Provided by: ytree_1.94-1.1build1_amd64 

ytree - File Manager -
ytree [archive file|directory]
If there is no command line argument, the current directory will be used. Following commands are available: 1.) DIR-Modus: -Attribute Change direcory permissions (like chmod) -Delete Delete selected directory -Filespec Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files -Group Change directory group ownership -Log Restart ytree with new root directory/archiv file -Makedir Create new directory -Owner Change user ownership of selected directory -Rename Rename selected directory -Showall Show all files in all directories -Tag Tag all files in selected directory -Untag Untag all files in selected directory -eXecute Execute a shell commando -^Filemode Change viewmodus for files: - filenames only - name, attributes, links, size, modification time, symb. link - name, attribute, inode, owner, group, symb. link - change status-, access time, symb. link -Return Switch to file modus -^Quit QuitTo: If you exit ytree with ^Q, the last selected directory becomes your current working directory. This feature only works if you start ytree with this bash-function (copy this to your ~/.bashrc): function yt { echo cd $PWD >~/.ytree-$$.chdir /usr/bin/ytree $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 source ~/.ytree-$$.chdir rm ~/.ytree-$$.chdir } 2.) FILE-Modus -Attribute Change file permissions (like chmod) -^Attribute Change permissions of all tagged files. ? stands for: do not change attribute -Copy Copy file -^K Copy Copy all tagged files -Delete Delete selected file -^Delete Delete all tagged files -Edit Edit selected file with EDITOR (see ~/.ytree) or - if not defined - vi -Filespec Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files -Group Change group ownership of selected file -^Group Change group ownership of all tagged files -Hex View selected file with HEXDUMP (see ~/.ytree), or - if not defined - hd / od -h -Log Restart ytree with new root directory/archive file -Move move selected file -^N Move Move all tagged files -Owner Change user ownership of selected file -^Owner Change user owndership of all tagged files -Pipe Pipe content of file to a command -^Pipe Pipe content of all tagged files to a command -Rename Rename selected file -^Rename Rename all tagged files -untag ^Search Untag files by using an external program (e.g. grep) -Sort Sort filelist by - access time - change time - extension - group - modification time - name - owner - size -Tag Tag selected file -^Tag Tag all currently shown files -Untag Untag selected file -^Untag Untag all currently shown files -View View file with the pager defined in ~/.ytree or - if not defined - with pg -cen -eXecute Execute a shell commando -e^Xecute Execute shell commando for all tagged files. The string {} is replaced by the current filename -pathcopY Copy selected file inclusive path -pathcop^Y Copy all tagged files inclusive path -^Filemode Switch view-modus for files: - filenames only - name, attribute, links, size, modification time, symb. link - name, attribute, inode, owner, group, symb. link - changestatus-, access time, symb. link -^L Refresh Screen -Space Suppress screen-output while working -Return Switch to expand modus 3.) ARCHIV-DIR-Modus -Filespec Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files -Log Restart ytree with new root directory/archive file -Showall Show all files in all directories -Tag Tag all files in selected directory -Untag Untag all files in selected directory -eXecute Execute a shell commando -^Filemode Change viewmodus for files: - filenames only - name, attribute, links, size, modification time - name, attribute, owner, group -^L Refresh Screen 4.) ARCHIV-FILE-Modus: -Copy Copy selected file -^K Copy Copy all tagged files -Filespec Set file specification (reg. expression) e.g. *.[ch] for all *.c and *.h - Files -Hex View selected file with HEXDUMP (see ~/.ytree), or - if not defined - hd / od -h -Pipe Pipe content of all tagged to a command -Sort Sort file list by - access time - change time - extension - group - modification time - name - owner - size -Tag Tag selected file -^Tag Tag all files in selected directory -Untag Untag all files in selected directory -View View file with the pager defined in ~/.ytree or - if not defined - with pg -cen -eXecute Execute a shell commando -^Filemode Switch view-modus for files: - filenames only - name, attribute, links, size -^L Refresh Screen -Return Switch to Expand-Modus ytree switches to archive-modus automatically either by choosing an archive file with the Log commando or by calling ytree from the command line with an archive file given as a command line argument. ytree recognize the filename extensions ".F", ".Z", ".z" and ".gz" and calls the appropriate uncompressor MELT (default=melt), UNCOMPRESS (default=uncompress) and GNUUNZIP (default=gunzip -c). You may change these settings in ~/.ytree. ytree supports following archive types and requires: TAR-Files: gtar (tested with GNU-TAR 1.12) ARC-Files: arc (tested with arc 5.12 02/05/86) LHA-Files: xlharc (tested with xlharc V1.02 1989) ZIP-Files: unzip (tested with unzip v5.0 08/92) " " zipinfo (tested with zipinfo v1.0 08/92) ZOO-Files: zoo (tested with zoo v2.10) RAR-Files: unrar (tested with unrar v2.01 RPM-Files: rpm2cpio (tested with RedHat V6.1) " " rpm (tested with RedHat V6.1) Archive files will be recognized by filename extension (e.g zoo, zip). TAR-Files may have following extensions: ".F", ".TFR", ".Faa", (freeze) ".Z", ".TZ", ".TZR", ".Xaa", (compress) ".z", ".gz", ".tzr", ".tz", ".xaa", ".tgz", ".TGZ", ".taz", ".TAZ", ".tpz" und ".TPZ" (gzip) The View commando is customizeable in the [VIEWER] section of ~/.ytree: Example: [VIEWER] .jpg,.gif,.bmp,.tif,.ppm,.xpm=xv .1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.n=nroff -man | less .ps=ghostview .mid,.MID=playmidi -e .wav,.WAV=splay .au=auplay .avi,.mpg,.mov=xanim .htm,.html=lynx .pdf,.PDF=acroread .mp3=mpg123 A command-line history is supported: Use cursor up/down. Use "F2" on the command-line to select directories.
$HOME/.ytree ytree configuration file
To avoid problems with escape sequences on RS/6000 machines (telnet/rlogin) please set the environment variable ESCDELAY: ESCDELAY=1000 export ESCDELAY
W. Bregulla ( 21 March 2004 YTREE(1)