bionic (1) dacsauth.1.gz

Provided by: dacs_1.4.38a-2build1_amd64 bug


       dacsauth - authentication check


       dacsauth [-m auth-module-spec] [...] [-r roles-module-spec] [...] [-Ddirective=value] [-aux]
                [-fj jurname] [-fn fedname] [-h | -help] [-id] [-ll log_level] [-p password]
                [-pf file] [-prompt] [-promptwith prompt] [-q] [{-u | -user} username] [-v]

       dacsauth -modules

       dacsauth --version


       This program is part of the DACS suite.

       The dacsauth utility tests whether given authentication material satisfies authentication requirements
       and indicates the outcome through the process's exit status. It is similar to dacs_authenticate(8)[1] and

       dacsauth provides a way for scripts and other programs to leverage the DACS authentication
       infrastructure. They might use successful authentication as a coarse form of authorization; only a user
       that provides a correct password might be allowed to run the program, for instance. Or they might return
       some type of credentials after successful authentication, or perhaps use dacs_auth_agent(8)[3] to return
       DACS credentials.

       dacsauth can also be used to retrieve role information associated with a given user.

       dacsauth does not read any DACS configuration files. Everything needed to perform the test must be
       specified as an argument.

           If dacsauth uses a built-in module to perform authentication, or look up roles, no server component
           is required. This means that you can use dacsauth without having to access or even configure a web
           server, including Apache.


       The following command line flags are recognized. At least one -m flag (to perform authentication
       testing), or at least one -r flag must be specified (to form a role descriptor string for the identity
       and print it to stdout). A combination of both flags is allowed, in which case a role descriptor string
       is output only if the authentication test is successful.

           This is equivalent to setting directive, a general DACS configuration directive, to value. See

           The next string provided by the -p, -pf, -prompt, or -promptwith flag will be the value of the
           AUXILIARY authentication argument. This provides a secure way to pass sensitive auxiliary
           information, such as a PIN, to the program. A flag to obtain the password, if any, must precede this
           flag on the command line.

       -fj jurname
           Use jurname, which must be syntactically valid, as the jurisdiction name. If required but not
           provided, a value derived from the host's domain name will be used.

       -fn fedname
           Use fedname, which must be syntactically valid, as the federation name. If required but not provided,
           a value derived from the host's domain name will be used.

           Display a help message and exit.

           If successful, print the authenticated DACS identity to the standard output.

       -ll log_level
           Set the debugging output level to log_level (see dacs(1)[5]). The default level is warn.

       -m auth-module-spec
           Each type of authentication test that is required is described by an auth-module-spec that
           immediately follows the -m flag. Each auth-module-spec is essentially an alternate representation of
           an Auth clause[6] and its directives, which are used by dacs_authenticate(8)[1]. Just as the order in
           which Auth clauses appear in a DACS configuration file, the order in which the -m flags appear may be
           significant, depending on the control keywords. During processing, successive -m components are
           automatically assigned names, auth_module_1, auth_module_2, and so on, mainly for error reporting

           An auth-module-spec has the following syntax:

            The module begins with either the name of a built-in module, or a valid abbreviation thereof, or the
            (absolute) URL of an external authentication module (equivalent to the URL[7] directive). Next must
            appear a recognized authentication style keyword specifier (equivalent to the STYLE[8] directive).
            Next, the control keyword follows, which is identical to the CONTROL[9] directive in the Auth
            clause. After the control keyword, the flags described below may follow, in any order.

            An auth-module-spec ends when the first invalid flag (or the end of flags) is encountered.

            The -O flag is equivalent to an OPTION[10] directive.

            The -Of flag is followed by the name of a file from which to read options, one per line, in the
            format name=value. Blank lines and lines beginning with a '#' are ignored. These lines do not begin
            with "-O" and quotes are simply copied and not interpreted. A line can be continued by ending it
            with a backslash. The -Of flag can be used to avoid putting passwords on the command line and makes
            it easier to write expressions that would otherwise have to be carefully escaped to prevent
            interpretation by the shell.

            The -expr flag is equivalent to the EXPR[11] directive. The -vfs flag is used to configure VFS[12]
            directives required by this module.

           Display a list of built-in authentication modules and roles modules, one per line, and then exit. The
           canonical module name is printed, followed by zero or more equivalent abbreviations. For
           authentication modules, the authentication style is shown. To list the available modules, run the

               % dacsauth -modules

           The set of available (enabled) built-in authentication and roles modules is determined when DACS is

       -p password
           Specify the password to use (equivalent to the PASSWORD argument to dacs_authenticate).

               A password given on the command line may be visible to other users on the same system.

       -pf file
           Read the password to use from file (equivalent to the PASSWORD argument to dacs_authenticate). If
           file is "-", then the password is read from the standard input without prompting.

           Prompt for the password and read it from stdin (equivalent to the PASSWORD argument to
           dacs_authenticate). The password is not echoed.

       -promptwith prompt
           Prompt for the password using the given string (prompt) and read it from stdin (equivalent to the
           PASSWORD argument to dacs_authenticate). The password is not echoed.

           Be more quiet by reducing the debugging output level.

       -r role-module-spec
           Roles for username can be determined by giving this flag, which is immediately followed by a
           roles-module-spec. The -r flag may be repeated, and the resulting roles are combined. Each
           roles-module-spec is essentially an alternate representation of a Roles clause that is used by
           dacs_authenticate(8)[13]. Successive -r components are assigned names, roles_module_1,
           roles_module_2, and so on, mainly for error reporting purposes.

           A roles-module-spec has the following syntax:

           The module component is equivalent to the Roles clause's URL[14] directive and is either the name of
            an available built-in roles module, a valid abbreviation thereof, or the (absolute) URL of an
            external roles module.

            Flags may follow the module component, in any order. A roles-module-spec ends when the first invalid
            flag (or the end of flags) is encountered.

            The -O flag is equivalent to an OPTION[10] directive.

            The -Of flag is followed by an argument that is the name of a file from which to read options, one
            per line, in the format name=value. Blank lines and lines beginning with a '#' are ignored; note
            that these lines do not begin with "-O" and quotes are simply copied and not interpreted. The -Of
            flag can be used to avoid putting passwords on the command line and makes it easier to write
            expressions that would otherwise have to be carefully escaped to prevent interpretation by the
            shell, for example.

            The -expr flag is equivalent to the EXPR[11] directive. The -vfs flag is used to configure VFS[12]
            directives required by module.

       -u username
       -user username
           The username to authenticate against (equivalent to the USERNAME argument to dacs_authenticate). This
           username is implicitly associated with the effective federation and jurisdiction (see the -fn[15] and
           -fj[16] flags).

           The -v flag bumps the debugging output level to debug or (if repeated) trace.

           Display the program's version information and then exit.


           If dacsauth uses a built-in module to perform authentication, it must run setuid or setgid to obtain
           sufficient privileges to access the required password file (the same is true for built-in roles
           modules). If it uses an external module, that module will need to execute with sufficient privileges
           to access DACS cryptographic keys, specifically federation_keys and possibly DACS or system password
           files; the external module will then need to execute with sufficient privileges to access any files
           it requires.

           Be sure to use the federation_keys that are correct for your federation. Referencing authentication
           modules in two or more federations will probably not work.

           dacsauth should therefore not ordinarily run as the UID of the user that invokes it (unless that
           happens to be root) because it will not be able to access the information it requires. This will also
           prevent a user from "cheating" (e.g., by attaching to the running module with a debugger).

           Examples in this section that involve NTLM and LDAP were tested against Windows Server 2012. Names
           and URLs will likely be different on your system. Refer to the descriptions of
           local_ldap_authenticate[17] and local_ldap_roles[18] for additional information.

       This example authenticates user "bobo" with password "test" against the DACS password file

           % dacsauth -m passwd passwd required
             -vfs "[passwds]dacs-kwv-fs:/usr/local/dacs/conf/passwd" -q -u bobo -p test

       If the command's exit status is zero, the authentication test succeeded, otherwise it failed.

       The following example attempts to authenticate "bobo" against her Unix password file. The program prompts
       for the password. It will probably need to be run as root.

           % sudo dacsauth -m unix passwd required -u bobo -prompt

       In the next example, dacsauth attempts to authenticate "bobo" via NTLM on

           % dacsauth -m ntlm passwd suff -OSAMBA_SERVER="" \
               -prompt -u bobo

       This example is similar to the previous one, except that an external authentication module is used and
       the password is read from a file. Because of the external module, additional configuration must be
       provided; in particular, the location of federation_keys and the federation and jurisdiction names must
       be specified.

           % dacsauth -m \
              passwd sufficient -OSAMBA_SERVER="" \
             -fn EXAMPLE -fj FEDROOT -u bobo -pf mypass \

       To authenticate against the Google[19] account, one might use:

           % dacsauth -m http passwd suff \
             -OAUTH_URL="" \
             -Oservice=xapi -Osource=DSS-DACS-1.4 -prompt -u

       In the following example, an expression is evaluated to determine whether authentication should succeed.
       The user ("bobo") is prompted for a password. Only if the string "foo" is given will authentication
       succeed. A more realistic example might call another program to help make the determination, for

           % dacsauth -m expr expr suffi \
            -expr '${Args::PASSWORD} eq "foo" ? ${Args::USERNAME} : ""' \
               -user bobo -prompt

       Authentication against an Apache htdigest password file is performed in the following example, where the
       password is read from stdin:

           % echo "test" | dacsauth -m apache digest sufficient \
             -OAUTH_MODULE=mod_auth_digest \
             -OAUTH_FILE=/usr/local/apache2/conf/passwords.digest \
             -OAUTH_REALM="DACS Digest Auth Area" \
             -u bobo -pf -

       Authentication via the PAM module works differently than the other modules - and is more complicated to
       use - because dacsauth may need to be run several times, depending on what information PAM requires.
       Instead of returning a yes/no decision, dacsauth may print prompts for more information to stdout. Please
       review the operational details presented in dacs_authenticate(8)[20] and pamd(8)[21] before attempting to
       use this module.

       The following example demonstrates use of the module from the command line. Once the basic ideas are
       understood, it should be apparent how to write a script to performed the necessary iterations. Details in
       the example, such as paths, may need to be adjusted for your environment. Note that in this example the
       username is not specified the first time dacsauth is run, although it could be if it were known.

           % dacsauth -m pam prompted suffic \
            -vfs "[federation_keys]dacs-fs:/usr/local/dacs/federations/dss/federation_keys" \
            -OPAMD_HOST=localhost -OPAMD_PORT=dacs-pamd -fj EXAMPLE -fn TEST
           % dacsauth -m pam prompted suffic \
            -vfs "[federation_keys]dacs-fs:/usr/local/dacs/federations/dss/federation_keys" \
            -OAUTH_PROMPT_VAR1="bobo" \
            -OAUTH_TRANSID=""-fj EXAMPLE -fn TEST
           % dacsauth -m pam prompted suffic \
            -vfs "[federation_keys]dacs-fs:/usr/local/dacs/federations/dss/federation_keys" \
            -OAUTH_PROMPT_VAR2="apassword" \
            -OAUTH_TRANSID=""-fj EXAMPLE -fn TEST

       The first time dacsauth is run in the example it returns a prompt for the username ("Login:") that is
       associated with the transaction variable AUTH_PROMPT_VAR1 and a transaction identifier (AUTH_TRANSID).
       The latter must be passed to the subsequent executions of dacsauth. The second run of dacsauth passes the
       username ("bobo") and returns another prompt ("Password:") that is associated with the transaction
       variable AUTH_PROMPT_VAR2. The third run passes the password ("apassword") but no prompt is returned,
       indicating that the session is complete and the program's exit status reflects the outcome of

           Whether dacsauth requires a password to retrieve roles depends on the particular roles module being
           used. For example, a password is not required by local_unix_roles[22] or local_roles[23] to obtain
           roles, but local_ldap_roles[18] will probably need a password to bind to the directory and obtain

       This example prints the role string for user "bobo" by calling the built-in local_unix_roles[22] module:

           % dacsauth -r unix -u bobo

       The next example is similar to the previous one, except an external roles module is used:

           % dacsauth -r \
             -DVFS="[federation_keys]dacs-fs:/usr/local/dacs/federations/federation_keys" \
             -fn EXAMPLE -u bobo

       The external roles module might be executed on a different host than the one running dacsauth. Provided
       dacsauth has been installed and a matching federation_keys file is available on the local host, the local
       host need not be a DACS jurisdiction or have any other DACS configuration.

       The following example prints the role string[24] for user "bobo" (sAMAccountName), known within the
       directory by the Common Name "Bobo Baggins", using the (external) local_ldap_roles[18] module and the
       "direct" binding method:

           % dacsauth -r \
               -Of /usr/local/dacs/ldap_roles_options_direct -u "bobo" \
               -DVFS="[federation_keys]dacs-fs:/usr/local/dacs/federations/federation_keys" \
                -fn EXAMPLE -fj FEDROOT -prompt

       Because there would be a lot of flags to place on the command line, the options that are needed in this
       example are instead read from a file that is specified using the -Of flag. This is also a more secure way
       to pass passwords to the program. Ensure that access to the file is restricted appropriately. In this
       example, the file /usr/local/dacs/ldap_roles_options_direct might contain configuration such as this:

           LDAP_USERNAME_URL*="ldap://" . encode(url, ${Args::DACS_USERNAME}) . ",cn=Users,dc=Example,dc=local"

           LDAP_ROLES_SELECTOR*="${LDAP::attrname}" eq "memberOf" ? strtr(ldap(rdn_attrvalue, \
               ldap(dn_index, "${LDAP::attrvalue}", 1)), " ", "_") : ""

       Notice that in this context the variable that denotes an authenticated username is referenced
       (${Args::DACS_USERNAME}) rather than the variable that denotes a purported username (${Args::USERNAME}).

       The following example is like the previous one, except that it uses the "indirect" binding method and
       therefore is not given the specific URL for the user:

           % dacsauth -r \
               -Of /usr/local/dacs/ldap_roles_options_indirect -u bobo \
               -DVFS="[federation_keys]dacs-fs:/usr/local/dacs/federations/federation_keys" \
                -fn EXAMPLE -fj FEDROOT -p bobospassword

       The file /usr/local/dacs/ldap_roles_options_indirect might contain configuration similar to this:


           # Search under Users...


           LDAP_ROLES_SELECTOR*="${LDAP::attrname}" eq "memberOf" ? strtr(ldap(rdn_attrvalue, \
               ldap(dn_index, "${LDAP::attrvalue}", 1)), " ", "_") : ""

       Suppose one wanted to use dacsauth to authenticate a user via LDAP in a way analogous to this dacs.conf

           <Auth id="ldap">
           URL ""
           STYLE "password,add_roles"
           CONTROL "required"
           LDAP_BIND_METHOD "direct"
           LDAP_USERNAME_URL* '"ldap://" . encode(url, ${Args::USERNAME}) . ",cn=Users,dc=example,dc=local"'
           LDAP_USERNAME_EXPR* '"${LDAP::sAMAccountName}"'
           LDAP_ROLES_SELECTOR* '"${LDAP::attrname}" eq "memberOf" \
               ? strtr(ldap(rdn_attrvalue, ldap(dn_index, "${LDAP::attrvalue}", 1)), " ", "_") : ""'

       A file like this (e.g., /usr/local/dacs/ldap_auth_options_direct) would contain the following directives:

           LDAP_USERNAME_URL*="ldap://" . encode(url, ${Args::USERNAME}) . ",cn=Users,dc=example,dc=local"
           LDAP_ROLES_SELECTOR*="${LDAP::attrname}" eq "memberOf" \
               ? strtr(ldap(rdn_attrvalue, ldap(dn_index, "${LDAP::attrvalue}", 1)), " ", "_") : ""

       Authentication could then be performed using a command like this:

           % dacsauth -fj FEDROOT \
             -m passwd suff \
             -Of /usr/local/dacs/ldap_auth_options_direct \
             -DVFS="[federation_keys]dacs-fs:/usr/local/dacs/federations/federation_keys" \
             -fn EXAMPLE -u bobo -prompt

       For indirect authentication, a configuration file similar to this could be used:



           LDAP_ROLES_SELECTOR*="${LDAP::attrname}" eq "memberOf" \
           ? strtr(ldap(rdn_attrvalue, ldap(dn_index, "${LDAP::attrvalue}", 1)), " ", "_") : ""

   Enhancing SSH Security
       The OpenSSH SSH daemon sshd(8)[25] provides a hook, executed after normal authentication, that allows an
       arbitrary command to be executed rather than the user's shell. Refer to the description of the
       ForceCommand and Match keywords in sshd_config(5)[26]. This feature can be used to insert DACS
       authentication capabilities into sshd for users that sign on through ssh. To do this, the ForceCommand
       keyword names a small program that runs dacsauth, which might prompt the user for an additional password
       or codeword, validate it, and return the result of authentication through its exit status. Depending on
       the result of authentication, the small program can execute the user's shell or other program. In a
       similar way, dacscheck(1)[27] can be called by the small program to consult DACS access control rules.
       Note that it seems that in some contexts the program run by ForceCommand cannot disable keyboard echo,
       which might make this approach inappropriate sometimes.


       The program exits 0 if authentication was successful or with 1 if authentication failed or an error


       This command only supplies partial support for interacting with dacs_authenticate. It may not be possible
       for an authentication module to return role information, as can be done by dacs_authenticate.

       It would be better if the -m flag were instead -a (for "authenticate").


       dacscred(1)[2], dacs_authenticate(8)[1], dacs.exprs(5)[28]


       Distributed Systems Software ([29])


       Copyright2003-2016 Distributed Systems Software. See the LICENSE[30] file that accompanies the
       distribution for licensing information.


        1. dacs_authenticate(8)

        2. dacscred(1)

        3. dacs_auth_agent(8)

        4. dacs.conf(5)

        5. dacs(1)

        6. Auth clause

        7. URL

        8. STYLE

        9. CONTROL

       10. OPTION

       11. EXPR

       12. VFS

       13. dacs_authenticate(8)

       14. URL

       15. -fn

       16. -fj

       17. local_ldap_authenticate

       18. local_ldap_roles

       19. Google

       20. dacs_authenticate(8)

       21. pamd(8)

       22. local_unix_roles

       23. local_roles

       24. role string

       25. sshd(8)

       26. sshd_config(5)

       27. dacscheck(1)

       28. dacs.exprs(5)


       30. LICENSE