Provided by: monodoc-base_6.8.0.105+dfsg-3.4_all bug


       mdoc assemble - Compile documentation for use in monodoc(1)


       mdoc assemble [OPTIONS]+ PATHS+


       mdoc  assemble  creates  .tree  and  .zip  files  from  PATHS  for  use  in the monodoc(1)
       documentation browser.

       The input files must have a supported format, specified with the --format option.

       The .tree and .zip files are copied into monodoc's sources directory, alongside a  .source
       file which is used by monodoc(1) to specify where the documentation should be displayed.

       The .source file has the following format:

         <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <node label="LABEL" name="PATH" parent="PARENT">
             <node label="LABEL2" name="PATH2" />
             <!-- ... -->
           <source provider="PROVIDER" basefile="BASEFILE" path="PATH" />
           <!-- other <source/> elements -->

       The  /monodoc/node  node  is an optional node that specifies where in the monodoc tree the
       documentation should be displayed, and //node elements may  be  nested  to  any  depth  to
       create trees.  //node/@label is the label that will be displayed within the monodoc tree.

       //node/@name  is  the  name  of the monodoc tree node, and may be used as the value of the
       /monodoc/source/@path value.

       //node/@parent    is    the    node    name    to    use    as    the     parent     node.
       $MONO_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/monodoc/monodoc.xml  contains  a list of such names, and this can
       be any //node/@name value.  If the //node/@parent value isn't found,  then  it's  inserted
       under the "Various" tree node.

       The  /monodoc/source/@provider  attribute  specifies  which format provider should be used
       when reading the .tree and .zip files; this must correspond to one of the --format values.

       The  /monodoc/source/@basefile  attribute  specifies   the   filename   prefix   for   the
       documentation  files.   This  must  be  the  same prefix as used with the --out parameter.
       There should be no filename extension on this value.

       The /monodoc/source/@path attribute specifies the parent node in  monodoc(1)'s  tree  view
       where       the       documentation       will       be       inserted.       See      the
       $MONO_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/monodoc/monodoc.xml  file  for  a  list  of  PATH   values   (the
       //node/@name values), or it may be a //node/@name value in the same .source file.

       Once  the  BASEFILE.source  has  been  written, the documentation can be installed so that
       monodoc(1) will display the documentation with the command:

         cp BASEFILE.source BASEFILE.tree \
           `pkg-config monodoc --variable=sourcesdir`


       -f, --format=FORMAT
              Specifies the documentation format used within PATHS.  Valid FORMAT values include:
              ecma, ecmaspec, error, hb, man, simple, and xhtml.

              See the FORMATS section below for more information about these formats.

              The default format (if none is specifed) is ecma.

              The --format option may be interleaved with PATHS to change the format used for the
              remaining parameters (until the next --format option is seen), e.g.:

                mdoc assemble -o PREFIX A B --format=man C D --format=xhtml E

              will assemble directories A and B with the ecma format, files C and D with the  man
              formt, and directory E with the xhtml format.

       -o, --out=PREFIX
              Specify  the  output  file  prefix.  mdoc assemble creates the files and

       -h, -?, --help
              Display a help message and exit.


       The following documentation formats are supported:

       The Mono ECMA Documentation Format, an XML documentation format with one file per type.

       See the mdoc(5) man page for more information.

       The Mono ECMA Specification Documentation Format.  This is not the format  you're  looking
       for;  it is the format used to represent the ECMA-334 (C#) standard within monodoc(1).  It
       is not used to display class library documentation; for class library  documentation,  use
       the ecma format.

       The  Error Documentation Format is used to present detailed error messages, and is used in
       monodoc(1)'s "C# Compiler Error Reference" tree.

       In this format, PATHS is a configuration file, containing the XML:


       The elements mean:

              Specifies where to look for files.

              Specifies    the    filename     pattern     to     look     for     within     the
              /ErrorProviderConfig/FilesPath directory.

              Specifies where within the filename the error number starts.

              Specifies  how many characters after /ErrorProviderConfig/ErrorNumSubstringStart to
              use for the error number.

              Specifies the formatting/display of the node in the monodoc(1) tree.

       For each file found, it is converted to HTML with C# syntax coloring applied.

       The Simple Documentation Format file format recursively adds  all  files  and  directories
       underneath  PATHS.   When  displayed,  HTML  files  are  displayed  as-is.  Text files are
       converted into HTML by translating each newline into an HTML <br> element.  No other  file
       type is supported.

       The  Man  Page  Documentation  Format displays groff man pages.  (This is not a full groff
       parser, and only handles the man page constructs used within the mono man pages.)

       PATHS is a set of XML files containing:

         <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <manpage name="NAME" page="FILE" />

       There may be multiple //manpage elements within the root /manpage element.

       The /manpages/manpage/@name attribute contains the display name for the  tree  view  node,
       which  is  also the URL of the man page when using monodoc(1)'s Lookup URL command (before
       prefixing with a man: prefix).  Thus, if /manpages/manpage/@name  contains  mono(1),  then
       man:mono(1) can be used in the Lookup URL command to view the mono(1) man page.

       The /manpages/manpage/@page attribute is the filename that contains the man page.  If this
       file does not exist, then /manpages/manpage/@name will not be displayed  within  the  tree

       The  XHTML  provider  interprets PATHS as a Windows Help file XHTML TOC file and looks for
       referenced documents to create the help source.


       mdoc(1), mdoc(5), monodoc(1)


       Visit for details.


       See also:
