Provided by: fim_0.5~rc3-2build1_amd64 bug


       fimgs  -  poor  man's  [http://]PostScript/pdf/dvi/cbr/rar/cbz/zip  viewer  for  the linux
       framebuffer console


       fimgs [ {fimgs-options} ] file [-- [{fim-options}]]


       fimgs is a simple wrapper script which takes a PostScript or pdf or .cbr or .rar  or  .cbz
       or  .zip or .dvi or any of the above prefixed with http:// or https:// or ssh:// as input,
       renders the pages using ghostscript into a temporary directory and finally calls   fim  to
       display them.

       In case of compressed archives (in zip or rar formats), the images are decompressed into a
       directory and displayed using  fim.  In this latter case, only  images  contained  in  the
       archive will be displayed (no nested archives or pdf's or ps's or dvi's).

       The temporary directory name is taken from the $TMPDIR environment variable.


       To pass through options to  fim, you may specify them after "--".

       -r {resolution} Specify resolution for the 'gs' -r option (e.g.: 96x96; default 120x120).

       -m     Dump a man page for fimgs.

       -p {password}
              Specify password for the 'gs' -p (password) option.

       -h     Will display a help message.


       fim(1), fimrc(1), gs(1), fbi(1), fbgs(1), bash(1)


       Michele Martone <dezperado _ GUESS _>.

                                  (c) 2007-2011 Michele Martone                          fimgs(1)