bionic (3) subgetopt.3.gz

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       subgetopt - get option character from command line


       #include <subgetopt.h>

       char *sgoptarg;
       int sgoptind;
       int sgoptpos;
       int sgoptdone;
       int sgoptproblem;

       int sgopt(argc,argv,opts);

       int argc;
       char **argv;
       char *opts;


       sgopt returns the next valid command-line option character from argv.

       Valid  option  characters  are listed in the opts string.  opts may be empty.  A character in opts may be
       followed by a colon, in which case it takes an option argument.  Avoid using the characters ?, :,  and  -
       as option characters.

       Below option argument is abbreviated as optarg and command-line argument is abbreviated as cmdarg.

       Options  are  listed in cmdargs which begin with a minus sign.  Several options which do not take optargs
       may be combined into one cmdarg.

       An option which takes an optarg may be handled in two ways.  If it appears at the very end of  a  cmdarg,
       then  the  entire  next  cmdarg  is  the optarg.  But if there are any characters in the cmdarg after the
       option character, then those characters form the optarg.  The optarg is returned in sgoptarg.  Next  time
       sgopt looks at the cmdarg which follows the optarg.

       If a cmdarg does not begin with a hyphen, or if it is a lone hyphen not followed by any characters, or if
       it begins with two hyphens, then it terminates option processing, and sgopt returns an appropriate  code.
       If  there  are two hyphens, sgopt will advance attention to the next cmdarg, so it can be called again to
       read further options.


       sgoptproblem should be used only when sgopt returns ?.  sgoptind and sgoptpos are defined all  the  time.
       sgoptarg is defined all the time; it is null unless sgopt has just returned an option with optarg.

       sgopt is typically used as follows.

       #include <subgetopt.h>

       main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { int opt;

       while ((opt = sgopt(argc,argv,"a:s")) != sgoptdone)
         switch(opt) {
           case 'a':
             printf("opt a with optarg %s\n",sgoptarg); break;
           case 's':
             printf("opt s with no optarg\n"); break;
           case '?':
             if (argv[sgoptind] && (sgoptind < argc))
               printf("illegal opt %c\n",sgoptproblem);
               printf("missing arg, opt %c\n",sgoptproblem);

       argv += sgoptind;
       while (*argv) printf("argument %s\n",*argv++);

       The  end  of the command line is marked by either argc, or a null pointer in argv, whichever comes first.
       Normally these two markers coincide, so it is redundant to test for both argv[sgoptind]  and  sgoptind  <
       argc.  The above code shows both tests as an illustration.

       Multiple  option  sets:  One  useful technique is to call sgopt with a primary opts until it returns EOF,
       then call sgopt with a secondary opts until it returns EOF.  The user can provide primary options, then a
       double  hyphen,  and then secondary options.  No special handling is needed if some or all of the options
       are omitted.  The same technique can be used for any number of option sets in series.

       Multiple command lines: Before parsing a new argv, make sure to set sgoptind and sgoptpos back to  1  and


       sgopt  keeps  track of its position in argv with sgoptind and sgoptpos, which are initialized to 1 and 0.
       It looks at argv[sgoptind][sgoptpos] and following characters.

       sgopt indicates that no more options are available  by  returning  sgoptdone,  which  is  initialized  to
       SUBGETOPTDONE, which is defined as -1.

       sgopt begins by setting optarg to null.

       Ending conditions: If argv is null, or sgoptind is larger than argc, or the current cmdarg argv[sgoptind]
       is null, then sgopt returns optdone.

       Stage one: If the current character is zero, sgopt moves to the beginning of the next  cmdarg.   It  then
       checks the ending conditions again.

       Stage  two:  If  the  current  position  is  the begining of the cmdarg, sgopt checks whether the current
       character is a minus sign.  If not it returns optdone.  It then moves to the  next  character.   If  that
       character  is  zero,  sgopt  moves  back  to  the beginning of the cmdarg, and returns sgoptdone.  If the
       character is a minus sign, sgopt moves to the beginning of the next cmdarg, and returns sgoptdone.

       Stage three: sgopt records the current character, c, and moves to the next character.   There  are  three
       possibilities:  (1) c is an option character without optarg in opts, or (2) c is an option character with
       optarg in opts, or (3) c does not appear in opts.

       (1) If c appears as an option character without optarg in opts, sgopt returns c.

       (2) If c appears as an option character with optarg in opts, sgopt sets sgoptarg to the current position,
       and moves to the next cmdarg.  If sgoptarg is nonempty, sgopt returns c.

       Then  sgopt sets sgoptarg to the current cmdarg.  If the current cmdarg is null, or past argc, sgopt sets
       sgoptproblem to c and returns ?.  Otherwise sgopt moves to the next argument and returns c.

       (2) If c does not appear in opts, sgopt sets sgoptproblem to c and returns ?.


       sgopt is actually a macro abbreviation for subgetopt.  The external sg  variables  are  also  macros  for
       subget.  These macros are defined in <subgetopt.h>, unless SUBGETOPTNOSHORT is defined when <subgetopt.h>
       is included.


       subgetopt version 0.9, 931129.


       Placed into the public domain by Daniel J. Bernstein.
