bionic (1) mapproxy-util-autoconfig.1.gz

mapproxy-util-autoconfig - creates MapProxy and MapProxy-seeding configurations
mapproxy-util autoconfig [OPTIONS]
mapproxy-util autoconfig creates MapProxy and MapProxy-seeding configurations based on existing WMS capabilities documents. It creates a source for each available layer. The source will include a BBOX coverage from the layer extent, legendurl for legend graphics, featureinfo for querlyable layers, scale hints and all detected supported_srs. It will duplicate the layer tree to the layers section of the MapProxy configuration, including the name, title and abstract. The tool will create a cache for each source layer and supported_srs if there is a grid configured in your --base configuration for that SRS. The MapProxy layers will use the caches when available, otherwise they will use the source directly (cascaded WMS). Note The tool can help you to create new configations, but it can’t predict how you will use the MapProxy services. The generated configuration can be highly inefficient, especially when multiple layers with separate caches are requested at once. Please make sure you understand the configuration and check the documentation for more options that are useful for your use-cases.
--capabilities url|filename URL or filename of the WMS capabilities document. The tool will add REQUEST and SERVICE parameters to the URL as necessary. --output filename Filename for the created MapProxy configuration. --output-seed filename Filename for the created MapProxy-seeding configuration. --force Overwrite any existing configuration with the same output filename. --base filename Base configuration that should be included in the --output file with the base option. --overwrite filename, --overwrite-seed filename YAML configuration that overwrites configuration options before the generated configuration is written to --output/--output-seed. EXAMPLE Print configuration on console: mapproxy-util autoconfig \ --capabilities Write MapProxy and MapProxy-seeding configuration to files: mapproxy-util autoconfig \ --capabilities \ --output mapproxy.yaml \ --output-seed seed.yaml Write MapProxy configuration with caches for grids from base.yaml: mapproxy-util autoconfig \ --capabilities \ --output mapproxy.yaml \ --base base.yaml
It's likely that you need to tweak the created configuration - e.g. to define another coverage, disable featureinfo, etc. You can do this by editing the output file of course, or you can modify the output by defining all changes to an overwrite file. Overwrite files are applied everytime you call mapproxy-util autoconfig. Overwrites are YAML files that will be merged with the created configuration file. The overwrites are applied independently for each services, sources, caches and layers section. That means, for example, that you can modify the supported_srs of a source and the tool will use the updated SRS list to decide which caches will be configured for that source. EXAMPLE Created configuration: sources: mysource_wms: type: wms req: url: layers: a Overwrite file: sources: mysource_wms: supported_srs: ['EPSG:4326'] # add new value for mysource_wms req: layers: a,b # overwrite existing value custom_param: 42 # new value Actual configuration written to --output: sources: mysource_wms: type: wms supported_srs: ['EPSG:4326'] req: url: layers: a,b custom_param: 42 SPECIAL KEYS There are a few special keys that you can use in your overwrite file. All The value of the __all__ key will be merged into all dictionaries. The following overwrite will add sessionid to the req options of all sources: sources: __all__: req: sessionid: 123456789 Extend The values of keys ending with __extend__ will be added to existing lists. To add another SRS for one source: sources: my_wms: supported_srs__extend__: ['EPSG:31467'] Wildcard The values of keys starting or ending with three underscores (___) will be merged with values where the key matches the suffix or prefix. For example, to set levels for osm_webmercator and aerial_webmercator and to set refresh_before for osm_webmercator and osm_utm32: seeds: ____webmercator: levels: from: 0 to: 12 osm____: refresh_before: days: 5 20 November 2017 mapproxy-util-autoconfig(1)