xenial (1) wg-generateContent.1.gz

generateContent - Generate content for a specified Asset
generateContent --configFile config.conf {--url home|--assetID id} [--styleId id] [--toFile pathname] [--userId id] generateContent --help
This WebGUI utility script generates content for an Asset specified either by its URL or its Asset ID. The content is sent to standard output or to a filename. A particular WebGUI UserId can be specified as a viewer, in order to check whether the content is correctly generated or not, being possible to specify any of the available WebGUI styles to format the generated content. --configFile config.conf The WebGUI config file to use. Only the file name needs to be specified, since it will be looked up inside WebGUI's configuration directory. This parameter is required. --assetId id Generate content for WebGUI's Asset identified by id. Either this parameter or --url must be supplied. --url url Generate content for WebGUI's Asset located at url, which must be relative to the server (e.g. /home instead of http://your.server/home). Either this parameter or --assetID must be supplied. --styleId id Use the WebGUI style specified by the AssetID id. If left unspecified, it defaults to using the Asset's default style. --toFile pathname Send generated content to the specified filename. If left unspecified, content is sent to standard output. --userId id Set a specific WebGUI user to act as content viewer. If left unspecified, defaults to 1 (Visitor). --help Shows this documentation, then exits.
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