Provided by: libmotif-dev_2.3.8-3.1build1_amd64 bug


       XmTabGetValues — A convenience function that returns tab values "XmTabGetValues"


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       float XmTabGetValues(
       XmTab tab,
       unsigned char *units,
       XmOffsetModel *offset,
       unsigned char *alignment,
       char **decimal);


       XmTabGetValues  takes an XmTab structure, returns the floating point number that is set as
       the value of the tab, and then sets values for the units, offset, alignment,  and  decimal
       arguments  where  they  are  not  NULL.  The returned floating point number represents the
       distance that the rendering of the XmString segment associated with tab  will  be  offset.
       The  offset  is  from either the beginning of the rendering or from the previous tab stop,
       depending on the setting for the offset model. The distance will use the unit type pointed
       at by unit.

       tab       Specifies the tab to get the value from.

       units     Specifies a pointer to the unit type.

       offset    Specifies a pointer to the offset model.

       alignment Specifies a pointer to the alignment type.

       decimal   Specifies a pointer to the multibyte character used as the decimal point.


       Returns a floating point number that is set as the value of the tab.


