xenial (8) pppd.8.gz

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       pppd - 點對點協議守護進程


       pppd [ tty_name ] [ speed ] [ options ]


       點對點協議  (PPP) 提供一種在點對點串列線路上傳輸資料流 (datagrams)的方法。PPP是由三個部份所組成的:一個在
       串列線 路上封裝(encapsulating)資料流的方法,一個可延伸的連結控制  協定(LinkControlProtocol:LCP),以及一些
       用來建立並配置不 同網路層協定的網路控制協定(NetworkControlProtocols:NCP)

       封裝的機制(scheme)是由核心中的驅動程式碼來提供。pppd提供  基本的LCP,驗証(authentication)的支援,以及一個
       用來建立 並配置網際網路協定(InternatProtocol(IP))(叫做IP控制 協定,IPCP)的NCP。

               在該名稱的設備上進行通訊。如果需要的話可以前置一個  "/dev/"字串。如果沒有給設備名稱,pppd將會使用
              控制 台的終端機(controllingteriminal),並且產生(fork)出 來時將不會把自己放到背景去。

               將波特率設為speed。在像是4.4BSD以及NetBSA的系  統上,可以指定任何速率。其他系統(e.g.SunOs)只允 許

       asyncmap <map>
               把非同步(async)字元設為對照到。這個對照表 描述哪些控制字元不能在串列線路上成功地接收。pppd將 會要
              求彼端以兩個位元組的逸出序列(escapesequence)來 傳送這些字元。其參數是32位元的十六進位數字而每個 位
              元代表一個得避開(escape)的字元。位元0(00000001)       代表字元0x00;位元31(80000000)代表字元0x1f或
              是^_。如果給了多個asyncmap選項,這些數值會以邏 輯的或(OR)合在一起。如果沒有給asyncmap選項,將沒 有
              非同步字元對照表會被加以協商來導引接收。這樣彼端 將會避開所有的控制字元。

       auth   要求彼端在允許傳送或接收網路封包之前先驗証它自己。 This option is the default if the system has  a
              default  route.   If  neither this option nor the noauth option is specified, pppd will only allow
              the peer to use IP addresses to which the system does not already have a route.

       call name
              Read options from the file /etc/ppp/peers/name.  This file may contain privileged options, such as
              noauth, even if pppd is not being run by root.  The name string may not begin with / or include ..
              as a pathname component.  The format of the options file is described below.

       connect script
               使用以所指定的可執行指令或是shell指令來設定 串列線路。這個指令稿一般會使用"chat"程式來撥數據 機並
              開始遠端ppp區段作業(session)。  A  value  for  this  option  from  a  privileged  source cannot be
              overridden by a non-privileged user.

              使用硬體流量控制(i.e.RTS/CTS)來控制串列埠上的資料流。 If neither the crtscts, the  nocrtscts,  the
              cdtrcts  nor  the nocdtrcts option is given, the hardware flow control setting for the serial port
              is left unchanged.  Some serial ports (such as Macintosh serial ports) lack  a  true  RTS  output.
              Such  serial  ports  use  this mode to implement unidirectional flow control. The serial port will
              suspend transmission when requested by the modem (via CTS) but will be unable to request the modem
              stop sending to the computer. This mode retains the ability to use DTR as a modem control line.

               當IPCP協商完全成功時,增加一個預設遞送路徑到系統  的遞送表,將彼端當作閘道器使用。這個項目在ppp連
              線 中斷後會移除。

       disconnect script
               在pppd已經終結該連線之後執行以所指定的可執行 指令或是shell指令。這個指令稿可以用來,例如,如果 硬
              體的數據機控制信號無法使用時,發出指令給數據機使  其掛斷電話。 The disconnect script is not run if
              the modem has already hung up.  A value for  this  option  from  a  privileged  source  cannot  be
              overridden by a non-privileged user.

       escape xx,yy,...
               指定在傳輸上確實應該要避開的字元(不管對方是否有用 它的非同步控制字元對照表要求避開它們)。這些要
              被避 開的字元是以用逗號隔開的一串十六進位數字指定的。要 注意到幾乎任何字元都可以用escape選項指定避
              開,不 像asyncmap選項只允許指定控制字元。不能避開的字元 是那些有十六進位值0x20-0x3f或是0x5e者。

       file name
               從檔案裏讀取選項(其格式敘述在後) The file must be readable by the user who has invoked pppd.

       init script
              Run  the  executable  or  shell  command  specified by script to initialize the serial line.  This
              script would typically use the chat(8) program to configure the modem to enable  auto  answer.   A
              value for this option from a privileged source cannot be overridden by a non-privileged user.

       lock   指定pppd應該在此串列設備上使用UUCP式的鎖定以確 定對該設備為互斥(exclusive)存取。

       mru n  把MRU[MaximumReceiveUnit最大接收單元]的值設為 n來進行協商。pppd將會要求彼端傳送不比位元組 更長的封
              包。最小的MRU值是128。預設的MRU值則是 1500。對於慢速線路上的建議值是296(其中40個位元 組給TCP/IP表
               (Note that for IPv6 MRU must be at least 1280)

       mtu n
               將MTU[MaximumTransmitUnit最大傳輸單元]的值設  為n。除非彼端經由MRU協商要求一個更小的值,pppd 將會
              要求核心網路程式碼透過PPP網路界面所傳送的資料 封包不超過n個位元組。
               (Note that for IPv6 MTU must be at least 1280)

               在LCP中開啟"passive"選項。加上這個選項,pppd將 會試圖初使一個連線;如果沒有從彼端接收到回應,那麼
              pppd將只會被動地等待從彼端所傳來的一個有效LCP封 包(代替結束離開,就像它在沒有這個選項時所作的)。


               設定本地以及/或是遠端界面的IP位址。兩者之中的任 何一個都可以省略。該IP位址可以利用主機名稱或者是
              十進位數值加小數點符號指定(e.g.。 預設的本地位址是系統的(第一個)IP位址(除非有加上
              noipdefault選項)。遠端位址如果沒有在任何選項中指 定的話將從彼端取得。因此,在簡單的案例中,這個選
              項 不是必須的。如果有一個本地以及/或是遠端的IP位址 以這個選項加以指定的話,pppd將不會接受在IPCP協
              商 中從彼端所傳來不同的值,除非加上ipcp-accept-local 以及/或是ipcp-accept-remote選項,個別地。

       ipv6 <local_interface_identifier>,<remote_interface_identifier>
              Set the local and/or remote 64-bit interface identifier. Either one may be omitted. The identifier
              must be specified in standard ascii notation of IPv6 addresses (e.g. ::dead:beef). If the  ipv6cp-
              use-ipaddr  option  is  given,  the  local  identifier  is the local IPv4 address (see above).  On
              systems which supports a unique persistent id, such  as  EUI-48  derived  from  the  Ethernet  MAC
              address,  ipv6cp-use-persistent  option  can  be used to replace the ipv6 <local>,<remote> option.
              Otherwise the identifier is randomized.

       active-filter filter-expression
              Specifies a packet filter to be applied to data packets to  determine  which  packets  are  to  be
              regarded  as link activity, and therefore reset the idle timer, or cause the link to be brought up
              in demand-dialling mode.  This option is useful in conjunction with the idle option if  there  are
              packets  being sent or received regularly over the link (for example, routing information packets)
              which would otherwise prevent the link from ever appearing  to  be  idle.   The  filter-expression
              syntax  is  as  described for tcpdump(1), except that qualifiers which are inappropriate for a PPP
              link, such as ether and arp, are  not  permitted.   Generally  the  filter  expression  should  be
              enclosed  in  single-quotes  to prevent whitespace in the expression from being interpreted by the
              shell. This option is currently only available under NetBSD, and then only if both the kernel  and
              pppd were compiled with PPP_FILTER defined.

       allow-ip address(es)
              Allow  peers  to  use  the  given  IP  address  or  subnet without authenticating themselves.  The
              parameter is parsed as for each element of the list of allowed IP addresses in the  secrets  files
              (see the AUTHENTICATION section below).

       bsdcomp nr,nt
              Request  that  the  peer  compress  packets  that  it sends, using the BSD-Compress scheme, with a
              maximum code size of nr bits, and agree to compress packets sent to the peer with a  maximum  code
              size  of  nt  bits.  If nt is not specified, it defaults to the value given for nr.  Values in the
              range 9 to 15 may be used for nr and nt; larger values give better compression  but  consume  more
              kernel  memory  for  compression  dictionaries.  Alternatively, a value of 0 for nr or nt disables
              compression in the corresponding direction.  Use nobsdcomp or bsdcomp 0  to  disable  BSD-Compress
              compression entirely.

              Use  a non-standard hardware flow control (i.e. DTR/CTS) to control the flow of data on the serial
              port.  If neither the crtscts, the nocrtscts, the cdtrcts nor the nocdtrcts option is  given,  the
              hardware  flow  control setting for the serial port is left unchanged.  Some serial ports (such as
              Macintosh serial ports) lack a true RTS output. Such serial ports use this mode to implement  true
              bi-directional  flow  control.  The sacrifice is that this flow control mode does not permit using
              DTR as a modem control line.

       chap-interval n
               如果有給這個選項,pppd將會每n 秒重新盤查彼端。

       chap-max-challenge n
               將CHAP盤查(challenge)傳輸的最大數目設為n(預 設為10)。

       chap-restart n
               將CHAP重新開始的間隔(重新傳輸的時間限制)設為n 秒鐘(預設為3)。

       connect-delay n
              Wait for up n milliseconds after the connect script finishes for a valid PPP packet from the peer.
              At  the end of this time, or when a valid PPP packet is received from the peer, pppd will commence
              negotiation by sending its first LCP packet.  The default value is 1000  (1  second).   This  wait
              period only applies if the connect or pty option is used.

       debug  遞增偵錯層級(與-d相同)。如果加上這個選項,pppd  將以可供閱讀的格式記錄所有傳送或接收的控制封包內
              容。 這些封包透過syslog以facilitydaemon還有level debug加以記錄。該資訊可以適當設定/etc/syslog.conf
              來導向到一個檔案去。(參閱syslog.conf(5))。(如果 pppd以開啟擴充偵錯(extradebugging)編譯的話,它將

              Disable asyncmap negotiation, forcing all control characters to be escaped for both  the  transmit
              and the receive direction.

              Disable  MRU  [Maximum Receive Unit] negotiation.  With this option, pppd will use the default MRU
              value of 1500 bytes for both the transmit and receive direction.

       deflate nr,nt
              Request that the peer compress packets that it sends, using the Deflate  scheme,  with  a  maximum
              window  size  of 2**nr bytes, and agree to compress packets sent to the peer with a maximum window
              size of 2**nt bytes.  If nt is not specified, it defaults to the value given for  nr.   Values  in
              the  range  9  to  15 may be used for nr and nt; larger values give better compression but consume
              more kernel memory for compression dictionaries.  Alternatively,  a  value  of  0  for  nr  or  nt
              disables  compression  in  the  corresponding  direction.   Use  nodeflate or deflate 0 to disable
              Deflate compression entirely.  (Note: pppd requests Deflate  compression  in  preference  to  BSD-
              Compress if the peer can do either.)

       demand Initiate the link only on demand, i.e. when data traffic is present.  With this option, the remote
              IP address must be specified by the user on the command line or in an  options  file.   Pppd  will
              initially  configure  the  interface  and enable it for IP traffic without connecting to the peer.
              When traffic is available, pppd will connect to the peer and perform negotiation,  authentication,
              etc.   When  this  is completed, pppd will commence passing data packets (i.e., IP packets) across
              the link.

              The demand option implies the persist option.  If this behaviour is not desired, use the nopersist
              option  after  the demand option.  The idle and holdoff options are also useful in conjuction with
              the demand option.

       domain d
               新增領域名稱到本地主機名稱以支援驗証。例如,如 果gethostname()回應porsche這個名稱,但是完整合  格
              的領域名稱是porsche.Quotron.COM的話,你可以使用 domain選項來將領域名稱設為Quotron.COM。
               Pppd  would then use the name porsche.Quotron.COM for looking up secrets in the secrets file, and
              as the default name to send to the peer when authenticating itself to the peer.   This  option  is

       dryrun With  the  dryrun  option,  pppd will print out all the option values which have been set and then
              exit, after parsing the command line and options files and checking the option values, but  before
              initiating  the  link.   The  option values are logged at level info, and also printed to standard
              output unless the device on standard output is the device that pppd would be using to  communicate
              with the peer.

       dump   With  the dump option, pppd will print out all the option values which have been set.  This option
              is like the dryrun option except that pppd proceeds as normal rather than exiting.

       endpoint <epdisc>
              Sets the endpoint discriminator sent by the local machine to the peer during multilink negotiation
              to <epdisc>.  The default is to use the MAC address of the first ethernet interface on the system,
              if any, otherwise the IPv4 address corresponding to the hostname, if any, provided it  is  not  in
              the  multicast  or  locally-assigned  IP  address  ranges, or the localhost address.  The endpoint
              discriminator can be the string null or of the form type:value, where type is a decimal number  or
              one  of the strings local, IP, MAC, magic, or phone.  The value is an IP address in dotted-decimal
              notation for the IP type, or a string of bytes in hexadecimal, separated by periods or colons  for
              the  other  types.   For  the  MAC  type, the value may also be the name of an ethernet or similar
              network interface.  This option is currently only available under Linux.

              When logging the contents of PAP packets, this option causes pppd to exclude the  password  string
              from the log.  This is the default.

       holdoff n
              Specifies how many seconds to wait before re-initiating the link after it terminates.  This option
              only has any effect if the persist or demand option is used.  The holdoff period is not applied if
              the link was terminated because it was idle.

       idle n Specifies that pppd should disconnect if the link is idle for n seconds.  The link is idle when no
              data packets (i.e. IP packets) are being sent or received.  Note: it is not advisable to use  this
              option  with  the persist option without the demand option.  If the active-filter option is given,
              data packets which are rejected by the specified activity filter also  count  as  the  link  being

              加上這個選項的話,pppd將會接受彼端對於本地IP位址 的意見,即使本地的IP位址已經在某個選項中指定。

              加上這個選項的話,pppd將會接受彼端對於它的IP位址 的意見,即使遠端的IP位址已經在某個選項中指定。

       ipcp-max-configure n
               將IPCP配置要求(configure-request)傳輸的最大數目設 為n(預設為10)。

       ipcp-max-failure n
              將開始傳送配置拒絕(configure-Rejects)之前的IPCP配  置未接收(configure-NAKs)的最大數目以取代n(預設

       ipcp-max-terminate n
               將IPCP終結要求(terminate-request)傳輸的最大數目設 為 n(預設為3)。

       ipcp-restart n
               將IPCP重新開始的間隔(重新傳輸的時間限制)設為n 秒鐘(預設為3)。

       ipparam string
              Provides an extra parameter to the ip-up and ip-down scripts.  If this option is given, the string
              supplied is given as the 6th parameter to those scripts.

       ipv6cp-max-configure n
              Set the maximum number of IPv6CP configure-request transmissions to n (default 10).

       ipv6cp-max-failure n
              Set the maximum number of IPv6CP configure-NAKs returned before starting to send configure-Rejects
              instead to n (default 10).

       ipv6cp-max-terminate n
              Set the maximum number of IPv6CP terminate-request transmissions to n (default 3).

       ipv6cp-restart n
              Set the IPv6CP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to n seconds (default 3).

       ipx    Enable the IPXCP and IPX protocols.  This option is presently only supported under Linux, and only
              if your kernel has been configured to include IPX support.

       ipx-network n
              Set  the  IPX  network  number  in  the  IPXCP  configure request frame to n, a hexadecimal number
              (without a leading 0x).  There is no valid default.  If this option is not specified, the  network
              number  is obtained from the peer.  If the peer does not have the network number, the IPX protocol
              will not be started.

       ipx-node n:m
              Set the IPX node numbers. The two node  numbers  are  separated  from  each  other  with  a  colon
              character.  The  first  number  n is the local node number. The second number m is the peer's node
              number. Each node number is a hexadecimal number, at most 10 digits long. The node numbers on  the
              ipx-network  must  be  unique. There is no valid default. If this option is not specified then the
              node numbers are obtained from the peer.

       ipx-router-name <string>
              Set the name of the router. This is a string and is sent to the peer as information data.

       ipx-routing n
              Set the routing protocol to be received by this option. More than one instance of ipx-routing  may
              be  specified.  The  'none'  option  (0) may be specified as the only instance of ipx-routing. The
              values may be 0 for NONE, 2 for RIP/SAP, and 4 for NLSP.

              Accept the peer's NAK for the node number specified in the ipx-node option. If a node  number  was
              specified,  and  non-zero,  the  default  is to insist that the value be used. If you include this
              option then you will permit the peer to override the entry of the node number.

              Accept the peer's NAK for the network number specified in the ipx-network  option.  If  a  network
              number  was  specified,  and  non-zero,  the  default  is to insist that the value be used. If you
              include this option then you will permit the peer to override the entry of the node number.

              Use the peer's network number specified in the configure request  frame.  If  a  node  number  was
              specified for the peer and this option was not specified, the peer will be forced to use the value
              which you have specified.

       ipxcp-max-configure n
              Set the maximum number of IPXCP configure request frames which the system  will  send  to  n.  The
              default is 10.

       ipxcp-max-failure n
              Set  the maximum number of IPXCP NAK frames which the local system will send before it rejects the
              options. The default value is 3.

       ipxcp-max-terminate n
              Set the maximum nuber of IPXCP terminate request frames before the local system considers that the
              peer is not listening to them. The default value is 3.

       kdebug n
              開啟核心層級中的PPP驅動程式偵錯碼。The  argument  values depend on the specific kernel driver, but
              in general a value of 1 will enable general kernel debug messages.  (Note that these messages  are
              usually  only  useful for debugging the kernel driver itself.)  For the Linux 2.2.x kernel driver,
              參數n是一個 由下列值所組合的數字:1開啟一般偵錯訊息,2要求印 出所接收到的封包內容,而4要求印出傳輸
              的封包內容。  On most systems, messages printed by the kernel are logged by syslog(1) to a file as
              directed in the /etc/syslog.conf configuration file.

       ktune  Enables pppd to alter kernel settings as appropriate.  Under Linux, pppd will enable IP forwarding
              (i.e.  set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to 1) if the proxyarp option is used, and will enable the
              dynamic IP address option (i.e. set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr to 1)  in  demand  mode  if  the
              local address changes.

       lcp-echo-failure n
               如果有給這個選項,那麼如果傳送n個LCP回應要求沒 有接收到有效的LCP回應回覆的話pppd將會推測彼端是 死
              掉的。如果發生這種情形,pppd將會終結該連線。這個 選項的使用要求一個非零的lcp-echo-interval參數值。
              這個選項可以用在硬體數據機控制線路無法使用的情況下 當實際連線被中斷之後(e.g.,數據機已經掛斷)終結

       lcp-echo-interval n
              如果有給這個選項,pppd每秒將會送出一個LCP回  應要求(echo-request)封包(frame)給彼端。在Linux系   統
              下,回應要求在n秒內沒有從彼端接收到封包時會被送 出。一般彼端應該以傳送一個回應回覆(echo-reply)來反
              應該回應要求。這個選項可以與lcp-echo-failure選項 一起使用來偵測不再連線的彼端。

       lcp-max-configure n
               將LCP配置要求(configure-request)傳輸的最大數目設 為n(預設為10)。

       lcp-max-failure n
               將開始傳送配置拒絕(configure-Rejects)之前的LCP配  置未接收(configure-NAKs)的最大數目設置為n(預設

       lcp-max-terminate n
               將LCP終結要求(terminate-request)傳輸的最大數目設 為n(預設為3)。

       lcp-restart n
              將LCP重新開始的間隔(重新傳輸的時間限制)設為 秒鐘(預設為3)。

       linkname name
              Sets the logical name of the link to name.  Pppd will create a file named ppp-name.pid in /var/run
              (or /etc/ppp on some systems) containing its process ID.  This can be useful in determining  which
              instance of pppd is responsible for the link to a given peer system.  This is a privileged option.

       local  不要使用數據機控制線路。   With this option, pppd will ignore the state of the CD (Carrier Detect)
              signal from the modem and will not change the state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal.

       logfd n
              Send log messages to file descriptor n.  Pppd will send log messages to at most one file  or  file
              descriptor  (as well as sending the log messages to syslog), so this option and the logfile option
              are mutually exclusive.  The default is for pppd to send log messages to stdout  (file  descriptor
              1), unless the serial port is already open on stdout.

       logfile filename
              Append  log  messages  to  the file filename (as well as sending the log messages to syslog).  The
              file is opened with the privileges of the user who invoked pppd, in append mode.

       login  使用系統密碼資料庫驗証使用PAP的彼端。 and record the user in the system wtmp file.  Note that  the
              peer  must  have an entry in the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file as well as the system password database
              to be allowed access.

       maxconnect n
              Terminate the connection when it has been available for network traffic  for  n  seconds  (i.e.  n
              seconds after the first network control protocol comes up).

       maxfail n
              Terminate  after  n  consecutive  failed  connection  attempts.  A value of 0 means no limit.  The
              default value is 10.

       modem  使用數據機控制線路。This option is the default.  With this option,  pppd  will  wait  for  the  CD
              (Carrier  Detect)  signal  from  the modem to be asserted when opening the serial device (unless a
              connect script is specified), and it will drop the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal  briefly  when
              the connection is terminated and before executing the connect script. 在Ultrix上,這個選項會實作硬

       mp     Enables the use of PPP multilink; this is an alias for the `multilink'  option.   This  option  is
              currently only available under Linux.

              Enables  the  use  of  short  (12-bit) sequence numbers in multilink headers, as opposed to 24-bit
              sequence numbers.  This option is only available under Linux, and only has any effect if multilink
              is enabled (see the multilink option).

       mrru n Sets  the  Maximum  Reconstructed  Receive Unit to n.  The MRRU is the maximum size for a received
              packet on a multilink bundle, and is analogous to the MRU for the individual links.   This  option
              is  currently only available under Linux, and only has any effect if multilink is enabled (see the
              multilink option).

       ms-dns <addr>
              If pppd is acting as a server for Microsoft Windows clients, this option allows pppd to supply one
              or  two  DNS  (Domain  Name  Server)  addresses to the clients.  The first instance of this option
              specifies the primary DNS address; the second instance (if  given)  specifies  the  secondary  DNS
              address.  (This option was present in some older versions of pppd under the name dns-addr.)

       ms-wins <addr>
              If pppd is acting as a server for Microsoft Windows or "Samba" clients, this option allows pppd to
              supply one or two WINS (Windows Internet Name Services) server  addresses  to  the  clients.   The
              first  instance  of this option specifies the primary WINS address; the second instance (if given)
              specifies the secondary WINS address.

              Enables the use of the PPP multilink protocol.  If the peer also  supports  multilink,  then  this
              link  can  become part of a bundle between the local system and the peer.  If there is an existing
              bundle to the peer, pppd will join this link to that bundle, otherwise  pppd  will  create  a  new
              bundle.  See the MULTILINK section below.  This option is currently only available under Linux.

       name name
              將本地系統的名稱設為用來進行驗証。  This  is a privileged option.  With this option, pppd will use
              lines in the secrets files which have name as the second field when looking for a secret to use in
              authenticating  the  peer.  In addition, unless overridden with the user option, name will be used
              as the name to send to the peer when authenticating the local system to the peer.  (Note that pppd
              does not append the domain name to name.)

       netmask n
               把該界面網路掩碼設為,這是一個以〞十進位數值加     小數點〞("decimaldot")符號表示的32位元網路掩碼
              (e.g.。If this option is given,  the  value  specified  is  ORed  with  the  default
              netmask.   The  default  netmask  is  chosen  based on the negotiated remote IP address; it is the
              appropriate network mask for the class of the remote IP address, ORed with the  netmasks  for  any
              non point-to-point network interfaces in the system which are on the same network.  (Note: on some
              platforms, pppd will always use for the netmask, if that is the  only  appropriate
              value for a point-to-point interface.)

              Disable Address/Control compression in both directions (send and receive).

       noauth Do not require the peer to authenticate itself.  This option is privileged.

              Disables  BSD-Compress  compression;  pppd will not request or agree to compress packets using the
              BSD-Compress scheme.

       noccp  Disable CCP (Compression Control Protocol) negotiation.  This option should only  be  required  if
              the peer is buggy and gets confused by requests from pppd for CCP negotiation.

              Disable  hardware  flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) on the serial port.  If neither the crtscts nor the
              nocrtscts nor the cdtrcts nor the nocdtrcts option is given, the hardware flow control setting for
              the serial port is left unchanged.

              This  option  is  a  synonym  for  nocrtscts.  Either  of these options will disable both forms of
              hardware flow control.

              Disable the defaultroute option.  The system  administrator  who  wishes  to  prevent  users  from
              creating default routes with pppd can do so by placing this option in the /etc/ppp/options file.

              Disables Deflate compression; pppd will not request or agree to compress packets using the Deflate

              Don't detach from the controlling terminal.  Without this option, if a serial  device  other  than
              the terminal on the standard input is specified, pppd will fork to become a background process.

              Disables  pppd  from  sending an endpoint discriminator to the peer or accepting one from the peer
              (see the MULTILINK section below).  This option should only be required if the peer is buggy.

       noip   Disable IPCP negotiation and IP communication.  This option should only be required if the peer is
              buggy and gets confused by requests from pppd for IPCP negotiation.

       noipv6 Disable IPv6CP negotiation and IPv6 communication. This option should only be required if the peer
              is buggy and gets confused by requests from pppd for IPv6CP negotiation.

              關閉在沒有指定本地IP位址時所進行的預設動作,這是  用來由從主機名稱決定(如果可能的話)決定本地IP位
              址。加上這個選項的話,彼端將必須在進行IPCP協商時  (除非在指令列或在選項檔中明確地指定它)提供本地
              的 IP位址。

       noipx  Disable the IPXCP and IPX protocols.  This option should only be required if the peer is buggy and
              gets confused by requests from pppd for IPXCP negotiation.

              Opposite of the ktune option; disables pppd from changing system settings.

       nolog  Do  not send log messages to a file or file descriptor.  This option cancels the logfd and logfile

              Disable magic number negotiation.  With this option, pppd cannot detect a looped-back line.   This
              option should only be needed if the peer is buggy.

       nomp   Disables the use of PPP multilink.  This option is currently only available under Linux.

              Disables the use of short (12-bit) sequence numbers in the PPP multilink protocol, forcing the use
              of 24-bit sequence numbers.  This option is currently only available under Linux, and only has any
              effect if multilink is enabled.

              Disables the use of PPP multilink.  This option is currently only available under Linux.

              Disable protocol field compression negotiation in both the receive and the transmit direction.

              Exit  once  a  connection has been made and terminated.  This is the default unless the persist or
              demand option has been specified.

              Do not accept or agree to Predictor-1 compression.

              Disable the proxyarp option.  The system administrator who wishes to prevent users  from  creating
              proxy ARP entries with pppd can do so by placing this option in the /etc/ppp/options file.

       notty  Normally,  pppd requires a terminal device.  With this option, pppd will allocate itself a pseudo-
              tty master/slave pair and use the slave as its terminal device.  Pppd will create a child  process
              to  act  as  a  `character  shunt'  to  transfer  characters between the pseudo-tty master and its
              standard input and output.  Thus pppd will transmit characters on its standard output and  receive
              characters on its standard input even if they are not terminal devices.  This option increases the
              latency and CPU overhead of transferring data over the ppp interface as all of the characters sent
              and  received  must  flow through the character shunt process.  An explicit device name may not be
              given if this option is used.

       novj   Disable Van Jacobson style TCP/IP  header  compression  in  both  the  transmit  and  the  receive

              Disable  the  connection-ID  compression  option  in Van Jacobson style TCP/IP header compression.
              With this option, pppd will not omit the connection-ID byte from Van  Jacobson  compressed  TCP/IP
              headers, nor ask the peer to do so.

              Indicates  that  all  secrets  in  the  /etc/ppp/pap-secrets  file which are used for checking the
              identity of the peer are encrypted, and thus pppd should  not  accept  a  password  which,  before
              encryption, is identical to the secret from the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.

       pap-max-authreq n
               將PAP驗証要求(authenticate-request)傳輸的最大數目 設為n(預設為10)。

       pap-restart n
               將PAP重新開始的間隔(重新傳輸的時間限制)設為n 秒鐘(預設為3)。

       pap-timeout n
              Set the maximum time that pppd will wait for the peer to authenticate itself with PAP to n seconds
              (0 means no limit).

       pass-filter filter-expression
              Specifies a packet filter to applied to data packets being sent or  received  to  determine  which
              packets  should  be  allowed  to  pass.   Packets  which  are  rejected by the filter are silently
              discarded.  This option can be used to prevent specific network daemons (such as routed) using  up
              link  bandwidth,  or  to  provide a basic firewall capability.  The filter-expression syntax is as
              described for tcpdump(1), except that qualifiers which are inappropriate for a PPP link,  such  as
              ether  and  arp, are not permitted.  Generally the filter expression should be enclosed in single-
              quotes to prevent whitespace in the expression from being interpreted by the shell.  Note that  it
              is  possible to apply different constraints to incoming and outgoing packets using the inbound and
              outbound qualifiers. This option is currently only available under NetBSD, and then only  if  both
              the kernel and pppd were compiled with PPP_FILTER defined.

              Do not exit after a connection is terminated; instead try to reopen the connection.

       plugin filename
              Load the shared library object file filename as a plugin.  This is a privileged option.

              Request  that  the  peer compress frames that it sends using Predictor-1 compression, and agree to
              compress transmitted frames with Predictor-1 if requested.  This option has no effect  unless  the
              kernel driver supports Predictor-1 compression.

       privgroup group-name
              Allows  members  of group group-name to use privileged options.  This is a privileged option.  Use
              of this option requires care as there is no guarantee that members of group-name cannot  use  pppd
              to  become  root  themselves.   Consider it equivalent to putting the members of group-name in the
              kmem or disk group.

              以彼端的IP位址以及該系統的以太網路位址增加一個項 目到系統的ARP[AddressResolutionProtocol位址解  譯
              協定]表格。  This  will  have  the  effect of making the peer appear to other systems to be on the
              local ethernet.

       pty script
              Specifies that the command script is to be used to communicate rather  than  a  specific  terminal
              device.   Pppd  will  allocate  itself  a  pseudo-tty  master/slave  pair and use the slave as its
              terminal device.  The script will be run in a child process with  the  pseudo-tty  master  as  its
              standard  input  and  output.   An  explicit  device name may not be given if this option is used.
              (Note: if the record option is used in conjuction with the pty option, the child process will have
              pipes on its standard input and output.)

              With this option, pppd will accept all control characters from the peer, including those marked in
              the receive asyncmap.  Without this option, pppd will discard those  characters  as  specified  in
              RFC1662.  This option should only be needed if the peer is buggy.

       record filename
              Specifies that pppd should record all characters sent and received to a file named filename.  This
              file is opened in append  mode,  using  the  user's  user-ID  and  permissions.   This  option  is
              implemented using a pseudo-tty and a process to transfer characters between the pseudo-tty and the
              real serial device, so it will increase the latency and CPU overhead of transferring data over the
              ppp  interface.   The  characters  are  stored  in  a  tagged format with timestamps, which can be
              displayed in readable form using the pppdump(8) program.

       remotename name

              With this option, pppd will not agree to authenticate itself to the peer using CHAP.

              With this option, pppd will not agree to authenticate itself to the peer using PAP.

              Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP [Challenge Handshake  Authentication  Protocol]

              Require   the   peer   to   authenticate  itself  using  PAP  [Password  Authentication  Protocol]

              When logging the contents of PAP packets, this option causes pppd to show the password  string  in
              the log message.

       silent 加上這個選項,pppd將不會傳輸LCP封包來初使一個連  線一直到從彼端接收到一個有效的LCP封包。(就像是給

       sync   Use synchronous HDLC serial encoding instead of asynchronous.  The device used by pppd  with  this
              option  must  have  sync  support.  Currently supports Microgate SyncLink adapters under Linux and
              FreeBSD 2.2.8 and later.

              With this option, pppd will  detach  from  its  controlling  terminal  once  it  has  successfully
              established the ppp connection (to the point where the first network control protocol, usually the
              IP control protocol, has come up).

              強迫主機名稱使用本地系統的名稱來進行驗証。(這會蓋過name選項)。  This  option  is  not   normally
              needed since the name option is privileged.

              Ask  the  peer  for up to 2 DNS server addresses.  The addresses supplied by the peer (if any) are
              passed to the /etc/ppp/ip-up script in the environment variables DNS1 and DNS2.  In addition, pppd
              will  create  an  /etc/ppp/resolv.conf  file  containing  one  or  two  nameserver  lines with the
              address(es) supplied by the peer.

       user name

       vj-max-slots n
              Sets the number of connection slots to be used by the Van Jacobson TCP/IP header  compression  and
              decompression code to n, which must be between 2 and 16 (inclusive).

       welcome script
              Run  the  executable or shell command specified by script before initiating PPP negotiation, after
              the connect script (if any) has completed.  A value for  this  option  from  a  privileged  source
              cannot be overridden by a non-privileged user.



       選項可以從檔案取出使用就如同使用命令列一般。pppd在查看指 令列之前先從檔案/etc/ppp/options以及~/.ppprc讀取
       選項。 ttyname (in that order) before processing the options on the command line.  (In fact, the command-
       line  options are scanned to find the terminal name before the options.ttyname file is read.)  In forming
       the name of the options.ttyname file, the initial /dev/ is  removed  from  the  terminal  name,  and  any
       remaining / characters are replaced with dots.

       一個選項檔案以空白字元為界被剖析成一串單字。空白字元可以用  雙引號(")包括在一個單字裏。倒斜線引用其後的字
       元。而hash (#)符號開始一段注解持續到該行結束。 There is no restriction on using the file or call  options
       within an options file.


       pppd 提供系統管理人員充份的存取控制能力這表示以PPP存取一 台伺服機器可以提供給合法的使用者使用而不必擔心危
       及該伺服器 或所在網路的安全性。這有一部份是以/etc/ppp/options檔案來  提供,在這裏系統管理人員可以放置在執
       行pppd的時候用來要求 驗証的選項,而部份是由PAP以及CHAP暗號檔案來提供,其中 系統管理人員可以限制個別的使用

       The default behaviour of pppd is to allow an unauthenticated peer to use a given IP address only  if  the
       system  does  not  already  have  a  route  to  that  IP address.  For example, a system with a permanent
       connection to the wider internet will normally have a default route, and thus  all  peers  will  have  to
       authenticate  themselves  in  order  to  set  up  a connection.  On such a system, the auth option is the
       default.  On the other hand, a system where the PPP link is the only connection to the internet will  not
       normally  have  a  default  route,  so  the  peer  will  be  able  to  use  almost any IP address without
       authenticating itself.

       As indicated above, some security-sensitive options are privileged, which means that they may not be used
       by  an ordinary non-privileged user running a setuid-root pppd, either on the command line, in the user's
       ~/.ppprc file, or in an options file read using the file option.   Privileged  options  may  be  used  in
       /etc/ppp/options file or in an options file read using the call option.  If pppd is being run by the root
       user, privileged options can be used without restriction.

       When opening the device, pppd uses either the invoking user's user ID or  the  root  UID  (that  is,  0),
       depending  on  whether  the  device  name  was specified by the user or the system administrator.  If the
       device name comes from a privileged source, that is, /etc/ppp/options or an options file read  using  the
       call  option,  pppd  uses full root privileges when opening the device.  Thus, by creating an appropriate
       file under /etc/ppp/peers, the system administrator can allow users to establish a ppp connection  via  a
       device  which they would not normally have permission to access.  Otherwise pppd uses the invoking user's
       real UID when opening the device.


       Authentication is the process whereby one peer convinces the other of its identity.   This  involves  the
       first  peer sending its name to the other, together with some kind of secret information which could only
       come from the genuine authorized user of that name.  In such an exchange, we will call the first peer the
       "client"  and the other the "server".  The client has a name by which it identifies itself to the server,
       and the server also has a name by which it identifies itself to the client.  Generally the genuine client
       shares  some secret (or password) with the server, and authenticates itself by proving that it knows that
       secret.  Very often, the names used for authentication correspond to the internet hostnames of the peers,
       but this is not essential.

       At  present,  pppd  supports two authentication protocols: the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and
       the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).  PAP involves the client sending its name  and  a
       cleartext  password  to  the  server  to authenticate itself.  In contrast, the server initiates the CHAP
       authentication exchange by sending a challenge to the client (the challenge packet includes the  server's
       name).   The  client  must respond with a response which includes its name plus a hash value derived from
       the shared secret and the challenge, in order to prove that it knows the secret.

       The PPP protocol, being symmetrical, allows both peers to require the other to authenticate  itself.   In
       that case, two separate and independent authentication exchanges will occur.  The two exchanges could use
       different authentication protocols, and in principle, different names could be used in the two exchanges.

        pppd預設的動作是如果有要求就同意進行驗証,並且不要求從彼        端做驗証。然而如果沒有可以用來驗証的暗號
       則pppd將不會同意 以特殊的協定來驗証它自己。

        驗証的基礎是由暗號檔案選擇的暗號(/etc/ppp/pap-secrets是  給PAP使用的,/etc/ppp/chap-secrets則是給CHAP使
       用)。   這兩個暗號檔案都具有相同的格式,而且兩者都可以儲放暗號給數    種伺服器(驗証彼端)及客戶(被驗証
       端)組合使用。注意pppd 可以最為伺服端以及客戶端,而且如果需要的話兩方可以使用不同 的協定。

        一個暗號檔案如同選項檔案一般被剖析成單字。一個暗號是由最少     包含3個單字的一行所指定,依序是客戶,伺服
       器,暗號。在同 一行中任何跟在其後的單字都被當作是給客戶的可接受IP位址列 表。如果該行只有3個單字,這假設任
       何IP位址都可以;不允  許所有的IP位址的話,使用"-"。如果暗號是以'@'開始,其 後所接的單字將被假設為可以從中
       讀取暗號的檔案名稱。而以一個 "*"字元作為客戶或伺服端的名稱會符合任何名稱。在選擇一個暗 號時,pppd會選擇最

       如此一個暗號檔案包含用來驗証其它主機,以及用來為其它主機驗 証自己兩者的暗號。選擇使用哪個暗號是根據該主機
       (本地名稱) 以及其彼端(遠端名稱)而定。本地名稱的設定如下:

       If the secret starts with an `@', what follows is assumed to be the name of a file from which to read the
       secret.   A  "*"  as the client or server name matches any name.  When selecting a secret, pppd takes the
       best match, i.e.  the match with the fewest wildcards.

       Any following words on the same line are taken to be a list of acceptable IP addresses for  that  client.
       If there are only 3 words on the line, or if the first word is "-", then all IP addresses are disallowed.
       To allow any address, use "*".  A word starting with "!"  indicates that the  specified  address  is  not
       acceptable.   An  address  may  be  followed  by "/" and a number n, to indicate a whole subnet, i.e. all
       addresses which have the same value in the most significant n bits.  In this form,  the  address  may  be
       followed  by  a  plus sign ("+") to indicate that one address from the subnet is authorized, based on the
       ppp network interface unit number in use.  In this case, the host part of the address will be set to  the
       unit number plus one.

       Thus  a  secrets  file contains both secrets for use in authenticating other hosts, plus secrets which we
       use for authenticating ourselves to others.  When pppd is authenticating the peer  (checking  the  peer's
       identity),  it  chooses a secret with the peer's name in the first field and the name of the local system
       in the second field.  The name of the local system  defaults  to  the  hostname,  with  the  domain  name
       appended  if the domain option is used.  This default can be overridden with the name option, except when
       the usehostname option is used.

       When pppd is choosing a secret to use in authenticating itself to the peer, it first determines what name
       it  is going to use to identify itself to the peer.  This name can be specified by the user with the user
       option.  If this option is not used, the name defaults to the name of the  local  system,  determined  as
       described  in the previous paragraph.  Then pppd looks for a secret with this name in the first field and
       the peer's name in the second field.  Pppd will know the name of the peer if CHAP authentication is being
       used,  because  the  peer will have sent it in the challenge packet.  However, if PAP is being used, pppd
       will have to determine the peer's name from the options specified by the user.  The user can specify  the
       peer's  name directly with the remotename option.  Otherwise, if the remote IP address was specified by a
       name (rather than in numeric form), that name will be used as the peer's name.  Failing that,  pppd  will
       use the null string as the peer's name.

        當以PAP驗証彼端時,一個""暗號符合任何由彼端所提供密碼。  如果密碼不符合暗號,密碼被以crypt()編碼並且再次
       檢查暗號; 因此驗証彼端的暗號可以編碼方式儲放。

       如果指定有login選項,    使用者名稱以及密碼也會被以系統的密碼資料庫檢查。因此系統管    理人員可以設定pap-
       secrets檔案以便只允許某些使用者以PPP  連線,並且限制每個使用者可以使用一些IP位址。  Typically, when using
       the login option, the secret in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets would be "", which will match any password  supplied
       by the peer.  This avoids the need to have the same secret in two places.

        驗証必須在IPCP(或任何其它網路控制協定)開始之前被完全地        滿足。如果驗証失敗,pppd將會終結連線(關
       閉LCP)。如果 IPCP協商出一個無法接受的遠端主機IP位址,IPCP將會關閉。 IP封包只有在IPCP打開的時候才能傳送或

        即使本地主機一般會要求驗証,在某些案例中會希望允一些無法驗  証它們自己的主機連線並使用所限制的IP位址其中
       之一。如果彼  在被要求時拒絕驗証它自己,pppd將會把它當成等於是在使用者  名稱以及密碼上使用空字串來以PAP驗
       証。所以,藉由增加一行 指定空字串為客戶以及密碼到pap-secrets檔案去,允許拒絕驗 証自己的主機進行有限制的存


        當IPCP協商成功地完成時,pppd將會通知核心該ppp界面本地 以及遠端的IP位址。這足夠用來建立一個主機到該連線遠
       端的遞        送路徑,該路徑將使兩端能交換IP封包。與其它的機器進行通訊       往往需要更進一步地修改遞送表
       格(routingtables)以及/或是 ARP(位址解譯協定)表格。在某些案例中這將透過routed或是 gated隱形程式的動作自
       動地完成,但是在大部分的案例中需要更 進一步的介入。

        有時候會希望透過遠端主機來增加一個預設遞送路徑,像是在一台               只透過ppp界面連線到Internet的機
       器。此defaultroute選 項使得pppd在IPCP完成時建立起這麼一個預設的遞送路徑,並 且在該線路被終結時將之刪除。

        在某些情況下會希望使用proxyARP,例如在一台連結到區域網  路的伺服機器上,為了能夠允許其它的主機與遠端主機
       進行通訊。  proxyarp選項引發pppd去尋找一個與遠端主機在相同子網路上  的網路界面(一個支援廣播(boardcast)以
       及ARP的界面,不但要 是可用的並且不是一個點對點或回授界面)。如果找到,pppd會 以該遠端主機的IP位址以及所找
       到的網路界面之硬體位址建立一 個永久的,公開的ARP項目。

       When  the  demand option is used, the interface IP addresses have already been set at the point when IPCP
       comes up.  If pppd has not been able to negotiate the same  addresses  that  it  used  to  configure  the
       interface  (for  example  when  the  peer is an ISP that uses dynamic IP address assignment), pppd has to
       change the interface IP addresses to the negotiated addresses.  This may  disrupt  existing  connections,
       and the use of demand dialling with peers that do dynamic IP address assignment is not recommended.

       Multilink  PPP provides the capability to combine two or more PPP links between a pair of machines into a
       single `bundle', which appears as a single virtual PPP link which  has  the  combined  bandwidth  of  the
       individual links.  Currently, multilink PPP is only supported under Linux.

       Pppd  detects  that  the  link  it is controlling is connected to the same peer as another link using the
       peer's endpoint discriminator and the authenticated identity of the peer (if  it  authenticates  itself).
       The  endpoint discriminator is a block of data which is hopefully unique for each peer.  Several types of
       data can be used, including locally-assigned strings of bytes,  IP  addresses,  MAC  addresses,  randomly
       strings of bytes, or E-164 phone numbers.  The endpoint discriminator sent to the peer by pppd can be set
       using the endpoint option.

       In circumstances the peer may send no endpoint discriminator or a non-unique value.  The optional  bundle
       option  adds  an  extra  string  which  is  added  to the peer's endpoint discriminator and authenticated
       identity when matching up links to be joined together in a bundle.  The bundle option can also be used to
       allow  the  establishment  of  multiple  bundles  between the local system and the peer.  Pppd uses a TDB
       database in /var/run/pppd.tdb to match up links.

       Assuming that multilink is enabled and the peer is willing to negotiate  multilink,  then  when  pppd  is
       invoked  to  bring  up  the first link to the peer, it will detect that no other link is connected to the
       peer and create a new bundle, that is, another ppp network interface unit.  When another pppd is  invoked
       to  bring  up  another  link  to  the  peer,  it will detect the existing bundle and join its link to it.
       Currently, if the first pppd terminates (for example, because of a  hangup  or  a  received  signal)  the
       bundle is destroyed.


       The  following examples assume that the /etc/ppp/options file contains the auth option (as in the default
       /etc/ppp/options file in the ppp distribution).

       Probably the most common use of pppd is to dial out to an ISP.  This can be done with a command such as

              pppd call isp

       where the /etc/ppp/peers/isp file is set up by the system administrator to contain something like this:

              ttyS0 19200 crtscts
              connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-isp'

       In this example, we are using chat to dial the ISP's modem and go through any  logon  sequence  required.
       The  /etc/ppp/chat-isp file contains the script used by chat; it could for example contain something like

              ABORT "NO CARRIER"
              ABORT "NO DIALTONE"
              ABORT "ERROR"
              ABORT "NO ANSWER"
              ABORT "BUSY"
              ABORT "Username/Password Incorrect"
              "" "at"
              OK "at&d0&c1"
              OK "atdt2468135"
              "name:" "^Umyuserid"
              "word:" "\qmypassword"
              "ispts" "\q^Uppp"

       See the chat(8) man page for details of chat scripts.

       Pppd can also be used to provide a dial-in ppp service for  users.   If  the  users  already  have  login
       accounts, the simplest way to set up the ppp service is to let the users log in to their accounts and run
       pppd (installed setuid-root) with a command such as

              pppd proxyarp

       To allow a user to use the PPP facilities, you need to allocate an IP address for that user's machine and
       create  an  entry  in  /etc/ppp/pap-secrets  or  /etc/ppp/chap-secrets (depending on which authentication
       method the PPP  implementation  on  the  user's  machine  supports),  so  that  the  user's  machine  can
       authenticate itself.  For example, if Joe has a machine called "joespc" which is to be allowed to dial in
       to the machine called "server" and use the IP address joespc.my.net, you would add an entry like this  to
       /etc/ppp/pap-secrets or /etc/ppp/chap-secrets:

              joespc    server    "joe's secret" joespc.my.net

       Alternatively,  you can create a username called (for example) "ppp", whose login shell is pppd and whose
       home directory is /etc/ppp.  Options to be used when pppd is run this way can be put in /etc/ppp/.ppprc.

        如果你的串列連線比直接以線路連接更復雜的話,你可能會需要做    些調整以便避開一些控制字元。特別是,通常避
       開XON(^Q)以及     XOFF(^S)是有用的,可以使用asyncmapa0000。如果該路徑包    含telnet的話,你可能應該也要避
       開^](asyncmap200a0000)。 如果該路徑包含rlogin的話,你將需要在執行rlogin的客戶端  上使用escapeff選項,因為
       許多rlogin的實作並非是透通的; 它們將會從資料流中移除[0xff,0xff,0x73,0x73,跟隨的任何 8位元組]這些序列。


        訊息使用facilityLOG_DAEMON送到syslog隱形程式。(這個     可以藉著以所要的facility定義LOG_PPP巨集來重新編
       譯pppd 加以改變。)為了能夠看到錯誤以及偵錯訊息,你將需要編輯你的  /etc/syslog.conf檔案來將訊息導向到所希

       debug選項使得所有送出以及接收的控制封包內容都被記錄下來,       這是指所有的LCP,PAP,CHAP,或是IPCP封包。如
       果PPP協商 沒有成功的話那麼這可能會有用。如果在編譯時期開啟偵錯功能的 話,pppd會使用facilityLOG_LOCAL2來取
       代LOG_DAEMON,而 且debug選項會使得額外的偵錯訊息被記錄下來。

       偵錯功能也可以藉著傳送一個SIGUSR1到pppd程式來啟動。偵 錯功能可以藉著傳送一個SIGUSR2到pppd程式來關閉。


       The  exit  status  of  pppd is set to indicate whether any error was detected, or the reason for the link
       being terminated.  The values used are:

       0      Pppd has detached, or otherwise the connection was successfully established and terminated at  the
              peer's request.

       1      An  immediately  fatal  error  of some kind occurred, such as an essential system call failing, or
              running out of virtual memory.

       2      An error was detected in processing the options given, such  as  two  mutually  exclusive  options
              being used.

       3      Pppd is not setuid-root and the invoking user is not root.

       4      The  kernel  does not support PPP, for example, the PPP kernel driver is not included or cannot be

       5      Pppd terminated because it was sent a SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGHUP signal.

       6      The serial port could not be locked.

       7      The serial port could not be opened.

       8      The connect script failed (returned a non-zero exit status).

       9      The command specified as the argument to the pty option could not be run.

       10     The PPP negotiation failed, that is, it didn't reach the point where at least one network protocol
              (e.g. IP) was running.

       11     The peer system failed (or refused) to authenticate itself.

       12     The link was established successfully and terminated because it was idle.

       13     The link was established successfully and terminated because the connect time limit was reached.

       14     Callback was negotiated and an incoming call should arrive shortly.

       15     The link was terminated because the peer is not responding to echo requests.

       16     The link was terminated by the modem hanging up.

       17     The PPP negotiation failed because serial loopback was detected.

       18     The init script failed (returned a non-zero exit status).

       19     We failed to authenticate ourselves to the peer.


       Pppd  invokes  scripts  at  various  stages  in its processing which can be used to perform site-specific
       ancillary processing.  These scripts are usually shell  scripts,  but  could  be  executable  code  files
       instead.   Pppd does not wait for the scripts to finish.  The scripts are executed as root (with the real
       and effective user-id set to 0), so that they can  do  things  such  as  update  routing  tables  or  run
       privileged  daemons.   Be  careful  that  the  contents  of these scripts do not compromise your system's
       security.  Pppd runs the scripts with standard input, output and error redirected to /dev/null, and  with
       an  environment that is empty except for some environment variables that give information about the link.
       The environment variables that pppd sets are:

       DEVICE The name of the serial tty device being used.

       IFNAME The name of the network interface being used.

              The IP address for the local end of the link.  This is only set when IPCP has come up.

              The IP address for the remote end of the link.  This is only set when IPCP has come up.

              The authenticated name of the peer.  This is only set if the peer authenticates itself.

       SPEED  The baud rate of the tty device.

              The real user-id of the user who invoked pppd.

              The username of the real user-id that invoked pppd. This is always set.

       For the ip-down and auth-down scripts, pppd also sets the following variables giving statistics  for  the

              The number of seconds from when the PPP negotiation started until the connection was terminated.

              The number of bytes sent (at the level of the serial port) during the connection.

              The number of bytes received (at the level of the serial port) during the connection.

              The logical name of the link, set with the linkname option.

       Pppd invokes the following scripts, if they exist.  It is not an error if they don't exist.

              A  program  or script which is executed after the remote system successfully authenticates itself.
              It is executed with the parameters

              interface-name peer-name user-name tty-device speed

              Note that this script is not executed if the peer doesn't authenticate itself,  for  example  when
              the noauth option is used.

              A  program or script which is executed when the link goes down, if /etc/ppp/auth-up was previously
              executed.  It is executed in the same manner with the same parameters as /etc/ppp/auth-up.

              當線路可以傳送以及接收IP封包時(也就是IPCP完成  時)執行的一支程式或指令稿。它是以界面的名稱、終端

              interface-name tty-device speed local-IP-address remote-IP-address ipparam

              當線路不再允許傳送以及接收IP封包時執行的一支程式  或指令稿。這個指令稿可以用來回復/etc/ppp/ip-up指

              Like /etc/ppp/ip-up, except that it is executed  when  the  link  is  available  for  sending  and
              receiving IPv6 packets. It is executed with the parameters

              interface-name tty-device speed local-link-local-address remote-link-local-address ipparam

              Similar  to /etc/ppp/ip-down, but it is executed when IPv6 packets can no longer be transmitted on
              the link. It is executed with the same parameters as the ipv6-up script.

              A program or script which is executed when the link is available for  sending  and  receiving  IPX
              packets (that is, IPXCP has come up).  It is executed with the parameters

              interface-name  tty-device  speed  network-number  local-IPX-node-address  remote-IPX-node-address
              local-IPX-routing-protocol  remote-IPX-routing-protocol  local-IPX-router-name  remote-IPX-router-
              name ipparam pppd-pid

              The local-IPX-routing-protocol and remote-IPX-routing-protocol field may be one of the following:

              NONE      to indicate that there is no routing protocol
              RIP       to indicate that RIP/SAP should be used
              NLSP      to indicate that Novell NLSP should be used
              RIP NLSP  to indicate that both RIP/SAP and NLSP should be used

              A  program  or  script  which  is  executed  when  the link is no longer available for sending and
              receiving IPX packets.  This script can be used for undoing the  effects  of  the  /etc/ppp/ipx-up
              script.  It is invoked in the same manner and with the same parameters as the ipx-up script.


       /var/run/pppn.pid (BSD or Linux), /etc/ppp/pppn.pid (others)

       /var/run/ppp-name.pid (BSD or Linux), /etc/ppp/ppp-name.pid (others)
              Process-ID for pppd process for logical link name (see the linkname option).

               由PAP驗証所使用的使用者名稱、密碼以及IP位址。  This file should be owned by root and not readable
              or writable by any other user.  Pppd will log a warning if this is not the case.

               As for /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, this file should be owned by root and not readable  or  writable  by
              any other user.  Pppd will log a warning if this is not the case.



               所要使用之串列埠的系統預設選項,在指令列之後讀取。read  after  ~/.ppprc.   In forming the ttyname
              part of this filename, an initial /dev/ is stripped from the  port  name  (if  present),  and  any
              slashes in the remaining part are converted to dots.

              A  directory  containing  options  files  which  may  contain privileged options, even if pppd was
              invoked by a user other than root.  The system administrator can  create  options  files  in  this
              directory  to  permit non-privileged users to dial out without requiring the peer to authenticate,
              but only to certain trusted peers.


              Jacobson, V.  Compressing TCP/IP headers for low-speed serial links.  February 1990.

              Rivest, R.  The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm.  April 1992.

              McGregor, G.  PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP).  May 1992.

              Lloyd, B.; Simpson, W.A.  PPP authentication protocols.  October 1992.

              Simpson, W.A.  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).  July 1994.

              Simpson, W.A.  PPP in HDLC-like Framing.  July 1994.

              Haskin, D.  IP Version 6 over PPP December 1998.


              這些信號使得pppd終止該連線(關閉LCP),回存串列 串列設備的設定,並結束離開。

       SIGHUP 指出實體層已經被斷線。pppd將會試圖回存串列設備的設  定(這可能會在Suns上產生錯誤訊息),然後結束離
               If the persist or demand option has been specified, pppd will try to reopen the serial device and
              start another connection (after the holdoff period).  Otherwise pppd will exit.  If this signal is
              received during the holdoff period, it causes pppd to end the holdoff period immediately.

              This signal toggles the state of the debug option.

              This  signal  causes pppd to renegotiate compression.  This can be useful to re-enable compression
              after it has been disabled as a result of  a  fatal  decompression  error.   (Fatal  decompression
              errors generally indicate a bug in one or other implementation.)


       Paul Mackerras (Paul.Mackerras@cs.anu.edu.au), based on earlier work by Drew Perkins, Brad Clements, Karl
       Fox, Greg Christy, and Brad Parker.


       軟體教程之Linux Man <asdchen@pc2.hinet.net> <Best Linux> 1999




