bionic (1) grap.1.gz

Provided by: grap_1.45-1_amd64 bug


     grap — Kernighan and Bentley's language for typesetting graphs


     grap [-d defines_file] [-D] [-l] [-M include path] [-R] [-r] [-v] [-u] [-C] [-c] [-h] [filename ...]


     grap is an implementation of Kernighan and Bentley's language for typesetting graphs, as described in
     ``Grap-A Language for Typesetting Graphs, Tutorial and User Manual,'' by Jon L. Bentley and Brian W.
     Kernighan, revised May 1991, which is the primary source for information on how to use grap.  As of this
     writing, it is available electronically at  Additional
     documentation and examples, packaged with grap, may have been installed locally as well.  If available,
     paths to them can be displayed using grap -h or grap -v (or grap --help / grap --version)

     This version is a black box implementation of grap, and some inconsistencies are to be expected.  The
     remainder of this manual page will briefly outline the grap language as implemented here.

     grap is a pic(1) pre-processor.  It takes commands embedded in a troff(1) source file which are surrounded
     by .G1 and .G2 macros, and rewrites them into pic commands to display the graph.  Other lines are copied.
     Output is always to the standard output, which is usually redirected.  Input is from the given filenames,
     which are read in order.  A filename of - is the standard input.  If no filenames are given, input is read
     from the standard input.

     Because grap is a pic preprocessor, and GNU pic will output TeX, it is possible to use grap with TeX.

     The -d option specifies a file of macro definitions to be read at startup, and defaults to
     /usr/share/grap/grap.defines .  The -D option inhibits the reading of any initial macros file (the -l flag
     is a synonym for -D, though I do not remember why).  The defines file can also be given using the
     GRAP_DEFINES environment variable. (See below).

     -v prints the version information on the standard output and exits.  --version is a synonym for -v.

     -u makes labels unaligned by default.  This version of grap uses new features of GNU pic to align the left
     and right labels with the axes, that is that the left and right labels run at right angles to the text of
     the paper.  This may be useful in porting old grap programs.  -c makes plot strings unclipped by default.
     Some versions of grap allow users to place a string anywhere in the coordinate space, rather than only in
     the frame.  By default this version of grap does not plot any string centered outside the frame.  -c allows
     strings to be placed anywhere.  See also the clipped and unclipped string modifiers described in the plot

     -M is followed by a colon-separated list of directories used to search for relative pathnames included via
     copy.  The path is also used to locate the defines file, so if the -d changes the defines file name to a
     relative name, it will be searched for in the path given by -M.  The search path always includes the
     current directory, and by default that directory is searched last.

     All numbers used internally by grap are double precision floating point values.  Sometimes using floating
     point numbers has unintended consequences.  To help avoid these problems, grap can use two thresholds for
     comparison of floating point numbers, set by -R or -r.  The -R flag sets coarse comparison mode, which is
     suitable for most applications.  If you are plotting small values – less than 1e-6 or so – consider using
     -r which uses very fine comparisons between numbers.  You may also want to rescale your plotted values to
     be larger in magnitude. The coarse comarisons are used by default.

     To be precise, the value by which two numbers must differ for grap to consider them not equal is called the
     comparison limit and the smallest non-zero number is called the minimum value.  The values a given version
     of grap uses for these are included in the output of -v or -h.

     All grap commands are included between .G1 and .G2 macros, which are consumed by grap.  The output contains
     pic between .PS and .PE macros.  Any arguments to the .G1 macro in the input are arguments to the .PS macro
     in the output, so graphs can be scaled just like pic diagrams.  If -C is given, any macro beginning with
     .G1 or .G2 is treated as a .G1 or .G2 macro, for compatibility with old versions of troff.  Using -C also
     forces pure troff syntax on embedded font change commands when strings have the size attribute, and all
     strings to be unclipped.

     The -h flag prints a brief help message and exits.  --help is a synonym for -h.

     It is possible for someone to cause grap to fail by passing a bad format string and data to the sprintf
     command.  If grap is integrated as part of the printing system, this could conceivably provided a path to
     breaching security on the machine.  If you choose to use grap as part of a printing system run by the
     super-user, you should disable sprintf commands.  This can be done by calling grap with the -S flag,
     setting the GRAP_SAFER environment variable, or compiling with the GRAP_SAFER preprocessor symbol defined.
     (The GNU configure script included with grap will define that preprocessor symbol if the --with-grap-safe
     option is given.)

     The grap commands are sketched below.  Refer to Kernighan and Bentley's paper for the details.

     New versions of groff(1) will invoke grap if -G is given.

     Commands are separated from one another by newlines or semicolons (;).

     frame [line_description] [ht height | wid width] [[(top|bottom|left| right) line_description] ...]

     frame [ht height | wid width] [line_description] [[(top|bottom|left| right) line_description] ...]

           This  describes  how  the axes for the graph are drawn. A line_description is a pic line description,
           e.g., dashed 0.5, or the literal solid.  It may also include a color keyword followed by the color to
           draw  the  string in double quotes.  Any color understood by the underlying groff system can be used.
           Color can only be used under GNU pic, and is not available in compatibility mode.  Similarly, for pic
           implementations  that  understand thickness, that attribute may be used with a real valued parameter.
           Thickness is not available in compatibility mode.

           If the first line_description is given, the frame is drawn with that style.  The  default  is  solid.
           The  height  and  width  of the frame can also be specified in inches.  The default line style can be
           over-ridden for sides of the frame by specifying additional parameters to frame.

           If no plotting commands have been given before the frame command is issued, the frame will be  output
           at that point in the plotting stream relative to embedded troff or pic commands.  Otherwise the frame
           is output before the first plotted object (even invisible ones).

           ht and wid are in inches by default, but can be any groff unit.  If omitted,  the  dimensions  are  2
           inches high by 3 inches wide.

     coord [name] [x expr, expr] [y expr, expr] [log x | log y | log log]

           The coord command specifies a new coordinate system or sets limits on the default system.  It defines
           the largest and smallest values that can be plotted, and therefore the  scale  of  the  data  in  the
           frame.   The  limits for the x and y coordinate systems can be given separately.  If a name is given,
           that coordinate system is defined, if not the default system is modified.

           A coordinate system created by one coord command may be modified by  subsequent  coord  commands.   A
           grap  program  may  declare  a coordinate space using coord, copy a file of data through a macro that
           plots the data and finds its maxima and minima, and then define the size  of  the  coordinate  system
           with a second coord statement.

           This  command also determines if a scale is plotted logarithmically.  log log means the same thing as
           log x log y.

     draw [line_name] [line_description] [plot_string]

           The draw command defines the style with which a given line will be plotted.  If line_name  is  given,
           the  style  is  associated with that name, otherwise the default style is set.  line_description is a
           pic line description, and the optional plot_string is a string to be centered  at  each  point.   The
           default  line  description  is  invis,  and  the  default plotting string is a centered bullet, so by
           default each point is a filled circle, and they are unconnected.  If points are being connected, each
           draw command ends any current line and begins a new one.

           When  defining a line style, that is the first draw command for a given line name, specifying no plot
           string means that there are to be no plot strings.  Omitting  the  plot  string  on  subsequent  draw
           commands  addressing  the  same  named  line means not to change the plot string.  If a line has been
           defined with a plot string, and the format is changed by a subsequent draw statement, the plot string
           can be removed by specifying "" in the draw statement.

           The  plot  string can have its format changed through several string_modifiers.  String_modifiers are
           described in the description of the plot command.

           The standard defines file includes several macros useful as plot strings, including  bullet,  square,
           and delta.

           new is a synonym for draw.

     next [line_name] at [coordinates_name] expr, expr [line_description]

           The  next  command  plots  the given point using the line style given by line_name, or the default if
           none is given.  If line_name is given, it should have been defined by an earlier draw command, if not
           a  new  line style with that name is created, initialized the same way as the default style.  The two
           expressions give the point's x and y values, relative to the optional coordinate system.  That system
           should  have  been  defined  by  an  earlier  coord command, if not, grap will exit.  If the optional
           line_description is given, it overrides the style's default line description.  You  cannot  over-ride
           the plotting string.  To use a different plotting string use the plot command.

           The coordinates may optionally be enclosed in parentheses: (expr, expr)

     quoted_string [string_modifiers] [, quoted_string [string_modifiers]] ...  at [coordinates_name] expr, expr

     plot expr [format_string] at [coordinates_name] expr, expr

           These  commands  both  plot  a  string at the given point.  In the first case the literal strings are
           stacked above each other.  The string_modifiers  include  the  pic  justification  modifiers  (ljust,
           rjust,  above,  and  below), and absolute and relative size modifiers.  See the pic documentation for
           the description of the justification  modifiers.   grap  also  supports  the  aligned  and  unaligned
           modifiers which are briefly noted in the description of the label command.

           The  standard  defines file includes several macros useful as plot strings, including bullet, square,
           and delta.

           Strings placed by either format of the plot command are restricted to being within the  frame.   This
           can  be overridden by using the unclipped attribute, which allows a string to be plotted in or out of
           the frame.  The -c and -C flags set unclipped on all strings, and to  prevent  a  string  from  being
           plotted  outside  the  frame when those flags are active, the clipped attribute can be used to retore
           clipping behavior.  Though clipped or unclipped can be applied to any string, it only has meaning for
           plot statements.

           size  expr  sets  the  string  size  to  expr  points.   If expr is preceded by a + or -, the size is
           increased or decreased by that many points.

           If color and a color name in double quotes appears, the string will be rendered in that color under a
           version of GNU troff that supports color.  Color is not available in compatibility mode.

           In the second version, the expr is converted to a string and placed on the graph.  format_string is a
           printf(3) format string.  Only formatting escapes for printing floating  point  numbers  make  sense.
           The  format  string  is only respected if the sprintf command is also active.  See the description of
           sprintf for the various ways to disable it.  Plot  and  sprintf  respond  differently  when  grap  is
           running   safely.   Sprintf  ignores  any  arguments,  passing  the  format  string  through  without
           substitution.  plot ignores the format string completely, plotting expr using the "%g" format.

           Points are specified the same way as for next commands, with  the  same  consequences  for  undefined
           coordinate systems.

           The  second form of this command is because the first form can be used with a grap sprintf expression
           (See Expressions).

     ticks (left|right|top|bottom)[ (in|out) [expr]] [on|auto coord_name]

     ticks (left|right|top|bottom) (in|out) [expr] [up expr | down expr | left expr | right expr] at
     [coord_name] expr [format_string] [[, expr [format_string]] ...]

     ticks (left|right|top|bottom) (in|out) [expr] [up expr | down expr | left expr | right expr] from
     [coord_name] start_expr to end_expr [by [+|-|*|/] by_expr] [format_string]

     ticks [left|right|top|bottom] off

           This command controls the placement of ticks on the  frame.   By  default,  ticks  are  automatically
           generated on the left and bottom sides of the frame.

           The first version of this command turns on the automatic tick generation for a given side.  The in or
           out parameter controls the direction and length of the ticks.  If  a  coord_name  is  specified,  the
           ticks  are  automatically  generated  using  that  coordinate system.  If no system is specified, the
           default coordinate system is used.  As with next and plot, the coordinate  system  must  be  declared
           before  the  ticks  statement that references it.  This syntax for requesting automatically generated
           ticks is an extension, and will not port to older grap implementations.

           The second version of the ticks command overrides the automatic placement of the ticks by  specifying
           a  list of coordinates at which to place the ticks.  If the ticks are not defined with respect to the
           default coordinate system, the coord_name parameter must be given.  For each tick a  printf(3)  style
           format  string  can  be  given.  The format_string defaults to "%g".  The format string can also take
           string modifiers as described  in  the  plot  command.   To  place  ticks  with  no  labels,  specify
           format_string as "".

           If sprintf is disabled, ticks behaves as plot with respect to the format string.

           The labels on the ticks may be shifted by specifying a direction and the distance in inches to offset
           the label.  That is the optional direction and expression immediately preceding the at.

           The third format of the ticks command over-rides the default tick generation with a set of  ticks  ar
           regular  intervals.   The  syntax is reminiscent of programming language for loops.  Ticks are placed
           starting at start_expr ending at end_expr one unit apart.  If the by clause is specified,  ticks  are
           by_expr units apart.  If an operator appears before by_expr each tick is operated on by that operator
           instead of +.  For example

                       ticks left out from 2 to 32 by *2

           will put ticks at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.  If format_string is specified, all ticks are formatted  using

           The parameters preceding the from act as described above.

           The at and for forms of tick command may both be issued on the same side of a frame.  For example:

                       ticks left out from 2 to 32 by *2
                       ticks left in 3, 5, 7

           will  put ticks on the left side of the frame pointing out at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 and in at 3, 5, and

           The final form of ticks turns off ticks on a given side.  If no side is given the ticks for all sides
           are cancelled.

           tick is a synonym for ticks.

     grid (left|right|top|bottom) [ticks off] [line_description] [up expr | down expr | left expr | right expr]
     [on|auto [coord_name]]

     grid (left|right|top|bottom) [ticks off] [line_description] [up expr | down expr | left expr | right expr]
     at [coord_name] expr [format_string] [[, expr [format_string]] ...]

     grid (left|right|top|bottom) [ticks off] [line_description] [up expr | down expr | left expr | right expr]
     from [coord_name] start_expr to end_expr [by [+|-|*|/] by_expr] [format_string]

           The grid command is similar to the ticks command except that grid specifies the placement of lines in
           the frame.  The syntax is similar to ticks as well.

           By  specifying  ticks  off  in  the  command, no ticks are drawn on that side of the frame.  If ticks
           appear on a side by default, or have been declared by an earlier ticks command, grid does not  cancel
           them unless ticks off is specified.

           Instead of a direction for ticks, grid allows the user to pick a line description for the grid lines.
           The usual pic line descriptions are allowed.

           Grids are labelled by default.  To omit labels, specify the format string as "".

           If sprintf is disabled, grid behaves as plot with respect to the format string.

     label (left|right|top|bottom) quoted_string [string_modifiers] [, quoted_string [string_modifiers]] ...
     [up expr | down expr | left expr | right expr]

           The  label command places a label on the given axis.  It is possible to specify several labels, which
           will be stacked over each other as in pic.  The final argument, if present, specifies how many inches
           the label is shifted from the axis.

           By default the labels on the left and right labels run parallel to the frame.  You can cancel this by
           specifying unaligned as a string_modifier.

     circle at [coordinate_name] expr, expr [radius expr] [linedesc]

           This draws an circle at the point indicated.  By default, the circle is small,  0.025  inches.   This
           can  be  over-ridden  by specifying a radius.  The coordinates of the point are relative to the named
           coordinate system, or the default system if none is specified.

           This command has been extended to take a line description, e.g., dotted.  It also accepts the filling
           extensions  described  below  in the bar command.  It will also accept a color keyword that gives the
           color of the outline of the circle in double quotes and a fillcolor command that sets  the  color  to
           fill  the circle with similarly.  Colors are only available when compatibility mode is off, and using
           a version of GNU pic that supports color.

     line [line_description] from [coordinate_name] expr, expr to [coordinate_name] expr, expr

     arrow [line_description] from [coordinate_name] expr, expr to [coordinate_name] expr, expr

           This draws a line or arrow from the first point to the second using the  given  style.   The  default
           line  style  is  solid.   The  line_description  can  be given either before the from or after the to
           clause.  If both are given the second is used.  It is possible to specify one point in one coordinate
           system  and  one  in another, note that if both points are in a named coordinate system (even if they
           are in the same named coordinate system), both points must have coordinate_name given.

     copy ["filename"] [until "string"] [thru macro]

           The copy command imports data from another file into  the  current  graph.   The  form  with  only  a
           filename given is a simple file inclusion; the included file is simply read into the input stream and
           can contain arbitrary grap commands.  The more common case is that it is a number  list;  see  Number
           Lists below.

           The  second  form  takes lines from the file, splits them into words delimited by one or more spaces,
           and calls the given macro with those words as parameters.  The macro may either be defined  here,  or
           be a macro defined earlier.  See Macros for more information on macros.

           The filename may be omitted if the until clause is present.  If so the current file is treated as the
           input file until string is encountered at the beginning of the line.

           copy is one of the workhorses of grap.  Check out the paper and /usr/share/doc/grap/examples for more
           details.  Confirm the location of the examples directory using the -v flag.
     print (expr|string)

           Prints its argument to the standard error.

     sh block

           This  passes block to sh(1).  Unlike K&B grap no macro or variable expansion is done.  I believe that
           this is also true for GNU pic version 1.10.  See the  Macros  section  for  information  on  defining

     pic pic_statement

           This  issues the given pic statements  in the enclosing .PS and .PE at the point where the command is

           Statements that begin with a period are considered to be troff(statements)  and  are  output  in  the
           enclosing .PS and .PE at the point where the command appears.

           For  the  purposes  of  relative  placement of pic or troff commands, the frame is output immediately
           before the first plotted object, or the frame statement, if any.  If the user specifies pic or  troff
           commands and neither any plotable object nor a frame command, the commands will not be output.

     graph Name pic_commands

           This  command  is used to position graphs with respect to each other.  The current graph is given the
           pic name Name (names used by pic begin with capital letters).  Any pic commands following  the  graph
           are  used  to  position  the  next  graph.  The frame of the graph is available for use with pic name
           Frame. The following places a second graph below the first:

                       graph Linear
                       [ graph description ]
                       graph Exponential with .Frame.n at \
                               Linear.Frame.s - (0, .05)
                       [ graph description ]

     name = expr

           This assigns expr to the variable name.  grap has only numeric (double) variables.

           Assignment creates a variable if it does not exist.  Variables persist  across  graphs.   Assignments
           can cascade; a = b = 35 assigns 35 to a and b.

     bar (up|right) [coordinates_name] offset ht height [wid width] [base base_offset] [line_description]

     bar [coordinates_name] expr, expr, [coordinates_name] expr, expr, [line_description]

           The  bar  command  facilitates  drawing  bar graphs.  The first form of the command describes the bar
           somewhat generally and has grap place it.  The bar may extend up or to  the  right,  is  centered  on
           offset and extends up or right height units (in the given coordinate system).  For example

                       bar up 3 ht 2

           draws a 2 unit high bar sitting on the x axis, centered on x=3.  By default bars are 1 unit wide, but
           this can be changed with the wid keyword.  By default bars sit on the base axis, i.e., bars  directed
           up  will  extend from y=0.  That may be overridden by the base keyword.  (The bar described above has
           corners (2.5, 0) and (3.5, 2).)

           The line description has been extended to include a fill expr  keyword  that  specifies  the  shading
           inside  the bar.  Bars may be drawn in any line style.  They support the color and fillcolor keywords
           described under circle.

           The second form of the command draws a box with the two points as corners.  This can be used to  draw
           boxes  highlighting  certain data as well as bar graphs.  Note that filled bars will cover data drawn
           under them.

   Control Flow
     if expr then block [else block]

           The if statement provides simple conditional execution.  If expr is non-zero,  the  block  after  the
           then statement is executed.  If not the block after the else is executed, if present.  See Macros for
           the definition of blocks.  Early versions of this implementation of grap treated the blocks as macros
           that  were  defined  and  expanded  in  place.   This  led  to unnecessary confusion because explicit
           separators were sometimes called for.  Now, grap inserts a separator (;) after the last character  in
           block, so constructs like

           if (x == 3) { y = y + 1 }
           x = x + 1

           behave as expected.  A separator is also appended to the end of a for block.

     for name from from_expr to to_expr [by [+|-|*|/] by_expr] do block

           This  command  executes  block iteratively.  The variable name is set to from_expr and incremented by
           by_expr until it exceeds to_expr.  The iteration has the semantics defined in the ticks command.  The
           definition  of  block  is  discussed  in  Macros.  See also the note about implicit separators in the
           description of the if command.

           An = can be used in place of from.

     grap supports most standard arithmetic operators: + - / * ^.  The carat (^) is exponentiation.  In an if
     statement grap also supports the C logical operators ==, !=, &&, || and unary !.  Also in an if, == and !=
     are overloaded for the comparison of quoted strings.  Parentheses are used for grouping.

     Assignment is not allowed in an expression in any context, except for simple cascading of assignments.  a =
     b = 35 works as expected; a = 3.5 * (b = 10) does not execute.

     grap supports the following functions that take one argument: log, exp, int, sin, cos, sqrt, rand, floor,
     ceil.  The logarithms are base 10 and the trigonometric functions are in radians.  eexp returns Euler's
     number to the given power and ln returns the natural logarithm.  The natural log, exponentiation functions
     and floor and ceil are extensions and are probably not available in other grap implementations.

     rand returns a random number uniformly distributed on [0,1).  The following two-argument functions are
     supported: atan2, min, max.  atan2 works just like atan2(3).  The random number generator can be seeded by
     calling srand with a single parameter (converted internally to an integer).  Because its return value is of
     no use, you must use srand as a separate statement, it is not part of a valid expression.  srand is not

     The getpid function takes no arguments and returns the process id.  This may be used to seed the random
     number generator, but do not expect cryptographically random values to result.

     Other than string comparison, no expressions can use strings.  One string valued function exists: sprintf
     (format, [expr [, expr]] ).  It operates like sprintf(3), except returning the value.  It can be used
     anywhere a quoted string is used.  If grap is run with -S, the environment variable GRAP_SAFER is defined,
     or grap has been compiled for safer operation, the sprintf command will return the format string.  This
     mode of operation is only intended to be used only if grap is being used as part of a super-user enabled
     print system.

     grap version 1.44 and beyond support two functions for date and time manipulation, strptime and strptime.
     strptime parses a time using the strptime(3) function.  It takes two parameters, both strings, the format
     and a string to parse using that format and returns a number that can be sorted directly - the number of
     seconds since the UNIX epoch.  strftime does the reverse.  It takes a string and a number and formats the
     number into a date.  In both functions, the format is the first parameter.  The formats are defined in the
     documentation for strftime(3).

     grap has a simple but powerful macro facility.  Macros are defined using the define command :

     define name block
     undefine name

           Every  occurrence of name in the program text is replaced by the contents of block.  block is defined
           by a series of statements in nested { }'s, or a series of statements surrounded by the  same  letter.
           An example of the latter is

                       define foo  X coord x 1,3 X
           Each  time  foo appears in the text, it will be replaced by coord x 1,3.  Macros are literal, and can
           contain newlines.  If a macro does not span multiple lines, it should end in  a  semicolon  to  avoid
           parsing errors.

           Macros  can  take  parameters,  too.  If a macro call is followed by a parenthesized, comma-separated
           list the values starting with $1 will be replaced in the macro with the elements of the  list.   A  $
           not  followed  by  a  digit  is  left  unchanged.   This  parsing  is very rudimentary; no nesting or
           parentheses or escaping of commas is allowed.  Also, there is no way to say argument 1 followed by  a
           digit (${1}0 in sh(1)).

           The following will draw a line with slope 1.

                       define foo { next at $1, $2 }
                       for i from 1 to 5 { foo(i,i) }
           Macros  persist  across  graphs.   The  file  /usr/share/grap/grap.defines contains simple macros for
           plotting common characters.  The undefine command deletes a macro.

           See the directory /usr/share/doc/grap/examples for more examples of macros.  Confirm the location  of
           the examples directory using the -v flag.

   Number Lists
     A whitespace-separated list of numbers is treated specially.  The list is taken to be points to be plotted
     using the default line style on the default coordinate system.  If more than two numbers are given, the
     extra numbers are taken to be additional y values to plot at the first x value.  Number lists in DWB grap
     can be comma-separated, and this grap supports that as well.  More precisely, numbers in number lists can
     be separated by either whitespace, commas, or both.

           1 2 3
           4 5 6

     Will plot points using the default line style at (1,2), (1,3),(4,5) and (4,6).  A simple way to plot a set
     of numbers in a file named ./data is:

           copy "./data"

   Pic Macros
     grap defines pic macros that can be used in embedded pic code to place elements in the graph.  The macros
     are x_gg, y_gg, and xy_gg.  These macros define pic distances that correspond to the given argument.  They
     can be used to size boxes or to plot pic constructs on the graph.  To place a given construct on the graph,
     you should add Frame.Origin to it.  Other coordinate spaces can be used by replacing gg with the name of
     the coordinate space.  A coordinate space named gg cannot be reliably accessed by these macros.

     The macros are emitted immediately before the frame is drawn.

     DWB grap may use these as part of its implementation.  This grap provides them only for compatibility.
     Note that these are very simple macros, and may not do what you expect under complex conditions.


     If the environment variable GRAP_DEFINES is defined, grap will look for its defines file there.  If that
     value is a relative path name the path specified in the -M option will be searched for it.  GRAP_DEFINES
     overrides the compiled in location of the defines file, but may be overridden by the -d or -D flags.

     If GRAP_SAFER is set, sprintf is disabled to prevent forcing grap to core dump or smash the stack.




     atan2(3), groff(1), pic(1), printf(3), sh(1), sprintf(3), troff(1)

     If documentation and examples have been installed, grap --version or grap --help will display the


     There are several small incompatibilities with K&R grap.  They include the sh command not expanding
     variables and macros, and a more strict adherence to parameter order in the internal commands.

     Although much improved, the error reporting code can still be confused.  Notably, an error in a macro is
     not detected until the macro is used, and it produces unusual output in the error message.

     Iterating many times over a macro with no newlines can run grap out of memory.


     This implementation was done by Ted Faber <>.  Bruce Lilly <> contributed
     many bug fixes, including a considerable revamp of the error reporting code.  If you can actually find an
     error in your grap code, you can probably thank him.  grap was designed and specified by Brian Kernighan
     and Jon Bentley.