Provided by: libcpan-sqlite-perl_0.211-1_all 

CPAN::SQLite::Populate - create and populate database tables
version 0.211
This module is responsible for creating the tables (if "setup" is passed as an option) and then for inserting, updating, or deleting (as appropriate) the relevant information from the indices of CPAN::SQLite::Info and the state information from CPAN::SQLite::State. It does this through the "insert", "update", and "delete" methods associated with each table. Note that the tables are created with the "setup" argument passed into the "new" method when creating the "CPAN::SQLite::Index" object; existing tables will be dropped.
The tables used are described below - the data types correspond to mysql tables, with the corresponding adjustments made if the SQLite database is used. mods This table contains module information, and is created as mod_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY mod_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL dist_id INTEGER NOT NULL mod_abs TEXT mod_vers VARCHAR(10) dslip VARCHAR(5) chapterid INTEGER • mod_id This is the primary (unique) key of the table. • dist_id This key corresponds to the id of the associated distribution in the "dists" table. • mod_name This is the module's name. • mod_abs This is a description, if available, of the module. • mod_vers This value, if present, gives the version of the module. • dslip This is a 5 character string expressing the dslip (development, support, language, interface, public license) information. • chapterid This number corresponds to the chapter id of the module, if present. dists This table contains distribution information, and is created as dist_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY dist_name VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL auth_id INTEGER NOT NULL dist_file VARCHAR(110) NOT NULL dist_vers VARCHAR(20) dist_abs TEXT dist_dslip VARCHAR(5) • dist_id This is the primary (unique) key of the table. • auth_id This corresponds to the CPAN author id of the distribution in the "auths" table. • dist_name This corresponds to the distribution name (eg, for My-Distname-0.22.tar.gz, "dist_name" will be "My-Distname"). • dist_file This corresponds to the CPAN file name. • dist_vers This is the version of the CPAN file (eg, for My-Distname-0.22.tar.gz, "dist_vers" will be 0.22). • dist_abs This is a description of the distribution. If not directly supplied, the description for, eg, "Foo::Bar", if present, will be used for the "Foo-Bar" distribution. • dist_dslip This is a 5 character string expressing the dslip (development, support, language, interface, public license) information. Normally this comes from the module name; this value for the distribution name comes in simple cases where the module name matches the distribution name by a substitution of "::" by "-". auths This table contains CPAN author information, and is created as auth_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY cpanid VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL fullname VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL email TEXT • auth_id This is the primary (unique) key of the table. • cpanid This gives the CPAN author id. • fullname This is the full name of the author. • email This is the supplied email address of the author. chaps This table contains chapter information associated with distributions. PAUSE allows one, when registering modules, to associate a chapter id with each module (see the "mods" table). This information is used here to associate chapters (and subchapters) with distributions in the following manner. Suppose a distribution "Quantum-Theory" contains a module "Beta::Decay" with chapter id 55, and another module "Laser" with chapter id 87. The "Quantum-Theory" distribution will then have two entries in this table - "chapterid" of 55 and "subchapter" of Beta, and "chapterid" of 87 and "subchapter" of Laser. The table is created as follows. chap_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY chapterid INTEGER dist_id INTEGER NOT NULL subchapter TEXT • chap_id This is the primary (unique) key of the table. • chapterid This number corresponds to the chapter id. • dist_id This is the id corresponding to the distribution in the "dists" table. • subchapter This is the subchapter.