Provided by: interchange_5.7.7-2_amd64 bug


       Vend::Payment::PRI - Interchange PRI Support




           [charge mode=PRI param1=value1 param2=value2]




         LWP::UserAgent and Crypt::SSLeay

       Only one of these need be present and working.


       The Vend::Payment::PRI module implements the PRI() routine for using Payment Resources
       International payment services with Interchange. It is compatible on a call level with the
       other Interchange payment modules.

       To enable this module, place this directive in "interchange.cfg":

           Require module Vend::Payment::PRI

       This must be in interchange.cfg or a file included from it.

       NOTE: Make sure CreditCardAuto is off (default in Interchange demos).

       The mode can be named anything, but the "gateway" parameter must be set to "PRI". To make
       it the default payment gateway for all credit card transactions in a specific catalog, you
       can set in "catalog.cfg":

           Variable   MV_PAYMENT_MODE  PRI

       It uses several of the standard settings from Interchange payment. Any time we speak of a
       setting, it is obtained either first from the tag/call options, then from an Interchange
       order Route named for the mode, then finally a default global payment variable, For
       example, the "id" parameter would be specified by:

           [charge mode=PRI id=YourPRIID]


           Route PRI id YourPRIID

       or with only PRI as a payment provider

           Variable MV_PAYMENT_ID      YourPRIID

       A fully valid catalog.cfg entry to work with the standard demo would be:

           Variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE    "__MV_PAYMENT_MODE__"
                       Route  PRI      id          "__PRI_ID__"
                       Route  PRI      regkey      "__PRI_REGKEY__"
                       Route  PRI      test_id     "__PRI_TEST_ID__"
                       Route  PRI      test_regkey "__PRI_TEST_REGKEY__"
                       Route  PRI      test_mode   "__PRI_TEST_MODE__"
                       Route  PRI      refid_mode  "__PRI_REFID_MODE__"

       A fully valid variable.txt entry to work with the PRI module would be:

                       MV_PAYMENT_MODE PRI     Payment
                       PRI_ID  your_pri_id     Payment
                       PRI_REGKEY      your_pri_regkey Payment
                       PRI_TEST_ID     your_pri_test_id        Payment
                       PRI_TEST_REGKEY your_pri_test_regkey    Payment
                       PRI_TEST_MODE   1       Payment
                       PRI_REFID_MODE  1       Payment

       The active settings are:

       id  PRI will supply you with both a test id and production id.  Enter both of these
           numbers into the the variables above.  You do not need your production id to test.

           PRI will supply you with both a test regkey and production regkey.  Enter both of
           these numbers into the the variables above.  You do not need your production regkey to

           The PRI interface allows (requires) a field called REFID.  This field is stored along
           with the transaction on the PRI server and allows your to do quick searches for
           transactions if this number has meaning.  There are three possible values for the
           PRI_REFID_MODE variable.  1,2 or any other character or null.

                   1.  A "1" in the pri_refid_mode instructs interchange to read the current
                   order number in $Variable->{MV_ORDER_COUNTER_FILE} or "etc/order.number",
                   increment it by one and use that. Do not use this mode if you have a busy catalog.  PRI might reject orders as duplicates if two people try to checkout at the same time.

                   2. A "2" in the pri_refid_mode instructs interchange to use the users
                   session_id as the value.  This is the recommended mode.

                   3. Anything other than a 1 or 2 instructs interchange to generate a unique
                   number from the unix date command and use that.  The number format is Day of
                   year, Hours, Minutes, Seconds.  Example for Jan 1, at 1:00:30 is 001130030.

           At this time the PRI payment module only processes transactions of type SALE.

           Testing with PRI is straight forward.  At this time (2004-05-15), PRI uses the same
           server for both development and production.  The only difference is the account used.
           Some accounts are flagged as TEST accounts and others are live.  When you first sign
           up with PRI they will supply you a test account and test Registration Key to use.
           Enter those numbers in the PRI_ID, PRI_REGKEY (production) and PRI_TEST_ID,
           PRI_TEST_REGKEY (test) variables.  Set the PRI_TEST_MODE to a value of 1,2 or 3 then
           do your testing.  Once everything is working correctly, simply set PRI_TEST_MODE to 0
           and restart interchange.  Your now live.

           Testing has 3 modes. (1,2,3) (live mode is 0) You set the mode with the PRI_TEST_MODE
           variable in variable.txt or directly in your catalog.cfg file.  The modes are as

           1) Use PRI_TEST_ID and PRI_TEST_REGKEY values.  Send information to PRI and receive
           result from PRI.  To generate errors in this mode, simply enter invalid data and PRI
           should reject it with an error.

           2) Generate a declined order internally.  Does not send data to PRI.  This mode is
           convenient if you want to do some testing and do not want to send any data to PRI.
           It's also a good way to track down errors.

           3) Generate a successful sale internally.  Does not send data to PRI. This mode is
           convenient if you want to see if everything works before sending test data to PRI.

           A good way to test this module is to set PRI_TEST_MODE to 3, then 2, then 1, then 0
           and make sure your catalog handles all situations correctly.

           To generate errors in test mode (while using your test ID and regkey) simply enter
           transactions with bad data and see what happens.  PRI will supply you with a list of
           test credit card numbers and amounts that they are good for.

           PRI uses different URLs depending on what type of transaction you are requesting,
           Sale, Recurring, Void etc..  The default URL for single sale transactions is


           At this time, this is the only URL supported by this PRI module

       If nothing works:

       •   Make sure you "Require"d the module in interchange.cfg:

               Require module Vend::Payment::PRI

       •   Make sure either Net::SSLeay or Crypt::SSLeay and LWP::UserAgent are installed and
           working. You can test to see whether your Perl thinks they are:

               perl -MNet::SSLeay -e 'print "It works\n"'


               perl -MLWP::UserAgent -MCrypt::SSLeay -e 'print "It works\n"'

           If either one prints "It works." and returns to the prompt you should be OK (presuming
           they are in working order otherwise).

       •   Check the error logs, both catalog and global.

       •   Make sure you set your account ID properly.

       •   Try an order, then put this code in a page:

                   my $string = $Tag->uneval( { ref => $Session->{payment_result} });
                   $string =~ s/{/{\n/;
                   $string =~ s/,/,\n/g;
                   return $string;

           That should show what happened.

       •   If all else fails, consultants are available to help with integration for a fee.  See


       There is actually nothing *in* Vend::Payment::PRI. It changes packages to Vend::Payment
       and places things there.


       Originally developed by New York Connect Net ( Michael Bacarella

       Modified for by by Troy Davis <>

       LWP/Crypt::SSLeay interface code by Matthew Schick, <>.

       Interchange implementation by Mike Heins.

       PRI modification by Marty Tennison


       05-24-2004 - Version 1.0

       09-06-2004 -.Version 1.1
         Added testing mode support.       Changed default refid to mode 2.       Fixed bug where would not recognize a successful transaction with a mix of digits and letters.  Now
       checks for "Declined", <space> or <null> to determine declined transaction, all others
       succeed.       Cleaned up some code.