Provided by: libbio-perl-perl_1.6.924-3_all bug


       Bio::SeqIO::msout - input stream for output by Hudson's ms


       Do not use this module directly.  Use it via the Bio::SeqIO class.


       ms ( Hudson, R. R. (2002) Generating samples under a Wright-Fisher neutral model. Bioinformatics 18:337-8
       ) can be found at

       Currently, this object can be used to read output from ms into seq objects.  However, because bioperl has
       no support for haplotypes created using an infinite sites model (where '1' identifies a derived allele
       and '0' identifies an ancestral allele), the sequences returned by msout are coded using A, T, C and G.
       To decode the bases, use the sequence conversion table (a hash) returned by get_base_conversion_table().
       In the table, 4 and 5 are used when the ancestry is unclear. This should not ever happen when creating
       files with ms, but it will be used when creating msOUT files from a collection of seq objects ( To be
       added later ). Alternatively, use get_next_hap() to get a string with 1's and 0's instead of a seq

   Mapping to Finite Sites
       This object can now also be used to map haplotypes created using an infinite sites model to sequences of
       arbitrary finite length.  See set_n_sites() for more detail.  Thanks to Filipe G. Vieira
       <> for the idea and code.


   Mailing Lists
       User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments
       and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists

   Reporting Bugs
       Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution.
       Bug reports can be submitted via the web:

AUTHOR - Warren Kretzschmar

       This module was written by Warren Kretzschmar


       This module grew out of a parser written by Aida Andres.


   Public Domain Notice
       This software/database is ``United States Government Work'' under the terms of the United States
       Copyright Act. It was written as part of the authors' official duties for the United States Government
       and thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available to the public for use without
       a copyright notice. Restrictions cannot be placed on its present or future use.

       Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the software
       and data, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and the U.S. Government does not and
       cannot warrant the performance or results that may be obtained by using this software or data.  NHGRI and
       the U.S. Government disclaims all warranties as to performance, merchantability or fitness for any
       particular purpose.


   Methods for Internal Use

       Title   : _initialize Usage   : $stream = Bio::SeqIO::msOUT->new($infile) Function: extracts basic
       information about the file.  Returns : Bio::SeqIO object Args    : no_og, gunzip, gzip, n_sites
       Details   :
           - include 'no_og' flag if the last population of an msout file contains
             only one haplotype and you don't want the last haplotype to be
             treated as the outgroup ( suggested when reading data created by ms ).
           - including 'n_sites' (positive integer) causes all output haplotypes to be
             mapped to a sequence of length 'n_sites'. See set_n_sites() for more details.


       Title   : _read_start Usage   : $stream->_read_start() Function: reads from the filehandle
       $stream->{_filehandle} all information up to the first haplotype (sequence).  Closes the filehandle if
       all lines have been read.  Returns : void Args    : none

   Methods to Access Data

       Title   : get_segsites Usage   : $segsites = $stream->get_segsites() Function: returns the number of
       segsites in the msOUT file (according to the msOUT header line's -s option), or the current run's
       segsites if -s was not specified in the command line (in this case the number of segsites varies from run
       to run).  Returns : scalar Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_current_run_segsites Usage   : $segsites = $stream->get_current_run_segsites() Function:
       returns the number of segsites in the run of the last read
                 haplotype (sequence).  Returns : scalar Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_n_sites Usage   : $n_sites = $stream->get_n_sites() Function: Gets the number of total
       sites (variable or not) to be output.  Returns : scalar if n_sites option is defined at call time of
       new() Args    : NONE Note    :
                 WARNING: Final sequence length might not be equal to n_sites if n_sites is
                          too close to number of segregating sites in the msout file.


       Title   : set_n_sites Usage   : $n_sites = $stream->set_n_sites($value) Function: Sets the number of
       total sites (variable or not) to be output.  Returns : 1 on success; throws an error if $value is not a
       positive integer or undef Args    : positive integer Note    :
                 WARNING: Final sequence length might not be equal to n_sites if it is
                          too close to number of segregating sites.
                 - n_sites needs to be at least as large as the number of segsites of
                   the next haplotype returned
                 - n_sites may also be set to undef, in which case haplotypes are returned
                   under the infinite sites model assumptions.


       Title   : get_runs Usage   : $runs = $stream->get_runs() Function: returns the number of runs in the
       msOUT file (according to the
                 msinfo line) Returns : scalar Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_Seeds Usage   : @seeds = $stream->get_Seeds() Function: returns an array of the seeds used
       in the creation of the msOUT file.  Returns : array Args    : NONE Details : In older versions, ms used
       three seeds.  Newer versions of ms seem to
                 use only one (longer) seed.  This function will return all the seeds


       Title   : get_Positions Usage   : @positions = $stream->get_Positions() Function: returns an array of the
       names of each segsite of the run of the last
                 read hap.  Returns : array Args    : NONE Details : The Positions may or may not vary from run
       to run depending on the
                 options used with ms.


       Title   : get_tot_run_haps Usage   : $number_of_haps_per_run = $stream->get_tot_run_haps() Function:
       returns the number of haplotypes (sequences) in each run of the msOUT
                 file ( according to the msinfo line ).  Returns : scalar >= 0 Args    : NONE Details : This
       number should not vary from run to run.


       Title   : get_ms_info_line Usage   : $ms_info_line = $stream->get_ms_info_line() Function: returns the
       header line of the msOUT file.  Returns : scalar Args    : NONE


       Title   : tot_haps Usage   : $number_of_haplotypes_in_file = $stream->tot_haps() Function: returns the
       number of haplotypes (sequences) in the msOUT file.
                 Information gathered from msOUT header line.  Returns : scalar Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_Pops Usage   : @pops = $stream->pops() Function: returns an array of population sizes
       (order taken from the -I flag in
                 the msOUT header line).  This array will include the last hap even if
                 it looks like an outgroup.  Returns : array of scalars > 0 Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_next_run_num Usage   : $next_run_number = $stream->next_run_num() Function: returns the
       number of the ms run that the next haplotype (sequence)
                 will be taken from (starting at 1).  Returns undef if the complete
                 file has been read.  Returns : scalar > 0 or undef Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_last_haps_run_num Usage   : $last_haps_run_number = $stream->get_last_haps_run_num()
       Function: returns the number of the ms run that the last haplotype (sequence)
                 was taken from (starting at 1).  Returns undef if no hap has been
                 read yet.  Returns : scalar > 0 or undef Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_last_read_hap_num Usage   : $last_read_hap_num = $stream->get_last_read_hap_num() Function:
       returns the number (starting with 1) of the last haplotype read from
                 the ms file Returns : scalar >= 0 Args    : NONE Details   : 0 means that no haplotype has been
       read yet.  Is reset to 0 every run.


       Title   : outgroup Usage   : $outgroup = $stream->outgroup() Function: returns '1' if the msOUT stream
       has an outgroup.  Returns '0'
                 otherwise.  Returns : '1' or '0' Args    : NONE Details   : This method will return '1' only if
       the last population in the msOUT
                 file contains only one haplotype.  If the last population is not an
                 outgroup then create the msOUT object using 'no_og' as input flag.
                 Also, return 0, if the run has only one population.


       Title   : get_next_haps_pop_num Usage   : ($next_haps_pop_num, $num_haps_left_in_pop) =
       $stream->get_next_haps_pop_num() Function: First return value is the population number (starting with 1)
                 next hap will come from. The second return value is the number of haps
                 left to read in the population from which the next hap will come.  Returns : (scalar > 0,
       scalar > 0) Args    : NONE


       Title   : get_next_seq Usage   : $seq = $stream->get_next_seq() Function: reads and returns the next
       sequence (haplotype) in the stream Returns : Bio::Seq object or void if end of file Args    : NONE Note :
       This function is included only to conform to convention.  The
                 returned Bio::Seq object holds a halpotype in coded form. Use the hash
                 returned by get_base_conversion_table() to convert 'A', 'T', 'C', 'G'
                 back into 1,2,4 and 5. Use get_next_hap() to retrieve the halptoype as
                 a string of 1,2,4 and 5s instead.


       Title   : next_seq Usage   : $seq = $stream->next_seq() Function: Alias to get_next_seq() Returns :
       Bio::Seq object or void if end of file Args    : NONE Note    : This function is only included for
       convention.  It calls get_next_seq().
                 See get_next_seq() for details.


       Title   : get_next_hap Usage   : $hap = $stream->next_hap() Function: reads and returns the next sequence
       (haplotype) in the stream.
                 Returns undef if all sequences in stream have been read.  Returns : Haplotype string (e.g.
       '110110000101101045454000101' Args    : NONE Note : Use get_next_seq() if you want the halpotype returned
       as a
                 Bio::Seq object.


       Title   : get_next_pop Usage   : @seqs = $stream->next_pop() Function: reads and returns all the
       remaining sequences (haplotypes) in the
                 population of the next sequence.  Returns an empty list if no more
                 haps remain to be read in the stream Returns : array of Bio::Seq objects Args    : NONE


       Title   : next_run Usage   : @seqs = $stream->next_run() Function: reads and returns all the remaining
       sequences (haplotypes) in the ms
                 run of the next sequence.  Returns an empty list if all haps have been
                 read from the stream.  Returns : array of Bio::Seq objects Args    : NONE

   Methods to Retrieve Constants

       Title   : get_base_conversion_table Usage   : $table_hash_ref = $stream->get_base_conversion_table()
       Function: returns a reference to a hash.  The keys of the hash are the letters '
                 A','T','G','C'. The values associated with each key are the value that
                 each letter in the sequence of a seq object returned by a
                 Bio::SeqIO::msout stream should be translated to.  Returns : reference to a hash Args    : NONE

               # retrieve the Bio::Seq object's sequence
               my $haplotype = $seq->seq;

               # need to convert all letters to their corresponding numbers.
               foreach my $base (keys %{$rh_base_conversion_table}){
                       $haplotype =~ s/($base)/$rh_base_conversion_table->{$base}/g;

               # $haplotype is now an ms style haplotype. (e.g. '100101101455')