Provided by: gsoap_2.8.28-1_amd64 

wsdl2h - the gSOAP WSDL parser for C and C++
wsdl2h [OPTIONS] SOURCE ...
Please see /usr/share/doc/gsoap/soapdoc2.html for details. Converts a WSDL or XSD input file, or from an HTTP address, SOURCE to a declaration file that can be parsed by soapcpp2(1). If no SOURCE argument is specified, read from standard input.
-a Generate indexed struct names for local elements with anonymous types. -b Bi-directional operations (duplex ops) added to serve one-way responses. -c Generate C source code. -c++ Generate C++ source code (default). -c++11 Generate C++11 source code. -d Use DOM to populate xs:any, xs:anyType and xs:anyAttribute. -e Do not qualify enum names. -f Generate flat C++ class hierarchy. -g Generate global top-level element declarations. -h Display help info. -Ipath Use path to find files. -i Do not import (advanced option). -j Do not generate SOAP_ENV__Header and SOAP_ENV__Detail definitions. -k Do not generate SOAP_ENV__Header mustUnderstand qualifiers. -l Display license information. -m Use xsd.h module to import primitive types. -Nname Use name for service prefixes to produce a service for each binding. -nname Use name as the base namespace prefix instead of ns. -ofile Output to file file. -P Do not create polymorphic types inherited from xsd__anyType. -p Create polymorphic types inherited from base xsd__anyType. -qname Use name for the C++ namespace of all declarations. -R Generate REST operations for REST bindings in the WSDL. -rhost[:port[:uid:pwd]] Connect via proxy host, port and proxy credentials. -r:uid:pwd Connect with authentication credentials (digest auth requires SSL). -s Do not generate STL code (no std::string and no std::vector). -tfile Use type map file file instead of the default file typemap.dat. -U Allow UTF8-encoded Unicode C/C++ identifiers when mapping XML tag names. -u Do not generate unions. -v Verbose output. -W Suppress warnings. -w Always wrap response parameters in a response struct (<=1.1.4 behaviour). -x Do not generate _XML any/anyAttribute extensibility elements. -y Generate typedef synonyms for structs and enums. -z1 Compatibility with 2.7.6e: Generate pointer-based arrays. -z2 Compatibility with 2.7.7 to 2.7.15: Qualify element/attribute references. -z3 Compatibility with 2.7.16 to 2.8.7: Qualify element/attribute references. -z4 Compatibility up to 2.8.11: Do not generate union structs in std::vector. -z5 Compatibility up to 2.8.15. -z6 Compatibility up to 2.8.17. -_ Do not generate _USCORE (replace with UNICODE _x005f).
This manual page was written by Thomas Wana <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). December 23, 2004 WSDL2H(1)