bionic (5) wildmidi.cfg.5.gz

Provided by: libwildmidi-config_0.4.2-1_all bug


       wildmidi.cfg - Config file for libWildMidi




       Contains  the  patch  configuration  for  libWildMidi  and location of Gravis Ultrasound compatible patch

       dir ~/guspats/

       source /etc/wildmidi.cfg

       bank 0
       0 acpiano.pat amp=110 env_time4=300
       1 brpiano.pat amp=100

       drumset 0
       25 snarerol keep=env amp=225 note=60
       26 snap   note=65


              Some patch file editors switch the 4th and 5th envelopes around making the sound play much  longer
              than intended in players that stuck to the Gravis Ultrasound patch standard. Including this option
              in the config enables a fix that detects this oversight, playing the sound samples as if they were

              NOTE:  This is a global setting. If it is found to affect good patch samples it will be moved to a
              per patch setting in a future version.

              Forces WildMIDI to amplify samples to their maximum level ignoring the amp=% in the patch lines of
              the config.

              Forces  WildMIDI to amplify samples to their maximum level then apply the amp=% in the patch lines
              of the config.

       dir dir-name
              Change the search path for config and patch files to dir-name. This is  specific  to  the  current
              config  file  and  carried to any included config file unless they have their own dir setting. Any
              included file that has its own dir setting does not effect the dir setting of the  current  config

       source include-confg
              Include  the  settings  from  include-config.  Any  patch  already  set will be over-ridden by the
              included config file.

       bank N The patches following this setting belong to MIDI instrument bank N.

       drumset N
              The patches following this setting belong to MIDI drum bank N.

       patchno patchfile [amp=volume] [note=miodinte] [keep=loop] [keep=env]  [remove=sustain]  [remove=clamped]
       [env_level[0-5]=level] [env_time[0-5]=time]

       Example: 0 acpiano.pat amp=110

                     This is the MIDI patch number the instrument belongs to.

                     The filename of the Gravis Ultrasound compatible patch file. If the filename is missing the
                     .pat extension, libWildMidi will add .pat when attempting to load the file.

                     Force the volume of the samples in this patch to volume% prior to using it.

                     Use note midinote when playing the samples in this patch. NOTE:  this  is  for  instruments
                     listed under drumset.

                     Play  the  samples  in  this  patch  with  the  loop,  when  normally we would not for this

                     Use the envelope data in this patch, when normally we wouldn't for this instrument.

                     Do note hold the note after the 3rd envelope until note off, which is what happens  if  the
                     sustain bit is set in the patch file.

                     Do not jump to 6th envelope on note off, which is what happens if the clamped bit is set in
                     the patch file.

                     Set the envelope level to level with 1.0 being maximum, and 0.0 being minimum.

                     Example: set 5th envelope level to 10% - env_level[0-5]=0.1

                     Set the envelope time to time with a resolution of 1/1000th of a second.  This  setting  is
                     the time it should take for the envelope to reach maximum level.

                     Example: set 1st envelope time to 1sec - env_time0=1000

                     Example: set 3rd envelope time to 0.5secs - env_time2=500

       reverb_room_width fval
              Set  the  room  width  for  the  reverb engine in meters. fval is a float value in meters. Minimum
              setting is 1.0 meter, maximum setting is 100.0 meters, and default is 15.0 meters.

              Example: set room width to 30 meters - reverb_room_width 30

       reverb_room_length fval
              Set the room length for the reverb engine in meters. fval is a  float  value  in  meters.  Minimum
              setting is 1.0 meter, maximum setting is 100.0 meters, and default is 20.0 meters.

              Example: set room length to 40 meters - reverb_room_length 40




       Chris Ison <> Bret Curtis <>

       Copyright (C) Chris Ison  2001-2010 Copyright (C) Bret Curtis 2013-2016

       This file is part of WildMIDI.

       WildMIDI  is  free  software:  you  can  redistribute and/or modify the player under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License and you can redistribute and/or modify the library under  the  terms  of  the  GNU
       Lesser  General  Public  License  as  published  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
       licenses, or(at your option) any later version.

       WildMIDI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without  even  the
       implied  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY  or  FITNESS  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
       License and the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  and  the  GNU  Lesser  General  Public
       License along with WildMIDI. If not, see <>.

       This manpage is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view
       a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative
       Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

                                                  10 March 2016                                  wildmidi.cfg(5)