xenial (5) logs_xml.config.5.gz

logs_xml.config - Traffic Server log format configuration file The logs_xml.config file defines the custom log file formats, filters, and processing options. The format of this file is modeled after XML, the Extensible Markup Language.
The logs_xml.config file contains the specifications below: • LogFormat specifies the fields to be gathered from each protocol event access. • LogFilter specifies the filters that are used to include or exclude certain entries being logged based on the value of a field within that entry. • LogObject specifies an object that contains a particular format, a local filename, filters, and collation servers. The logs_xml.config file ignores extra white space, blank lines, and all comments.
The following list shows LogFormat specifications. <Name = valid_format_name /> Required Valid format names include any name except squid, common, extended, or extended2, which are pre-defined formats. There is no default for this tag. <Format = valid_format_specification /> Required A valid format specification is a printf-style string describing each log entry when formatted for ASCII output. The printf-style could accept Oct/Hex escape representation: • \abc is Oct escape sequence, a,b,c should be one of [0-9], and (a*8^2 + b*8 + c) should be greater than 0 and less than 255. • \xab is Hex escape sequence, a,b should be one of [0-9, a-f, A-F], and (a*16 + b) should be greater than 0 and less than 255. Use %< field > as a placeholder for valid field names. For more information, refer to custom-logging-fields. The specified field can be one of the following types: Simple. For example: %<cqu> A field within a container, such as an HTTP header or a statistic. Fields of this type have the syntax: %<{ field } container> Aggregates, such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, FIRST, LAST. Fields of this type have the syntax: %<operator ( field )> NOTE: You cannot create a format specification that contains both aggregate operators and regular fields. <Interval = aggregate_interval_secs /> Optional Use this tag when the format contains aggregate operators. The value "aggregate_interval_secs" represents the number of seconds between individual aggregate values being produced. The valid set of aggregate operators are: • COUNT • SUM • AVG • FIRST • LAST
The following list shows the LogFilter specifications. <Name = valid_filter_name /> Required All filters must be uniquely named. <Condition = valid_log_field valid_operator valid_comparison_value /> Required This field contains the following elements: valid_log_field - the field that will be compared against the given value. For more information, refer to logging-format-cross-reference. valid_operator_field - any one of the following: MATCH, CASE_INSENSITIVE_MATCH, CONTAIN, CASE_INSENSITIVE_CONTAIN. • MATCH is true if the field and value are identical (case-sensitive). • CASE_INSENSITIVE_MATCH is similar to MATCH, except that it is case-insensitive. • CONTAIN is true if the field contains the value (the value is a substring of the field). • CASE_INSENSITIVE_CONTAIN is a case-insensitive version of CONTAIN. valid_comparison_value - any string or integer matching the field type. For integer values, all of the operators are equivalent and mean that the field must be equal to the specified value. For IP address fields, this can be a list of IP addresses and include ranges. A range is an IP address, followed by a dash '-', and then another IP address of the same family. For instance, the 10/8 network can be represented by Currently network specifiers are not supported. NOTE: There are no negative comparison operators. If you want to specify a negative condition, then use the Action field to REJECT the record. <Action = valid_action_field /> Required: ACCEPT or REJECT or WIPE_FIELD_VALUE. ACCEPT or REJECT instructs Traffic Server to either accept or reject records that satisfy the filter condition. WIPE_FIELD_VALUE wipes out the values of the query params in the url fields specified in the Condition. NOTES: 1. WIPE_FIELD_VALUE action is only applied to the parameters in the query part. 2. Multiple parameters can be listed in a single WIPE_FIELD_VALUE filter 3. If the same parameter appears more than once in the query part , only the value of the first occurance is wiped
The following list shows the LogObject specifications. <Format = valid_format_name /> Required Valid format names include the predefined logging formats: squid, common, extended, and extended2, as well as any previously-defined custom log formats. There is no default for this tag. <Filename = file_name /> Required The filename to which the given log file is written on the local file system or on a remote collation server. No local log file will be created if you fail to specify this tag. All filenames are relative to the default logging directory. If the name does not contain an extension (for example, squid), then the extension .log is automatically appended to it for ASCII logs and .blog for binary logs (refer to Mode = "valid_logging_mode"). If you do not want an extension to be added, then end the filename with a single (.) dot (for example: squid. ). <Mode = valid_logging_mode /> Optional Valid logging modes include ascii , binary , and ascii_pipe . The default is ascii . • Use ascii to create event log files in human-readable form (plain ASCII). • Use binary to create event log files in binary format. Binary log files generate lower system overhead and occupy less space on the disk (depending on the information being logged). You must use the traffic_logcat utility to translate binary log files to ASCII format before you can read them. • Use ascii_pipe to write log entries to a UNIX named pipe (a buffer in memory). Other processes can then read the data using standard I/O functions. The advantage of using this option is that Traffic Server does not have to write to disk, which frees disk space and bandwidth for other tasks. In addition, writing to a pipe does not stop when logging space is exhausted because the pipe does not use disk space. If you are using a collation server, then the log is written to a pipe on the collation server. A local pipe is created even before a transaction is processed, so you can see the pipe right after Traffic Server starts. Pipes on a collation server, however, are created when Traffic Server starts. <Filters = list_of_valid_filter_names /> Optional A comma-separated list of names of any previously-defined log filters. If more than one filter is specified, then all filters must accept a record for the record to be logged. <Protocols = list_of_valid_protocols /> Optional A comma-separated list of the protocols this object should log. Valid protocol names for this release are HTTP (FTP is deprecated). <ServerHosts = list_of_valid_servers /> Optional A comma-separated list of valid hostnames.This tag indicates that only entries from the named servers will be included in the file. <CollationHosts = list_of_valid_hostnames:port|failover hosts /> Optional A comma-separated list of collation servers (with pipe delimited failover servers) to which all log entries (for this object) are forwarded. Collation servers can be specified by name or IP address. Specify the collation port with a colon after the name. For example, in host1:5000|failhostA:5000|failhostB:6000, host2:6000 logs would be sent to host1 and host2, with failhostA and failhostB acting as failover hosts for host1. When host1 disconnects, logs would be sent to failhostA. If failhostA disconnects, log entries would be sent to failhostB until host1 or failhostA comes back. Logs would also be sent to host2. <Header = header /> Optional The header text you want the log files to contain. The header text appears at the beginning of the log file, just before the first record. <RollingEnabled = truth value /> Optional Enables or disables log file rolling for the LogObject. This setting overrides the value for the proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled variable in the records.config file. Set truth value to one of the following values: • 0 to disable rolling for this particular LogObject. • 1 to roll log files at specific intervals during the day (you specify time intervals with the RollingIntervalSec and RollingOffsetHr fields). • 2 to roll log files when they reach a certain size (you specify the size with the RollingSizeMb field). • 3 to roll log files at specific intervals during the day or when they reach a certain size (whichever occurs first). • 4 to roll log files at specific intervals during the day when log files reach a specific size (at a specified time if the file is of the specified size). <RollingIntervalSec = seconds /> Optional The seconds between log file rolling for the LogObject; enables you to specify different rolling intervals for different LogObjects. This setting overrides the value for proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec in the records.config file. <RollingOffsetHr = hour /> Optional Specifies an hour (from 0 to 23) at which rolling is guaranteed to align. Rolling might start before then, but a rolled file will be produced only at that time. The impact of this setting is only noticeable if the rolling interval is larger than one hour. This setting overrides the configuration setting for proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr in the records.config file. <RollingSizeMb = size_in_MB /> Optional The size at which log files are rolled.
The following is an example of a LogFormat specification that collects information using three common fields: <LogFormat> <Name="minimal"/> <Format = "%<chi> : %<cqu> : %<pssc>"/> </LogFormat> The following is an example of a LogFormat specification that uses aggregate operators: <LogFormat> <Name = "summary"/> <Format = "%<LAST(cqts)> : %<COUNT(*)> : %<SUM(psql)>"/> <Interval = "10"/> </LogFormat> The following is an example of a LogFilter that will cause only REFRESH_HIT entries to be logged: <LogFilter> <Name = "only_refresh_hits"/> <Action = "ACCEPT"/> <Condition = "%<pssc> MATCH REFRESH_HIT"/> </LogFilter> NOTE: When specifying the field in the filter condition, you can omit the %<>. This means that the filter below is equivalent to the example directly above: <LogFilter> <Name = "only_refresh_hits"/> <Action = "ACCEPT"/> <Condition = "pssc MATCH REFRESH_HIT"/> </LogFilter> The following is an example of a LogFilter that will cause the value of passwd field be wiped in cquc <LogFilter> <Name = "wipe_password"/> <Condition = "cquc CONTAIN passwd"/> <Action = "WIPE_FIELD_VALUE"/> </LogFilter> The following is an example of a LogObject specification that creates a local log file for the minimal format defined earlier. The log filename will be minimal.log because this is an ASCII log file (the default).: <LogObject> <Format = "minimal"/> <Filename = "minimal"/> </LogObject> The following is an example of a LogObject specification that includes only HTTP requests served by hosts in the domain company.com or by the specific server server.somewhere.com. Log entries are sent to port 4000 of the collation host logs.company.com and to port 5000 of the collation host <LogObject> <Format = "minimal"/> <Filename = "minimal"/> <ServerHosts = "company.com,server.somewhere.com"/> <Protocols = "http"/> <CollationHosts = "logs.company.com:4000,"/> </LogObject>
Traffic Server supports WELF (WebTrends Enhanced Log Format) so you can analyze Traffic Server log files with WebTrends reporting tools. A predefined <LogFormat> that is compatible with WELF is provided in the logs_xml.config file (shown below). To create a WELF format log file, create a <LogObject> that uses this predefined format. <LogFormat> <Name = "welf"/> <Format = "id=firewall time=\"%<cqtd> %<cqtt>\" fw=%<phn> pri=6 proto=%<cqus> duration=%<ttmsf> sent=%<psql> rcvd=%<cqhl> src=%<chi> dst=%<shi> dstname=%<shn> user=%<caun> op=%<cqhm> arg=\"%<cqup>\" result=%<pssc> ref=\"%<{Referer}cqh>\" agent=\"%<{user-agent}cqh>\" cache=%<crc>"/> </LogFormat>
2014, dev@trafficserver.apache.org