bionic (3) icetDiagnostics.3.gz

icetDiagnostics -- change diagnostic reporting level.
#include <IceT.h> void icetDiagnostics( IceTBitField mask );
Sets what diagnostic message are printed to standard output. The messages to be printed out are defined by mask. mask consists of flags that are OR-ed together. The valid flags are: ICET_DIAG_OFF A zero flag used to indicate that no diagnostic messages are desired. ICET_DIAG_ERRORS Print messages associated with anomalous conditions. ICET_DIAG_WARNINGS Print messages associated with conditions that are unexpected or may lead to errors. Implicitly turns on ICET_DIAG_ERRORS. ICET_DIAG_DEBUG Print frequent messages concerning the status of IceT .Implicitly turns on ICET_DIAG_ERRORS and ICET_DIAG_WARNINGS. ICET_DIAG_ROOT_NODE Print messages only on the node with a process rank of 0. This is the default if neither ICET_DIAG_ROOT_NODE nor ICET_DIAG_ALL_NODES is set. ICET_DIAG_ALL_NODES Print messages all every nodes. ICET_DIAG_FULL Turn on all diagnostic messages on all nodes. The default flags are ICET_DIAG_ALL_NODES | ICET_DIAG_WARNINGS.
None known.
Copyright (C)2003 Sandia Corporation Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. This source code is released under the New BSD License.
See Also
icetGetError(3) IceT Reference August 9, 2010 icetDiagnostics(3)