Provided by: git-annex_10.20230626-1_amd64 bug


       git-annex-findkeys - lists available keys


       git annex findkeys


       Outputs a list of keys known to git-annex.


       matching options

              The git-annex-matching-options(1) can be used to specify which keys to list.

              By  default,  the  findkeys  command  only  lists  keys  whose content is currently
              present. Specifying any of the matching options will override this default behavior
              and match on all keys that git-annex knows about.

              To list all keys, present or not, specify --anything.

              To list keys whose content is not present, specify --not --in=here

              Output keys terminated with nulls, for use with xargs -0

              Use custom output formatting.

              The  value  is  a  format  string,  in which '${var}' is expanded to the value of a
              variable. To right-justify a variable with  whitespace,  use  '${var;width}'  ;  to
              left-justify   a  variable,  use  '${var;-width}';  to  escape  unusual  characters
              (including control characters) in a variable, use '${escaped_var}'

              These  variables  are  available  for  use  in  formats:  key,  backend,  bytesize,
              humansize,  keyname,  hashdirlower,  hashdirmixed,  mtime (for the mtime field of a
              WORM key).

              Also, '\n' is a newline, '\000' is a NULL, etc.

              The default output format is the same  as  --format='${escapedkey}\n'  except  when
              outputting to a terminal, control characters will be escaped.

       --json Output the list of keys in JSON format.

              This  is  intended to be parsed by programs that use git-annex. Each line of output
              is a JSON object.

              Messages that would normally be output to standard error are included in  the  JSON

       Also the git-annex-common-options(1) can be used.





       Joey Hess <>
