Provided by: libmongoc-doc_1.3.1-1_all 

mongoc_index_opt_t - #include <mongoc.h> typedef struct { bool is_initialized; bool background; bool unique; const char *name; bool drop_dups; bool sparse; int32_t expire_after_seconds; int32_t v; const bson_t *weights; const char *default_language; const char *language_override; mongoc_index_opt_geo_t *geo_options; mongoc_index_opt_storage_t *storage_options; const bson_t *partial_filter_expression; void *padding[5]; } mongoc_index_opt_t;
#include <mongoc.h> typedef struct { bool is_initialized; bool background; bool unique; const char *name; bool drop_dups; bool sparse; int32_t expire_after_seconds; int32_t v; const bson_t *weights; const char *default_language; const char *language_override; mongoc_index_opt_geo_t *geo_options; mongoc_index_opt_storage_t *storage_options; const bson_t *partial_filter_expression; void *padding[5]; } mongoc_index_opt_t;
This structure contains the options that may be used for tuning a specific index. See the createIndexes documentations in the MongoDB manual for descriptions of individual options. NOTE: dropDups is deprecated as of MongoDB version 3.0.0. This option is silently ignored by the server and unique index builds using this option will fail if a duplicate value is detected.
{ bson_t keys; bson_error_t error; mongoc_index_opt_t opt; mongoc_index_opt_geo_t geo_opt; mongoc_index_opt_init(&opt); mongoc_index_opt_geo_init(&geo_opt); bson_init(&keys); BSON_APPEND_UTF8(&keys, "location", "2d"); geo_opt.twod_location_min = ‐123; geo_opt.twod_location_max = +123; geo_opt.twod_bits_precision = 30; opt.geo_options = &geo_opt; collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "test", "geo_test"); if (mongoc_collection_create_index(collection, &keys, &opt, &error)) { /* Successfully created the geo index */ } bson_destroy(&keys); mongoc_collection_destroy(&collection); }
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