Provided by: ltsp-docs_1.2-1_all 

lts.conf - Main configuration file for LTSP
Any line beginning with a '#' is considered a comment. Options are of the format: VARIABLE=value
This file gets parsed when LTSP client starts up. The section defined by [default] gets applied to all clients, unless there is a specification for a particular client that overrides it. The per-client specs are prefixed by [<mac address>] You may also name an arbitrary section with a name, with settings underneath that section. You may then inherit that section with the LIKE variable. The Example section has an illustration of this. boolean values are specified by 'Y,y,True,true' for true and 'N,n,False,false' for false
CONFIGURE_FSTAB boolean, default True /etc/fstab is generated by boot scripts FSTAB_0..FSTAB_9 string, default unset Complete lines to add to /etc/fstab, for example: FSTAB_1="server:/home /home nfs defaults,nolock 0 0" CRONTAB_01..CRONTAB_10 string, default unset A crontab line to add for a thin client. DNS_SERVER IP address, default unset A valid IP for domain name server Used to build the client's resolv.conf file. Not needed by default. SEARCH_DOMAIN string, default unset sets a valid search domain in the clients's resolv.conf file. Used to build the resolv.conf file. Not needed by default. Needed if DNS_SERVER is set HOSTNAME string, default unset This parameter sets the host name for the thin client, for situations when if no DNS is available. A hostname is auto-generated if no hostname is set. HOSTNAME_BASE string, default ltsp This parameter sets the base for the autogenerated host name for the thin client. HOSTNAME_EXTRA string, default ip This parameter determines weather autogenerated host names are appended with information based on the ip address or mac address. Values are "ip" or "mac". NBD_SWAP boolean, default False Set this to True if you want to turn on NBD swap. If unspecified, it's automatically enabled for thin clients with less than 300 MB RAM and for fat clients with less than 800 MB RAM. NBD_SWAP_PORT integer, default 10809 The port on which NBD swapping will occur. An nbd-server export named swap is normally used. NBD_SWAP_SERVER IP address, default SERVER The NBD swap server can exist on any server on the network that is capable of handling it. You can specify the IP address of that server. The default is whatever the value of SERVER set to. NBD_SWAP_THRESHOLD integer, default 300 Automatically enable NBD_SWAP if the client has less RAM than the specified. For FAT clients, it defaults to 800. RM_SYSTEM_SERVICES string, default unset A space separated list of services that shouldn't start on the clients even if they're installed, for example: RM_SYSTEM_SERVICES="apache2 dnsmasq mysql nbd-server nfs-kernel-server" RM_THIN_SYSTEM_SERVICES string, default unset Same as RM_SYSTEM_SERVICES, but it only affects thin clients. KEEP_SYSTEM_SERVICES string, default unset Some services are deleted by default when an LTSP client boots, either to save RAM, or because they don't make sense for netbooted machines. If you need some of them you can list them in KEEP_SYSTEM_SERVICES, for example: KEEP_SYSTEM_SERVICES="acpid avahi-daemon bluetooth cups" SERVER IP address, default unset This is the server that is used for the XDM_SERVER, TELNET_HOST, XFS_SERVER and SYSLOG_HOST, if any of those are not specified explicitly. If you have one machine that is acting as the server for everything, then you can just specify the address here and omit the other server parameters. If this value is not set, it will be auto detected as the machine that the thin client booted from. SYSLOG_HOST IP address, default unset If you want to send logging messages to a machine other than the default server, then you can specify the machine here. If this parameter is NOT specified, then it will use the SERVER parameter described above. Starting from LTSP 5.4.1 and on, this parameter must be specified to enable remote logging. You have to configure your server to accept remote logging as well. USE_LOCAL_SWAP boolean, default False If you have a hard drive installed in the thin client, with a valid swap partition on it, this parameter will allow the thin client to swap to the local hard drive. TIMEZONE string, default unset The timezone code for the thin client to use. TIMESERVER IP address, default unset The address of an NTP time server that the thin client can set it's time from. If unset, the thin client just uses the BIOS time. SHUTDOWN_TIME string, format hh:mm:ss in 24 hour format, default unset Time at which thin client will automatically shut down. LTSP_FATCLIENT boolean, default unset Enable Fat Client support. It's automatically enabled if any sessions exist in /usr/share/xsessions. FAT_RAM_THRESHOLD integer, default 300 Disable fat client support if less RAM is present.
LOCALDEV boolean, default True This parameter enables local devices support, like CD's and USB sticks. Users plugging them in should see them on the desktop, after they've been allowed to access the FUSE subsystem on the server. Check your distibutions docs to see how this is done on your distribution. LOCALDEV_DENY_CD boolean, default False This parameter disables local device support for CD and DVD-rom devices. LOCALDEV_DENY_FLOPPY boolean, default False This parameter disables local device support for floppy devices. LOCALDEV_DENY_INTERNAL_DISKS boolean, default True This parameter disables local device support for internal ATA and SCSI hard disk devices. LOCALDEV_DENY_USB boolean, default False This parameter disables local device support for USB devices. LOCALDEV_DENY string, default unset This parameter disables local device support for devices matching certain patterns. Values are specified as a comma-separated list of sysfs attributes, which can be obtained by using udevadm info (or udevinfo). for example: udevadm info -q env -n /dev/hda ID_TYPE=disk ID_BUS=ata should return a list of the attributes relevent to /dev/hda. to exclude this disk and disks like it using LOCALDEV_DENY: LOCALDEV_DENY="ID_BUS:ata+ID_TYPE:disk" would match devices that were on the ata bus that were disks.
MODULE_01...MODULE_10 string, default unset Up to 10 kernel modules can be loaded by using these configuration entries. The entire command line that you would use when running insmod can be specified here. For example: MODULE_01 = uart401.o MODULE_02 = "sb.o io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1" MODULE_03 = opl3.o If the value of this parameter is an absolute path name, then insmod will be used to load the module. Otherwise, modprobe will be used. In normal circumstances, you shouldn't need to specify anything here, as most hardware will be auto-detected. RCFILE_01...RCFILE_10 string, default unset Commands to be executed from /etc/rc.local when the client boots.
PRINTER_0_DEVICE string, default unset The device name of the printer. Valid device names such as /dev/lp0, or /dev/usblp0 are allowed. PRINTER_0_PORT integer, default 9100 The TCP/IP Port number to use for the print server. PRINTER_0_TYPE string, default unset Can either be set to P (for parallel), U (for USB) or S (for serial). Autodetected in most cases (except for serial). PRINTER_0_WRITE_ONLY boolean, default False Some parallel printers may need this set in order for the thin client to communicate to them properly. If you have problems with a parallel printer only printing part of the print job, try setting this to True. PRINTER_0_SPEED integer, default 9600 Should be set to the baud rate of the printer (serial printers only). PRINTER_0_FLOWCTRL string, default unset Should be set to the flow control desired for the printer (serial printers only). PRINTER_0_PARITY boolean, default False Specifies whether parity should be enabled for the printer (serial printers only). PRINTER_0_DATABITS integer, default 8 Specifies how many data bits for the printer (serial printers only). PRINTER_0_OPTIONS string, default unset Specifies specific options for the printer (serial printers only). LDM_PRINTER_LIST string, default unset Comma separated list of printers that will be displayed for that thin client (requires patched cups, included in Debian and Ubuntu). LDM_PRINTER_DEFAULT string, default unset Default printer for the thin client. SCANNER boolean, default unset This parameter enables scanners for the thin client.
CONSOLE_KEYMAP string, default en A valid console keymap. Allows you to specify a valid console keymap for TELNET_HOST sessions. XKBLAYOUT string, default unset A valid xkb layout. Consult the documentation for valid settings. XKBMODEL string, default unset A valid xkb model. Consult the documentation for valid settings. XKBVARIANT string, default unset A valid xkb variant. Consult the documentation for valid settings. XKBRULES string, default unset A valid xkb rules specifier. Consult the documentation for valid settings. XKBOPTIONS string, default unset A valid xkb options specifier. Consult the documentation for valid settings.
USE_TOUCH Enable touchscreen default <unset>, Enable touchscreen X_TOUCH_DEVICE Path to device /dev/ttyS0 set device for touchscreen X_TOUCH_DRIVER Touchscreen driver elographics set driver for touchscreen X_TOUCH_MAXX integer 3588 Xmax X_TOUCH_MAXY integer 3526 Ymax X_TOUCH_MINX integer 433 Xmin X_TOUCH_MINY integer 569 Ymin X_TOUCH_UNDELAY integer 10 Untouch delay X_TOUCH_RTPDELAY integer 10 Repeat touch delay
These parameters allow you to control the volume on the thin client. SOUND boolean, default True This parameter enables sound for the thin client. SOUND_DAEMON string, default pulse This parameter sets which sound daemon to use on the thin client. Values are esd, nasd, and pulse (default). VOLUME integer, default 90 This represents an integer percentage of the volume, ranging from 0 to 100%. HEADPHONE_VOLUME integer, default unset This represents an integer percentage of the headphone volume, ranging from 0 to 100%. PCM_VOLUME integer, default unset This represents an integer percentage of the PCM volume, ranging from 0 to 100%. CD_VOLUME integer, default unset This represents an integer percentage of the CD input volume, ranging from 0 to 100%. FRONT_VOLUME integer, default unset This represents an integer percentage of the front speaker volume, ranging from 0 to 100%. MIC_VOLUME integer, default unset This represents an integer percentage of the microphone input volume, ranging from 0 to 100%.
These parameters affect how Xorg behaves. USE_XFS boolean, default False Instructs the thin client to look at the XFS_SERVER option, and use XFS for serving fonts. XFS_SERVER IP address, default unset If you are using an X Font Server to serve fonts, then you can use this entry to specify the IP address of the host that is acting as the font server. If this is not specified, it will use the default server, which is specified with the SERVER entry described above. CONFIGURE_X boolean, default False If you want to be able to configure the individual settings of the X configuration file, without having the X automatically configure the graphics card for you, you must enable this option. By default this option is turned off. To turn it on do: CONFIGURE_X = True You don't need this option just for keyboard and mouse settings. It corresponds to the graphic card and monitor options only. X_CONF string, default unset If you want to create your own complete config file, you can do so and place it in the /opt/ltsp/<arch>/etc/X11 directory. Then, whatever you decide to call it needs to be entered as a value for this configuration variable. For example: X_CONF = /etc/X11/my-custom-xorg.conf Note that for the thin client, you reference it from /etc/X11. X_RAMPERC integer, default 100 Percentage of RAM for X server. Some programs allocate a large amount of ram in the server running on your thin client. Programs like Firefox and Evince can use up so much ram, that they eventually exhaust all your physical ram, and NBD swap, causing your thin client to crash. If you find your clients being booted back to a login prompt, or freezing up when viewing certain PDF's or web pages, this may be the problem. The X_RAMPERC variable stands for X RAM PERCent, and is a number between 0 and 100 that specifies how much of the free space on your thin client is allowed to consume. You'll generally want to set it at something lower than 100 percent, if you're having problems. Experimentation has shown a value between 80 and 90 will usually keep the terminal alive. What will then happen is the program consuming the memory will die, as opposed to the thin client itself. If you're having unexplained terminal problems, specifying: X_RAMPERC = 80 in your lts.conf file may improve things. X_VIRTUAL string, default unset If you want to have a virtual screen which is larger than the physical screen on your thin client, you would configure that by providing a string of the form "width height" in this parameter, similar to the xorg.conf format. XDM_SERVER IP address, default unset If you're using the older startx screen script, and need to specify a different XDMCP server, then you can specify the server here. If this parameter is NOT specified, then it will use the SERVER parameter described above. XSERVER string, default unset You can use this parameter to override which X server the thin client will run. For PCI and AGP video cards, this parameter should not be required. The thin client should normally be able to auto-detect the card. If, for some reason you do need to manually set it, here are some valid values: ark, ati, atimisc, chips, cirrus_alpine cirrus, cirrus_laguna, cyrix, dummy, fbdev fglrx, glint, i128, i740, i810, imstt, mga, neomagic, newport, nsc, nv, r128, radeon, rendition, riva128, s3, s3virge, savage, siliconmotion, sis, sisusb, tdfx, tga, trident, tseng, v4l, vesa, vga, via, vmware, voodoo X_MOUSE_DEVICE string, default unset This is the device node that the mouse is connected to. If it is a serial mouse, this would be a serial port, such as /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1. This is not needed for PS/2 or USB mice, as they are auto-detected. X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL string, default unset Should be auto-detected. However, valid entries include: sunkbd, lkkbd, vsxxxaa, spaceorb, spaceball, magellan, warrior, stinger, mousesystems, sunmouse, microsoft, mshack, mouseman, intellimouse, mmwheel, iforce, h3600ts, stowawaykbd, ps2serkbd, twiddler, twiddlerjoy X_MOUSE_EMULATE3BTN boolean, default unset Normally unset, may need to be set to Y for certain 2 button mice. X_NUMLOCK boolean, default False If this variable is set to True, then the numlock key will be defaulted to on when the terminal boots. Note that the numlockx command must be installed in the chroot for this to work. X_COLOR_DEPTH Integer, default unset This is the number of bits to use for the colour depth. Possible values are 8, 16, 24 and 32. 8 bits will give 256 colours, 16 will give 65536 colours, 24 will give 16 million colours and 32 bits will give 4.2 billion colours! Not all X servers support all of these values. The default for thin clients is 16 in order to minimize network bandwidth, while for fat clients the X server default is used. X_SMART_COLOR_DEPTH boolean, default True If set, thin clients no longer default to 16 bit colour depth but use the X server default instead. X_HORZSYNC min-max, default unset This sets the HorizSync configuration parameter. This should be auto-detected for your monitor, however, if you want to force a lower resolution, use this parameter to do so. X_VERTREFRESH min-max, default unset This sets the VertRefresh configuration parameter. This should be auto-detected for your monitor. If you need to force a lower resolution, use this parameter to do so. X_VIDEO_RAM string, default unset This sets the VideoRam configuration parameter. The setting is in kilobytes. This should be auto-detected for your monitor. If you need to force a different video ram setting, use this parameter to do so. X_OPTION_01...X_OPTION_12 string, default unset A valid Device option. This allows you to specify Option settings in the xorg.conf file, to add options to the video driver. A common use for this will be to test turning off acceleration in your driver, if you're having trouble. An example usage would be: X_OPTION_01 = "\"NoAccel\"" X_OPTION_02 = "\"AnotherOption\" \"True\"" You probably won't need these except in special circumstances. X_MONITOR_OPTION_01...X_MONITOR_OPTION_10 string, default unset A valid Monitor option, that would normally be used in an xorg.conf file. X_MODE_0...X_MODE_2 string, default unset These set the ModeLine configuration. For example, if your thin client comes up in a higher resolution than what you want, say, 1280x1024, specifying: X_MODE_0 = 1024x768 should get your desired resolution on startup. X_MODE_* require XRANDR_DISABLE=True to work. For drivers that support XRANDR, the XRANDR_MODE_* variabled are preferred. See the XRANDR section. X_BLANKING integer, default unset When set, X_BLANKING will cause DPMS standby to activate after the number of seconds provided. If the monitor does not support DPMS, then the blanking screensaver will activate. If X_BLANKING is set to 0, the monitor will remain on indefinitely. NOTE: This does not apply to the xdmcp or startx screen script. Also, server-side Xclients such as power managers and screensavers may override this setting.
XRANDR_COMMAND_0 ... XRANDR_COMMAND_9 string, default unset Full xrandr command to run when X starts. They're useful to define and add custom modes, for example: XRANDR_COMMAND_0="xrandr --newmode 1024x600 49.00 1024 1072 1168 1312 600 603 613 624 -hsync +vsync" XRANDR_COMMAND_1="xrandr --addmode VGA1 1024x600" XRANDR_COMMAND_2="xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x600" You can use cvt to find the correct timings for new modes. XRANDR_DISABLE boolean, default False Disables XRANDR output handling so that the older X_MODE_0 way of setting resolution works. This is useful on older Xorg drivers that don't support XRANDR. XRANDR_OUTPUT_0 ... XRANDR_OUTPUT_8 string, default unset Define xrandr output - can also be used for multihead positioning XRANDR_MODE_0 ... XRANDR_MODE_8 string, default unset Valid video mode resolution. Sets mode for corresponding output. XRANDR_NEWMODE_0 ... XRANDR_NEWMODE_8 string, default unset Specifies a valid modeline for a corresponding output. XRANDR_RATE_0 ... XRANDR_RATE_8 string, default unset Sets refresh rate for the corresponding output. XRANDR_DPI_0 ... XRANDR_DPI_8 string, default unset Sets the DPI for the corresponding output. XRANDR_ROTATE_0 ... XRANDR_ROTATE_8 string, default unset Sets the rotation for the corresponding output. XRANDR_REFLECT_0 ... XRANDR_REFLECT_8 string, default unset Sets the reflection for the corresponding output. XRANDR_SIZE_0 ... XRANDR_SIZE_8 string, default unset Sets the resolution for the corresponding output (for xrandr <1.2). XRANDR_ORIENTATION_0 ... XRANDR_ORIENTATION_8 string, default unset Sets the orientation for the corresponding output (for xrandr <1.2).
SCREEN_01...SCREEN_12 string, default ldm Up to 12 screen scripts can be specified for a thin client. This will give you up to 12 sessions on the thin client, each accessible by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-F1 through Ctrl-Alt-F12 keys. Currently, possible values include: kiosk, ldm, menu, rdesktop (deprecated), shell, ssh, startx (deprecated), telnet, xdmcp, xfreerdp, xterm Look in the $CHROOT/usr/share/ltsp/screen.d directory for more scripts, or write your own, and put them there. TELNET_HOST IP address, default unset If the thin client is setup to have a character based interface, then the value of this parameter will be used as the host to telnet into. If this value is NOT set, then it will use the value of SERVER above.
LDM_AUTOLOGIN boolean, default False This option allows the thin client to login automatically without the need for a username and password. To set it set LDM_AUTOLOGIN = True for the corresponding thin client. This will attempt to log in the thin client with username = hostname and password = hostname. You can also set a user and password with LDM_USERNAME and LDM_PASSWORD variables. LDM_DEBUG_TERMINAL boolean, default False Opens a local terminal after login for debugging purposes. LDM_DIRECTX boolean, default False This is arguably the most important LDM option, as it allows you to turn off the encrypted X tunnel via SSH, and instead run a less secure, but much faster unencrypted tunnel. Users who have slower thin clients will want to set this to True. It is set to True by default in Fedora. LDM_GUESTLOGIN boolean, default False This option places a GUEST LOGIN button underneath the entry field for username and password. To set it set LDM_GUESTLOGIN = True for the corresponding thin client. You can also set a user and password with LDM_USERNAME = John and LDM_PASSWORD = secret , although not setting these will default to the hostname of the thin client. LDM_GUEST_SERVER string, default unset This is a space-separated list of available servers where guest logins are available. The first server in the list will be the default guest login server unless the user selects another from the preferences menu at login time. LDM_USER_ALLOW string, default unset This option allows you to give access to certain thin clients based on the username set in /etc/passwd. For example, thin client A should only be used by Jane, Bob, and Fred, while thin client B is to be used by Harry only. By adding these options to the corresponding mac addresses you allow or deny access to the thin clients in question. Example: [thin:client:A:mac:address] LDM_USER_ALLOW = Jane,Bob,Fred [thin:client:B:mac:adddress] LDM_USER_ALLOW = Harry LDM_LOGIN_TIMEOUT integer This lets LDM automatically login after the set amount of time in seconds. If you specify this option, then do not specify LDM_AUTOLOGIN. Use it in this format: [thin:client:mac:address] LDM_LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 25 Note that you will need to also set LDM_GUESTLOGIN=True for LDM_LOGIN_TIMEOUT to be useful. LDM_USERNAME string, default unset This is the username that LDM will use for autologin. LDM_PASSWORD string, default unset This is the password that LDM will use for autologin. LDM_SYSLOG boolean, default False Normally, LDM logs to a simple file on the thin client, namely /var/log/ldm.log. This has the advantage of being fast, but the disadvantage of being hard to read for the administrator in the event of a problem, as the administrator must either spawn a shell screen session, or enable root login in tty1. By setting this option to "True", you can log up to the server if you've enabled your server's syslog for remote logging. LDM_SERVER string, default unset This is a space-separated list of available servers for LDM to log into. The first server in the list will be the default server unless the user selects another from the preferences menu at login time. LDM_LANGUAGE string, default unset This allows the system administrator to override the default locale settings on the server by setting the environment variables LANG, LANGUAGE and LC_ALL at login. Use the LANG variable to set the default locale for LDM's user interface. LDM_FORCE_LANGUAGE string, default unset Same as LDM_LANGUAGE, but it overrides any previously user selected language and it even hides the LDM language selection menu. LDM_SSHOPTIONS string, default unset Allows you to specify custom options to the ssh sessions started between LDM and the server. SSH_OVERRIDE_PORT integer, default unset If you run your ssh server different from the defult, you may set the port the thin client will use with this parameter. SSH_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS boolean, default unset Causes sshfs mounted filesystems for local applications to follow symlinks. By default it's false for symlinks under $HOME and true for any LOCAL_APPS_EXTRAMOUNTS. LDM_SESSION string, default unset Used to chose the default session on the server, for example: LDM_SESSION="gnome-fallback" You can find the list of services that your server provides in /usr/share/xsessions. If the user has selected a specific session though LDM or another DM in the past, that's stored in his ~/.dmrc, and it overrides the default session. LDM_FORCE_SESSION string, default unset Same as LDM_SESSION, but it overrides any previously selected sessions by the user and it even hides the LDM session selection menu. LDM_XSESSION string, default Xsession Allows you to specify custom script on the server for LDM to run, rather than the server's standard script for starting an X session (usually Xsession). LDM_LIMIT_ONE_SESSION boolean, default False Only allow a given user to log into one thin-client at a time. LDM_LIMIT_ONE_SESSION_PROMPT boolean, default False Prompt to kill processes of other logins when other logins are detected. Requires LDM_LIMIT_ONE_SESSION to be set. LDM_THEME string, default unset Specify the name of the LDM theme. It can reference a directory in /usr/share/ldm/themes, or be specified as a full path to the theme dir (both relative to the chroot). To use the theme in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/themes/MYTHEME, you'd specify: LDM_THEME=MYTHEME In your lts.conf file. Alternately, To use the theme in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/MYTHEME, you'd specify: LDM_THEME=/etc/MYTHEME In your lts.conf file. LDM_PASSWORD_HASH boolean, default False When set to True, this will create a proper shadow entry on the client, allowing for screen locking, and other things which require authentication to work. Note, this allows you to change your password locally, or possibly other actions such as sudo, but these changes are only temporary and will not persist on reboot. versions: LDM 2.2.14+, LTSP 5.5.2+
LOCAL_APPS boolean, default True Enables support for running local apps on the thin client. LOCAL_APPS_EXTRAMOUNTS string, default unset This parameter enables extra mount points to be mounted on the thin client with sshfs. This require a commas separated list of directory. LOCAL_APPS_MENU boolean, default False Enables overriding of menu items from remote (server) applications. If this is set to True, local applications in the users menu will be used instead of the applications on the server. LOCAL_APPS_MENU_ITEMS string, default unset This item should contain a comma separated list of application names as they appear on their .desktop files. LOCAL_APPS_WHITELIST string, default unset Used to allow only specified space-separated commands to be run as local apps, allow all is default if unset. Full-paths are required for each command. No spaces in the names are allowed.
K12LTSP # Global defaults for all clients # if you refer to the local server, just use the # "server" keyword as value # see lts_parameters.txt for valid values ################ [default] #X_COLOR_DEPTH=16 LOCALDEV=True SOUND=True NBD_SWAP=True SYSLOG_HOST=server #XKBLAYOUT=de SCREEN_02=shell SCREEN_03=shell SCREEN_04=shell SCREEN_05=shell SCREEN_06=shell SCREEN_07=ldm # LDM_DIRECTX=True allows greater scalability and performance # Turn this off if you want greater security instead. LDM_DIRECTX=True # LDM_SYSLOG=True writes to server's syslog LDM_SYSLOG=True ################ # A setting stanza for an old machine ################ [oldmachine] X_COLOR_DEPTH=8 X_MODE_0=800x600 ################ # Example of the LIKE variable ################ [01:23:DE:AD:BE:EF] LIKE=oldmachine SCREEN_02=shell ################ #[MAC ADDRESS]: Per thin client settings ################ [00:11:25:84:CE:BA] XSERVER = vesa X_MOUSE_DEVICE=/dev/ttyS0 X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL=intellimouse ############### # A Thin Client Print server # (switch off X by pointing tty7 to shell, # to save resources) ############### [00:11:25:93:CF:00] PRINTER_0_DEVICE=/dev/usblp0 SCREEN_07=shell ############### # A workstation that executes a specific # command after login ############### [00:11:25:93:CF:02] LDM_SESSION=/usr/bin/myloginscript
When using NBD to export the client image (the default in Ubuntu), lts.conf is fetched via TFTP, so lts.conf should go in the TFTP directory, for example dvar/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf. For distributions that use NFS, the traditional lts.conf place is /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf, although in recent versions it can be fetched via TFTP as well.
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