Provided by: nvidia-cuda-dev_7.5.18-0ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       Memory Management -

       cudaError_t cudaArrayGetInfo (struct cudaChannelFormatDesc *desc, struct cudaExtent
           *extent, unsigned int *flags, cudaArray_t array)
           Gets info about the specified cudaArray.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaFree (void *devPtr)
           Frees memory on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaFreeArray (cudaArray_t array)
           Frees an array on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaFreeHost (void *ptr)
           Frees page-locked memory.
       cudaError_t cudaFreeMipmappedArray (cudaMipmappedArray_t mipmappedArray)
           Frees a mipmapped array on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaGetMipmappedArrayLevel (cudaArray_t *levelArray,
           cudaMipmappedArray_const_t mipmappedArray, unsigned int level)
           Gets a mipmap level of a CUDA mipmapped array.
       cudaError_t cudaGetSymbolAddress (void **devPtr, const void *symbol)
           Finds the address associated with a CUDA symbol.
       cudaError_t cudaGetSymbolSize (size_t *size, const void *symbol)
           Finds the size of the object associated with a CUDA symbol.
       cudaError_t cudaHostAlloc (void **pHost, size_t size, unsigned int flags)
           Allocates page-locked memory on the host.
       cudaError_t cudaHostGetDevicePointer (void **pDevice, void *pHost, unsigned int flags)
           Passes back device pointer of mapped host memory allocated by cudaHostAlloc or
           registered by cudaHostRegister.
       cudaError_t cudaHostGetFlags (unsigned int *pFlags, void *pHost)
           Passes back flags used to allocate pinned host memory allocated by cudaHostAlloc.
       cudaError_t cudaHostRegister (void *ptr, size_t size, unsigned int flags)
           Registers an existing host memory range for use by CUDA.
       cudaError_t cudaHostUnregister (void *ptr)
           Unregisters a memory range that was registered with cudaHostRegister.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMalloc (void **devPtr, size_t size)
           Allocate memory on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMalloc3D (struct cudaPitchedPtr *pitchedDevPtr, struct cudaExtent extent)
           Allocates logical 1D, 2D, or 3D memory objects on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMalloc3DArray (cudaArray_t *array, const struct cudaChannelFormatDesc
           *desc, struct cudaExtent extent, unsigned int flags=0)
           Allocate an array on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMallocArray (cudaArray_t *array, const struct cudaChannelFormatDesc *desc,
           size_t width, size_t height=0, unsigned int flags=0)
           Allocate an array on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMallocHost (void **ptr, size_t size)
           Allocates page-locked memory on the host.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMallocManaged (void **devPtr, size_t size, unsigned int
           Allocates memory that will be automatically managed by the Unified Memory system.
       cudaError_t cudaMallocMipmappedArray (cudaMipmappedArray_t *mipmappedArray, const struct
           cudaChannelFormatDesc *desc, struct cudaExtent extent, unsigned int numLevels,
           unsigned int flags=0)
           Allocate a mipmapped array on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMallocPitch (void **devPtr, size_t *pitch, size_t width, size_t height)
           Allocates pitched memory on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2D (void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t
           width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffsetDst, size_t
           hOffsetDst, cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffsetSrc, size_t hOffsetSrc, size_t width,
           size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind=cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)
           Copies data between host and device.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DAsync (void *dst, size_t dpitch, const void
           *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind,
           cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DFromArray (void *dst, size_t dpitch, cudaArray_const_t src, size_t
           wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync (void *dst, size_t dpitch, cudaArray_const_t src,
           size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind,
           cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const
           void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset,
           const void *src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind,
           cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3D (const struct cudaMemcpy3DParms *p)
           Copies data between 3D objects.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DAsync (const struct cudaMemcpy3DParms *p,
           cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data between 3D objects.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DPeer (const struct cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms *p)
           Copies memory between devices.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync (const struct cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms *p, cudaStream_t
           Copies memory between devices asynchronously.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyArrayToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffsetDst, size_t hOffsetDst,
           cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffsetSrc, size_t hOffsetSrc, size_t count, enum
           cudaMemcpyKind kind=cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)
           Copies data between host and device.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpyAsync (void *dst, const void *src, size_t count,
           enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromArray (void *dst, cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffset, size_t
           hOffset, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync (void *dst, cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffset,
           size_t hOffset, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromSymbol (void *dst, const void *symbol, size_t count, size_t
           offset=0, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind=cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
           Copies data from the given symbol on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync (void *dst, const void *symbol, size_t count, size_t
           offset, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data from the given symbol on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyPeer (void *dst, int dstDevice, const void *src, int srcDevice,
           size_t count)
           Copies memory between two devices.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyPeerAsync (void *dst, int dstDevice, const void *src, int srcDevice,
           size_t count, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies memory between two devices asynchronously.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void
           *src, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const
           void *src, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data between host and device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToSymbol (const void *symbol, const void *src, size_t count, size_t
           offset=0, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind=cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
           Copies data to the given symbol on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync (const void *symbol, const void *src, size_t count,
           size_t offset, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Copies data to the given symbol on the device.
       cudaError_t cudaMemGetInfo (size_t *free, size_t *total)
           Gets free and total device memory.
       cudaError_t cudaMemset (void *devPtr, int value, size_t count)
           Initializes or sets device memory to a value.
       cudaError_t cudaMemset2D (void *devPtr, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t
           Initializes or sets device memory to a value.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemset2DAsync (void *devPtr, size_t pitch, int value,
           size_t width, size_t height, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Initializes or sets device memory to a value.
       cudaError_t cudaMemset3D (struct cudaPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, struct
           cudaExtent extent)
           Initializes or sets device memory to a value.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemset3DAsync (struct cudaPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int
           value, struct cudaExtent extent, cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Initializes or sets device memory to a value.
       __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemsetAsync (void *devPtr, int value, size_t count,
           cudaStream_t stream=0)
           Initializes or sets device memory to a value.
       struct cudaExtent make_cudaExtent (size_t w, size_t h, size_t d)
           Returns a cudaExtent based on input parameters.
       struct cudaPitchedPtr make_cudaPitchedPtr (void *d, size_t p, size_t xsz, size_t ysz)
           Returns a cudaPitchedPtr based on input parameters.
       struct cudaPos make_cudaPos (size_t x, size_t y, size_t z)
           Returns a cudaPos based on input parameters.

Detailed Description

       \brief memory management functions of the CUDA runtime API (cuda_runtime_api.h)

       This section describes the memory management functions of the CUDA runtime application
       programming interface.

       Some functions have overloaded C++ API template versions documented separately in the C++
       API Routines module.

Function Documentation

   cudaError_t cudaArrayGetInfo (struct cudaChannelFormatDesc * desc, struct cudaExtent * extent,
       unsigned int * flags, cudaArray_t array)
       Returns in *desc, *extent and *flags respectively, the type, shape and flags of array.

       Any of *desc, *extent and *flags may be specified as NULL.

           desc - Returned array type
           extent - Returned array shape. 2D arrays will have depth of zero
           flags - Returned array flags
           array - The cudaArray to get info for

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaFree (void * devPtr)
       Frees the memory space pointed to by devPtr, which must have been returned by a previous
       call to cudaMalloc() or cudaMallocPitch(). Otherwise, or if cudaFree(devPtr) has already
       been called before, an error is returned. If devPtr is 0, no operation is performed.
       cudaFree() returns cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer in case of failure.

       The device version of cudaFree cannot be used with a *devPtr allocated using the host API,
       and vice versa.

           devPtr - Device pointer to memory to free

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInitializationError

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaMallocArray, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C API),
           cudaFreeHost, cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaFreeArray (cudaArray_t array)
       Frees the CUDA array array, which must have been * returned by a previous call to
       cudaMallocArray(). If cudaFreeArray(array) has already been called before,
       cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned. If devPtr is 0, no operation is performed.

           array - Pointer to array to free

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInitializationError

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaMallocArray, cudaMallocHost (C API),
           cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaFreeHost (void * ptr)
       Frees the memory space pointed to by hostPtr, which must have been returned by a previous
       call to cudaMallocHost() or cudaHostAlloc().

           ptr - Pointer to memory to free

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInitializationError

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaMallocArray, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost
           (C API), cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaFreeMipmappedArray (cudaMipmappedArray_t mipmappedArray)
       Frees the CUDA mipmapped array mipmappedArray, which must have been returned by a previous
       call to cudaMallocMipmappedArray(). If cudaFreeMipmappedArray(mipmappedArray) has already
       been called before, cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.

           mipmappedArray - Pointer to mipmapped array to free

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInitializationError

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaMallocArray, cudaMallocHost (C API),
           cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaGetMipmappedArrayLevel (cudaArray_t * levelArray, cudaMipmappedArray_const_t
       mipmappedArray, unsigned int level)
       Returns in *levelArray a CUDA array that represents a single mipmap level of the CUDA
       mipmapped array mipmappedArray.

       If level is greater than the maximum number of levels in this mipmapped array,
       cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.

           levelArray - Returned mipmap level CUDA array
           mipmappedArray - CUDA mipmapped array
           level - Mipmap level

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C
           API), cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc, make_cudaExtent

   cudaError_t cudaGetSymbolAddress (void ** devPtr, const void * symbol)
       Returns in *devPtr the address of symbol symbol on the device. symbol is a variable that
       resides in global or constant memory space. If symbol cannot be found, or if symbol is not
       declared in the global or constant memory space, *devPtr is unchanged and the error
       cudaErrorInvalidSymbol is returned.

           devPtr - Return device pointer associated with symbol
           symbol - Device symbol address

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           Use of a string naming a variable as the symbol parameter was deprecated in CUDA 4.1
           and removed in CUDA 5.0.

       See also:
           cudaGetSymbolAddress (C++ API), cudaGetSymbolSize (C API)

   cudaError_t cudaGetSymbolSize (size_t * size, const void * symbol)
       Returns in *size the size of symbol symbol. symbol is a variable that resides in global or
       constant memory space. If symbol cannot be found, or if symbol is not declared in global
       or constant memory space, *size is unchanged and the error cudaErrorInvalidSymbol is

           size - Size of object associated with symbol
           symbol - Device symbol address

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           Use of a string naming a variable as the symbol parameter was deprecated in CUDA 4.1
           and removed in CUDA 5.0.

       See also:
           cudaGetSymbolAddress (C API), cudaGetSymbolSize (C++ API)

   cudaError_t cudaHostAlloc (void ** pHost, size_t size, unsigned int flags)
       Allocates size bytes of host memory that is page-locked and accessible to the device. The
       driver tracks the virtual memory ranges allocated with this function and automatically
       accelerates calls to functions such as cudaMemcpy(). Since the memory can be accessed
       directly by the device, it can be read or written with much higher bandwidth than pageable
       memory obtained with functions such as malloc(). Allocating excessive amounts of pinned
       memory may degrade system performance, since it reduces the amount of memory available to
       the system for paging. As a result, this function is best used sparingly to allocate
       staging areas for data exchange between host and device.

       The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation,
       as follows.

       • cudaHostAllocDefault: This flag's value is defined to be 0 and causes cudaHostAlloc() to
         emulate cudaMallocHost().

       • cudaHostAllocPortable: The memory returned by this call will be considered as pinned
         memory by all CUDA contexts, not just the one that performed the allocation.

       • cudaHostAllocMapped: Maps the allocation into the CUDA address space. The device pointer
         to the memory may be obtained by calling cudaHostGetDevicePointer().

       • cudaHostAllocWriteCombined: Allocates the memory as write-combined (WC). WC memory can
         be transferred across the PCI Express bus more quickly on some system configurations,
         but cannot be read efficiently by most CPUs. WC memory is a good option for buffers that
         will be written by the CPU and read by the device via mapped pinned memory or
         host->device transfers.

       All of these flags are orthogonal to one another: a developer may allocate memory that is
       portable, mapped and/or write-combined with no restrictions.

       cudaSetDeviceFlags() must have been called with the cudaDeviceMapHost flag in order for
       the cudaHostAllocMapped flag to have any effect.

       The cudaHostAllocMapped flag may be specified on CUDA contexts for devices that do not
       support mapped pinned memory. The failure is deferred to cudaHostGetDevicePointer()
       because the memory may be mapped into other CUDA contexts via the cudaHostAllocPortable

       Memory allocated by this function must be freed with cudaFreeHost().

           pHost - Device pointer to allocated memory
           size - Requested allocation size in bytes
           flags - Requested properties of allocated memory

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaSetDeviceFlags, cudaMallocHost (C API), cudaFreeHost

   cudaError_t cudaHostGetDevicePointer (void ** pDevice, void * pHost, unsigned int flags)
       Passes back the device pointer corresponding to the mapped, pinned host buffer allocated
       by cudaHostAlloc() or registered by cudaHostRegister().

       cudaHostGetDevicePointer() will fail if the cudaDeviceMapHost flag was not specified
       before deferred context creation occurred, or if called on a device that does not support
       mapped, pinned memory.

       flags provides for future releases. For now, it must be set to 0.

           pDevice - Returned device pointer for mapped memory
           pHost - Requested host pointer mapping
           flags - Flags for extensions (must be 0 for now)

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaSetDeviceFlags, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaHostGetFlags (unsigned int * pFlags, void * pHost)
       cudaHostGetFlags() will fail if the input pointer does not reside in an address range
       allocated by cudaHostAlloc().

           pFlags - Returned flags word
           pHost - Host pointer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:

   cudaError_t cudaHostRegister (void * ptr, size_t size, unsigned int flags)
       Page-locks the memory range specified by ptr and size and maps it for the device(s) as
       specified by flags. This memory range also is added to the same tracking mechanism as
       cudaHostAlloc() to automatically accelerate calls to functions such as cudaMemcpy(). Since
       the memory can be accessed directly by the device, it can be read or written with much
       higher bandwidth than pageable memory that has not been registered. Page-locking excessive
       amounts of memory may degrade system performance, since it reduces the amount of memory
       available to the system for paging. As a result, this function is best used sparingly to
       register staging areas for data exchange between host and device.

       The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation,
       as follows.

       • cudaHostRegisterDefault: On a system with unified virtual addressing, the memory will be
         both mapped and portable. On a system with no unified virtual addressing, the memory
         will be neither mapped nor portable.

       • cudaHostRegisterPortable: The memory returned by this call will be considered as pinned
         memory by all CUDA contexts, not just the one that performed the allocation.

       • cudaHostRegisterMapped: Maps the allocation into the CUDA address space. The device
         pointer to the memory may be obtained by calling cudaHostGetDevicePointer().

       • cudaHostRegisterIoMemory: The passed memory pointer is treated as pointing to some
         memory-mapped I/O space, e.g. belonging to a third-party PCIe device, and it will marked
         as non cache-coherent and contiguous.

       All of these flags are orthogonal to one another: a developer may page-lock memory that is
       portable or mapped with no restrictions.

       The CUDA context must have been created with the cudaMapHost flag in order for the
       cudaHostRegisterMapped flag to have any effect.

       The cudaHostRegisterMapped flag may be specified on CUDA contexts for devices that do not
       support mapped pinned memory. The failure is deferred to cudaHostGetDevicePointer()
       because the memory may be mapped into other CUDA contexts via the cudaHostRegisterPortable

       The memory page-locked by this function must be unregistered with cudaHostUnregister().

           ptr - Host pointer to memory to page-lock
           size - Size in bytes of the address range to page-lock in bytes
           flags - Flags for allocation request

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaHostUnregister, cudaHostGetFlags, cudaHostGetDevicePointer

   cudaError_t cudaHostUnregister (void * ptr)
       Unmaps the memory range whose base address is specified by ptr, and makes it pageable

       The base address must be the same one specified to cudaHostRegister().

           ptr - Host pointer to memory to unregister

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMalloc (void ** devPtr, size_t size)
       Allocates size bytes of linear memory on the device and returns in *devPtr a pointer to
       the allocated memory. The allocated memory is suitably aligned for any kind of variable.
       The memory is not cleared. cudaMalloc() returns cudaErrorMemoryAllocation in case of

       The device version of cudaFree cannot be used with a *devPtr allocated using the host API,
       and vice versa.

           devPtr - Pointer to allocated device memory
           size - Requested allocation size in bytes

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

       See also:
           cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaMallocArray, cudaFreeArray, cudaMalloc3D,
           cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaMallocHost (C API), cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaMalloc3D (struct cudaPitchedPtr * pitchedDevPtr, struct cudaExtent extent)
       Allocates at least width * height * depth bytes of linear memory on the device and returns
       a cudaPitchedPtr in which ptr is a pointer to the allocated memory. The function may pad
       the allocation to ensure hardware alignment requirements are met. The pitch returned in
       the pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is the width in bytes of the allocation.

       The returned cudaPitchedPtr contains additional fields xsize and ysize, the logical width
       and height of the allocation, which are equivalent to the width and height extent
       parameters provided by the programmer during allocation.

       For allocations of 2D and 3D objects, it is highly recommended that programmers perform
       allocations using cudaMalloc3D() or cudaMallocPitch(). Due to alignment restrictions in
       the hardware, this is especially true if the application will be performing memory copies
       involving 2D or 3D objects (whether linear memory or CUDA arrays).

           pitchedDevPtr - Pointer to allocated pitched device memory
           extent - Requested allocation size (width field in bytes)

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaMemcpy3D, cudaMemset3D, cudaMalloc3DArray,
           cudaMallocArray, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C API), cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc,
           make_cudaPitchedPtr, make_cudaExtent

   cudaError_t cudaMalloc3DArray (cudaArray_t * array, const struct cudaChannelFormatDesc * desc,
       struct cudaExtent extent, unsigned int flags = 0)
       Allocates a CUDA array according to the cudaChannelFormatDesc structure desc and returns a
       handle to the new CUDA array in *array.

       The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

           struct cudaChannelFormatDesc {
               int x, y, z, w;
               enum cudaChannelFormatKind f;

        where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned,
       cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

       cudaMalloc3DArray() can allocate the following:

       • A 1D array is allocated if the height and depth extents are both zero.

       • A 2D array is allocated if only the depth extent is zero.

       • A 3D array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero.

       • A 1D layered CUDA array is allocated if only the height extent is zero and the
         cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 1D array. The number of layers is
         determined by the depth extent.

       • A 2D layered CUDA array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero and the
         cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 2D array. The number of layers is
         determined by the depth extent.

       • A cubemap CUDA array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero and the
         cudaArrayCubemap flag is set. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be six. A
         cubemap is a special type of 2D layered CUDA array, where the six layers represent the
         six faces of a cube. The order of the six layers in memory is the same as that listed in

       • A cubemap layered CUDA array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero, and both,
         cudaArrayCubemap and cudaArrayLayered flags are set. Width must be equal to height, and
         depth must be a multiple of six. A cubemap layered CUDA array is a special type of 2D
         layered CUDA array that consists of a collection of cubemaps. The first six layers
         represent the first cubemap, the next six layers form the second cubemap, and so on.

       The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation,
       as follows.

       • cudaArrayDefault: This flag's value is defined to be 0 and provides default array

       • cudaArrayLayered: Allocates a layered CUDA array, with the depth extent indicating the
         number of layers

       • cudaArrayCubemap: Allocates a cubemap CUDA array. Width must be equal to height, and
         depth must be six. If the cudaArrayLayered flag is also set, depth must be a multiple of

       • cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore: Allocates a CUDA array that could be read from or written to
         using a surface reference.

       • cudaArrayTextureGather: This flag indicates that texture gather operations will be
         performed on the CUDA array. Texture gather can only be performed on 2D CUDA arrays.

       The width, height and depth extents must meet certain size requirements as listed in the
       following table. All values are specified in elements.

       Note that 2D CUDA arrays have different size requirements if the cudaArrayTextureGather
       flag is set. In that case, the valid range for (width, height, depth) is
       ((1,maxTexture2DGather[0]), (1,maxTexture2DGather[1]), 0).

           array - Pointer to allocated array in device memory
           desc - Requested channel format
           extent - Requested allocation size (width field in elements)
           flags - Flags for extensions

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C
           API), cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc, make_cudaExtent

   cudaError_t cudaMallocArray (cudaArray_t * array, const struct cudaChannelFormatDesc * desc,
       size_t width, size_t height = 0, unsigned int flags = 0)
       Allocates a CUDA array according to the cudaChannelFormatDesc structure desc and returns a
       handle to the new CUDA array in *array.

       The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

           struct cudaChannelFormatDesc {
               int x, y, z, w;
           enum cudaChannelFormatKind f;

        where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned,
       cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

       The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation,
       as follows.

       • cudaArrayDefault: This flag's value is defined to be 0 and provides default array

       • cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore: Allocates an array that can be read from or written to using
         a surface reference

       • cudaArrayTextureGather: This flag indicates that texture gather operations will be
         performed on the array.

       width and height must meet certain size requirements. See cudaMalloc3DArray() for more

           array - Pointer to allocated array in device memory
           desc - Requested channel format
           width - Requested array allocation width
           height - Requested array allocation height
           flags - Requested properties of allocated array

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C API),
           cudaFreeHost, cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaMallocHost (void ** ptr, size_t size)
       Allocates size bytes of host memory that is page-locked and accessible to the device. The
       driver tracks the virtual memory ranges allocated with this function and automatically
       accelerates calls to functions such as cudaMemcpy*(). Since the memory can be accessed
       directly by the device, it can be read or written with much higher bandwidth than pageable
       memory obtained with functions such as malloc(). Allocating excessive amounts of memory
       with cudaMallocHost() may degrade system performance, since it reduces the amount of
       memory available to the system for paging. As a result, this function is best used
       sparingly to allocate staging areas for data exchange between host and device.

           ptr - Pointer to allocated host memory
           size - Requested allocation size in bytes

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaMallocArray, cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc3DArray,
           cudaHostAlloc, cudaFree, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C++ API), cudaFreeHost,

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMallocManaged (void ** devPtr, size_t size, unsigned int
       Allocates size bytes of managed memory on the device and returns in *devPtr a pointer to
       the allocated memory. If the device doesn't support allocating managed memory,
       cudaErrorNotSupported is returned. Support for managed memory can be queried using the
       device attribute cudaDevAttrManagedMemory. The allocated memory is suitably aligned for
       any kind of variable. The memory is not cleared. If size is 0, cudaMallocManaged returns
       cudaErrorInvalidValue. The pointer is valid on the CPU and on all GPUs in the system that
       support managed memory. All accesses to this pointer must obey the Unified Memory
       programming model.

       flags specifies the default stream association for this allocation. flags must be one of
       cudaMemAttachGlobal or cudaMemAttachHost. If cudaMemAttachGlobal is specified, then this
       memory is accessible from any stream on any device. If cudaMemAttachHost is specified,
       then the allocation is created with initial visibility restricted to host access only; an
       explicit call to cudaStreamAttachMemAsync will be required to enable access on the device.

       If the association is later changed via cudaStreamAttachMemAsync to a single stream, the
       default association, as specified during cudaMallocManaged, is restored when that stream
       is destroyed. For __managed__ variables, the default association is always
       cudaMemAttachGlobal. Note that destroying a stream is an asynchronous operation, and as a
       result, the change to default association won't happen until all work in the stream has

       Memory allocated with cudaMallocManaged should be released with cudaFree.

       On a multi-GPU system with peer-to-peer support, where multiple GPUs support managed
       memory, the physical storage is created on the GPU which is active at the time
       cudaMallocManaged is called. All other GPUs will reference the data at reduced bandwidth
       via peer mappings over the PCIe bus. The Unified Memory management system does not migrate
       memory between GPUs.

       On a multi-GPU system where multiple GPUs support managed memory, but not all pairs of
       such GPUs have peer-to-peer support between them, the physical storage is created in
       'zero-copy' or system memory. All GPUs will reference the data at reduced bandwidth over
       the PCIe bus. In these circumstances, use of the environment variable,
       CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, is recommended to restrict CUDA to only use those GPUs that have
       peer-to-peer support. Alternatively, users can also set CUDA_MANAGED_FORCE_DEVICE_ALLOC to
       a non-zero value to force the driver to always use device memory for physical storage.
       When this environment variable is set to a non-zero value, all devices used in that
       process that support managed memory have to be peer-to-peer compatible with each other.
       The error cudaErrorInvalidDevice will be returned if a device that supports managed memory
       is used and it is not peer-to-peer compatible with any of the other managed memory
       supporting devices that were previously used in that process, even if cudaDeviceReset has
       been called on those devices. These environment variables are described in the CUDA
       programming guide under the 'CUDA environment variables' section.

           devPtr - Pointer to allocated device memory
           size - Requested allocation size in bytes
           flags - Must be either cudaMemAttachGlobal or cudaMemAttachHost

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation cudaErrorNotSupported cudaErrorInvalidValue

       See also:
           cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaMallocArray, cudaFreeArray, cudaMalloc3D,
           cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaMallocHost (C API), cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc,
           cudaDeviceGetAttribute, cudaStreamAttachMemAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMallocMipmappedArray (cudaMipmappedArray_t * mipmappedArray, const struct
       cudaChannelFormatDesc * desc, struct cudaExtent extent, unsigned int numLevels, unsigned
       int flags = 0)
       Allocates a CUDA mipmapped array according to the cudaChannelFormatDesc structure desc and
       returns a handle to the new CUDA mipmapped array in *mipmappedArray. numLevels specifies
       the number of mipmap levels to be allocated. This value is clamped to the range [1, 1 +
       floor(log2(max(width, height, depth)))].

       The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

           struct cudaChannelFormatDesc {
               int x, y, z, w;
               enum cudaChannelFormatKind f;

        where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned,
       cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

       cudaMallocMipmappedArray() can allocate the following:

       • A 1D mipmapped array is allocated if the height and depth extents are both zero.

       • A 2D mipmapped array is allocated if only the depth extent is zero.

       • A 3D mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero.

       • A 1D layered CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if only the height extent is zero and the
         cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 1D mipmapped array. The number of layers
         is determined by the depth extent.

       • A 2D layered CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero and the
         cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 2D mipmapped array. The number of layers
         is determined by the depth extent.

       • A cubemap CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero and the
         cudaArrayCubemap flag is set. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be six. The
         order of the six layers in memory is the same as that listed in cudaGraphicsCubeFace.

       • A cubemap layered CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero,
         and both, cudaArrayCubemap and cudaArrayLayered flags are set. Width must be equal to
         height, and depth must be a multiple of six. A cubemap layered CUDA mipmapped array is a
         special type of 2D layered CUDA mipmapped array that consists of a collection of cubemap
         mipmapped arrays. The first six layers represent the first cubemap mipmapped array, the
         next six layers form the second cubemap mipmapped array, and so on.

       The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation,
       as follows.

       • cudaArrayDefault: This flag's value is defined to be 0 and provides default mipmapped
         array allocation

       • cudaArrayLayered: Allocates a layered CUDA mipmapped array, with the depth extent
         indicating the number of layers

       • cudaArrayCubemap: Allocates a cubemap CUDA mipmapped array. Width must be equal to
         height, and depth must be six. If the cudaArrayLayered flag is also set, depth must be a
         multiple of six.

       • cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore: This flag indicates that individual mipmap levels of the CUDA
         mipmapped array will be read from or written to using a surface reference.

       • cudaArrayTextureGather: This flag indicates that texture gather operations will be
         performed on the CUDA array. Texture gather can only be performed on 2D CUDA mipmapped
         arrays, and the gather operations are performed only on the most detailed mipmap level.

       The width, height and depth extents must meet certain size requirements as listed in the
       following table. All values are specified in elements.

           mipmappedArray - Pointer to allocated mipmapped array in device memory
           desc - Requested channel format
           extent - Requested allocation size (width field in elements)
           numLevels - Number of mipmap levels to allocate
           flags - Flags for extensions

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc, cudaMallocPitch, cudaFree, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C
           API), cudaFreeHost, cudaHostAlloc, make_cudaExtent

   cudaError_t cudaMallocPitch (void ** devPtr, size_t * pitch, size_t width, size_t height)
       Allocates at least width (in bytes) * height bytes of linear memory on the device and
       returns in *devPtr a pointer to the allocated memory. The function may pad the allocation
       to ensure that corresponding pointers in any given row will continue to meet the alignment
       requirements for coalescing as the address is updated from row to row. The pitch returned
       in *pitch by cudaMallocPitch() is the width in bytes of the allocation. The intended usage
       of pitch is as a separate parameter of the allocation, used to compute addresses within
       the 2D array. Given the row and column of an array element of type T, the address is
       computed as:

           T* pElement = (T*)((char*)BaseAddress + Row * pitch) + Column;

       For allocations of 2D arrays, it is recommended that programmers consider performing pitch
       allocations using cudaMallocPitch(). Due to pitch alignment restrictions in the hardware,
       this is especially true if the application will be performing 2D memory copies between
       different regions of device memory (whether linear memory or CUDA arrays).

           devPtr - Pointer to allocated pitched device memory
           pitch - Pitch for allocation
           width - Requested pitched allocation width (in bytes)
           height - Requested pitched allocation height

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMalloc, cudaFree, cudaMallocArray, cudaFreeArray, cudaMallocHost (C API),
           cudaFreeHost, cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaHostAlloc

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy (void * dst, const void * src, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by
       dst, where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies the direction of the
       copy. The memory areas may not overlap. Calling cudaMemcpy() with dst and src pointers
       that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior.

           dst - Destination memory address
           src - Source memory address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2D (void * dst, size_t dpitch, const void * src, size_t spitch, size_t
       width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
       Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src
       to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies
       the direction of the copy. dpitch and spitch are the widths in memory in bytes of the 2D
       arrays pointed to by dst and src, including any padding added to the end of each row. The
       memory areas may not overlap. width must not exceed either dpitch or spitch. Calling
       cudaMemcpy2D() with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy
       results in an undefined behavior. cudaMemcpy2D() returns an error if dpitch or spitch
       exceeds the maximum allowed.

           dst - Destination memory address
           dpitch - Pitch of destination memory
           src - Source memory address
           spitch - Pitch of source memory
           width - Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix transfer (rows)
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue,
           cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffsetDst, size_t hOffsetDst,
       cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffsetSrc, size_t hOffsetSrc, size_t width, size_t height,
       enum cudaMemcpyKind kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)
       Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the CUDA array srcArray starting at
       the upper left corner (wOffsetSrc, hOffsetSrc) to the CUDA array dst starting at the upper
       left corner (wOffsetDst, hOffsetDst), where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies
       the direction of the copy. wOffsetDst + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array
       dst. wOffsetSrc + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array src.

           dst - Destination memory address
           wOffsetDst - Destination starting X offset
           hOffsetDst - Destination starting Y offset
           src - Source memory address
           wOffsetSrc - Source starting X offset
           hOffsetSrc - Source starting Y offset
           width - Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix transfer (rows)
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol,
           cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DAsync (void * dst, size_t dpitch, const void * src,
       size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream
       = 0)
       Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src
       to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies
       the direction of the copy. dpitch and spitch are the widths in memory in bytes of the 2D
       arrays pointed to by dst and src, including any padding added to the end of each row. The
       memory areas may not overlap. width must not exceed either dpitch or spitch. Calling
       cudaMemcpy2DAsync() with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy
       results in an undefined behavior. cudaMemcpy2DAsync() returns an error if dpitch or spitch
       is greater than the maximum allowed.

       cudaMemcpy2DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return
       before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing
       a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost
       and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

       The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be
       given local or shared pointers.

           dst - Destination memory address
           dpitch - Pitch of destination memory
           src - Source memory address
           spitch - Pitch of source memory
           width - Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix transfer (rows)
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue,
           cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DFromArray (void * dst, size_t dpitch, cudaArray_const_t src, size_t
       wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
       Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the CUDA array srcArray starting at
       the upper left corner (wOffset, hOffset) to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind
       is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies the direction of the copy. dpitch is the width in
       memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dst, including any padding added to the end
       of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array src. width must
       not exceed dpitch. cudaMemcpy2DFromArray() returns an error if dpitch exceeds the maximum

           dst - Destination memory address
           dpitch - Pitch of destination memory
           src - Source memory address
           wOffset - Source starting X offset
           hOffset - Source starting Y offset
           width - Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix transfer (rows)
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,
           cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol,
           cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync (void * dst, size_t dpitch, cudaArray_const_t src,
       size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind,
       cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the CUDA array srcArray starting at
       the upper left corner (wOffset, hOffset) to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind
       is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies the direction of the copy. dpitch is the width in
       memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dst, including any padding added to the end
       of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array src. width must
       not exceed dpitch. cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync() returns an error if dpitch exceeds the
       maximum allowed.

       cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may
       return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by
       passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in
       other streams.

           dst - Destination memory address
           dpitch - Pitch of destination memory
           src - Source memory address
           wOffset - Source starting X offset
           hOffset - Source starting Y offset
           width - Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix transfer (rows)
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,
           cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *
       src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
       Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src
       to the CUDA array dst starting at the upper left corner (wOffset, hOffset) where kind is
       one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies the direction of the copy. spitch is the width in
       memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by src, including any padding added to the end
       of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array dst. width must
       not exceed spitch. cudaMemcpy2DToArray() returns an error if spitch exceeds the maximum

           dst - Destination memory address
           wOffset - Destination starting X offset
           hOffset - Destination starting Y offset
           src - Source memory address
           spitch - Pitch of source memory
           width - Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix transfer (rows)
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,
           cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const
       void * src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind,
       cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src
       to the CUDA array dst starting at the upper left corner (wOffset, hOffset) where kind is
       one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies the direction of the copy. spitch is the width in
       memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by src, including any padding added to the end
       of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array dst. width must
       not exceed spitch. cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync() returns an error if spitch exceeds the
       maximum allowed.

       cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may
       return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by
       passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in
       other streams.

           dst - Destination memory address
           wOffset - Destination starting X offset
           hOffset - Destination starting Y offset
           src - Source memory address
           spitch - Pitch of source memory
           width - Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix transfer (rows)
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,
           cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3D (const struct cudaMemcpy3DParms * p)
       struct cudaExtent {
         size_t width;
         size_t height;
         size_t depth;
       struct cudaExtent make_cudaExtent(size_t w, size_t h, size_t d);

       struct cudaPos {
         size_t x;
         size_t y;
         size_t z;
       struct cudaPos make_cudaPos(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z);

       struct cudaMemcpy3DParms {
         cudaArray_t           srcArray;
         struct cudaPos        srcPos;
         struct cudaPitchedPtr srcPtr;
         cudaArray_t           dstArray;
         struct cudaPos        dstPos;
         struct cudaPitchedPtr dstPtr;
         struct cudaExtent     extent;
         enum cudaMemcpyKind   kind;

       cudaMemcpy3D() copies data between two 3D objects. The source and destination objects may
       be in either host memory, device memory, or a CUDA array. The source, destination, extent,
       and kind of copy performed is specified by the cudaMemcpy3DParms struct which should be
       initialized to zero before use:

       cudaMemcpy3DParms myParms = {0};

       The struct passed to cudaMemcpy3D() must specify one of srcArray or srcPtr and one of
       dstArray or dstPtr. Passing more than one non-zero source or destination will cause
       cudaMemcpy3D() to return an error.

       The srcPos and dstPos fields are optional offsets into the source and destination objects
       and are defined in units of each object's elements. The element for a host or device
       pointer is assumed to be unsigned char. For CUDA arrays, positions must be in the range
       [0, 2048) for any dimension.

       The extent field defines the dimensions of the transferred area in elements. If a CUDA
       array is participating in the copy, the extent is defined in terms of that array's
       elements. If no CUDA array is participating in the copy then the extents are defined in
       elements of unsigned char.

       The kind field defines the direction of the copy. It must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice.

       If the source and destination are both arrays, cudaMemcpy3D() will return an error if they
       do not have the same element size.

       The source and destination object may not overlap. If overlapping source and destination
       objects are specified, undefined behavior will result.

       The source object must lie entirely within the region defined by srcPos and extent. The
       destination object must lie entirely within the region defined by dstPos and extent.

       cudaMemcpy3D() returns an error if the pitch of srcPtr or dstPtr exceeds the maximum
       allowed. The pitch of a cudaPitchedPtr allocated with cudaMalloc3D() will always be valid.

           p - 3D memory copy parameters

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,
           cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemcpy3DAsync, cudaMemcpy,
           cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync,
           make_cudaExtent, make_cudaPos

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DAsync (const struct cudaMemcpy3DParms * p,
       cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       struct cudaExtent {
         size_t width;
         size_t height;
         size_t depth;
       struct cudaExtent make_cudaExtent(size_t w, size_t h, size_t d);

       struct cudaPos {
         size_t x;
         size_t y;
         size_t z;
       struct cudaPos make_cudaPos(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z);

       struct cudaMemcpy3DParms {
         cudaArray_t           srcArray;
         struct cudaPos        srcPos;
         struct cudaPitchedPtr srcPtr;
         cudaArray_t           dstArray;
         struct cudaPos        dstPos;
         struct cudaPitchedPtr dstPtr;
         struct cudaExtent     extent;
         enum cudaMemcpyKind   kind;

       cudaMemcpy3DAsync() copies data between two 3D objects. The source and destination objects
       may be in either host memory, device memory, or a CUDA array. The source, destination,
       extent, and kind of copy performed is specified by the cudaMemcpy3DParms struct which
       should be initialized to zero before use:

       cudaMemcpy3DParms myParms = {0};

       The struct passed to cudaMemcpy3DAsync() must specify one of srcArray or srcPtr and one of
       dstArray or dstPtr. Passing more than one non-zero source or destination will cause
       cudaMemcpy3DAsync() to return an error.

       The srcPos and dstPos fields are optional offsets into the source and destination objects
       and are defined in units of each object's elements. The element for a host or device
       pointer is assumed to be unsigned char. For CUDA arrays, positions must be in the range
       [0, 2048) for any dimension.

       The extent field defines the dimensions of the transferred area in elements. If a CUDA
       array is participating in the copy, the extent is defined in terms of that array's
       elements. If no CUDA array is participating in the copy then the extents are defined in
       elements of unsigned char.

       The kind field defines the direction of the copy. It must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice.

       If the source and destination are both arrays, cudaMemcpy3DAsync() will return an error if
       they do not have the same element size.

       The source and destination object may not overlap. If overlapping source and destination
       objects are specified, undefined behavior will result.

       The source object must lie entirely within the region defined by srcPos and extent. The
       destination object must lie entirely within the region defined by dstPos and extent.

       cudaMemcpy3DAsync() returns an error if the pitch of srcPtr or dstPtr exceeds the maximum
       allowed. The pitch of a cudaPitchedPtr allocated with cudaMalloc3D() will always be valid.

       cudaMemcpy3DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return
       before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing
       a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost
       and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

       The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be
       given local or shared pointers.

           p - 3D memory copy parameters
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,
           cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMalloc3D, cudaMalloc3DArray, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemcpy3D, cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D,
           cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray, cudaMemcpy2DFromArray,
           cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol,
           cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, make_cudaExtent, make_cudaPos

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DPeer (const struct cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms * p)
       Perform a 3D memory copy according to the parameters specified in p. See the definition of
       the cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms structure for documentation of its parameters.

       Note that this function is synchronous with respect to the host only if the source or
       destination of the transfer is host memory. Note also that this copy is serialized with
       respect to all pending and future asynchronous work in to the current device, the copy's
       source device, and the copy's destination device (use cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync to avoid this

           p - Parameters for the memory copy

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpyPeer, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpyPeerAsync,

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync (const struct cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms * p, cudaStream_t stream
       = 0)
       Perform a 3D memory copy according to the parameters specified in p. See the definition of
       the cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms structure for documentation of its parameters.

           p - Parameters for the memory copy
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpyPeer, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpyPeerAsync,

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyArrayToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffsetDst, size_t hOffsetDst,
       cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffsetSrc, size_t hOffsetSrc, size_t count, enum
       cudaMemcpyKind kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)
       Copies count bytes from the CUDA array src starting at the upper left corner (wOffsetSrc,
       hOffsetSrc) to the CUDA array dst starting at the upper left corner (wOffsetDst,
       hOffsetDst) where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies the direction of the

           dst - Destination memory address
           wOffsetDst - Destination starting X offset
           hOffsetDst - Destination starting Y offset
           src - Source memory address
           wOffsetSrc - Source starting X offset
           hOffsetSrc - Source starting Y offset
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol,
           cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpyAsync (void * dst, const void * src, size_t count,
       enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by
       dst, where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies the direction of the
       copy. The memory areas may not overlap. Calling cudaMemcpyAsync() with dst and src
       pointers that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior.

       cudaMemcpyAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before
       the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-
       zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and the
       stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

       The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be
       given local or shared pointers.

           dst - Destination memory address
           src - Source memory address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromArray (void * dst, cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffset, size_t
       hOffset, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
       Copies count bytes from the CUDA array src starting at the upper left corner (wOffset,
       hOffset) to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies
       the direction of the copy.

           dst - Destination memory address
           src - Source memory address
           wOffset - Source starting X offset
           hOffset - Source starting Y offset
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync (void * dst, cudaArray_const_t src, size_t wOffset,
       size_t hOffset, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies count bytes from the CUDA array src starting at the upper left corner (wOffset,
       hOffset) to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies
       the direction of the copy.

       cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may
       return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by
       passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in
       other streams.

           dst - Destination memory address
           src - Source memory address
           wOffset - Source starting X offset
           hOffset - Source starting Y offset
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromSymbol (void * dst, const void * symbol, size_t count, size_t offset
       = 0, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by offset bytes from the start of
       symbol symbol to the memory area pointed to by dst. The memory areas may not overlap.
       symbol is a variable that resides in global or constant memory space. kind can be either
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice.

           dst - Destination memory address
           symbol - Device symbol address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           offset - Offset from start of symbol in bytes
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol,
           cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           Use of a string naming a variable as the symbol parameter was deprecated in CUDA 4.1
           and removed in CUDA 5.0.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync (void * dst, const void * symbol, size_t count, size_t
       offset, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by offset bytes from the start of
       symbol symbol to the memory area pointed to by dst. The memory areas may not overlap.
       symbol is a variable that resides in global or constant memory space. kind can be either
       cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice.

       cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may
       return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by
       passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-
       zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

           dst - Destination memory address
           symbol - Device symbol address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           offset - Offset from start of symbol in bytes
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol,
           cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

           Use of a string naming a variable as the symbol parameter was deprecated in CUDA 4.1
           and removed in CUDA 5.0.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyPeer (void * dst, int dstDevice, const void * src, int srcDevice, size_t
       Copies memory from one device to memory on another device. dst is the base device pointer
       of the destination memory and dstDevice is the destination device. src is the base device
       pointer of the source memory and srcDevice is the source device. count specifies the
       number of bytes to copy.

       Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host, but serialized with
       respect all pending and future asynchronous work in to the current device, srcDevice, and
       dstDevice (use cudaMemcpyPeerAsync to avoid this synchronization).

           dst - Destination device pointer
           dstDevice - Destination device
           src - Source device pointer
           srcDevice - Source device
           count - Size of memory copy in bytes

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpyPeerAsync, cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyPeerAsync (void * dst, int dstDevice, const void * src, int srcDevice,
       size_t count, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies memory from one device to memory on another device. dst is the base device pointer
       of the destination memory and dstDevice is the destination device. src is the base device
       pointer of the source memory and srcDevice is the source device. count specifies the
       number of bytes to copy.

       Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host and all work on other

           dst - Destination device pointer
           dstDevice - Destination device
           src - Source device pointer
           srcDevice - Source device
           count - Size of memory copy in bytes
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpyPeer, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToArray (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void *
       src, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the CUDA array dst starting
       at the upper left corner (wOffset, hOffset), where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies
       the direction of the copy.

           dst - Destination memory address
           wOffset - Destination starting X offset
           hOffset - Destination starting Y offset
           src - Source memory address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync (cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const
       void * src, size_t count, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the CUDA array dst starting
       at the upper left corner (wOffset, hOffset), where kind is one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, and specifies
       the direction of the copy.

       cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return
       before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing
       a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost
       and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

           dst - Destination memory address
           wOffset - Destination starting X offset
           hOffset - Destination starting Y offset
           src - Source memory address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToSymbol (const void * symbol, const void * src, size_t count, size_t
       offset = 0, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind = cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by
       offset bytes from the start of symbol symbol. The memory areas may not overlap. symbol is
       a variable that resides in global or constant memory space. kind can be either
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice.

           symbol - Device symbol address
           src - Source memory address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           offset - Offset from start of symbol in bytes
           kind - Type of transfer

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol,
           cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           Use of a string naming a variable as the symbol parameter was deprecated in CUDA 4.1
           and removed in CUDA 5.0.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync (const void * symbol, const void * src, size_t count,
       size_t offset, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by
       offset bytes from the start of symbol symbol. The memory areas may not overlap. symbol is
       a variable that resides in global or constant memory space. kind can be either
       cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice.

       cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return
       before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing
       a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice and stream is non-zero, the
       copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

           symbol - Device symbol address
           src - Source memory address
           count - Size in bytes to copy
           offset - Offset from start of symbol in bytes
           kind - Type of transfer
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol,
           cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           This function exhibits  behavior for most use cases.

           This function uses standard  semantics.

           Use of a string naming a variable as the symbol parameter was deprecated in CUDA 4.1
           and removed in CUDA 5.0.

       See also:
           cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyToArray, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpyFromArray,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyArrayToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray,
           cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync,
           cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync,
           cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemGetInfo (size_t * free, size_t * total)
       Returns in *free and *total respectively, the free and total amount of memory available
       for allocation by the device in bytes.

           free - Returned free memory in bytes
           total - Returned total memory in bytes

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInitializationError, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

   cudaError_t cudaMemset (void * devPtr, int value, size_t count)
       Fills the first count bytes of the memory area pointed to by devPtr with the constant byte
       value value.

       Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host unless devPtr refers to
       pinned host memory.

           devPtr - Pointer to device memory
           value - Value to set for each byte of specified memory
           count - Size in bytes to set

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           See also .

       See also:
           cudaMemset2D, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemsetAsync, cudaMemset2DAsync, cudaMemset3DAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemset2D (void * devPtr, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height)
       Sets to the specified value value a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) pointed to by
       dstPtr. pitch is the width in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dstPtr, including any
       padding added to the end of each row. This function performs fastest when the pitch is one
       that has been passed back by cudaMallocPitch().

       Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host unless devPtr refers to
       pinned host memory.

           devPtr - Pointer to 2D device memory
           pitch - Pitch in bytes of 2D device memory
           value - Value to set for each byte of specified memory
           width - Width of matrix set (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix set (rows)

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           See also .

       See also:
           cudaMemset, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemsetAsync, cudaMemset2DAsync, cudaMemset3DAsync

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemset2DAsync (void * devPtr, size_t pitch, int value,
       size_t width, size_t height, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Sets to the specified value value a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) pointed to by
       dstPtr. pitch is the width in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dstPtr, including any
       padding added to the end of each row. This function performs fastest when the pitch is one
       that has been passed back by cudaMallocPitch().

       cudaMemset2DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return
       before the memset is complete. The operation can optionally be associated to a stream by
       passing a non-zero stream argument. If stream is non-zero, the operation may overlap with
       operations in other streams.

       The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be
       given local or shared pointers.

           devPtr - Pointer to 2D device memory
           pitch - Pitch in bytes of 2D device memory
           value - Value to set for each byte of specified memory
           width - Width of matrix set (columns in bytes)
           height - Height of matrix set (rows)
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           See also .

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemset, cudaMemset2D, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemsetAsync, cudaMemset3DAsync

   cudaError_t cudaMemset3D (struct cudaPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int value, struct cudaExtent
       Initializes each element of a 3D array to the specified value value. The object to
       initialize is defined by pitchedDevPtr. The pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is the width in
       memory in bytes of the 3D array pointed to by pitchedDevPtr, including any padding added
       to the end of each row. The xsize field specifies the logical width of each row in bytes,
       while the ysize field specifies the height of each 2D slice in rows.

       The extents of the initialized region are specified as a width in bytes, a height in rows,
       and a depth in slices.

       Extents with width greater than or equal to the xsize of pitchedDevPtr may perform
       significantly faster than extents narrower than the xsize. Secondarily, extents with
       height equal to the ysize of pitchedDevPtr will perform faster than when the height is
       shorter than the ysize.

       This function performs fastest when the pitchedDevPtr has been allocated by

       Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host unless pitchedDevPtr
       refers to pinned host memory.

           pitchedDevPtr - Pointer to pitched device memory
           value - Value to set for each byte of specified memory
           extent - Size parameters for where to set device memory (width field in bytes)

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           See also .

       See also:
           cudaMemset, cudaMemset2D, cudaMemsetAsync, cudaMemset2DAsync, cudaMemset3DAsync,
           cudaMalloc3D, make_cudaPitchedPtr, make_cudaExtent

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemset3DAsync (struct cudaPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr, int
       value, struct cudaExtent extent, cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Initializes each element of a 3D array to the specified value value. The object to
       initialize is defined by pitchedDevPtr. The pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is the width in
       memory in bytes of the 3D array pointed to by pitchedDevPtr, including any padding added
       to the end of each row. The xsize field specifies the logical width of each row in bytes,
       while the ysize field specifies the height of each 2D slice in rows.

       The extents of the initialized region are specified as a width in bytes, a height in rows,
       and a depth in slices.

       Extents with width greater than or equal to the xsize of pitchedDevPtr may perform
       significantly faster than extents narrower than the xsize. Secondarily, extents with
       height equal to the ysize of pitchedDevPtr will perform faster than when the height is
       shorter than the ysize.

       This function performs fastest when the pitchedDevPtr has been allocated by

       cudaMemset3DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return
       before the memset is complete. The operation can optionally be associated to a stream by
       passing a non-zero stream argument. If stream is non-zero, the operation may overlap with
       operations in other streams.

       The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be
       given local or shared pointers.

           pitchedDevPtr - Pointer to pitched device memory
           value - Value to set for each byte of specified memory
           extent - Size parameters for where to set device memory (width field in bytes)
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           See also .

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemset, cudaMemset2D, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemsetAsync, cudaMemset2DAsync,
           cudaMalloc3D, make_cudaPitchedPtr, make_cudaExtent

   __cudart_builtin__ cudaError_t cudaMemsetAsync (void * devPtr, int value, size_t count,
       cudaStream_t stream = 0)
       Fills the first count bytes of the memory area pointed to by devPtr with the constant byte
       value value.

       cudaMemsetAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before
       the memset is complete. The operation can optionally be associated to a stream by passing
       a non-zero stream argument. If stream is non-zero, the operation may overlap with
       operations in other streams.

       The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be
       given local or shared pointers.

           devPtr - Pointer to device memory
           value - Value to set for each byte of specified memory
           count - Size in bytes to set
           stream - Stream identifier

           cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer

           Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous

           See also .

           This function uses standard  semantics.

       See also:
           cudaMemset, cudaMemset2D, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemset2DAsync, cudaMemset3DAsync

   struct cudaExtent make_cudaExtent (size_t w, size_t h, size_t d) [read]
       Returns a cudaExtent based on the specified input parameters w, h, and d.

           w - Width in bytes
           h - Height in elements
           d - Depth in elements

           cudaExtent specified by w, h, and d

       See also:
           make_cudaPitchedPtr, make_cudaPos

   struct cudaPitchedPtr make_cudaPitchedPtr (void * d, size_t p, size_t xsz, size_t ysz) [read]
       Returns a cudaPitchedPtr based on the specified input parameters d, p, xsz, and ysz.

           d - Pointer to allocated memory
           p - Pitch of allocated memory in bytes
           xsz - Logical width of allocation in elements
           ysz - Logical height of allocation in elements

           cudaPitchedPtr specified by d, p, xsz, and ysz

       See also:
           make_cudaExtent, make_cudaPos

   struct cudaPos make_cudaPos (size_t x, size_t y, size_t z) [read]
       Returns a cudaPos based on the specified input parameters x, y, and z.

           x - X position
           y - Y position
           z - Z position

           cudaPos specified by x, y, and z

       See also:
           make_cudaExtent, make_cudaPitchedPtr


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