xenial (5) openstack-config.5.gz

config.yaml - Ubuntu OpenStack Installer Configuration options
usage: sudo openstack-install -c config.yaml
Ubuntu OpenStack Installer configuration file
debug Enable debugging and provide a pdb post mortem shell if any exceptions arise. http_proxy Enable HTTP proxy for Juju to utilize https_proxy Enable HTTPS proxy for Juju to utilize apt_mirror Alternate location of Ubuntu archives openstack_release Set OpenStack release to be deployed, default: juno openstack_password A password used throughout the OpenStack deployment headless Do not use the GUI interface, default: false install_type Type of installation, choices: Single, Multi, Landscape OpenStack Autopilot upstream_deb Provide an upstream openstack debian package, mostly used during development to quickly test changes in a Single installation. upstream_ppa Use experimental PPA (ppa:cloud-installer/experimental).
--- debug: false headless: true install_type: Single openstack_password: passw0rd ()