Provided by: libdatetime-set-perl_0.3600-1_all bug


       DateTime::SpanSet - set of DateTime spans


           $spanset = DateTime::SpanSet->from_spans( spans => [ $dt_span, $dt_span ] );

           $set = $spanset->union( $set2 );         # like "OR", "insert", "both"
           $set = $spanset->complement( $set2 );    # like "delete", "remove"
           $set = $spanset->intersection( $set2 );  # like "AND", "while"
           $set = $spanset->complement;             # like "NOT", "negate", "invert"

           if ( $spanset->intersects( $set2 ) ) { ...  # like "touches", "interferes"
           if ( $spanset->contains( $set2 ) ) { ...    # like "is-fully-inside"

           # data extraction
           $date = $spanset->min;           # first date of the set
           $date = $spanset->max;           # last date of the set

           $iter = $spanset->iterator;
           while ( $dt = $iter->next ) {
               # $dt is a DateTime::Span
               print $dt->start->ymd;   # first date of span
               print $dt->end->ymd;     # last date of span


       "DateTime::SpanSet" is a class that represents sets of datetime spans.  An example would
       be a recurring meeting that occurs from 13:00-15:00 every Friday.

       This is different from a "DateTime::Set", which is made of individual datetime points as
       opposed to ranges.


       ·   from_spans

           Creates a new span set from one or more "DateTime::Span" objects.

              $spanset = DateTime::SpanSet->from_spans( spans => [ $dt_span ] );

       ·   from_set_and_duration

           Creates a new span set from one or more "DateTime::Set" objects and a duration.

           The duration can be a "DateTime::Duration" object, or the parameters to create a new
           "DateTime::Duration" object, such as "days", "months", etc.

              $spanset =
                      ( set => $dt_set, days => 1 );

       ·   from_sets

           Creates a new span set from two "DateTime::Set" objects.

           One set defines the starting dates, and the other defines the end dates.

              $spanset =
                      ( start_set => $dt_set1, end_set => $dt_set2 );

           The spans have the starting date "closed", and the end date "open", like in "[$dt1,

           If an end date comes without a starting date before it, then it defines a span like
           "(-inf, $dt)".

           If a starting date comes without an end date after it, then it defines a span like
           "[$dt, inf)".

       ·   empty_set

           Creates a new empty set.

       ·   is_empty_set

           Returns true is the set is empty; false otherwise.

               print "nothing" if $set->is_empty_set;

       ·   clone

           This object method returns a replica of the given object.

       ·   set_time_zone( $tz )

           This method accepts either a time zone object or a string that can be passed as the
           "name" parameter to "DateTime::TimeZone->new()".  If the new time zone's offset is
           different from the old time zone, then the local time is adjusted accordingly.

           If the old time zone was a floating time zone, then no adjustments to the local time
           are made, except to account for leap seconds.  If the new time zone is floating, then
           the UTC time is adjusted in order to leave the local time untouched.

       ·   min

       ·   max

           First or last dates in the set.  These methods may return "undef" if the set is empty.
           It is also possible that these methods may return a scalar containing infinity or
           negative infinity.

       ·   duration

           The total size of the set, as a "DateTime::Duration" object.

           The duration may be infinite.

           Also available as "size()".

       ·   span

           The total span of the set, as a "DateTime::Span" object.

       ·   next

             my $span = $set->next( $dt );

           This method is used to find the next span in the set, after a given datetime or span.

           The return value is a "DateTime::Span", or "undef" if there is no matching span in the

       ·   previous

             my $span = $set->previous( $dt );

           This method is used to find the previous span in the set, before a given datetime or

           The return value is a "DateTime::Span", or "undef" if there is no matching span in the

       ·   current

             my $span = $set->current( $dt );

           This method is used to find the "current" span in the set, that intersects a given
           datetime or span. If no current span is found, then the "previous" span is returned.

           The return value is a "DateTime::SpanSet", or "undef" if there is no matching span in
           the set.

           If a span parameter is given, it may happen that "current" returns more than one span.

           See also: "intersected_spans()" method.

       ·   closest

             my $span = $set->closest( $dt );

           This method is used to find the "closest" span in the set, given a datetime or span.

           The return value is a "DateTime::SpanSet", or "undef" if the set is empty.

           If a span parameter is given, it may happen that "closest" returns more than one span.

       ·   as_list

           Returns a list of "DateTime::Span" objects.

             my @dt_span = $set->as_list( span => $span );

           Just as with the "iterator()" method, the "as_list()" method can be limited by a span.

           Applying "as_list()" to a large recurring spanset is a very expensive operation, both
           in CPU time and in the memory used.

           For this reason, when "as_list()" operates on large recurrence sets, it will return at
           most approximately 200 spans. For larger sets, and for infinite sets, "as_list()" will
           return "undef".

           Please note that this is explicitly not an empty list, since an empty list is a valid
           return value for empty sets!

           If you really need to extract spans from a large set, you can:

           - limit the set with a shorter span:

               my @short_list = $large_set->as_list( span => $short_span );

           - use an iterator:

               my @large_list;
               my $iter = $large_set->iterator;
               push @large_list, $dt while $dt = $iter->next;

       ·   union

       ·   intersection

       ·   complement

           Set operations may be performed not only with "DateTime::SpanSet" objects, but also
           with "DateTime", "DateTime::Set" and "DateTime::Span" objects.  These set operations
           always return a "DateTime::SpanSet" object.

               $set = $spanset->union( $set2 );         # like "OR", "insert", "both"
               $set = $spanset->complement( $set2 );    # like "delete", "remove"
               $set = $spanset->intersection( $set2 );  # like "AND", "while"
               $set = $spanset->complement;             # like "NOT", "negate", "invert"

       ·   intersected_spans

           This method can accept a "DateTime" list, a "DateTime::Set", a "DateTime::Span", or a
           "DateTime::SpanSet" object as an argument.

               $set = $set1->intersected_spans( $set2 );

           The method always returns a "DateTime::SpanSet" object, containing all spans that are
           intersected by the given set.

           Unlike the "intersection" method, the spans are not modified.  See diagram below:

                          set1   [....]   [....]   [....]   [....]
                          set2      [................]

                  intersection      [.]   [....]   [.]

             intersected_spans   [....]   [....]   [....]

       ·   intersects

       ·   contains

           These set functions return a boolean value.

               if ( $spanset->intersects( $set2 ) ) { ...  # like "touches", "interferes"
               if ( $spanset->contains( $dt ) ) { ...    # like "is-fully-inside"

           These methods can accept a "DateTime", "DateTime::Set", "DateTime::Span", or
           "DateTime::SpanSet" object as an argument.

           intersects() returns 1 for true, and 0 for false. In a few cases the algorithm can't
           decide if the sets intersect at all, and intersects() will return "undef".

       ·   iterator / next / previous

           This method can be used to iterate over the spans in a set.

               $iter = $spanset->iterator;
               while ( $dt = $iter->next ) {
                   # $dt is a DateTime::Span
                   print $dt->min->ymd;   # first date of span
                   print $dt->max->ymd;   # last date of span

           The boundaries of the iterator can be limited by passing it a "span" parameter.  This
           should be a "DateTime::Span" object which delimits the iterator's boundaries.
           Optionally, instead of passing an object, you can pass any parameters that would work
           for one of the "DateTime::Span" class's constructors, and an object will be created
           for you.

           Obviously, if the span you specify does is not restricted both at the start and end,
           then your iterator may iterate forever, depending on the nature of your set.  User

           The "next()" or "previous()" methods will return "undef" when there are no more spans
           in the iterator.

       ·   start_set

       ·   end_set

           These methods do the inverse of the "from_sets" method:

           "start_set" retrieves a DateTime::Set with the start datetime of each span.

           "end_set" retrieves a DateTime::Set with the end datetime of each span.

       ·   map ( sub { ... } )

               # example: enlarge the spans
               $set = $set2->map(
                   sub {
                       my $start = $_->start;
                       my $end = $_->end;
                       return DateTime::Span->from_datetimes(
                           start => $start,
                           before => $end,

           This method is the "set" version of Perl "map".

           It evaluates a subroutine for each element of the set (locally setting "$_" to each
           DateTime::Span) and returns the set composed of the results of each such evaluation.

           Like Perl "map", each element of the set may produce zero, one, or more elements in
           the returned value.

           Unlike Perl "map", changing "$_" does not change the original set. This means that
           calling map in void context has no effect.

           The callback subroutine may not be called immediately.  Don't count on subroutine
           side-effects. For example, a "print" inside the subroutine may happen later than you

           The callback return value is expected to be within the span of the "previous" and the
           "next" element in the original set.

           For example: given the set "[ 2001, 2010, 2015 ]", the callback result for the value
           2010 is expected to be within the span "[ 2001 .. 2015 ]".

       ·   grep ( sub { ... } )

               # example: filter out all spans happening today
               my $today = DateTime->today;
               $set = $set2->grep(
                   sub {
                       return ( ! $_->contains( $today ) );

           This method is the "set" version of Perl "grep".

           It evaluates a subroutine for each element of the set (locally setting "$_" to each
           DateTime::Span) and returns the set consisting of those elements for which the
           expression evaluated to true.

           Unlike Perl "grep", changing "$_" does not change the original set. This means that
           calling grep in void context has no effect.

           Changing "$_" does change the resulting set.

           The callback subroutine may not be called immediately.  Don't count on subroutine
           side-effects. For example, a "print" inside the subroutine may happen later than you

       ·   iterate

           Internal method - use "map" or "grep" instead.

           This function apply a callback subroutine to all elements of a set and returns the
           resulting set.

           The parameter $_[0] to the callback subroutine is a "DateTime::Span" object.

           If the callback returns "undef", the datetime is removed from the set:

               sub remove_sundays {
                   $_[0] unless $_[0]->start->day_of_week == 7;

           The callback return value is expected to be within the span of the "previous" and the
           "next" element in the original set.

           For example: given the set "[ 2001, 2010, 2015 ]", the callback result for the value
           2010 is expected to be within the span "[ 2001 .. 2015 ]".

           The callback subroutine may not be called immediately.  Don't count on subroutine
           side-effects. For example, a "print" inside the subroutine may happen later than you


       Support is offered through the "" mailing list.

       Please report bugs using


       Flavio Soibelmann Glock <>

       The API was developed together with Dave Rolsky and the DateTime Community.


       Copyright (c) 2003 Flavio Soibelmann Glock. All rights reserved.  This program is free
       software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

       The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.



       For details on the Perl DateTime Suite project please see <>.