Provided by: purity_1-18_amd64 bug


       purity - a general purpose purity test


       /usr/games/purity [ flags ] [ testname ]


       Purity  is  an  interactive purity test program with a simple, user interface and datafile
       format.  For each test, questions are printed to the your terminal, and you  are  prompted
       for an answer to the current question.  At a prompt, these are your choices:

              y      Answer "yes" to the question.

              n      Answer "no" to the question.

              b      Backup  one question, if you answered it incorrectly, or someone is watching
                     you take the test, and you don't (or do) want to admit a different answer.

              r      Redraw the current question.

              q      Quit the test, and print the current score.

              ?      Print a help screen for the current prompt.

              k      Kill a section of the test.  This skips all the questions of the test  until
                     the next subject heading.

              a      Toggle  answer  mode  between  real  answers  and  obfuscated answers.  Real
                     answers print "yes" and "no",  while  obfuscated  answers  are  "Maybe"  and
                     "maybe".   Obfuscated  answers  are preferred if you are shy, and don't want
                     people to be able to read your answers over your shoulder as  you  take  the

              d      Toggle dERanGe output.

              s      Print your current score on the test you are taking.

              l      Toggle score logging.

       At  the  end  of the test, your score is printed out.  For most purity tests, lower scores
       denote more "experience" of the test material.


       These are the command line flags for the test.

              -a     Show real answers (i.e. "yes" and "no") instead  of  obfuscated  ones  (i.e.
                     "Maybe" and "maybe") as you answer the questions.

              -d     PrINt THe tESt in DerANgeD pRInT.

              -f     Take  the  test  in  fast mode.  Only the questions are printed, and not any
                     other  text  blocks,  like  the  introdution,  subject  headers,   and   the

              -l     Take the test without having your score logged.

              -p     Print  the  test  without  prompting for answers.  This is useful for making
                     hard copies of the tests without having to edit out the prompts by hand.

              -r     Decrypt the test using the Rot 13 algorithm.  This is  done  as  a  form  of
                     "protection",  such  that  if you read a rot13 test and it offends you, it's
                     your own fault.

              -z     zoom through more prompts in large text blocks.  The default  is  to  prompt
                     the user for more when a screenful of text has been printed without any user


       The format of the datafiles is a very simple format, intended  such  that  new  tests  can
       quickly and easily be converted to run with the test.

       There  are  four  types  of  text  in a purity test datafile.  Each type is contained in a
       bracket type of punctuation.  The definitions are as follows:

       the styles of text blocks are:

              { plain text block }

              [ subject header ]

              ( test question )

              and  < conclusion >

       Plain text blocks are printed out character for character.

       Subject headers are preceded by their subject numbers, starting at 1, and then printed  as
       text blocks.

       Questions  are preceded by their numbers, and then prompt the user to answer the question,
       keeping track of the user's current score.

       Conclusions first calculate and print the user's score for the test, then  print  out  the
       conclusion as a text block.

       If  you wish to include any of the various bracket punctuation in your text, the backslash
       ("\") character will escape the next character.

       To print a question with parentheses, you would use the following format:

       (have you ever written a purity test \(like this one\)?)

       the output would be this:

          1.  have you ever written a purity test (like this one)?

       and then it would have asked the user for her/his answer.

       For a generic datafile, use the "sample" datafile for the test.


       /var/games/purity.scores the score logfile
       /usr/share/games/purity/*          test data files


       Eric Lechner,

                                         18 December 1989                               PURITY(6)