bionic (3) SolveBoard.3.gz

Provided by: libdds-dev_2.5.2+ddd105-1build1_amd64 bug


       InitStart,  SolveBoard,  SolveBoardPBN,  CalcDDtable,  CalcDDtablePBN,  CalcAllTables,  CalcAllTablesPBN,
       SolveAllBoards, CalcPar, CalcParPBN - calculate number of possible tricks in a Bridge hand


       #include <dds.h>

       void InitStart(int gb_ram, int ncores);

       int SolveBoard(struct deal,  int  target,  int  solutions,  int  mode,  struct  futureTricks  *futp,  int

       int  SolveBoardPBN(struct  dealPBN,  int  target, int solutions, int mode, struct futureTricks *futp, int

       int CalcDDtable(struct ddTableDeal tableDeal, struct ddTableResults *tablep);

       int CalcDDtablePBN(struct ddTableDealPBN tableDealPBN, struct ddTableResults *tablep);

       int CalcAllTables(struct ddTableDeals *dealsp, int mode, int trumpFilter[5],  struct  ddTablesRes  *resp,
       struct allParResults*presp);

       int  CalcAllTablesPBN(struct  ddTableDealsPBN  *dealsp,  int mode, int trumpFilter[5], struct ddTablesRes
       *resp, struct allParResults *presp);

       int SolveAllBoards(struct boardsPBN *bop, struct solvedBoards *solvedp);

       int SolveAllChunks(struct boardsPBN *bop, struct solvedBoards *solved, int chunkSize);

       int CalcPar(struct  ddTableDeal  tableDeal,  int  vulnerable,  struct  ddTableResults  *  tablep,  struct
       parResults *presp);

       int CalcParPBN(struct ddTableDealPBN tableDealPBN, struct ddTableResults * tablep, int vulnerable, struct
       parResults *presp);


       Short description of the DLL functions supported in Double Dummy Problem Solver 2.1.2


       Initialize data structures for SolveBoard.

       If either gb_ram or ncores are zero, autoconfiguration is done.  This  is  currently  only  supported  on
       Windows; other platforms exit fatally when attempted.


       Before SolveBoard can be called, a structure of type "futureTricks" must be declared.

       SolveBoard  returns  a  status  integer,  "no  fault"  means  the  DLL  supplies  the  trick  data in the
       "futureTricks" type structure.  Status codes:
          1=No fault
         -1=Unknown fault
         -2=No of cards = 0
         -3=target > Number of tricks left
         -4=Duplicated cards
         -5=target < -1
         -7=target > 13
         -8=solutions < 1
         -9=solutions > 3
        -10=No of cards > 52
        -11=Not used
        -12=Suit or rank value out of range for deal.currentTrickSuit or deal.currentTrickRank
        -13=Card already played in the current trick is also defined as a remaining card to play
        -14=Wrong number of remaining cards for a hand
        -15=threadIndex < 0 or >=noOfThreads, noOfThreads is the configured maximum number of threads.

       Structure ”deal” defines all data needed to describe the deal to be analyzed.
        struct deal {
          int trump;   /* I.e. which suit that is trump or if contract is NT,  Spades=0,  Hearts=1,  Diamonds=2,
       Clubs=3,  NT=4 */
          int first;      /* 0-3, 0=North, 1=East, 2=South, 3=West , Leading hand for the trick.*/
          int currentTrickSuit[3];  /* 0-2 for up to 3 cards in the order played */
          int currentTrickRank[3];  /* 2-14 for up to 3 cards. Suits and ranks set to 0 otherwise. */
          unsigned  int remainCards[4][4]; /* 1st index hand (0-3), 2nd index suit (0-3), values as bitstring of
       ranks bit 0=0, bit 1=0, bit 2=rank 2, ………. bit 14=rank 14, bit 15=0 for  cards  remaining  after  already
       played cards (cards already played to the current trick are not included in this bitstring).
        The decimal value for a card then range between 4 (=rank 2) and 16384  (Ace=rank 14). */

       Parameter ”target” is the number of tricks to be won by the side to play, -1 means that the program shall
       find the maximum number. For equivalent cards only the highest is returned.

       Parameter ”solutions” defines how many card solutions that SolveBoard must return:

       target=1-13, solutions=1:
              Returns only one of the cards. Its returned score is the same as  target  when  target  or  higher
              tricks  can  be won. Otherwise, score -1 is returned if target cannot be reached, or score 0 if no
              tricks can be won.

       target=-1, solutions=1:
              Returns only one of the optimum cards and its score.

       target=0, solutions=1:
              Returns only one of the cards legal to play with score set to 0.

       target 1-13, solutions=2:
              Return all cards meeting target. Their returned scores are the  same  as  target  when  target  or
              higher  tricks  can be won. Otherwise, only one card is returned with score -1 if target cannot be
              reached, or score 0 for all cards legal to play if no tricks can be won.

       target -1, solutions=2:
              Return all optimum cards with their scores.

       target=0, solutions=2:
              Return all cards legal to play with scores set to 0.

       target irrelevant, solutions=3:
              Return all cards that can be legally played with their scores in descending  order.

       Parameter ”mode” defines the DLL mode of operation.

       mode=0 Do not search to find the score if the hand to play has only one card, including its  equivalents,
              to  play.  Score  is  set  to -2 for this card, indicating that there are no alternative cards. If
              there are multiple choices for cards to play, search is done to find the score. This mode is  very
              fast but you don’t always search to find the score.

       mode=1 Always  search  to  find  the  score. Even when the hand to play has only one card,  with possible
              equivalents, to play.  For both mode=0 and mode=1: If the preceding SolveBoard call had  the  same
              trump  suit  and  the  same  or  similar deal, except for deal.first, then the transposition table
              contents is reused from the preceding SolveBoard call. Setting mode=2 is no longer needed in  this
              case, but can still be done for backwards compatibility.

       mode=2 As  for mode=1, but the transposition table contents is reused from the preceding SolveBoard call.
              It is the responsibility of the programmer using the DLL to ensure that reusing the table is  safe
              in the actual situation. Example: Deal is the same, except for deal.first. Trump suit is the same.
               1st call:  SolveBoard(deal, -1, 1, 1, &fut, 0),  deal.first=1, i.e. East leads.
               2nd call:  SolveBoard(deal, -1, 1, 2, &fut, 0),  deal.first=2, i.e. South leads.
               3rd call:  SolveBoard(deal, -1, 1, 2, &fut, 0),  deal.first=3, i.e. West leads.
               4th call:  SolveBoard(deal, -1, 1, 2, &fut, 0),  deal.first=0, i.e. North leads.

        struct  futureTricks  {  /* The DLL provides the score (number of tricks) that can be won by the card to
       play defined by its suit and rank. Array of all alternative cards. */
          int nodes;         /* Number of searched nodes */
          int cards;         /*  No of alternative cards  */
          int suit[13];      /* 0=Spades, 1=Hearts, 2=Diamonds, 3=Clubs */
          int rank[13];      /* 2-14 for 2 through Ace */
          int equals[13];    /* Bitstring of ranks for equivalent lower rank  cards.  The  decimal  value  range
       between  4  (=2)  and 8192 (King=rank 13).  When there are several ”equals”, the value is the sum of each
       ”equal”. */
          int score[13];     /* -1 indicates that target was not reached,  otherwise  target  or  max  numbe  of
       tricks */

       Parameter  ”threadIndex”  defines  the identity of the thread used when calling SolveBoard.  A configured
       maximum number of threads can call SolveBoard in parallel, threadIndex must be an integer  in  the  range
       0..max number of threads - 1. This maximum number is configured at DLL initial start-up and cannot exceed

       SolveBoard is thread-safe, so several threads (max 16) can call SolveBoard in parallel.


       In SolveBoardPBN the remaining cards in  the  deal  information  are  given  in  PBN  text  format  (e.g.
       W:T5.K4.652.A98542  K6.QJT976.QT7.Q6  432.A.AKJ93.JT73 AQJ987.8532.84.K) instead of using bits 2-14 in an
       integer array. Otherwise, SolveboardPBN is identical to SolveBoard.

        struct dealPBN {
          int trump;
          int first;
          int currentTrickSuit[3];
          int currentTrickRank[3];
          char remainCards[80];   /* First character identifies the hand having the cards given first
                                        in the string, then the cards of the other hands are given in a
                                        clock-wise order, see example above. Null characters fill out
                                        the character array at the end. */


       CalcDDtable calculates the double dummy values of the initial 52 cards for all the 20 trump suit/declarer
       hand combinations.

       Before  CalcDDtable  can  be  called, a structure of type "ddTableResults" must be declared.  CalcDDtable
       returns  a  status  integer,  "no  fault"  means  the  DLL  supplies  the  double  dummy  scores  in  the
       "ddTableResults" type structure.  Status codes:
          1=No fault,
          Other status codes are errors, with codes equal to SolveBoard status codes.

       Structure ”ddTableDeal” defines the dealt cards to be analyzed.

        struct ddTableDeal {
          unsigned  int  cards[4][4];    /*  1st  index  is  hand,  2nd  index  is  suit,  same  coding  as  for
       deal.remainCards for SolveBoard. */

        struct ddTableResults { /* For each combination trump suit / declarer hand, the DLL provides the  double
       dummy score. */
          int  resTable[5][4];   /*  1st index is trump (0=Spades, 1=Hearts, 2=Diamonds, 3=Clubs, 4=No Trump 2nd
       index is declarer hand, 0=North, 1=East, 2=South, 3=West */


       In CalcDDtablePBN the remaining cards in the deal information are given  in  PBN  text  format,  see  the
       description above for SolveBoardPBN. Otherwise, CalcDDtablePBN is identical to CalcDDtable.

        struct ddTableDealPBN {
          char cards[80];


       CallAllTables  calculates  the  double dummy values of the trump suit/declarer hand combinations for a nu
       mber of DD tables in parallel. This increases the speed compared to calculating these values using  a  Ca
       lcDDtable call for each DD table.

       The  maximum number of DD tables in a CallAllTables call depends on the number of strains (the number o f
       5 trump alternatives, any of the 4 suits and no trump) to be part of the DD calculations.  If  all  5  st
       rains  are  included  there are 20 declarer hand / strain combinations. The maximum number of boards that
       can be calculated in parallel is 200, so the maximum number of DD tables that can be included in  a  Call
       AllTable call is 10. At fewer strains the maximum number of DD tables in a call is higher:
        4 strains maximum 12 DD tables
        3 strains maximum 16 DD tables
        2 strains maximum 25 DD tables
        1 strain maximum 50 DD tables

       Before  CalcAllTables  can  be called, a structure of type "ddTablesRes" must be declared.  CallAllTables
       returns a status integer, "no fault" means the DLL supplies the double dummy scores in t he "ddTablesRes"
       type  structure.  Its  contained  structure  of  type  “ddTableResults”  is  described  for  the function
       CalcDDtable. The variable “noOfBoards” shows the number of solved boards (max 200).

        struct ddTablesRes {
          int noOfBoards;
          struct ddTableResults results[MAXNOOFBOARDS / 4];

       Status codes:
          1=No fault,
          -201=Error, all trump suits and the no trump suit alternative have been marked in the
              calling parameter trumpFilter to be left out (i.e. they have all been set to TRUE),
          -202=Error, too many DD tables in the call.

       Structure “ddTableDeals” contains up to 50 DD table deals, each in a structure  “ddTableDeal”,  described
       for the function CalcDDtable. The actual number is set in the “noOfTables” parameter.

        struct ddTableDeals {
          int noOfTables;
          struct ddTableDeal deals[MAXNOOFBOARDS / 4];

       Parameter “mode” specifies whether or not par score and par contracts will be calculated and if so, which
       sides that are vulnerable:
        -1:    no par calculation
        0:     par calculation, vulnerability None
        1:     par calculation, vulnerability All
        2:     par calculation, vulnerability NS only
        3:     par calculation, vulnerability EW only

       The results of the par calculations are given  in  the  structure  “allParResults”,  which  contains  the
       results for all boards. Each board results are given in structure “parResults”, described for the CalcPar

        struct allParResults {
          struct parResults presults[MAXNOOFBOARDS / 4];

       Parameter “trumpFilter” describes which, if any, of the trump suits or the  no  trump  suit  alternatives
       that  will  be  excluded  from  the calculations. They are defined in the order Spades, Hearts, Diamonds,
       Clubs and No Trumps. E.g. setting trumpFilter to {FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE} means that values  will
       only be calculated for the trump suits Spades and Hearts.


       As  for  CalcAllTables  except  that the deals are given in PBN format. The structure “ddTableDealPBN” is
       described for the CalcDDtablePBN function.

        struct ddTableDealsPBN {
          int noOfTables;
          struct ddTableDealPBN deals[MAXNOOFBOARDS / 4];


       A “chunk” is a collection of boards to be solved by the same thread.  SolveAllChunks solves a  number  of
       chunks  in  parallel  for  increased performance compared to solve them sequentionally using a SolveBoard
       call for each board.

       SolveAllChunks is called with a buffer containing board data for a number of boards, maximum  200  boards
       per  call.  Each  board is defined with the same input data as in SolveBoardPBN. The input data per board
       can be freely given independent of the settings for the other  deals.  SolveAllChunks  uses  multi-thread
       calls  to  SolveBoardPBN  for  solving the buffered boards. The chunkSize parameter in the SolveAllChunks
       call specifies how many boards that are allocated per thread.

        struct boardsPBN {
          int noOfBoards;
          struct dealPBN deals[MAXNOOFBOARDS];
          int target[MAXNOOFBOARDS];
          int solutions[MAXNOOFBOARDS];
          int mode[MAXNOOFBOARDS];

        struct solvedBoards {
          int noOfBoards;
          struct futureTricks solvedBoard[MAXNOOFBOARDS];

       In the SolveAllChunks call, the cards are coded in PBN text  format  using  the  dealPBN  structure.  The
       number  of  boards  to  be  solved must be defined in the boardsPBN structure, the number must not exceed
       MAXNOOFBOARDS which is 200. In the returned information in struct  solvedBoards,  the  number  of  solved
       boards  is  given.  The futureTricks information is provided for all solved boards with the same returned
       information per board as with SolveBoard.

       SolveAllChunks returns 1 if the call succeeds. In case chunkSize is set to less than 1,  the  error  code
       -201  is given, otherwise error codes identical to the SolveBoardPBN error codes is given when there is a
       problem in the input information.


       SolveAllBoards gives the same results as  calling  SolveAllChunks  with  chunksize=1.  SolveAllBoards  is
       included to obtain DDS backward compatibility.

       Notes on DDS use for simulations

       Setting  parameter  chunkSize  to  1  in  the call to SolveAllChunks is optimal when the input boards are
       dissimilar. If however, adjacent boards in  the  boards  buffer  are  similar  (same  trump,  very  minor
       difference  between cards distribution between hands), then the transposition table information can often
       be reused. But it is then necessary that these  boards  use  the  same  thread.  For  example,  when  the
       simulation  aims to find out which hand is best as declarer, the boards can be grouped in pairs where the
       two boards in the pair have different declarer hands but otherwise are the same. In this case,  chunkSize
       should  be  set  to  2  for  obtaining  transposition  table information reuse.  In simulations involving
       different declarer hand alternatives and different trump suit alternatives, usage of CalcAllTables can be
       a more convenient alternative.


       CalcPar  calculates  the  par  score  and par contracts of a given deal. It also includes calculation and
       presentation of the double dummy values table otherwise calculated by  the  CalcDDtable  function,  since
       this  table  is a prerequisite for the par calculations. Thus there is no need to make a CalcDDtable call
       before calling CalcPar.

       Before CalcPar can be called, a structure of  each  type  "  ddTableResults"  and  “parResults”  must  be
       declared.  CalcPar returns a status integer, "no fault" means the DLL supplies the double dummy scores in
       the "ddTableResults" type structure and the par results in the “parResults” structure.   Calling  CalcPar
       with the structure of type “ddTableDeal” is done in the same way as for calling CalcDDtable.

       Status codes:
          1=No fault,
          Other status codes are errors, with codes equal to SolveBoard status codes.

       Parameter “vulnerable” is set according to:
          0 = None
          1 = Both sides
          2 = North / South side vulnerable
          3 = East / West side vulnerable

       The  structure  types “ddTableDeal” and “ddTableresults” are described for the function CalcDDtable.  The
       “parResults” structure type includes the par score and the par contracts results returned by the call  to

        struct parResults {
          char parScore[2][16]; /* index = 0 is from NS view and index =1 is from EW view. */
          char parContractsString[2][128]; /* index = 0 is NS view and index = 1 is EW view. By “view” is
               here meant which side that starts the bidding. */

       Par  score  is  given as a text string, e.g NS -460. NS lost 460 points.  All par contracts for different
       suits are listed with comma separating the suits.  Possible different trick levels of par score contracts
       are  enumerated  in  the contract description, e.g the possible trick levels 3, 4 and 5 in No trumps, are
       given as 345N.

       Example of par contracts in different suits:
        NS:NS 23S,NS 23H This is from the NS view. North and South as declarer make 2 or  3  Spades  and  Hearts
       contracts,  2  Spades and 2 Hearts with an overtrick.  If only North could make 3 Hearts, the text string
       would have looked:
        NS:NS 23S,N 23H NS before the colon refers to the assumed side that made the initial bid in the  process
       for  determining  the  par  score  /  contracts.  Also, DDS calculates the par score / contracts when the
       assumed side is EW:
        EW:NS 23S,N 23H Nearly always, the par score / contracts are the same for both starting points. One case
       where they are not is if both sides can make 1 NT but no other contract.


       The  only  difference  compared to CalcPar is that the structure type “ddTableDealPBN” is used instead of
       “ddTableDeal”. For description of “ddTableDealPBN”, see CalcDDtablePBN.

Revision History

       Rev A, 2006-02-25   First issue.

       Rev B, 2006-03-20   Updated issue.

       Rev C, 2006-03-28   Updated issue. Addition of the SolveBoard parameter ”mode”.

       Rev D, 2006-04-05   Updated issue. Usage of target=0 to list all cards that are legal to play.

       Rev E, 2006-05-29   Updated issue. New error code -10 for number of cards > 52.

       Rev F, 2006-08-09   Updated issue. New mode  parameter  value  =  2.  New  error  code  -11  for  calling
       SolveBoard with mode = 2 and forbidden values of other parameters.

       Rev  F1,  2006-08-14  Clarifications on conditions for returning scores for the different combinations of
       the values for target and solutions.

       Rev  F2,  2006-08-26  New  error  code  -12  for  wrongly  set  values   of   deal.currentTrickSuit   and

       Rev G, 2007-01-04   New DDS release 1.1, otherwise no change compared to isse F2.

       Rev H, 2007-04-23   DDS release 1.4, changes for parameter mode=2.

       Rev I, 2010-04-10   DDS release 1.2, multi-thread support.

       Rev  J, 2010-05-29   DDS release 2.1, OpenMP support, reuse of previous DD transposition table results of
       similar deals.

       Rev K, 2010-10-27   Correction of fault in the description:  2nd  index  in  resTable  of  the  structure
       ddTableResults is declarer hand.

       Rev L, 2011-10-14   Added SolveBoardPBN and CalcDDtablePBN.

       Rev M, 2012-07-06   Added SolveAllBoards.

       Rev N, 2012-07-16   Max number of threads is 8.

       Rev O, 2012-10-21   Max number of threads is configured at initial start-up, but never exceeds 16.

       Rev P, 2013-03-16   Added functions CalcPar and CalcParPBN.

       Rev Q, 2014-01-09   Added functions CalcAllTables/CalcAllTablesPBN.

       Rev R, 2014-01-13   Updated functions CalcAllTables/CalcAllTablesPBN.

       Rev S, 2014-01-13   Updated functions CalcAllTables/CalcAllTablesPBN.

       Rev T, 2014-03-01   Added function SolveAllChunks.

                                                     2014-01                                       SolveBoard(3)