICES IN A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -border-to-vertices

              <surface> - the surface the borders are drawn on <border-file> - the border  file  <metric-out>  -
              output - the output metric file

              [-border] - create ROI for only one border

              <name> - the name of the border

              Outputs  a  metric  with  1s  on  vertices  that follow a border, and 0s elsewhere.  By default, a
              separate metric column is created for each border.

       -cifti-all-labels-to-rois MAKE ROIS FROM ALL LABELS IN A CIFTI LABEL MAP

              wb_command -cifti-all-labels-to-rois

              <label-in> - the input cifti label file <map> - the number  or  name  of  the  label  map  to  use
              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              The  output  cifti file has a column for each label in the specified input map, other than the ???
              label, each of which contains an ROI of all brainordinates  that  are  set  to  the  corresponding

       -cifti-average AVERAGE CIFTI FILES

              wb_command -cifti-average

              <cifti-out> - output - output cifti file

              [-exclude-outliers] - exclude outliers by standard deviation of each

              element across files <sigma-below> - number of standard deviations below the mean to


              <sigma-above> - number of standard deviations above the mean to


              [-cifti] - repeatable - specify an input file

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti file

              [-weight] - give a weight for this file

              <weight> - the weight to use

       Averages cifti files together.
              Files without -weight specified are given

       a weight of 1.
              If -exclude-outliers is specified, at each element, the

              data  across  all  files  is taken as a set, its unweighted mean and sample standard deviation are
              found, and values outside the specified number  of  standard  deviations  are  excluded  from  the
              (potentially weighted) average at that element.

       -cifti-average-dense-roi AVERAGE CIFTI ROWS ACROSS SUBJECTS BY ROI

              wb_command -cifti-average-dense-roi

              <cifti-out> - output - output cifti dscalar file

              [-cifti-roi] - cifti file containing combined weights

              <roi-cifti> - the roi cifti file

              [-in-memory] - cache the roi in memory so that it isn't re-read for

              each input cifti

              [-left-roi] - weights to use for left hempsphere

              <roi-metric> - the left roi as a metric file

              [-right-roi] - weights to use for right hempsphere

              <roi-metric> - the right roi as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-roi] - weights to use for cerebellum surface

              <roi-metric> - the cerebellum roi as a metric file

              [-vol-roi] - voxel weights to use

              <roi-vol> - the roi volume file

              [-left-area-surf] - specify the left surface for vertex area correction

              <left-surf> - the left surface file

              [-right-area-surf] - specify the right surface for vertex area correction

              <right-surf> - the right surface file

              [-cerebellum-area-surf] - specify the cerebellum surface for vertex area

              correction <cerebellum-surf> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-cifti] - repeatable - specify an input cifti file

              <cifti-in> - a cifti file to average across

       Averages rows for each map of the ROI(s), across all files.
              ROI maps are

       treated as weighting functions, including negative values.

              efficiency,  ensure  that  everything  that is not intended to be used is zero in the ROI map.  If
              -cifti-roi is  specified,  -left-roi,  -right-roi,  -cerebellum-roi,  and  -vol-roi  must  not  be
              specified.   If  multiple  non-cifti  ROI  files  are specified, they must have the same number of


              wb_command -cifti-average-roi-correlation

              <cifti-out> - output - output cifti file

              [-cifti-roi] - cifti file containing combined weights

              <roi-cifti> - the roi cifti file

              [-in-memory] - cache the roi in memory so that it isn't re-read for

              each input cifti

              [-left-roi] - weights to use for left hempsphere

              <roi-metric> - the left roi as a metric file

              [-right-roi] - weights to use for right hempsphere

              <roi-metric> - the right roi as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-roi] - weights to use for cerebellum surface

              <roi-metric> - the cerebellum roi as a metric file

              [-vol-roi] - voxel weights to use

              <roi-vol> - the roi volume file

              [-left-area-surf] - specify the left surface for vertex area correction

              <left-surf> - the left surface file

              [-right-area-surf] - specify the right surface for vertex area correction

              <right-surf> - the right surface file

              [-cerebellum-area-surf] - specify the cerebellum surface for vertex area

              correction <cerebellum-surf> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-cifti] - repeatable - specify an input cifti file

              <cifti-in> - a cifti file to average across

              Averages rows for each map of the ROI(s), takes the correlation of each ROI average to the rest of
              the rows in the same file, then averages the results across all files.  ROIs are always treated as
              weighting functions, including negative values.  For efficiency, ensure that  everything  that  is
              not  intended  to  be  used  is  zero  in  the  ROI  map.   If -cifti-roi is specified, -left-roi,
              -right-roi, -cerebellum-roi, and -vol-roi must not be specified.  If multiple non-cifti ROI  files
              are specified, they must have the same number of columns.

       -cifti-change-timestep CHANGE THE TIMESTEP OF A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-change-timestep

              <cifti> - the cifti file to modify

              [-row-timestep] - set the timestep along rows

              <seconds> - seconds per timestep

              [-column-timestep] - set the timestep along columns

              <seconds> - seconds per timestep

              Warns  if  a  dimension  specified is not timepoints, otherwise modifies the timestep, and finally
              writes the result to the same filename if any dimensions were modified.  NOTE: you  probably  want
              -row-timestep,  as  that  matches  the .dtseries.nii specification.  The other option is available
              just for completeness.


              wb_command -cifti-convert

              [-to-gifti-ext] - convert to GIFTI external binary

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti file <gifti-out> - output - the output gifti file

              [-from-gifti-ext] - convert a GIFTI made with this command back into a

              CIFTI <gifti-in> - the input gifti file <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-reset-timepoints] - reset the mapping along rows to timepoints,

              taking length from the gifti file <timestep> - the desired time between frames <timestart>  -  the
              desired time offset of the initial frame

              [-unit] - use a unit other than time

              <unit> - unit identifier (default SECOND)

              [-reset-scalars] - reset mapping along rows to scalars, taking length

              from the gifti file

              [-replace-binary] - replace data with a binary file

              <binary-in> - the binary file that contains replacement data

              [-flip-endian] - byteswap the binary file

              [-transpose] - transpose the binary file

              [-to-nifti] - convert to NIFTI1

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti file <nifti-out> - output - the output nifti file

              [-from-nifti] - convert a NIFTI (1 or 2) file made with this command back

              into CIFTI <nifti-in> - the input nifti file <cifti-template> - a cifti file with the dimension(s)
              and mapping(s)

              that should be used

              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-reset-timepoints] - reset the mapping along rows to timepoints,

              taking length from the nifti file <timestep> - the desired time between frames <timestart>  -  the
              desired time offset of the initial frame

              [-unit] - use a unit other than time

              <unit> - unit identifier (default SECOND)

              [-reset-scalars] - reset mapping along rows to scalars, taking length

              from the nifti file

              [-to-text] - convert to a plain text file

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti file <text-out> - output - the output text file

              [-col-delim] - choose string to put between elements in a row

              <delim-string> - the string to use (default is a tab character)

              [-from-text] - convert from plain text to cifti

              <text-in>  -  the  input  text  file  <cifti-template>  -  a  cifti file with the dimension(s) and

              that should be used

              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-col-delim] - specify string that is between elements in a row

              <delim-string> - the string to use (default is any whitespace)

              [-reset-timepoints] - reset the mapping along rows to timepoints,

              taking length from the text file <timestep> - the desired time between frames  <timestart>  -  the
              desired time offset of the initial frame

              [-unit] - use a unit other than time

              <unit> - unit identifier (default SECOND)

              [-reset-scalars] - reset mapping along rows to scalars, taking length

              from the text file

              This  command  is used to convert a full CIFTI matrix to/from formats that can be used by programs
              that don't understand CIFTI.  If you want to write an existing CIFTI file with a  different  CIFTI
              version,  see -file-convert, and its -cifti-version-convert option.  If you want part of the CIFTI
              file as a metric, label, or volume file, see -cifti-separate.  If you want to create a CIFTI  file
              from  metric  and/or volume files, see the -cifti-create-* commands.  You must specify exactly one
              of  -to-gifti-ext,  -from-gifti-ext,  -to-nifti,  -from-nifti,  -to-text,  or   -from-text.    The
              -transpose  option  to -from-gifti-ext is needed if the replacement binary file is in column-major
              order.  The -unit options accept these values:


       -cifti-convert-to-scalar CHANGE A CIFTI DIMENSION TO NAMED SCALAR MAPS

              wb_command -cifti-convert-to-scalar

              <cifti-in> - input cifti file <direction> - which mapping to change to scalar maps, ROW or  COLUMN
              <cifti-out> - output - output cifti file

              [-name-file] - specify names for the maps

              <file> - text file containing map names, one per line

              Creates  a  new  cifti file with the same data as the input, but with one of the dimensions set to
              contain strings identifying each map.  Specifying ROW will convert a dtseries file  to  a  dscalar

       -cifti-copy-mapping REPLACE MAPPING ON A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-copy-mapping

              <data-cifti> - the cifti file to use the data from <replace-dir> - which direction on <data-cifti>
              to  replace  the  mapping  <template-cifti>  -  a  cifti  file  containing  the  desired   mapping
              <template-dir> - which direction on <template-cifti> to use the mapping


              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              <data-cifti>  must  have the same length along the replace direction as <template-cifti> has along
              the template direction.  Each direction argument must be either ROW or COLUMN.


              wb_command -cifti-correlation

              <cifti> - input cifti file <cifti-out> - output - output cifti file

              [-roi-override] - perform correlation from a subset of rows to all rows

              [-left-roi] - use an roi for left hempsphere

              <roi-metric> - the left roi as a metric file

              [-right-roi] - use an roi for right hempsphere

              <roi-metric> - the right roi as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-roi] - use an roi for cerebellum

              <roi-metric> - the cerebellum roi as a metric file

              [-vol-roi] - use an roi for volume

              <roi-vol> - the volume roi file

              [-cifti-roi] - use a cifti file for combined rois

              <roi-cifti> - the cifti roi file

              [-weights] - specify column weights

              <weight-file> - text file containing one weight per column

              [-fisher-z] - apply fisher small z transform (ie, artanh) to correlation

              [-no-demean] - instead of correlation, do dot product of rows, then

              normalize by diagonal

              [-covariance] - compute covariance instead of correlation

              [-mem-limit] - restrict memory usage

              <limit-GB> - memory limit in gigabytes

              For each row (or each row inside an roi if -roi-override is specified),  correlate  to  all  other
              rows.   The  -cifti-roi  suboption  to  -roi-override  may  not be specified with any other -*-roi
              suboption, but you may specify the other -*-roi suboptions together.

              When using the -fisher-z option, the output is NOT a Z-score, it is artanh(r), to do further  math
              on this output, consider using -cifti-math.

              Restricting  the  memory  usage will make it calculate the output in chunks, and if the input file
              size is more than 70% of the memory limit, it will also read through the input file  as  rows  are
              required,  resulting in several passes through the input file (once per chunk).  Memory limit does
              not need to be an integer, you may also specify 0 to calculate a single output row at a time (this
              may be very slow).

       -cifti-correlation-gradient CORRELATE CIFTI ROWS AND TAKE GRADIENT

              wb_command -cifti-correlation-gradient

              <cifti> - the input cifti <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-left-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the left surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-right-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the right surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-cerebellum-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of

              computing them from the cerebellum surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-surface-presmooth] - smooth on the surface before computing the

              gradient <surface-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian surface smoothing

              kernel, in mm

              [-volume-presmooth] - smooth the volume before computing the gradient

              <volume-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian volume smoothing kernel,

              in mm

              [-undo-fisher-z] - apply the inverse fisher small z transform to the


              [-fisher-z] - apply the fisher small z transform to the correlations

              before taking the gradient

              [-surface-exclude] - exclude vertices near each seed vertex from

              computation <distance> - geodesic distance from seed vertex for the exclusion

              zone, in mm

              [-volume-exclude] - exclude voxels near each seed voxel from computation

              <distance> - distance from seed voxel for the exclusion zone, in mm

              [-covariance] - compute covariance instead of correlation

              [-mem-limit] - restrict memory usage

              <limit-GB> - memory limit in gigabytes

              For  each  structure, compute the correlation of the rows in the structure, and take the gradients
              of the resulting rows, then average them.  Memory limit does not need to be an  integer,  you  may
              also specify 0 to use as little memory as possible (this may be very slow).

       -cifti-create-dense-from-template CREATE CIFTI WITH MATCHING DENSE MAP

              wb_command -cifti-create-dense-from-template

              <template-cifti> - file to match brainordinates of <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-series] - make a dtseries file instead of a dscalar

              <step> - increment between series points <start> - start value of the series

              [-unit] - select unit for series (default SECOND)

              <unit> - unit identifier

              [-volume-all] - specify an input volume file for all voxel data

              <volume-in> - the input volume file

              [-from-cropped] - the input is cropped to the size of the voxel data

              in the template file

              [-cifti] - repeatable - use input data from a cifti file

              <cifti-in> - cifti file containing input data

              [-metric] - repeatable - use input data from a metric file

              <structure> - which structure to put the metric file into <metric-in> - input metric file

              [-label] - repeatable - use input data from surface label files

              <structure> - which structure to put the label file into <label-in> - input label file

              [-volume] - repeatable - use a volume file for a single volume

              structure's data <structure> - which structure to put the volume file into <volume-in> - the input
              volume file

              [-from-cropped] - the input is cropped to the size of the volume


              This command helps you make a new dscalar,  dtseries,  or  dlabel  cifti  file  that  matches  the
              brainordinate  space  used  in  another  cifti  file.   The  template  file  must have the desired
              brainordinate space in the mapping along the column direction (for dtseries, dscalar, dlabel,  and
              symmetric  dconn this is always the case).  All input cifti files must have a brain models mapping
              along column and use the same volume space  and/or  surface  vertex  count  as  the  template  for
              structures  that  they  contain.   If  any  input  files contain label data, then input files with
              non-label data are not allowed, and the -series option may not be used.

              Any structure that isn't covered by an input is filled with zeros or the unlabeled key.

              The <structure> argument of -metric, -label or -volume must be one of the following:


              The argument to -unit must be one of the following:


       -cifti-create-dense-scalar CREATE A CIFTI DENSE SCALAR FILE

              wb_command -cifti-create-dense-scalar

              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-volume] - volume component

              <volume-data> - volume file containing all voxel data for all volume


              <label-volume> - label volume file containing labels for cifti


              [-left-metric] - metric for left surface

              <metric> - the metric file

              [-roi-left] - roi of vertices to use from left surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

              [-right-metric] - metric for left surface

              <metric> - the metric file

              [-roi-right] - roi of vertices to use from right surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-metric] - metric for the cerebellum

              <metric> - the metric file

              [-roi-cerebellum] - roi of vertices to use from right surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

       All input files must have the same number of columns/subvolumes.

       the specified components will be in the output cifti.
              Map names will be

       taken from one of the input files.
              At least one component must be

              The label volume should have some of the label names from

              this list, all other label names will be ignored:


       -cifti-create-dense-timeseries CREATE A CIFTI DENSE TIMESERIES

              wb_command -cifti-create-dense-timeseries

              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-volume] - volume component

              <volume-data> - volume file containing all voxel data for all volume


              <label-volume> - label volume file containing labels for cifti


              [-left-metric] - metric for left surface

              <metric> - the metric file

              [-roi-left] - roi of vertices to use from left surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

              [-right-metric] - metric for left surface

              <metric> - the metric file

              [-roi-right] - roi of vertices to use from right surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-metric] - metric for the cerebellum

              <metric> - the metric file

              [-roi-cerebellum] - roi of vertices to use from right surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

              [-timestep] - set the timestep

              <interval> - the timestep, in seconds (default 1.0)

              [-timestart] - set the start time

              <start> - the time at the first frame, in seconds (default 0.0)

              [-unit] - use a unit other than time

              <unit> - unit identifier (default SECOND)

       All input files must have the same number of columns/subvolumes.

       the specified components will be in the output cifti.
              At least one

       component must be specified.
              The label volume should have some of the

              label names from this list, all other label names will be ignored:


              The -unit option accepts these values:


       -cifti-create-label CREATE A CIFTI LABEL FILE

              wb_command -cifti-create-label

              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-volume] - volume component

              <label-volume> - volume file containing the label data <parcel-volume> - label  volume  file  with
              cifti structure names to

              define the volume parcels

              [-left-label] - label file for left surface

              <label> - the label file

              [-roi-left] - roi of vertices to use from left surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

              [-right-label] - label for left surface

              <label> - the label file

              [-roi-right] - roi of vertices to use from right surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-label] - label for the cerebellum

              <label> - the label file

              [-roi-cerebellum] - roi of vertices to use from right surface

              <roi-metric> - the ROI as a metric file

       All input files must have the same number of columns/subvolumes.

       the specified components will be in the output cifti.
              At least one

              component must be specified.

              The -volume option of -cifti-create-label requires two volume arguments, the label-volume argument
              contains all labels you want to display (e.g.  nuclei of the thalamus), whereas the  parcel-volume
              argument  includes  all  CIFTI  structures  you  want  to include data within (e.g. THALAMUS_LEFT,
              THALAMUS_RIGHT).  If you just want the labels in voxels to be the structure names, you may use the
              same  file for both arguments.  The parcel-volume must use some of the label names from this list,
              all other label names in the parcel-volume will be ignored:


       -cifti-create-scalar-series IMPORT SERIES DATA INTO CIFTI

              wb_command -cifti-create-scalar-series

              <input> - input file <cifti-out> - output - output cifti file

              [-transpose] - use if the rows of the text file are along the scalar


              [-name-file] - use a text file to set names on scalar dimension

              <file> - text file containing names, one per line

              [-series] - set the units and values of the series

              <unit> - the unit to use <start> - the value at the first  series  point  <step>  -  the  interval
              between series points

              Convert  a  text  file  containing series of equal length into a cifti file.  The text file should
              have lines made up of numbers separated by whitespace, with no extra newlines between lines.

              The <unit> argument must be one of the following:


       -cifti-cross-correlation CORRELATE A CIFTI FILE WITH ANOTHER CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-cross-correlation

              <cifti-a> - first input cifti file <cifti-b> - second input cifti  file  <cifti-out>  -  output  -
              output cifti file

              [-weights] - specify column weights

              <weight-file> - text file containing one weight per column

              [-fisher-z] - apply fisher small z transform (ie, artanh) to correlation

              [-mem-limit] - restrict memory usage

              <limit-GB> - memory limit in gigabytes

       Correlates every rown in <cifti-a> with every row in <cifti-b>.

              mapping along columns in <cifti-b> becomes the mapping along rows in the output.

              When  using the -fisher-z option, the output is NOT a Z-score, it is artanh(r), to do further math
              on this output, consider using -cifti-math.

              Restricting the memory usage will make it calculate the  output  in  chunks,  by  reading  through
              <cifti-b> multiple times.

       -cifti-dilate DILATE A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-dilate

              <cifti-in>  -  the  input  cifti file <direction> - which dimension to dilate along, ROW or COLUMN
              <surface-distance> - the distance to dilate on surfaces, in mm <volume-distance> - the distance to
              dilate in the volume, in mm <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-left-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the left surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-right-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the right surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-cerebellum-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of

              computing them from the cerebellum surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-bad-brainordinate-roi] - specify an roi of brainordinates to overwrite,

              rather than zeros <roi-cifti> - cifti dscalar or dtseries file, positive values denote

              brainordinates to have their values replaced

              [-nearest] - use nearest value when dilating non-label data

              [-merged-volume] - treat volume components as if they were a single


              For  all  data values designated as bad, if they neighbor a good value or are within the specified
              distance of a good value in the same kind of model, replace the value  with  a  distance  weighted
              average of nearby good values, otherwise set the value to zero.  If -nearest is specified, it will
              use the value from the closest good value within range instead of a weighted average.

              .The -*-corrected-areas options are intended for dilating on group average  surfaces,  but  it  is
              only an approximate correction for the reduction of structure in a group average surface.

              If  -bad-brainordinate-roi  is  specified,  all values, including those with value zero, are good,
              except for locations with a positive value in the ROI.  If it is not specified, only values  equal
              to zero are bad.

       -cifti-estimate-fwhm ESTIMATE FWHM SMOOTHNESS OF A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-estimate-fwhm

              <cifti> - the input cifti file

              [-merged-volume] - treat volume components as if they were a single


              [-column] - only output estimates for one column

              <column> - the column number

              [-surface] - repeatable - specify an input surface

              <structure> - what structure to use this surface for <surface> - the surface file

              Estimate  the  smoothness  of the components of the cifti file, printing the estimates to standard
              output.  If -merged-volume is used, all voxels  are  used  as  a  single  component,  rather  than
              separated by structure.

              <structure> must be one of the following:


       -cifti-export-dense-mapping WRITE INDEX TO ELEMENT MAPPING AS TEXT

              wb_command -cifti-export-dense-mapping

              <cifti> - the cifti file <direction> - which direction to export the mapping from, ROW or COLUMN

              [-volume-all] - export the the mapping of all voxels

              <text-out> - output - the output text file

              [-no-cifti-index] - don't write the cifti index in the output file

              [-structure] - write the structure each voxel belongs to in the output


              [-surface] - repeatable - export the the mapping of one surface structure

              <structure> - the structure to output <text-out> - output - the output text file

              [-no-cifti-index] - don't write the cifti index in the output file

              [-volume] - repeatable - export the the mapping of one volume structure

              <structure> - the structure to output <text-out> - output - the output text file

              [-no-cifti-index] - don't write the cifti index in the output file

              This  command produces text files that describe the mapping from cifti indices to surface vertices
              or voxels.  All indices are zero-based.  The default format for -surface is lines of the form:

              <cifti-index> <vertex>

              The default format for -volume and -volume-all is lines of the form:

              <cifti-index> <i> <j> <k>

       -cifti-extrema FIND EXTREMA IN A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-extrema

              <cifti> - the input cifti <surface-distance> - the minimum distance between extrema of the same

              type, for surface components

              <volume-distance> - the minimum distance between extrema of the same

              type, for volume components

              <direction> - which dimension to find extrema along, ROW or COLUMN  <cifti-out>  -  output  -  the
              output cifti

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-surface-presmooth] - smooth on the surface before finding extrema

              <surface-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian surface smoothing

              kernel, in mm

              [-volume-presmooth] - smooth volume components before finding extrema

              <volume-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian volume smoothing kernel,

              in mm

              [-threshold] - ignore small extrema

              <low>  - the largest value to consider for being a minimum <high> - the smallest value to consider
              for being a maximum

              [-merged-volume] - treat volume components as if they were a single


              [-sum-maps] - output the sum of the extrema maps instead of each map


              [-consolidate-mode] - use consolidation of local minima instead of a

              large neighborhood

              [-only-maxima] - only find the maxima

              [-only-minima] - only find the minima

              Finds spatial locations in a cifti file that have more extreme values than all nearby locations in
              the  same  component (surface or volume structure).  The input cifti file must have a brain models
              mapping along the specified direction.  COLUMN  is  the  direction  that  works  on  dtseries  and
              dscalar.  For dconn, if it is symmetric use COLUMN, otherwise use ROW.


              wb_command -cifti-false-correlation

              <cifti-in> - the cifti file to use for correlation <3D-dist> - maximum 3D distance to check around
              each vertex <geo-outer> - maximum geodesic distance to use for neighboring


              <geo-inner> - minimum geodesic distance to use for neighboring


              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti dscalar file

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-dump-text] - dump the raw measures used to a text file

              <text-out> - the output text file

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-dump-text] - dump the raw measures used to a text file

              <text-out> - the output text file

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-dump-text] - dump the raw measures used to a text file

              <text-out> - the output text file

              For each vertex, compute the average correlation within a range of geodesic distances  that  don't
              cross a sulcus/gyrus, and the correlation to the closest vertex crossing a sulcus/gyrus.  A vertex
              is considered to cross a sulcus/gyrus if the 3D distance is less than  a  third  of  the  geodesic
              distance.  The output file contains the ratio between these correlations, and some additional maps
              to help explain the ratio.

       -cifti-find-clusters FILTER CLUSTERS BY AREA/VOLUME

              wb_command -cifti-find-clusters

              <cifti>  -  the  input  cifti  <surface-value-threshold>  -  threshold  for  surface  data  values
              <surface-minimum-area>  -  threshold  for surface cluster area, in mm^2 <volume-value-threshold> -
              threshold for volume data values <volume-minimum-size> - threshold for  volume  cluster  size,  in
              mm^3 <direction> - which dimension to use for spatial information, ROW or


              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti

              [-less-than] - find values less than <value-threshold>, rather than


              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them

              from the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them

              from the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them

              from the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-cifti-roi] - search only within regions of interest

              <roi-cifti> - the regions to search within, as a cifti file

              [-merged-volume] - treat volume components as if they were a single


              [-size-ratio] - ignore clusters smaller than a given fraction of the

              largest  cluster  in  the  structure <surface-ratio> - fraction of the structure's largest cluster
              area <volume-ratio> - fraction of the structure's largest cluster volume

              [-distance] - ignore clusters further than a given distance from the

              largest cluster in the structure <surface-distance> - how far from the largest cluster  a  cluster

              be, edge to edge, in mm

              <volume-distance> - how far from the largest cluster a cluster can be,

              edge to edge, in mm

              [-start] - start labeling clusters from a value other than 1

              <startval> - the value to give the first cluster found

              Outputs  a  cifti file with nonzero integers for all brainordinates within a large enough cluster,
              and zeros elsewhere.  The integers denote cluster membership (by default, first cluster found will
              use value 1, second cluster 2, etc).  The input cifti file must have a brain models mapping on the
              chosen dimension, columns for .dtseries, and either for .dconn.   The  ROI  should  have  a  brain
              models  mapping  along  columns, exactly matching the mapping of the chosen direction in the input
              file.  Data outside the ROI is ignored.

       -cifti-gradient TAKE GRADIENT OF A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-gradient

              <cifti> - the input cifti <direction> - which dimension to take the gradient along, ROW or  COLUMN
              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-left-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the left surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-right-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the right surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-cerebellum-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of

              computing them from the cerebellum surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-surface-presmooth] - smooth on the surface before computing the

              gradient <surface-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian surface smoothing

              kernel, in mm

              [-volume-presmooth] - smooth on the surface before computing the gradient

              <volume-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian volume smoothing kernel,

              in mm

              [-average-output] - output the average of the gradient magnitude maps

              instead of each gradient map separately

              [-vectors] - output gradient vectors

              <vectors-out> - output - the vectors, as a dscalar file

              Performs  gradient  calculation  on  each component of the cifti file, and optionally averages the
              resulting gradients.  The -vectors and -average-output options may not be used together.  You must
              specify  a  surface  for each surface structure in the cifti file.  The COLUMN direction should be
              faster, and is the direction that works on dtseries.  For dconn, you probably want ROW, unless you
              are using -average-output.

       -cifti-label-adjacency MAKE ADJACENCY MATRIX OF A CIFTI LABEL FILE

              wb_command -cifti-label-adjacency

              <label-in>  -  the  input  cifti  label  file  <adjacency-out>  -  output - the output cifti pconn
              adjacency matrix

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              Find face-adjacent voxels and connected vertices that have different label values, and count  them
              for  each  pair.  Put the resulting counts into a parcellated connectivity file, with the diagonal
              being zero.  This gives a rough estimate of how long or expansive the border  between  two  labels

       -cifti-label-export-table EXPORT LABEL TABLE FROM CIFTI AS TEXT

              wb_command -cifti-label-export-table

              <label-in>  -  the  input  cifti  label  file  <map>  - the number or name of the label map to use
              <table-out> - output - the output text file

              Takes the label table from the cifti label map, and writes it to a text format  matching  what  is
              expected by -cifti-label-import.

       -cifti-label-import MAKE A CIFTI LABEL FILE FROM A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-label-import

              <input>  -  the input cifti file <label-list-file> - text file containing the values and names for
              labels <output> - output - the output cifti label file

              [-discard-others] - set any values not mentioned in the label list to the

              ??? label

              [-unlabeled-value] - set the value that will be interpreted as unlabeled

              <value> - the numeric value for unlabeled (default 0)

              [-drop-unused-labels] - remove any unused label values from the label


       Creates a cifti label file from a cifti file with label-like values.

              may specify the empty string ('' will work on linux/mac)  for  <label-list-file>,  which  will  be
              treated as if it is an empty file.  The label list file must have lines of the following format:

              <labelname> <value> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha>

              Do  not  specify  the  "unlabeled"  key in the file, it is assumed that 0 means not labeled unless
              -unlabeled-value is specified.  Label names must be on a separate line, but may contain spaces  or
              other  unusual  characters  (but  not newline).  Whitespace is trimmed from both ends of the label
              name, but is kept if it is in the middle of a label.  The values of red,  green,  blue  and  alpha
              must  be  integers  from  0 to 255, and will specify the color the label is drawn as (alpha of 255
              means opaque, which is probably what you want).  By default, it will  set  new  label  names  with
              names  of  LABEL_#  for  any  values  encountered that are not mentioned in the list file, specify
              -discard-others to instead set these to the "unlabeled" key.

       -cifti-label-to-roi MAKE A CIFTI LABEL INTO AN ROI

              wb_command -cifti-label-to-roi

              <label-in> - the input cifti label file <scalar-out> - output - the output cifti scalar file

              [-name] - select label by name

              <label-name> - the label name that you want an roi of

              [-key] - select label by key

              <label-key> - the label key that you want an roi of

              [-map] - select a single label map to use

              <map> - the map number or name

              For each map in <label-in>, a map is created in <scalar-out>  where  all  locations  labeled  with
              <label-name>  or  with  a  key  of <label-key> are given a value of 1, and all other locations are
              given 0.  Exactly one of -name and -key must be specified.  Specify -map to use only one map  from


              wb_command -cifti-math

              <expression> - the expression to evaluate, in quotes <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-fixnan] - replace NaN results with a value

              <replace> - value to replace NaN with

              [-override-mapping-check] - don't check the mappings for compatibility,

              only check length

              [-var] - repeatable - a cifti file to use as a variable

              <name>  -  the  name of the variable, as used in the expression <cifti> - the cifti file to use as
              this variable

              [-select] - repeatable - select a single index from a dimension

              <dim> - the dimension to select from (1-based) <index> - the index to use (1-based)

              [-repeat] - repeat the selected values for each index of output in

              this dimension

              This command evaluates <expression> at each matrix element independently.  There must be at  least
              one  -var option (to get the output layout from), even if the <name> specified in it isn't used in

              To select a single column from a 2D file (most cifti files are 2D), use -select 1  <index>,  where
              <index>  is 1-based.  To select a single row from a 2D file, use -select 2 <index>.  Where -select
              is not used, the cifti files must  have  compatible  mappings  (e.g.,  brain  models  and  parcels
              mappings  must  match  exactly except for parcel names).  Use -override-mapping-check to skip this

              Filenames are not valid in <expression>, use a variable name  and  a  -var  option  with  matching
              <name> to specify an input file.  The format of <expression> is as follows:

              Expressions  consist  of  constants,  variables,  operators,  parentheses, and functions, in infix
              notation, such as 'exp(-x + 3)  *  scale'.   Variables  are  strings  of  any  length,  using  the
              characters  a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _, but may not take the name of a named constant.  Currently, there
              is only one named constant, PI.  The operators are +, -, *, /, ^, >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, !, &&, ||.
              These behave as in C, except that ^ is exponentiation, i.e. pow(x, y), and takes higher precedence
              than other binary operators (also, '-3^-4^-5' means '-(3^(-(4^-5)))').  The <=,  >=,  ==,  and  !=
              operators  are  given  a small amount of wiggle room, equal to one millionth of the smaller of the
              absolute values of the values being compared.

              Comparison and logical operators return 0 or 1, you can do masking  with  expressions  like  'x  *
              (mask  >  0)'.   For  all logical operators, an input is considered true iff it is greater than 0.
              The expression '0 < x < 5' is not syntactically wrong, but it will NOT do what is desired, because
              it  is evaluated left to right, i.e. '((0 < x) < 5)', which will always return 1, as both possible
              results of a comparison are less than 5.  A warning is generated if an expression of this type  is
              detected.  Use something like 'x > 0 && x < 5' to get the desired behavior.

              Whitespace  between  elements  is  ignored,  ' sin ( 2 * x ) ' is equivalent to 'sin(2*x)', but 's
              in(2*x)' is an error.  Implied multiplication is not allowed, the expression '2x' will  be  parsed
              as  a  variable.   Parentheses  are  (),  do not use [] or {}.  Functions require parentheses, the
              expression 'sin x' is an error.

              The following functions are supported:

              sin: 1 argument, the sine of the argument (units are radians) cos: 1 argument, the cosine  of  the
              argument  (units  are  radians)  tan:  1 argument, the tangent of the argument (units are radians)
              asin: 1 argument, the inverse of sine of the argument, in radians acos: 1 argument, the inverse of
              cosine  of  the  argument, in radians atan: 1 argument, the inverse of tangent of the argument, in
              radians atan2: 2 arguments, atan2(y, x) returns the inverse of tangent of

              (y/x), in radians, determining quadrant by the sign of both arguments

              sinh: 1 argument, the hyperbolic sine of the argument cosh: 1 argument, the hyperbolic  cosine  of
              the  argument  tanh:  1  argument,  the  hyperboloc tangent of the argument asinh: 1 argument, the
              inverse hyperbolic sine of the argument acosh: 1 argument, the inverse hyperbolic  cosine  of  the
              argument  atanh:  1  argument,  the inverse hyperboloc tangent of the argument ln: 1 argument, the
              natural logarithm of the argument exp: 1 argument, the constant e  raised  to  the  power  of  the
              argument  log: 1 argument, the base 10 logarithm of the argument sqrt: 1 argument, the square root
              of the argument abs: 1 argument, the absolute value of the argument floor: 1 argument, the largest
              integer  not  greater  than the argument round: 1 argument, the nearest integer, with ties rounded
              away from


              ceil: 1 argument, the smallest integer not less than the argument  min:  2  arguments,  min(x,  y)
              returns  y  if  (x > y), x otherwise max: 2 arguments, max(x, y) returns y if (x < y), x otherwise
              mod: 2 arguments, mod(x, y) = x - y * floor(x / y), or 0 if y == 0 clamp:  3  arguments,  clamp(x,
              low, high) = min(max(x, low), high)


              wb_command -cifti-merge

              <cifti-out> - output - output cifti file

              [-cifti] - repeatable - specify an input cifti file

              <cifti-in> - a cifti file to use columns from

              [-column] - repeatable - select a single column to use

              <column> - the column index (starting from 1)

              [-up-to] - use an inclusive range of columns

              <last-column> - the index of the last column to include

              [-reverse] - use the range in reverse order

              Given  input  CIFTI files which have matching mappings along columns, and for which mappings along
              rows are the same type, all either series, scalars,  or  labels,  this  command  concatenates  the
              specified columns horizontally (rows become longer).

              Example:  wb_command  -cifti-merge  out.dtseries.nii  -cifti  first.dtseries.nii  -column 1 -cifti

              This example would take the first column from first.dtseries.nii, followed  by  all  columns  from
              second.dtseries.nii, and write these columns to out.dtseries.nii.


              wb_command -cifti-merge-dense

              <direction>  -  which  dimension  to  merge along, ROW or COLUMN <cifti-out> - output - the output
              cifti file

              [-cifti] - repeatable - specify an input cifti file

              <cifti-in> - a cifti file to merge

              The input cifti files must have matching mappings along  the  direction  not  specified,  and  the
              mapping along the specified direction must be brain models.

       -cifti-pairwise-correlation CORRELATE PAIRED ROWS BETWEEN TWO CIFTI FILES

              wb_command -cifti-pairwise-correlation

              <cifti-a>  -  first  input  cifti  file <cifti-b> - second input cifti file <cifti-out> - output -
              output cifti file

              [-fisher-z] - apply fisher small z transform (ie, artanh) to correlation

              For each row in <cifti-a>, correlate it with the same row in <cifti-b>, and put the result in  the
              same row of <cifti-out>, which has only one column.

       -cifti-palette SET PALETTE ON A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-palette

              <cifti-in>  -  the  cifti  input <mode> - the mapping mode <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti

              [-column] - select a single column for scalar maps

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-pos-percent] - percentage min/max for positive data coloring

              <pos-min-%> - the percentile for the least positive data <pos-max-%> - the percentile for the most
              positive data

              [-neg-percent] - percentage min/max for negative data coloring

              <neg-min-%> - the percentile for the least negative data <neg-max-%> - the percentile for the most
              negative data

              [-pos-user] - user min/max values for positive data coloring

              <pos-min-user> - the value for the least positive data <pos-max-user> - the  value  for  the  most
              positive data

              [-neg-user] - user min/max values for negative data coloring

              <neg-min-user>  -  the  value  for the least negative data <neg-max-user> - the value for the most
              negative data

              [-interpolate] - interpolate colors

              <interpolate> - boolean, whether to interpolate

              [-disp-pos] - display positive data

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-disp-neg] - display positive data

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-disp-zero] - display data closer to zero than the min cutoff

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-palette-name] - set the palette used

              <name> - the name of the palette

              [-thresholding] - set the thresholding

              <type> - thresholding setting <test> - show values inside or  outside  thresholds  <min>  -  lower
              threshold <max> - upper threshold

              NOTE: The output file must be a different file than the input file.

              For  scalar  maps, by default the palette is changed for every map, specify -column to change only
              one map.  Palette settings not specified will be taken from the first column for scalar maps,  and
              from  the  existing  file palette for other mapping types.  The <mode> argument must be one of the


              The <name> argument to -palette-name must be one of the following:

              PSYCH PSYCH-NO-NONE ROY-BIG ROY-BIG-BL Orange-Yellow Gray_Interp_Positive Gray_Interp  clear_brain
              videen_style  fidl  raich4_clrmid  raich6_clrmid  HSB8_clrmid  RBGYR20 RBGYR20P POS_NEG red-yellow
              blue-lightblue FSL power_surf fsl_red fsl_green fsl_blue fsl_yellow JET256

              The <type> argument to -thresholding must be one of the following:


              The <test> argument to -thresholding must be one of the following:


       -cifti-parcel-mapping-to-label CREATE DLABEL FROM PARCELLATED FILE

              wb_command -cifti-parcel-mapping-to-label

              <cifti-in> - the input parcellated file <direction> - which dimension to take the parcel map from,
              ROW or COLUMN <template-cifti> - a cifti file with the desired dense mapping along


              <dlabel-out> - output - the output dense label file

              This  command  will  output a dlabel file, useful for doing the same parcellation to another dense

              For ptseries, pscalar, plabel, pconn, and pdconn, using ROW for <direction> will work.

       -cifti-parcellate PARCELLATE A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-parcellate

              <cifti-in> - the cifti file to parcellate <cifti-label> - a  cifti  label  file  to  use  for  the
              parcellation  <direction>  -  which  mapping  to  parcellate, ROW or COLUMN <cifti-out> - output -
              output cifti file

              Each label in the cifti label file will be treated as a parcel, and all rows or columns within the
              parcel  are  averaged  together  to  form the output row or column.  If ROW is specified, then the
              input mapping along rows must be brainordinates,  and  the  output  mapping  along  rows  will  be
              parcels, meaning columns will be averaged together.  For dtseries or dscalar, use COLUMN.


              wb_command -cifti-reduce

              <cifti-in>  -  the  cifti file to reduce <operation> - the reduction operator to use <cifti-out> -
              output - the output cifti file

              [-exclude-outliers] - exclude outliers from each row by standard

              deviation <sigma-below> - number of standard deviations below the mean to


              <sigma-above> - number of standard deviations above the mean to


              For each cifti row, takes the data along a row as a vector, and performs the  specified  reduction
              on  it, putting the result into the single output column in that row.  The reduction operators are
              as follows:

              MAX: the maximum value MIN: the minimum value INDEXMAX: the 1-based index  of  the  maximum  value
              INDEXMIN:  the 1-based index of the minimum value SUM: add all values PRODUCT: multiply all values
              MEAN: the mean of the data STDEV: the standard deviation (N  denominator)  SAMPSTDEV:  the  sample
              standard  deviation (N-1 denominator) VARIANCE: the variance of the data MEDIAN: the median of the
              data MODE: the mode of the data COUNT_NONZERO: the number of nonzero elements in the data


              wb_command -cifti-reorder

              <cifti-in> - input parcellated cifti file <direction> - which dimension to reorder along,  ROW  or
              COLUMN  <reorder-list>  -  a  text  file containing the desired order transformation <cifti-out> -
              output - the reordered cifti file

              The mapping along the specified direction must be parcels, scalars, or  labels.   For  pscalar  or
              ptseries,  use  COLUMN to reorder the parcels.  For dlabel, use ROW.  The <reorder-list> file must
              contain 1-based indices separated by whitespace  (spaces,  newlines,  tabs,  etc),  with  as  many
              indices  as  <cifti-in>  has  along  the specified dimension.  These indices specify which current
              index should end up in that position, for instance, if the current order is 'A B  C  D',  and  the
              desired order is 'D A B C', the text file should contain '4 1 2 3'.

       -cifti-replace-structure REPLACE DATA IN A STRUCTURE IN A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-replace-structure

              <cifti>  -  the cifti to modify <direction> - which dimension to interpret as a single map, ROW or

              [-volume-all] - replace the data in all volume components

              <volume> - the input volume

              [-from-cropped] - the input is cropped to the size of the data

              [-discard-unused-labels] - when operating on a dlabel file, drop any

              unused label keys from the label table

              [-label] - repeatable - replace the data in a surface label component

              <structure> - the structure to replace the data of <label> - the input label file

              [-metric] - repeatable - replace the data in a surface component

              <structure> - the structure to replace the data of <metric> - the input metric

              [-volume] - repeatable - replace the data in a volume component

              <structure> - the structure to replace the data of <volume> - the input volume

              [-from-cropped] - the input is cropped to the size of the component

              You must specify at least one of -metric, -label, -volume, or -volume-all for this command  to  do
              anything.   Input  volumes must line up with the output of -cifti-separate.  For dtseries/dscalar,
              use COLUMN, and if your matrix will be fully symmetric, COLUMN is more efficient.   The  structure
              argument must be one of the following:



              wb_command -cifti-resample

              <cifti-in>  -  the  cifti file to resample <direction> - the direction of the input that should be
              resampled  <cifti-template>  -  a  cifti  file  containing  the  cifti  space   to   resample   to
              <template-direction> - the direction of the template to use as the

              resampling space

              <surface-method>  -  specify  a  surface  resampling  method  <volume-method>  -  specify a volume
              interpolation method <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-surface-largest] - use largest weight instead of weighted average when

              doing surface resampling

              [-volume-predilate] - dilate the volume components before resampling

              <dilate-mm> - distance, in mm, to dilate

              [-surface-postdilate] - dilate the surface components after resampling

              <dilate-mm> - distance, in mm, to dilate

              [-affine] - use an affine transformation on the volume components

              <affine-file> - the affine file to use

              [-flirt] - MUST be used if affine is a flirt affine

              <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the affine <target-volume> -  the  target
              volume used when generating the affine

              [-warpfield] - use a warpfield on the volume components

              <warpfield> - the warpfield to use

              [-fnirt] - MUST be used if using a fnirt warpfield

              <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the


              [-left-spheres] - specify spheres for left surface resampling

              <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current left


              <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new left mesh that is in register

              with the current sphere

              [-left-area-surfs] - specify left surfaces to do vertex area

              correction based on <current-area> - a relevant left anatomical surface with current


              <new-area> - a relevant left anatomical surface with new mesh

              [-left-area-metrics] - specify left vertex area metrics to do area

              correction based on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh

              [-right-spheres] - specify spheres for right surface resampling

              <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current right


              <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new right mesh that is in register

              with the current sphere

              [-right-area-surfs] - specify right surfaces to do vertex area

              correction based on <current-area> - a relevant right anatomical surface with current


              <new-area> - a relevant right anatomical surface with new mesh

              [-right-area-metrics] - specify right vertex area metrics to do area

              correction based on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh

              [-cerebellum-spheres] - specify spheres for cerebellum surface resampling

              <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current

              cerebellum surface

              <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new cerebellum mesh that is in

              register with the current sphere

              [-cerebellum-area-surfs] - specify cerebellum surfaces to do vertex

              area correction based on <current-area> - a relevant cerebellum anatomical surface with

              current mesh

              <new-area> - a relevant cerebellum anatomical surface with new mesh

              [-cerebellum-area-metrics] - specify cerebellum vertex area metrics to

              do area correction based on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh

       Resample cifti data to a different brainordinate space.
              Use COLUMN for

       the direction to resample dscalar, dlabel, or dtseries.
              Resampling both

              dimensions of a dconn requires running this command twice, once with COLUMN and once with ROW.  If
              you are resampling a dconn and your machine has a large amount of memory, you might consider using
              -cifti-resample-dconn-memory  to avoid writing and rereading an intermediate file.  If spheres are
              not specified for a surface structure which exists in the cifti files, its data is copied  without
              resampling  or  dilation.  Dilation is done with the 'nearest' method, and is done on <new-sphere>
              for surface data.  Volume components are padded before dilation so that dilation doesn't run  into
              the edge of the component bounding box.

              The  recommended  resampling methods are ADAP_BARY_AREA and CUBIC (cubic spline), except for label
              data which should use ADAP_BARY_AREA and ENCLOSING_VOXEL.

              The <volume-method> argument must be one of the following:


              The <surface-method> argument must be one of the following:


       -cifti-resample-dconn-memory USE LOTS OF MEMORY TO RESAMPLE DCONN

              wb_command -cifti-resample-dconn-memory

              <cifti-in> - the cifti file to resample <cifti-template> - a cifti file containing the cifti space
              to resample to <template-direction> - the direction of the template to use as the

              resampling space

              <surface-method>  -  specify  a  surface  resampling  method  <volume-method>  -  specify a volume
              interpolation method <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-surface-largest] - use largest weight instead of weighted average when

              doing surface resampling

              [-volume-predilate] - dilate the volume components before resampling

              <dilate-mm> - distance, in mm, to dilate

              [-surface-postdilate] - dilate the surface components after resampling

              <dilate-mm> - distance, in mm, to dilate

              [-affine] - use an affine transformation on the volume components

              <affine-file> - the affine file to use

              [-flirt] - MUST be used if affine is a flirt affine

              <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the affine <target-volume> -  the  target
              volume used when generating the affine

              [-warpfield] - use a warpfield on the volume components

              <warpfield> - the warpfield to use

              [-fnirt] - MUST be used if using a fnirt warpfield

              <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the


              [-left-spheres] - specify spheres for left surface resampling

              <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current left


              <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new left mesh that is in register

              with the current sphere

              [-left-area-surfs] - specify left surfaces to do vertex area

              correction based on <current-area> - a relevant left anatomical surface with current


              <new-area> - a relevant left anatomical surface with new mesh

              [-left-area-metrics] - specify left vertex area metrics to do area

              correction based on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh

              [-right-spheres] - specify spheres for right surface resampling

              <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current right


              <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new right mesh that is in register

              with the current sphere

              [-right-area-surfs] - specify right surfaces to do vertex area

              correction based on <current-area> - a relevant right anatomical surface with current


              <new-area> - a relevant right anatomical surface with new mesh

              [-right-area-metrics] - specify right vertex area metrics to do area

              correction based on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh

              [-cerebellum-spheres] - specify spheres for cerebellum surface resampling

              <current-sphere> - a sphere with the same mesh as the current

              cerebellum surface

              <new-sphere> - a sphere with the new cerebellum mesh that is in

              register with the current sphere

              [-cerebellum-area-surfs] - specify cerebellum surfaces to do vertex

              area correction based on <current-area> - a relevant cerebellum anatomical surface with

              current mesh

              <new-area> - a relevant cerebellum anatomical surface with new mesh

              [-cerebellum-area-metrics] - specify cerebellum vertex area metrics to

              do area correction based on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the current


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for the new mesh

              This  command  does  the  same  thing  as  running  -cifti-resample  twice,  but uses memory up to
              approximately 2x the size that the intermediate file would be.  This is because  the  intermediate
              dconn  is  kept  in  memory,  rather  than  written  to  disk, and the components before and after
              resampling/dilation have to be in memory at the same time during  the  relevant  computation.   If
              spheres  are  not  specified  for a surface structure which exists in the cifti files, its data is
              copied without resampling or dilation.  Dilation is done with the 'nearest' method, and is done on
              <new-sphere>  for  surface  data.   Volume  components are padded before dilation so that dilation
              doesn't run into the edge of the component bounding box.

              The <volume-method> argument must be one of the following:


              The <surface-method> argument must be one of the following:


       -cifti-restrict-dense-map EXCLUDE BRAINORDINATES FROM A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-restrict-dense-map

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti <direction> - which dimension to change the mapping on, ROW or COLUMN
              <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti

              [-cifti-roi] - cifti file containing combined rois

              <roi-cifti> - the rois as a cifti file

              [-left-roi] - vertices to use from left hemisphere

              <roi-metric> - the left roi as a metric file

              [-right-roi] - vertices to use from right hemisphere

              <roi-metric> - the right roi as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-roi] - vertices to use from cerebellum

              <roi-metric> - the cerebellum roi as a metric file

              [-vol-roi] - voxels to use

              <roi-vol> - the roi volume file

              Writes a modified version of <cifti-in>, where all brainordinates outside the specified roi(s) are
              removed from the file.  If -cifti-roi is specified, no other -*-roi option may be  specified.   If
              not  using  -cifti-roi,  any  -*-roi  options  not present will discard the relevant structure, if
              present in the input file.

       -cifti-roi-average AVERAGE ROWS IN A SINGLE CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-roi-average

              <cifti-in> - the cifti file to average rows from <text-out> - output  text  file  of  the  average

              [-cifti-roi] - cifti file containing combined rois

              <roi-cifti> - the rois as a cifti file

              [-left-roi] - vertices to use from left hemisphere

              <roi-metric> - the left roi as a metric file

              [-right-roi] - vertices to use from right hemisphere

              <roi-metric> - the right roi as a metric file

              [-cerebellum-roi] - vertices to use from cerebellum

              <roi-metric> - the cerebellum roi as a metric file

              [-vol-roi] - voxels to use

              <roi-vol> - the roi volume file

              Average the rows that are within the specified ROIs, and write the resulting average row to a text
              file, separated by newlines.  If -cifti-roi is specified, -left-roi, -right-roi,  -cerebellum-roi,
              and -vol-roi must not be specified.

       -cifti-rois-from-extrema CREATE CIFTI ROI MAPS FROM EXTREMA MAPS

              wb_command -cifti-rois-from-extrema

              <cifti>  - the input cifti <surf-limit> - geodesic distance limit from vertex, in mm <vol-limit> -
              euclidean distance limit from voxel center, in mm <direction> - which dimension an extrema map  is
              along, ROW or COLUMN <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-gaussian] - generate gaussian kernels instead of flat ROIs

              <surf-sigma>  -  the  sigma for the surface gaussian kernel, in mm <vol-sigma> - the sigma for the
              volume gaussian kernel, in mm

              [-overlap-logic] - how to handle overlapping ROIs, default ALLOW

              <method> - the method of resolving overlaps

              [-merged-volume] - treat volume components as if they were a single


              For each nonzero value in each map, make a map with an ROI around that location.  If the -gaussian
              option  is  specified,  then normalized gaussian kernels are output instead of ROIs.  The <method>
              argument to -overlap-logic must be one of ALLOW, CLOSEST, or EXCLUDE.  ALLOW is the  default,  and
              means  that  ROIs  are  treated  independently  and  may overlap.  CLOSEST means that ROIs may not
              overlap, and that no ROI contains vertices that are closer to a different  seed  vertex.   EXCLUDE
              means  that  ROIs  may not overlap, and that any vertex within range of more than one ROI does not
              belong to any ROI.


              wb_command -cifti-separate

              <cifti-in> - the cifti to separate a component of <direction> - which direction to  separate  into
              components, ROW or COLUMN

              [-volume-all] - separate all volume structures into a volume file

              <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-roi] - also output the roi of which voxels have data

              <roi-out> - output - the roi output volume

              [-label] - output a volume label file indicating the location of

              structures <label-out> - output - the label output volume

              [-crop] - crop volume to the size of the data rather than using the

              original volume size

              [-label] - repeatable - separate a surface model into a surface label

              file <structure> - the structure to output <label-out> - output - the output label file

              [-roi] - also output the roi of which vertices have data

              <roi-out> - output - the roi output metric

              [-metric] - repeatable - separate a surface model into a metric file

              <structure> - the structure to output <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-roi] - also output the roi of which vertices have data

              <roi-out> - output - the roi output metric

              [-volume] - repeatable - separate a volume structure into a volume file

              <structure> - the structure to output <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-roi] - also output the roi of which voxels have data

              <roi-out> - output - the roi output volume

              [-crop] - crop volume to the size of the component rather than using

              the original volume size

              For  dtseries, dscalar, and dlabel, use COLUMN for <direction>, and if you have a symmetric dconn,
              COLUMN is more efficient.

              You must specify at least one of -metric, -volume-all, -volume, or -label for this command  to  do
              anything.   Output  volumes  will  spatially line up with their original positions, whether or not
              they are cropped.

              For each <structure> argument, use one of the following strings:


       -cifti-smoothing SMOOTH A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-smoothing

              <cifti> - the input cifti <surface-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian surface smoothing kernel,

              in mm

              <volume-kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian volume smoothing kernel, in


              <direction> - which dimension to smooth along, ROW or COLUMN <cifti-out> -  output  -  the  output

              [-left-surface] - specify the left surface to use

              <surface> - the left surface file

              [-left-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the left surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-right-surface] - specify the right surface to use

              <surface> - the right surface file

              [-right-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing

              them from the right surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-cerebellum-surface] - specify the cerebellum surface to use

              <surface> - the cerebellum surface file

              [-cerebellum-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of

              computing them from the cerebellum surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-cifti-roi] - smooth only within regions of interest

              <roi-cifti> - the regions to smooth within, as a cifti file

              [-fix-zeros-volume] - treat values of zero in the volume as missing data

              [-fix-zeros-surface] - treat values of zero on the surface as missing


              [-merged-volume] - smooth across subcortical structure boundaries

              The  input  cifti  file  must  have  a  brain  models mapping on the chosen dimension, columns for
              .dtseries, and  either  for  .dconn.   By  default,  data  in  different  structures  is  smoothed
              independently  (i.e.,  "parcel  constrained"  smoothing),  so  volume structures that touch do not
              smooth across  this  boundary.   Specify  -merged-volume  to  ignore  these  boundaries.   Surface
              smoothing uses the GEO_GAUSS_AREA smoothing method.

              The  -*-corrected-areas options are intended for when it is unavoidable to smooth on group average
              surfaces, it is only an approximate correction for the reduction of structure in a  group  average
              surface.  It is better to smooth the data on individuals before averaging, when feasible.

              The  -fix-zeros-*  options  will treat values of zero as lack of data, and not use that value when
              generating the smoothed values, but will fill zeros with extrapolated values.  The ROI should have
              a  brain models mapping along columns, exactly matching the mapping of the chosen direction in the
              input file.  Data outside the ROI is ignored.


              wb_command -cifti-stats

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti

              [-reduce] - use a reduction operation

              <operation> - the reduction operation

              [-percentile] - give the value at a percentile

              <percent> - the percentile to find

              [-column] - only display output for one column

              <column> - the column index (starting from 1)

              [-roi] - only consider data inside an roi

              <roi-cifti> - the roi, as a cifti file

              [-match-maps] - each column of input uses the corresponding column

              from the roi file

              [-show-map-name] - print column index and name before each output

              For each column of the input, a single number is printed, resulting from the  specified  reduction
              or  percentile  operation.   Use  -column  to  only  give output for a single column.  Use -roi to
              consider only the data within a region.  Exactly one of -reduce or -percentile must be specified.

              The argument to the -reduce option must be one of the following:

              MAX: the maximum value MIN: the minimum value INDEXMAX: the 1-based index  of  the  maximum  value
              INDEXMIN:  the 1-based index of the minimum value SUM: add all values PRODUCT: multiply all values
              MEAN: the mean of the data STDEV: the standard deviation (N  denominator)  SAMPSTDEV:  the  sample
              standard  deviation (N-1 denominator) VARIANCE: the variance of the data MEDIAN: the median of the
              data MODE: the mode of the data COUNT_NONZERO: the number of nonzero elements in the data

       -cifti-transpose TRANSPOSE A CIFTI FILE

              wb_command -cifti-transpose

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti file <cifti-out> - output - the output cifti file

              [-mem-limit] - restrict memory usage

              <limit-GB> - memory limit in gigabytes

       The input must be a 2-dimensional cifti file.
              The output is a cifti file

              where every row in the input is a column in the output.

       -cifti-vector-operation DO A VECTOR OPERATION ON CIFTI FILES

              wb_command -cifti-vector-operation

              <vectors-a> - first vector input file <vectors-b> - second vector input file  <operation>  -  what
              vector operation to do <cifti-out> - output - the output file

              [-normalize-a] - normalize vectors of first input

              [-normalize-b] - normalize vectors of second input

              [-normalize-output] - normalize output vectors (not valid for dot


              [-magnitude] - output the magnitude of the result (not valid for dot


              Does  a  vector  operation on two cifti files (that must have a multiple of 3 columns).  Either of
              the inputs may have multiple vectors (more than 3 columns), but not both (at least one  must  have
              exactly  3  columns).  The -magnitude and -normalize-output options may not be specified together,
              or with an operation that returns a scalar (dot product).  The <operation> parameter must  be  one
              of the following:



              wb_command -cifti-weighted-stats

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti

              [-spatial-weights] - use vertex area and voxel volume as weights

              [-left-area-surf] - use a surface for left vertex areas

              <left-surf> - the left surface to use

              [-right-area-surf] - use a surface for right vertex areas

              <right-surf> - the right surface to use

              [-cerebellum-area-surf] - use a surface for cerebellum vertex areas

              <cerebellum-surf> - the cerebellum surface to use

              [-left-area-metric] - use a metric file for left vertex areas

              <left-metric> - metric file containing left vertex areas

              [-right-area-metric] - use a metric file for right vertex areas

              <right-metric> - metric file containing right vertex areas

              [-cerebellum-area-metric] - use a metric file for cerebellum vertex

              areas <cerebellum-metric> - metric file containing cerebellum vertex


              [-cifti-weights] - use a cifti file containing weights

              <weight-cifti> - the weights to use, as a cifti file

              [-column] - only display output for one column

              <column> - the column to use (1-based)

              [-roi] - only consider data inside an roi

              <roi-cifti> - the roi, as a cifti file

              [-match-maps] - each column of input uses the corresponding column

              from the roi file

              [-mean] - compute weighted mean

              [-stdev] - compute weighted standard deviation

              [-sample] - estimate population stdev from the sample

              [-percentile] - compute weighted percentile

              <percent> - the percentile to find

              [-sum] - compute weighted sum

              [-show-map-name] - print map index and name before each output

              If the mapping along column is brain models, for each column of the input, the specified operation
              is done on each surface and across all voxels, and the results are printed separately.  For  other
              mapping  types,  the operation is done on each column, and one number per map is printed.  Exactly
              one of -spatial-weights or -cifti-weights must be specified.  Use -column to only give output  for
              a  single  column.   Use  -roi  to  consider only the data within a region.  Exactly one of -mean,
              -stdev, -percentile or -sum must be specified.

              Using -sum with -spatial-weights (or with -cifti-weights and a cifti containing weights of similar
              meaning) is equivalent to integrating with respect to area and volume.


       Add members to class header (.h) and implementation (.cxx) files.

              [-add-to-files] [-m <member-name> <data-type> <description>]...

              If the -add-to-files is not specified, the code for the header and implementation files is printed
              to the terminal.

              If the -add-to-files is specified, the class files are expected to be in the current directory and
              named  <class-name>.h and <class-name>.cxx.  The header file must contain this text in its private

              // ADD_NEW_MEMBERS_HERE

              The implementation file must contain this text in its public section:

              // ADD_NEW_METHODS_HERE

              If either of these text string are missing, the code that would have been added to the file(s)  is
              printed to the terminal.

              For each member, three text strings separated by a space must be provided and they are the name of
              the member its data type, and a description of the member.  If the description contains spaces the
              description must be enclosed in double quotes ("").

              If  the  data type begins with a capital letter, it is assumed to be the name of a class.  In this
              case, both const and non-const getters are created but not setter is created.  Otherwise, the data
              type  is  expected  to  be a primitive type and both a getter and a setter are created.  Note that
              AString and QString are treated as primitive types.


       Create class header (.h) and implementation (.cxx) files.

       Usage:  <class-name>

              [-copy]    [-event-class    <event-type-enum>]     [-event-listener]     [-no-parent]     [-parent



              Adds copy constructor and assignment operator

       -event-class <event-type-enum>

              When  creating  an  Event  subclass,  using this option will automatically set the parent class to
              Event and place the given event enumerated type value into  the  parameter  for  the  Event  class

              For the <event-type-enum> there is no need to prepend it with "EventTypeEnum::".


              Implement the EventListenerInterface so that the class may listen for events.


              Created class is not derived from any other class.  By default, the parent class is CaretObject.

       -parent <parent-class-name>

              Specify the parent (derived from) class.  By default, the parent class is CaretObject.


              Implement  the SceneableInterface so that instances of the class can be restored from and saved to


              Adds methods that can be called by the superclass so that this sub-class can save and restore data
              to and from scenes.

              This  option  should  only  be  used  when  creating  a  class  whose  super  class implements the


       Create Algorithm Class header (.h) and implementation (.cxx) files.

       Usage:  <algorithm-class-name>

              <command-line-switch> <short-description>


              Required name of the algorithm class that MUST start with "Algorithm"


              Required command line switch for algorithm.


              Required short description within double quotes.


       Create enumerated type header (.h) and implementation (.cxx) files.

       Usage:  <enum-class-name>

              <number-of-values> <auto-number>


       Name of the enumerated type.
              Must end in "Enum"


              Number of values in the enumerated type.


              Automatically generated integer codes corresponding to the  enumerated  values.   Value  for  this
              parameter are "true" and "false".

              [enum-name-1] [enum-name-2]...[enum-name-N]

              Optional names for the enumerated values.

              If   the   number   of  names  listed  is  greater  than  the  "number-of-values"  parameter,  the
              "number-of-values" will become the number of names.  If the number of names is is  less  than  the
              "number-of-values", empty entries will be created.


       Create Operation Class header (.h) and implementation (.cxx) files.

       Usage:  <operation-class-name>

              <command-line-switch> <short-description> [-no-parameters]


              Required name of the operation class that MUST start with "Operation"


              Required command line switch for operation.


              Required short description within double quotes.


              Optional parameter if the operation does not use parameters.


              wb_command -convert-affine

              [-from-world] - input is a NIFTI 'world' affine

              <input> - the input affine

              [-from-flirt] - input is a flirt matrix

              <input> - the input affine <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the input


              <target-volume> - the target volume used when generating the input


              [-to-world] - write output as a NIFTI 'world' affine

              <output> - output - the output affine

              [-to-flirt] - repeatable - write output as a flirt matrix

              <output> - output - the output affine <source-volume> - the volume you want to apply the transform
              to <target-volume> - the target space you want the transformed volume to


              NIFTI world matrices can be used directly on mm coordinates via matrix  multiplication,  they  use
              the  NIFTI coordinate system, that is, positive X is right, positive Y is anterior, and positive Z
              is superior.

              You must specify exactly one -from option, but you may specify multiple -to options, and  any  -to
              option that takes volumes may be specified more than once.


              wb_command -convert-fiber-orientations

              <label-volume>  -  volume  of  cifti  structure  labels  <fiber-out>  -  output - the output fiber
              orientation file

              [-fiber] - repeatable - specify the parameter volumes for a fiber

              <mean-f> - mean fiber strength <stdev-f> - standard deviation of fiber strength  <theta>  -  theta
              angle <phi> - phi angle <psi> - psi angle <ka> - ka bingham parameter <kb> - kb bingham parameter

              Takes  precomputed  bingham parameters from volume files and converts them to the format workbench
              uses for display.  The <label-volume> argument must be a label volume, where the labels use  these


       -convert-matrix4-to-matrix2 GENERATES A MATRIX2 CIFTI FROM MATRIX4 WBSPARSE

              wb_command -convert-matrix4-to-matrix2

              <matrix4-wbsparse>  - a wbsparse matrix4 file <counts-out> - output - the total fiber counts, as a
              cifti file

              [-distances] - output average trajectory distance

              <distance-out> - output - the distances, as a cifti file

              This command makes a cifti file from the fiber counts in a matrix4 wbsparse file, and optionally a
              second cifti file from the distances.

       -convert-matrix4-to-workbench-sparse CONVERT A 3-FILE MATRIX4 TO A WORKBENCH SPARSE FILE

              wb_command -convert-matrix4-to-workbench-sparse

              <matrix4_1> - the first matrix4 file <matrix4_2> - the second matrix4 file <matrix4_3> - the third
              matrix4 file <orientation-file> - the .fiberTEMP.nii file this trajectory file applies


              <voxel-list> - list of white matter voxel index triplets as used in the

              trajectory matrix

              <wb-sparse-out> - output - the output workbench sparse file

              [-surface-seeds] - specify the surface seed space

              <seed-roi> - metric roi file of all nodes used in the seed space

              [-volume-seeds] - specify the volume seed space

              <cifti-template> - cifti file to use the volume mappings from <direction> -  dimension  along  the
              cifti file to take the mapping from,

              ROW or COLUMN

              Converts  the  matrix  4  output  of  probtrackx  to workbench sparse file format.  Exactly one of
              -surface-seeds and -volume-seeds must be specified.


              wb_command -convert-warpfield

              [-from-world] - input is a NIFTI 'world' warpfield

              <input> - the input warpfield

              [-from-fnirt] - input is a fnirt warpfield

              <input> - the input warpfield <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the input


              [-to-world] - write output as a NIFTI 'world' warpfield

              <output> - output - the output warpfield

              [-to-fnirt] - repeatable - write output as a flirt warpfield

              <output> - output - the output warpfield <source-volume> -  the  volume  you  want  to  apply  the
              warpfield to

              NIFTI world warpfields can be used directly on mm coordinates via sampling the three subvolumes at
              the coordinate and adding the sampled  values  to  the  coordinate  vector,  they  use  the  NIFTI
              coordinate  system,  that is, X is left to right, Y is posterior to anterior, and Z is inferior to

              NOTE: this command does not invert the warpfield, and to warp a surface, you must use the  inverse
              of the warpfield that warps the corresponding volume.

              You  must  specify exactly one -from option, but you may specify multiple -to options, and any -to
              option that takes volumes may be specified more than once.

       -create-signed-distance-volume CREATE SIGNED DISTANCE VOLUME FROM SURFACE

              wb_command -create-signed-distance-volume

              <surface> - the input surface <refspace> - a volume in the desired output  space  (dims,  spacing,
              origin) <outvol> - output - the output volume

              [-roi-out] - output an roi volume of where the output has a computed

              value <roi-vol> - output - the output roi volume

              [-fill-value] - specify a value to put in all voxels that don't get

              assigned a distance <value> - value to fill with (default 0)

              [-exact-limit] - specify distance for exact output

              <dist> - distance in mm (default 5)

              [-approx-limit] - specify distance for approximate output

              <dist> - distance in mm (default 20)

              [-approx-neighborhood] - voxel neighborhood for approximate calculation

              <num> - size of neighborhood cube measured from center to face, in

              voxels (default 2 = 5x5x5)

              [-winding] - winding method for point inside surface test

              <method> - name of the method (default EVEN_ODD)

       Computes the signed distance function of the surface.
              Exact distance is

              calculated  by  finding  the  closest  point  on  any surface triangle to the center of the voxel.
              Approximate distance is calculated starting with these distances, using dijkstra's method  with  a
              neighborhood of voxels.  Specifying too small of an exact distance may produce unexpected results.
              Valid specifiers for winding methods are as follows:


              The NORMALS method uses the normals of triangles and edges, or the closest triangle hit by  a  ray
              from  the  point.   This  method may be slightly faster, but is only reliable for a closed surface
              that does not cross through itself.  All other methods count entry (positive) and exit  (negative)
              crossings  of  a vertical ray from the point, then counts as inside if the total is odd, negative,
              or nonzero, respectively.


              wb_command -estimate-fiber-binghams

              <merged_f1samples> - fiber  1  strength  samples  <merged_th1samples>  -  fiber  1  theta  samples
              <merged_ph1samples>  -  fiber  1  phi  samples  <merged_f2samples>  -  fiber  2  strength  samples
              <merged_th2samples>  -  fiber  2  theta  samples  <merged_ph2samples>  -  fiber  2   phi   samples
              <merged_f3samples>  -  fiber  3  strength  samples  <merged_th3samples>  -  fiber  3 theta samples
              <merged_ph3samples> - fiber 3 phi samples  <label-volume>  -  volume  of  cifti  structure  labels
              <cifti-out> - output - output cifti fiber distributons file

              This command does an estimation of a bingham distribution for each fiber orientation in each voxel
              which is labeled a structure identifier.  These labelings come from the  <label-volume>  argument,
              which must have labels that match the following strings:



              wb_command -fiber-dot-products

              <white-surf>  -  the  white/gray  boundary  surface  <fiber-file>  -  the  fiber  orientation file
              <max-dist> - the maximum distance from any surface node a fiber

              population may be, in mm

              <direction> - test against surface for whether a fiber population should

              be used

              <dot-metric> - output - the metric of dot products <f-metric> - output - a metric of the f  values
              of the fiber distributions

              For  each  vertex,  this command finds the closest fiber population that satisfies the <direction>
              test, and computes the absolute value of the dot product of the surface normal and the  normalized
              mean  direction of each fiber.  The <direction> test must be one of INSIDE, OUTSIDE, or ANY, which
              causes the command to only use fiber populations that are inside the surface, outside the surface,
              or  to  not  care  which  direction  it is from the surface.  Each fiber population is output in a
              separate metric column.

       -file-convert CHANGE VERSION OF FILE FORMAT

              wb_command -file-convert

              [-border-version-convert] - write a border file with a different version

              <border-in> - the input border file <out-version> - the format version to write  as,  1  or  3  (2


              <border-out> - output - the output border file

              [-surface] - must be specified if the input is version 1

              <surface> - use this surface file for structure and number of

              vertices, ignore borders on other structures

              [-nifti-version-convert] - write a nifti file with a different version

              <input>  -  the input nifti file <version> - the nifti version to write as <output> - output - the
              output nifti file

              [-cifti-version-convert] - write a cifti file with a different version

              <cifti-in> - the input cifti file <version> - the cifti version to write as <cifti-out> - output -
              the output cifti file

              You may only specify one top-level option.


              wb_command -file-information

              <data-file> - data file

              [-no-map-info] - do not show map information for files that support maps

              [-only-step-interval] - suppress normal output, print the interval

              between maps

              [-only-number-of-maps] - suppress normal output, print the number of maps

              [-only-map-names] - suppress normal output, print the names of all maps

       List information about the content of a data file.
              Only one -only option

       may be specified.
              The information listed when no -only option is present

              is dependent upon the type of data file.

       -foci-get-projection-vertex GET PROJECTION VERTEX FOR FOCI

              wb_command -foci-get-projection-vertex

              <foci>  -  the  foci file <surface> - the surface related to the foci file <metric-out> - output -
              the output metric file

              [-name] - select a focus by name

              <name> - the name of the focus

              For each focus, a column is created in <metric-out>, and the vertex with the most influence on its
              projection  is assigned a value of 1 in that column, with all other vertices 0.  If -name is used,
              only one focus will be used.


              wb_command -foci-list-coords

              <foci-file> - input foci file <coord-file-out> - output - the output coordinate text file

              [-names-out] - output the foci names

              <names-file-out> - output - text file to put foci names in

              Output the coordinates for every focus in the foci file, and  optionally  the  focus  names  in  a
              second text file.


              wb_command -foci-resample

              <foci-in> - the input foci file <foci-out> - output - the output foci file

              [-left-surfaces] - the left surfaces for resampling

              <current-surf>  -  the  surface  the  foci  are currently projected on <new-surf> - the surface to
              project the foci onto

              [-right-surfaces] - the right surfaces for resampling

              <current-surf> - the surface the foci are currently projected  on  <new-surf>  -  the  surface  to
              project the foci onto

              [-cerebellum-surfaces] - the cerebellum surfaces for resampling

              <current-surf>  -  the  surface  the  foci  are currently projected on <new-surf> - the surface to
              project the foci onto

              [-discard-distance-from-surface] - ignore the distance the foci are above

              or below the current surface

              [-restore-xyz] - put the original xyz coordinates into the foci, rather

              than the coordinates obtained from unprojection

              Unprojects foci from the <current-surf> for the structure, then projects them to  <new-surf>.   If
              the  foci  have  meaningful distances above or below the surface, use anatomical surfaces.  If the
              foci   should   be   on   the    surface,    use    registered    spheres    and    the    options
              -discard-distance-from-surface and -restore-xyz.

       -gifti-all-labels-to-rois MAKE ROIS FROM ALL LABELS IN A GIFTI COLUMN

              wb_command -gifti-all-labels-to-rois

              <label-in>  -  the  input  gifti  label  file  <map>  - the number or name of the label map to use
              <metric-out> - output - the output metric file

              The output metric file has a column for each label in the specified input map, other than the  ???
              label, each of which contains an ROI of all vertices that are set to the corresponding label.

       -gifti-convert Convert GIFTI file to different encoding

       Usage:  <gifti-encoding>

              <input-gifti-file> <output-gifti-file>


              Required GIFTI encoding.


              Required input GIFTI file name.


              Required output GIFTI file name.

              Valid GIFTI Encodings:


       -gifti-label-add-prefix ADD PREFIX TO ALL LABEL NAMES IN A GIFTI LABEL FILE

              wb_command -gifti-label-add-prefix

              <label-in>  -  the input label file <prefix> - the prefix string to add <label-out> - output - the
              output label file

              For each label other than '???', prepend <prefix> to the label name.

       -gifti-label-to-roi MAKE A GIFTI LABEL INTO AN ROI METRIC

              wb_command -gifti-label-to-roi

              <label-in> - the input gifti label file <metric-out> - output - the output metric file

              [-name] - select label by name

              <label-name> - the label name that you want an roi of

              [-key] - select label by key

              <label-key> - the label key that you want an roi of

              [-map] - select a single label map to use

              <map> - the map number or name

              For each map in <label-in>, a map is created in <metric-out>  where  all  locations  labeled  with
              <label-name>  or  with  a  key  of <label-key> are given a value of 1, and all other locations are
              given 0.  Exactly one of -name and -key must be specified.  Specify -map to use only one map  from

       -label-dilate DILATE A LABEL FILE

              wb_command -label-dilate

              <label>  -  the input label <surface> - the surface to dilate on <dilate-dist> - distance in mm to
              dilate the labels <label-out> - output - the output label file

              [-bad-vertex-roi] - specify an roi of vertices to overwrite, rather than

              vertices with the unlabeled key <roi-metric> - metric file, positive  values  denote  vertices  to

              their values replaced

              [-column] - select a single column to dilate

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              Fills  in  label information for all vertices designated as bad, up to the specified distance away
              from other labels.  If -bad-vertex-roi is  specified,  all  vertices,  including  those  with  the
              unlabeled  key,  are  good,  except  for  vertices with a positive value in the ROI.  If it is not
              specified, only vertices with the unlabeled key are bad.

       -label-export-table EXPORT LABEL TABLE FROM GIFTI AS TEXT

              wb_command -label-export-table

              <label-in> - the input label file <table-out> - output - the output text file

              Takes the label table from the gifti label file, and writes it to a text format matching  what  is
              expected by -metric-label-import.

       -label-mask MASK A LABEL FILE

              wb_command -label-mask

              <label>  - the label file to mask <mask> - the mask metric <label-out> - output - the output label

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              By default, the output label is a copy of the input label, but with the  'unused'  label  wherever
              the  mask  metric  is not positive.  if -column is specified, the output contains only one column,
              the masked version of the specified input column.


              wb_command -label-merge

              <label-out> - output - the output label

              [-label] - repeatable - specify an input label

              <label-in> - a label file to use columns from

              [-column] - repeatable - select a single column to use

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-up-to] - use an inclusive range of columns

              <last-column> - the number or name of the last column to include

              [-reverse] - use the range in reverse order

              Takes one or more label files and constructs a new label file by concatenating columns from  them.
              The input files must have the same number of vertices and the same structure.

              Example:   wb_command   -label-merge   out.label.gii   -label  first.label.gii  -column  1  -label

              This  example  would  take  the  first  column  from  first.label.gii  and  all  subvolumes   from
              second.label.gii, and write these to out.label.gii.

       -label-modify-keys CHANGE KEY VALUES IN A LABEL FILE

              wb_command -label-modify-keys

              <label-in> - the input label file <remap-file> - text file with old and new key values <label-out>
              - output - output label file

              [-column] - select a single column to use

              <column> - the column number or name

              <remap-file> should have lines of the form 'oldkey newkey', like so:

              3 5 5 8 8 2

              This would change the current label with key '3' to use the key '5' instead, 5 would use 8, and  8
              would use 2.  Any collision in key values results in the label that was not specified in the remap
              file getting remapped to an otherwise unused key.  Remapping more than one key  to  the  same  new
              key,  or  the  same  key  to more than one new key, results in an error.  This will not change the
              appearance of the file when displayed, it will change the keys in the data at the same time.


              wb_command -label-resample

              <label-in> - the label file to resample <current-sphere> - a sphere surface with the mesh that the
              label file is

              currently on

              <new-sphere> - a sphere surface that is in register with <current-sphere>

              and has the desired output mesh

              <method> - the method name <label-out> - output - the output label file

              [-area-surfs] - specify surfaces to do vertex area correction based on

              <current-area> - a relevant anatomical surface with <current-sphere>


              <new-area> - a relevant anatomical surface with <new-sphere> mesh

              [-area-metrics] - specify vertex area metrics to do area correction based

              on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <current-sphere>


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <new-sphere> mesh

              [-current-roi] - use an input roi on the current mesh to exclude non-data

              vertices <roi-metric> - the roi, as a metric file

              [-valid-roi-out] - output the ROI of vertices that got data from valid

              source vertices <roi-out> - output - the output roi as a metric

              [-largest] - use only the label of the vertex with the largest weight

              Resamples  a  label  file,  given two spherical surfaces that are in register.  If the method does
              area correction, exactly one of -area-surfs or -area-metrics must be specified.

              The -largest option results in nearest vertex behavior when used with  BARYCENTRIC,  it  uses  the
              value  of  the  source  vertex  that  has the largest weight.  When -largest is not specified, the
              vertex weights are summed according to which label they correspond to,  and  the  label  with  the
              largest sum is used.

              The <method> argument must be one of the following:


              The  ADAP_BARY_AREA method is recommended for label data, because it should be better at resolving
              vertices that are near multiple labels, or in case of downsampling.

       -label-to-border DRAW BORDERS AROUND LABELS

              wb_command -label-to-border

              <surface> - the surface to use  for  neighbor  information  <label-in>  -  the  input  label  file
              <border-out> - output - the output border file

              [-placement] - set how far along the edge border points are drawn

              <fraction> - fraction along edge from inside vertex (default 0.33)

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              For  each  label,  finds  all  edges  on  the mesh that cross the boundary of the label, and draws
              borders through them.  By default, this is done on all columns in the input file,  using  the  map
              name as the class name for the border.


              wb_command -metadata-remove-provenance

              <input-file> - the file to remove provenance information from <output-file> - output - the name to
              save the modified file as

              Removes the provenance metadata fields added by workbench during processing.

       -metadata-string-replace REPLACE A STRING IN ALL METADATA OF A FILE

              wb_command -metadata-string-replace

              <input-file> - the file to replace metadata in <find-string> - the string to find <replace-string>
              -  the string to replace <find-string> with <output-file> - output - the name to save the modified
              file as

              [-case-insensitive] - match with case variation also

              Replaces all occurrences of <find-string> in the metadata  and  map  names  of  <input-file>  with

       -metric-convert CONVERT METRIC FILE TO FAKE NIFTI

              wb_command -metric-convert

              [-to-nifti] - convert metric to nifti

              <metric-in> - the metric to convert <nifti-out> - output - the output nifti file

              [-from-nifti] - convert nifti to metric

              <nifti-in>  -  the  nifti  file  to convert <surface-in> - surface file to use number of nodes and
              structure from <metric-out> - output - the output metric file

              The purpose of this command is to convert between metric files and nifti1  so  that  gifti-unaware
              programs can operate on the data.  You must specify exactly one of the options.

       -metric-dilate DILATE A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-dilate

              <metric>  - the metric to dilate <surface> - the surface to compute on <distance> - distance in mm
              to dilate <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-bad-vertex-roi] - specify an roi of vertices to overwrite, rather than

              vertices with value zero <roi-metric> - metric file, positive values denote vertices to have

              their values replaced

              [-data-roi] - specify an roi of where there is data

              <roi-metric> - metric file, positive values denote vertices that have


              [-column] - select a single column to dilate

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-nearest] - use the nearest good value instead of a weighted average

              [-linear] - fill in values with linear interpolation along strongest


              [-exponent] - use a different exponent in the weighting function

              <exponent> - exponent 'n' to use in (area / (distance ^ n)) as the

              weighting function (default 2)

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              For all metric vertices that are designated as bad, if they neighbor a non-bad vertex with data or
              are  within  the  specified  distance of such a vertex, replace the value with a distance weighted
              average of nearby non-bad vertices that have data, otherwise set the value to zero.  No matter how
              small  <distance>  is,  dilation  will  always  use  at least the immediate neighbor vertices.  If
              -nearest is specified, it will use the value from the closest  non-bad  vertex  with  data  within
              range instead of a weighted average.

              If -bad-vertex-roi is specified, only vertices with a positive value in the ROI are bad.  If it is
              not specified, only vertices that have data, with a value of zero, are bad.  If -data-roi  is  not
              specified, all vertices are assumed to have data.

              Note  that  the -corrected-areas option uses an approximate correction for the change in distances
              along a group average surface.

       -metric-estimate-fwhm ESTIMATE FWHM SMOOTHNESS OF A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-estimate-fwhm

              <surface> - the surface to use for distance and  neighbor  information  <metric-in>  -  the  input

              [-roi] - use only data within an ROI

              <roi-metric> - the metric file to use as an ROI

              [-column] - select a single column to estimate smoothness of

              <column> - the column number or name

              Estimates  the smoothness of the metric columns, printing the estimates to standard output.  These
              estimates ignore variation in vertex spacing.

       -metric-extrema FIND EXTREMA IN A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-extrema

              <surface> - the surface to use for distance information <metric-in>  -  the  metric  to  find  the
              extrema of <distance> - the minimum distance between identified extrema of the same


              <metric-out> - output - the output extrema metric

              [-presmooth] - smooth the metric before finding extrema

              <kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian smoothing kernel, in mm

              [-roi] - ignore values outside the selected area

              <roi-metric> - the area to find extrema in, as a metric

              [-threshold] - ignore small extrema

              <low>  - the largest value to consider for being a minimum <high> - the smallest value to consider
              for being a maximum

              [-sum-columns] - output the sum of the extrema columns instead of each

              column separately

              [-consolidate-mode] - use consolidation of local minima instead of a

              large neighborhood

              [-only-maxima] - only find the maxima

              [-only-minima] - only find the minima

              [-column] - select a single column to find extrema in

              <column> - the column number or name

              Finds extrema in a metric file, such that no two extrema of the same type are within <distance> of
              each other.  The extrema are labeled as -1 for minima, 1 for maxima, 0 otherwise.  If -only-maxima
              or -only-minima is specified, then it will ignore  extrema  not  of  the  specified  type.   These
              options are mutually exclusive.

              If -roi is specified, not only is data outside the roi not used, but any vertex on the edge of the
              ROI will never be counted as an extrema, in case the ROI  cuts  across  a  gradient,  which  would
              otherwise generate extrema where there should be none.

              If -sum-columns is specified, these extrema columns are summed, and the output has a single column
              with this result.

              By default, a datapoint is an extrema only if it is more extreme than every other  datapoint  that
              is  within  <distance>  from  it.   If -consolidate-mode is used, it instead starts by finding all
              datapoints that are more extreme than their immediate neighbors, then while there are any  extrema
              within  <distance>  of  each other, take the two extrema closest to each other and merge them into
              one by a weighted average based on how many original extrema have been merged into each.

              By default, all input columns are used with no smoothing, use -column to specify a  single  column
              to use, and -presmooth to smooth the input before finding the extrema.


              wb_command -metric-false-correlation

              <surface>  -  the  surface  to  compute  geodesic and 3D distance with <metric-in> - the metric to
              correlate <3D-dist> - maximum 3D distance to  check  around  each  vertex  <geo-outer>  -  maximum
              geodesic distance to use for neighboring


              <geo-inner> - minimum geodesic distance to use for neighboring


              <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-roi] - select a region of interest that has data

              <roi-metric> - the region, as a metric file

              [-dump-text] - dump the raw measures used to a text file

              <text-out> - the output text file

              For  each  vertex, compute the average correlation within a range of geodesic distances that don't
              cross a sulcus/gyrus, and the correlation to the closest vertex crossing a sulcus/gyrus.  A vertex
              is  considered  to  cross  a  sulcus/gyrus if the 3D distance is less than a third of the geodesic
              distance.  The output file contains the ratio between these correlations, and some additional maps
              to help explain the ratio.

       -metric-fill-holes FILL HOLES IN AN ROI METRIC

              wb_command -metric-fill-holes

              <surface>  -  the  surface  to  use  for  neighbor  information <metric-in> - the input ROI metric
              <metric-out> - output - the output ROI metric

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              Finds all connected areas that are not included in the ROI, and  writes  ones  into  all  but  the
              largest one, in terms of surface area.

       -metric-find-clusters FILTER CLUSTERS BY SURFACE AREA

              wb_command -metric-find-clusters

              <surface> - the surface to compute on <metric-in> - the input metric <value-threshold> - threshold
              for data values <minimum-area> - threshold for cluster area, in mm^2 <metric-out> - output  -  the
              output metric

              [-less-than] - find values less than <value-threshold>, rather than


              [-roi] - select a region of interest

              <roi-metric> - the roi, as a metric

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-size-ratio] - ignore clusters smaller than a given fraction of the

              largest cluster in map <ratio> - fraction of the largest cluster's area

              [-distance] - ignore clusters further than a given distance from the

              largest cluster <distance> - how far from the largest cluster a cluster can be, edge

              to edge, in mm

              [-start] - start labeling clusters from a value other than 1

              <startval> - the value to give the first cluster found

              Outputs  a  metric with nonzero integers for all vertices within a large enough cluster, and zeros
              elsewhere.  The integers denote cluster membership (by default, first cluster found will use value
              1, second cluster 2, etc).  By default, values greater than <value-threshold> are considered to be
              in a cluster, use -less-than to test for values less than the threshold.  To apply this as a  mask
              to the data, or to do more complicated thresholding, see -metric-math.

       -metric-gradient SURFACE GRADIENT OF A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-gradient

              <surface>  -  the  surface  to  compute  the  gradient  on <metric-in> - the metric to compute the
              gradient of <metric-out> - output - the magnitude of the gradient

              [-presmooth] - smooth the metric before computing the gradient

              <kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian smoothing kernel, in mm

              [-roi] - select a region of interest to take the gradient of

              <roi-metric> - the area to take the gradient within, as a metric

              [-match-columns] - for each input column, use the corresponding column

              from the roi

              [-vectors] - output gradient vectors

              <vector-metric-out> - output - the vectors as a metric file

              [-column] - select a single column to compute the gradient of

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-average-normals] - average the normals of each vertex with its

              neighbors before using them to compute the gradient

              At each vertex, the immediate neighbors are unfolded onto a plane tangent to the  surface  at  the
              vertex  (specifically,  perpendicular to the normal).  The gradient is computed using a regression
              between the unfolded positions of the vertices and their values.  The gradient is  then  given  by
              the  slopes  of  the regression, and reconstructed as a 3D gradient vector.  By default, takes the
              gradient of all columns, with no presmoothing, across the whole  surface,  without  averaging  the
              normals of the surface among neighbors.

              When  using  -corrected-areas,  note  that  it  is  an approximate correction.  Doing smoothing on
              individual surfaces before averaging/gradient is preferred, when possible, in order to make use of
              the original surface structure.

              Specifying  an  ROI  will  restrict  the  gradient  to  only use data from where the ROI metric is
              positive, and output zeros anywhere the ROI metric is not positive.

              By default, the first column of the roi metric is used for all input columns.  When -match-columns
              is  specified  to the -roi option, the input and roi metrics must have the same number of columns,
              and for each input column's index, the same column index is  used  in  the  roi  metric.   If  the
              -match-columns option to -roi is used while the -column option is also used, the number of columns
              of the roi metric must match the input metric, and it will use the roi column with  the  index  of
              the selected input column.

              The  vector  output  metric  is organized such that the X, Y, and Z components from a single input
              column are consecutive columns.

       -metric-label-import IMPORT A GIFTI LABEL FILE FROM A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-label-import

              <input> - the input metric file <label-list-file> - text file containing the values and names  for
              labels <output> - output - the output gifti label file

              [-discard-others] - set any values not mentioned in the label list to the

              ??? label

              [-unlabeled-value] - set the value that will be interpreted as unlabeled

              <value> - the numeric value for unlabeled (default 0)

              [-column] - select a single column to import

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-drop-unused-labels] - remove any unused label values from the label


              Creates  a  new  gifti  label file from a metric file with label-like values.  You may specify the
              empty string ('' will work on linux/mac) for <label-list-file>, which will be treated as if it  is
              an empty file.  The label list file must have lines of the following format:

              <labelname> <value> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha>

              Do  not  specify  the  "unlabeled"  key in the file, it is assumed that 0 means not labeled unless
              -unlabeled-value is specified.  Label names must be on a separate line, but may contain spaces  or
              other  unusual  characters  (but  not newline).  Whitespace is trimmed from both ends of the label
              name, but is kept if it is in the middle of a label.  The values of red,  green,  blue  and  alpha
              must  be  integers  from  0 to 255, and will specify the color the label is drawn as (alpha of 255
              means opaque, which is probably what you want).  By default, it will  set  new  label  names  with
              names  of  LABEL_#  for  any  values  encountered that are not mentioned in the list file, specify
              -discard-others to instead set these voxels to the "unlabeled" key.

       -metric-mask MASK A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-mask

              <metric> - the input metric <mask> - the mask metric <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              By default, the output metric is a copy of the input metric, but  with  zeros  wherever  the  mask
              metric  is not positive.  if -column is specified, the output contains only one column, the masked
              version of the specified input column.


              wb_command -metric-math

              <expression> - the expression to evaluate, in quotes <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-fixnan] - replace NaN results with a value

              <replace> - value to replace NaN with

              [-var] - repeatable - a metric to use as a variable

              <name> - the name of the variable, as used in the expression <metric> - the metric file to use  as
              this variable

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-repeat] - reuse a single column for each column of calculation

              This  command evaluates <expression> at each surface vertex independently.  There must be at least
              one -var option (to get the structure, number of vertices, and number of columns  from),  even  if
              the  <name>  specified in it isn't used in <expression>.  All metrics must have the same number of
              vertices.  Filenames are not valid in <expression>, use a variable name and  a  -var  option  with
              matching <name> to specify an input file.  If the -column option is given to any -var option, only
              one column is used from that file.  If -repeat is specified, the file must either  have  only  one
              column, or have the -column option specified.  All files that don't use -repeat must have the same
              number of columns requested to be used.  The format of <expression> is as follows:

              Expressions consist of constants, variables,  operators,  parentheses,  and  functions,  in  infix
              notation,  such  as  'exp(-x  +  3)  *  scale'.   Variables  are  strings of any length, using the
              characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _, but may not take the name of a named constant.  Currently,  there
              is only one named constant, PI.  The operators are +, -, *, /, ^, >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, !, &&, ||.
              These behave as in C, except that ^ is exponentiation, i.e. pow(x, y), and takes higher precedence
              than  other  binary  operators  (also, '-3^-4^-5' means '-(3^(-(4^-5)))').  The <=, >=, ==, and !=
              operators are given a small amount of wiggle room, equal to one millionth of the  smaller  of  the
              absolute values of the values being compared.

              Comparison  and  logical  operators  return  0 or 1, you can do masking with expressions like 'x *
              (mask > 0)'.  For all logical operators, an input is considered true iff it  is  greater  than  0.
              The expression '0 < x < 5' is not syntactically wrong, but it will NOT do what is desired, because
              it is evaluated left to right, i.e. '((0 < x) < 5)', which will always return 1, as both  possible
              results  of a comparison are less than 5.  A warning is generated if an expression of this type is
              detected.  Use something like 'x > 0 && x < 5' to get the desired behavior.

              Whitespace between elements is ignored, ' sin ( 2 * x ) ' is  equivalent  to  'sin(2*x)',  but  's
              in(2*x)'  is  an error.  Implied multiplication is not allowed, the expression '2x' will be parsed
              as a variable.  Parentheses are (), do not use []  or  {}.   Functions  require  parentheses,  the
              expression 'sin x' is an error.

              The following functions are supported:

              sin:  1  argument, the sine of the argument (units are radians) cos: 1 argument, the cosine of the
              argument (units are radians) tan: 1 argument, the tangent of  the  argument  (units  are  radians)
              asin: 1 argument, the inverse of sine of the argument, in radians acos: 1 argument, the inverse of
              cosine of the argument, in radians atan: 1 argument, the inverse of tangent of  the  argument,  in
              radians atan2: 2 arguments, atan2(y, x) returns the inverse of tangent of

              (y/x), in radians, determining quadrant by the sign of both arguments

              sinh:  1  argument, the hyperbolic sine of the argument cosh: 1 argument, the hyperbolic cosine of
              the argument tanh: 1 argument, the hyperboloc tangent of  the  argument  asinh:  1  argument,  the
              inverse  hyperbolic  sine  of the argument acosh: 1 argument, the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the
              argument atanh: 1 argument, the inverse hyperboloc tangent of the argument  ln:  1  argument,  the
              natural  logarithm  of  the  argument  exp:  1 argument, the constant e raised to the power of the
              argument log: 1 argument, the base 10 logarithm of the argument sqrt: 1 argument, the square  root
              of the argument abs: 1 argument, the absolute value of the argument floor: 1 argument, the largest
              integer not greater than the argument round: 1 argument, the nearest integer,  with  ties  rounded
              away from


              ceil:  1  argument,  the  smallest  integer not less than the argument min: 2 arguments, min(x, y)
              returns y if (x > y), x otherwise max: 2 arguments, max(x, y) returns y if (x <  y),  x  otherwise
              mod:  2  arguments,  mod(x, y) = x - y * floor(x / y), or 0 if y == 0 clamp: 3 arguments, clamp(x,
              low, high) = min(max(x, low), high)


              wb_command -metric-merge

              <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-metric] - repeatable - specify an input metric

              <metric-in> - a metric file to use columns from

              [-column] - repeatable - select a single column to use

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-up-to] - use an inclusive range of columns

              <last-column> - the number or name of the last column to include

              [-reverse] - use the range in reverse order

              Takes one or more metric files and constructs a new metric  file  by  concatenating  columns  from
              them.  The input metric files must have the same number of vertices and same structure.

              Example:   wb_command   -metric-merge   out.func.gii  -metric  first.func.gii  -column  1  -metric

              This example would take the first  column  from  first.func.gii,  followed  by  all  columns  from
              second.func.gii, and write these columns to out.func.gii.

       -metric-palette SET THE PALETTE OF A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-palette

              <metric> - the metric to modify <mode> - the mapping mode

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-pos-percent] - percentage min/max for positive data coloring

              <pos-min-%> - the percentile for the least positive data <pos-max-%> - the percentile for the most
              positive data

              [-neg-percent] - percentage min/max for negative data coloring

              <neg-min-%> - the percentile for the least negative data <neg-max-%> - the percentile for the most
              negative data

              [-pos-user] - user min/max values for positive data coloring

              <pos-min-user>  -  the  value  for the least positive data <pos-max-user> - the value for the most
              positive data

              [-neg-user] - user min/max values for negative data coloring

              <neg-min-user> - the value for the least negative data <neg-max-user> - the  value  for  the  most
              negative data

              [-interpolate] - interpolate colors

              <interpolate> - boolean, whether to interpolate

              [-disp-pos] - display positive data

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-disp-neg] - display positive data

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-disp-zero] - display data closer to zero than the min cutoff

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-palette-name] - set the palette used

              <name> - the name of the palette

              [-thresholding] - set the thresholding

              <type>  -  thresholding  setting  <test>  - show values inside or outside thresholds <min> - lower
              threshold <max> - upper threshold

       The original metric file is overwritten with the modified version.

              default, all columns of the metric file are adjusted to the new settings, use the  -column  option
              to change only one column.  Mapping settings not specified in options will be taken from the first
              column.  The <mode> argument must be one of the following:


              The <name> argument to -palette-name must be one of the following:

              PSYCH PSYCH-NO-NONE ROY-BIG ROY-BIG-BL Orange-Yellow Gray_Interp_Positive Gray_Interp  clear_brain
              videen_style  fidl  raich4_clrmid  raich6_clrmid  HSB8_clrmid  RBGYR20 RBGYR20P POS_NEG red-yellow
              blue-lightblue FSL power_surf fsl_red fsl_green fsl_blue fsl_yellow JET256

              The <type> argument to -thresholding must be one of the following:


              The <test> argument to -thresholding must be one of the following:



              wb_command -metric-reduce

              <metric-in> - the metric to reduce <operation> - the reduction  operator  to  use  <metric-out>  -
              output - the output metric

              [-exclude-outliers] - exclude outliers from each vector by standard

              deviation <sigma-below> - number of standard deviations below the mean to


              <sigma-above> - number of standard deviations above the mean to


              For  each  surface  vertex,  takes the data across columns as a vector, and performs the specified
              reduction on it, putting the result into the single output column at that vertex.   The  reduction
              operators are as follows:

              MAX:  the  maximum  value  MIN: the minimum value INDEXMAX: the 1-based index of the maximum value
              INDEXMIN: the 1-based index of the minimum value SUM: add all values PRODUCT: multiply all  values
              MEAN:  the  mean  of  the data STDEV: the standard deviation (N denominator) SAMPSTDEV: the sample
              standard deviation (N-1 denominator) VARIANCE: the variance of the data MEDIAN: the median of  the
              data MODE: the mode of the data COUNT_NONZERO: the number of nonzero elements in the data

       -metric-regression REGRESS METRICS OUT OF A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-regression

              <metric-in> - the metric to regress from <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-roi] - only regress inside an roi

              <roi-metric> - the area to use for regression, as a metric

              [-column] - select a single column to regress from

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-remove] - repeatable - specify a metric to regress out

              <metric> - the metric file to use

              [-remove-column] - select a column to use, rather than all

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-keep] - repeatable - specify a metric to include in regression, but not

              remove <metric> - the metric file to use

              [-keep-column] - select a column to use, rather than all

              <column> - the column number or name

              For  each  regressor,  its mean across the surface is subtracted from its data.  Each input map is
              then regressed against these, and  a  constant  term.   The  resulting  regressed  slopes  of  all
              regressors  specified  with -remove are multiplied with their respective regressor maps, and these
              are subtracted from the input map.

       -metric-remove-islands REMOVE ISLANDS FROM AN ROI METRIC

              wb_command -metric-remove-islands

              <surface> - the surface to use for  neighbor  information  <metric-in>  -  the  input  ROI  metric
              <metric-out> - output - the output ROI metric

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              Finds  all  connected areas in the ROI, and zeros out all but the largest one, in terms of surface


              wb_command -metric-resample

              <metric-in> - the metric file to resample <current-sphere> - a sphere surface with the  mesh  that
              the metric is

              currently on

              <new-sphere> - a sphere surface that is in register with <current-sphere>

              and has the desired output mesh

              <method> - the method name <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-area-surfs] - specify surfaces to do vertex area correction based on

              <current-area> - a relevant anatomical surface with <current-sphere>


              <new-area> - a relevant anatomical surface with <new-sphere> mesh

              [-area-metrics] - specify vertex area metrics to do area correction based

              on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <current-sphere>


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <new-sphere> mesh

              [-current-roi] - use an input roi on the current mesh to exclude non-data

              vertices <roi-metric> - the roi, as a metric file

              [-valid-roi-out] - output the ROI of vertices that got data from valid

              source vertices <roi-out> - output - the output roi as a metric

              [-largest] - use only the value of the vertex with the largest weight

              Resamples  a  metric  file, given two spherical surfaces that are in register.  If the method does
              area correction, exactly one of -area-surfs or -area-metrics must be specified.

              The -current-roi option only masks the input, the output may be slightly  dilated  in  comparison,
              consider using -metric-mask on the output when using -current-roi.

              The  -largest  option  results  in  nearest vertex behavior when used with BARYCENTRIC, instead of
              doing a weighted average, it uses the value of the source vertex that has the largest  weight  for
              each target vertex.  This is mainly intended for resampling ROI metrics.

              The <method> argument must be one of the following:


              The  ADAP_BARY_AREA method is recommended for ordinary metric data, because it should use all data
              while downsampling, unlike BARYCENTRIC.

       -metric-rois-from-extrema CREATE METRIC ROI MAPS FROM EXTREMA MAPS

              wb_command -metric-rois-from-extrema

              <surface> - the surface to use for geodesic distance <metric> - the input metric  file  <limit>  -
              geodesic distance limit from vertex, in mm <metric-out> - output - the output metric file

              [-gaussian] - generate a gaussian kernel instead of a flat ROI

              <sigma> - the sigma for the gaussian kernel, in mm

              [-roi] - select a region of interest to use

              <roi-metric> - the area to use, as a metric

              [-overlap-logic] - how to handle overlapping ROIs, default ALLOW

              <method> - the method of resolving overlaps

              [-column] - select a single input column to use

              <column> - the column number or name

              For each nonzero value in each map, make a map with an ROI around that location.  If the -gaussian
              option is specified, then normalized gaussian kernels are output instead of  ROIs.   The  <method>
              argument  to  -overlap-logic must be one of ALLOW, CLOSEST, or EXCLUDE.  ALLOW is the default, and
              means that ROIs are treated independently and may  overlap.   CLOSEST  means  that  ROIs  may  not
              overlap,  and  that  no ROI contains vertices that are closer to a different seed vertex.  EXCLUDE
              means that ROIs may not overlap, and that any vertex within range of more than one  ROI  does  not
              belong to any ROI.

       -metric-rois-to-border DRAW BORDERS AROUND METRIC ROIS

              wb_command -metric-rois-to-border

              <surface>  -  the  surface  to use for neighbor information <metric> - the input metric containing
              ROIs <class-name> - the name to use for the class of the output borders <border-out>  -  output  -
              the output border file

              [-placement] - set how far along the edge border points are drawn

              <fraction> - fraction along edge from inside vertex (default 0.33)

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              For  each  ROI  column,  finds all edges on the mesh that cross the boundary of the ROI, and draws
              borders through them.  By default, this is done on all columns in the input file,  using  the  map
              name as the name for the border.

       -metric-smoothing SMOOTH A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-smoothing

              <surface>  -  the surface to smooth on <metric-in> - the metric to smooth <smoothing-kernel> - the
              sigma for the gaussian kernel function, in mm <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-roi] - select a region of interest to smooth

              <roi-metric> - the roi to smooth within, as a metric

              [-match-columns] - for each input column, use the corresponding column

              from the roi

              [-fix-zeros] - treat zero values as not being data

              [-column] - select a single column to smooth

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              [-method] - select smoothing method, default GEO_GAUSS_AREA

              <method> - the name of the smoothing method

       Smooth a metric file on a surface.
              By default, smooths all input columns

              on the entire surface, specify -column to use only one input column, and -roi to smooth only where
              the roi metric is greater than 0, outputting zeros elsewhere.

              When  using  -roi,  input  data  outside  the  ROI is not used to compute the smoothed values.  By
              default, the first column of the roi metric is used for all input columns.  When -match-columns is
              specified  to the -roi option, the input and roi metrics must have the same number of columns, and
              for each input column's index, the  same  column  index  is  used  in  the  roi  metric.   If  the
              -match-columns option to -roi is used while the -column option is also used, the number of columns
              must match between the roi and input metric, and it will use the roi column with the index of  the
              selected input column.

              The  -fix-zeros  option  causes  the  smoothing to not use an input value if it is zero, but still
              write a smoothed value to the vertex.  This is useful for zeros that indicate lack of information,
              preventing  them  from  pulling  down  the  intensity of nearby vertices, while giving the zero an
              extrapolated value.

              The -corrected-areas option is intended for when it is unavoidable to smooth on  a  group  average
              surface,  it  is  only an approximate correction for the reduction of structure in a group average
              surface.  It is better to smooth the data on individuals before averaging, when feasible.

              Valid values for <method> are:

              GEO_GAUSS_AREA - uses a geodesic gaussian kernel, and normalizes based on vertex area in order  to
              work more reliably on irregular surfaces

              GEO_GAUSS_EQUAL  -  uses a geodesic gaussian kernel, and normalizes assuming each vertex has equal

              GEO_GAUSS - matches geodesic gaussian smoothing from caret5, but does not check kernels for having
              unequal importance

              The   GEO_GAUSS_AREA   method   is   the  default  because  it  is  usually  the  correct  choice.
              GEO_GAUSS_EQUAL may be the correct choice when the sum of vertex values is  more  meaningful  then
              the  surface  integral (sum of values .* areas), for instance when smoothing vertex areas (the sum
              is the total surface area, while the surface integral is the sum of squares of the vertex  areas).
              The  GEO_GAUSS  method  is  not recommended, it exists mainly to replicate methods of studies done
              with caret5's geodesic smoothing.


              wb_command -metric-stats

              <metric-in> - the input metric

              [-reduce] - use a reduction operation

              <operation> - the reduction operation

              [-percentile] - give the value at a percentile

              <percent> - the percentile to find

              [-column] - only display output for one column

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-roi] - only consider data inside an roi

              <roi-metric> - the roi, as a metric file

              [-match-maps] - each column of input uses the corresponding column

              from the roi file

              [-show-map-name] - print map index and name before each output

              For each column of the input, a single number is printed, resulting from the  specified  reduction
              or  percentile  operation.   Use  -column  to  only  give output for a single column.  Use -roi to
              consider only the data within a region.  Exactly one of -reduce or -percentile must be specified.

              The argument to the -reduce option must be one of the following:

              MAX: the maximum value MIN: the minimum value INDEXMAX: the 1-based index  of  the  maximum  value
              INDEXMIN:  the 1-based index of the minimum value SUM: add all values PRODUCT: multiply all values
              MEAN: the mean of the data STDEV: the standard deviation (N  denominator)  SAMPSTDEV:  the  sample
              standard  deviation (N-1 denominator) VARIANCE: the variance of the data MEDIAN: the median of the
              data MODE: the mode of the data COUNT_NONZERO: the number of nonzero elements in the data

       -metric-tfce DO TFCE ON A METRIC FILE

              wb_command -metric-tfce

              <surface> - the surface to compute on <metric-in> - the metric  to  run  TFCE  on  <metric-out>  -
              output - the output metric

              [-presmooth] - smooth the metric before running TFCE

              <kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian smoothing kernel, in mm

              [-roi] - select a region of interest to run TFCE on

              <roi-metric> - the area to run TFCE on, as a metric

              [-parameters] - set parameters for TFCE integral

              <E> - exponent for cluster area (default 1.0) <H> - exponent for threshold value (default 2.0)

              [-column] - select a single column

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-corrected-areas] - vertex areas to use instead of computing them from

              the surface <area-metric> - the corrected vertex areas, as a metric

              Threshold-free  cluster  enhancement  is  a  method to increase the relative value of regions that
              would form clusters in a standard thresholding test.   This  is  accomplished  by  evaluating  the
              integral of:

              e(h, p)^E * h^H * dh

              at  each  vertex  p,  where  h  ranges from 0 to the maximum value in the data, and e(h, p) is the
              extent of the cluster containing vertex p at threshold h.  Negative values are similarly  enhanced
              by negating the data, running the same process, and negating the result.

              When  using -presmooth with -corrected-areas, note that it is an approximate correction within the
              smoothing algorithm (the TFCE correction is exact).  Doing smoothing on individual surfaces before
              averaging/TFCE  is  preferred,  when possible, in order to better tie the smoothing kernel size to
              the original feature size.

              The TFCE method is explained in: Smith  SM,  Nichols  TE.,  "Threshold-free  cluster  enhancement:
              addressing  problems  of  smoothing,  threshold dependence and localisation in cluster inference."
              Neuroimage. 2009 Jan 1;44(1):83-98. PMID: 18501637

       -metric-to-volume-mapping MAP METRIC FILE TO VOLUME

              wb_command -metric-to-volume-mapping

              <metric> - the input metric file <surface> - the surface to use coordinates from <volume-space>  -
              a volume file in the desired output volume space <volume-out> - output - the output volume file

              [-nearest-vertex] - use the value from the vertex closest to the voxel

              center <distance> - how far from the surface to map values to voxels, in mm

              [-ribbon-constrained] - use ribbon constrained mapping algorithm

              <inner-surf> - the inner surface of the ribbon <outer-surf> - the outer surface of the ribbon

              [-voxel-subdiv] - voxel divisions while estimating voxel weights

              <subdiv-num> - number of subdivisions, default 3

       Maps values from a metric file into a volume file.
              You must specify

       exactly one mapping method option.
              The -nearest-vertex method uses the

              value   from   the  vertex  closest  to  the  voxel  center  (useful  for  integer  values).   The
              -ribbon-constrained method uses the same method as in -volume-to-surface-mapping,  then  uses  the
              weights in reverse.

       -metric-vector-operation DO A VECTOR OPERATION ON METRIC FILES

              wb_command -metric-vector-operation

              <vectors-a>  -  first  vector input file <vectors-b> - second vector input file <operation> - what
              vector operation to do <metric-out> - output - the output file

              [-normalize-a] - normalize vectors of first input

              [-normalize-b] - normalize vectors of second input

              [-normalize-output] - normalize output vectors (not valid for dot


              [-magnitude] - output the magnitude of the result (not valid for dot


              Does a vector operation on two metric files (that must have a multiple of 3 columns).   Either  of
              the  inputs  may have multiple vectors (more than 3 columns), but not both (at least one must have
              exactly 3 columns).  The -magnitude and -normalize-output options may not be  specified  together,
              or  with  an operation that returns a scalar (dot product).  The <operation> parameter must be one
              of the following:


       -metric-vector-toward-roi FIND IF VECTORS POINT TOWARD AN ROI

              wb_command -metric-vector-toward-roi

              <surface> - the surface to compute on <target-roi>  -  the  roi  to  find  the  shortest  path  to
              <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-roi] - don't compute for vertices outside an roi

              <roi-metric> - the region to compute inside, as a metric

              At each vertex, compute the vector along the start of the shortest path to the ROI.


              wb_command -metric-weighted-stats

              <metric-in> - the input metric

              [-area-surface] - use vertex areas as weights

              <area-surface> - the surface to use for vertex areas

              [-weight-metric] - use weights from a metric file

              <weight-metric> - metric file containing the weights

              [-column] - only display output for one column

              <column> - the column number or name

              [-roi] - only consider data inside an roi

              <roi-metric> - the roi, as a metric file

              [-match-maps] - each column of input uses the corresponding column

              from the roi file

              [-mean] - compute weighted mean

              [-stdev] - compute weighted standard deviation

              [-sample] - estimate population stdev from the sample

              [-percentile] - compute weighted percentile

              <percent> - the percentile to find

              [-sum] - compute weighted sum

              [-show-map-name] - print map index and name before each output

              For  each column of the input, a single number is printed, resulting from the specified operation.
              Use -column to only give output for a single column.  Use -roi to consider only the data within  a
              region.   Exactly  one  of  -reduce  or  -percentile  must be specified, and exactly one of -mean,
              -stdev, -percentile or -sum must be specified.

              Using -sum with -area-surface (or  -weight-metric  with  a  metric  containing  similar  data)  is
              equivalent  to  integrating  with  respect  to surface area.  For example, if you want to find the
              surface area within an roi, do this:

              $ wb_command -metric-weighted-stats roi.func.gii -sum -area-surface



              wb_command -nifti-information

              <nifti-file> - the nifti/cifti file to examine

              [-print-header] - display the header contents

              [-print-matrix] - output the values in the matrix (cifti only)

              [-print-xml] - print the cifti XML (cifti only)

              [-version] - convert the XML to a specific CIFTI version (default is

              the file's cifti version) <version> - the CIFTI version to use

              You must specify at least one -print-* option.

       -probtrackx-dot-convert CONVERT A .DOT FILE FROM PROBTRACKX TO CIFTI

              wb_command -probtrackx-dot-convert

              <dot-file> - input .dot file <cifti-out> - output - output cifti file

              [-row-voxels] - the output mapping along a row will be voxels

              <voxel-list-file> - a text file containing IJK indices for the voxels


              <label-vol> - a label volume with the dimensions and sform used, with

              structure labels

              [-row-surface] - the output mapping along a row will be surface vertices

              <roi-metric> - a metric file with positive values on all nodes used

              [-row-cifti] - take the mapping along a row from a cifti file

              <cifti> - the cifti file to take the mapping from  <direction>  -  which  dimension  to  take  the
              mapping along, ROW or COLUMN

              [-col-voxels] - the output mapping along a column will be voxels

              <voxel-list-file> - a text file containing IJK indices for the voxels


              <label-vol> - a label volume with the dimensions and sform used, with

              structure labels

              [-col-surface] - the output mapping along a column will be surface

              vertices <roi-metric> - a metric file with positive values on all nodes used

              [-col-cifti] - take the mapping along a column from a cifti file

              <cifti>  -  the  cifti  file  to  take  the mapping from <direction> - which dimension to take the
              mapping along, ROW or COLUMN

              [-transpose] - transpose the input matrix

              [-make-symmetric] - transform half-square input into full matrix output

              NOTE: exactly one -row option and one -col option must be used.

              If the input file does not have its indexes sorted in the correct ordering, this command may  take
              longer  than expected.  Specifying -transpose will transpose the input matrix before trying to put
              its values into the cifti file, which is currently needed for at least matrix2 in order to display
              it  as  intended.   How the cifti file is displayed is based on which -row option is specified: if
              -row-voxels is specified, then it will display data on volume slices.   The  label  names  in  the
              label volume(s) must have the following names, other names are ignored:


       -set-map-names SET THE NAME OF ONE OR MORE MAPS IN A FILE

              wb_command -set-map-names

              <data-file> - the file to set the map names of

              [-name-file] - use a text file to replace all map names

              <file> - text file containing map names, one per line

              [-map] - repeatable - specify a map to set the name of

              <index> - the map index to change the name of <new-name> - the name to set for the map

              Sets  the  name  of one or more maps for metric, shape, label, volume, cifti scalar or cifti label
              files.  If the -name-file option is not specified, the -map option  must  be  specified  at  least
              once.  The -map option cannot be used when -name-file is specified.

       -set-structure SET STRUCTURE OF A DATA FILE

              wb_command -set-structure

              <data-file> - the file to set the structure of <structure> - the structure to set the file to

              [-surface-type] - set the type of a surface (only used if file is a

              surface file) <type> - name of surface type

              [-surface-secondary-type] - set the secondary type of a surface (only

              used if file is a surface file) <secondary type> - name of surface secondary type

       The existing file is modified and rewritten to the same filename.

              values for the structure name are:


              Valid names for the surface type are:


              Valid names for the surface secondary type are:



              wb_command -show-scene

              <scene-file> - scene file <scene-name-or-number> - name or number (starting at one) of  the  scene

              the scene file

              <image-file-name> - output image file name <image-width> - width of output image(s) <image-height>
              - height of output image(s)

              Render content of browser windows displayed in a scene into image file(s).  The  image  file  name
              should be similar to "capture.png".  If there is only one image to render, the image name will not
              change.  If there is more than one image to render, an index will be inserted into the image name:
              "capture_01.png", "capture_02.png" etc.

              The  image  format  is  determined  by  the image file extension.  Image formats available on this
              system are:

              bmp ico jpeg jpg png ppm tif tiff xbm xpm

              Note: Available image formats may vary by operating system.


              wb_command -signed-distance-to-surface

              <surface-comp> - the comparison surface to measure the signed  distance  on  <surface-ref>  -  the
              reference surface that defines the signed distance


              <metric> - output - the output metric

              [-winding] - winding method for point inside surface test

              <method> - name of the method (default EVEN_ODD)

              Compute  the  signed  distance function of the reference surface at every vertex on the comparison
              surface.  NOTE: this relation is NOT symmetric, the line from a vertex to the closest point on the
              'ref'  surface (the one that defines the signed distance function) will only align with the normal
              of the 'ref' surface.  Valid specifiers for winding methods are as follows:


              The NORMALS method uses the normals of triangles and edges, or the closest triangle hit by  a  ray
              from  the  point.   This  method may be slightly faster, but is only reliable for a closed surface
              that does not cross through itself.  All other methods count entry (positive) and exit  (negative)
              crossings  of  a vertical ray from the point, then counts as inside if the total is odd, negative,
              or nonzero, respectively.

       -spec-file-merge MERGE TWO SPEC FILES INTO ONE

              wb_command -spec-file-merge

              <spec-1> - first spec file to merge <spec-2> - second spec file to merge  <out-spec>  -  output  -
              output spec file

              The output spec file contains every file that is in either of the input spec files.


              wb_command -surface-affine-regression

              <source>  -  the surface to warp <target> - the surface to match the coordinates of <affine-out> -
              output - the output affine file

              Use linear regression to compute an affine that minimizes the sum of  squares  of  the  coordinate
              differences  between  the target surface and the warped source surface.  Note that this has a bias
              to shrink the surface that is being warped.  The output is written as a NIFTI 'world' matrix,  see
              -convert-affine to convert it for use in other software.

       -surface-apply-affine APPLY AFFINE TRANSFORM TO SURFACE FILE

              wb_command -surface-apply-affine

              <in-surf>  -  the surface to transform <affine> - the affine file <out-surf> - output - the output
              transformed surface

              [-flirt] - MUST be used if affine is a flirt affine

              <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the affine <target-volume> -  the  target
              volume used when generating the affine

              For  flirt  matrices,  you  must  use the -flirt option, because flirt matrices are not a complete
              description of the coordinate transform they represent.  If the -flirt option is not present,  the
              affine  must be a nifti 'world' affine, which can be obtained with the -convert-affine command, or
              aff_conv from the 4dfp suite.

       -surface-apply-warpfield APPLY WARPFIELD TO SURFACE FILE

              wb_command -surface-apply-warpfield

              <in-surf> - the surface to transform <warpfield> - the INVERSE warpfield <out-surf> - output - the
              output transformed surface

              [-fnirt] - MUST be used if using a fnirt warpfield

              <forward-warp> - the forward warpfield

              NOTE:  warping a surface requires the INVERSE of the warpfield used to warp the volume it lines up
              with.  The header of the forward warp is needed  by  the  -fnirt  option  in  order  to  correctly
              interpret the displacements in the fnirt warpfield.

              If the -fnirt option is not present, the warpfield must be a nifti 'world' warpfield, which can be
              obtained with the -convert-warpfield command.

       -surface-average AVERAGE SURFACE FILES TOGETHER

              wb_command -surface-average

              <surface-out> - output - the output averaged surface

              [-stddev] - compute 3D sample standard deviation

              <stddev-metric-out> - output - the output metric for 3D sample

              standard deviation

              [-uncertainty] - compute caret5 'uncertainty'

              <uncert-metric-out> - output - the output metric for uncertainty

              [-surf] - repeatable - specify a surface to include in the average

              <surface> - a surface file to average

              The 3D sample standard deviation is computed as  'sqrt(sum(squaredlength(xyz  -  mean(xyz)))/(n  -

              Uncertainty   is  a  legacy  measure  used  in  caret5,  and  is  computed  as  'sum(length(xyz  -


              wb_command -surface-closest-vertex

              <surface> - the surface to use <coord-list-file> - text file with coordinates <vertex-list-out>  -
              output - the output text file with vertex numbers

              For  each  coordinate  XYZ  triple,  find the closest vertex in the surface, and output its vertex
              number into a text file.

       -surface-coordinates-to-metric MAKE METRIC FILE OF SURFACE COORDINATES

              wb_command -surface-coordinates-to-metric

              <surface> - the surface to use the coordinates of <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              Puts the coordinates of the surface into a 3-map metric file, as x, y, z.


              wb_command -surface-cortex-layer

              <white-surface> - the white matter surface <pial-surface> - the pial  surface  <location>  -  what
              volume fraction to place the layer at <out-surface> - output - the output surface

              [-placement-out] - output the placement as a distance fraction from pial

              to white <placement-metric> - output - output metric

              [-untwist] - temporary option for comparing methods, specify to use old


       The input surfaces must have vertex correspondence.
              The output surface

              is generated by placing vertices between the two surfaces such that the enclosed volume within any
              small patch of the new and white surfaces is the given fraction of the volume of  the  same  patch
              between the pial and white surfaces (i.e., specifying 0 would give the white surface, 1 would give
              the pial surface).


              wb_command -surface-create-sphere

              <num-vertices> - desired number of vertices <sphere-out> - output - the output sphere

              Generates a sphere by regularly dividing the triangles of an icosahedron, to come as close to  the
              desired number of vertices as possible, and modifying it to have very similar vertex areas for all
              vertices.  To generate a pair of vertex-matched left and right spheres,  use  this  command,  then
              -surface-flip-lr to generate the other sphere, then -set-structure on each.  For example:

              $ wb_command -surface-create-sphere 6000 Sphere.6k.R.surf.gii
              $ wb_command -surface-flip-lr Sphere.6k.R.surf.gii Sphere.6k.L.surf.gii
              $ wb_command -set-structure Sphere.6k.R.surf.gii CORTEX_RIGHT
              $ wb_command -set-structure Sphere.6k.L.surf.gii CORTEX_LEFT

       -surface-cut-resample RESAMPLE A CUT SURFACE

              wb_command -surface-cut-resample

              <surface-in> - the surface file to resample <current-sphere> - a sphere surface with the mesh that
              the input surface

              is currently on

              <new-sphere> - a sphere surface that is in register with <current-sphere>

              and has the desired output mesh

              <surface-out> - output - the output surface file

              Resamples a surface file,  given  two  spherical  surfaces  that  are  in  register.   Barycentric
              resampling is used, because it is usually better for resampling surfaces, and because it is needed
              to figure out the new topology anyway.


              wb_command -surface-distortion

              <surface-reference>  -  the  reference  surface  <surface-distorted>  -  the   distorted   surface
              <metric-out> - output - the output distortion metric

              [-smooth] - smooth the area data

              <sigma> - the smoothing kernel sigma in mm

              [-caret5-method] - use the surface distortion method from caret5

              [-edge-method] - calculate distortion of edge lengths rather than areas

              This   command,   when   not   using  -caret5-method  or  -edge-method,  is  equivalent  to  using
              -surface-vertex-areas on each surface, smoothing both  output  metrics  with  the  GEO_GAUSS_EQUAL
              method  on  the  surface  they  came  from  if  -smooth  is  specified, and then using the formula
              'ln(distorted/reference)/ln(2)' on the smoothed results.

              When using -caret5-method, it uses the surface distortion method from caret5, which takes the base
              2 log of the ratio of tile areas, then averages those results at each vertex, and then smooths the
              result on the reference surface.

              When using -edge-method, the -smooth option is ignored, and the  output  at  each  vertex  is  the
              average of 'abs(ln(refEdge/distortEdge)/ln(2))' over all edges connected to the vertex.


              wb_command -surface-flip-lr

              <surface> - the surface to flip <surface-out> - output - the output flipped surface

              This  command  negates the x coordinate of each vertex, and flips the surface normals, so that you
              have a surface of opposite handedness with the same features and node correspondence, with normals
              consistent  with  the original surface.  That is, if the input surface has normals facing outward,
              the output surface will also have normals facing outward.

       -surface-flip-normals FLIP ALL TILES ON A SURFACE

              wb_command -surface-flip-normals

              <surface> - the surface to flip the normals of <surface-out> - output - the output surface

              Flips all triangles on a surface, resulting in surface normals being flipped the  other  direction
              (inward  vs outward).  If you transform a surface with an affine that has negative determinant, or
              a warpfield that similarly flips the surface, you may end up  with  a  surface  that  has  normals
              pointing inwards, which may have display problems.  Using this command will solve that problem.

       -surface-generate-inflated SURFACE GENERATE INFLATED

              wb_command -surface-generate-inflated

              <anatomical-surface-in>  -  the  anatomical  surface  <inflated-surface-out> - output - the output
              inflated surface <very-inflated-surface-out> - output - the output very inflated surface

              [-iterations-scale] - optional iterations scaling

              <iterations-scale-value> - iterations-scale value

              Generate inflated and very inflated surfaces. The output surfaces are  'matched'  (have  same  XYZ
              range)  to  the  anatomcal  surface.  In  most  cases,  an  iterations-scale  of  1.0 (default) is
              sufficient.  However, if  the  surface  contains  a  large  number  of  nodes  (150,000),  try  an
              iterations-scale of 2.5.


              wb_command -surface-geodesic-distance

              <surface>  -  the  surface  to  compute on <vertex> - the vertex to compute geodesic distance from
              <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-naive] - use only neighbors, don't crawl triangles (not recommended)

              [-limit] - stop at a certain distance

              <limit-mm> - distance in mm to stop at

              Unless -limit is specified, computes the geodesic  distance  from  the  specified  vertex  to  all
              others.  The result is output as a single column metric file, with a value of -1 for vertices that
              the distance was not computed for.  If -naive  is  not  specified,  it  uses  not  just  immediate
              neighbors, but also neighbors derived from crawling across pairs of triangles that share an edge.

       -surface-geodesic-rois DRAW GEODESIC LIMITED ROIS AT VERTICES

              wb_command -surface-geodesic-rois

              <surface>  -  the  surface  to  draw  on  <limit>  -  geodesic  distance  limit from vertex, in mm
              <vertex-list-file> - a text file containing the vertices to draw ROIs


              <metric-out> - output - the output metric

              [-gaussian] - generate a gaussian kernel instead of a flat ROI

              <sigma> - the sigma for the gaussian kernel, in mm

              [-overlap-logic] - how to handle overlapping ROIs, default ALLOW

              <method> - the method of resolving overlaps

              [-names] - name the columns from text file

              <name-list-file> - a text file containing column names, one per line

              For each vertex in the list file, a column in the output metric is created, and an ROI around that
              vertex  is drawn in that column.  Each metric column will have zeros outside the geodesic distance
              spacified by <limit>, and by default will have a value of 1.0 inside it.  If the -gaussian  option
              is  specified,  the values inside the ROI will instead form a gaussian with the specified value of
              sigma, normalized so that the sum of the nonzero values in the metric column is 1.0.  The <method>
              argument  to  -overlap-logic must be one of ALLOW, CLOSEST, or EXCLUDE.  ALLOW is the default, and
              means that ROIs are treated independently and may  overlap.   CLOSEST  means  that  ROIs  may  not
              overlap,  and  that  no ROI contains vertices that are closer to a different seed vertex.  EXCLUDE
              means that ROIs may not overlap, and that any vertex within range of more than one  ROI  does  not
              belong to any ROI.

       -surface-inflation SURFACE INFLATION

              wb_command -surface-inflation

              <anatomical-surface-in>  -  the  anatomical  surface  <surface-in>  -  the surface file to inflate
              <number-of-smoothing-cycles>  -  number  of  smoothing  cycles  <smoothing-strength>  -  smoothing
              strength  (ranges  [0.0 - 1.0]) <smoothing-iterations> - smoothing iterations <inflation-factor> -
              inflation factor <surface-out> - output - output surface file

              Inflate a surface by performing cycles that consist of smoothing followed by inflation (to correct
              shrinkage caused by smoothing).

       -surface-information DISPLAY INFORMATION ABOUT A SURFACE

              wb_command -surface-information

              <Surface File> - Surface for which information is displayed

              Information about surface is displayed including vertices, triangles, bounding box, and spacing.

       -surface-match SURFACE MATCH

              wb_command -surface-match

              <Match  Surface  File>  - Match (Reference) Surface <Input Surface File> - File containing surface
              that will be transformed <Output Surface Name> - Surface File after transformation

              The Input Surface File will be transformed so that its coordinate ranges (bounding box) match that
              of the Match Surface File


              wb_command -surface-modify-sphere

              <sphere-in>  -  the  sphere  to  modify  <radius>  -  the  radius  the  output  sphere should have
              <sphere-out> - output - the output sphere

              [-recenter] - recenter the sphere by means of the bounding box

              This command may be useful if you have used -surface-resample to  resample  a  sphere,  which  can
              suffer  from  problems  generally not present in -surface-sphere-project-unproject.  If the sphere
              should already be centered around the origin, using -recenter may still shift it  slightly  before
              changing the radius, which is likely to be undesireable.

              If  <sphere-in>  is not close to spherical, or not centered around the origin and -recenter is not
              used, a warning is printed.


              wb_command -surface-normals

              <surface> - the surface to output the normals of <metric-out> - output - the normal vectors

              Computes the normal vectors of the surface file, and outputs them as a 3 column metric file.


              wb_command -surface-resample

              <surface-in> - the surface file to resample <current-sphere> - a sphere surface with the mesh that
              the input surface

              is currently on

              <new-sphere> - a sphere surface that is in register with <current-sphere>

              and has the desired output mesh

              <method> - the method name <surface-out> - output - the output surface file

              [-area-surfs] - specify surfaces to do vertex area correction based on

              <current-area>  -  a  relevant  surface with <current-sphere> mesh <new-area> - a relevant surface
              with <new-sphere> mesh

              [-area-metrics] - specify vertex area metrics to do area correction based

              on <current-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <current-sphere>


              <new-area> - a metric file with vertex areas for <new-sphere> mesh

              Resamples a surface file, given two spherical surfaces that are in register.  If the  method  does
              area  correction,  exactly  one of -area-surfs or -area-metrics must be specified.  This option is
              not used in normal circumstances, but is provided for completeness.

              The <method> argument must be one of the following:


              The BARYCENTRIC method is recommended for anatomical surfaces, unless they are  fairly  rough,  in
              order to minimize smoothing.

              For cut surfaces (including flatmaps), use -surface-cut-resample.

              Instead  of  resampling  a  spherical  surface,  the  -surface-sphere-project-unproject command is

       -surface-smoothing SURFACE SMOOTHING

              wb_command -surface-smoothing

              <surface-in> - the surface file to smooth <smoothing-strength> - smoothing strength (ranges [0.0 -
              1.0]) <smoothing-iterations> - smoothing iterations <surface-out> - output - output surface file

              Smooths a surface by averaging nodes with their neighbors.

       -surface-sphere-project-unproject DEFORM A SPHERE ACCORDING TO A REGISTRATION

              wb_command -surface-sphere-project-unproject

              <sphere-in>  -  the sphere with the desired output mesh <sphere-project-to> - a sphere that aligns
              with  sphere-in  <sphere-unproject-from>  -  sphere-project-to  deformed  to  the   output   space
              <sphere-out> - output - the output sphere

              Each  vertex  of  <sphere-in>  is  projected to <sphere-project-to> to obtain barycentric weights,
              which are then used to unproject from <sphere-unproject-from>.  This results in a sphere with  the
              topology  of  <sphere-in>,  but coordinates shifted by the deformation between <sphere-project-to>
              and <sphere-unproject-from>.  <sphere-project-to> and <sphere-unproject-from> must have  the  same
              topology as each other, but <sphere-in> may have different topology.

       -surface-to-surface-3d-distance COMPUTE DISTANCE BETWEEN CORRESPONDING VERTICES

              wb_command -surface-to-surface-3d-distance

              <surface-comp> - the surface to compare to the reference <surface-ref> - the surface to use as the
              reference <dists-out> - output - the output distances

              [-vectors] - output the displacement vectors

              <vectors-out> - output - the output vectors

              Computes the vector difference between the vertices of each surface with the same index, as  (comp
              - ref), and output the magnitudes, and optionally the displacement vectors.


              wb_command -surface-vertex-areas

              <surface> - the surface to measure <metric> - output - the output metric

              Each vertex gets one third of the area of each triangle it is a part of.


              wb_command -surface-wedge-volume

              <inner-surface>  -  the  inner surface <outer-surface> - the outer surface <metric> - output - the
              output metric

              Compute the volume of each vertex's area from one surface to another.  The surfaces must have node


       -volume-affine-resample RESAMPLE VOLUME USING AFFINE TRANSFORM

              wb_command -volume-affine-resample

              <volume-in>  -  volume  to  resample <affine> - the affine file to apply <volume-space> - a volume
              file in the volume space you want for the


              <method> - the resampling method <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-flirt] - MUST be used if affine is a flirt affine

              <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the affine <target-volume> -  the  target
              volume used when generating the affine

       Resample a volume file with an affine transformation.
              The recommended

              methods are CUBIC (cubic spline) for most data, and ENCLOSING_VOXEL for label data.  The parameter
              <method> must be one of:


       -volume-all-labels-to-rois MAKE ROIS FROM ALL LABELS IN A VOLUME FRAME

              wb_command -volume-all-labels-to-rois

              <label-in> - the input volume label file <map> - the number or  name  of  the  label  map  to  use
              <volume-out> - output - the output volume file

              The  output  volume  has  a  frame for each label in the specified input frame, other than the ???
              label, each of which contains an ROI of all voxels that are set to the corresponding label.


              wb_command -volume-capture-plane

              <volume> - the volume file to interpolate from <subvolume> - the name or number of  the  subvolume
              to  use  <interp> - interpolation type <h-dim> - width of output image, in pixels <v-dim> - height
              of output image, in pixels <scale-min> - value to render as black <scale-max> - value to render as
              white  <bottom-left-x>  -  x-coordinate  of  the bottom left of the output image <bottom-left-y> -
              y-coordinate of the bottom left of the output image <bottom-left-z> - z-coordinate of  the  bottom
              left  of  the output image <bottom-right-x> - x-coordinate of the bottom right of the output image
              <bottom-right-y> - y-coordinate of the  bottom  right  of  the  output  image  <bottom-right-z>  -
              z-coordinate  of  the bottom right of the output image <top-left-x> - x-coordinate of the top left
              of the output image <top-left-y> - y-coordinate of the top left of the output image <top-left-z> -
              z-coordinate of the top left of the output image <image> - output - the output image

              NOTE:  If  you  want  to  generate an image with all of the capabilities of the GUI rendering, see

              Renders an image of an arbitrary plane through the volume file, with  a  simple  linear  grayscale
              palette.  The parameter <interp> must be one of:


       -volume-copy-extensions COPY EXTENDED DATA TO ANOTHER VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-copy-extensions

              <data-volume>  -  the volume file containing the voxel data to use <extension-volume> - the volume
              file containing the extensions to use <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-drop-unknown] - don't copy extensions that workbench doesn't understand

              This command copies the information in a volume file that isn't a critical part  of  the  standard
              header  or  data  matrix, e.g. map names, palette settings, label tables.  If -drop-unknown is not
              specified, it also copies similar kinds of information set by other software.

       -volume-create CREATE A BLANK VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-create

              <i-dim> - length of first dimension <j-dim> - length of second dimension <k-dim> - length of third
              dimension <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-plumb] - set via axis order and spacing/offset

              <axis-order> - a string like 'XYZ' that specifies which index is along

              which spatial dimension

              <x-spacing> - change in x-coordinate from incrementing the relevant


              <y-spacing> - change in y-coordinate from incrementing the relevant


              <z-spacing> - change in z-coordinate from incrementing the relevant


              <x-offset>  - the x-coordinate of the first voxel <y-offset> - the y-coordinate of the first voxel
              <z-offset> - the z-coordinate of the first voxel

              [-sform] - set via a nifti sform

              <xi-spacing> - increase in x coordinate from incrementing the i index <xj-spacing> - increase in x
              coordinate from incrementing the j index <xk-spacing> - increase in x coordinate from incrementing
              the k index <x-offset> - x coordinate of first voxel <yi-spacing> - increase in y coordinate  from
              incrementing  the  i  index  <yj-spacing> - increase in y coordinate from incrementing the j index
              <yk-spacing> - increase in y coordinate from incrementing the k index <y-offset> - y coordinate of
              first  voxel  <zi-spacing> - increase in z coordinate from incrementing the i index <zj-spacing> -
              increase in z coordinate from incrementing the j index <zk-spacing> -  increase  in  z  coordinate
              from incrementing the k index <z-offset> - z coordinate of first voxel

       Creates a volume file full of zeros.
              Exactly one of -plumb or -sform

              must be specified.

       -volume-dilate DILATE A VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-dilate

              <volume>  -  the volume to dilate <distance> - distance in mm to dilate <method> - dilation method
              to use <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-bad-voxel-roi] - specify an roi of voxels to overwrite, rather than

              voxels with value zero <roi-volume> - volume file, positive values denote voxels to have

              their values replaced

              [-data-roi] - specify an roi of where there is data

              <roi-volume> - volume file, positive values denote voxels that have


              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to dilate

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              For all voxels that are designated as bad, if they neighbor a  non-bad  voxel  with  data  or  are
              within  the  specified  distance  of such a voxel, replace the value in the bad voxel with a value
              calculated from nearby non-bad voxels that have data, otherwise set the value to zero.  No  matter
              how small <distance> is, dilation will always use at least the face neighbor voxels.

              By  default,  voxels that have data with the value 0 are bad, specify -bad-voxel-roi to only count
              voxels as bad if they are selected by the roi.  If -data-roi is  not  specified,  all  voxels  are
              assumed to have data.

              Valid values for <method> are:

              NEAREST  -  use  the  value from the nearest good voxel WEIGHTED - use a weighted average based on

       -volume-estimate-fwhm ESTIMATE FWHM SMOOTHNESS OF A VOLUME

              wb_command -volume-estimate-fwhm

              <volume> - the input volume

              [-roi] - use only data within an ROI

              <roivol> - the volume to use as an ROI

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to estimate smoothness of

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              Estimates the smoothness of the input volume in X, Y, and Z directions  separately,  printing  the
              estimates  to  standard  output.   If -subvolume is not specified, each subvolume is estimated and
              displayed separately.

       -volume-extrema FIND EXTREMA IN A VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-extrema

              <volume-in> - volume file to find the  extrema  of  <distance>  -  the  minimum  distance  between
              identified extrema of the same


              <volume-out> - output - the output extrema volume

              [-presmooth] - smooth the volume before finding extrema

              <kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian smoothing kernel, in mm

              [-roi] - ignore values outside the selected area

              <roi-volume> - the area to find extrema in

              [-threshold] - ignore small extrema

              <low>  - the largest value to consider for being a minimum <high> - the smallest value to consider
              for being a maximum

              [-sum-subvols] - output the sum of the extrema subvolumes instead of each

              subvolume separately

              [-consolidate-mode] - use consolidation of local minima instead of a

              large neighborhood

              [-only-maxima] - only find the maxima

              [-only-minima] - only find the minima

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to find extrema in

              <subvolume> - the subvolume number or name

              Finds extrema in a volume file, such that no two extrema of the same type are within <distance> of
              each other.  The extrema are labeled as -1 for minima, 1 for maxima, 0 otherwise.  If -only-maxima
              or -only-minima is specified, then it will ignore  extrema  not  of  the  specified  type.   These
              options are mutually exclusive.

              If  -sum-subvols  is  specified,  these extrema subvolumes are summed, and the output has a single
              subvolume with this result.

              By default, a datapoint is an extrema only if it is more extreme than every other  datapoint  that
              is  within  <distance>  from  it.   If -consolidate-mode is used, it instead starts by finding all
              datapoints that are more extreme than their immediate neighbors, then while there are any  extrema
              within  <distance>  of  each other, take the two extrema closest to each other and merge them into
              one by a weighted average based on how many original extrema have been merged into each.

              By default, all input subvolumes are used with no smoothing, use -subvolume to  specify  a  single
              subvolume to use, and -presmooth to smooth the input before finding the extrema.

       -volume-fill-holes FILL HOLES IN AN ROI VOLUME

              wb_command -volume-fill-holes

              <volume-in> - the input ROI volume <volume-out> - output - the output ROI volume

              Finds all face-connected parts that are not included in the ROI, and fills all but the largest one
              with ones.

       -volume-find-clusters FILTER CLUSTERS BY VOLUME

              wb_command -volume-find-clusters

              <volume-in> - the input volume <value-threshold> - threshold for data  values  <minimum-volume>  -
              threshold for cluster volume, in mm^3 <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-less-than] - find values less than <value-threshold>, rather than


              [-roi] - select a region of interest

              <roi-volume> - the roi, as a volume file

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              [-size-ratio] - ignore clusters smaller than a given fraction of the

              largest cluster in map <ratio> - fraction of the largest cluster's volume

              [-distance] - ignore clusters further than a given distance from the

              largest cluster <distance> - how far from the largest cluster a cluster can be, edge

              to edge, in mm

              [-start] - start labeling clusters from a value other than 1

              <startval> - the value to give the first cluster found

              Outputs  a  volume  with  nonzero integers for all voxels within a large enough cluster, and zeros
              elsewhere.  The integers denote cluster membership (by default, first cluster found will use value
              1, second cluster 2, etc).  By default, values greater than <value-threshold> are considered to be
              in a cluster, use -less-than to test for values less than the threshold.  To apply this as a  mask
              to the data, or to do more complicated thresholding, see -volume-math.

       -volume-gradient GRADIENT OF A VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-gradient

              <volume-in> - the input volume <volume-out> - output - the output gradient magnitude volume

              [-presmooth] - smooth the volume before computing the gradient

              <kernel> - sigma for gaussian weighting function, in mm

              [-roi] - select a region of interest to take the gradient of

              <roi-volume> - the region to take the gradient within

              [-vectors] - output vectors

              <vector-volume-out> - output - the vectors as a volume file

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to take the gradient of

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              Computes  the  gradient of the volume by doing linear regressions for each voxel, considering only
              its face neighbors unless too few face neighbors exist.  The gradient vector is  constructed  from
              the  partial derivatives of the resulting linear function, and the magnitude of this vector is the
              output.  If specified, the volume vector output is arranged with the x, y, and z components from a
              subvolume as consecutive subvolumes.

       -volume-label-export-table EXPORT LABEL TABLE FROM VOLUME AS TEXT

              wb_command -volume-label-export-table

              <label-in>  -  the  input  volume  label  file  <map> - the number or name of the label map to use
              <table-out> - output - the output text file

              Takes the label table from the volume label map, and writes it to a text format matching  what  is
              expected by -volume-label-import.

       -volume-label-import IMPORT A LABEL VOLUME TO CARET FORMAT

              wb_command -volume-label-import

              <input> - the label volume to import <label-list-file> - text file containing the values and names
              for labels <output> - output - the output workbench label volume

              [-discard-others] - set any voxels with values not mentioned in the label

              list to the ??? label

              [-unlabeled-value] - set the value that will be interpreted as unlabeled

              <value> - the numeric value for unlabeled (default 0)

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to import

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              [-drop-unused-labels] - remove any unused label values from the label


              Creates a new volume with label information in the header in the  caret  nifti  extension  format.
              You  may specify the empty string ('' will work on linux/mac) for <label-list-file>, which will be
              treated as if it is an empty file.  The label list file must have lines of the following format:

              <labelname> <value> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha>

              Do not specify the "unlabeled" key in the file, it is assumed that  0  means  not  labeled  unless
              -unlabeled-value  is specified.  Label names must be on a separate line, but may contain spaces or
              other unusual characters (but not newline).  Whitespace is trimmed from both  ends  of  the  label
              name,  but  is  kept  if it is in the middle of a label.  The values of red, green, blue and alpha
              must be integers from 0 to 255, and will specify the color the label is drawn  as  (alpha  of  255
              means  opaque,  which  is  probably  what you want).  By default, it will set new label names with
              names of LABEL_# for any values encountered that are not  mentioned  in  the  list  file,  specify
              -discard-others to instead set these voxels to the "unlabeled" key.

       -volume-label-to-roi MAKE A VOLUME LABEL INTO AN ROI VOLUME

              wb_command -volume-label-to-roi

              <label-in> - the input volume label file <volume-out> - output - the output volume file

              [-name] - select label by name

              <label-name> - the label name that you want an roi of

              [-key] - select label by key

              <label-key> - the label key that you want an roi of

              [-map] - select a single label map to use

              <map> - the map number or name

              For  each  map  in  <label-in>,  a map is created in <volume-out> where all locations labeled with
              <label-name> or with a key of <label-key> are given a value of 1,  and  all  other  locations  are
              given  0.  Exactly one of -name and -key must be specified.  Specify -map to use only one map from

       -volume-label-to-surface-mapping MAP A LABEL VOLUME TO A SURFACE LABEL FILE

              wb_command -volume-label-to-surface-mapping

              <volume> - the volume to map data from <surface> - the surface to map the data onto <label-out>  -
              output - the output gifti label file

              [-subvol-select] - select a single subvolume to map

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              Uses the enclosing voxel mapping method to map label data to a gifti label file.


              wb_command -volume-math

              <expression> - the expression to evaluate, in quotes <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-fixnan] - replace NaN results with a value

              <replace> - value to replace NaN with

              [-var] - repeatable - a volume file to use as a variable

              <name>  - the name of the variable, as used in the expression <volume> - the volume file to use as
              this variable

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              [-repeat] - reuse a single subvolume for each subvolume of calculation

       This command evaluates <expression> at each voxel independently.

              must be at least one -var option (to get the volume space from), even if the <name>  specified  in
              it  isn't  used  in <expression>.  All volumes must have the same volume space.  Filenames are not
              valid in <expression>, use a variable name and a -var option with matching <name>  to  specify  an
              input file.  If the -subvolume option is given to any -var option, only one subvolume is used from
              that file.  If -repeat is specified, the file must either have only one  subvolume,  or  have  the
              -subvolume  option  specified.   All  files  that  don't  use -repeat must have the same number of
              subvolumes requested to be used.  The format of <expression> is as follows:

              Expressions consist of constants, variables,  operators,  parentheses,  and  functions,  in  infix
              notation,  such  as  'exp(-x  +  3)  *  scale'.   Variables  are  strings of any length, using the
              characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _, but may not take the name of a named constant.  Currently,  there
              is only one named constant, PI.  The operators are +, -, *, /, ^, >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, !, &&, ||.
              These behave as in C, except that ^ is exponentiation, i.e. pow(x, y), and takes higher precedence
              than  other  binary  operators  (also, '-3^-4^-5' means '-(3^(-(4^-5)))').  The <=, >=, ==, and !=
              operators are given a small amount of wiggle room, equal to one millionth of the  smaller  of  the
              absolute values of the values being compared.

              Comparison  and  logical  operators  return  0 or 1, you can do masking with expressions like 'x *
              (mask > 0)'.  For all logical operators, an input is considered true iff it  is  greater  than  0.
              The expression '0 < x < 5' is not syntactically wrong, but it will NOT do what is desired, because
              it is evaluated left to right, i.e. '((0 < x) < 5)', which will always return 1, as both  possible
              results  of a comparison are less than 5.  A warning is generated if an expression of this type is
              detected.  Use something like 'x > 0 && x < 5' to get the desired behavior.

              Whitespace between elements is ignored, ' sin ( 2 * x ) ' is  equivalent  to  'sin(2*x)',  but  's
              in(2*x)'  is  an error.  Implied multiplication is not allowed, the expression '2x' will be parsed
              as a variable.  Parentheses are (), do not use []  or  {}.   Functions  require  parentheses,  the
              expression 'sin x' is an error.

              The following functions are supported:

              sin:  1  argument, the sine of the argument (units are radians) cos: 1 argument, the cosine of the
              argument (units are radians) tan: 1 argument, the tangent of  the  argument  (units  are  radians)
              asin: 1 argument, the inverse of sine of the argument, in radians acos: 1 argument, the inverse of
              cosine of the argument, in radians atan: 1 argument, the inverse of tangent of  the  argument,  in
              radians atan2: 2 arguments, atan2(y, x) returns the inverse of tangent of

              (y/x), in radians, determining quadrant by the sign of both arguments

              sinh:  1  argument, the hyperbolic sine of the argument cosh: 1 argument, the hyperbolic cosine of
              the argument tanh: 1 argument, the hyperboloc tangent of  the  argument  asinh:  1  argument,  the
              inverse  hyperbolic  sine  of the argument acosh: 1 argument, the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the
              argument atanh: 1 argument, the inverse hyperboloc tangent of the argument  ln:  1  argument,  the
              natural  logarithm  of  the  argument  exp:  1 argument, the constant e raised to the power of the
              argument log: 1 argument, the base 10 logarithm of the argument sqrt: 1 argument, the square  root
              of the argument abs: 1 argument, the absolute value of the argument floor: 1 argument, the largest
              integer not greater than the argument round: 1 argument, the nearest integer,  with  ties  rounded
              away from


              ceil:  1  argument,  the  smallest  integer not less than the argument min: 2 arguments, min(x, y)
              returns y if (x > y), x otherwise max: 2 arguments, max(x, y) returns y if (x <  y),  x  otherwise
              mod:  2  arguments,  mod(x, y) = x - y * floor(x / y), or 0 if y == 0 clamp: 3 arguments, clamp(x,
              low, high) = min(max(x, low), high)


              wb_command -volume-merge

              <volume-out> - output - the output volume file

              [-volume] - repeatable - specify an input volume file

              <volume-in> - a volume file to use subvolumes from

              [-subvolume] - repeatable - select a single subvolume to use

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              [-up-to] - use an inclusive range of subvolumes

              <last-subvol> - the number or name of the last subvolume to


              [-reverse] - use the range in reverse order

              Takes one or more volume files and constructs a new volume file by concatenating  subvolumes  from
              them.  The input volume files must have the same volume space.

              Example: wb_command -volume-merge out.nii -volume first.nii -subvolume 1 -volume second.nii

              This  example  would  take  the  first  subvolume  from first.nii, followed by all subvolumes from
              second.nii, and write these to out.nii.

       -volume-palette SET THE PALETTE OF A VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-palette

              <volume> - the volume file to modify <mode> - the mapping mode

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume

              <subvolume> - the subvolume number or name

              [-pos-percent] - percentage min/max for positive data coloring

              <pos-min-%> - the percentile for the least positive data <pos-max-%> - the percentile for the most
              positive data

              [-neg-percent] - percentage min/max for negative data coloring

              <neg-min-%> - the percentile for the least negative data <neg-max-%> - the percentile for the most
              negative data

              [-pos-user] - user min/max values for positive data coloring

              <pos-min-user> - the value for the least positive data <pos-max-user> - the  value  for  the  most
              positive data

              [-neg-user] - user min/max values for negative data coloring

              <neg-min-user>  -  the  value  for the least negative data <neg-max-user> - the value for the most
              negative data

              [-interpolate] - interpolate colors

              <interpolate> - boolean, whether to interpolate

              [-disp-pos] - display positive data

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-disp-neg] - display positive data

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-disp-zero] - display data closer to zero than the min cutoff

              <display> - boolean, whether to display

              [-palette-name] - set the palette used

              <name> - the name of the palette

              [-thresholding] - set the thresholding

              <type> - thresholding setting <test> - show values inside or  outside  thresholds  <min>  -  lower
              threshold <max> - upper threshold

       The original volume file is overwritten with the modified version.

              default,  all  columns  of  the  volume  file are adjusted to the new settings, use the -subvolume
              option to change only one subvolume.  Mapping settings not specified in options will be taken from
              the first subvolume.  The <mode> argument must be one of the following:


              The <name> argument to -palette-name must be one of the following:

              PSYCH  PSYCH-NO-NONE ROY-BIG ROY-BIG-BL Orange-Yellow Gray_Interp_Positive Gray_Interp clear_brain
              videen_style fidl raich4_clrmid raich6_clrmid  HSB8_clrmid  RBGYR20  RBGYR20P  POS_NEG  red-yellow
              blue-lightblue FSL power_surf fsl_red fsl_green fsl_blue fsl_yellow JET256

              The <type> argument to -thresholding must be one of the following:


              The <test> argument to -thresholding must be one of the following:


       -volume-parcel-resampling SMOOTH AND RESAMPLE VOLUME PARCELS

              wb_command -volume-parcel-resampling

              <volume-in>  -  the  input data volume <cur-parcels> - label volume of where the parcels currently
              are <new-parcels> - label volume of where the parcels should be <kernel> - gaussian  kernel  sigma
              to smooth by during resampling <volume-out> - output - output volume

              [-fix-zeros] - treat zero values as not being data

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume as input

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              Smooths  and resamples the region inside each label in cur-parcels to the region of the same label
              name in new-parcels.  Any voxels in the output label region but outside  the  input  label  region
              will  be  extrapolated from nearby data.  The -fix-zeros option causes the smoothing to not use an
              input value if it is zero, but still write a smoothed value to the voxel, and after  smoothing  is
              complete,  it  will  check  for  any  remaining values of zero, and fill them in with extrapolated

       Note: all volumes must have the same dimensions and spacing.
              To use a

              different output space, see -volume-parcel-resampling-generic.


              wb_command -volume-parcel-resampling-generic

              <volume-in> - the input data volume <cur-parcels> - label volume of where  the  parcels  currently
              are  <new-parcels>  - label volume of where the parcels should be <kernel> - gaussian kernel sigma
              to smooth by during resampling <volume-out> - output - output volume

              [-fix-zeros] - treat zero values as not being data

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume as input

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              Smooths and resamples the region inside each label in cur-parcels to the region of the same  label
              name  in  new-parcels.   Any  voxels in the output label region but outside the input label region
              will be extrapolated from nearby data.  The -fix-zeros option causes the smoothing to not  use  an
              input  value  if it is zero, but still write a smoothed value to the voxel, and after smoothing is
              complete, it will check for any remaining values of zero,  and  fill  them  in  with  extrapolated
              values.   The output volume will use the volume space of new-parcels, which does not need to be in
              the same volume space as the input.

       -volume-parcel-smoothing SMOOTH PARCELS IN A VOLUME SEPARATELY

              wb_command -volume-parcel-smoothing

              <data-volume> - the volume to smooth <label-volume> - a label volume  containing  the  parcels  to
              smooth  <kernel>  -  the gaussian smoothing kernel sigma, in mm <volume-out> - output - the output

              [-fix-zeros] - treat zero values as not being data

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to smooth

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              The volume is smoothed within each label in the label volume  using  data  only  from  within  the
              label.   Equivalent  to  running  volume  smoothing with ROIs matching each label separately, then
              adding the resulting volumes, but faster.


              wb_command -volume-reduce

              <volume-in> - the volume file to reduce <operation> - the reduction operator to use <volume-out> -
              output - the output volume

              [-exclude-outliers] - exclude outliers from each timeseries by standard

              deviation <sigma-below> - number of standard deviations below the mean to


              <sigma-above> - number of standard deviations above the mean to


              For each voxel, takes the data across subvolumes as a vector, and performs the specified reduction
              on it, putting the result into the single output volume at that voxel.   The  reduction  operators
              are as follows:

              MAX:  the  maximum  value  MIN: the minimum value INDEXMAX: the 1-based index of the maximum value
              INDEXMIN: the 1-based index of the minimum value SUM: add all values PRODUCT: multiply all  values
              MEAN:  the  mean  of  the data STDEV: the standard deviation (N denominator) SAMPSTDEV: the sample
              standard deviation (N-1 denominator) VARIANCE: the variance of the data MEDIAN: the median of  the
              data MODE: the mode of the data COUNT_NONZERO: the number of nonzero elements in the data

       -volume-remove-islands REMOVE ISLANDS FROM AN ROI VOLUME

              wb_command -volume-remove-islands

              <volume-in> - the input ROI volume <volume-out> - output - the output ROI volume

              Finds all face-connected parts of the ROI, and zeros out all but the largest one.

       -volume-reorient CHANGE VOXEL ORDER OF A VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-reorient

              <volume>  -  the volume to reorient <orient-string> - the desired orientation <volume-out> - out -
              the reoriented volume

              Changes the voxel order and the header spacing/origin information  such  that  the  value  of  any
              spatial  point is unchanged.  Orientation strings look like 'LPI', which means first index is left
              to right, second is posterior  to  anterior,  and  third  is  inferior  to  superior.   The  valid
              characters are:

       L      left to right

       R      right to left

       P      posterior to anterior

       A      anterior to posterior

       I      inferior to superior

       S      superior to inferior

       -volume-rois-from-extrema CREATE VOLUME ROI MAPS FROM EXTREMA MAPS

              wb_command -volume-rois-from-extrema

              <volume-in>  -  the  input volume <limit> - distance limit from voxel center, in mm <volume-out> -
              output - the output volume

              [-gaussian] - generate a gaussian kernel instead of a flat ROI

              <sigma> - the sigma for the gaussian kernel, in mm

              [-roi] - select a region of interest to use

              <roi-volume> - the region to use

              [-overlap-logic] - how to handle overlapping ROIs, default ALLOW

              <method> - the method of resolving overlaps

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to take the gradient of

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

              For each nonzero value in each map, make a map with an ROI around that location.  If the -gaussian
              option  is  specified,  then normalized gaussian kernels are output instead of ROIs.  The <method>
              argument to -overlap-logic must be one of ALLOW, CLOSEST, or EXCLUDE.  ALLOW is the  default,  and
              means  that  ROIs  are  treated  independently  and  may overlap.  CLOSEST means that ROIs may not
              overlap, and that no ROI contains vertices that are closer to a different  seed  vertex.   EXCLUDE
              means  that  ROIs  may not overlap, and that any vertex within range of more than one ROI does not
              belong to any ROI.

       -volume-set-space CHANGE VOLUME SPACE INFORMATION

              wb_command -volume-set-space

              <volume-in> - the input volume <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-plumb] - set via axis order and spacing/offset

              <axis-order> - a string like 'XYZ' that specifies which index is along

              which spatial dimension

              <x-spacing> - change in x-coordinate from incrementing the relevant


              <y-spacing> - change in y-coordinate from incrementing the relevant


              <z-spacing> - change in z-coordinate from incrementing the relevant


              <x-offset> - the x-coordinate of the first voxel <y-offset> - the y-coordinate of the first  voxel
              <z-offset> - the z-coordinate of the first voxel

              [-sform] - set via a nifti sform

              <xi-spacing> - increase in x coordinate from incrementing the i index <xj-spacing> - increase in x
              coordinate from incrementing the j index <xk-spacing> - increase in x coordinate from incrementing
              the  k index <x-offset> - x coordinate of first voxel <yi-spacing> - increase in y coordinate from
              incrementing the i index <yj-spacing> - increase in y coordinate from  incrementing  the  j  index
              <yk-spacing> - increase in y coordinate from incrementing the k index <y-offset> - y coordinate of
              first voxel <zi-spacing> - increase in z coordinate from incrementing the i index  <zj-spacing>  -
              increase  in  z  coordinate  from incrementing the j index <zk-spacing> - increase in z coordinate
              from incrementing the k index <z-offset> - z coordinate of first voxel

              Writes a copy of the  volume  file,  with  the  spacing  information  changed  as  specified.   No
              reordering of the voxel data occurs.  Exactly one of -plumb or -sform must be specified.

       -volume-smoothing SMOOTH A VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-smoothing

              <volume-in>  -  the  volume  to  smooth  <kernel>  -  the  gaussian  smoothing kernel sigma, in mm
              <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-roi] - smooth only from data within an ROI

              <roivol> - the volume to use as an ROI

              [-fix-zeros] - treat zero values as not being data

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume to smooth

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

       Gaussian smoothing for volumes.
              By default, smooths all subvolumes with

              no ROI, if ROI is given, only positive voxels in the ROI volume have their values  used,  and  all
              other  voxels  are  set  to zero.  Smoothing a non-orthogonal volume will be significantly slower,
              because the operation cannot be separated into 1-dimensional  smoothings  without  distorting  the
              kernel shape.

              The  -fix-zeros  option  causes  the  smoothing to not use an input value if it is zero, but still
              write a smoothed value to the voxel.  This is useful for zeros that indicate lack of  information,
              preventing  them  from  pulling  down  the  intensity  of  nearby voxels, while giving the zero an
              extrapolated value.


              wb_command -volume-stats

              <volume-in> - the input volume

              [-reduce] - use a reduction operation

              <operation> - the reduction operation

              [-percentile] - give the value at a percentile

              <percent> - the percentile to find

              [-subvolume] - only display output for one subvolume

              <subvolume> - the subvolume number or name

              [-roi] - only consider data inside an roi

              <roi-volume> - the roi, as a volume file

              [-match-maps] - each subvolume of input uses the corresponding

              subvolume from the roi file

              [-show-map-name] - print map index and name before each output

              For each subvolume of the input,  a  single  number  is  printed,  resulting  from  the  specified
              reduction  or  percentile  operation.   Use -subvolume to only give output for a single subvolume.
              Use -roi to consider only the data within a region.  Exactly one of -reduce or -percentile must be

              The argument to the -reduce option must be one of the following:

              MAX:  the  maximum  value  MIN: the minimum value INDEXMAX: the 1-based index of the maximum value
              INDEXMIN: the 1-based index of the minimum value SUM: add all values PRODUCT: multiply all  values
              MEAN:  the  mean  of  the data STDEV: the standard deviation (N denominator) SAMPSTDEV: the sample
              standard deviation (N-1 denominator) VARIANCE: the variance of the data MEDIAN: the median of  the
              data MODE: the mode of the data COUNT_NONZERO: the number of nonzero elements in the data

       -volume-tfce DO TFCE ON A VOLUME FILE

              wb_command -volume-tfce

              <volume-in> - the volume to run TFCE on <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-presmooth] - smooth the volume before running TFCE

              <kernel> - the sigma for the gaussian smoothing kernel, in mm

              [-roi] - select a region of interest to run TFCE on

              <roi-volume> - the area to run TFCE on, as a volume

              [-parameters] - set parameters for TFCE integral

              <E> - exponent for cluster volume (default 0.5) <H> - exponent for threshold value (default 2.0)

              [-subvolume] - select a single subvolume

              <subvolume> - the subvolume number or name

              Threshold-free  cluster  enhancement  is  a  method to increase the relative value of regions that
              would form clusters in a standard thresholding test.   This  is  accomplished  by  evaluating  the
              integral of:

              e(h, p)^E * h^H * dh

              at  each  vertex  p,  where  h  ranges from 0 to the maximum value in the data, and e(h, p) is the
              extent of the cluster containing vertex p at threshold h.  Negative values are similarly  enhanced
              by negating the data, running the same process, and negating the result.

              This  method  is  explained  in:  Smith  SM,  Nichols  TE.,  "Threshold-free  cluster enhancement:
              addressing problems of smoothing, threshold dependence and  localisation  in  cluster  inference."
              Neuroimage. 2009 Jan 1;44(1):83-98. PMID: 18501637

       -volume-to-surface-mapping MAP VOLUME TO SURFACE

              wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping

              <volume> - the volume to map data from <surface> - the surface to map the data onto <metric-out> -
              output - the output metric file

              [-trilinear] - use trilinear volume interpolation

              [-enclosing] - use value of the enclosing voxel

              [-cubic] - use cubic splines

              [-ribbon-constrained] - use ribbon constrained mapping algorithm

              <inner-surf> - the inner surface of the ribbon <outer-surf> - the outer surface of the ribbon

              [-volume-roi] - use a volume roi

              <roi-volume> - the volume file

              [-voxel-subdiv] - voxel divisions while estimating voxel weights

              <subdiv-num> - number of subdivisions, default 3

              [-output-weights] - write the voxel weights for a vertex to a volume

              file <vertex> - the vertex number to get the voxel weights for, 0-based <weights-out> -  output  -
              volume to write the weights to

              [-myelin-style] - use the method from myelin mapping

              <ribbon-roi> - an roi volume of the cortical ribbon for this


              <thickness>  -  a  metric file of cortical thickness <sigma> - guassian kernel in mm for weighting
              voxels within range

              [-subvol-select] - select a single subvolume to map

              <subvol> - the subvolume number or name

       You must specify exactly one mapping method.
              Enclosing voxel uses the

              value from the voxel the vertex lies inside, while trilinear does a 3D linear interpolation  based
              on the voxels immediately on each side of the vertex's position.

              The ribbon mapping method constructs a polyhedron from the vertex's neighbors on each surface, and
              estimates the amount of this polyhedron's volume that falls inside any nearby voxels,  to  use  as
              the  weights  for  sampling.  The volume ROI is useful to exclude partial volume effects of voxels
              the surfaces pass through, and will cause the mapping to ignore voxels that don't have a  positive
              value  in the mask.  The subdivision number specifies how it approximates the amount of the volume
              the polyhedron intersects, by splitting each voxel into NxNxN pieces,  and  checking  whether  the
              center of each piece is inside the polyhedron.  If you have very large voxels, consider increasing
              this if you get zeros in your output.

              The myelin style method uses part of the caret5 myelin mapping command to do the mapping: for each
              surface vertex, take all voxels closer than the thickness at the vertex that are within the ribbon
              ROI, and less than half the thickness value away from  the  vertex  along  the  direction  of  the
              surface normal, and apply a gaussian kernel with the specified sigma to them to get the weights to

       -volume-vector-operation DO A VECTOR OPERATION ON VOLUME FILES

              wb_command -volume-vector-operation

              <vectors-a> - first vector input file <vectors-b> - second vector input file  <operation>  -  what
              vector operation to do <volume-out> - output - the output file

              [-normalize-a] - normalize vectors of first input

              [-normalize-b] - normalize vectors of second input

              [-normalize-output] - normalize output vectors (not valid for dot


              [-magnitude] - output the magnitude of the result (not valid for dot


              Does  a  vector operation on two volume files (that must have a multiple of 3 subvolumes).  Either
              of the inputs may have multiple vectors (more than 3 subvolumes), but not both (at least one  must
              have  exactly  3  subvolumes).   The -magnitude and -normalize-output options may not be specified
              together, or with the DOT operation.  The <operation> parameter must be one of the following:


       -volume-warpfield-resample RESAMPLE VOLUME USING WARPFIELD

              wb_command -volume-warpfield-resample

              <volume-in> - volume to resample <warpfield> - the warpfield to apply <volume-space>  -  a  volume
              file in the volume space you want for the


              <method> - the resampling method <volume-out> - output - the output volume

              [-fnirt] - MUST be used if using a fnirt warpfield

              <source-volume> - the source volume used when generating the warpfield

       Resample a volume file with a warpfield.
              The recommended methods are

              CUBIC  (cubic  spline)  for most data, and ENCLOSING_VOXEL for label data.  The parameter <method>
              must be one of:



              wb_command -volume-weighted-stats

              <volume-in> - the input volume

              [-weight-volume] - use weights from a volume file

              <weight-volume> - volume file containing the weights

              [-subvolume] - only display output for one subvolume

              <subvolume> - the subvolume number or name

              [-roi] - only consider data inside an roi

              <roi-volume> - the roi, as a volume file

              [-match-maps] - each subvolume of input uses the corresponding

              subvolume from the roi file

              [-mean] - compute weighted mean

              [-stdev] - compute weighted standard deviation

              [-sample] - estimate population stdev from the sample

              [-percentile] - compute weighted percentile

              <percent> - the percentile to find

              [-sum] - compute weighted sum

              [-show-map-name] - print map index and name before each output

              For each subvolume of the input,  a  single  number  is  printed,  resulting  from  the  specified
              operation.   If  -weight-volume  is not specified, each voxel's volume is used.  Use -subvolume to
              only give output for a single subvolume.  Use -roi to consider only  the  data  within  a  region.
              Exactly one of -mean, -stdev, -percentile or -sum must be specified.

              Using -sum without -weight-volume is equivalent to integrating with respect to volume.


              wb_command -wbsparse-merge-dense

              <direction>  -  which dimension to merge along, ROW or COLUMN <wbsparse-out> - output - the output
              wbsparse file

              [-wbsparse] - repeatable - specify an input wbsparse file

              <wbsparse-in> - a wbsparse file to merge

              The input wbsparse files must have matching mappings along the direction not  specified,  and  the
              mapping along the specified direction must be brain models.

       -zip-scene-file ZIP A SCENE FILE AND ITS DATA FILES

              wb_command -zip-scene-file

              <scene-file>  - the scene file to make the zip file from <extract-folder> - the name of the folder
              created when the zip file is


              <zip-file> - out - the zip file that will be created

              [-base-dir] - specify a directory that all data files are somewhere

              within, this will become the root of the zipfile's directory structure <directory> - the directory

       If zip-file already exists, it will be overwritten.
              If -base-dir is not

              specified, the directory containing the scene file is used for the base directory.  The scene file
              must contain only relative paths, and no data files may be outside the base directory.

       -zip-spec-file ZIP A SPEC FILE AND ITS DATA FILES

              wb_command -zip-spec-file

              <spec-file>  - the specification file to add to zip file <extract-folder> - the name of the folder
              created when the zip file is


              <zip-file> - out - the zip file that will be created

              [-base-dir] - specify a directory that all data files are somewhere

              within, this will become the root of the zipfile's directory structure <directory> - the directory

       If zip-file already exists, it will be overwritten.
              If -base-dir is not

              specified, the directory containing the spec file is used for the base directory.  The  spec  file
              must  contain  only  relative  paths,  and no data files may be outside the base directory.  Scene
              files inside spec files are not checked for what files they reference, ensure that all data  files
              referenced by the scene files are also referenced by the spec file.