Provided by: crun_0.12.1+dfsg-1_amd64 bug


       crun - a fast and lightweight OCI runtime


       crun [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


       crun is a command line program for running Linux containers that follow the Open Container
       Initiative (OCI) format.


       create Create a container.  The runtime detaches  from  the  container  process  once  the
       container  environment is created.  It is necessary to successively use start for starting
       the container.

       delete Remove definition for a container.

       exec Exec a command in a running container.

       list List known containers.

       kill Send the specified signal to the container init process.  If no signal is  specified,
       SIGTERM is used.

       ps Show the processes running in a container.

       run Create and immediately start a container.

       spec Generate a configuration file.

       start  Start  a  container  that  was  previously  created.  A container cannot be started
       multiple times.

       state Output the state of a container.

       pause Pause all the processes in the container.

       resume Resume the processes in the container.

       update Update container resource constraints.


       By default, when running as root user, crun saves its state under the /run/crun directory.
       As unprivileged user, instead the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable is honored, and the
       directory $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/crun is used.  The global option --root overrides this setting.


       --debug Produce verbose output.

       --log=LOG-DESTINATION Define the destination for the error and warning messages  generated
       by  crun.   If  the  error  happens  late in the container init process, when crun already
       stopped watching it, then it will be printed to the container stderr.

       It is specified in the form BACKEND:SPECIFIER.

       These following backends are supported:

              • file:PATH

              • journald:IDENTIFIER

              • syslog:IDENTIFIER

       If no backend is specified, then file: is used by default.

       --log-format=FORMAT Define the format of the log messages.  It  can  either  be  text,  or
       json.  The default is text.

       --no-pivot  Use  chroot(2)  instead  of  pivot_root(2)  when creating the container.  This
       option is not safe, and should be avoided.

       --root=DIR Defines where to store the state for crun containers.

       --systemd-cgroup Use systemd for configuring cgroups.  If not  specified,  the  cgroup  is
       created directly using the cgroupfs backend.

       --cgroup-manager=MANAGER  Specify  what cgroup manager must be used.  Permitted values are
       cgroupfs, systemd and disabled.

       -?, --help Print a help list.

       --usage Print a short usage message.

       -V, --version Print program version


       crun [global options] create [options] CONTAINER

       --bundle=BUNDLE Path to the OCI bundle, by default it is the current directory.

       --console-socket=SOCKET Path to a UNIX socket that will receive the master end of the  tty
       for the container.

       --no-new-keyring Keep the same session key

       --preserve-fds=N Additional number of FDs to pass into the container.

       --pid-file=PATH Path to the file that will contain the container process PID.


       crun [global options] run [options] CONTAINER

       --bundle=BUNDLE Path to the OCI bundle, by default it is the current directory.

       --console-socket=SOCKET  Path to a UNIX socket that will receive the master end of the tty
       for the container.

       --no-new-keyring Keep the same session key.

       --preserve-fds=N Additional number of FDs to pass into the container.

       --pid-file=PATH Path to the file that will contain the container process PID.

       --detach Detach the container process from the current session.


       crun [global options] delete [options] CONTAINER

       --force Delete the container even if it is still running.

       --regex=REGEX Delete all the containers that satisfy the specified regex.


       crun [global options] exec [options] CONTAINER CMD

       --console-socket=SOCKET Path to a UNIX socket that will receive the master end of the  tty
       for the container.

       --cwd=PATH Set the working directory for the process to PATH.

       --cap=CAP Specify an additional capability to add to the process.

       --detach Detach the container process from the current session.

       --env=ENV Specify an environment variable.

       --preserve-fds=N Additional number of FDs to pass into the container.

       --process=FILE Path to a file containing the process JSON configuration.

       --pid-file=PATH Path to the file that will contain the new process PID.

       -t --tty Allocate a pseudo TTY.

       -u USERSPEC --user=USERSPEC Specify the user in the form UID[:GID].


       crun [global options] list [options]

       -q --quiet Show only the container ID.


       crun [global options] kill [options] CONTAINER SIGNAL

       --all Kill all the processes in the container.

       --regex=REGEX Kill all the containers that satisfy the specified regex.


       crun [global options] ps [options]

       --format=FORMAT  Specify  the output format.  It must be either table or json.  By default
       table is used.


       crun [global options] spec [options]

       --rootless Generate a config.json file that is usable by an unprivileged user.


       crun [global options] update [options] CONTAINER

       --blkio-weight=VALUE Specifies per cgroup weight.

       --cpu-period=VALUE CPU CFS period to be used for hardcapping.

       --cpu-quota=VALUE** CPU CFS hardcap limit.

       --cpu-rt-period=VALUE CPU realtime period to be used for hardcapping.

       --cpu-rt-runtime=VALUE CPU realtime hardcap limit.

       --cpu-share=VALUE CPU shares.

       --cpuset-cpus=VALUE CPU(s) to use.

       --cpuset-mems=VALUE Memory node(s) to use.

       --kernel-memory=VALUE Kernel memory limit.

       --kernel-memory-tcp=VALUE Kernel memory limit for TCP buffer.

       --memory=VALUE Memory limit.

       --memory-reservation=VALUE Memory reservation or soft_limit.

       --memory-swap=VALUE Total memory usage.

       --pids-limit=VALUE Maximum number of pids allowed in the container.

       -r, --resources=FILE Path to the file containing the resources to update.

Extensions to OCI


       If the annotation run.oci.seccomp_fail_unknown_syscall is present,  then  crun  will  fail
       when an unknown syscall is encountered in the seccomp configuration.


       If  the  annotation  run.oci.keep_original_groups  is  present,  then  crun  will skip the
       setgroups syscall that is used to either set the additional groups specified  in  the  OCI
       configuration, or to reset the list of additional groups if none is specified.

tmpcopyup mount options

       If  the  tmpcopyup  option is specified for a tmpfs, then the path that is shadowed by the
       tmpfs mount is recursively copied up to the tmpfs itself.

Automatically create user namespace

       When running as user different than root, an user namespace is automatically created  even
       if  it is not specified in the config file.  The current user is mapped to the ID 0 in the
       container, and any additional id specified in the files  /etc/subuid  and  /etc/subgid  is
       automatically added starting with ID 1.


       crun  has some basic support for cgroup v2.  Since the OCI spec is designed for cgroup v1,
       in some cases there is need to convert from the cgroup v1 configuration to cgroup v2.

       These are the OCI resources currently supported with cgroup v2 and how they are  converted
       when needed from the cgroup v1 configuration.

Memory controller

       │OCI (x)cgroup 2 value (y)conversioncomment │
       │limit       │ memory.max         │ y = x      │         │
       │swap        │ memory.swap_max    │ y = x      │         │
       │reservation │ memory.low         │ y = x      │         │

PIDs controller

       │OCI (x)cgroup 2 value (y)conversioncomment │
       │limit   │ pids.max           │ y = x      │         │

CPU controller

       │OCI (x)cgroup 2 value (y)conversioncomment             │
       │shares  │ cpu.weight         │ y = (1 + ((x - 2) * │ convert        from │
       │        │                    │ 9999) / 262142)     │ [2-262144]       to │
       │        │                    │                     │ [1-10000]           │
       │period  │ cpu.max            │ y = x               │ period  and   quota │
       │        │                    │                     │ are         written │
       │        │                    │                     │ together            │
       │quota   │ cpu.max            │ y = x               │ period  and   quota │
       │        │                    │                     │ are         written │
       │        │                    │                     │ together            │

blkio controller

       │OCI (x)cgroup 2 value (y)conversioncomment             │
       │weight        │ io.bfq.weight      │ y = (1 + (x - 10) * │ convert    linearly │
       │              │                    │ 9999 / 990)         │ from  [10-1000]  to │
       │              │                    │                     │ [1-10000]           │
       │weight_device │ io.bfq.weight      │ y = (1 + (x - 10) * │ convert    linearly │
       │              │                    │ 9999 / 990)         │ from  [10-1000]  to │
       │              │                    │                     │ [1-10000]           │
       │rbps          │ io.max             │ y=x                 │                     │
       │wbps          │ io.max             │ y=x                 │                     │
       │riops         │ io.max             │ y=x                 │                     │
       │wiops         │ io.max             │ y=x                 │                     │

cpuset controller

       │OCI (x)cgroup 2 value (y)conversioncomment │
       │cpus    │ cpuset.cpus        │ y = x      │         │
       │mems    │ cpuset.mems        │ y = x      │         │

hugetlb controller

       │OCI (x)cgroup 2 value (y)conversioncomment │
       │<PAGE_SIZE>.limit_in_bytes │ hugetlb.<PAGE_SIZE>.max │ y = x      │         │

                                          User Commands                                   crun(1)