Provided by: libcatalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class-perl_0.1506-3_all bug


       Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class - A storage class for Catalyst Authentication
       using DBIx::Class


       This documentation refers to version 0.1506.


           use Catalyst qw/

           __PACKAGE__->config('Plugin::Authentication' => {
               default_realm => 'members',
               realms => {
                   members => {
                       credential => {
                           class => 'Password',
                           password_field => 'password',
                           password_type => 'clear'
                       store => {
                           class => 'DBIx::Class',
                           user_model => 'MyApp::User',
                           role_relation => 'roles',
                           role_field => 'rolename',

           # Log a user in:

           sub login : Global {
               my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;

                                 screen_name => $ctx->req->params->{username},
                                 password => $ctx->req->params->{password},
                                 status => [ 'registered', 'loggedin', 'active']

           # verify a role

           if ( $ctx->check_user_roles( 'editor' ) ) {
               # do editor stuff


       The Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class class provides access to authentication
       information stored in a database via DBIx::Class.


       The DBIx::Class authentication store is activated by setting the store config's class
       element to DBIx::Class as shown above. See the Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication
       documentation for more details on configuring the store. You can also use
       Catalyst::Authentication::Realm::SimpleDB for a simplified setup.

       The DBIx::Class storage module has several configuration options

           __PACKAGE__->config('Plugin::Authentication' => {
               default_realm => 'members',
               realms => {
                   members => {
                       credential => {
                           # ...
                       store => {
                           class => 'DBIx::Class',
                           user_model => 'MyApp::User',
                           role_relation => 'roles',
                           role_field => 'rolename',
                           ignore_fields_in_find => [ 'remote_name' ],
                           use_userdata_from_session => 1,

           Class is part of the core Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication module; it contains the
           class name of the store to be used.

           Contains the model name (as passed to "$ctx->model()") of the DBIx::Class schema to
           use as the source for user information. This config item is REQUIRED.

           (Note that this option used to be called "user_class". "user_class" is still
           functional, but should be used only for compatibility with previous configs.  The
           setting called "user_class" on other authentication stores is present, but named
           "store_user_class" in this store)

           If your role information is stored in the same table as the rest of your user
           information, this item tells the module which field contains your role information.
           The DBIx::Class authentication store expects the data in this field to be a series of
           role names separated by some combination of spaces, commas, or pipe characters.

           If your role information is stored in a separate table, this is the name of the
           relation that will lead to the roles the user is in.  If this is specified, then a
           role_field is also required.  Also when using this method it is expected that your
           role table will return one row for each role the user is in.

           This is the name of the field in the role table that contains the string identifying
           the role.

           This item is an array containing fields that may be passed to the
           "$ctx->authenticate()" routine (and therefore find_user in the storage class), but
           which should be ignored when creating the DBIx::Class search to retrieve a user. This
           makes it possible to avoid problems when a credential requires an authinfo element
           whose name overlaps with a column name in your users table.  If this doesn't make
           sense to you, you probably don't need it.

           Under normal circumstances, on each request the user's data is re-retrieved from the
           database using the primary key for the user table.  When this flag is set in the
           configuration, it causes the DBIx::Class store to avoid this database hit on session
           restore.  Instead, the user object's column data is retrieved from the session and
           used as-is.

           NOTE: Since the user object's column data is only stored in the session during the
           initial authentication of the user, turning this on can potentially lead to a
           situation where the data in "$ctx->user" is different from what is stored the
           database.  You can force a reload of the data from the database at any time by calling
           "$ctx->user->get_object(1);" Note that this will update "$ctx->user" for the remainder
           of this request.  It will NOT update the session.  If you need to update the session
           you should call "$ctx->update_user_in_session()" as well.

           This allows you to override the authentication user class that the DBIx::Class store
           module uses to perform its work.  Most of the work done in this module is actually
           done by the user class, Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User, so
           overriding this doesn't make much sense unless you are using your own class to extend
           the functionality of the existing class.  Chances are you do not want to set this.

           In most cases, this config variable does not need to be set, as
           Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class will determine the primary key of the
           user table on its own.  If you need to override the default, or your user table has
           multiple primary keys, then id_field should contain the column name that should be
           used to restore the user.  A given value in this column should correspond to a single
           user in the database.  Note that this is used ONLY when restoring a user from the
           session and has no bearing whatsoever in the initial authentication process.  Note
           also that if use_userdata_from_session is enabled, this config parameter is not used
           at all.


       The Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class storage module is not called directly
       from application code.  You interface with it through the $ctx->authenticate() call.

       There are three methods you can use to retrieve information from the DBIx::Class storage
       module.  They are Simple retrieval, and the advanced retrieval methods Searchargs and

   Simple Retrieval
       The first, and most common, method is simple retrieval. As its name implies simple
       retrieval allows you to simply to provide the column => value pairs that should be used to
       locate the user in question. An example of this usage is below:

           if ($ctx->authenticate({
                                 screen_name => $ctx->req->params->{'username'},
                                 password => $ctx->req->params->{'password'},
                                 status => [ 'registered', 'active', 'loggedin']
                                })) {

               # ... authenticated user code here

       The above example would attempt to retrieve a user whose username column (here,
       screen_name) matched the username provided, and whose status column matched one of the
       values provided. These name => value pairs are used more or less directly in the
       DBIx::Class search() routine, so in most cases, you can use DBIx::Class syntax to retrieve
       the user according to whatever rules you have.

       NOTE: Because the password in most cases is encrypted - it is not used directly but its
       encryption and comparison with the value provided is usually handled by the Password
       Credential. Part of the Password Credential's behavior is to remove the password argument
       from the authinfo that is passed to the storage module. See

       One thing you need to know about this retrieval method is that the name portion of the
       pair is checked against the user class's column list. Pairs are only used if a matching
       column is found. Other pairs will be ignored. This means that you can only provide simple
       name-value pairs, and that some more advanced DBIx::Class constructs, such as '-or',
       '-and', etc. are in most cases not possible using this method. For queries that require
       this level of functionality, see the 'searchargs' method below.

   Advanced Retrieval
       The Searchargs and Resultset retrieval methods are used when more advanced features of the
       underlying DBIx::Class schema are required. These methods provide a direct interface with
       the DBIx::Class schema and therefore require a better understanding of the DBIx::Class

       The dbix_class key

       Since the format of these arguments are often complex, they are not keys in the base
       authinfo hash.  Instead, both of these arguments are placed within a hash attached to the
       store-specific 'dbix_class' key in the base $authinfo hash.  When the DBIx::Class
       authentication store sees the 'dbix_class' key in the passed authinfo hash, all the other
       information in the authinfo hash is ignored and only the values within the 'dbix_class'
       hash are used as though they were passed directly within the authinfo hash.  In other
       words, if 'dbix_class' is present, it replaces the authinfo hash for processing purposes.

       The 'dbix_class' hash can be used to directly pass arguments to the DBIx::Class
       authentication store. Reasons to do this are to avoid credential modification of the
       authinfo hash, or to avoid overlap between credential and store key names. It's a good
       idea to avoid using it in this way unless you are sure you have an overlap/modification
       issue. However, the two advanced retrieval methods, searchargs, result and resultset,
       require its use, as they are only processed as part of the 'dbix_class' hash.

           The searchargs method of retrieval allows you to specify an arrayref containing the
           two arguments to the search() method from DBIx::Class::ResultSet.  If provided, all
           other args are ignored, and the search args provided are used directly to locate the
           user.  An example will probably make more sense:

               if ($ctx->authenticate(
                       password => $password,
                       'dbix_class' =>
                               searchargs => [ { -or => [ username => $username,
                                                         email => $email,
                                                         clientid => $clientid ]
                                              { prefetch => qw/ preferences / }
                   } ) )
                   # do successful authentication actions here.

           The above would allow authentication based on any of the three items - username,
           email, or clientid - and would prefetch the data related to that user from the
           preferences table. The searchargs array is passed directly to the search() method
           associated with the user_model.

           The result method of retrieval allows you to look up the user yourself and pass on the
           loaded user to the authentication store.

               my $user = $ctx->model('MyApp::User')->find({ ... });

               if ($ctx->authenticate({ dbix_class => { result => $user } })) {

           Be aware that the result method will not verify that you are passing a result that is
           attached to the same user_model as specified in the config or even loaded from the
           database, as opposed to existing only in memory. It's your responsibility to make sure
           of that.

           The resultset method of retrieval allows you to directly specify a resultset to be
           used for user retrieval. This allows you to create a resultset within your login
           action and use it for retrieving the user. A simple example:

               my $rs = $ctx->model('MyApp::User')->search({ email => $ctx->request->params->{'email'} });
                  ... # further $rs adjustments

               if ($ctx->authenticate({
                                      password => $password,
                                      'dbix_class' => { resultset => $rs }
                                    })) {
                  # do successful authentication actions here.

           Be aware that the resultset method will not verify that you are passing a resultset
           that is attached to the same user_model as specified in the config.

           NOTE: The resultset and searchargs methods of user retrieval, consider the first row
           returned to be the matching user. In most cases there will be only one matching row,
           but it is easy to produce multiple rows, especially when using the advanced retrieval
           methods. Remember, what you get when you use this module is what you would get when
           calling search(...)->first;

           NOTE ALSO:  The user info used to save the user to the session and to retrieve it is
           the same regardless of what method of retrieval was used.  In short, the value in the
           id field (see 'id_field' config item) is used to retrieve the user from the database
           upon restoring from the session.  When the DBIx::Class storage module does this, it
           does so by doing a simple search using the id field.  In other words, it will not use
           the same arguments you used to request the user initially.  This is especially
           important to those using the advanced methods of user retrieval.  If you need more
           complicated logic when reviving the user from the session, you will most likely want
           to subclass the Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User class and provide
           your own for_session and from_session routines.


       There are no publicly exported routines in the DBIx::Class authentication store (or indeed
       in most authentication stores). However, below is a description of the routines required
       by Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication for all authentication stores.  Please see the
       documentation for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals for more information.

   new ( $config, $app )
       Constructs a new store object.

   find_user ( $authinfo, $c )
       Finds a user using the information provided in the $authinfo hashref and returns the user,
       or undef on failure. This is usually called from the Credential. This translates directly
       to a call to Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class::User's load() method.

   for_session ( $c, $user )
       Prepares a user to be stored in the session. Currently returns the value of the user's id
       field (as indicated by the 'id_field' config element)

   from_session ( $c, $frozenuser)
       Revives a user from the session based on the info provided in $frozenuser.  Currently
       treats $frozenuser as an id and retrieves a user with a matching id.

       Provides information about what the user object supports.

   auto_update_user( $authinfo, $c, $res )
       This method is called if the realm's auto_update_user setting is true. It will delegate to
       the user object's "auto_update" method.

   auto_create_user( $authinfo, $c )
       This method is called if the realm's auto_create_user setting is true. It will delegate to
       the user class's (resultset) "auto_create" method.


       As of the current release, session storage consists of simply storing the user's id in the
       session, and then using that same id to re-retrieve the user's information from the
       database upon restoration from the session.  More dynamic storage of user information in
       the session is intended for a future release.


       None known currently; please email the author if you find any.


       Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Internals, and


       Jason Kuri (


       Copyright (c) 2007 the aforementioned authors. All rights reserved. This program is free
       software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl v5.18.2                                2014Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class(3pm)