xenial (5) ifupdown-addons-interfaces.5.gz

ifupdown-addons-interfaces - ifupdown2 addon modules interface configuration
ifupdown2 addon modules add incremental functionality to core ifupdown2 tool. All installed addon modules are executed on every interface listed in the interfaces file. Addon modules are installed under /usr/share/ifupdownaddons. To see the list of active addon modules, see ifaddon(8). Addon modules add new attributes to the interfaces(5) file. Below is a list of attribute options provided by each module. These can be listed under each iface section in the interfaces(5) file.
Listed below are addon modules and their supported attributes. The attributes if applicable go under the iface section in the interfaces(5) file. ethtool: ethtool configuration module for interfaces link-duplex help: set link duplex required: False default: half validvals: half,full example: link-duplex full link-autoneg help: set autonegotiation required: False default: off validvals: on,off example: link-autoneg on link-speed help: set link speed required: False example: link-speed 1000 bridge: Bridge configuration module. Supports both vlan aware and non vlan aware bridges. For the vlan aware bridge, the port sp ecific attributes must be specified under the port. And for vlan u naware bridge port specific attributes must be specified under the bridge. bridge-vlan-aware help: vlan aware bridge. Setting this attribute to yes ena bles vlan filtering on the bridge required: False example: bridge-vlan-aware yes/no bridge-pathcosts help: bridge set port path costs required: False default: 100 example: bridge-pathcosts swp1=100 swp2=100 bridge-portprios help: bridge port prios required: False default: 32 example: bridge-portprios swp1=32 swp2=32 bridge-fd help: bridge forward delay required: False default: 15 example: bridge-fd 15 bridge-ageing help: bridge ageing required: False default: 300 example: bridge-ageing 300 bridge-hello help: bridge set hello time required: False default: 2 example: bridge-hello 2 bridge-gcint help: bridge garbage collection interval in secs required: False default: 4 example: bridge-gcint 4 bridge-mcquerier help: set multicast querier required: False default: 0 example: bridge-mcquerier 0 bridge-mclmc help: set multicast last member count required: False default: 2 example: bridge-mclmc 2 bridge-mcsqc help: set multicast startup query count required: False default: 2 example: bridge-mcsqc 2 bridge-mcrouter help: set multicast router required: False default: 1 example: bridge-mcrouter 1 bridge-stp help: bridge-stp yes/no required: False default: no validvals: yes,on,off,no example: bridge-stp no bridge-pvid help: bridge port pvid. Must be specified under the bridge port required: False example: bridge-pvid 1 bridge-mcsqi help: set multicast startup query interval (in secs) required: False default: 31 example: bridge-mcsqi 31 bridge-mcmi help: set multicast membership interval (in secs) required: False default: 260 example: bridge-mcmi 260 bridge-mclmi help: set multicast last member interval (in secs) required: False default: 1 example: bridge-mclmi 1 bridge-vids help: bridge port vids. Can be specified under the bridge or under the port. If specified under the bridge the ports inh erit it unless overridden by a bridge-vids attribuet under the port required: False example: bridge-vids 4000 bridge-vids 2000 2200-3000 bridge-ports help: bridge ports required: True example: bridge-ports swp1.100 swp2.100 swp3.100 bridge-ports glob swp1-3.100 bridge-ports regex (swp[1|2|3].100) bridge-mcqifaddr help: set multicast query to use ifaddr required: False default: 0 example: bridge-mcqifaddr 0 bridge-waitport help: wait for a max of time secs for the specified ports to become available,if no ports are specified then those speci fied on bridge-ports will be used here. Specifying no ports he re should not be used if we are using regex or "all" on bridge _ports,as it wouldnt work. required: False default: 0 example: bridge-waitport 4 swp1 swp2 bridge-mcqri help: set multicast query response interval (in secs) required: False default: 10 example: bridge-mcqri 10 bridge-hashel help: set hash elasticity required: False default: 4096 example: bridge-hashel 4096 bridge-mcqpi help: set multicast querier interval (in secs) required: False default: 255 example: bridge-mcqpi 255 bridge-hashmax help: set hash max required: False default: 4096 example: bridge-hashmax 4096 bridge-bridgeprio help: bridge priority required: False default: 32768 example: bridge-bridgeprio 32768 bridge-maxage help: bridge set maxage required: False default: 20 example: bridge-maxage 20 bridge-mcsnoop help: set multicast snooping required: False default: 1 example: bridge-mcsnoop 1 bridge-access help: bridge port access vlan. Must be specified under the bridge port required: False example: bridge-access 300 bridge-maxwait help: forces to time seconds the maximum time that the Deb ian bridge setup scripts will wait for the bridge ports to ge t to the forwarding status, doesn't allow factional part. If i t is equal to 0 then no waiting is done required: False default: 0 example: bridge-maxwait 3 bridge-portmcrouter help: set port multicast routers required: False default: 1 example: under the bridge: bridge-portmcrouter swp1=1 swp2=1 under the port: bridge-portmcrouter 1 bridge-portmcfl help: port multicast fast leave. required: False default: 0 example: under the bridge: bridge-portmcfl swp1=0 swp2=0 under the port: bridge-portmcfl 0 bridge-mcqi help: set multicast query interval (in secs) required: False default: 125 example: bridge-mcqi 125 usercmds: user commands for interfaces down help: run command at interface down required: False post-up help: run command after interface bring up required: False up help: run command at interface bring up required: False pre-down help: run command before bringing the interface down required: False pre-up help: run command before bringing the interface up required: False post-down help: run command after bringing interface down required: False mstpctl: mstp configuration module for bridges mstpctl-portadminedge help: enable/disable initial edge state of the port required: False default: no validvals: yes,no example: mstpctl-portadminedge swp1=no swp2=no mstpctl-portbpdufilter help: enable/disable bpdu filter on a port. syntax varies when defined under a bridge vs under a port required: False default: no validvals: yes,no example: under a bridge: mstpctl-portbpdufilter swp1=no swp2=no under a port: mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes mstpctl-fdelay help: set forwarding delay required: False default: 15 example: mstpctl-fdelay 15 mstpctl-portnetwork help: enable/disable bridge assurance capability for a por t required: False default: no validvals: yes,no example: mstpctl-portnetwork swp1=no swp2=no mstpctl-txholdcount help: bridge transmit holdcount required: False default: 6 example: mstpctl-txholdcount 6 mstpctl-forcevers help: bridge force stp version required: False default: rstp example: mstpctl-forcevers rstp mstpctl-portautoedge help: enable/disable auto transition to/from edge state of the port required: False default: yes validvals: yes,no example: mstpctl-portautoedge swp1=yes swp2=yes mstpctl-maxhops help: bridge max hops required: False default: 15 example: mstpctl-maxhops 15 mstpctl-treeprio help: tree priority required: False default: 32768 validrange: 0-65535 example: mstpctl-treeprio 32768 mstpctl-treeportprio help: port priority for MSTI instance required: False default: 128 validrange: 0-240 example: mstpctl-treeportprio swp1=128 swp2=128 mstpctl-portpathcost help: bridge port path cost required: False default: 0 example: mstpctl-portpathcost swp1=0 swp2=1 mstpctl-portrestrtcn help: enable/disable port ability to propagate received to pology change notification of the port required: False default: no validvals: yes,no example: mstpctl-portrestrtcn swp1=no swp2=no mstpctl-maxage help: max message age required: False default: 20 example: mstpctl-maxage 20 mstpctl-hello help: set hello time required: False default: 2 example: mstpctl-hello 2 mstpctl-portrestrrole help: enable/disable port ability to take root role of the port required: False default: no validvals: yes,no example: mstpctl-portrestrrole swp1=no swp2=no mstpctl-bpduguard help: enable/disable bpduguard required: False default: no validvals: yes,no example: mstpctl-bpduguard swp1=no swp2=no mstpctl-ageing help: ageing time required: False default: 300 example: mstpctl-ageing 300 mstpctl-treeportcost help: port tree cost required: False mstpctl-portp2p help: bridge port p2p detection mode required: False default: auto validvals: yes,no,auto example: mstpctl-portp2p swp1=no swp2=no clagd: This module generates the clagd defaults file. clagd-priority help: The priority of this clagd switch required: False example: clagd-priority 30000 clagd-backup-ip help: Backup IP address of the clagd peer required: False example: clagd-backup-ip clagd-enable help: enable clagd required: False validvals: yes,no example: clagd-enable yes clag-id help: multi-chassis lag id required: False default: 0 validrange: 0-65535 example: clag-id 1 clagd-peer-ip help: The IP address of the clagd peer required: True example: clagd-peer clagd-sys-mac help: The system ID of the CLAG pair required: True example: clagd-sys-mac 44:38:39:ff:00:00 clagd-args help: Additional command line arguments for clagd required: False example: clagd-args --log /var/log/clagd.log clagd-args --verbose --lacpPoll 10 clagd-args --debug 0x4 vlan: vlan module configures vlan interfaces.This module under stands vlan interfaces with dot notations. eg swp1.100. Vlan inter faces with any other names need to have raw device and vlan id att ributes vlan-id help: vlan id required: False vlan-raw-device help: vlan raw device required: False bridgevlan: bridgevlan module configures vlan attributes on a vlan aware bridge. This module only understands vlan interface name with dot notations. eg br0.100. where br0 is the vlan aware bridge this config is for. bridge-igmp-querier-src help: bridge igmp querier src. Must be specified under the vlan interface required: False example: bridge-igmp-querier-src ifenslave: bond configuration module bond-use-carrier help: bond use carrier required: False default: 1 validvals: 0,1 example: bond-use-carrier 1 bond-lacp-bypass-period help: grace period (seconds) for lacp bypass required: False default: 0 validrange: 0-900 example: bond-lacp-bypass-period 100 bond-miimon help: bond miimon required: False default: 0 validrange: 0-255 example: bond-miimon 0 bond-lacp-rate help: bond lacp rate required: False default: 0 validvals: 0,1 example: bond-lacp-rate 0 bond-lacp-bypass-priority help: slave priority for lacp bypass required: False example: bond-lacp-bypass-priority swp1=1 swp2=1 swp3=2 bond-min-links help: bond min links required: False default: 0 example: bond-min-links 0 bond-slaves help: bond slaves required: True example: bond-slaves swp1 swp2 bond-slaves glob swp1-2 bond-slaves regex (swp[1|2) bond-lacp-bypass-allow help: allow lacp bypass required: False default: 0 validvals: 0,1 example: bond-lacp-bypass-allow 0 bond-mode help: bond mode required: False default: balance-rr validvals: balance-rr,active-backup,balance-xor,broadcast,802.3ad,balance-tlb,balance-alb example: bond-mode 802.3ad bond-num-unsol-na help: bond slave devices required: False default: 1 validrange: 0-255 example: bond-num-unsol-na 1 bond-ad-sys-priority help: 802.3ad system priority required: False default: 65535 example: bond-ad-sys-priority 65535 bond-xmit-hash-policy help: bond slave devices required: False default: layer2 validvals: layer2,layer3+4,layer2+3 example: bond-xmit-hash-policy layer2 bond-num-grat-arp help: bond use carrier required: False default: 1 validrange: 0-255 example: bond-num-grat-arp 1 bond-ad-sys-mac-addr help: 802.3ad system mac address required: False default: 00:00:00:00:00:00 example: bond-ad-sys-mac-addr 00:00:00:00:00:00 address: address configuration module for interfaces broadcast help: broadcast address required: False example: broadcast hwaddress help: hw address required: False example: hwaddress 44:38:39:00:27:b8 alias help: description/alias required: False example: alias testnetwork address help: ipv4 or ipv6 addresses required: False example: address address 2000:1000:1000:1000:3::5/128 scope help: scope required: False example: scope host address-purge help: purge existing addresses. By default any existing ip addresses on an interface are purged to match persistent addre sses in the interfaces file. Set this attribute to 'no'if you want to preserve existing addresses required: False default: yes example: address-purge yes/no preferred-lifetime help: preferred lifetime required: False example: preferred-lifetime forever preferred-lifetime 10 gateway help: default gateway required: False example: gateway mtu help: interface mtu required: False default: 1500 example: mtu 1600 addressvirtual: address module configures virtual addresses fo r interfaces. It creates a macvlan interface for every mac ip addr ess-virtual line address-virtual help: bridge router virtual mac and ip required: False example: address-virtual 00:11:22:33:44:01 vxlan: vxlan module configures vxlan interfaces. vxlan-learning help: vxlan learning on/off required: False default: on example: vxlan-learning off vxlan-id help: vxlan id required: True example: vxlan-id 100 vxlan-remoteip help: vxlan remote ip required: False example: vxlan-remoteip vxlan-svcnodeip help: vxlan id required: False example: vxlan-svcnodeip vxlan-local-tunnelip help: vxlan local tunnel ip required: False example: vxlan-local-tunnelip
interfaces(5), ifup(8), ip(8), mstpctl(8), brctl(8), ethtool(8), clagctl(8)
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