Provided by: bootstrap-vz_0.9.9-2_all bug


       bootstrap-vz - bootstrap-vz Documentation

       The  manifest  file is the primary way to interact with bootstrap-vz.  Every configuration
       and customization of a Debian installation is specified in this file.

       The manifest format is YAML or JSON. It is near impossible to run the bootstrapper with an
       invalid  configuration,  since  every  part  of  the framework supplies a json-schema that
       specifies exactly which configuration settings are valid in different situations.


       Many   of   the    settings    in    the    example    manifests    use    strings    like
       debian-{system.release}-{system.architecture}- {{"{y"}}}{{"{m"}}}{{"{d"}}}.  These strings
       make use of manifest variables, which can cross reference other settings in  the  manifest
       or specific values supplied by the bootstrapper (e.g. all python date formatting variables
       are available).

       Any reference uses dots to specify a  path  to  the  desired  manifest  setting.  Not  all
       settings support this though, to see whether embedding a manifest variable in a setting is
       possible, look for the manifest vars label.


       The manifest is split into 7 sections.

       The provider section contains all provider specific settings and the name of the  provider

       • name: target virtualization platform of the installation required

       Consult the providers section of the documentation for a list of valid values.

       This  section  concerns  the  bootstrapper  itself  and its behavior. There are 4 possible

       • workspace: Path to where the bootstrapper should place images  and  intermediate  files.
         Any volumes will be mounted under that path.  requiredtarball:  debootstrap  has  the  option to download all the software and pack it up in a
         tarball. When starting the actual bootstrapping process, debootstrap can then be pointed
         at  that  tarball  and use it instead of downloading anything from the internet.  If you
         plan on running the bootstrapper multiple times, this option  can  save  you  a  lot  of
         bandwidth and time. This option just specifies whether it should create a new tarball or
         not. It will search for and use an available tarball if it already exists, regardless of
         this setting.  optional Valid values: true, false Default: falsemirror:  The  mirror  debootstrap  should  download  software  from.  It is advisable to
         specify a mirror  close  to  your  location  (or  the  location  of  the  host  you  are
         bootstrapping  on),  to  decrease  latency  and improve bandwidth. If not specified, the
         configured aptitude mirror URL is used.  optionalinclude_packages: Extra packages to be installed during bootstrap.  Accepts  a  list  of
         package names.  optionalexclude_packages: Packages to exclude during bootstrap phase.  Accepts a list of package
         names.  optionalguest_additions: This  setting  is  only  relevant  for  the  virtualbox  provider.   It
         specifies the path to the VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO, which, when specified, will be
         mounted and used to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions.  optional

       The image section configures anything pertaining  directly  to  the  image  that  will  be

       • name:  The  name of the resulting image.  When bootstrapping cloud images, this would be
         the name visible in the interface when booting up new instances.  When bootstrapping for
         VirtualBox or kvm, it's the filename of the image.  required manifest varsdescription:  Description  of  the  image.  Where this setting is used depends highly on
         which provider is set. At the moment it is only used for AWS images.  required  for  ec2
         provider manifest varsbucket: When bootstrapping an S3 backed image for AWS, this will be the bucket where the
         image is uploaded to.  required for S3 backingregion: Region in which the AMI should be registered.  required for S3 backing

       This section defines anything that pertains directly to the bootstrapped system  and  does
       not fit under any other section.

       • architecture: The architecture of the system.  Valid values: i386, amd64 requiredbootloader:  The  bootloader  for  the  system.  Depending  on  the  bootmethod  of  the
         virtualization platform, the options may be restricted.  Valid values:  grub,  extlinux,
         pv-grub requiredcharmap: The default charmap of the system.  Valid values: Any valid charmap like UTF-8,
         ISO-8859- or GBK.  requiredhostname: hostname to preconfigure the system with.  optionallocale: The default locale of  the  system.   Valid  values:  Any  locale  mentioned  in
         /etc/locale.gen requiredrelease:  Defines  which  debian release should be bootstrapped.  Valid values: squeeze,
         wheezy, jessie, sid, oldstable, stable, testing, unstable requiredtimezone: Timezone of the system.  Valid values: Any filename  from  /usr/share/zoneinfo

       The packages section allows you to install custom packages from a variety of sources.

       • install:  A  list  of  strings  that  specify  which packages should be installed. Valid
         values: package names optionally followed by a /target or paths to local .deb files.

       • install_standard: Defines if the packages of the "Standard System Utilities"  option  of
         the  Debian  installer,  provided by tasksel, should be installed or not. The problem is
         that with just debootstrap, the system ends up with very basic commands. This is  not  a
         problem  for  a machine that will not be used interactively, but otherwise it is nice to
         have at hand tools like bash-completion, less,  locate,  etc.   optional  Valid  values:
         true, false Default: falsemirror: The default aptitude mirror.  optional Default:  A map of additional sources that should be added to the aptitude sources list.
         The key becomes the filename in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ (with .list  appended  to  it),
         while the value is an array with each entry being a line.  optionalcomponents:  A  list  of components that should be added to the default apt sources. For
         example contrib or non-free optional Default: ['main']trusted-keys: List of paths to .gpg keyrings  that  should  be  added  to  the  aptitude
         keyring of trusted signatures for repositories.  optionalpreferences:  Allows  you  to  pin  packages  through apt preferences. The setting is an
         object where the key is the preference filename in /etc/apt/preferences.d/. The key main
         is  special  and  refers  to the file /etc/apt/preferences, which will be overwritten if
         specified.  optional The values are objects with three keys:

       • package: The package to pin (wildcards allowed)

       • pin: The release to pin the package to.

       • pin-priority: The priority of this pin.

       bootstrap-vz allows a wide range of options for configuring the disk layout of the system.
       It  can  create unpartitioned as well as partitioned volumes using either the gpt or msdos
       scheme. At most, there are  only  three  partitions  with  predefined  roles  configurable
       though. They are boot, root and swap.

       • backing:  Specifies  the  volume backing. This setting is very provider specific.  Valid
         values: ebs, s3, vmdk, vdi, raw requiredpartitions: A map of the partitions that should be created on the volume.

       • type: The partitioning scheme to use. When using none, only root can be specified  as  a
         partition.  Valid values: none, gpt, msdos requiredroot: Configuration of the root partition. requiredsize:  The  size  of  the partition. Valid values: Any datasize specification up to TB
           (e.g. 5KiB, 1MB, 6TB).  requiredfilesystem: The filesystem of the partition. When choosing xfs, the  xfsprogs  package
           will need to be installed.  Valid values: ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs requiredformat_command:  Command to format the partition with. This optional setting overrides
           the command bootstrap-vz would normally use to format the partition.  The  command  is
           specified  as a string array where each option/argument is an item in that array (much
           like the commands plugin).  optional The following variables are available:

         • {fs}: The filesystem of the partition.

         • {device_path}: The device path of the partition.

         • {size}: The size of the partition.

         The default command used by boostrap-vz is ['mkfs.{fs}', '{device_path}'].

         • boot: Configuration of the boot partition. The three settings equal those of the  root
           partition.  optionalswap:  Configuration  of  the  swap  partition.  Since  the swap partition has its own
           filesystem you can only specify the size for this partition.  optional

       The plugins section is a map of plugin names to whatever configuration a plugin  requires.
       Go  to  the  plugin  section of the documentation, to see the configuration for a specific


       This provider generates raw images for Microsoft Azure computing platform.

       qemu-img >= 1.7.0 required to convert raw image to vhd fixed size disk.  This  release  is
       available in wheezy-backports.

       wget must be installed on local computer.

       Manifest  must use the raw format, provider will automatically transform the disk to a vhd
       disk format.

       Do not create swap space on the OS disk:

       The Windows Azure Linux Agent can automatically  configure  swap  space  using  the  local
       resource disk that is attached to the VM after provisioning on Azure. Modify the following
       parameters in /etc/waagent.conf appropriately:

          ResourceDisk.SwapSizeMB=2048    ## NOTE: set this to whatever you need it to be.

       You can specify a waagent.conf file to replace the default one  in  the  manifest  in  the
       azure/waagent section of the provider:

          "system" : {
              "waagent" : {
                 "conf": "path_to_my_conf_file",  # optional
                 "version" : "2.0.4"              # mandatory
          }, ...

       Waagent versions are available at:


       The EC2 provider automatically creates a volume for bootstrapping (be it EBS or S3), makes
       a snapshot of it once it is done and registers it as an AMI. EBS volume backing only works
       on  an  EC2 host while S3 backed volumes should work locally (at this time however they do
       not, a fix is in the works).

       Unless the cloud-init plugin is used, special  startup  scripts  will  be  installed  that
       automatically  fetch  the configured authorized_key from the instance metadata and save or
       run any userdata supplied (if the userdata begins with #! it will be run).

       The AWS credentials can be configured in two ways: Via the manifest or through environment
       variables. To bootstrap S3 backed instances you will need a user certificate and a private
       key in addition to the access key and secret key, which are needed  for  bootstraping  EBS
       backed instances.

       The  settings  describes  below should be placed in the credentials key under the provider

       • access-key:  AWS  access-key.   May  also  be  supplied  via  the  environment  variable
         $AWS_ACCESS_KEY required for EBS & S3 backingsecret-key:  AWS  secret-key.   May  also  be  supplied  via  the  environment  variable
         $AWS_SECRET_KEY required for EBS & S3 backingcertificate: Path to the AWS user certificate. Used for uploading the  image  to  an  S3
         bucket.  May also be supplied via the environment variable $AWS_CERTIFICATE required for
         S3 backingprivate-key: Path to the AWS private key. Used for uploading the image to an S3  bucket.
         May  also  be  supplied  via  the  environment variable $AWS_PRIVATE_KEY required for S3
         backinguser-id: AWS user ID. Used for uploading the  image  to  an  S3  bucket.   May  also  be
         supplied via the environment variable $AWS_USER_ID required for S3 backing


            name: ec2
            virtualization: hvm
            enhanced_networking: simple
              access-key: AFAKEACCESSKEYFORAWS
              secret-key: thes3cr3tkeyf0ryourawsaccount/FS4d8Qdva

       To  communicate  with  the  AWS  API  boto  is required (version 2.14.0 or higher) you can
       install boto with pip install boto (on wheezy, the packaged version is too low). S3 images
       are chopped up and uploaded using euca2ools (install with apt-get install euca2ools).


       The  GCE  provider  can creates image as expected by GCE - i.e. raw disk image in *.tar.gz
       file. It can upload created images to Google Storage Engine (to URI provided  in  manifest
       by  gcs_destination) and can register image to be used by Google Compute Engine to project
       provided in manifest by gce_project. Both of those functionalities are  not  fully  tested


       The  KVM  provider  creates  virtual  images  for  Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machines. It
       supports the installation  of  virtio  kernel  modules  (paravirtualized  drivers  for  IO


       The  VirtualBox  provider can bootstrap to both .vdi and .vmdk images (raw images are also
       supported but do not run in VirtualBox). It's advisable to  always  use  vmdk  images  for
       interoperability  (e.g.   OVF  files  should  support  vdi  files,  but since they have no
       identifier URL not even VirtualBox itself can import them). VirtualBox Guest Additions can
       be installed automatically if the ISO is provided in the manifest.

       Providers in bootstrap-vz represent various cloud providers and virtual machines.

       bootstrap-vz  is  an  extensible  platform with loose coupling and a significant amount of
       tooling, which allows for painless implementation of new providers.

       The virtualbox provider for example is implemented in only 89 lines of python, since  most
       of  the  building blocks are a part of the common task library.  Only the kernel and guest
       additions installation are specific to that provider.


       This plugin creates a user with passwordless sudo privileges. It  also  disables  the  SSH
       root  login.  If  the  EC2  init  scripts  are  installed, the script for fetching the SSH
       authorized keys will be adjust to match the username specified.

   Settingsusername: The username of the account to create. required


       This plugin creates a proxy configuration file for APT, so you could enjoy the benefits of
       using  cached  packages  instead of downloading them from the mirror every time. You could
       just install apt-cacher-ng on the host machine and then  add  "address":  ""  and
       "port": 3142 to the manifest file.

   Settingsaddress: The IP or host of the proxy server.  requiredport: The port (integer) of the proxy server.  requiredusername:  The username for authentication against the proxy server.  This is ignored if
         password is not also set.  optionalpassword: The password for authentication against the proxy server.  This is ignored  if
         username is not also set.  optionalpersistent:  Whether  the  proxy configuration file should remain on the machine or not.
         Valid values: true, false Default: false.  optional


       This plugin installs and configures cloud-init on the system. Depending on the release  it
       installs it from either backports or the main repository.

       cloud-init is only compatible with Debian wheezy and upwards.

   Settingsusername: The username of the account to create.  requireddisable_modules:  A  list  of  strings  specifying  which  cloud-init  modules should be
         disabled.  optionalmetadata_sources: A string that sets the datasources that cloud-init should try fetching
         metadata from. The source is automatically set when using the ec2 provider.  optional


       This  plugin  allows  you  to  run  arbitrary  commands during the bootstrap process.  The
       commands are run at an indeterminate point after packages have been installed, but  before
       the volume has been unmounted.

   Settingscommands:  A  list of lists containing strings. Each top-level item is a single command,
         while the strings inside each list comprise parts of a command. This allows  for  proper
         shell  argument  escaping.   To  circumvent escaping, simply put the entire command in a
         single string, the command will additionally be evaluated in a shell (e.g. globbing will
         work).   In  addition  to the manifest variables {root} is also available.  It points at
         the root of the image volume.  required manifest vars

       Create an empty index.html in /var/www and delete all locales except english.



                        • [touch, '{root}/var/www/index.html']

                        • ['rm -rf /usr/share/locale/[^en]*']


       Install docker daemon in the image. Uses init scripts for the official repository.

       This plugin can only be used if the distribution being bootstrapped is at least wheezy, as
       Docker  needs  a  kernel version 3.8 or higher, which is available at the wheezy-backports
       repository. There's also an architecture requirement, as it runs only on amd64.

   Settingsversion: Selects the docker version to install. To select the latest version simply omit
         this setting.  Default: latest optional


       This  plugin  can be used to reduce the size of the resulting image. Often virtual volumes
       are much smaller than their reported size until any data is written to  them.  During  the
       bootstrapping process temporary data like the aptitude cache is written to the volume only
       to be removed again.

       The minimize size  plugin  employs  three  different  strategies  to  keep  a  low  volume

       • Mount  folders  from  the  host  into  key  locations  of  the image volume to avoid any
         unneccesary disk writes.

       • Use zerofree to deallocate unused sectors on the volume. On an unpartitioned volume this
         will  be done for the entire volume, while it will only happen on the root partition for
         partitioned volumes.

       • Use vmware-vdiskmanager to shrink the real volume size (only applicable when using  vmdk
         backing). The tool is part of the VMWare Workstation package.

   Settingszerofree:  Specifies if it should mark unallocated blocks as zeroes, so the volume could
         be better shrunk after this.  Valid values: true, false Default: false optionalshrink: Whether the volume should be shrunk. This setting works best in conjunction with
         the zerofree tool.  Valid values: true, false Default: false optional


       This  plugins  installs the Network Time Protocol daemon and optionally defines which time
       servers it should use.

   Settingsservers: A list of strings specifying which servers should be used  to  synchronize  the
         machine clock.  optional


       This  plugin  adds  OpenNebula  contextualization  to the image, which sets up the network
       configuration and SSH keys.

       The virtual machine context should be configured as follows:

          ETH0_DNS      $NETWORK[DNS, NETWORK_ID=2]
          ETH0_IP       $NIC[IP, NETWORK_ID=2]

       The plugin will install all .pub files in the root authorized_keys file.  When  using  the
       ec2 provider, the USER_EC2_DATA will be executed if present.

       This plugin has no settings. To enable it add "opennebula":{} to the plugin section of the


       Install packages from the Python Package Index via pip.

       Installs build-essential and python-dev debian packages, so Python extension  modules  can
       be built.

   Settingspackages:  Python  packages to install, a list of strings. The list can contain anything
         that pip install would accept as an argument, for example awscli==1.3.13.


       When developing for bootstrap-vz, testing can be quite  tedious  since  the  bootstrapping
       process  can  take  a  while. The prebootstrapped plugin solves that problem by creating a
       snapshot of your volume right after all the software has been  installed.  The  next  time
       bootstrap-vz  is  run,  the plugin replaces all volume preparation and bootstrapping tasks
       and recreates the volume from the snapshot instead.

       The plugin assumes that the users knows what he is doing (e.g. it  doesn't  check  whether
       bootstrap-vz  is  being run with a partitioned volume configuration, while the snapshot is

       When no snapshot or image is specified the plugin creates one  and  outputs  its  ID/path.
       Specifying an ID/path enables the second mode of operation which recreates the volume from
       the specified snapshot instead of creating it from scratch.

   Settingssnapshot: ID of the EBS snapshot to use. This setting only works  with  EBS  backed  EC2

       • image:  Path  to  the  loopbackvolume snapshot. This setting works with all configurable
         volume backings except EBS.


       Installs puppet and optionally applies a manifest inside the chroot. You can also have  it
       copy your puppet configuration into the image so it is readily available once the image is

       Keep in mind that when applying a manifest, the system is in a chrooted environment.  This
       can  prevent daemons from running properly (e.g.  listening to ports), they will also need
       to be shut down gracefully (which bootstrap-vz cannot do) before unmounting the volume. It
       is advisable to avoid starting any daemons inside the chroot at all.

   Settingsmanifest: Path to the puppet manifest that should be applied.  optionalassets:  Path  to  puppet  assets.  The  contents will be copied into /etc/puppet on the
         image. Any existing files will be overwritten.  optionalenable_agent: Whether the puppet agent daemon should be enabled.  optional


       Sets the root password. This plugin removes  the  task  that  disables  the  SSH  password

   Settingspassword: The password for the root user.  required


       Install salt minion in the image. Uses salt-bootstrap script to install.

   Settingsinstall_source:  Source  to install salt codebase from. stable for current stable, daily
         for installing the daily build, and git to install from git repository.  requiredversion: Only needed if you  are  installing  from  git.   develop  to  install  current
         development head, or provide any tag name or commit hash from salt repo optionalmaster: Salt master FQDN or IP optionalgrains:  Set  salt  grains for this minion. Accepts a map with grain name as key and the
         grain data as value.  optional


       Enables the unattended update/upgrade feature in aptitude. Enable it to have  your  system
       automatically download and install security updates automatically with a set interval.

   Settingsupdate_interval: Days between running apt-get update.  requireddownload_interval: Days between running apt-get upgrade --download-only requiredupgrade_interval: Days between installing any security upgrades.  required


       Vagrant  is  a  tool  to  quickly create virtualized environments. It uses "boxes" to make
       downloading and sharing those environments easier. A box is a tarball containing a virtual
       volumes accompanied by an OVF specification of the virtual machine.

       This plugin creates a vagrant box that is ready to be shared or deployed. At the moment it
       is only compatible with the  VirtualBox  provider  and  doesn't  requires  any  additional

       Plugins  are  a key feature of bootstrap-vz. Despite their small size (most plugins do not
       exceed 100 source lines of code) they can modify the behavior of bootstrapped systems to a
       great extent.

       Below  you  will  find  documentation  for  all plugins available for bootstrap-vz. If you
       cannot find what you are looking for, consider developing it yourself  and  contribute  to
       this list!

       The following is a list of supported manifest combinations.

       Note that grub cannot boot from unpartitioned volumes.

       Additionally  grub  installation  is  not  supported  on squeeze.  This is not a technical
       limitation, but simply stems from a lack of motivation to implement support for it.




   EBS (wheezy & jessie)
                     │Bootloader        / │ none          │ msdos     │ gpt       │
                     │Partitioning        │               │           │           │
                     │pvgrub              │ supported     │ supported │ supported │
                     │(paravirtualized)   │               │           │           │
                     │extlinux (hvm)      │ supported     │ supported │ supported │
                     │grub (hvm)          │ not supported │ supported │ supported │

   EBS (squeeze)
               │Bootloader        / │ none          │ msdos           │ gpt             │
               │Partitioning        │               │                 │                 │
               │pvgrub              │ supported     │ supported       │ supported       │
               │(paravirtualized)   │               │                 │                 │
               │extlinux (hvm)      │ supported     │ supported       │ supported       │
               │grub (hvm)          │ not supportednot implementednot implemented │

   S3 (all releases)
              │Bootloader        / │ none            │ msdos           │ gpt             │
              │Partitioning        │                 │                 │                 │
              │pvgrub              │ supported       │ not implementednot implemented │
              │(paravirtualized)   │                 │                 │                 │
              │extlinux (hvm)      │ not implementednot implementednot implemented │
              │grub (hvm)          │ not supportednot implementednot implemented │






                     │Bootloader        / │ none          │ msdos     │ gpt       │
                     │Partitioning        │               │           │           │
                     │extlinux            │ supported     │ supported │ supported │

                     │grub                │ not supported │ supported │ supported │

       Every run creates a new logfile in the logs/ directory. The filename for each run consists
       of a timestamp (%Y%m%d%H%M%S) and the basename of the manifest used. The log also contains
       debugging statements regardless of whether the --debug switch was used.

       bootstrap-vz  is  able to bootstrap images not only on the machine on which it is invoked,
       but also on remote machines that have bootstrap-vz installed.

       This is helpful when you create manifests on your own workstation, but have  a  beefed  up
       remote  build  server which can create images quickly.  There may also be situations where
       you want to build multiple manifests that have different providers and  require  the  host
       machines  to  be running on that provider (e.g. EBS backed AMIs can only be created on EC2
       instances), when doing this multiple times  SSHing  into  the  machines  and  copying  the
       manifests can be a hassle.

       Lastly,  the  main  motivation  for  supporting  remote bootstrapping is the automation of
       integration testing.  As you will see further down, bootstrap-vz is able to  select  which
       build  server  is required for a specific test and run the bootstrapping procedure on said


       Normally you'd use bootstrap-vz to start  a  bootstrapping  process.   When  bootstrapping
       remotely  simply  use  bootstrap-vz-remote instead, it takes the same arguments plus a few
       additional ones:

       • --servers <path>: Path to a list of build-servers (see build-servers.yml for more info)

       • --name <name>: Selects a specific build-server from the list of build-servers

       • --release <release>: Restricts the autoselection of build-servers to the ones  with  the
         specified release

       Much  like  when  bootstrapping  directly,  you  can press Ctrl+C at any time to abort the
       bootstrapping process.  The remote process will receive the keyboard interrupt signal  and
       begin  cleaning  up  -  pressing Ctrl+C a second time will abort that as well and kill the
       connection immediately.

       Note that there is also a bootstrap-vz-server, this  file  is  not  meant  to  be  invoked
       directly  by  the  user, but is instead launched by bootstrap-vz on the remote server when
       connecting to it.


       For the remote bootstrapping procedure to work, you will need to install  bootstrap-vz  as
       well  as  the  sudo  command  on  the  remote machine.  Also make sure that all the needed
       dependencies for bootstrapping your image are installed.

       Locally the pip package Pyro4 is needed.


       The file build-servers.yml informs bootstrap-vz about the different build servers you have
       at your disposal.  In its simplest form you can just add your own machine like this:

            type: local
            can_bootstrap: [virtualbox]
            release: jessie
            build_settings: {}

       type  specifies  how  bootstrap-vz should connect to the build-server.  local simply means
       that it will call the bootstrapping procedure directly, no new process is spawned.

       can_bootstrap tells bootstrap-vz for which providers this machine is capable  of  building
       images.  With  the  exception  of the EC2 provider, the accepted values match the accepted
       provider names in the manifest.  For EC2 you can specify ec2-s3 and/or  ec2-ebs.   ec2-ebs
       specifies  that the machine in question can bootstrap EBS backed images and should only be
       used when the it is located on EC2.  ec2-s3 signifies  that  the  machine  is  capable  of
       bootstrapping S3 backed images.

       Beyond being a string, the value of release is not enforced in any way.  It's only current
       use is for bootstrap-vz-remote  where  you  can  restrict  which  build-server  should  be

   Remote settings
       The  other  (and  more  interesting)  setting  for  type is ssh, which requires a few more
       configuration settings:

            type: ssh
              - virtualbox
              - ec2-s3
            release: wheezy
            # remote settings below here
            port: 2222
            username: admin
            keyfile: path_to_private_key_file
            server_bin: /root/bootstrap/bootstrap-vz-server

       The last 5 settings specify how bootstrap-vz  can  connect  to  the  remote  build-server.
       While the initial handshake is achieved through SSH, bootstrap-vz mainly communicates with
       its counterpart through RPC (the communication port is automatically forwarded through  an
       SSH  tunnel).   address, port, username and keyfile are hopefully self explanatory (remote
       machine address, SSH port, login name and path to private SSH key file).

       server_bin refers to the aboved mentioned  bootstrap-vz-server  executable.  This  is  the
       command bootstrap-vz executes on the remote machine to start the RPC server.

       Be  aware  that  there are a few limitations as to what bootstrap-vz is able to deal with,
       regarding  the  remote  machine  setup  (in  time  they  may  be  fixed  by  a  benevolent

       • The login user must be able to execute sudo without a password

       • The  private key file must be added to the ssh-agent before invocation (alternatively it
         may not be password protected)

       • The server must already be part of the known_hosts list (bootstrap-vz uses ssh  directly
         and cannot handle interactive prompts)

   Build settings
       The  build  settings  allow  you to override specific manifest properties.  This is useful
       when   for   example   the   VirtualBox   guest    additions    ISO    is    located    at
       /root/guest_additions.iso on server 1, while server 2 has it at /root/images/vbox.iso.

            type: local
              - virtualbox
              - ec2-s3
            release: jessie
              guest_additions: /root/images/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
                port: 3142
                access-key: AFAKEACCESSKEYFORAWS
                secret-key: thes3cr3tkeyf0ryourawsaccount/FS4d8Qdva
                certificate: /root/manifests/cert.pem
                private-key: /root/manifests/pk.pem
                user-id: 1234-1234-1234
              s3-region: eu-west-1

       • guest_additions  specifies  the path to the VirtualBox guest additions ISO on the remote

       • apt_proxy sets the configuration for the apt_proxy plugin <../plugins/apt_proxy>.

       • ec2-credentials contains all the settings you know from EC2 manifests,  note  that  when
         running integration tests, these credentials are also used when running instances.

       • s3-region overrides the s3 bucket region when bootstrapping S3 backed images.


       Developing  a  plugin for bootstrap-vz is a fairly straightforward process, since there is
       very little code overhead.

       The process is the same whether you create an internal or an external plugin  (though  you
       need to add some code for package management when creating an external plugin)

       Start  by creating an in your plugin folder.  The only obligatory function you
       need to implement is resolve_tasks().  This function adds tasks to be run to the tasklist:

          def resolve_tasks(taskset, manifest):

       The manifest variable holds the manifest the user specified, with  it  you  can  determine
       settings  for  your  plugin  and  e.g.  check of which release of Debian bootstrap-vz will
       create an image.

       A task is a class with a static run() function and some meta-information:

          class DoSomething(Task):
                  description = 'Doing something'
                  phase = phases.volume_preparation
                  predecessors = [PartitionVolume]
                  successors = [filesystem.Format]

                  def run(cls, info):

       To read more about tasks and their ordering, check out the  section  on  how  bootstrap-vz

       Besides the resolve_tasks() function, there is also the resolve_rollback_tasks() function,
       which comes into play when something has gone awry while bootstrapping.  It should be used
       to  clean  up  anything  that was created during the bootstrapping process. If you created
       temporary files for example, you can add a task to the rollback taskset that deletes those
       files,  you  might  even  already  have  it  because  you  run  it after an image has been
       successfully bootstrapped:

          def resolve_rollback_tasks(taskset, manifest, completed, counter_task):
                  counter_task(taskset, tasks.DoSomething, tasks.UndoSomething)

       In  resolve_rollback_tasks() you have access to the taskset (this time it  contains  tasks
       that  will be run during rollback), the manifest, and the tasks that have already been run
       before the bootstrapping aborted (completed).

       The last parameter is the counter_task() function, with it you can specify that a specific
       task (2nd param) has to be in the taskset (1st param) for the rollback task (3rd param) to
       be added. This saves code and makes it more readable than running  through  the  completed
       tasklist and checking each completed task.

       You can also specify a validate_manifest() function.  Typically it looks like this:

          def validate_manifest(data, validator, error):
                  import os.path
                  schema_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'manifest-schema.yml'))
                  validator(data, schema_path)

       This  code validates the manifest against a schema in your plugin folder.  The schema is a
       JSON schema, since bootstrap-vz supports yaml, you can avoid a lot of curly braces quotes:

          title: Example plugin manifest
          type: object
              type: object
                  type: object
                    message: {type: string}
                  required: [message]
                  additionalProperties: false

       In the schema above we check that the example plugin has a single property  named  message
       with  a  string  value  (setting additionalProperties to false makes sure that users don't
       misspell optional attributes).

   Internal plugins
       Internal plugins are part of the bootstrap-vz package and distributed  with  it.   If  you
       have  developed  a  plugin  that  you think should be part of the package because a lot of
       people might use it you can send a pull request to get it included (just remember to  read
       the guidelines first).

   External plugins
       External   plugins  are  packages  distributed  separately  from  bootstrap-vz.   Separate
       distribution makes sense when your plugin solves a narrow problem scope specific  to  your
       use-case  or  when  the plugin contains proprietary code that you would not like to share.
       They integrate with bootstrap-vz by exposing an entry-point through

                entry_points={'bootstrapvz.plugins': ['plugin_name = package_name.module_name']},
                install_requires=['bootstrap-vz >= 0.9.5'],

       Beyond  the  package  might   need   a   so   that   assets   like
       manifest-schema.yml are included when the package is built:

          include example/manifest-schema.yml
          include example/README.rst

       To  test  your  package  from  source  you can run python develop to register the
       package so that bootstrap-vz can find the entry-point of your plugin.

       An example plugin is available at,
       you can use it as a starting point for your own plugin.

   Installing external plugins
       Some  plugins  may not find their way to the python package index (especially if it's in a
       private repo). They can of course still be installed using pip:

          pip install git+ssh://


       Both the end-user and developer documentation is combined into a single sphinx build  (the
       two were previously split between github pages and sphinx).

       To  build the documentation, simply run tox -e docs in the project root.  Serving the docs
       through http can be achieved by  subsequently  running  (cd  docs/_build/html;  python  -m
       SimpleHTTPServer 8080) and accessing them on http://localhost:8080/.

       Many  of  the  folders in the project have a README.rst which describes the purpose of the
       contents in that folder.   These  files  are  automatically  included  when  building  the
       documentation, through use of the include directive.

       Include  files  for the providers and plugins are autogenerated through the sphinx

       All links in rst files outside of docs/ (but also docs/README.rst) that link to other  rst
       files  are  relative  and reference folder names when the link would point at a README.rst
       otherwise. This is done to take advantage of the github feature  where  README  files  are
       displayed  when  viewing  its  parent  folder.   When  accessing the manifests/ folder for
       example, the documentation for how manifests work is displayed at the bottom.

       When sphinx generates the documentation, these relative links are automatically  converted
       into  relative  links  that  work  inside  the  generated  html pages instead.  If you are
       interested in  how  this  works,  take  a  look  at  the  link  transformation  module  in


       As  a  developer,  there are commandline switches available which can make your life a lot

       • --debug: Enables debug output in the console. This includes  output  from  all  commands
         that are invoked during bootstrapping.

       • --pause-on-error:  Pauses  the  execution  when an exception occurs before rolling back.
         This allows you to debug by inspecting the volume at the time the error occured.

       • --dry-run: Prevents the run() function from being called on all tasks. This is useful if
         you want to see whether the task order is correct.



       At  its  core bootstrap-vz is based on tasks that perform units of work.  By keeping those
       tasks small and with a solid structure built around them a high degree of flexibility  can
       be  achieved. To ensure that tasks are executed in the right order, each task is placed in
       a dependency graph where directed edges dictate precedence. Each task is  a  simple  class
       that defines its predecessor tasks and successor tasks via attributes. Here is an example:

          class MapPartitions(Task):
                  description = 'Mapping volume partitions'
                  phase = phases.volume_preparation
                  predecessors = [PartitionVolume]
                  successors = [filesystem.Format]

                  def run(cls, info):

       In  this  case  the  attributes  define  that  the  task  at  hand  should  run  after the
       PartitionVolume task — i.e. after volume has been partitioned (predecessors) — but  before
       formatting  each  partition  (successors).   It  is  also placed in the volume_preparation
       phase.  Phases are ordered and group tasks together. All tasks in a phase are  run  before
       proceeding  with  the tasks in the next phase. They are a way of avoiding the need to list
       50 different tasks as predecessors and successors.

       The final task list that will be executed is computed by  enumerating  all  tasks  in  the
       package,  placing them in the graph and sorting them topologically.  Subsequently the list
       returned is filtered to contain only the tasks the provider and the plugins added  to  the

   System abstractions
       There  are several abstractions in bootstrap-vz that make it possible to generalize things
       like volume creation, partitioning, mounting and package installation.  As  a  rule  these
       abstractions are located in the base/ folder, where the manifest parsing and task ordering
       algorithm are placed as well.


       The base module represents concepts of the bootstrapping process that tasks  can  interact
       with and handles the gather, sorting and running of tasks.

   Filesystem handling
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.volume.Volume(partition_map)
              Represents an abstract volume.  This class is a finite state machine and represents
              the state of the real volume.

                     Links the volume using the device mapper This allows us to create a 'window'
                     into  the  volume  that  acts like a volume in itself.  Mainly it is used to
                     fool grub into thinking that it is working with a real volume, rather than a
                     loopback device or a network block device.

                            e (_e_obj) -- Event object containing arguments to create()

                     Keyword arguments to link_dm_node() are:

                     Parameterslogical_start_sector (int) -- The sector the volume should start at
                              in the new volume

                            • start_sector (int) -- The offset at which the volume  should  begin
                              to be mapped in the new volume

                            • sectors (int) -- The number of sectors that should be mapped

                     Read                                 more                                at:

                     Raises VolumeError
                            When a free block device cannot be found.

                     Unlinks the device mapping

                     Checks whether the volume is blocked

                     Raises VolumeError
                            When the volume is blocked from being detached

   Abstract Partitionmap
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitionmaps.abstract.AbstractPartitionMap(bootloader)
              Abstract  representation of a partiton map This class is a finite state machine and
              represents the state of the real partition map


                     Raises PartitionError
                            In case a partition could not be mapped.


                     Raises PartitionError
                            If the a partition cannot be unmapped

                     Creates the partition map

                            volume (Volume) -- The volume to create the partition map on

                     Returns the total size the partitions occupy

                            The size of all partitions

                     Return type

                     Returns whether the partition map is blocking volume detach operations

                     Return type

                     Maps the partition map to device nodes

                            volume (Volume) -- The volume the partition map resides on

                     Unmaps the partition

                            volume (Volume) -- The volume to unmap the partition map from

   GPT Partitionmap
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitionmaps.gpt.GPTPartitionMap(data, sector_size, bootloader)
              Represents a GPT partition map

                     Creates the partition map

   MS-DOS Partitionmap
       class     bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitionmaps.msdos.MSDOSPartitionMap(data,     sector_size,
              Represents  a MS-DOS partition map Sometimes also called MBR (but that confuses the
              hell out of me, so ms-dos it is)

   No Partitionmap
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitionmaps.none.NoPartitions(data, sector_size, bootloader)
              Represents a virtual  'NoPartitions'  partitionmap.   This  virtual  partition  map
              exists because it is easier for tasks to simply always deal with partition maps and
              then let the base abstract that away.

                     Returns the total size the partitions occupy

                            The size of all the partitions

                     Return type

                     Returns whether the partition map is blocking volume detach operations

                     Return type

   Abstract partition
       class     bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.abstract.AbstractPartition(size,      filesystem,
              Abstract  representation  of  a  partiton  This class is a finite state machine and
              represents the state of the real partition

                     Mount any mounts associated with this partition

                     Formats the partition

                     Mount the partition

                     Unmount any mounts associated with this partition

              add_mount(source, destination, opts=[])
                     Associate a mount with this partition Automatically mounts it

                     Parameterssource (str,AbstractPartition) -- The source of the mount

                            • destination (str) -- The path to the mountpoint

                            • opts (list) -- Any options that  should  be  passed  to  the  mount

                     Gets the end of the partition

                            The end of the partition

                     Return type

                     Gets the UUID of the partition

                            The UUID of the partition

                     Return type

                     Remove a mount from this partition Automatically unmounts it

                            destination  (str) -- The mountpoint path of the mount that should be

   Base partition
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.base.BasePartition(size, filesystem,  format_command,
              Represents  a  partition  that  is actually a partition (and not a virtual one like

                     Creates the partition

                     Creates the partition

                            volume (Volume) -- The volume to create the partition on

                     Gets the index of this partition in the partition map

                            The index of the partition in the partition map

                     Return type

                     Gets the starting byte of this partition

                            The starting byte of this partition

                     Return type

                     Maps the partition to a device_path

                            device_path (str) -- The device path this partition should be  mapped

   GPT partition
       class  bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.gpt.GPTPartition(size,  filesystem,  format_command,
       name, previous)
              Represents a GPT partition

   GPT swap partition
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.gpt_swap.GPTSwapPartition(size, previous)
              Represents a GPT swap partition

   MS-DOS partition
       class        bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.msdos.MSDOSPartition(size,         filesystem,
       format_command, previous)
              Represents an MS-DOS partition

   MS-DOS swap partition
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.msdos_swap.MSDOSSwapPartition(size, previous)
              Represents a MS-DOS swap partition

       class        bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.single.SinglePartition(size,       filesystem,
              Represents a single virtual partition on an unpartitioned volume

                     Gets the starting byte of this partition

                            The starting byte of this partition

                     Return type

   Unformatted partition
       class bootstrapvz.base.fs.partitions.unformatted.UnformattedPartition(size, previous)
              Represents an unformatted partition It cannot be mounted

       exception bootstrapvz.base.fs.exceptions.PartitionError
              Raised when an error occurs while interacting with the partitions on the volume

       exception bootstrapvz.base.fs.exceptions.VolumeError
              Raised when an error occurs while interacting with the volume

   Package handling
   Package list
       class bootstrapvz.base.pkg.packagelist.PackageList(manifest_vars, source_lists)
              Represents a list of packages

              class Local(path)
                     A local package

              class PackageList.Remote(name, target)
                     A remote package with an optional target

              PackageList.add(name, target=None)
                     Adds a package to the install list

                     Parametersname (str) -- The name of  the  package  to  install,  may  contain
                              manifest vars references

                            • target (str) -- The name of the target release for the package, may
                              contain manifest vars references

                     RaisesPackageError -- When  a  package  of  the  same  name  but  with  a
                              different target has already been added.

                            • PackageError  --  When  the  specified  target release could not be

                     Adds a local package to the installation list

                            package_path (str) -- Path to the local package, may contain manifest
                            vars references

   Sources list
       class bootstrapvz.base.pkg.sourceslist.Source(line)
              Represents a single source line

       class bootstrapvz.base.pkg.sourceslist.SourceLists(manifest_vars)
              Represents a list of sources lists for apt

              add(name, line)
                     Adds a source to the apt sources list

                     Parametersname  (str)  --  Name  of  the  file in sources.list.d, may contain
                              manifest vars references

                            • line (str) -- The line for the source file,  may  contain  manifest
                              vars references

                     Checks whether the target exists in the sources list

                            target (str) -- Name of the target to check for, may contain manifest
                            vars references

                            Whether the target exists

                     Return type

   Preferences list
       class bootstrapvz.base.pkg.preferenceslist.Preference(preference)
              Represents a single preference

       class bootstrapvz.base.pkg.preferenceslist.PreferenceLists(manifest_vars)
              Represents a list of preferences lists for apt

              add(name, preferences)
                     Adds a preference to the apt preferences list

                     Parametersname (str) -- Name of the file in preferences.list.d,  may  contain
                              manifest vars references

                            • preferences (object) -- The preferences

       exception bootstrapvz.base.pkg.exceptions.PackageError
              Raised when an error occurrs while handling the packageslist

       exception bootstrapvz.base.pkg.exceptions.SourceError
              Raised when an error occurs while handling the sourceslist

   Bootstrap information
       class bootstrapvz.base.bootstrapinfo.BootstrapInformation(manifest=None, debug=False)
              The  BootstrapInformation  class  holds  all  information  about  the bootstrapping
              process.  The nature of the attributes of this class are rather diverse.  Tasks may
              set  their  own  attributes  on  this  class  for  later retrieval by another task.
              Information that becomes invalid (e.g. a path to a file that has been deleted) must
              be removed.

              _BootstrapInformation__create_manifest_vars(manifest, additional_vars={})
                     Creates  the  manifest  variables dictionary, based on the manifest contents
                     and additional data.

                     Parametersmanifest (Manifest) -- The Manifest

                            • additional_vars  (dict)  --  Additional  values  (they  will   take
                              precedence and overwrite anything else)

                            The manifest_vars dictionary

                     Return type

       class bootstrapvz.base.bootstrapinfo.DictClass
              Tiny extension of dict to allow setting and getting keys via attributes

       The  Manifest  module  contains  the  manifest that providers and plugins use to determine
       which tasks should be added to the tasklist, what  arguments  various  invocations  should
       have etc..

       class bootstrapvz.base.manifest.Manifest(path=None, data=None)
              This class holds all the information that providers and plugins need to perform the
              bootstrapping process. All actions that are taken originate from here. The manifest
              shall  not  be  modified  after it has been loaded.  Currently, immutability is not
              enforced and it would require a fair amount of code to enforce it, instead we  just
              rely on tasks behaving properly.

                     Loads the manifest and performs a basic validation.  This function reads the
                     manifest and performs some basic validation of the manifest itself to ensure
                     that the properties required for initalization are accessible (otherwise the
                     user would be presented with some cryptic error messages).

                     Loads the provider and the plugins.

                     Parses the manifest.  Well... "parsing" is a big word.  The function  really
                     just  sets  up some convenient attributes so that tasks don't have to access
                     information  with['section']  but   can   do   it   with

              schema_validator(data, schema_path)
                     This  convenience  function is passed around to all the validation functions
                     so that they may run a json-schema validation by giving it the  data  and  a
                     path to the schema.

                     Parametersdata (dict) -- Data to validate (normally the manifest data)

                            • schema_path (str) -- Path to the json-schema to use for validation

                     Validates  the  manifest using the provider and plugin validation functions.
                     Plugins are not required to have a validate_manifest function

              validation_error(message, data_path=None)
                     This function is passed to all validation functions so that they may raise a
                     validation error because a custom validation of the manifest failed.

                     Parametersmessage (str) -- Message to user about the error

                            • data_path  (list)  --  A path to the location in the manifest where
                              the error occurred

                     Raises ManifestError
                            With absolute certainty

       The tasklist module contains the TaskList class.

       class bootstrapvz.base.tasklist.TaskList(tasks)
              The tasklist class aggregates  all  tasks  that  should  be  run  and  orders  them
              according to their dependencies.

              run(info, dry_run=False)
                     Converts the taskgraph into a list and runs all tasks in that list

                     Parametersinfo (dict) -- The bootstrap information object

                            • dry_run  (bool) -- Whether to actually run the tasks or simply step
                              through them

              Checks the ordering of a task in relation to other tasks and their phases.

              This function checks for  a  subset  of  what  the  strongly  connected  components
              algorithm  does, but can deliver a more precise error message, namely that there is
              a conflict between what a task has specified as its predecessors or successors  and
              in which phase it is placed.

                     task (Task) -- The task to check the ordering for

              Raises TaskListError
                     If there is a conflict between task precedence and phase precedence

       bootstrapvz.base.tasklist.create_list(taskset, all_tasks)
              Creates a list of all the tasks that should be run.

       bootstrapvz.base.tasklist.get_all_classes(path=None, prefix='', excludes=[])
              Given a path to a package, this function retrieves all the classes in it

              Parameterspath (str) -- Path to the package

                     • prefix (str) -- Name of the package followed by a dot

                     • excludes  (list)  --  List  of  str  matching  module names that should be

                     A generator that yields classes

              Return type

              Raises Exception
                     If a module cannot be inspected.

              Gets a list of all task classes in the package

                     A list of all tasks in the package

              Return type

       bootstrapvz.base.tasklist.load_tasks(function, manifest, *args)
              Calls function on the provider and  all  plugins  that  have  been  loaded  by  the
              manifest.   Any additional arguments are passed directly to function.  The function
              that is called shall accept the taskset as its first argument and the  manifest  as
              its second argument.

              Parametersfunction (str) -- Name of the function to call

                     • manifest (Manifest) -- The manifest

                     • args  (list) -- Additional arguments that should be passed to the function
                       that is called

              Find the strongly connected components in a graph using Tarjan's algorithm.


                     graph (dict) -- mapping of tasks to lists of successor tasks

                     List of tuples that are strongly connected comoponents

              Return type

              Runs a topological sort on a graph.


                     graph (dict) -- mapping of tasks to lists of successor tasks

                     A list of all tasks in the graph sorted according to ther dependencies

              Return type

       This module holds functions and classes responsible for formatting the log output both  to
       a file and to the console.

       class bootstrapvz.base.log.ColorFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None)
              Colorizes log messages depending on the loglevel

       class bootstrapvz.base.log.FileFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None)
              Formats log statements for output to file Currently this is just a stub

       class bootstrapvz.base.log.SourceFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None)
              Adds a [source] tag to the log message if it exists The python docs suggest using a
              LoggingAdapter, but that would mean we'd have to use it everywhere we log something
              (and only when called remotely), which is not feasible.

       bootstrapvz.base.log.get_console_handler(debug, colorize)
              Returns  a  log  handler  for the console The handler color codes the different log

              Params bool debug
                     Whether to set the log level to DEBUG (otherwise INFO)

              Params bool colorize
                     Whether to colorize console output

                     The console logging handler

       bootstrapvz.base.log.get_file_handler(path, debug)
              Returns a log handler for the given path If the parent  directory  of  the  logpath
              does  not exist it will be created The handler outputs relative timestamps (to when
              it was created)

              Params str path
                     The full path to the logfile

              Params bool debug
                     Whether to set the log level to DEBUG (otherwise INFO)

                     The file logging handler

              Returns the path to a logfile given a manifest The logfile name is constructed from
              the current timestamp and the basename of the manifest

                     manifest_path (str) -- The path to the manifest

                     The path to the logfile

              Return type

       class bootstrapvz.base.task.Task
              The  task  class represents a task that can be run.  It is merely a wrapper for the
              run function and should never be instantiated.

              classmethod run(info)
                     The run function, all work is done inside this function

                            info (BootstrapInformation) -- The bootstrap info object.

       class bootstrapvz.base.phase.Phase(name, description)
              The Phase class represents a phase a task may be in.  It has no function other than
              to  act  as  an  anchor  in  the  task  graph.   All  phases  are  instantiated  in

              pos()  Gets the position of the phase

                            The positional index of the phase in relation to the other phases

                     Return type


       The common module contains features that are common to multiple providers and plugins.  It
       holds  both  a  large set of shared tasks and also various tools that are used by both the
       base module and tasks.

   Volume representations
   Shared tasks



       Integration tests test bootstrap-vz in  its  entirety.   This  testing  includes  building
       images from manifests and creating/booting said images.

       Since  hardcoding  manifests  for  each test, bootstrapping them and booting the resulting
       images is too much code for a single test, a  testing  harness  has  been  developed  that
       reduces each test to it's bare essentials:

       • Combine available manifest partials into a single manifest

       • Boot an instance from a manifest

       • Run tests on the booted instance

       In  order  for  the integration testing harness to be able to bootstrap it must know about
       your build-servers.  Depending on the manifest that is bootstrapped, the harness chooses a
       fitting build-server, connects to it and starts the bootstrapping process.

       When  running integration tests, the framework will look for build-servers.yml at the root
       of the repo and raise an error if it is not found.

   Manifest combinations
       The tests mainly focus on varying  key  parts  of  an  image  (e.g.  partitioning,  Debian
       release, bootloader, ec2 backing, ec2 virtualization method) that have been problem areas.
       Essentially the tests are the cartesian product of these key parts.

   Aborting a test
       You can press Ctrl+C at  any  time  during  the  testing  to  abort  -  the  harness  will
       automatically  clean  up any temporary resources and shut down running instances. Pressing
       Ctrl+C a second time stops the cleanup and quits immediately.

   Manifest partials
       Instead of creating manifests from scratch  for  each  single  test,  reusable  parts  are
       factored out into partials in the manifest folder.  This allows code like this:

          partials = {'vdi': '{provider: {name: virtualbox}, volume: {backing: vdi}}',
                      'vmdk': '{provider: {name: virtualbox}, volume: {backing: vmdk}}',

          def test_unpartitioned_extlinux_oldstable():
                  std_partials = ['base', 'stable64', 'extlinux', 'unpartitioned', 'root_password']
                  custom_partials = [partials['vmdk']]
                  manifest_data = merge_manifest_data(std_partials, custom_partials)

       The  code above produces a manifest for Debian stable 64-bit unpartitioned virtualbox VMDK
       image.  root_password is a special  partial  in  that  the  actual  password  is  randomly
       generated on load.

   Missing parts
       The integration testing harness is in no way complete.

       • It still has no support for providers other than virtualbox and EC2.

       • Creating an SSH connection to a booted instance is cumbersome and does not happen in any
         of the tests - this would be particularly useful when manifests are to be tested  beyond
         whether they boot up.


       The testing framework consists of two parts: The unit tests and the integration tests.

       The  unit  tests  are  responsible for testing individual parts of bootstrap-vz, while the
       integration tests test entire manifests by bootstrapping and booting them.


       To run one specific test suite simply append the module path to tox:

          $ tox -e unit tests.unit.releases_tests

       Specific tests can be selected by  appending  the  function  name  with  a  colon  to  the
       modulepath -- to run more than one tests, simply attach more arguments.

          $ tox -e unit tests.unit.releases_tests:test_lt tests.unit.releases_tests:test_eq

       bootstrap-vz  is  a  bootstrapping  framework for Debian that creates ready-to-boot images
       able to run on a number of  cloud  providers  and  virtual  machines.   bootstrap-vz  runs
       without  any  user  intervention  and  generates  ready-to-boot  images  for  a  number of
       virtualization platforms.  Its aim is to  provide  a  reproducable  bootstrapping  process
       using manifests as well as supporting a high degree of customizability through plugins.

       bootstrap-vz  was  coded from scratch in python once the bash script architecture that was
       used in the build-debian-cloud bootstrapper reached its limits.


       The documentation for bootstrap-vz is available at   There,
       you  can  discover  what the dependencies for a specific cloud provider are, see a list of
       available plugins and learn how you create a manifest.

       Note to developers: The documentaion is generated in a rather peculiar and nifty way.


       bootstrap-vz has a master  branch  for  stable  releases  and  a  development  for,  well,

       After  checking  out  the branch of your choice you can install the python dependencies by
       running python install. However, depending on what kind of image  you'd  like  to
       bootstrap, there are other debian package dependencies as well, at the very least you will
       need debootstrap.  The documentation explains this in more detail.

       Note that bootstrap-vz will tell you which tools it requires when they aren't present (the
       different packages are mentioned in the error message), so you can simply run bootstrap-vz
       once to get a list of the packages, install them, and then re-run.


       Here are a few  quickstart  tutorials  for  the  most  common  images.   If  you  plan  on
       partitioning your volume, you will need the parted package and kpartx:

          root@host:~# apt-get install parted kpartx

       Note  that  you  can always abort a bootstrapping process by pressing Ctrl+C, bootstrap-vz
       will then initiate a cleanup/rollback process,  where  volumes  are  detached/deleted  and
       temporary files removed, pressing Ctrl+C a second time shortcuts that procedure, halts the
       cleanup and quits the process.

   VirtualBox Vagrant
          user@host:~$ sudo -i # become root
          root@host:~# git clone # Clone the repo
          root@host:~# apt-get install qemu-utils debootstrap python-pip # Install dependencies from aptitude
          root@host:~# pip install termcolor jsonschema fysom docopt pyyaml # Install python dependencies
          root@host:~# bootstrap-vz/bootstrap-vz bootstrap-vz/manifests/virtualbox-vagrant.manifest.yml

       If you want to use the minimize_size plugin, you will have to install the zerofree package
       and VMWare Workstation as well.

   Amazon EC2 EBS backed AMI
          user@host:~$ sudo -i # become root
          root@host:~# git clone # Clone the repo
          root@host:~# apt-get install debootstrap python-pip # Install dependencies from aptitude
          root@host:~# pip install termcolor jsonschema fysom docopt pyyaml boto # Install python dependencies
          root@host:~# bootstrap-vz/bootstrap-vz bootstrap-vz/manifests/ec2-ebs-debian-official-amd64-pvm.manifest.yml

       To  bootstrap  S3 backed AMIs, bootstrap-vz will also need the euca2ools package. However,
       version 3.2.0 is required meaning you must however install it directly from the eucalyptus
       repository like this:

          apt-get install --no-install-recommends python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev gcc
          pip install git+git://


       bootstrap-vz  tries  very  hard  to clean up after itself both if a run was successful but
       also if it failed. This ensures that you are not left with volumes still attached  to  the
       host  which  are  useless.  If  an  error occurred you can simply correct the problem that
       caused it and rerun everything, there will be no  leftovers  from  the  previous  run  (as
       always  there  are  of  course  rare/unlikely exceptions to that rule). The error messages
       should always give you a strong hint at what is wrong, if that  is  not  the  case  please
       consider  opening an issue and attach both the error message and your manifest (preferably
       as a gist or similar).


       bootstrap-vz has a number of  dependencies  depending  on  the  target  platform  and  the
       selected plugins.  At a bare minimum the following python libraries are needed:

       • termcolorfysomjsonschemadocoptpyyaml

       To bootstrap Debian itself debootstrap is needed as well.

       Any  other  requirements are dependent upon the manifest configuration and are detailed in
       the corresponding sections of the documentation.  bootstrap-vz will however warn you if  a
       requirement has not been met, before the bootstrapping process begins.


       The API documentation, development guidelines and an explanation of bootstrap-vz internals
       can be found at


       Contribution guidelines are described in the documentation  under  Contributing.   There's
       also a topic regarding the coding style.


       Anders Ingemann


       2014, Anders Ingemann