Provided by: htcondor_8.6.8~dfsg.1-2_amd64 bug


       condor_qsub Queue - jobs that use PBS/SGE-style submission


       condor_qsub [ -- version]

       condor_qsub[Specific  options]  [Directory options] [Environmental options] [File options]
       [Notification  options]  [Resource  options]   [Status   options]   [Submission   options]


       condor_qsubsubmits  an HTCondor job. This job is specified in a PBS/Torque style or an SGE
       style. condor_qsubpermits the submission of dependent jobs without the need to specify the
       full dependency graph at submission time. Doing things this way is neither as efficient as
       HTCondor's DAGMan, nor as functional  as  SGE's  qsubor  qalter.  condor_qsubserves  as  a
       minimal  translator  to  be  able to use software originally written to interact with PBS,
       Torque, and SGE in an HTCondor pool.

       condor_qsubattempts to behave like qsub.  Less  than  half  of  the  qsubfunctionality  is
       implemented.  Option descriptions describe the differences between the behavior of qsuband
       condor_qsub. qsuboptions not listed here are not supported. Some concepts present  in  PBS
       and SGE do not apply to HTCondor, and so these options are not implemented.

       For a full listing of qsuboptions, please see







       condor_qsubaccepts  either  command  line  options  or  the single file, commandfile, that
       contains all of the commands.

       condor_qsubdoes the opposite of job submission within  the  griduniverse  batchgrid  type,
       which  takes HTCondor jobs submitted with HTCondor syntax and submits them to PBS, SGE, or


       -a date_time

          (Submission option) Specify a deferred execution date and time. The  PBS/Torque  syntax
          of  date_timeis  a  string  in the form [[[[CC]YY]MM]DD]hhmm[.SS]. The portions of this
          string which are optional are CC, YY, MM, DD, and SS. For SGE, MMand DDare notoptional.
          For PBS, MMand DDare optional. condor_qsub follows the PBS style.

       -A account_string

          (Status  option) Uses group accounting where the string account_stringis the accounting
          group associated with this job. Unlike SGE, there is no default group of  "sge" .

       -b y|n

          (Submission option) Using the SGE definition  of  its  -boption,  a  value  of  ycauses
          condor_qsub to notparse the file for additional condor_qsub commands. The default value
          is n. If the command line argument -f filenameis also specified, it negates a value  of

       -c checkpoint_option

          (Submission option) For standard universe jobs only, controls the how HTCondor produces
          checkpoints. checkpoint_optionsmay be one of

          n or N

             Do not produce checkpoints.

          s or S

             Do not produce periodic checkpoints. A job will only produce a checkpoint  when  the
             job is evicted.

             More options may be implemented in the future.


          (Specific   option)   Directs  HTCondor  to  notremove  temporary  files  generated  by
          condor_qsub , such as HTCondor submit files and sentinel jobs.  These  temporary  files
          may be important for debugging.


          (Directory  option) Specifies the initial directory in which the job will run to be the
          current  directory  from  which  the  job  was  submitted.  This   sets   initialdirfor

       -d pathor -wd path

          (Directory  option)  Specifies  the  initial  directory in which the job will run to be
          path. This sets initialdirfor condor_submit.

       -e filename

          (File option) Specifies the condor_submitcommand  error,  the  file  where   stderr  is
          written.  If  not  specified,  set to the default name of  <commandfile>.e<ClusterId> ,
          where  <commandfile> is the condor_qsub argument, and  <ClusterId> is the job attribute
          ClusterId assigned for the job.

       --f qsub_file

          (Specific    option)    Parse    qsub_fileto    search    for    and   set   additional
          condor_submitcommands. Within the file, commands  will  appear  as   #PBS  or   #SGE  .
          condor_qsub will parse the batch file listed as qsub_file.


          (Status option) Placed submitted job directly into the hold state.


          (Specific option) Print usage information and exit.

       -hold_jid <jid>

          (Status  option)  Submits  a  job  in  the hold state. This job is released only when a
          previously submitted job, identified by its cluster ID as  <jid>,  exits  successfully.
          Successful  completion is defined as not exiting with exit code 100. In implementation,
          there are three jobs that define this SGE feature. The  first  job  is  the  previously
          submitted  job. The second job is the newly submitted one that is waiting for the first
          to finish successfully. The third job is what SGE  calls  a  sentineljob;  this  is  an
          HTCondor  local  universe  job  that watches the history for the first job's exit code.
          This third job will exit once  it  has  seen  the  exit  code  and,  for  a  successful
          termination  of the first job, run condor_releaseon the second job. If the first job is
          an array job, the second job will only be released after all  individual  jobs  of  the
          first job have completed.

       -i [hostname:]filename

          (File  option)  Specifies the condor_submitcommand input, the file from which  stdin is

       -j characters

          (File option) Acceptable characters for this option are  e ,  o , and   n  .  The  only
          sequence  that is relevant is  eo ; it specifies that both standard output and standard
          error are to be sent to the same file. The file  will  be  the  one  specified  by  the
          -ooption,  if both the -oand -eoptions exist. The file will be the one specified by the
          -eoption, if only the -eoption is provided. If neither  the  -onor  the  -eoptions  are
          provided, the file will be the default used for the -ooption.

       -l resource_spec

          (Resource option) Specifies requirements for the job, such as the amount of RAM and the
          number of CPUs. Only PBS-style resource requests are supported. resource_specis a comma
          separated  list  of  key/value  pairs.  Each pair is of the form  resource_name=value .
          resource_name and  value may be

          resource_name  value DescriptionarchstringSets   Arch  machine  attribute.  Enclose  in
          double quotes.filesizeDisk space requested.hoststringHost machine on which the job must
          run.memsizeAmount of memory requested.nodes {<node_count>  |  <hostname>}  [:ppn=<ppn>]
          [:gpus=<gpu>] [:<property> [:<property>] ...] [+ ...] Number and/or properties of nodes
          to         be         used.         For          examples,          please          see

          OpSys  machine  attribute.  Enclose  in  double   quotes.procsintegerNumber   of   CPUs
          requested.A  size  value  is  an  integer  specified in bytes, following the PBS/Torque
          default. Append  Kb ,  Mb ,  Gb , or   Tb  to  specify  the  value  in  powers  of  two
          quantities greater than bytes.

       -m a|e|n

          (Notification  option)  Identify when HTCondor sends notification e-mail. If a, send e-
          mail when the job terminates abnormally. If e, send e-mail when the job terminates.  If
          n, never send e-mail.

       -M e-mail_address

          (Notification option) Sets the destination address for HTCondor e-mail.

       -o filename

          (File  option)  Specifies  the  condor_submitcommand  output, the file where  stdout is
          written. If not specified, set to the default  name  of   <commandfile>.o<ClusterId>  ,
          where  <commandfile> is the condor_qsub argument, and  <ClusterId> is the job attribute
          ClusterId assigned for the job.

       -p integer

          (Status option) Sets the prioritysubmit command for the job, with 0 being the  default.
          Jobs with higher numerical priority will run before jobs with lower numerical priority.


          (Specific  option) Send to  stdout the contents of the HTCondor submit description file
          that condor_qsub generates.

       -r y|n

          (Status option) The default  value  of  yimplements  the  default  HTCondor  policy  of
          assuming  that  jobs that do not complete are placed back in the queue to be run again.
          When n, job submission is restricted to  only  running  the  job  if  the  job  ClassAd
          attribute   NumJobStarts  is  currently  0. This identifies the job as not re-runnable,
          limiting it to start once.

       -S shell

          (Submission option) Specifies the path and executable  name  of  a  shell.  Alters  the
          HTCondor  submit  description file produced, such that the executable becomes a wrapper
          script. Within the submit description file will be  executable = <shell> and  arguments
          = <commandfile> .

       -t start [-stop:step]

          (Submission  option)  Queues  a  set  of nearly identical jobs. The SGE-style syntax is
          supported. start, stop, and stepare all integers. startis the  starting  index  of  the
          jobs, stopis the ending index (inclusive) of the jobs, and stepis the step size through
          the indices. Note that using more than one processor or node in a  job  will  not  work
          with this option.


          (Specific option) With the intention of testing a potential job submission, parse files
          and commands to generate error output. Produces, but then removes the  HTCondor  submit
          description file. Never submits the job, even if no errors are encountered.

       -v variable list

          (Environmental  option) Used to set the submit command environmentfor the job. variable
          listis as that defined  for  the  submit  command.  Note  that  the  syntax  needed  is
          specialized to deal with quote marks and white space characters.


          (Environmental option) Sets  getenv = True in the submit description file.

       -W attr_name=attr_value[,attr_name=attr_value...]

          (File  option)  PBS/Torque  supports  a number of attributes. However, condor_qsub only
          supports the names  stageinand  stageoutfor  attr_name.  The  format  of  attr_valuefor
          stageinand   stageoutis   local_file@hostname:remote_file[,...]  and  we  strip  it  to
          remote_file[,...] . HTCondor's file transfer mechanism is then used if needed.


          (Specific option) Print version information for the condor_qsub program and exit.  Note
          that condor_qsub has its own version numbers which are separate from those of HTCondor.

Exit Status

       condor_qsubwill  exit  with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with
       the value 1 (one) upon failure to submit a job.


       Center for High Throughput Computing, University of Wisconsin-Madison


       Copyright  (C)  1990-2016  Center  for  High  Throughput  Computing,   Computer   Sciences
       Department,  University  of  Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed
       under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

                                            April 2018                             condor_qsub(1)