bionic (1) lftp.1.gz

Provided by: lftp_4.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64 bug


       lftp - Sophisticated file transfer program


       lftp [-d] [-e cmd] [-p port] [-u user[,pass]] [site]
       lftp -f script_file
       lftp -c commands
       lftp --version
       lftp --help


       This man page documents lftp version 4.8.1.


       lftp is a file transfer program that allows sophisticated FTP, HTTP and other connections to other hosts.
       If site is specified then lftp will connect to that site otherwise a connection  has  to  be  established
       with the open command.

       lftp  can  handle  several file access methods - FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, HFTP, FISH, SFTP and file (HTTPS
       and FTPS are only available when lftp is compiled with GNU TLS or OpenSSL library). You can  specify  the
       method  to  use  in `open URL' command, e.g. `open'. HFTP is ftp-over-
       http-proxy  protocol.  It  can  be  used  automatically  instead  of  FTP  if   ftp:proxy   is   set   to
       `http://proxy[:port]'.  Fish  is  a  protocol working over an ssh connection to a unix account. SFtp is a
       protocol implemented in SSH2 as SFTP subsystem.

       Besides FTP-like protocols, lftp has support for BitTorrent protocol as  `torrent'  command.  Seeding  is
       also supported.

       Every operation in lftp is reliable, that is any non-fatal error is handled properly and the operation is
       repeated. So if downloading breaks, it will be restarted from the point automatically. Even if FTP server
       does  not  support the REST command, lftp will try to retrieve the file from the very beginning until the
       file is transferred completely.

       lftp has shell-like command syntax allowing you to launch several commands in parallel in background (&).
       It  is  also possible to group commands within () and execute them in background. All background jobs are
       executed in the same single process. You can bring a foreground job to background with ^Z (c-z) and  back
       with  command  `wait'  (or `fg' which is alias to `wait'). To list running jobs, use command `jobs'. Some
       commands allow redirecting their output (cat, ls, ...) to file or via pipe to external command.  Commands
       can be executed conditionally based on termination status of previous command (&&, ||).

       If you exit lftp before all jobs are not finished yet, lftp will move itself to nohup mode in background.
       The same thing happens with a real modem hangup or when you close an xterm.

       lftp has built-in mirror which can download or update a whole  directory  tree.  There  is  also  reverse
       mirror  (mirror  -R)  which  uploads  or  updates a directory tree on server. Mirror can also synchronize
       directories between two remote servers, using FXP if available.

       There is command `at' to launch a job at specified time in current  context,  command  `queue'  to  queue
       commands for sequential execution for current server, and much more.

       On  startup,  lftp  executes  /etc/lftp.conf  and  then ~/.lftprc and ~/.lftp/rc (or ~/.config/lftp/rc if
       ~/.lftp does not exist).  You can place aliases and `set' commands there. Some people prefer to see  full
       protocol  debug,  use `debug' to turn the debug on. Use `debug 3' to see only greeting messages and error

       lftp has a number of settable variables. You can use `set -a' to see all variables and  their  values  or
       `set -d' to see list of defaults.  Variable names can be abbreviated and prefix can be omitted unless the
       rest becomes ambiguous.

       If lftp was compiled with OpenSSL (configure  --with-openssl)  it  includes  software  developed  by  the
       OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (

       ! shell command

       Launch shell or shell command.


       To do a directory listing of the local host.

       alias  [name [value]]

       Define  or  undefine  alias  name.  If  value is omitted, the alias is undefined, else it takes the value
       value. If no argument is given the current aliases are listed.

            alias dir ls -lF
            alias less zmore

       at time [ -- command ]

       Wait until the given time and execute given (optional) command. See also at(1).

       attach  [PID]

       Attach the terminal to specified backgrounded lftp process.

       bookmark  [subcommand]

       The bookmark command controls bookmarks.

       Site names can be used in the open command directly as-is or in any command that accepts input URLs using
       the bm:site/path format.

            add <name> [<loc>]   add current place or given location to bookmarks and bind to given name
            del <name>           remove bookmark with name
            edit                 start editor on bookmarks file
            import <type>        import foreign bookmarks
            list                 list bookmarks (default)

       cache  [subcommand]

       The cache command controls local memory cache.  The following subcommands are recognized:

            stat        print cache status (default)
            on|off      turn on/off caching
            flush       flush cache
            size lim    set memory limit, -1 means unlimited
            expire Nx   set cache expiration time to N seconds (x=s) minutes (x=m) hours (x=h) or days (x=d)

       cat files

       cat outputs the remote file(s) to stdout.  (See also more, zcat and zmore)

       cd rdir

       Change  current  remote  directory.  The previous remote directory is stored as `-'. You can do `cd -' to
       change the directory back.  The previous directory for each site is also stored on disk, so  you  can  do
       `open site; cd -' even after lftp restart.

       chmod [OPTS] mode files...

       Change  permission  mask  on  remote  files.  The  mode  can  be  an octal number or a symbolic mode (see

            -c, --changes     like verbose but report only when a change is made
            -f, --quiet       suppress most error messages
            -v, --verbose     output a diagnostic for every file processed
            -R, --recursive   change files and directories recursively

       close [-a]

       Close idle connections.  By default only with the current server, use -a to close all idle connections.

       cls [OPTS] files...

       `cls' tries to retrieve information about specified files or  directories  and  outputs  the  information
       according  to  format  options. The difference between `ls' and `cls' is that `ls' requests the server to
       format file listing, and `cls' formats it itself, after retrieving all the needed information.

            -1                         single-column output
            -a, --all                  show dot files
            -B, --basename             show basename of files only
                --block-size=SIZ       use SIZ-byte blocks
            -d, --directory            list directory entries instead of contents
            -F, --classify             append indicator (one of /@) to entries
            -h, --human-readable       print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K)
                --si                   likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024
            -k, --kilobytes            like --block-size=1024
            -l, --long                 use a long listing format
            -q, --quiet                don't show status
            -s, --size                 print size of each file
                --filesize             if printing size, only print size for files
            -i, --nocase               case-insensitive pattern matching
            -I, --sortnocase           sort names case-insensitively
            -D, --dirsfirst            list directories first
                --sort=OPT             "name", "size", "date"
            -S                         sort by file size
                --user, --group,
                --perms, --date,
                --linkcount, --links   show individual fields
                --time-style=STYLE     use specified time format

       command cmd args...

       execute given command ignoring aliases.

       debug [OPTS] level|off

       Switch debugging to level or turn it off. Options:

            -T        truncate output file
            -o <file> redirect debug output to the file
            -c        show message context
            -p        show PID
            -t        show timestamps

       echo [-n] string

       Prints (echos) the given string to the display.

       edit [OPTS] file

       Retrieve remote file to a temporary location, run a local editor on  it  and  upload  the  file  back  if
       changed. Options:

            -k        keep the temporary file
            -o <temp> explicit temporary file location

       eval [-f format ] args...

       without  -f  it  executes  given  arguments  as  a command. With -f, arguments are transformed into a new
       command. The format can contain plain  text  and  placeholders  $0...$9  and  $@,  corresponding  to  the

       exit [bg] [top] [parent] [kill] [code]

       exit  will  exit  from  lftp or move to background if there are active jobs. If no job is active, code is
       passed to operating system as lftp's termination status. If code  is  omitted,  the  exit  code  of  last
       command is used.

       `exit  bg'  forces  moving  to  background when cmd:move-background is false.  `exit top' makes top level
       `shell' (internal lftp command executor) terminate.  `exit  parent'  terminates  the  parent  shell  when
       running  a  nested  script.   `exit  kill'  kills  all  numbered  jobs before exiting. The options can be
       combined, e.g.  `at 08:00 -- exit top kill &' kills all jobs and makes lftp exit at specified time.


       Alias for `wait'.

       find [OPTS] directory...

       List files in the directory (current directory by default)  recursively.   This  can  help  with  servers
       lacking ls -R support. You can redirect output of this command. Options:

            -d MD, --max-depth=MD   specify maximum scan depth
            -l,    --ls             use long listing format


       Obsolete. Use one of the following instead:
            get ftp://... -o ftp://...
            get -O ftp://... file1 file2...
            put ftp://...
            mput ftp://.../*
            mget -O ftp://... ftp://.../*
       or  other  combinations  to  get FXP transfer (directly between two FTP servers).  lftp would fallback to
       plain copy (via client) if FXP transfer cannot be initiated or ftp:use-fxp is false.

       get [-E] [-a] [-c] [-e] [-P N] [-O base] rfile [-o lfile] ...

       Retrieve the remote file rfile and store it as the local file lfile.  If  -o  is  omitted,  the  file  is
       stored  to  local  file  named  as  base name of rfile. You can get multiple files by specifying multiple
       instances of rfile (and -o lfile). Does not expand wildcards, use mget for that.

            -c          continue, reget
            -E          delete source files after successful transfer
            -e          delete target file before the transfer
            -a          use ascii mode (binary is the default)
            -P N        download N files in parallel
            -O <base>   specifies base directory or URL where files should be placed

            get README
            get README -o debian.README
            get README README.mirrors
            get README -o debian.README README.mirrors -o debian.mirrors
            get README -o
            get README -o   (end slash is important)

       get1 [OPTS] rfile

       Transfer a single file. Options:

            -o <lfile>                  destination file name (default - basename of rfile)

            -c                          continue, reget
            -E                          delete source files after successful transfer
            -a                          use ascii mode (binary is the default)
            -d                          create the directory of the target file
            --source-region=<from-to>   transfer specified region of source file
            --target-position=<pos>     position in target file to write data at

       glob  [OPTS] [command] patterns

       Glob given patterns containing metacharacters and pass result to given command or return appropriate exit

            -f            plain files (default)
            -d            directories
            -a            all types
            --exist       return zero exit code when the patterns expand to non-empty list
            --not-exist   return zero exit code when the patterns expand to an empty list

            glob echo *
            glob --exist *.csv && echo "There are *.csv files"

       help [cmd]

       Print help for cmd or if no cmd was specified print a list of available commands.

       jobs [OPTS] [job_no...]

       List running jobs. If job_no is specified, only list a job with that number.  Options:

            -v   verbose, several -v increase verbosity
            -r   list just one specified job without recursion

       kill all|job_no

       Delete specified job with job_no or all jobs.  (For job_no see jobs)

       lcd ldir

       Change current local directory ldir. The previous local directory is stored as `-'. You can do `lcd -' to
       change the directory back.

       ln [-s] existing-file new-link

       Make a hard/symbolic link to an existing file.  Option -s selects creation of a symbolic link.

       local command

       Run specified command with local directory file:// session instead of remote session. Examples:
            local pwd
            local ls
            local mirror /dir1 /dir2


       Print current working directory on local machine.

       ls params

       List remote files. You can redirect output of this command to file or via pipe to external  command.   By
       default, ls output is cached, to see new listing use rels or cache flush.

       mget [-c] [-d] [-a] [-E] [-e] [-P N] [-O base] files

       Gets selected files with expanded wildcards.

            -c          continue, reget.
            -d          create directories the same as file names and get the files into them instead of current
            -E          delete source files after successful transfer
            -e          delete target file before the transfer
            -a          use ascii mode (binary is the default)
            -P N        download N files in parallel
            -O <base>   specifies base directory or URL where files should be placed

       mirror [OPTS] [source [target]]

       Mirror specified source directory to local target directory. If the target directory ends  with  a  slash
       (except the root), the source base name is appended to target directory name. Source and/or target can be
       URLs pointing to directories.

            -c,      --continue                 continue a mirror job if possible
            -e,      --delete                   delete files not present at remote site
                     --delete-first             delete old files before transferring new ones
                     --depth-first              descend into subdirectories before transferring files
                     --scan-all-first           scan all directories recursively before transferring files
            -s,      --allow-suid               set suid/sgid bits according to remote site
                     --allow-chown              try to set owner and group on files
                     --ascii                    use ascii mode transfers (implies --ignore-size)
                     --ignore-time              ignore time when deciding whether to download
                     --ignore-size              ignore size when deciding whether to download
                     --only-missing             download only missing files
                     --only-existing            download only files already existing at target
            -n,      --only-newer               download only newer files (-c won't work)
                     --upload-older             upload even files older than remote ones
                     --transfer-all             transfer all files, even seemingly the same at the target site
                     --no-empty-dirs            don't create empty directories (implies --depth-first)
            -r,      --no-recursion             don't go to subdirectories
                     --recursion=MODE           go to subdirectories on a condition
                     --no-symlinks              don't create symbolic links
            -p,      --no-perms                 don't set file permissions
                     --no-umask                 don't apply umask to file modes
            -R,      --reverse                  reverse mirror (put files)
            -L,      --dereference              download symbolic links as files
                     --overwrite                overwrite plain files without removing them first
                     --no-overwrite             remove and re-create plain files instead of overwriting
            -N,      --newer-than=SPEC          download only files newer than specified time
                     --older-than=SPEC          download only files older than specified time
                     --size-range=RANGE         download only files with size in specified range
            -P,      --parallel[=N]             download N files in parallel
                     --use-pget[-n=N]           use pget to transfer every single file
                     --on-change=CMD            execute the command if anything has been changed
                     --loop                     repeat mirror until no changes found
            -i RX,   --include=RX               include matching files
            -x RX,   --exclude=RX               exclude matching files
            -I GP,   --include-glob=GP          include matching files
            -X GP,   --exclude-glob=GP          exclude matching files
                     --exclude-glob-from=FILE   load include/exclude patterns from the file, one per line
            -f FILE, --file=FILE                mirror a single file or globbed group (e.g. /path/to/*.txt)
            -F DIR,  --directory=DIR            mirror a single directory or globbed group (e.g. /path/to/dir*)
            -O DIR,  --target-directory=DIR     target base path or URL
            -v,      --verbose[=level]          verbose operation
                     --log=FILE                 write lftp commands being executed to FILE
                     --script=FILE              write lftp commands to FILE, but don't execute them
                     --just-print, --dry-run    same as --script=-
                     --max-errors=N             stop after this number of errors
                     --skip-noaccess            don't try to transfer files with no read access.
                     --use-cache                use cached directory listings

                     --Remove-source-files      remove source files after transfer (use with caution)
                     --Remove-source-dirs       remove source files and directories  after  transfer  (use  with
                                                caution).   Top level directory is not removed if it's name ends
                                                with a slash.
                     --Move                     same as --Remove-source-dirs
            -a                                  same as --allow-chown --allow-suid --no-umask
            When using -R, the source directory is local and the target is remote.  If the target  directory  is
            omitted,  base name of the source directory is used.  If both directories are omitted, current local
            and remote directories are used.  If the target  directory  ends  with  a  slash  (except  the  root
            directory) then base name of the source directory is appended.

       RX is an extended regular expression, just like in egrep(1).

       GP is a glob pattern, e.g. `*.zip'.

       Include  and  exclude options can be specified multiple times. It means that a file or directory would be
       mirrored if it matches an include and does not match to excludes after the include,  or  does  not  match
       anything and the first check is exclude. Directories are matched with a slash appended.

       Note  that symbolic links are not created when uploading to remote server, because FTP protocol cannot do
       it. To upload files the links refer to, use `mirror -RL' command (treat symbolic links as files).

       For options --newer-than and --older-than you can either specify a file or time specification  like  that
       used  by at(1) command, e.g.  `now-7days' or `week ago'. If you specify a file, then modification time of
       that file will be used.

       Verbosity level can be selected using --verbose=level option or by several -v options, e.g. -vvv.  Levels
            0 - no output (default)
            1 - print actions
            2 - +print not deleted file names (when -e is not specified)
            3 - +print directory names which are mirrored

       --only-newer  turns  off  file  size  comparison  and  uploads/downloads only newer files even if size is
       different. By default older files are transferred and replace newer ones.

       --upload-older allows replacing newer remote files with older ones (when the target side is remote). Some
       remote back-ends cannot preserve timestamps so the default is to keep newer files.

       Recursion  mode  can  be  one  of  `always',  `never', `missing', `newer'. With the option `newer' mirror
       compares timestamps of directories and enters a directory only if it is older or missing  on  the  target
       side.  Be  aware  that  when  a  file  changes the directory timestamp may stay the same, so mirror won't
       process that directory.

       The options --file and --directory may  be  used  multiple  times  and  even  mixed  provided  that  base
       directories of the paths are the same.

       You can mirror between two servers if you specify URLs instead of directories.  FXP is automatically used
       for transfers between FTP servers, if possible.

       Some FTP servers hide dot-files by default (e.g. .htaccess), and show them only when LIST command is used
       with -a option. In such case try to use `set ftp:list-options -a'.

       --depth-first, --no-empty-dirs and setting mirror:no-empty-dirs=true.

       mkdir [-p] [-f] dir(s)

       Make  remote  directories.  If -p is used, make all components of paths.  The -f option makes mkdir quiet
       and suppresses messages.

       module module [ args ]

       Load given module using dlopen(3) function. If module name does not contain a slash, it  is  searched  in
       directories  specified  by  module:path  variable.   Arguments  are  passed  to module_init function. See
       README.modules for technical details.

       more files

       Same as `cat files | more'. if PAGER is set, it is used as filter.  (See also cat, zcat and zmore)

       mput [-c] [-d] [-a] [-E] [-e] [-P N] [-O base] files

       Upload files with wildcard expansion. By default it uses the base name of local name as remote one.  This
       can be changed by `-d' option.

            -c          continue, reput
            -d          create  directories  the  same  as  in file names and put the files into them instead of
                        current directory
            -E          delete source files after successful transfer (dangerous)
            -e          delete target file before the transfer
            -a          use ascii mode (binary is the default)
            -P N        upload N files in parallel
            -O <base>   specifies base directory or URL where files should be placed

       mrm file(s)

       Same as `glob rm'. Removes specified file(s) with wildcard expansion.

       mmv [-O directory] file(s) directory

       Move specified files to a target directory. The target directory can be specified after -O option  or  as
       the last argument.

            -O <dir>   specifies the target directory where files should be placed

       mv file1 file2

       Rename  file1  to file2. No wildcard exmapsion is performed.  If you give more than two arguments, or the
       last argument ends with a slash, then mmv command is executed instead.

       nlist [args]

       List remote file names

       open [OPTS] site

       Select a server by host name, URL or bookmark. When an URL or bookmark is given, automatically change the
       current working directory to the directory of the URL.  Options:

            -e cmd            execute the command just after selecting the server
            -u user[,pass]    use the user/password for authentication
            -p port           use the port for connection
            -s slot           assign the connection to this slot
            -d                enable debug
            -B                don't look up bookmarks
            --user user       use the user for authentication
            --password pass   use the password for authentication
            --env-password    take password from LFTP_PASSWORD environment variable
            site              host name, URL or bookmark name

       pget [OPTS] rfile [-o lfile]

       Gets  the  specified  file  using  several connections. This can speed up transfer, but loads the net and
       server heavily impacting other users. Use only if you really have to transfer the file ASAP.  Options:

            -c           continue transfer. Requires lfile.lftp-pget-status file.
            -n maxconn   set maximum number of connections (default is taken from pget:default-n setting)

       put [-E] [-a] [-c] [-e] [-P N] [-O base] lfile [-o rfile]

       Upload lfile with remote name rfile. If -o omitted, the base name of lfile is used as remote  name.  Does
       not expand wildcards, use mput for that.

            -o <rfile>   specifies remote file name (default - basename of lfile)
            -c           continue, reput. It requires permission to overwrite remote files
            -E           delete source files after successful transfer (dangerous)
            -e           delete target file before the transfer
            -a           use ascii mode (binary is the default)
            -P N         upload N files in parallel
            -O <base>    specifies base directory or URL where files should be placed

       pwd [-p]

       Print current remote URL. Use `-p' option to show password in the URL.

       queue [-n num ] cmd

       Add  the  given  command  to  queue  for sequential execution. Each site has its own queue. `-n' adds the
       command before the given item in the queue. Don't try to queue `cd' or `lcd'  commands,  it  may  confuse
       lftp.  Instead  do the cd/lcd before `queue' command, and it will remember the place in which the command
       is to be done. It is possible to queue up an already running job by `queue wait  <jobno>',  but  the  job
       will continue execution even if it is not the first in queue.

       `queue  stop'  will  stop  the queue, it will not execute any new commands, but already running jobs will
       continue to run. You can use `queue stop' to create an empty stopped queue.  `queue  start'  will  resume
       queue execution.  When you exit lftp, it will start all stopped queues automatically.

       `queue' with no arguments will either create a stopped queue or print queue status.

       queue --delete|-d [index or wildcard expression]

       Delete one or more items from the queue. If no argument is given, the last entry in the queue is deleted.

       queue --move|-m <index or wildcard expression> [index]

       Move the given items before the given queue index, or to the end if no destination is given.

            -q   Be quiet.
            -v   Be verbose.
            -Q   Output in a format that can be used to re-queue. Useful with --delete.

            > get file &
            [1] get file
            > queue wait 1
            > queue get another_file
            > cd a_directory
            > queue get yet_another_file

            queue -d 3             Delete the third item in the queue.
            queue -m 6 4           Move the sixth item in the queue before the fourth.
            queue -m "get*zip" 1   Move  all  commands  matching  "get*zip" to the beginning of the queue.  (The
                                   order of the items is preserved.)
            queue -d "get*zip"     Delete all commands matching "get*zip".

       quote cmd

       For FTP - send the command uninterpreted. Use with caution - it can lead to unknown remote state and thus
       will  cause  reconnect.  You  cannot be sure that any change of remote state because of quoted command is
       solid - it can be reset by reconnect at any time.

       For HTTP - specific to HTTP action. Syntax: ``quote <command> [<args>]''.  Command may be  ``set-cookie''
       or ``post''.
            quote set-cookie "variable=value; othervar=othervalue"
            set http:post-content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
            quote post /cgi-bin/script.cgi "var=value&othervar=othervalue" > local_file

       For  FISH - send the command uninterpreted. This can be used to execute arbitrary commands on server. The
       command must not take input or print ### at new line beginning. If it does, the protocol will become  out
       of sync.
            open fish://server
            quote find -name \*.zip

       reget rfile [-o lfile]

       Same as `get -c'.

       rels [args]

       Same as `ls', but ignores the cache.

       renlist [args]

       Same as `nlist', but ignores the cache.

       repeat [OPTS] [[-d] delay] [command]

       Repeat  specified  command with a delay between iterations.  Default delay is one second, default command
       is empty.

            -c <count>    maximum number of iterations
            -d <delay>    delay between iterations
            --while-ok    stop when command exits with non-zero code
            --until-ok    stop when command exits with zero code
            --weak        stop when lftp moves to background.

            repeat at tomorrow -- mirror
            repeat 1d mirror

       reput lfile [-o rfile]

       Same as `put -c'.

       rm [-r] [-f] files

       Remove remote files.  Does not expand wildcards, use mrm for that. -r is for recursive directory  remove.
       Be careful, if something goes wrong you can lose files. -f suppress error messages.

       rmdir dir(s)

       Remove remote directories.

       scache [session]

       List cached sessions or switch to specified session.

       set [var [val]]

       Set  variable  to  given  value.  If  the value is omitted, unset the variable.  Variable name has format
       ``name/closure'', where closure can specify exact application of the setting. See below for details.   If
       set is called with no variable then only altered settings are listed.  It can be changed by options:

            -a   list all settings, including default values
            -d   list only default values, not necessary current ones

       site site_cmd

       Execute site command site_cmd and output the result.  You can redirect its output.

       sleep interval

       Sleep given time interval and exit. Interval is in seconds by default, but can be suffixed with 'm', 'h',
       'd' for minutes, hours and days respectively.  See also at.

       slot [name]

       Select specified slot or list all slots allocated. A slot is a connection to a server,  somewhat  like  a
       virtual  console.  You  can create multiple slots connected to different servers and switch between them.
       You can also use slot:name as a pseudo-URL evaluating to that slot location.

       Default readline binding allows quick switching between slots named 0-9 using Meta-0 - Meta-9 keys (often
       you can use Alt instead of Meta).

       source file
       source -e command

       Execute commands recorded in file file or returned by specified external command.
            source ~/.lftp/rc
            source -e echo help


       Stop  lftp  process. Note that transfers will be also stopped until you continue the process with shell's
       fg or bg commands.

       torrent [OPTS] torrent-files...

       Start BitTorrent process for the given torrent-files, which can be a local  file,  URL,  magnet  link  or
       plain  info_hash  written  in  hex  or  base32.   Local  wildcards are expanded. Existing files are first
       validated unless --force-valid option is given. Missing  pieces  are  downloaded.  Files  are  stored  in
       specified  directory  or  current  working  directory  by  default. Seeding continues until ratio reaches
       torrent:stop-on-ratio setting or time of torrent:seed-max-time runs out.


            -O <directory>           specifies base directory where files should be placed
            --force-valid            skip file validation (if you are sure they are ok).
            --only-new               stop if the metadata is known already or the torrent is complete.
            --only-incomplete        stop if the torrent is already complete.
            --dht-bootstrap=<node>   bootstrap DHT by sending a query to specified node.  This option should  be
                                     used  just  once  to  fill  the local node cache.  Port number may be given
                                     after colon, default is 6881.   Here  are  some  nodes  for  bootstrapping:
            --share                  share specified file or directory using BitTorrent protocol. Magnet link is
                                     printed when it's ready.

       user user [pass]
       user URL [pass]

       Use specified info for remote login. If you specify an URL with user name, the entered password  will  be
       cached so that future URL references can use it.


       Print lftp version.

       wait [jobno]
       wait all

       Wait for specified job to terminate. If jobno is omitted, wait for last backgrounded job.

       `wait all' waits for all jobs to terminate.

       zcat files

       Same as cat, but filter each file through zcat. (See also cat, more and zmore)

       zmore files

       Same as more, but filter each file through zcat. (See also cat, zcat and more)

       On startup, lftp executes ~/.lftprc and ~/.lftp/rc (or ~/.config/lftp/rc if ~/.lftp does not exist).  You
       can place aliases and `set' commands there. Some people prefer to see full protocol debug, use `debug' to
       turn the debug on.

       There  is also a system-wide startup file in /etc/lftp.conf.  It can be in different directory, see FILES

       lftp has the following settable variables (you can also use `set -a'  to  see  all  variables  and  their

       bmk:save-passwords (boolean)
              save  plain text passwords in ~/.local/share/lftp/bookmarks or ~/.lftp/bookmarks on `bookmark add'
              command.  Off by default.

       cache:cache-empty-listings (boolean)
              When false, empty listings are not cached.

       cache:enable (boolean)
              When false, cache is disabled.

       cache:expire (time interval)
              Positive cache entries expire in this time interval.

       cache:expire-negative (time interval)
              Negative cache entries expire in this time interval.

       cache:size (number)
              Maximum cache size. When exceeded, oldest cache entries will be removed from cache.

       cmd:at-exit (string)
              the commands in string are executed before lftp exits or moves to background.

       cmd:at-exit-bg (string)
              the commands in string are executed before backgrounded lftp exits.

       cmd:at-exit-fg (string)
              the commands in string are executed before foreground lftp exits.

       cmd:at-background (string)
              the commands in string are executed before lftp moves to background.

       cmd:at-terminate (string)
              the commands in string are executed before lftp terminates (either backgrounded or foreground).

       cmd:at-finish (string)
              the commands in string are executed once when all jobs are done.

       cmd:at-queue-finish (string)
              the commands in string are executed once when all jobs in a queue are done.

       cmd:cls-completion-default (string)
              default cls options for displaying completion choices. For example, to  make  completion  listings
              show file sizes, set cmd:cls-completion-default to `-s'.

       cmd:cls-default (string)
              default cls command options. They can be overridden by explicitly given options.

       cmd:cls-exact-time (boolean)
              when true, cls would try to get exact file modification time even if it means more requests to the

       cmd:csh-history (boolean)
              enables csh-like history expansion.

       cmd:default-protocol (string)
              The value is used when `open' is used with just host name without protocol. Default is `ftp'.

       cmd:fail-exit (boolean)
              if true, exit when a command fails and the following command is unconditional (i.e. does not begin
              with || or &&). lftp exits after the unconditional command is issued without executing it.

       cmd:interactive (tri-boolean)
              when  true,  lftp  acts  interactively,  handles terminal signals and outputs some extra messages.
              Default is auto and depends on stdin being a terminal.

       cmd:long-running (seconds)
              time of command execution, which is considered as `long' and a beep is done before next prompt.  0
              means off.

       cmd:ls-default (string)
              default ls argument

       cmd:move-background (boolean)
              when false, lftp refuses to go to background when exiting. To force it, use `exit bg'.

       cmd:move-background-detach (boolean)
              when  true (default), lftp detaches itself from the control terminal when moving to background, it
              is possible to attach back using `attach' command; when false, lftp tricks the shell to move  lftp
              to  background  process  group  and  continues  to  run, then fg shell command brings lftp back to
              foreground unless it has done all jobs and terminated.

       cmd:prompt (string)
              The prompt. lftp recognizes the following backslash-escaped special characters that are decoded as
              \@     insert @ if the current remote site user is not default
              \a     an ASCII bell character (07)
              \e     an ASCII escape character (033)
              \h     the remote hostname you are connected to
              \n     newline
              \s     the name of the client (lftp)
              \S     current slot name
              \u     the username of the remote site user you are logged in as
              \U     the URL of the remote site (e.g.,
              \v     the version of lftp (e.g., 2.0.3)
              \w     the current working directory at the remote site
              \W     the base name of the current working directory at the remote site
              \l     the current working directory at the local site
              \L     the base name of the current working directory at the local site
              \nnn   the character corresponding to the octal number nnn
              \\     a backslash
              \?     skips next character if previous substitution was empty.
              \[     begin  a  sequence  of  non-printing  characters,  which  could be used to embed a terminal
                     control sequence into the prompt
              \]     end a sequence of non-printing characters

       cmd:parallel (number)
              Number of jobs run in parallel in non-interactive mode.  For  example,  this  may  be  useful  for
              scripts  with  multiple  `get'  commands. Note that setting this to a value greater than 1 changes
              conditional execution behaviour, basically makes it inconsistent.

       cmd:queue-parallel (number)
              Number of jobs run in parallel in a queue.

       cmd:remote-completion (boolean)
              a boolean to control whether or not lftp uses remote completion. When true, Tab key guesses if the
              word  being completed should be a remote file name. Meta-Tab does remote completion always. So you
              can force remote completion with Meta-Tab when cmd:remote-completion is false or when the guess is

       cmd:save-cwd-history (boolean)
              when   true,   lftp   saves   last   CWD   of  each  site  to  ~/.local/share/lftp/cwd_history  or
              ~/.lftp/cwd_history, allowing to do ``cd -'' after lftp restart. Default is true.

       cmd:save-rl-history (boolean)
              when true, lftp saves readline history to ~/.local/share/lftp/rl_history or ~/.lftp/rl_history  on
              exit.  Default is true.

       cmd:show-status (boolean)
              when false, lftp does not show status line on terminal. Default is true.

       cmd:set-term-status (boolean)
              when true, lftp updates terminal status if supported (e.g. xterm). The closure for this setting is
              the terminal type from TERM environment variable.

       cmd:status-interval (timeinterval)
              the time interval between status updates.

       cmd:stifle-rl-history (number)
              the number of lines to keep in readline history.

       cmd:term-status (string)
              the format string to use to display terminal status. The closure for this setting is the  terminal
              type from TERM environment variable. Default uses ``tsl'' and ``fsl'' termcap values.

              The following escapes are supported:

                   \a   bell
                   \e   escape
                   \n   new line
                   \s   "lftp"
                   \v   lftp version
                   \T   the status string

       cmd:time-style (string)
              This setting is the default value for cls --time-style option.

       cmd:trace (boolean)
              when true, lftp prints the commands it executes (like sh -x).

       cmd:verify-host (boolean)
              if  true,  lftp resolves host name immediately in `open' command.  It is also possible to skip the
              check for a single `open' command if `&' is given, or if ^Z is pressed during the check.

       cmd:verify-path (boolean)
              if true, lftp checks the path given in `cd' command.  It is also possible to skip the check for  a
              single `cd' command if `&' is given, or if ^Z is pressed during the check.  Examples:
                   set cmd:verify-path/hftp://* false
                   cd directory &

       cmd:verify-path-cached (boolean)
              When  false, `cd' to a directory known from cache as existent will succeed immediately.  Otherwise
              the verification will depend on cmd:verify-path setting.

       color:use-color (tri-boolean)
              when true, cls command and completion output colored file listings according  to  color:dir-colors
              setting.  When set to auto, colors are used when output is a terminal.

       color:dir-colors (string)
              file  listing  color  description. By default the value of LS_COLORS environment variable is used.
              See dircolors(1).

       dns:SRV-query (boolean)
              query for SRV records and use them before gethostbyname. The SRV records are only used if port  is
              not explicitly specified. See RFC2052 for details.

       dns:cache-enable (boolean)
              enable DNS cache. If it is off, lftp resolves host name each time it reconnects.

       dns:cache-expire (time interval)
              time  to  live for DNS cache entries. It has format <number><unit>+, e.g.  1d12h30m5s or just 36h.
              To disable expiration, set it to `inf' or `never'.

       dns:cache-size (number)
              maximum number of DNS cache entries.

       dns:fatal-timeout (time interval)
              limit the time for DNS queries. If DNS server is unavailable too long, lftp will fail to resolve a
              given host name. Set to `never' to disable.

       dns:order (list of protocol names)
              sets  the  order  of  DNS  queries. Default is ``inet6 inet'' which means first look up address in
              inet6 family, then inet and use them in that order.  To disable  inet6  (AAAA)  lookup,  set  this
              variable to ``inet''.

       dns:use-fork (boolean)
              if true, lftp will fork before resolving host address. Default is true.

       dns:max-retries (number)
              If  zero,  there  is  no limit on the number of times lftp will try to lookup an address.  If > 0,
              lftp will try only this number of times to look up an address of each address family in dns:order.

       dns:name (string)
              This setting can be used to substitute a host name alias with another name or IP address. The host
              name  alias  is  used  as the setting closure, the substituted name or IP address is in the value.
              Multiple names or IP addresses can be separated by comma.

       file:charset (string)
              local character set. It is set from current locale initially.

       file:use-lock (boolean)
              when true, lftp uses advisory locking on local files when opening them.

       file:use-fallocate (boolean)
              when true, lftp uses fallocate(2) or posix_fallocate(3) to pre-allocate storage space  and  reduce
              file fragmentation in pget and torrent commands.

       fish:auto-confirm (boolean)
              when  true,  lftp  answers ``yes'' to all ssh questions, in particular to the question about a new
              host key. Otherwise it answers ``no''.

       fish:charset (string)
              the character set used by fish server in requests, replies and file listings.   Default  is  empty
              which means the same as local.

       fish:connect-program (string)
              the  program  to use for connecting to remote server. It should support `-l' option for user name,
              `-p' for port number. Default is `ssh -a -x'. You can set it to `rsh', for  example.  For  private
              key authentication add `-i' option with the key file.

       fish:shell (string)
              use  specified shell on server side. Default is /bin/sh. On some systems, /bin/sh exits when doing
              cd to a non-existent directory. lftp can handle that but it has to reconnect. Set it to  /bin/bash
              for such systems if bash is installed.

       ftp:acct (string)
              Send this string in ACCT command after login. The result is ignored.  The closure for this setting
              has format user@host.

       ftp:anon-pass (string)
              sets the password used for anonymous FTP access authentication.  Default is "lftp@".

       ftp:anon-user (string)
              sets the user name used for anonymous FTP access authentication.  Default is "anonymous".

       ftp:auto-sync-mode (regex)
              if first server message matches this regex, turn on sync mode for that host.

       ftp:catch-size (boolean)
              when there is no support for SIZE command, try to catch file  size  from  the  "150  Opening  data
              connection" reply.

       ftp:charset (string)
              the  character  set  used  by FTP server in requests, replies and file listings.  Default is empty
              which means the same as local. This setting is only used when the server does not support UTF8.

       ftp:client (string)
              the name of FTP client to send with CLNT command, if supported by server.  If it is empty, then no
              CLNT command will be sent.

       ftp:compressed-re (regex)
              files with matching name will be considered compressed and "MODE Z" will not be used for them.

       ftp:bind-data-socket (boolean)
              bind  data  socket  to  the  interface  of control connection (in passive mode).  Default is true,
              exception is the loopback interface.

       ftp:fix-pasv-address (boolean)
              if true, lftp will try to correct address returned by server for PASV command in case when  server
              address is in public network and PASV returns an address from a private network. In this case lftp
              would substitute server address instead of the one returned by PASV command, port number would not
              be changed.  Default is true.

       ftp:fxp-passive-source (boolean)
              if  true,  lftp  will try to set up source FTP server in passive mode first, otherwise destination
              one. If first attempt fails, lftp tries to set them up the other way.  If  the  other  disposition
              fails too, lftp falls back to plain copy. See also ftp:use-fxp.

       ftp:home (string)
              Initial directory. Default is empty string which means auto. Set this to `/' if you don't like the
              look of %2F in FTP URLs. The closure for this setting has format user@host.

       ftp:ignore-pasv-address (boolean)
              If true, lftp uses control connection address instead of the one returned in PASV reply  for  data
              connection. This can be useful for broken NATs.  Default is false.

       ftp:list-empty-ok (boolean)
              if  set  to  false, empty lists from LIST command will be treated as incorrect, and another method
              (NLST) will be used.

       ftp:list-options (string)
              sets options which are always appended to LIST command. It can be useful to set this  to  `-a'  if
              server does not show dot (hidden) files by default.  Default is empty.

       ftp:mode-z-level (number)
              compression level (0-9) for uploading with MODE Z.

       ftp:nop-interval (seconds)
              delay  between NOOP commands when downloading tail of a file. This is useful for FTP servers which
              send "Transfer complete" message before flushing data transfer. In such cases  NOOP  commands  can
              prevent connection timeout.

       ftp:passive-mode (boolean)
              sets  passive  FTP  mode.  This  can be useful if you are behind a firewall or a dumb masquerading
              router. In passive mode lftp uses PASV command, not the PORT command which is used in active mode.
              In  passive  mode  lftp  itself makes the data connection to the server; in active mode the server
              connects to lftp for data transfer. Passive mode is the default.

       ftp:port-ipv4 (ipv4 address)
              specifies an IPv4 address to send with PORT command. Default is empty  which  means  to  send  the
              address of local end of control connection.

       ftp:port-range (from-to)
              allowed  port  range for active mode.  Format is min-max, or `full' or `any' to indicate any port.
              Default is `full'.

       ftp:prefer-epsv (boolean)
              use EPSV as preferred passive mode. Default is `false'.

       ftp:proxy (URL)
              specifies FTP proxy to use.  To disable proxy set this to empty string. Note  that  it  is  a  FTP
              proxy which uses FTP protocol, not FTP over HTTP. Default value is taken from environment variable
              ftp_proxy if it starts with ``ftp://''. If your FTP proxy requires  authentication,  specify  user
              name  and password in the URL.  If ftp:proxy starts with http:// then hftp protocol (FTP over HTTP
              proxy) is used instead of FTP automatically.

       ftp:proxy-auth-type (string)
              When set to ``joined'', lftp sends ``'' as user name to proxy,  and
              ``password@proxy_password'' as password.

              When  set  to ``joined-acct'', lftp sends `` proxy_user'' (with space) as user
              name to proxy. The site password is sent as usual and  the  proxy  password  is  expected  in  the
              following ACCT command.

              When  set  to  ``open'',  lftp  first  sends  proxy  user  and  proxy  password  and  then  ``OPEN
    '' followed by ``USER user''.  The site password is then sent as usual.

              When set to ``user''  (default),  lftp  first  sends  proxy  user  and  proxy  password  and  then
              ``'' as user name.  The site password is then sent as usual.

              When  set to ``proxy-user@host'', lftp first sends ``USER'', then proxy
              password. The site user and password are then sent as usual.

       ftp:rest-list (boolean)
              allow usage of REST command before LIST command. This might be useful for large  directories,  but
              some FTP servers silently ignore REST before LIST.

       ftp:rest-stor (boolean)
              if  false,  lftp  will  not try to use REST before STOR. This can be useful for some buggy servers
              which corrupt (fill with zeros) the file if REST followed by STOR is used.

       ftp:retry-530 (regex)
              Retry on server reply 530 for PASS command if text matches this regular expression.  This  setting
              should  be  useful  to  distinguish  between overloaded server (temporary condition) and incorrect
              password (permanent condition).

       ftp:retry-530-anonymous (regex)
              Additional regular expression for anonymous login, like ftp:retry-530.

       ftp:site-group (string)
              Send this string in SITE GROUP command after login. The result is ignored.  The closure  for  this
              setting has format user@host.

       ftp:skey-allow (boolean)
              allow sending skey/opie reply if server appears to support it. On by default.

       ftp:skey-force (boolean)
              do  not  send  plain  text  password  over the network, use skey/opie instead. If skey/opie is not
              available, assume failed login. Off by default.

       ftp:ssl-allow (boolean)
              if true, try to negotiate SSL connection with FTP server  for  non-anonymous  access.  Default  is
              true. This and other SSL settings are only available if lftp was compiled with an ssl/tls library.

       ftp:ssl-auth (string)
              the  argument  for  AUTH  command,  can  be  one  of  SSL,  TLS,  TLS-P,  TLS-C.   See RFC4217 for
              explanations. By default TLS or SSL will be used, depending on FEAT reply.

       ftp:ssl-data-use-keys (boolean)
              if true, lftp loads ssl:key-file for protected data connection too. When false, it does  not,  and
              the server can match data and control connections by session ID.  Default is true.

       ftp:ssl-force (boolean)
              if true, refuse to send password in clear when server does not support SSL.  Default is false.

       ftp:ssl-protect-data (boolean)
              if  true,  request  SSL connection for data transfers. This is cpu-intensive but provides privacy.
              Default is false.

       ftp:ssl-protect-fxp (boolean)
              if true, request SSL connection for data transfer between two FTP servers in  FXP  mode.  CPSV  or
              SSCN  command  will  be used in that case. If SSL connection fails for some reason, lftp would try
              unprotected FXP transfer unless ftp:ssl-force is set for any of the two servers. Default is false.

       ftp:ssl-protect-list (boolean)
              if true, request SSL connection for file list transfers. Default is true.

       ftp:ssl-use-ccc (boolean)
              if true, lftp would issue CCC command after logon, thus disable ssl protection  layer  on  control

       ftp:stat-interval (time interval)
              interval between STAT commands. Default is 1 second.

       ftp:strict-multiline (boolean)
              when  true,  lftp strictly checks for multiline reply format (expects it to end with the same code
              as it started with). When false, this check is relaxed.

       ftp:sync-mode (boolean)
              if true, lftp will send one command at a time and wait for response. This might be useful  if  you
              are  using  a  buggy FTP server or router. When it is off, lftp sends a pack of commands and waits
              for responses - it speeds up operation when round trip time is significant.  Unfortunately it does
              not work with all FTP servers and some routers have troubles with it, so it is on by default.

       ftp:timezone (string)
              Assume  this  timezone  for  time  in  listings returned by LIST command.  This setting can be GMT
              offset [+|-]HH[:MM[:SS]] or any valid TZ value (e.g. Europe/Moscow or  MSK-3MSD,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3).
              The  default  is  GMT.  Set it to an empty value to assume local timezone specified by environment
              variable TZ.

       ftp:too-many-re (regexp)
              Decrease the dynamic connection limit when 421 reply line matches this regular expression.

       ftp:trust-feat (string)
              When true, assume that FEAT returned data are correct and don't  use  common  protocol  extensions
              like SIZE, MDTM, REST if they are not listed.  Default is false.

       ftp:use-abor (boolean)
              if false, lftp does not send ABOR command but closes data connection immediately.

       ftp:use-allo (boolean)
              when true (default), lftp sends ALLO command before uploading a file.

       ftp:use-feat (boolean)
              when true (default), lftp uses FEAT command to determine extended features of ftp server.

       ftp:use-fxp (boolean)
              if true, lftp will try to set up direct connection between two ftp servers.

       ftp:use-hftp (boolean)
              when  ftp:proxy  points  to an http proxy, this setting selects hftp method (GET, HEAD) when true,
              and CONNECT method when false. Default is true.

       ftp:use-ip-tos (boolean)
              when true,  lftp  uses  IPTOS_LOWDELAY  for  control  connection  and  IPTOS_THROUGHPUT  for  data

       ftp:lang (boolean)
              the  language  selected  with LANG command, if supported as indicated by FEAT response. Default is
              empty which means server default.

       ftp:use-mdtm (boolean)
              when true (default), lftp uses MDTM command to determine file modification time.

       ftp:use-mdtm-overloaded (boolean)
              when true, lftp uses two argument MDTM command to set file modification time  on  uploaded  files.
              Default is false.

       ftp:use-mlsd (boolean)
              when true, lftp will use MLSD command for directory listing if supported by the server.

       ftp:use-mode-z (boolean)
              when true, lftp will use "MODE Z" if supported by the server to perform compressed transfers.

       ftp:use-site-idle (boolean)
              when true, lftp sends `SITE IDLE' command with net:idle argument. Default is false.

       ftp:use-site-utime (boolean)
              when  true,  lftp  sends 5-argument `SITE UTIME' command to set file modification time on uploaded
              files. Default is true.

       ftp:use-site-utime2 (boolean)
              when true, lftp sends 2-argument `SITE UTIME' command to set file modification  time  on  uploaded
              files.  Default  is true.  If 5-argument `SITE UTIME' is also enabled, 2-argument command is tried

       ftp:use-size (boolean)
              when true (default), lftp uses SIZE command to determine file size.

       ftp:use-stat (boolean)
              if true, lftp sends STAT command in FXP mode transfer to know how much data has been  transferred.
              See also ftp:stat-interval. Default is true.

       ftp:use-stat-for-list (boolean)
              when  true, lftp uses STAT instead of LIST command. By default `.' is used as STAT argument. Using
              STAT, lftp avoids creating data connection for directory listing.  Some  servers  require  special
              options for STAT, use ftp:list-options to specify them (e.g. -la).

       ftp:use-telnet-iac (boolean)
              when  true  (default),  lftp  uses  TELNET IAC command and follows TELNET protocol as specified in
              RFC959. When false, it does not follow TELNET protocol and thus does not double 255  (0xFF,  0377)
              character and does not prefix ABOR and STAT commands with TELNET IP+SYNCH signal.

       ftp:use-tvfs (tri-boolean)
              When set to auto, usage of TVFS feature depends on FEAT server reply. Otherwise this setting tells
              whether use it or not. In short, if a server supports TVFS feature then it uses unix-like paths.

       ftp:use-utf8 (boolean)
              if true, lftp sends `OPTS UTF8 ON' to the  server  to  activate  UTF-8  encoding  (if  supported).
              Disable it if the file names have a different encoding and the server has a trouble with it.

       ftp:use-quit (boolean)
              if true, lftp sends QUIT before disconnecting from ftp server. Default is true.

       ftp:verify-address (boolean)
              verify  that  data  connection comes from the network address of control connection peer. This can
              possibly prevent data connection spoofing which can lead to data corruption.  Unfortunately,  this
              can  fail  for  certain ftp servers with several network interfaces, when they do not set outgoing
              address on data socket, so it is disabled by default.

       ftp:verify-port (boolean)
              verify that data connection has port 20 (ftp-data) on its remote end.  This can  possibly  prevent
              data  connection  spoofing  by users of remote host. Unfortunately, too many windows and even unix
              ftp servers forget to set proper port on data connection, thus this check is off by default.

       ftp:web-mode (boolean)
              disconnect after closing data connection. This can be  useful  for  totally  broken  ftp  servers.
              Default is false.

       ftps:initial-prot (string)
              specifies  initial  PROT  setting  for  FTPS  connections. Should be one of: C, S, E, P, or empty.
              Default is empty which means unknown, so that lftp will use PROT command unconditionally. If  PROT
              command turns out to be unsupported, then Clear mode would be assumed.

       hftp:cache (boolean)
              allow server/proxy side caching for ftp-over-http protocol.

       hftp:cache-control (string)
              specify corresponding HTTP request header.

       hftp:decode (boolean)
              when  true,  lftp  automatically  decodes the entity in hftp protocol when Content-Encoding header
              value matches deflate, gzip, compress, x-gzip or x-compress.

       hftp:proxy (URL)
              specifies HTTP proxy for FTP-over-HTTP protocol (hftp). The protocol hftp cannot  work  without  a
              HTTP  proxy,  obviously.   Default value is taken from environment variable ftp_proxy if it starts
              with ``http://'', otherwise from environment variable http_proxy.   If  your  FTP  proxy  requires
              authentication, specify user name and password in the URL.

       hftp:use-allprop (boolean)
              if  true,  lftp will send `<allprop/>' request body in `PROPFIND' requests, otherwise it will send
              an empty request body.

       hftp:use-authorization (boolean)
              if set to off, lftp will send password as part of URL to the proxy. This may be required for  some
              proxies (e.g. M-soft). Default is on, and lftp will send password as part of Authorization header.

       hftp:use-head (boolean)
              if  set  to  off,  lftp  will try to use `GET' instead of `HEAD' for hftp protocol.  While this is
              slower, it may allow lftp to work with some proxies which don't  understand  or  mishandle  ``HEAD
              ftp://'' requests.

       hftp:use-mkcol (boolean)
              if  set  to  off,  lftp  will  try to use `PUT' instead of `MKCOL' to create directories with hftp
              protocol. Default is off.

       hftp:use-propfind (boolean)
              if set to off, lftp will not try to use `PROPFIND' to get directory contents  with  hftp  protocol
              and  use  `GET'  instead.  Default  is off. When enabled, lftp will also use PROPPATCH to set file
              modification time after uploading.

       hftp:use-range (boolean)
              when true, lftp will use Range header for transfer restart.

       hftp:use-type (boolean)
              If set to off, lftp won't try to append `;type=' to URLs passed to  proxy.   Some  broken  proxies
              don't handle it correctly. Default is on.

       http:accept, http:accept-charset, http:accept-encoding, http:accept-language (string)
              specify corresponding HTTP request headers.

       http:authorization (string)
              the  authorization  to use by default, when no user is specified. The format is ``user:password''.
              Default is empty which means no authorization.

       http:cache (boolean)
              allow server/proxy side caching.

       http:cache-control (string)
              specify corresponding HTTP request header.

       http:cookie (string)
              send this cookie to server. A closure is useful here:
                   set cookie/ "param=value"

       http:decode (boolean)
              when true, lftp automatically decodes  the  entity  when  Content-Encoding  header  value  matches
              deflate, gzip, compress, x-gzip or x-compress.

       http:post-content-type (string)
              specifies  value of Content-Type HTTP request header for POST method.  Default is ``application/x-

       http:proxy (URL)
              specifies HTTP proxy. It is used when lftp works over HTTP protocol.  Default value is taken  from
              environment  variable  http_proxy.   If  your proxy requires authentication, specify user name and
              password in the URL.

       http:put-method (PUT or POST)
              specifies which HTTP method to use on put.

       http:put-content-type (string)
              specifies value of Content-Type HTTP request header for PUT method.

       http:referer (string)
              specifies value for Referer HTTP request header. Single dot `.' expands to current directory  URL.
              Default is `.'. Set to empty string to disable Referer header.

       http:set-cookies (boolean)
              if true, lftp modifies http:cookie variables when Set-Cookie header is received.

       http:use-allprop (boolean)
              if  true,  lftp will send `<allprop/>' request body in `PROPFIND' requests, otherwise it will send
              an empty request body.

       http:use-mkcol (boolean)
              if set to off, lftp will try to use `PUT' instead of  `MKCOL'  to  create  directories  with  HTTP
              protocol. Default is on.

       http:use-propfind (boolean)
              if  set  to  off, lftp will not try to use `PROPFIND' to get directory contents with HTTP protocol
              and use `GET' instead. Default is off. When enabled, lftp will also use PROPPATCH  to  set  `Last-
              Modified' property after a file upload.

       http:use-range (boolean)
              when true, lftp will use Range header for transfer restart.

       http:user-agent (string)
              the string lftp sends in User-Agent header of HTTP request.

       https:proxy (string)
              specifies https proxy. Default value is taken from environment variable https_proxy.

       log:enabled (boolean)
              when  true, the log messages are output. The closure for this and other `log:' variables is either
              `debug' for debug messages or `xfer' for transfer logging.

       log:file (string)
              the target output file for logging. When empty, stderr is used.

       log:level (number)
              the log verbosity level. Currently it's only defined for `debug' closure.

       log:max-size (number)
              maximum size of the log file. When the size is reached, the file is renamed and started anew.

       log:prefix-error (string)

       log:prefix-note (string)

       log:prefix-recv (string)

       log:prefix-send (string)
              the prefixes for corresponding types of debug messages.

       log:show-ctx (boolean)

       log:show-pid (boolean)

       log:show-time (boolean)
              select additional information in the log messages.

       mirror:dereference (boolean)
              when  true,  mirror  will  dereference  symbolic  links  by  default.   You  can  override  it  by
              --no-dereference option. Default if false.

       mirror:exclude-regex (regex)
              specifies default exclusion pattern. You can override it by --include option.

       mirror:include-regex (regex)
              specifies  default inclusion pattern. It is used just after mirror:exclude-regex is applied. It is
              never used if mirror:exclude-regex is empty.

       mirror:no-empty-dirs (boolean)
              when true, mirror doesn't create empty directories (like --no-empty-dirs option).

       mirror:sort-by (string)
              specifies order of file transfers. Valid values are: name, name-desc, size, size-desc, date, date-
              desc.  When  the  value  is name or name-desc, then mirror:order setting also affects the order or

       mirror:order (list of patterns)
              specifies order of file transfers when sorting by name. E.g. setting this to "*.sfv  *.sum"  makes
              mirror  to transfer files matching *.sfv first, then ones matching *.sum and then all other files.
              To process directories after other files, add "*/" to the end of pattern list.

       mirror:overwrite (boolean)
              when true, mirror will overwrite plain files instead of removing and re-creating them.

       mirror:parallel-directories (boolean)
              if true, mirror will start processing of several directories in parallel when it  is  in  parallel
              mode.  Otherwise,  it  will  transfer  files  from  a  single  directory  before  moving  to other

       mirror:parallel-transfer-count (number)
              specifies number of parallel transfers mirror is allowed to  start.   You  can  override  it  with
              --parallel  option.   A  closure  can  be matched against source or target host names, the minimum
              number greater than 0 is used.

       mirror:require-source (boolean)
              When true, mirror requires a source directory to be specified explicitly, otherwise it is supposed
              to be the current directory.

       mirror:set-permissions (boolean)
              When  set to off, mirror won't try to copy file and directory permissions.  You can override it by
              --perms option. Default is on.

       mirror:skip-noaccess (boolean)
              when true, mirror does not  try  to  download  files  which  are  obviously  inaccessible  by  the
              permission mask. Default is false.

       mirror:use-pget-n (number)
              specifies  -n  option for pget command used to transfer every single file under mirror.  A closure
              can be matched against source or target host names, the minimum number greater  than  0  is  used.
              When the value is less than 2, pget is not used.

       module:path (string)
              colon  separated  list  of  directories  to  look  for  modules. Can be initialized by environment
              variable LFTP_MODULE_PATH. Default is `PKGLIBDIR/VERSION:PKGLIBDIR'.

       net:connection-limit (number)
              maximum number of concurrent connections to the same site. 0 means unlimited.

       net:connection-limit-timer (time interval)
              increase the dynamic connection limit after this time interval.

       net:connection-takeover (boolean)
              if true, foreground connections have priority over background ones and  can  interrupt  background
              transfers to complete a foreground operation.

       net:idle (time interval)
              disconnect from server after this idle time. Default is 3 minutes.

       net:limit-rate (bytes per second)
              limit  transfer  rate on data connection. 0 means unlimited. You can specify two numbers separated
              by colon to limit download and upload rate separately.  Suffixes are supported,  e.g.  100K  means

       net:limit-max (bytes)
              limit accumulating of unused limit-rate. 0 means twice of limit-rate.

       net:limit-total-rate (bytes per second)
              limit  transfer  rate  of  all  connections in sum. 0 means unlimited. You can specify two numbers
              separated by colon to limit download and upload rate separately.  Note that sockets  have  receive
              buffers  on  them,  this  can  lead  to  network  link load higher than this rate limit just after
              transfer beginning. You can try to set net:socket-buffer to relatively small value to avoid this.

       If you specify a closure, then rate limitation will be applied to sum of connections to a single matching

       net:limit-total-max (bytes)
              limit accumulating of unused limit-total-rate. 0 means twice of limit-total-rate.

       net:max-retries (number)
              the  maximum  number  of  sequential  tries of an operation without success.  0 means unlimited. 1
              means no retries.

       net:no-proxy (string)
              contains comma separated list of domains for which proxy should not be  used.   Default  is  taken
              from environment variable no_proxy.

       net:persist-retries (number)
              ignore this number of hard errors. Useful to login to buggy FTP servers which reply 5xx when there
              is too many users.

       net:reconnect-interval-base (seconds)
              sets the base minimal time between reconnects. Actual interval depends on  net:reconnect-interval-
              multiplier and number of attempts to perform an operation.

       net:reconnect-interval-max (seconds)
              sets  maximum  reconnect  interval.  When  current interval after multiplication by net:reconnect-
              interval-multiplier reaches this value (or  exceeds  it),  it  is  reset  back  to  net:reconnect-

       net:reconnect-interval-multiplier (real number)
              sets multiplier by which base interval is multiplied each time new attempt to perform an operation
              fails. When the interval reaches maximum, it is reset to base value.  See  net:reconnect-interval-
              base and net:reconnect-interval-max.

       net:socket-bind-ipv4 (ipv4 address)
              bind  all  IPv4  sockets  to  specified  address.  This can be useful to select a specific network
              interface to use. Default is empty which means not to bind IPv4  sockets,  operating  system  will
              choose an address automatically using routing table.

       net:socket-bind-ipv6 (ipv6 address)
              the same for IPv6 sockets.

       net:socket-buffer (bytes)
              use given size for SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF socket options. 0 means system default.

       net:socket-maxseg (bytes)
              use  given  size  for TCP_MAXSEG socket option. Not all operating systems support this option, but
              Linux does.

       net:timeout (time interval)
              sets the network protocol timeout.

       pget:default-n (number)
              default number of chunks to split the file to in pget.

       pget:min-chunk-size (number)
              minimal chunk size to split the file to.

       pget:save-status (time interval)
              save pget transfer status this often. Set to `never' to disable saving of the  status  file.   The
              status is saved to a file with suffix .lftp-pget-status.

       sftp:auto-confirm (boolean)
              when  true,  lftp  answers ``yes'' to all ssh questions, in particular to the question about a new
              host key. Otherwise it answers ``no''.

       sftp:charset (string)
              the character set used by SFTP server in file names and file listings.   Default  is  empty  which
              means the same as local. This setting is only used for SFTP protocol version prior to 4. Version 4
              and later always use UTF-8.

       sftp:connect-program (string)
              the program to use for connecting to remote server. It should support `-l' option for  user  name,
              `-p' for port number. Default is `ssh -a -x'.  For private key authentication add `-i' option with
              the key file.

       sftp:max-packets-in-flight (number)
              The maximum number of unreplied packets in flight. If round trip time is significant,  you  should
              increase this and size-read/size-write. Default is 16.

       sftp:protocol-version (number)
              The  protocol  number  to negotiate. Default is 6. The actual protocol version used depends on the

       sftp:server-program (string)
              The server program implementing SFTP protocol.  If  it  does  not  contain  a  slash  `/',  it  is
              considered  a  ssh2  subsystem  and  -s  option is used when starting connect-program.  Default is
              `sftp'. You can use rsh as transport level protocol like this:
                   set sftp:connect-program rsh
                   set sftp:server-program /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
              Similarly you can run SFTP over SSH1.

       sftp:size-read (number)
              Block size for reading. Default is 0x8000.

       sftp:size-write (number)
              Block size for writing. Default is 0x8000.

       ssl:ca-file (path to file)
              use specified file as Certificate Authority certificate.

       ssl:ca-path (path to directory)
              use specified directory as Certificate Authority certificate repository (OpenSSL only).

       ssl:check-hostname (boolean)
              when true, lftp checks if the host name used to connect to the server corresponds to the host name
              in its certificate.

       ssl:crl-file (path to file)
              use specified file as Certificate Revocation List certificate.

       ssl:crl-path (path to directory)
              use specified directory as Certificate Revocation List certificate repository (OpenSSL only).

       ssl:key-file (path to file)
              use  specified  file  as your private key. This setting is only used for ftps and https protocols.
              For sftp and fish protocols use sftp:connect-program and  fish:connect-program  respectively  (add
              `-i' option to ssh).

       ssl:cert-file (path to file)
              use specified file as your certificate.

       ssl:use-sni (boolean)
              when true, use Server Name Indication (SNI) TLS extension.

       ssl:verify-certificate (boolean)
              if  set to yes, then verify server's certificate to be signed by a known Certificate Authority and
              not be on Certificate Revocation List. You can specify either host name or certificate fingerprint
              in the closure.

       ssl:priority (string)
              free  form  priority  string  for  GnuTLS.  If built with OpenSSL the understood values are + or -
              followed by SSL3.0, TLS1.0, TLS1.1 or TLS1.2, separated by :. Example:
                   set ssl:priority "NORMAL:-SSL3.0:-TLS1.0:-TLS1.1:+TLS1.2"

       torrent:ip (ipv4 address)
              IP address to send to the tracker. Specify it if you are using an HTTP proxy.

       torrent:ipv6 (ipv6 address)
              IPv6 address to send to the tracker. By default, first found global unicast address is used.

       torrent:max-peers (number)
              maximum number of peers for a torrent. Least used peers are removed to maintain this limit.

       torrent:port-range (from-to)
              port range to accept connections on. A single port is selected when a torrent starts.

       torrent:retracker (URL)
              explicit retracker URL, e.g. `http://retracker.local/announce'.

       torrent:save-metadata (boolean)
              when true, lftp saves metadata of each torrent it works with to ~/.local/share/lftp/torrent/md  or
              ~/.lftp/torrent/md directory and loads it from there if necessary.

       torrent:seed-max-time (time interval)
              maximum seed time. After this period of time a complete torrent shuts down independently of ratio.
              It can be set to infinity if needed.

       torrent:seed-min-peers (number)
              minimum number of peers when the torrent is complete. If there are less, new  peers  are  actively
              searched for.

       torrent:stop-min-ppr (real number)
              minimum  per-piece-ratio  to stop seeding. Use it to avoid a situation when a popular piece causes
              quick raise of the total ratio.

       torrent:stop-on-ratio (real number)
              torrent stops when it's complete and ratio reached this number.

       torrent:timeout (time interval)
              maximum time without any progress. When it's reached, the torrent shuts down.

       torrent:use-dht (boolean)
              when true, DHT is used.

              suggested filenames provided by the server are used if user explicitly sets this option  to  `on'.
              As this could be security risk, default is off.

       xfer:backup-suffix (string)
              a time format string (see strftime(3)) for backup file name when replacing an existing file.

       xfer:clobber (boolean)
              if  this  setting  is  off,  get  commands will not overwrite existing files and generate an error

       xfer:destination-directory (path or URL to directory)
              This setting is used as default -O option for get and mget  commands.   Default  is  empty,  which
              means current directory (no -O option).

       xfer:disk-full-fatal (boolean)
              when  true,  lftp  aborts a transfer if it cannot write target file because of full disk or quota;
              when false, lftp waits for disk space to be freed.

       xfer:eta-period (seconds)
              the period over which weighted average rate is calculated to produce ETA.

       xfer:eta-terse (boolean)
              show terse ETA (only high order parts). Default is true.

       xfer:keep-backup (boolean)
              when true, the backup file created  before  replacing  an  existing  file  is  not  removed  after
              successful transfer.

       xfer:make-backup (boolean)
              when true, lftp renames pre-existing file adding xfer:backup-suffix instead of overwriting it.

       xfer:max-redirections (number)
              maximum  number  of  redirections.  This  can  be  useful  for downloading over HTTP.  0 prohibits

       xfer:parallel (number)
              the default number of parallel transfers in a single get/put/mget/mput command.

       xfer:rate-period (seconds)
              the period over which weighted average rate is calculated to be shown.

       xfer:temp-file-name (string)
              temporary file name pattern, first asterisk is replaced by the original file name.

       xfer:timeout (time interval)
              maximum time without any transfer progress. It can be used  to  limit  maximum  time  to  retry  a
              transfer from a server not supporting transfer restart.

       xfer:use-temp-file (boolean)
              when true, a file will be transferred to a temporary file in the same directory and then renamed.

       xfer:verify (boolean)
              when  true,  verify-command is launched after successful transfer to validate file integrity. Zero
              exit code of that command should indicate correctness of the file.

       xfer:verify-command (string)
              the command to validate file integrity. The only argument is the path to the file.

       The name of a variable can be abbreviated unless it becomes ambiguous.  The  prefix  before  `:'  can  be
       omitted  too.  You  can  set  one  variable  several times for different closures, and thus you can get a
       particular settings for particular state. The closure is to be specified after  variable  name  separated
       with slash `/'.

       The closure for `dns:', `net:', `ftp:', `http:', `hftp:' domain variables is currently just the host name
       as you specify it in the `open'  command  (with  some  exceptions  where  closure  is  meaningless,  e.g.
       dns:cache-size).   For  some `cmd:' domain variables the closure is current URL without path.  For `log:'
       domain variables the closure is either `debug' or `xfer'.  For other variables it is not currently  used.
       See examples in the sample lftp.conf.

       Certain  commands  and  settings  take a time interval parameter. It has the format Nx[Nx...], where N is
       time amount (floating point) and x is time unit: d - days, h - hours, m - minutes, s -  seconds.  Default
       unit  is second. E.g. 5h30m or 5.5h.  Also the interval can be `infinity', `inf', `never', `forever' - it
       means infinite interval. E.g. `sleep forever' or `set dns:cache-expire never'.

       Boolean settings can be one of (true, on, yes, 1, +) for a True value or one of (false, off,  no,  0,  -)
       for a False value.

       Tri-boolean settings have either a boolean value or `auto'.

       Integer  settings can have a suffix: k - kibi, m - mebi, g - gigi, etc.  They can also have a prefix: 0 -
       octal, 0x - hexadecimal.

   FTP asynchronous mode (pipelining)
       Lftp can speed up FTP operations by sending several commands at once and then checking all the responses.
       See  ftp:sync-mode  variable. Sometimes this does not work, thus synchronous mode is the default. You can
       try to turn synchronous mode off and see if it works for you. It is  known  that  some  network  software
       dealing  with  address  translation  works incorrectly in the case of several FTP commands in one network

       RFC959 says: ``The user-process sending another command before the completion reply would be in violation
       of  protocol; but server-FTP processes should queue any commands that arrive while a preceding command is
       in progress''. Also, RFC1123 says:  ``Implementors  MUST  NOT  assume  any  correspondence  between  READ
       boundaries on the control connection and the Telnet EOL sequences (CR LF).'' and ``a single READ from the
       control connection may include more than one FTP command''.

       So it must be safe to send several commands at once, which speeds up operation a lot and  seems  to  work
       with all Unix and VMS based ftp servers. Unfortunately, windows based servers often cannot handle several
       commands in one packet, and so cannot some broken routers.


       -d     Switch on debugging mode.

       -e commands
              Execute given commands and don't exit.

       -p port
              Use the given port to connect.

       -u user[,pass]
              Use the given username and password to connect. Remember to quote the  password  properly  in  the
              shell.  Also note that it is not secure to specify the password on command line, use ~/.netrc file
              or LFTP_PASSWORD environment variable together with --env-password option. Alternatively  you  can
              use ssh-based protocols with authorized keys, so you don't have to enter a password.

       --norc Don't execute rc files from the home directory.

       --rcfile file
              Execute commands from the file. May be specified multiple times.

       -f script_file
              Execute  commands  in  the  file and exit.  This option must be used alone without other arguments
              (except --norc).

       -c commands
              Execute the given commands and exit. Commands can be separated with a  semicolon,  `&&'  or  `||'.
              Remember  to  quote  the  commands argument properly in the shell.  This option must be used alone
              without other arguments (except --norc).

       Other open options may also be given on the lftp command line.


       The following environment variables are processed by lftp:

       EDITOR Used as local editor for the edit command.

       HOME   Used for (local) tilde (`~') expansion.

       SHELL  Used by the ! command to determine the shell to run.

       PAGER  This should be the name of the pager to use.  It's used by the more and zmore commands.

       http_proxy, https_proxy
              Used to set initial http:proxy, hftp:proxy and https:proxy variables.

              Used to set initial ftp:proxy or hftp:proxy variables, depending on  URL  protocol  used  in  this
              environment variable.

              Used to set initial net:no-proxy variable.

              Used to set initial module:path variable.

              Used to locate the directory that stores user-specific configuration files. If unset, ~/.lftp will
              be used. Please note that if this directory does not exist, then XDG directories will be used.

              Used for --env-password open option.

              used to set initial color:dir-colors variable.

              Used to locate the directories for user-specific files when ~/.lftp (or $LFTP_HOME directory) does
              not  exist.  Defaults are ~/.config, ~/.local/share and ~/.cache respectively. The suffix /lftp is
              appended to make the full path to the directories.


              system-wide startup file. Actual location depends on --sysconfdir configure  option.  It  is  /etc
              when prefix is /usr, /usr/local/etc by default.

       ~/.config/lftp/rc or ~/.lftp/rc, ~/.lftprc
              These files are executed on lftp startup after /etc/lftp.conf.

       ~/.local/share/lftp/log or ~/.lftp/log
              The file things are logged to when lftp moves into the background in nohup mode.

       ~/.local/share/lftp/transfer_log or ~/.lftp/transfer_log
              The  file transfers are logged to when log:enabled/xfer setting is set to `yes'.  The location can
              be changed by log:file/xfer setting.

       ~/.local/share/lftp/bookmarks or ~/.lftp/bookmarks
              The file is used to store lftp's bookmarks.  See the bookmark command.

       ~/.local/share/lftp/cwd_history or ~/.lftp/cwd_history
              The file is used to store last working directories for each site visited.

       ~/.local/share/lftp/bg/ or ~/.lftp/bg/
              The directory is used to store named sockets for backgrounded lftp processes.

       ~/.cache/lftp/DHT/ or ~/.lftp/DHT/"
              The directory is used to store DHT id and nodes cache for IPv4 and IPv6.  File name suffix is  the
              host name.

       ~/.cache/lftp/edit/ or ~/.lftp/edit/"
              The directory is used to store temporary files for edit command.

       ~/.local/share/lftp/torrent/md/ or ~/.lftp/torrent/md/"
              The  directory is used to store torrent metadata. It is especially useful for magnet links, cached
              metadata can be loaded from the directory.  It can also serve as torrent history, file  names  are
              the info_hash of torrents.

              The file is consulted to get default login and password to a server when it is specified without a
              protocol to the `open' command.  Passwords are also searched here if an URL  with  user  name  but
              with no password is used.


       ftpd(8), ftp(1)
       RFC854  (telnet),  RFC959  (ftp),  RFC1123,  RFC1945  (http/1.0), RFC2052 (SRV RR), RFC2228 (ftp security
       extensions), RFC2389 (ftp FEAT),  RFC2428  (ftp/ipv6),  RFC2518  (WebDAV),  RFC2616  (http/1.1),  RFC2617
       (http/1.1  authentication), RFC2640 (ftp i18n), RFC3659 (ftp extensions), RFC4217 (ftp over ssl), BEP0003
       (BitTorrent  Protocol),  BEP0005  (DHT  Protocol),  BEP0006  (Fast  Extension),  BEP0007  (IPv6   Tracker
       Extension),  BEP0009  (Extension for Peers to Send Metadata Files), BEP0010 (Extension Protocol), BEP0012
       (Multitracker Metadata Extension), BEP0023 (Tracker Returns Compact Peer Lists), BEP0032 (DHT  Extensions
       for IPv6). (ftp deflate transmission mode), (sftp). (DHT security extension) (UDP tracker)


       Alexander V. Lukyanov


       This  manual  page  was  originally  written  by  Christoph Lameter <>, for the Debian
       GNU/Linux system. The page was improved and updated later by Nicolas  Lichtmaier  <>,
       James Troup <> and Alexander V. Lukyanov <>.

                                                   10 Aug 2017                                           lftp(1)