bionic (1) mogrify.1.gz

Provided by: graphicsmagick_1.3.28-2ubuntu0.2_amd64 bug


       gm animate [ options ... ] file [ [ options ... ] file ... ]

       gm batch [ options ... ] [ script ]

       gm benchmark [ options ... ] subcommand

       gm compare [ options ... ] reference-image [ options ... ] compare-image [ options ... ]

       gm composite [ options ... ] change-image base-image [ mask-image ] output-image

       gm conjure [ options ] script.msl [ [ options ] script.msl ]

       gm convert [ [ options ... ] [ input-file ...  ] [ options ... ] ] output-file

       gm display [ options ... ] file ...  [ [options ... ]file ... ]

       gm identify file [ file ... ]

       gm import [ options ... ] file

       gm mogrify [ options ... ] file ...

       gm montage [ options ... ] file [ [ options ... ] file ... ] output-file

       gm time subcommand

       gm version


        GraphicsMagick's  gm  provides  a  suite  of utilities for creating, comparing, converting, editing, and
       displaying images.  All of the utilities are provided as sub-commands of a single gm executable:

       animate displays an animation (e.g. a GIF file) on any workstation display running an X server.

       batch executes an arbitary number of the utility commands (e.g. convert) in the form of a  simple  linear
       batch  script  in  order to improve execution efficiency, and/or to allow use as a subordinate co-process
       under the control of an arbitrary script or program.

       benchmark executes one of the other utility commands (e.g. convert) for a specified number of iterations,
       or  execution  time,  and reports execution time and other profiling information such as CPU utilization.
       Benchmark provides various operating modes including executing the  command  with  a  varying  number  of
       threads, and alternate reporting formats such as comma-separated value (CSV).

       compare  compares  two  images  and  reports  difference statistics according to specified metrics and/or
       outputs an image with a visual representation of the differences.  It may also be used to test if  images
       are  similar  within  a  particular  range and specified metric, returning a truth value to the executing

       composite composites images (blends or merges images together) to create new images.

       conjure interprets and executes scripts in the Magick Scripting Language (MSL).

       convert converts an input file using one image format to an output file with the same or differing  image
       format while applying an arbitrary number of image transformations.

       display  is  a  machine architecture independent image processing and display facility. It can display an
       image on any workstation display running an X server.

       identify describes the format and characteristics of one or more image files. It will also report  if  an
       image is incomplete or corrupt.

       import  reads  an  image  from any visible window on an X server and outputs it as an image file. You can
       capture a single window, the entire screen, or any rectangular portion of the screen.

       mogrify transforms an image or a sequence of  images.  These  transforms  include  image  scaling,  image
       rotation, color reduction, and others. The transmogrified image overwrites the original image.

       montage  creates  a composite by combining several separate images. The images are tiled on the composite
       image with the name of the image optionally appearing just below the individual tile.

       time executes a subcommand and reports the user, system, and total execution time consumed.

       version reports the GraphicsMagick release version, maximum  sample-depth,  copyright  notice,  supported
       features, and the options used while building the software.

       The GraphicsMagick utilities recognize the following image formats:

       Name  Mode Description
        o  3FR       r-- Hasselblad Photo RAW
        o  8BIM      rw- Photoshop resource format
        o  8BIMTEXT  rw- Photoshop resource text format
        o  8BIMWTEXT rw- Photoshop resource wide text format
        o  APP1      rw- Raw application information
        o  APP1JPEG  rw- Raw JPEG binary data
        o  ART       r-- PF1: 1st Publisher
        o  ARW       r-- Sony Alpha DSLR RAW
        o  AVS       rw+ AVS X image
        o  BIE       rw- Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
                         interchange format
        o  BMP       rw+ Microsoft Windows bitmap image
        o  BMP2      -w- Microsoft Windows bitmap image v2
        o  BMP3      -w- Microsoft Windows bitmap image v3
        o  CACHE     --- Magick Persistent Cache image format
        o  CALS      rw- Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle
                         Support Type 1 image
        o  CAPTION   r-- Caption (requires separate size info)
        o  CIN       rw- Kodak Cineon Format
        o  CMYK      rw- Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black
                         samples (8 or 16 bits, depending on
                         the image depth)
        o  CMYKA     rw- Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and
                         matte samples (8 or 16 bits, depending
                         on the image depth)
        o  CR2       r-- Canon Photo RAW
        o  CRW       r-- Canon Photo RAW
        o  CUR       r-- Microsoft Cursor Icon
        o  CUT       r-- DR Halo
        o  DCM       r-- Digital Imaging and Communications in
                         Medicine image
        o  DCR       r-- Kodak Photo RAW
        o  DCX       rw+ ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush
        o  DNG       r-- Adobe Digital Negative
        o  DPS       r-- Display PostScript Interpreter
        o  DPX       rw- Digital Moving Picture Exchange
        o  EPDF      rw- Encapsulated Portable Document Format
        o  EPI       rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
                         Interchange format
        o  EPS       rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPS2      -w- Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPS3      -w- Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPSF      rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
        o  EPSI      rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
                         Interchange format
        o  EPT       rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript with MS-DOS
                         TIFF preview
        o  EPT2      rw- Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
                         with MS-DOS TIFF preview
        o  EPT3      rw- Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
                         with MS-DOS TIFF preview
        o  EXIF      rw- Exif digital camera binary data
        o  FAX       rw+ Group 3 FAX (Not TIFF Group3 FAX!)
        o  FITS      rw- Flexible Image Transport System
        o  FRACTAL   r-- Plasma fractal image
        o  FPX       rw- FlashPix Format
        o  GIF       rw+ CompuServe graphics interchange format
        o  GIF87     rw- CompuServe graphics interchange format
                         (version 87a)
        o  GRADIENT  r-- Gradual passing from one shade to
        o  GRAY      rw+ Raw gray samples (8/16/32 bits,
                         depending on the image depth)
        o  HISTOGRAM -w- Histogram of the image
        o  HRZ       r-- HRZ: Slow scan TV
        o  HTML      -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
                         client-side image map
        o  ICB       rw+ Truevision Targa image
        o  ICC       rw- ICC Color Profile
        o  ICM       rw- ICC Color Profile
        o  ICO       r-- Microsoft icon
        o  ICON      r-- Microsoft icon
        o  IDENTITY  r-- Hald CLUT identity image
        o  IMAGE     r-- GraphicsMagick Embedded Image
        o  INFO      -w+ Image descriptive information and
        o  IPTC      rw- IPTC Newsphoto
        o  IPTCTEXT  rw- IPTC Newsphoto text format
        o  IPTCWTEXT rw- IPTC Newsphoto wide text format
        o  JBG       rw+ Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
                         interchange format
        o  JBIG      rw+ Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
                         interchange format
        o  JNG       rw- JPEG Network Graphics
        o  JP2       rw- JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
        o  JPC       rw- JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
        o  JPEG      rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group
                         JFIF format
        o  JPG       rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group
                         JFIF format
        o  K25       r-- Kodak Photo RAW
        o  KDC       r-- Kodak Photo RAW
        o  LABEL     r-- Text image format
        o  M2V       rw+ MPEG-2 Video Stream
        o  MAP       rw- Colormap intensities and indices
        o  MAT       r-- MATLAB image format
        o  MATTE     -w+ MATTE format
        o  MIFF      rw+ Magick Image File Format
        o  MNG       rw+ Multiple-image Network Graphics
        o  MONO      rw- Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-
                         -byte-first order
        o  MPC       rw+ Magick Persistent Cache image format
        o  MPEG      rw+ MPEG-1 Video Stream
        o  MPG       rw+ MPEG-1 Video Stream
        o  MRW       r-- Minolta Photo Raw
        o  MSL       r-- Magick Scripting Language
        o  MTV       rw+ MTV Raytracing image format
        o  MVG       rw- Magick Vector Graphics
        o  NEF       r-- Nikon Electronic Format
        o  NULL      r-- Constant image of uniform color
        o  OTB       rw- On-the-air bitmap
        o  P7        rw+ Xv thumbnail format
        o  PAL       rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
        o  PALM      rw- Palm Pixmap
        o  PBM       rw+ Portable bitmap format (black and white)
        o  PCD       rw- Photo CD
        o  PCDS      rw- Photo CD
        o  PCL       -w- Page Control Language
        o  PCT       rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
        o  PCX       rw- ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush
        o  PDB       rw+ Palm Database ImageViewer Format
        o  PDF       rw+ Portable Document Format
        o  PEF       r-- Pentax Electronic File
        o  PFA       r-- TrueType font
        o  PFB       r-- TrueType font
        o  PGM       rw+ Portable graymap format (gray scale)
        o  PGX       r-- JPEG-2000 VM Format
        o  PICON     rw- Personal Icon
        o  PICT      rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
        o  PIX       r-- Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
        o  PLASMA    r-- Plasma fractal image
        o  PNG       rw- Portable Network Graphics
        o  PNG24     rw- Portable Network Graphics, 24 bit RGB
                         opaque only
        o  PNG32     rw- Portable Network Graphics, 32 bit RGBA
                         semitransparency OK
        o  PNG8      rw- Portable Network Graphics, 8-bit
                         indexed, binary transparency only
        o  PNM       rw+ Portable anymap
        o  PPM       rw+ Portable pixmap format (color)
        o  PREVIEW   -w- Show a preview an image enhancement,
                         effect, or f/x
        o  PS        rw+ Adobe PostScript
        o  PS2       -w+ Adobe Level II PostScript
        o  PS3       -w+ Adobe Level III PostScript
        o  PSD       rw- Adobe Photoshop bitmap
        o  PTIF      rw- Pyramid encoded TIFF
        o  PWP       r-- Seattle Film Works
        o  RAF       r-- Fuji Photo RAW
        o  RAS       rw+ SUN Rasterfile
        o  RGB       rw+ Raw red, green, and blue samples
        o  RGBA      rw+ Raw red, green, blue, and matte samples
        o  RLA       r-- Alias/Wavefront image
        o  RLE       r-- Utah Run length encoded image
        o  SCT       r-- Scitex HandShake
        o  SFW       r-- Seattle Film Works
        o  SGI       rw+ Irix RGB image
        o  SHTML     -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
                         client-side image map
        o  STEGANO   r-- Steganographic image
        o  SUN       rw+ SUN Rasterfile
        o  SVG       rw+ Scalable Vector Gaphics
        o  TEXT      rw+ Raw text
        o  TGA       rw+ Truevision Targa image
        o  TIFF      rw+ Tagged Image File Format
        o  TILE      r-- Tile image with a texture
        o  TIM       r-- PSX TIM
        o  TOPOL     r-- TOPOL X Image
        o  TTF       r-- TrueType font
        o  TXT       rw+ Raw text
        o  UIL       -w- X-Motif UIL table
        o  UYVY      rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
        o  VDA       rw+ Truevision Targa image
        o  VICAR     rw- VICAR rasterfile format
        o  VID       rw+ Visual Image Directory
        o  VIFF      rw+ Khoros Visualization image
        o  VST       rw+ Truevision Targa image
        o  WBMP      rw- Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image
        o  WMF       r-- Windows Metafile
        o  WPG       r-- Word Perfect Graphics
        o  X         rw- X Image
        o  X3F       r-- Foveon X3 (Sigma/Polaroid) RAW
        o  XBM       rw- X Windows system bitmap (black
                         and white)
        o  XC        r-- Constant image uniform color
        o  XCF       r-- GIMP image
        o  XMP       rw- Adobe XML metadata
        o  XPM       rw- X Windows system pixmap (color)
        o  XV        rw+ Khoros Visualization image
        o  XWD       rw- X Windows system window dump (color)
        o  YUV       rw- CCIR 601 4:1:1 or 4:2:2 (8-bit only)

                     r   Read
                     w   Write
                     +   Multi-image

       Support  for  some  of  these formats require additional programs or libraries.  See README in the source
       package for where to find optional additional software.

       Note, a format delineated with + means that if more than one image is specified, frames are combined into
       a single multi-image file. Use +adjoin if you want a single image produced for each frame.

       Your  installation  might  not support all of the formats in the list.  To get an accurate listing of the
       formats supported by your particular configuration, run "gm convert -list format".

       Raw images are expected to have one byte per pixel unless gm is compiled in 16-bit  quantum  mode  or  in
       32-bit  quantum  mode.  Here,  the  raw  data  is  expected  to  be  stored  two or four bytes per pixel,
       respectively, in most-significant-byte-first order.  For example, you can tell  if  gm  was  compiled  in
       16-bit  mode  by  typing  "gm  version"  without any options, and looking for "Q:16" in the first line of


       By default, the image format is determined by its magic number, i.e., the first few bytes of the file. To
       specify  a  particular  image  format,  precede  the  filename  with  an  image  format  name and a colon
       ( or specify the image type as the filename suffix (  The magic  number  takes
       precedence  over the filename suffix and the prefix takes precedence over the magic number and the suffix
       in input files.  When a file is read, its magic number is  stored  in  the  "image->magick"  string.   In
       output  files,  the  prefix  takes  precedence  over  the  filename suffix, and the filename suffix takes
       precedence over the "image->magick" string.

       To read the "built-in" formats (GRANITE, H, LOGO, NETSCAPE, PLASMA, and ROSE) use a prefix (including the
       colon) without a filename or suffix.  To read the XC format, follow the colon with a color specification.
       To read the CAPTION format, follow the colon with a text string or with a filename prefixed with  the  at
       symbol (@).

       When  you specify X as your image type, the filename has special meaning. It specifies an X window by id,
       name, or root. If no filename is specified, the window is selected by clicking the mouse in  the  desired

       Specify  input_file as - for standard input, output_file as - for standard output.  If input_file has the
       extension .Z or .gz, the file is uncompressed with uncompress or gunzip respectively.  If output_file has
       the extension .Z or .gz, the file is compressed using with compress or gzip respectively.

       Use  an  optional  index enclosed in brackets after an input file name to specify a desired subimage of a
       multi-resolution image format like Photo CD (e.g. "img0001.pcd[4]") or a  range  for  MPEG  images  (e.g.
       "video.mpg[50-75]"). A subimage specification can be disjoint (e.g. "image.tiff[2,7,4]"). For raw images,
       specify a subimage with a geometry (e.g. -size 640x512 "image.rgb[320x256+50+50]").  Surround  the  image
       name  with quotation marks to prevent your shell from interpreting the square brackets. Single images are
       written with the filename you specify. However, multi-part images (e.g., a multi-page PostScript document
       with  +adjoin  specified) may be written with the scene number included as part of the filename. In order
       to include the scene number in the filename,  it  is  necessary  to  include  a  printf-style  %d  format
       specification in the file name and use the +adjoin option. For example,


       writes  files  image00.miff,  image01.miff,  etc. Only a single specification is allowed within an output
       filename. If more than one specification is present, it will be ignored. It is best to  embed  the  scene
       number  in  the  base  part  of  the file name, not in the extension, because the extension will not be a
       recognizeable image type.

       When running a commandline utility, you can prepend an at sign @ to a filename to read a  list  of  image
       filenames from that file. This is convenient in the event you have too many image filenames to fit on the
       command line.


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       for the set of images that follows, until the set is terminated by the appearance of any option or -noop.
       Some options only affect the decoding of images and others only the  encoding.   The  latter  can  appear
       after the final group of input images.

       This  is  a  combined  list  of  the  command-line options used by the GraphicsMagick utilities (animate,
       compare, composite, convert, display, identify, import, mogrify and montage).

       In this document, angle brackets ("<>") enclose variables and  curly  brackets  ("{}")  enclose  optional
       parameters. For example, "-fuzz <distance>{%}" means you can use the option "-fuzz 10" or "-fuzz 2%".

              join images into a single multi-image file

              By  default,  all  images  of an image sequence are stored in the same file. However, some formats
              (e.g. JPEG) do not support storing more than one image per file and only the  first  frame  in  an
              image  sequence  will  be saved unless the result is saved to separate files. Use +adjoin to force
              saving multiple frames to multiple numbered files. If +adjoin is used, then  the  output  filename
              must  include  a  printf style formatting specification for the numeric part of the filename.  For


       -affine <matrix>
              drawing transform matrix

              This option provides a transform  matrix  {sx,rx,ry,sy,tx,ty}  for  use  by  subsequent  -draw  or
              -transform options.

              remove pixel aliasing

              By  default antialiasing algorithms are used when drawing objects (e.g. lines) or rendering vector
              formats (e.g. WMF and Postscript). Use +antialias  to  disable  use  of  antialiasing  algorithms.
              Reasons  to  disable  antialiasing  include  avoiding increasing colors in the image, or improving
              rendering speed.

              append a set of images

              This option creates a single image where the images in the original set are stacked top-to-bottom.
              If  they are not of the same width, any narrow images will be expanded to fit using the background
              color.  Use +append to stack images left-to-right.   The  set  of  images  is  terminated  by  the
              appearance of any option.  If the -append option appears after all of the input images, all images
              are appended.

        -asc-cdl <spec>
              apply ASC CDL color transform

              Applies ("bakes in") the ASC CDL, which is a format  for  the  exchange  of  basic  primary  color
              grading  information  between  equipment  and  software  from  different manufacturers. The format
              defines the math for three functions: slope, offset and power. Each function uses a number for the
              red,  green,  and  blue  color  channels  for  a  total  of nine numbers comprising a single color
              decision. The tenth number (optional) is for chromiance (saturation) as specified by ASC CDL 1.2.

              The argument string is comma delimited and is in  the  following  form  (but  without  invervening
              spaces or line breaks)


              with the unity (no change) specification being:


       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

              Use  this option to supply a password for decrypting an image or an image sequence, if it is being
              read from a format such as PDF that supports encryption.  Encrypting images being written  is  not

              orient (rotate) image so it is upright

              Adjusts  the  image  orienation  so  that  it  is  suitable for viewing.  Uses the orientation tag
              obtained from the image file or as supplied by the -orient option.

              average a set of images

              The set of images is terminated by the appearance of any option.  If the -average  option  appears
              after all of the input images, all images are averaged.

              display the image centered on a backdrop.

              This  backdrop  covers  the  entire  workstation  screen  and  is useful for hiding other X window
              activity while viewing the image. The color of the backdrop is specified as the  foreground  color
              (X11 default is black).  Refer to "X Resources", below, for details.

       -background <color>
              the background color

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.

       -black-threshold red[,green][,blue][,opacity]
              pixels below the threshold become black

              Use  -black-threshold  to  set  pixels  with values below the specified threshold to minimum value
              (black). If only one value is supplied, or the red, green, and blue  values  are  identical,  then
              intensity thresholding is used. If the color threshold values are not identical then channel-based
              thresholding is used, and color distortion will occur. Specify a negative value (e.g. -1)  if  you
              want  a  channel  to  be  ignored  but  you do want to threshold a channel later in the list. If a
              percent (%) symbol is appended, then the values are treated as a percentage of maximum range.

       -blue-primary <x>,<y>
              blue chromaticity primary point

       -blur <radius>{x<sigma>}
              blur the image with a Gaussian operator

              Blur with the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).

       -border <width>x<height>
              surround the image with a border of color

              See -geometry for details about the geometry specification.

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.

       -borderwidth <geometry>
              the border width

       -box <color>
              set the color of the annotation bounding box

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.

              See -draw for further details.

       -channel <type>
              the type of channel

              Choose from: Red, Green, Blue, Opacity, Matte, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, or Gray.

              Use this option to extract a particular channel from the image.  Opacity, for example,  is  useful
              for extracting the opacity values from an image.

       -charcoal <factor>
              simulate a charcoal drawing

       -chop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              remove pixels from the interior of an image

              Width  and height give the number of columns and rows to remove, and x and y are offsets that give
              the location of the leftmost column and topmost row to remove.

              The x offset normally specifies the leftmost column to remove.  If the -gravity option is  present
              with  NorthEast, East, or SouthEast gravity, it gives the distance leftward from the right edge of
              the image to the rightmost column to remove.  Similarly,  the  y  offset  normally  specifies  the
              topmost  row  to remove, but if the -gravity option is present with SouthWest, South, or SouthEast
              gravity, it specifies the distance upward from the bottom edge of the image to the bottom  row  to

              The  -chop  option removes entire rows and columns, and moves the remaining corner blocks leftward
              and upward to close the gaps.

       -clip  apply the clipping path, if one is present

              If a clipping path is present, it will be applied to subsequent operations.

              For example, if you type the following command:

                  gm convert -clip -negate cockatoo.tif negated.tif

              only the pixels within the clipping path are negated.

              The -clip feature requires the XML library.  If the XML library is  not  present,  the  option  is

              merge a sequence of images

              Each image N in the sequence after Image 0 is replaced with the image created by flattening images
              0 through N.

              The set of images is terminated by the appearance of any option.  If the -coalesce option  appears
              after all of the input images, all images are coalesced.

       -colorize <value>
              colorize the image with the pen color

              Specify  the amount of colorization as a percentage. You can apply separate colorization values to
              the red, green, and blue channels of the image with  a  colorization  value  list  delimited  with
              slashes (e.g. 0/0/50).

              The -colorize option may be used in conjunction with -modulate to produce a nice sepia toned image

                  gm convert input.ppm -modulate 115,0,100 \
                            -colorize 7,21,50 output.ppm.

       -colormap <type>
              define the colormap type

              Choose between shared or private.

              This option only applies when the default X server visual is PseudoColor or  GRAYScale.  Refer  to
              -visual for more details. By default, a shared colormap is allocated. The image shares colors with
              other X clients.  Some image colors could be approximated, therefore  your  image  may  look  very
              different  than  intended. Choose Private and the image colors appear exactly as they are defined.
              However, other clients may go technicolor when the image colormap is installed.

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

              The actual number of colors in the image may be less than your request, but never more. Note, this
              is  a  color reduction option. Images with less unique colors than specified with this option will
              have any duplicate or unused colors removed. The ordering of an  existing  color  palette  may  be
              altered.  When  converting  an  image  from  color  to  grayscale,  convert  the image to the gray
              colorspace before reducing the number of colors since doing so is  most  efficient.  Refer  to  <a
              href="quantize.html">quantize for more details.

              Note, options -dither, -colorspace, and -treedepth affect the color reduction algorithm.

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

              Choices  are:  CineonLog,  CMYK,  GRAY,  HSL, HWB, OHTA, RGB, Rec601Luma, Rec709Luma, Rec601YCbCr,
              Rec709YCbCr, Transparent, XYZ, YCbCr, YIQ, YPbPr, or YUV.

              Color reduction, by default, takes place in the RGB color space. Empirical evidence suggests  that
              distances  in  color  spaces  such  as  YUV or YIQ correspond to perceptual color differences more
              closely than do distances in RGB space.  These color spaces may give  better  results  when  color
              reducing  an  image.  Refer to quantize for more details.  Two gray colorspaces are supported. The
              Rec601Luma space is based on the recommendations for legacy NTSC television (ITU-R BT.601-5).  The
              Rec709Luma  space  is  based on the recommendations for HDTV (Rec. ITU-R BT.709-5) and is suitable
              for use with computer graphics, and for contemporary CRT displays. The GRAY  colorspace  currently
              selects the Rec601Luma colorspace by default for backwards compatibly reasons. This default may be
              re-considered in the future.

              Two YCbCr colorspaces are supported. The Rec601YCbCr space is based  on  the  recommendations  for
              legacy  NTSC television (ITU-R BT.601-5). The Rec709CbCr space is based on the recommendations for
              HDTV (Rec.  ITU-R BT.709-5) and is suitable for suitable for use with computer graphics,  and  for
              contemporary CRT displays. The YCbCr colorspace specification is equivalent toRec601YCbCr.

              The  Transparent  color space behaves uniquely in that it preserves the matte channel of the image
              if it exists.

              The -colors or -monochrome option, or saving to a file format which requires color  reduction,  is
              required for this option to take effect.

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

              Use  this  option  to assign a specific comment to the image, when writing to an image format that
              supports comments. You can include the  image  filename,  type,  width,  height,  or  other  image
              attribute  by embedding special format characters listed under the -format option.  The comment is
              not drawn on the image, but is embedded in the image datastream via a  "Comment"  tag  or  similar
              mechanism.   If  you  want  the  comment  to  be visible on the image itself, use the -draw option

              For example,

                   -comment "%m:%f %wx%h"

              produces an image comment of MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image titled bird.miff and whose  width
              is 512 and height is 480.

              If  the  first  character  of  string  is  @,  the image comment is read from a file titled by the
              remaining characters in the string.

              If the -comment option appears multiple times, only the last comment is stored.

              In PNG images, the comment is stored in a tEXt or zTXt chunk with the keyword "comment".

       -compose <operator>
              the type of image composition

              The description of composition uses abstract terminology in order to allow the the description  to
              be  more  clear,  while  avoiding  constant  values  which  are  specific  to  a  particular build
              configuration. Each image pixel is represented by red, green, and blue levels (which are equal for
              a gray pixel). MaxRGB is the maximum integral value which may be stored in the red, green, or blue
              channels of the image. Each image pixel may  also  optionally  (if  the  image  matte  channel  is
              enabled)  have  an  associated level of opacity (ranging from opaque to transparent), which may be
              used to determine the influence of the pixel color when compositing the pixel with  another  image
              pixel. If the image matte channel is disabled, then all pixels in the image are treated as opaque.
              The color of an opaque pixel is fully visible while the color of  a  transparent  pixel  color  is
              entirely absent (pixel color is ignored).

              By definition, raster images have a rectangular shape. All image rows are of equal length, and all
              image columns have the same number of rows. By treating the opacity channel as a visual "mask" the
              rectangular  image  may  be given a "shape" by treating the opacity channel as a cookie-cutter for
              the image. Pixels within the shape are opaque, while pixels outside  the  shape  are  transparent.
              Pixels  on  the  boundary  of  the shape may be between opaque and transparent in order to provide
              antialiasing (visually smooth edges). The  description  of  the  composition  operators  use  this
              concept  of  image "shape" in order to make the description of the operators easier to understand.
              While it is convenient to describe the operators in terms of "shapes" they are by no means limited
              to mask-style operations since they are based on continuous floating-point mathematics rather than
              simple boolean operations.

              By default, the Over composite operator is used. The following composite operators are available:


              The behavior of each operator is described below.


                    The result will be the union of the two image shapes,  with  opaque  areas  of  change-image
                    obscuring base-image in the region of overlap.


                    The  result is simply change-image cut by the shape of base-image. None of the image data of
                    base-image will be in the result.


                    The resulting image is change-image with the shape of base-image cut out.


                    The result is the same shape as base-image, with change-image obscuring base-image where the
                    image  shapes  overlap.  Note  this  differs  from  over because the portion of change-image
                    outside base-image's shape does not appear in the result.


                    The result is the image data from both change-image  and  base-image  that  is  outside  the
                    overlap region. The overlap region will be blank.


                    The  result  is  just  the  sum  of  the image data. Output values are cropped to MaxRGB (no
                    overflow). This operation is independent of the matte channels.


                    The result of change-image - base-image, with underflow cropped to zero. The  matte  channel
                    is ignored (set to opaque, full coverage).


                    The result of change-image + base-image, with overflow wrapping around (mod MaxRGB+1).


                    The  result of change-image - base-image, with underflow wrapping around (mod MaxRGB+1). The
                    add and subtract operators can be used to perform reversible transformations.


                    The result of abs(change-image - base-image). This is useful for comparing two very  similar


                    The  result  of  change-image  / base-image. This is useful for improving the readability of
                    text on unevenly illuminated photos (by using a gaussian blurred  copy  of  change-image  as


                    The result of change-image * base-image. This is useful for the creation of drop-shadows.


                    The result base-image shaded by change-image.


                    The  resulting image is base-image replaced with change-image. Here the matte information is


                    The resulting image is the red channel in  base-image  replaced  with  the  red  channel  in
                    change-image. The other channels are copied untouched.


                    The  resulting  image  is the green channel in base-image replaced with the green channel in
                    change-image. The other channels are copied untouched.


                    The resulting image is the blue channel in base-image replaced  with  the  blue  channel  in
                    change-image. The other channels are copied untouched.


                    The  resulting  image is the opacity channel in base-image replaced with the opacity channel
                    in change-image. The other channels are copied untouched.


                    The resulting image is the cyan channel in base-image replaced  with  the  cyan  channel  in
                    change-image.  The  other  channels are copied untouched. Use of this operator requires that
                    base-image be in CMYK(A) colorspace.


                    The resulting image is the magenta channel in base-image replaced with the  magenta  channel
                    in change-image. The other channels are copied untouched. Use of this operator requires that
                    base-image be in CMYK(A) colorspace.


                    The resulting image is the yellow channel in base-image replaced with the yellow channel  in
                    change-image.  The  other  channels are copied untouched. Use of this operator requires that
                    base-image be in CMYK(A) colorspace.


                    The resulting image is the black channel in base-image replaced with the  black  channel  in
                    change-image.  The  other  channels are copied untouched. Use of this operator requires that
                    base-image be in CMYK(A) colorspace. If change-image is not in CMYK space, then the  change-
                    image pixel intensities are used.

       -compress <type>
              the type of image compression

              Choices are: None, BZip, Fax, Group4, JPEG, Lossless, LZW, RLE, Zip, or LZMA.

              Specify  +compress  to  store  the  binary  image  in  an uncompressed format.  The default is the
              compression type of the specified image file.

              "Lossless" refers to lossless JPEG, which is only available if the JPEG library has  been  patched
              to support it. Use of lossless JPEG is generally not recommended.

              Use  the  -quality  option  to  set  the compression level to be used by JPEG, PNG, MIFF, and MPEG
              encoders. Use the -sampling-factor option to set the sampling factor to be used by the DPX,  JPEG,
              MPEG, and YUV encoders for downsampling the chroma channels.

              enhance or reduce the image contrast

              This  option  enhances  the  intensity  differences between the lighter and darker elements of the
              image. Use -contrast to enhance the image or +contrast to reduce the image contrast.

              For a more pronounced effect you can repeat the option:

                  gm convert rose: -contrast -contrast rose_c2.png

       -convolve <kernel>
              convolve image with the specified convolution kernel

              The kernel is specified as a comma-separated list of floating point values, ordered left-to right,
              starting  with the top row. The order of the kernel is determined by the square root of the number
              of entries.  Presently only square kernels are supported.

              create output directory if required

              Use this option with -output-directory if the input paths contain subdirectories and it is desired
              to  create similar subdirectories in the output directory.  Without this option, mogrify will fail
              if the required output directory does not exist.

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

              See -geometry for details about the geometry specification.

              The width and height give the size of the image that remains after  cropping,  and  x  and  y  are
              offsets  that  give  the  location of the top left corner of the cropped image with respect to the
              original image.  To specify the amount to be removed, use -shave instead.

              If the x and y offsets are present, a single image is generated, consisting of the pixels from the
              cropping region.  The offsets specify the location of the upper left corner of the cropping region
              measured downward and rightward with respect to the upper  left  corner  of  the  image.   If  the
              -gravity  option  is  present  with  NorthEast,  East, or SouthEast gravity, it gives the distance
              leftward from the right edge of the image to the right edge of the cropping region.  Similarly, if
              the  -gravity  option  is  present  with  SouthWest,  South, or SouthEast gravity, the distance is
              measured upward between the bottom edges.

              If the x and y offsets are omitted, a set of tiles of the specified geometry, covering the  entire
              input  image, is generated.  The rightmost tiles and the bottom tiles are smaller if the specified
              geometry extends beyond the dimensions of the input image.

       -cycle <amount>
              displace image colormap by amount

              Amount defines the number of positions each colormap entry isshifted.

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

              The events parameter specifies which events are to be logged.  It can be either None,  All,  or  a
              comma-separated  list  consisting  of one or more of the following domains: Annotate, Blob, Cache,
              Coder, Configure, Deprecate, Error, Exception, Locale, Render,Resource, TemporaryFile,  Transform,
              Warning, X11, or User.  For example, to log cache and blob events, use

                  gm convert -debug "Cache,Blob" rose: rose.png

              The "User" domain is normally empty, but developers can log "User" events in their private copy of

              Use the -log option to specify the format for debugging output.

              Use +debug to turn off all logging.

              An alternative to using -debug is to use the MAGICK_DEBUG environment variable. The allowed values
              for the MAGICK_DEBUG environment variable are the same as for the -debug option.

              break down an image sequence into constituent parts

              This  option  compares  each  image  with  the next in a sequence and returns the maximum bounding
              region of any pixel differences it discovers.  This method can undo a coalesced sequence  returned
              by  the  -coalesce  option,  and  is  useful  for removing redundant information from a GIF or MNG

              The sequence of images is terminated by the appearance of any option.  If the -deconstruct  option
              appears after all of the input images, all images are deconstructed.

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add  coder/decoder  specific  options  This  option creates one or more definitions for coders and
              decoders to use while reading and writing image data. Definitions may  be  passed  to  coders  and
              decoders  to control options that are specific to certain image formats. If value is missing for a
              definition, an empty-valued definition of a flag will be created with that name. This is  used  to
              control  on/off  options.  Use  +define  <key>,...  to  remove definitions previously created. Use
              +define "*" to remove all existing definitions.

              The following definitions may be created:


                    Use the cineon:colorspace option when reading a Cineon file to specify  the  colorspace  the
                    Cineon file uses. This overrides the colorspace type implied by the DPX header (if any).


                    If  the  dpx:bits-per-sample  key  is defined, GraphicsMagick will write DPX images with the
                    specified bits per sample, overriding any existing  depth  value.  If  this  option  is  not
                    specified, then the value is based on the existing image depth value from the original image
                    file. The DPX standard supports bits per sample values of 1, 8, 10, 12,  and  16.  Many  DPX
                    readers demand a sample size of 10 bits with type A padding (see below).


                    Use the dpx:colorspace option when reading a DPX file to specify the colorspace the DPX file
                    uses. This overrides the colorspace type implied by the DPX header (if any).


                    DPX samples are output within 32-bit words. They may be tightly packed end-to-end within the
                    words  ("packed"),  padded  with  null  bits to the right of the sample ("a" or "lsbpad), or
                    padded with null bits to the left of the sample ("b" or "msbpad"). This option only  has  an
                    effect  for  sample  sizes  of  10  or  12 bits. If samples are not packed, the DPX standard
                    recommends type A padding. Many DPX readers demand a sample size of  10  bits  with  type  A


                    Allows  the  user  to specify the endian order of the pixels when reading or writing the DPX
                    files. Sometimes this is useful if the file is (or must be) written incorrectly so that  the
                    file header and the pixels use different endianness.


                    GraphicsMagick strives to adhere to the DPX standard but certain aspects of the standard can
                    be quite confusing. As a result, some 10-bit DPX files have Red and Blue interchanged, or Cb
                    and Cr interchanged due to an different interpretation of the standard, or getting the wires
                    crossed. The swap-samples option may be supplied when reading or writing in order to read or
                    write using the necessary sample order.


                    Specify  the compression factor to use while writing JPEG-2000 files. The compression factor
                    is the reciprocal of the compression ratio.  The  valid  range  is  0.0  to  1.0,  with  1.0
                    indicating  lossless compression. If defined, this value overrides the -quality setting. The
                    default quality setting of 75 results in a rate value of 0.06641.


                    Enables or disables block smoothing when reading a JPEG file (default enabled).


                    Selects the IJG JPEG library DCT implementation to use. The encoding implementations vary in
                    speed  and  encoding error. The available choices for value are islow, ifast, float, default
                    and fastest. Note that fastest might not necessarily be fastest on your  CPU,  depending  on
                    the choices made when the JPEG library was built and how your CPU behaves.


                    Enables or disables fancy upsampling when reading a JPEG file (default enabled).


                    Selects  if huffman encoding should be used. Huffman encoding is enabled by default, but may
                    be disabled for very large images since it  encoding  requires  that  the  entire  image  be
                    buffered  in  memory.  Huffman  encoding produces smaller JPEG files at the expense of added
                    compression time and memory consumption.


                    If the jpeg:preserve-settings flag is defined, the JPEG encoder will use the same  "quality"
                    and  "sampling-factor"  settings that were found in the input file, if the input was in JPEG
                    format. These settings are also preserved if the input is a JPEG file and the  output  is  a
                    JNG  file.   If  the  colorspace of the output file differs from that of the input file, the
                    quality setting is preserved but the sampling-factors are not.


                    If the pcl:fit-to-page flag is defined, then the printer is requested to scale the image  to
                    fit the page size (width and/or height).

                    If  the  pdf:use-cropbox flag is set to true, then Ghostscript is requested to apply the PDF
                    crop box.


                    If the pdf:stop-on-error flag is  set  to  true,  then  Ghostscript  is  requested  to  stop
                    processing  the  PDF  when  the  first  error  is encountered.  Otherwise it will attempt to
                    process all requested pages.


                    If the ps:imagemask flag is defined, the PS3 and EPS3 coders will  create  Postscript  files
                    that  render  bilevel  images  with  the  Postscript imagemask operator instead of the image


                    Specify the TIFF alpha channel type when reading  or  writing  TIFF  files,  overriding  the
                    normal  value.  The  default alpha channel type for new files is unspecified alpha. Existing
                    alpha settings are preserved when converting from one TIFF file to another. When a TIFF file
                    uses  associated  alpha,  the  image pixels are pre-multiplied (i.e. altered) with the alpha
                    channel. Files with "associated" alpha appear as if they were alpha composited  on  a  black
                    background  when  the matte channel is disabled. If the unassociated alpha type is selected,
                    then the alpha channel is saved without altering the pixels. Photoshop recognizes associated
                    alpha  as  transparency information, if the file is saved with unassociated alpha, the alpha
                    information is loaded as an independent channel.  Note that for many years, ImageMagick  and
                    GraphicsMagick marked TIFF files as using associated alpha, without properly pre-multiplying
                    the pixels.


                    If the tiff:fill-order key is defined, GraphicsMagick will use it to determine the bit  fill
                    order  used  while  writing  TIFF  files. The normal default is "msb2lsb", which matches the
                    native bit order of all modern CPUs. The only exception to this is when Group3 or Group4 FAX
                    compression  is  requested  since FAX machines send data in bit-reversed order and therefore
                    RFC 2301 recommends using reverse order.


                    If the tiff:group-three-options key is defined, GraphicsMagick will use it to set the group3
                    options  tag when writing group3-compressed TIFF.  Please see the TIFF specification for the
                    usage of this tag.  The default value is 4.


                    If the tiff:ignore-tags key is defined, then it is used as a list of comma-delimited integer
                    TIFF  tag  values to ignore while reading the TIFF file.  This is useful in order to be able
                    to read files which which otherwise fail to read due to problems with TIFF tags.  Note  that
                    some TIFF tags are required in order to be able to read the image data at all.


                    If  the tiff:report-warnings key is defined and set to true, then TIFF warnings are reported
                    as a warning exception rather than as a coder log message.  Such warnings are reported after
                    the  image  has  been read or written.  Most TIFF warnings are benign but sometimes they may
                    help deduce problems with the TIFF file, or help  detect  that  the  TIFF  file  requires  a
                    special  application  to  read  successfully  due  to  the use of proprietary or specialized


                    If the tiff:sample-format key is defined, GraphicsMagick will use it to determine the sample
                    format  used  while writing TIFF files. The default is "unsigned". Specify "ieeefp" in order
                    to write floating-point TIFF files with float (32-bit) or double (64-bit)  values.  Use  the
                    tiff:bits-per-sample define to determine the type of floating-point value to use.


                    If  the  tiff:max-sample-value key is defined, GraphicsMagick will use the assigned value as
                    the maximum floating point value  while  reading  or  writing  IEEE  floating  point  TIFFs.
                    Otherwise the maximum value is 1.0 or the value obtained from the file's SMaxSampleValue tag
                    (if present). The floating point data is currently not scanned in  advance  to  determine  a
                    best  maximum  sample  value  so  if the range is not 1.0, or the SMaxSampleValue tag is not
                    present, it may be necessary to (intelligently) use this parameter to properly read a file.


                    If the tiff:min-sample-value key is defined, GraphicsMagick will use the assigned  value  as
                    the  minimum  floating  point  value  while  reading  or  writing IEEE floating point TIFFs.
                    Otherwise the minimum value is 0.0 or the value obtained from the file's SMinSampleValue tag
                    (if present).


                    If  the  tiff:bits-per-sample  key  is  defined,  GraphicsMagick  will write images with the
                    specified bits per sample, overriding any existing depth value. Value  may  be  any  in  the
                    range  of  1  to  32, or 64 when the default ´unsigned' format is written, or 16/32/24/64 if
                    IEEEFP format is written.  Please  note  that  the  baseline  TIFF  6.0  specification  only
                    requires readers to handle certain powers of two, and the values to be handled depend on the
                    nature of the image (e.g. colormapped, grayscale, RGB, CMYK).


                    If the tiff:samples-per-pixel key is defined to a value, the  TIFF  coder  will  write  TIFF
                    images  with  the  defined samples per pixel, overriding any value stored in the image. This
                    option should not normally be used.


                    Allows the user to specify the number of rows per TIFF strip.  Rounded up to a  multiple  of
                    16 when using JPEG compression. Ignored when using tiles.


                    Requests that the image is written in a single TIFF strip. This is normally the default when
                    group3 or group4 compression is requested within  reasonable  limits.  Requesting  a  single
                    strip  for  large  images may result in failure due to resource consumption in the writer or


                    Enable writing tiled TIFF (rather than stripped) using the default  tile  size.  Tiled  TIFF
                    organizes the image as an array of smaller images (tiles) in order to enable random access.


                    Specify the tile size to use while writing tiled TIFF. Width and height should be a multiple
                    of 16. If the value is not a multiple of 16, then it will be  rounded  down.  Enables  tiled
                    TIFF  if  it  has  not  already  been  enabled.  GraphicsMagick  does  not use tiled storage
                    internally so tiles need to be converted back and forth from the internal  scanline-oriented
                    storage  to  tile-oriented storage. Testing with typical RGB images shows that useful square
                    tile size values range from 128x128 to 1024x1024. Large images which require using  a  disk-
                    based  pixel  cache benefit from large tile sizes while images which fit in memory work well
                    with smaller tile sizes.


                    Specify the tile width to use while writing tiled TIFF. The tile height is then defaulted to
                    an appropriate size. Width should be a multiple of 16. If the value is not a multiple of 16,
                    then it will be rounded down.  Enables tiled TIFF if it has not already been enabled.


                    Specify the tile height to use while writing tiled TIFF. The tile width is then defaulted to
                    an  appropriate  size.  Height should be a multiple of 16. If the value is not a multiple of
                    16, then it will be rounded down.  Enables tiled TIFF if it has not already been enabled.


                    Enable lossless encoding.


                    Quality/speed trade-off.


                    Hint for image type.


                    Target size in bytes.


                    Minimal distortion to try to achieve.


                    Maximum number of segments to use.


                    Spatial Noise Shaping.


                    Filter strength.


                    Filter sharpness.


                    Filtering type. 0 = simple, 1 = strong (only used if filter-strength > 0  or  autofilter  is


                    Auto adjust filter's strength.


                    Algorithm  for  encoding  the  alpha  plane  (0  = none, 1 = compressed with WebP lossless).
                    Default is 1.


                    Predictive filtering method for alpha plane. 0: none, 1: fast, 2: best. Default is 1.


                    Between 0 (smallest size) and 100 (lossless). Default is 100.


                    Number of entropy-analysis passes.


                    Export the compressed picture back.  In-loop filtering is not applied.


                    0=none, 1=segment-smooth, 2=pseudo-random dithering


                    log2(number of token partitions) in [0..3].  Default is 0 for easier progressive decoding.


                    Quality degradation allowed to fit  the  512k  limit  on  prediction  modes  coding  (0:  no
                    degradation, 100: maximum possible degradation).


                    If  true,  compression  parameters will be remapped to better match the expected output size
                    from JPEG compression. Generally, the output size will be similar but the  degradation  will
                    be lower.


                    If non-zero, try and use multi-threaded encoding.


                    If set, reduce memory usage (but increase CPU use)

               For  example,  to  create  a  postscript file that will render only the black pixels of a bilevel
               image, use:

                   gm convert bilevel.tif -define ps:imagemask

       -delay <1/100ths of a second>
              display the next image after pausing

              This option is useful for regulating the animation  of  image  sequences  Delay/100  seconds  must
              expire  before  the display of the next image. The default is no delay between each showing of the
              image sequence. The maximum delay is 65535.

              You can specify a delay range (e.g. -delay 10-500) which sets the minimum and maximum delay.

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in  pixels  of  the  image  This  option  specifies  the  image
              resolution  to  store  while  encoding  a  raster  image  or the canvas resolution while rendering
              (reading) vector formats such as Postscript,  PDF,  WMF,  and  SVG  into  a  raster  image.  Image
              resolution  provides  the  unit  of  measure to apply when rendering to an output device or raster
              image. The default unit of measure is in dots per inch (DPI). The -units option  may  be  used  to
              select dots per centimeter instead.
               The default resolution is 72 dots per inch, which is equivalent to one point per pixel (Macintosh
              and Postscript standard). Computer screens are normally 72 or 96  dots  per  inch  while  printers
              typically  support  150,  300,  600,  or  1200  dots per inch. To determine the resolution of your
              display, use a ruler to measure the width of your screen in inches, and divide by  the  number  of
              horizontal  pixels  (1024 on a 1024x768 display).  If the file format supports it, this option may
              be used to update the stored image resolution.  Note  that  Photoshop  stores  and  obtains  image
              resolution  from  a  proprietary embedded profile. If this profile is not stripped from the image,
              then Photoshop will continue to treat the image using its former resolution,  ignoring  the  image
              resolution specified in the standard file header.  The density option is an attribute and does not
              alter the underlying raster image. It may  be  used  to  adjust  the  rendered  size  for  desktop
              publishing  purposes  by adjusting the scale applied to the pixels. To resize the image so that it
              is the same size at a different resolution, use the -resample option.

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

              This is the number of bits of color to preserve in the image. Any value between 1 and QuantumDepth
              (build  option)  may be specified, although 8 or 16 are the most common values. Use this option to
              specify the depth of raw images whose depth is unknown such as GRAY, RGB, or CMYK,  or  to  change
              the  depth  of  any  image  after  it  has  been  read.  The depth option is applied to the pixels
              immediately so it may be used as a form of simple compression by discarding the least  significant
              bits.  Reducing the depth in advance may speed up color quantization, and help create smaller file
              sizes when using a compression algorithm like LZW or ZIP.

              obtain image by descending window hierarchy

              reduce the speckles within an image

       -displace <horizontal scale>x<vertical scale>
              shift image pixels as defined by a displacement map

              With this option, composite image is used as a displacement map.  Black, within  the  displacement
              map, is a maximum positive displacement.  White is a maximum negative displacement and middle gray
              is neutral.   The  displacement  is  scaled  to  determine  the  pixel  shift.   By  default,  the
              displacement  applies  in  both  the  horizontal and vertical directions.  However, if you specify
              mask, composite image is the horizontal X displacement and mask the vertical Y displacement.

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

              This option is used with convert for obtaining image or font from this X server.  See X(1).

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              The Disposal Method indicates the way in which the graphic is to be treated after being displayed.

              Here are the valid methods:

                  Undefined       No disposal specified.
                  None            Do not dispose between frames.
                  Background      Overwrite the image area with
                                  the background color.
                  Previous        Overwrite the image area with
                                  what was there prior to rendering
                                  the image.

       -dissolve <percent>
              dissolve an image into another by the given percent

              The opacity of the composite image is multiplied by the given percent, then it is composited  over
              the main image.

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

              The  basic  strategy  of  dithering  is  to  trade  intensity resolution for spatial resolution by
              averaging the intensities  of  several  neighboring  pixels.   Images  which  suffer  from  severe
              contouring when reducing colors can be improved with this option.

              The -colors or -monochrome option is required for this option to take effect.

              Use  +dither  to  turn  off  dithering  and to render PostScript without text or graphic aliasing.
              Disabling dithering often (but not always) leads to decreased processing time.

       -draw <string>
              annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives

              Use this option to annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives.  The primitives  include
              shapes, text, transformations, and pixel operations.  The shape primitives are

                   point           x,y
                   line            x0,y0 x1,y1
                   rectangle       x0,y0 x1,y1
                   roundRectangle  x0,y0 x1,y1 wc,hc
                   arc             x0,y0 x1,y1 a0,a1
                   ellipse         x0,y0 rx,ry a0,a1
                   circle          x0,y0 x1,y1
                   polyline        x0,y0  ...  xn,yn
                   polygon         x0,y0  ...  xn,yn
                   Bezier          x0,y0  ...  xn,yn
                   path            path specification
                   image           operator x0,y0 w,h filename

              The text primitive is

                   text            x0,y0 string

              The text gravity primitive is

                   gravity         NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center,
                                   East, SouthWest, South, or SouthEast

              The text gravity primitive only affects the placement of text and does not interact with the other
              primitives.  It is equivalent to using the -gravity commandline option, except that it is  limited
              in scope to the -draw option in which it appears.

              The transformation primitives are

                   rotate          degrees
                   translate       dx,dy
                   scale           sx,sy
                   skewX           degrees
                   skewY           degrees

              The pixel operation primitives are

                   color           x0,y0 method
                   matte           x0,y0 method

              The  shape primitives are drawn in the color specified in the preceding -stroke option. Except for
              the line and point primitives, they are filled with the color specified  in  the  preceding  -fill
              option.  For unfilled shapes, use -fill none.

              Point requires a single coordinate.

              Line requires a start and end coordinate.

              Rectangle expects an upper left and lower right coordinate.

              RoundRectangle  has  the  upper  left  and lower right coordinates and the width and height of the

              Circle has a center coordinate and a coordinate for the outer edge.

              Use Arc to inscribe an elliptical arc within a rectangle.  Arcs require a start and end  point  as
              well as the degree of rotation (e.g. 130,30 200,100 45,90).

              Use  Ellipse  to  draw  a  partial  ellipse centered at the given point with the x-axis and y-axis
              radius and start and end of arc in degrees (e.g. 100,100 100,150 0,360).

              Finally, polyline and polygon  require  three  or  more  coordinates  to  define  its  boundaries.
              Coordinates are integers separated by an optional comma.  For example, to define a circle centered
              at 100,100 that extends to 150,150 use:

                   -draw 'circle 100,100 150,150'

              Paths (See Paths) represent an outline of an object which is defined in terms of moveto (set a new
              current  point),  lineto  (draw a straight line), curveto (draw a curve using a cubic Bezier), arc
              (elliptical or circular arc) and closepath (close the current shape by drawing a line to the  last
              moveto)  elements.  Compound paths (i.e., a path with subpaths, each consisting of a single moveto
              followed by one or more line or curve operations) are possible to allow  effects  such  as  "donut
              holes" in objects.

              Use  image  to  composite an image with another image. Follow the image keyword with the composite
              operator, image location, image size, and filename:

                   -draw 'image Over 100,100 225,225 image.jpg'

              You can use 0,0 for the image size, which means to use the actual dimensions found  in  the  image
              header.  Otherwise,  it will be scaled to the given dimensions.  See -compose for a description of
              the composite operators.

              Use text to annotate an image with text. Follow the text coordinates with a string. If the  string
              has  embedded  spaces, enclose it in single or double quotes. Optionally you can include the image
              filename, type, width, height, or other image attribute by embedding special format character. See
              -comment for details.

              For example,

                   -draw 'text 100,100 "%m:%f %wx%h"'

              annotates  the  image with MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image titled bird.miff and whose width is
              512 and height is 480.

              If the first character of string is @, the text is read  from  a  file  titled  by  the  remaining
              characters in the string.

              Rotate rotates subsequent shape primitives and text primitives about the origin of the main image.
              If the -region option precedes the -draw option, the origin for transformations is the upper  left
              corner of the region.

              Translate translates them.

              Scale scales them.

              SkewX and SkewY skew them with respect to the origin of the main image or the region.

              The transformations modify the current affine matrix, which is initialized from the initial affine
              matrix defined by the -affine option.  Transformations are cumulative  within  the  -draw  option.
              The  initial  affine  matrix  is  not  affected;  that matrix is only changed by the appearance of
              another  -affine  option.   If  another  -draw  option  appears,  the  current  affine  matrix  is
              reinitialized from the initial affine matrix.

              Use  color  to  change  the  color  of  a  pixel  to  the fill color (see -fill). Follow the pixel
              coordinate with a method:


              Consider the target pixel as that specified by your coordinate.  The  point  method  recolors  the
              target  pixel.  The  replace method recolors any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel.
              Floodfill recolors any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel and is a neighbor, whereas
              filltoborder recolors any neighbor pixel that is not the border color. Finally, reset recolors all

              Use matte to the change the pixel matte value to transparent. Follow the pixel coordinate  with  a
              method  (see the color primitive for a description of methods). The point method changes the matte
              value of the target pixel. The replace method changes the matte value of any  pixel  that  matches
              the  color  of  the  target pixel. Floodfill changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the
              color of the target pixel and is a neighbor, whereas filltoborder changes the matte value  of  any
              neighbor pixel that is not the border color (-bordercolor).  Finally reset changes the matte value
              of all pixels.

              You can set the primitive color, font, and font bounding box color with  -fill,  -font,  and  -box
              respectively.  Options  are processed in command line order so be sure to use these options before
              the -draw option.

       -edge <radius>
              detect edges within an image

       -emboss <radius>
              emboss an image

       -encoding <type>
              specify the text encoding

              Choose from AdobeCustom, AdobeExpert, AdobeStandard, AppleRoman,  BIG5,  GB2312,  Latin  2,  None,
              SJIScode, Symbol, Unicode, Wansung.

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

              MSB  indicates big-endian (e.g. SPARC, Motorola 68K) while LSB indicates little-endian (e.g. Intel
              'x86, VAX) byte ordering.  Native indicates to use the normal ordering for the current CPU.   This
              option currently only influences the CMYK, DPX, GRAY, RGB, and TIFF, formats.

              Use +endian to revert to unspecified endianness.

              apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image

              perform histogram equalization to the image

       -extent <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              composite image on background color canvas image

              This  option  composites  the  image  on a new background color (-background) canvas image of size
              <width>x<height>. The existing image content is composited at the position specified by geometry x
              and  y offset and/or desired gravity (-gravity) using the current image compose (-compose) method.
              Image content which falls outside the bounds of the new image dimensions is discarded.

              For example, this command creates a thumbnail of an image, and centers it on a red color  backdrop
              image,  offsetting  the  canvas  ten  pixels  to  the left and five pixels up, with respect to the

                  gm convert infile.jpg -thumbnail 120x80 -background red -gravity center \
                            -extent 140x100-10-5 outfile.jpg

              This command reduces or expands a JPEG image to fit on an 800x600 display:

                  gm convert -size 800x600 input.jpg \
                            -resize 800x600 -background black \
                            -compose Copy -gravity center \
                            -extent 800x600 \
                            -quality 92 output.jpg

              If the aspect ratio of the input image isn't exactly 4:3, then the image is centered on an 800x600
              black canvas.

       -file <filename>
              write annotated difference image to file

              If  -file  is  specified,  then  an  annotated  difference  image  is generated and written to the
              specified file. Pixels which differ between the reference and compare  images  are  modified  from
              those  in  the  compare  image  so  that  the changed pixels become more obvious.  Some images may
              require use of an alternative highlight style  (see  -highlight-style)  or  highlight  color  (see
              -highlight-color) before the changes are obvious.

       -fill <color>
              color to use when filling a graphic primitive

              Colors  are  represented  in  GraphicsMagick  in  the same form used by SVG. Use "gm convert -list
              color" to list named colors:

                  name               (named color)
                  #RGB               (hex numbers, 4 bits each)
                  #RRGGBB            (8 bits each)
                  #RRRGGGBBB         (12 bits each)
                  #RRRRGGGGBBBB      (16 bits each)
                  #RGBA              (4 bits each)
                  #RRGGBBAA          (8 bits each)
                  #RRRGGGBBBAAA      (12 bits each)
                  #RRRRGGGGBBBBAAAA  (16 bits each)
                  rgb(r,g,b)         (r,g,b are decimal numbers)
                  rgba(r,g,b,a)      (r,g,b,a are decimal numbers)

              Enclose the color specification in quotation marks to prevent the  "#"  or  the  parentheses  from
              being interpreted by your shell.

              For example,

                  gm convert -fill blue ...
                  gm convert -fill "#ddddff" ...
                  gm convert -fill "rgb(65000,65000,65535)" ...

              The  shorter  forms  are  scaled up, if necessary by replication.  For example, #3af, #33aaff, and
              #3333aaaaffff are all equivalent.

              See -draw for further details.

       -filter <type>
              use this type of filter when resizing an image

              Use this option to affect the resizing operation of an image (see -geometry).  Choose  from  these
              filters (ordered by approximate increasing CPU time):


              The  default  filter  is  automatically  selected  to  provide  the best quality while consuming a
              reasonable amount of time. The Mitchell filter is used if the image supports a palette, supports a
              matte channel, or is being enlarged, otherwise the Lanczos filter is used.

              flatten a sequence of images

              In  some  file  formats  (e.g.  Photoshop's  PSD)  complex  images  may be represented by "layers"
              (independent images) which must be composited  in  order  to  obtain  the  final  rendition.   The
              -flatten  option  accomplishes  this  composition.  The sequence of images is replaced by a single
              image created by compositing each image in turn, while respecting composition operators  and  page
              offsets.   While  -flatten  is  immediately  useful for eliminating layers, it is also useful as a
              general-purpose composition tool.

              The sequence of images is terminated by the appearance of any  option.   If  the  -flatten  option
              appears  after  all  of  the  input  images,  all images are flattened.  Also see -mosaic which is
              similar to -flatten except that it adds a suitably-sized canvas base image.

              For example, this composites an image on top of a 640x400 transparent black canvas image:

                  gm convert -size 640x300 xc:transparent \
                            -compose over -page +0-100 \
                            frame.png -flatten output.png

              and this flattens a Photoshop PSD file:

                  gm convert input.psd -flatten output.png

       -flip  create a "mirror image"

              reflect the scanlines in the vertical direction.

       -flop  create a "mirror image"

              reflect the scanlines in the horizontal direction.

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

              You can tag a font to specify whether it is a PostScript, TrueType, or  X11  font.   For  example,
              Arial.ttf is a TrueType font, ps:helvetica is PostScript, and x:fixed is X11.

       -foreground <color>
              define the foreground color

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.

       -format <type>
              the image format type

              When  used  with  the  mogrify utility, this option will convert any image to the image format you
              specify.  See GraphicsMagick(1) for a list of image format types supported by  GraphicsMagick,  or
              see the output of 'gm -list format'.

              By default the file is written to its original name.  However, if the filename extension matches a
              supported format, the extension is replaced with the image format  type  specified  with  -format.
              For example, if you specify tiff as the format type and the input image filename is image.gif, the
              output image filename becomes image.tiff.

       -format <string>
              output formatted image characteristics

              When used with the identify utility, or the convert utility with output written  to  the  'info:-'
              file  specification,  use  this  option  to  print information about the image in a format of your
              choosing.  You can include the image filename, type, width, height,  Exif  data,  or  other  image
              attributes by embedding special format characters:

                   %b   file size
                   %c   comment
                   %d   directory
                   %e   filename extension
                   %f   filename
                   %g   page dimensions and offsets
                   %h   height
                   %i   input filename
                   %k   number of unique colors
                   %l   label
                   %m   magick
                   %n   number of scenes
                   %o   output filename
                   %p   page number
                   %q   image bit depth
                   %r   image type description
                   %s   scene number
                   %t   top of filename
                   %u   unique temporary filename
                   %w   width
                   %x   horizontal resolution
                   %y   vertical resolution
                   %A   transparency supported
                   %C   compression type
                   %D   GIF disposal method
                   %G   Original width and height
                   %H   page height
                   %M   original filename specification
                   %O   page offset (x,y)
                   %P   page dimensions (width,height)
                   %Q   compression quality
                   %T   time delay (in centi-seconds)
                   %U   resolution units
                   %W   page width
                   %X   page horizontal offset (x)
                   %Y   page vertical offset (y)
                   %@   trim bounding box
                   %#   signature
                   \n   newline
                   \r   carriage return
                   %%   %

              For example,

                   -format "%m:%f %wx%h"

              displays MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image titled bird.miff and whose width is 512 and height is

              If the first character of string is @, the format is read from a  file  titled  by  the  remaining
              characters in the string.

              The values of image type (%p) which may be returned include:


              You  can  also  use the following special formatting syntax to print Exif information contained in
              the file:


              Where "<tag>" may be one of the following:

                   *  (print all Exif tags, in keyword=data format)
                   !  (print all Exif tags, in tag_number format)
                   #hhhh (print data for Exif tag #hhhh)

              JPEG specific information (from reading a JPEG file) may be obtained like this:


              Where "<tag>" may be one of the following:

                   *                 (all JPEG-related tags, in
                                      keyword=data format)
                   Quality           IJG JPEG "quality" estimate
                   Colorspace        JPEG colorspace numeric ID
                   Colorspace-Name   JPEG colorspace name
                   Sampling-factors  JPEG sampling factors

              Please note that JPEG has no notion of  "quality"  and  that  the  quality  metric  used  by,  and
              estimated  by  the  software  is  based  on  the quality metric established by IJG JPEG 6b.  Other
              encoders (e.g. that used by Adobe Photoshop) use different encoding metrics.

              Surround the format specification with quotation marks to prevent your shell from  misinterpreting
              any spaces and square brackets.

       -frame <width>x<height>+<outer bevel width>+<inner bevel width>
              surround the image with an ornamental border

              See  -geometry for details about the geometry specification.  The -frame option is not affected by
              the -gravity option.

              The color of the border is specified with the -mattecolor command line option.

       -frame include the X window frame in the imported image

       -fuzz <distance>{%}
              colors within this Euclidean distance are considered equal

              A number of algorithms search for a target color. By default the color must  be  exact.  Use  this
              option to match colors that are close (in Euclidean distance) to the target color in RGB 3D space.
              For example, if you want to automatically trim the edges of an image with -trim but the image  was
              scanned  and the target background color may differ by a small amount. This option can account for
              these differences.

              The distance can be in absolute intensity units or, by appending  "%",  as  a  percentage  of  the
              maximum possible intensity (255, 65535, or 4294967295).

       -gamma <value>
              level of gamma correction

              The same color image displayed on two different workstations may look different due to differences
              in the display monitor. Use gamma correction to  adjust  for  this  color  difference.  Reasonable
              values  extend  from  0.8 to 2.3. Gamma less than 1.0 darkens the image and gamma greater than 1.0
              lightens it. Large adjustments to image gamma may result in the loss of some image information  if
              the pixel quantum size is only eight bits (quantum range 0 to 255).

              You can apply separate gamma values to the red, green, and blue channels of the image with a gamma
              value list delimited with slashes (e.g., 1.7/2.3/1.2).

              Use +gamma value to set the image gamma level without actually adjusting the  image  pixels.  This
              option  is  useful  if  the  image is of a known gamma but not set as an image attribute (e.g. PNG

       -gaussian <radius>{x<sigma>}
              blur the image with a Gaussian operator

              Use the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

              The -geometry option is used for a number of different purposes, depending on the  utility  it  is
              used with.

              For  the  X11  commands  ('animate', 'display', and 'import'), it specifies the preferred size and
              location of the Image window.  By default, the window size is the image size and the  location  is
              chosen by you (or your window manager) when it is mapped.
               For  the  'import',  'convert',  'mogrify' utility commands it may be used to specify the desired
              size when resizing an image.  In this case, symbols representing resize options may be appended to
              the geometry string to influence how the resize request is treated.

              See  later notes corresponding to usage by particular commands.  The following notes apply to when
              -geometry is used to express a resize request, taking into account the current properties  of  the

              By  default, the width and height are maximum values. That is, the image is expanded or contracted
              to fit the width and height value while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image.

              Append a ^ to the geometry so that the image aspect ratio is maintained when the image is resized,
              but the resulting width or height are treated as minimum values rather than maximum values.

              Append  a  !  (exclamation  point) to the geometry to force the image size to exactly the size you
              specify. For example, if you specify 640x480! the image width is set to 640 pixels and  height  to

              If  only  the  width  is  specified,  without the trailing 'x', then height is set to width (e.g.,
              -geometry 100 is the same as -geometry 100x100).  If only the width  is  specified  but  with  the
              trailing  'x',  then width assumes the value and the height is chosen to maintain the aspect ratio
              of the image.  Similarly, if only the height is specified prefixed by 'x' (e.g., -geometry  x256),
              the width is chosen to maintain the aspect ratio.

              To  specify  a  percentage  width or height instead, append %. The image size is multiplied by the
              width and height percentages to obtain the final image dimensions. To  increase  the  size  of  an
              image,  use  a  value  greater than 100 (e.g. 125%). To decrease an image's size, use a percentage
              less than 100.

              Use @ to specify the maximum area in pixels of an image.

              Use > to change the dimensions of the image only if its  width  or  height  exceeds  the  geometry
              specification.  <  resizes  the  image  only  if both of its dimensions are less than the geometry
              specification. For example, if you specify '640x480>' and the image size  is  256x256,  the  image
              size  does  not  change.  However, if the image is 512x512 or 1024x1024, it is resized to 480x480.
              Enclose the geometry specification in quotation marks to prevent the < or > from being interpreted
              by your shell as a file redirection.

              When  used  with  animate  and  display, offsets are handled in the same manner as in X(1) and the
              -gravity option is not used.  If the x is negative, the offset is measured leftward from the right
              edge  of  the  screen  to  the  right edge of the image being displayed.  Similarly, negative y is
              measured between the bottom edges.  The offsets are not affected by "%"; they are always  measured
              in pixels.

              When used as a composite option, -geometry gives the dimensions of the image and its location with
              respect to the composite image.  If the -gravity  option  is  present  with  NorthEast,  East,  or
              SouthEast  gravity,  the  x  represents the distance from the right edge of the image to the right
              edge of the composite image.  Similarly, if the -gravity option is present with SouthWest,  South,
              or  SouthEast gravity, y is measured between the bottom edges. Accordingly, a positive offset will
              never point in the direction outside of the image.  The offsets are not affected by "%"; they  are
              always  measured  in  pixels.   To  specify the dimensions of the composite image, use the -resize

              When used as a convert, import or  mogrify  option,  -geometry  is  synonymous  with  -resize  and
              specifies the size of the output image.  The offsets, if present, are ignored.

              When  used  as a montage option, -geometry specifies the image size and border size for each tile;
              default is 256x256+0+0.  Negative offsets  (border  dimensions)  are  meaningless.   The  -gravity
              option affects the placement of the image within the tile; the default gravity for this purpose is
              Center.  If the "%" sign appears in the geometry specification, the tile  size  is  the  specified
              percentage  of  the  original  dimensions  of  the  first  tile.  To specify the dimensions of the
              montage, use the -resize option.

       -gravity <type>
              direction primitive  gravitates to when annotating the image.

              Choices are: NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast.

              The direction you choose specifies where to position the  text  when  annotating  the  image.  For
              example  Center  gravity  forces  the  text to be centered within the image. By default, the image
              gravity is NorthWest.  See -draw for  more  details  about  graphic  primitives.   Only  the  text
              primitive is affected by the -gravity option.

              The  -gravity option is also used in concert with the -geometry option and other options that take
              <geometry> as a parameter, such as the -crop  option.   See  -geometry  for  details  of  how  the
              -gravity option interacts with the <x> and <y> parameters of a geometry specification.

              When used as an option to composite, -gravity gives the direction that the image gravitates within
              the composite.

              When used as an option to montage, -gravity gives the direction that an image gravitates within  a
              tile.  The default gravity is Center for this purpose.

       -green-primary <x>,<y>
              green chromaticity primary point

       -hald-clut <clut>
              apply a Hald CLUT to the image

              A Hald CLUT ("Color Look-Up Table") is a special square color image which contains a look-up table
              for red, green, and blue.  The size of the Hald CLUT image is determined by its order.  The  width
              (and  height)  of  a  Hald  CLUT is the cube of the order.  For example, a Hald CLUT of order 8 is
              512x512 pixels (262,144 colors) and of order 16 is 4096x4096 (16,777,216 colors).  A special  CLUT
              is  the  identity  CLUT which which causes no change to the input image.  In order to use the Hald
              CLUT, one takes an identity CLUT and adjusts its colors in some way.  The modified CLUT  can  then
              be used to transform any number of images in an identical way.

              GraphicsMagick  contains  a  built-in identity CLUT generator via the IDENTITY coder.  For example
              reading from the file name IDENTITY:8 returns an identity CLUT of  order  8.   Typical  Hald  CLUT
              identity  images  have  an  order  of  between  8 and 16.  The default order for the IDENTITY CLUT
              generator is 8.  Interpolation is used so it is not usually necessary for CLUT images to  be  very
              large.   The PNG file format is ideal for storing Hald CLUT images because it compresses them very

       -help  print usage instructions

       -highlight-color <color>
              pixel annotation color

              Specifies the color to use when annotating difference pixels.

       -highlight-style <style>
              pixel annotation style

              Specifies the pixel difference annotation style used to draw attention to changed pixels.  May  be
              one  of  Assign, Threshold, Tint, or XOR; where Assign replaces the pixel with the highlight color
              (see -highlight-color), Threshold replaces the pixel with black or white based on  the  difference
              in intensity, Tint alpha tints the pixel with the highlight color, and XOR does an XOR between the
              pixel and the highlight color.

       -iconGeometry <geometry>
              specify the icon geometry

              Offsets, if present in the geometry specification, are handled in the same manner as the -geometry
              option, using X11 style to handle negative offsets.

              iconic animation

              make image immutable

       -implode <factor>
              implode image pixels about the center

       -intent <type>
              use this type of rendering intent when managing the image color

              Use  this  option to affect the the color management operation of an image (see -profile).  Choose
              from these intents: Absolute, Perceptual, Relative, Saturation.

              The default intent is undefined.

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

              Choices are: None, Line, Plane, or Partition. The default is None.

              This option is used to specify the type of interlacing scheme for raw image formats such as RGB or
              YUV.  None means do not interlace (RGBRGBRGBRGBRGBRGB...),

              Line  uses  scanline  interlacing  (RRR...GGG...BBB...RRR...GGG...BBB...),  and  Plane  uses plane
              interlacing (RRRRRR...GGGGGG...BBBBBB...).

              Partition is like plane except the different planes are saved to individual files  (e.g.  image.R,
              image.G, and image.B).

              Use Line to create an interlaced PNG or  GIF or progressive JPEG image.

       -label <name>
              assign a label to an image

              Use  this  option  to  assign  a specific label to the image, when writing to an image format that
              supports labels, such as TIFF, PNG, MIFF, or PostScript. You can include the the  image  filename,
              type,  width,  height, or other image attribute by embedding special format character.  A label is
              not drawn on the image, but is embedded in the image datastream  via  a  "Label"  tag  or  similar
              mechanism.   If  you  want the label to be visible on the image itself, use the -draw option.  See
              -comment for details.

              For example,

                   -label "%m:%f %wx%h"

              produces an image label of MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image titled bird.miff and whose width is
              512 and height is 480.

              If the first character of string is @, the image label is read from a file titled by the remaining
              characters in the string.

              If the -label option appears multiple times, only the last label is stored.

              In PNG images, the label is stored in a tEXt or zTXt chunk with the keyword "label".

              When converting to PostScript, use this option to specify a  header  string  to  print  above  the
              image. Specify the label font with -font.

              When  creating  a  montage,  by  default  the label associated with an image is displayed with the
              corresponding tile in the montage.  Use the +label option to suppress this behavior.

       -lat <width>x<height>{+-}<offset>{%}
              perform local adaptive thresholding

              Perform local adaptive thresholding using the specified width, height, and offset.  The offset  is
              a  distance  in  sample  space from the mean, as an absolute integer ranging from 0 to the maximum
              sample value or as a percentage.  If the percent option is supplied, then the offset  is  computed
              as  a  percentage  of  the quantum range.  It is strongly recommended to use the percent option so
              that results are not sensitive to pixel quantum depth.

              For example,

                   -colorspace gray -lat "10x10-5%"

              will help clarify a scanned grayscale or color document, producing a bi-level equivalent.

       -level <black_point>{,<gamma>}{,<white_point>}{%}
              adjust the level of image contrast

              Give one, two or three  values  delimited  with  commas:  black-point,  gamma,  white-point  (e.g.
              10,1.0,250 or 2%,0.5,98%). The black and white points range from 0 to MaxRGB or from 0 to 100%; if
              the white point is omitted it is set to MaxRGB-black_point. If a "%" sign is present  anywhere  in
              the string, the black and white points are percentages of MaxRGB. Gamma is an exponent that ranges
              from 0.1 to 10.; if it is omitted, the default of 1.0  (no  gamma  correction)  is  assumed.  This
              interface works similar to Photoshop's "Image->Adjustments->Levels..."  "Input Levels" interface.

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

              By  default,  resource  limits  are  estimated based on the available resources of the system. The
              resource limits are Disk, maximum  total  disk  space  consumed;  File,  maximum  number  of  file
              descriptors  allowed  to  be  open  at  once; Map, maximum total number of file bytes which may be
              memory mapped; Memory, maximum total number of bytes  of  heap  memory  used  for  image  storage;
              Pixels,  maximum  absolute  image  size  (per  image);  Width, maximum image pixels width; Height,
              maximum image pixels height; and Threads, the maximum number of worker threads to use  per  OpenMP
              thread team.

              These  resource limits are used to decide if (for a given image) the decoded image ("pixel cache")
              should be stored in heap memory (RAM), in a memory-mapped disk file, or in a  disk  file  accessed
              via read/write I/O.  The number of total pixels in one image, and/or the width/height, may also be
              limited in order to force the reading, or creation of images larger than the limit (in pixels)  to
              intentionally  fail. The disk limit establishes an overall limit since using the disk is the means
              of last resort. When the disk limit has been reached, no more images may be read.

              The value argument is an absolute value, but may have standard binary  suffix  characters  applied
              ('K',  'M',  'G',  'T', 'P', 'E') to apply a scaling to the value (based on a multiplier of 1024).
              Any additional characters are ignored. For example, '-limit Pixels 10MP' limits the maximum  image
              size  to  10  megapixels  and '-limit memory 32MB -limit map 64MB' limits memory and memory mapped
              files to 32 megabytes and 64 megabytes respectively.

              Resource  limits  may  also  be  set  using  environment  variables.  The  environment   variables
              MAGICK_LIMIT_WIDTH, MAGICK_LIMIT_HEIGHT,and OMP_NUM_THREADS may be used to set the limits for disk
              space,  open  files, memory mapped size, heap memory, per-image pixels, image width, image height,
              and threads respectively.

              Use the option -list resource list the current limits.

              the line width for subsequent draw operations

       -list <type>
              the type of list

              Choices are: Color, Delegate, Format, Magic, Module, Resource, or Type. The Module option is  only
              available if GraphicsMagick was built to support loadable modules.

              This option lists information about the GraphicsMagick configuration.

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

              This option specifies the format for the log printed when the -debug option is active.

              You can display the following components by embedding special format characters:

                   %d   domain
                   %e   event
                   %f   function
                   %l   line
                   %m   module
                   %p   process ID
                   %r   real CPU time
                   %t   wall clock time
                   %u   user CPU time
                   %%   percent sign
                   \n   newline
                   \r   carriage return

              For example:

                  gm convert -debug coders -log "%u %m:%l %e" in.gif out.png

              The default behavior is to print all of the components.

       -loop <iterations>
              add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation

              A value other than zero forces the animation to repeat itself up to iterations times.

              magnify the image

              The image size is doubled using linear interpolation.

       -magnify <factor>
              magnify the image

              The displayed image is magnified by factor.

       -map <filename>
              choose a particular set of colors from this image

              [convert or mogrify]

              By  default,  color  reduction  chooses  an optimal set of colors that best represent the original
              image. Alternatively, you can choose a particular set of colors  from  an  image  file  with  this

              Use +map to reduce all images in the image sequence that follows to a single optimal set of colors
              that best represent all the images.  The sequence of images is terminated by the appearance of any
              option.  If the +map option appears after all of the input images, all images are mapped.

       -map <type>
              display image using this type.

              [animate or display]

              Choose from these Standard Colormap types:


              The X server must support the Standard Colormap you choose, otherwise an error occurs. Use list as
              the type and display searches the list of colormap types  in  top-to-bottom  order  until  one  is
              located. See xstdcmap(1) for one way of creating Standard Colormaps.

       -mask <filename>
              Specify a clipping mask

              The  image read from the file is used as a clipping mask.  It must have the same dimensions as the
              image being masked.

              If the mask image contains an opacity channel, the opacity of each pixel is  used  to  define  the
              mask.   Otherwise,  the intensity (gray level) of each pixel is used.  Unmasked (black) pixels are
              modified while masked pixels (not black) are protected from alteration.

              Use +mask to remove the clipping mask.

              It is not necessary to use -clip to activate the mask; -clip is implied by -mask.

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

              If the image does not have a matte channel, create an opaque one.

              Use +matte to ignore the matte channel and to avoid writing a matte channel in the output file.

       -mattecolor <color>
              specify the color to be used with the -frame option

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.

       -maximum-error <limit>
              specifies the maximum amount of total image error

              Specifies the maximum amount of total image error (based on comparison using a  specified  metric)
              before  an error ("image difference exceeds limit") is reported.  The error is reported via a non-
              zero command execution return status.

       -median <radius>
              apply a median filter to the image

       -metric <metric>
              comparison metric (MAE, MSE, PAE, PSNR, RMSE)

       -minify <factor>
              minify the image

              The image size is halved using linear interpolation.

       -mode <value>
              mode of operation

              The available montage modes are frame to place the images in a rectangular  grid  while  adding  a
              decorative  frame  with dropshadow, unframe to place undecorated images in a rectangular grid, and
              concatenate to pack the images closely together without any well-defined grid or decoration.

       -modulate brightness[,saturation[,hue]]
              vary the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image

              Specify the percent change in brightness, color saturation, and hue separated by  commas.  Default
              argument  values  are  100  percent,  resulting  in  no change. For example, to increase the color
              brightness by 20% and decrease the color saturation by 10%  and  leave  the  hue  unchanged,  use:
              -modulate 120,90.

              Hue  is the percentage of absolute rotation from the current position. For example 50 results in a
              counter-clockwise rotation of 90 degrees, 150 results in a clockwise rotation of 90 degrees,  with
              0 and 200 both resulting in a rotation of 180 degrees.

              show progress indication

              A  simple  command-line  progress  indication  is  shown while the command is running. The process
              indication shows the operation currently being performed and the percent completed. Commands using
              X11  may  replace the command line progress indication with a graphical one once an image has been

              transform the image to black and white

       -morph <frames>
              morphs an image sequence

              Both the image pixels and size are linearly  interpolated  to  give  the  appearance  of  a  meta-
              morphosis from one image to the next.

              The  sequence  of  images  is  terminated  by  the appearance of any option.  If the -morph option
              appears after all of the input images, all images are morphed.

              create a mosaic from an image or an image sequence

              The -mosaic option provides a flexible way to composite one or  more  images  onto  a  solid-color
              canvas  image.  It  works  similar  to  -flatten  except that a base canvas image is automatically
              created with a suitable size given the image size, page dimensions, and page offsets of images  to
              be  composited.   The  color  of the base canvas image may be set via the -background option.  The
              default canvas color is 'white', but 'black' or 'transparent' may be more  suitable  depending  on
              the composition algorithm requested.

              The  -compose  option may be used to specify the composition algorithm to use when compositing the
              subsequent image on the base canvas.

              The -page option can be used to establish the  dimensions  of  the  mosaic  and  to  position  the
              subsequent image within the mosaic.  If the -page argument does not specify width and height, then
              the canvas dimensions are evaluated based on the image sizes and offsets.

              The sequence of images is terminated by the appearance of  any  option.   If  the  -mosaic  option
              appears after all of the input images, all images are included in the mosaic.

              The  following  is an example of composing an image based on red, green, and blue layers extracted
              from a sequence of images and pasted on the canvas image at specified offsets:

                  gm convert -background black \
                            -compose CopyRed   -page +0-100 red.png \
                            -compose CopyGreen -page +0+40  green.png \
                            -compose CopyBlue  -page +0+180 blue.png \
                            -mosaic output.png

       -motion-blur <radius>{x<sigma>}{+angle}
              Simulate motion blur

              Simulate motion blur by convolving the image with a Gaussian operator  of  the  given  radius  and
              standard  deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. If radius
              is zero, then a suitable radius is automatically selected based on sigma. The angle specifies  the
              angle that the object is coming from (side which is blurred).

       -name  name an image

              replace every pixel with its complementary color

              The red, green, and blue intensities of an image are negated.  White becomes black, yellow becomes
              blue, etc.  Use +negate to only negate the grayscale pixels of the image.

       -noise <radius|type>
              add or reduce noise in an image

              The principal function of noise peak elimination filter is to smooth the objects within  an  image
              without losing edge information and without creating undesired structures. The central idea of the
              algorithm is to replace a pixel with its next neighbor in value within a  pixel  window,  if  this
              pixel  has  been  found  to  be  noise. A pixel is defined as noise if and only if this pixel is a
              maximum or minimum within the pixel window.

              Use radius to specify the width of the neighborhood.

              Use +noise followed by a noise type to add noise to an  image.   The  noise  added  modulates  the
              existing image pixels. Choose from these noise types:

                   Random (uniform distribution)

       -noop  NOOP (no option)

              The -noop option can be used to terminate a group of images and reset all options to their default
              values, when no other option is desired.

              transform image to span the full range of color values

              This is a contrast enhancement technique based on the image histogram.

              When computing the contrast enhancement values, the histogram edges  are  truncated  so  that  the
              majority  of  the  image  pixels  are  considered in the constrast enhancement, and outliers (e.g.
              random noise or minute details) are ignored.  The default is that 0.1  percent  of  the  histogram
              entries are ignored.  The percentage of the histogram to ignore may be specified by using the -set
              option with the histogram-threshold parameter similar to -set histogram-threshold 0.01 to  specify
              0.01  percent.   Use  0  percent  to  use  the entire histogram, with possibly diminished contrast

       -opaque <color>
              change this color to the pen color within the image

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.  The color  is  replaced
              if  it  is  identical  to  the  target color, or close enough to the target color in a 3D space as
              defined by the Euclidean distance specified by -fuzz.

              See -fill and -fuzz for more details.

       -operator channel operator rvalue[%]
              apply a mathematical, bitwise, or value operator to an image channel

              Apply a low-level mathematical, bitwise, or value operator to a  selected  image  channel  or  all
              image  channels.  Operations  which  result  in negative results are reset to zero, and operations
              which overflow the available range are reset to the maximum possible value.

              Select a channel from: Red, Green, Blue, Opacity, Matte, Cyan, Magenta,  Yellow,  Black,  All,  or
              Gray. All only modifies the color channels and does not modify the Opacity channel. Except for the
              threshold operators, All operates on each channel independently so that operations are on  a  per-
              channel basis.

              Gray  treats  the  color channels as a grayscale intensity and performs the requested operation on
              the equivalent pixel intensity so the result is a gray image.  Select an operator from  Add,  And,
              Assign,  Depth,  Divide, Gamma, Negate, LShift, Log, Max, Min, Multiply, Or, Pow RShift, Subtract,
              Threshold, Threshold-White, Threshold-White-Negate, Threshold-Black, Threshold-Black-Negate,  Xor,
              Noise-Gaussian, Noise-Impulse, Noise-Laplacian, Noise-Multiplicative, Noise-Poisson, Noise-Random,
              and Noise-Uniform.

              Rvalue may be any floating point or integer value. Normally rvalue will be in the range  of  0  to
              MaxRGB,  where  MaxRGB  is  the  largest quantum value supported by the GraphicsMagick build (255,
              65535, or 4294967295) but values outside this range are useful  for  some  arithmetic  operations.
              Arguments to logical or bit-wise operations are rounded to a positive integral value prior to use.
              If a percent (%) symbol is appended to the argument, then the argument has a range  of  0  to  100

              The following is a description of the operators:


                    Result is rvalue added to channel value.


                    Result is the logical AND of rvalue with channel value.


                    Result is rvalue.


                    Result  is  channel value adjusted so that it may be (approximately) stored in the specified
                    number of bits without additional loss.


                    Result is channel value divided by rvalue.


                    Result is channel value gamma adjusted by rvalue.


                    Result is channel value bitwise left shifted by rvalue bits.


                    Result is computed as log(value*rvalue+1)/log(rvalue+1).


                    Result is assigned to rvalue if rvalue is greater than value.


                    Result is assigned to rvalue if rvalue is less than value.


                    Result is channel value multiplied by rvalue.


                    Result is inverse of channel value (like a film negative). An rvalue must be supplied but is
                    currently not used. Inverting the image twice results in the original image.


                    Result is the logical OR of rvalue with channel value.


                    Result  is  computed  as  pow(value,rvalue).  Similar  to  Gamma  except  that rvalue is not


                    Result is channel value bitwise right shifted by rvalue bits.


                    Result is channel value minus rvalue.


                    Result is maximum (white) if channel value is greater than rvalue, or minimum (black) if  it
                    is  less  than  or equal to rvalue. If all channels are specified, then thresholding is done
                    based on computed pixel intensity.


                    Result is maximum (white) if channel value is greater than rvalue and is unchanged if it  is
                    less  than  or  equal  to  rvalue. This can be used to remove apparent noise from the bright
                    parts of an image. If all channels  are  specified,  then  thresholding  is  done  based  on
                    computed pixel intensity.


                    Result  is  set  to  black if channel value is greater than rvalue and is unchanged if it is
                    less than or equal to rvalue. If all channels are specified, then thresholding is done based
                    on computed pixel intensity.


                    Result  is  minimum (black) if channel value is less than than rvalue and is unchanged if it
                    is greater than or equal to rvalue. This can be used to remove apparent noise from the  dark
                    parts  of  an  image.  If  all  channels  are  specified, then thresholding is done based on
                    computed pixel intensity.


                    Result is set to white if channel value is less than than rvalue and is unchanged if  it  is
                    greater  than  or  equal to rvalue. If all channels are specified, then thresholding is done
                    based on computed pixel intensity.


                    Result is the logical XOR of rvalue with channel value. An interesting property  of  XOR  is
                    that performing the same operation twice results in the original value.


                    Result is the current channel value modulated with gaussian noise according to the intensity
                    specified by rvalue.


                    Result is the current channel value modulated with impulse noise according to the  intensity
                    specified by rvalue.


                    Result  is  the  current  channel  value  modulated  with  laplacian  noise according to the
                    intensity specified by rvalue.


                    Result is the current channel value modulated with multiplicative gaussian  noise  according
                    to the intensity specified by rvalue.


                    Result  is the current channel value modulated with poisson noise according to the intensity
                    specified by rvalue.


                    Result is the current channel value  modulated  with  random  (uniform  distribution)  noise
                    according to the intensity specified by rvalue.  The initial noise intensity (rvalue=1.0) is
                    the range of one pixel quantum span.


                    Result is the channel value with uniform noise applied according to the intensity  specified
                    by rvalue.

               As  an example, the Assign operator assigns a fixed value to a channel. For example, this command
               sets the red channel to the mid-range value:

                   gm convert in.bmp -operator red assign "50%" out.bmp

               The following applies 50% thresholding to the image and returns a gray image:

                   gm convert in.bmp -operator gray threshold "50%" out.bmp

       -ordered-dither <channeltype> <NxN>
              ordered dither the image

              The channel or channels specified in the channeltype argument are  reduced  to  binary,  using  an
              ordered  dither  method.  The  choices for channeltype are All, Intensity, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan,
              Magenta, Yellow, Black, and Opacity

              When channeltype is "All", the color samples are dithered into a gray level  and  then  that  gray
              level  is  stored in the three color channels.  Separately, the opacity channel is dithered into a
              bilevel opacity value which is stored in the opacity channel.

              When channeltype is "Intensity",  only  the  color  samples  are  dithered.  When  channeltype  is
              "opacity"  or  "matte",  only  the opacity channel is dithered. When a color channel is specified,
              only that channel is dithered.

              The choices for N are 2 through 7. The image is divided into NxN pixel tiles.  In each tile,  some
              or  all  pixels  are turned to white depending on their intensity.  For each N, (N**2)+1 levels of
              gray can be represented.  For N == 2, 3, or 4, the pixels are turned to white  in  an  order  that
              maximizes  dispersion  (i.e., reduces granularity), while for N == 5, 6, and 7, they are turned to
              white in an order that creates a roughly circular black blob in  the  middle  of  each  tile.   An
              attractive  "half-tone"  looking  image  can  be  obtained by first rotating the image 45 degrees,
              performing a 5x5 ordered-dither operation, then rotating it back to the original  orientation  and
              cropping  to  the  original  image  dimensions.   If  the  original  image is gamma-encoded, it is
              adviseable to convert it to linear intensity first, e.g., with the "-gamma 0.45455" option.

       -output-directory <directory>
              output files to directory

              Use -output-directory to specify a directory under which  to  write  the  output  files.  Normally
              mogrify  overwrites  the  input  files,  but with this option the output files may be written to a
              different directory tree so that the input files are preserved. The algorithm used  preserves  all
              of  the  input  path  specification  in  the  output  path  so  that the user-specified input path
              (including any sub-directory part) is appended to the output path. If  the  input  file  lacks  an
              extension,  then  a  suitable  extension  is  automatically added to the output file.  The user is
              responsible for creating the output directory specified as an argument, but subdirectories will be
              created as needed if the -create-directories option is supplied.  This option may be used to apply
              transformations on files from one directory  and  write  the  transformed  files  to  a  different
              directory.    In  conjunction  with  -create-directories,  this  option  is  designed  to  support
              transforming whole directory trees of files provided that the relative path of the input  file  is
              included as part the list of filenames.

       -orient <orientation>
              Set the image orientation attribute

              Sets the image orientation attribute.  The image orientation attribute is compatible with the TIFF
              orientation tag (and the EXIF orientation tag).  Accepted values are undefined, TopLeft, TopRight,
              BottomRight,  BottomLeft,  LeftTop,  RightTop,  RightBottom,  LeftBottom,  and hyphenated versions
              thereof (e.g. left-bottom).  Please note that GraphicsMagick does not include an EXIF editor so if
              an  EXIF profile is written to the output image, the value in the EXIF profile might not match the
              image.  It is possible for an image file to indicate its orientation  in  several  different  ways

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

              Use  this  option to specify the dimensions of the PostScript page in dots per inch or a TEXT page
              in pixels. The choices for a PostScript page are:

                   11x17         792  1224
                   Ledger       1224   792
                   Legal         612  1008
                   Letter        612   792
                   LetterSmall   612   792
                   ArchE        2592  3456
                   ArchD        1728  2592
                   ArchC        1296  1728
                   ArchB         864  1296
                   ArchA         648   864
                   A0           2380  3368
                   A1           1684  2380
                   A2           1190  1684
                   A3            842  1190
                   A4            595   842
                   A4Small       595   842
                   A5            421   595
                   A6            297   421
                   A7            210   297
                   A8            148   210
                   A9            105   148
                   A10            74   105
                   B0           2836  4008
                   B1           2004  2836
                   B2           1418  2004
                   B3           1002  1418
                   B4            709  1002
                   B5            501   709
                   C0           2600  3677
                   C1           1837  2600
                   C2           1298  1837
                   C3            918  1298
                   C4            649   918
                   C5            459   649
                   C6            323   459
                   Flsa          612   936
                   Flse          612   936
                   HalfLetter    396   612

              For convenience you can specify the page size by media (e.g. A4, Ledger, etc.).  Otherwise,  -page
              behaves much like -geometry (e.g.  -page letter+43+43>).

              This  option  is  also  used to place subimages when writing to a multi-image format that supports
              offsets, such as GIF89 and MNG.  When used for this purpose the offsets are always  measured  from
              the  top left corner of the canvas and are not affected by the -gravity option.  To position a GIF
              or MNG image, use -page{+-}<x>{+-}<y> (e.g. -page +100+200).  When writing to a MNG file, a  -page
              option  appearing  ahead  of the first image in the sequence with nonzero width and height defines
              the width and height values that are written in the MHDR chunk.   Otherwise,  the  MNG  width  and
              height  are computed from the bounding box that contains all images in the sequence.  When writing
              a GIF89 file, only the bounding box method is used to determine its dimensions.

              For a PostScript page, the image is sized as in -geometry and positioned  relative  to  the  lower
              left  hand  corner of the page by {+-}<xoffset>{+-}<y offset>. Use -page 612x792>, for example, to
              center the image within the page. If the image size exceeds the PostScript page, it is reduced  to
              fit  the  page.   The  default  gravity  for the -page option is NorthWest, i.e., positive x and y
              offset are measured rightward and downward from the top  left  corner  of  the  page,  unless  the
              -gravity option is present with a value other than NorthWest.

              The default page dimensions for a TEXT image is 612x792.

              This option is used in concert with -density.

              Use +page to remove the page settings for an image.

       -paint <radius>
              simulate an oil painting

              Each  pixel  is  replaced  by  the  most  frequent color in a circular neighborhood whose width is
              specified with radius.

       -pause <seconds>
              pause between animation loops [animate]

              Pause for the specified number of seconds before repeating the animation.

       -pause <seconds>
              pause between snapshots [import]

              Pause for the specified number of seconds before taking the next snapshot.

       -pen <color>
              (This option has been replaced by the -fill option)

       -ping  efficiently determine image characteristics

              Use this option to disable reading the image pixels so that  image  characteristics  such  as  the
              image  dimensions may be obtained very quickly. For identify, use +ping to force reading the image
              pixels so that the pixel read rate may be included in the displayed information.

       -pointsize <value>
              pointsize of the PostScript, X11, or TrueType font

       -preview <type>
              image preview type

              Use this option to affect the preview operation of an image (e.g.  convert file.png -preview Gamma
              Preview:gamma.png). Choose from these previews:


              The default preview is JPEG.

       -process <command>
              process a sequence of images using a process module

              The  command  argument has the form module=arg1,arg2,arg3,...,argN where module is the name of the
              module to invoke (e.g. "analyze") and arg1,arg2,arg3,...,argN are an arbitrary number of arguments
              to  pass  to  the  process  module.  The sequence of images is terminated by the appearance of any

              If the -process option appears after all of the input images, all images are processed.

       -profile <filename>
              add ICM, IPTC, or generic profile  to image

              -profile filename adds an ICM (ICC color management), IPTC (newswire information),  or  a  generic
              (including Exif) profile to the image

              Use  +profile  icm,  +profile  iptc,  or  +profile  profile_name to remove the respective profile.
              Multiple profiles may be listed, separated by commas. Profiles may  be  excluded  from  subsequent
              listed  matches by preceding their name with an exclamation point.  For example, +profile '!icm,*'
              strips all profiles except for the ICM profile.  Use identify -verbose to find out  what  profiles
              are  in  the  image file.  Use +profile "*" to remove all profiles.  Writing the image to a format
              that does not support profiles will of course also cause all profiles to be removed.  The JPEG and
              PNG  formats will store any profiles that have been read and not removed.  In JPEG they are stored
              in APP1 markers, and in PNG they are stored as hex-coded binary in compressed zTXt chunks,  except
              for the iCC chunk which is stored in the iCCP chunk.

              To extract a profile, the -profile option is not used.  Instead, simply write the file to an image
              format such as APP1, 8BIM, ICM, or IPTC.

              For example, to extract the Exif data (which is stored in JPEG files in the APP1 profile), use

                  gm convert cockatoo.jpg exifdata.app1

              Note that GraphicsMagick does not attempt to update any profile to reflect  changes  made  to  the
              image, e.g., rotation from portrait to landscape orientation, so it is possible that the preserved
              profile may contain invalid data.

              preserve the original timestamps of the file

              Use this option to preserve the original modification and access timestamps of the file,  even  if
              it has been modified.

              disable progress monitor and busy cursor

              By  default, when an image is displayed, a progress monitor bar is shown in the top left corner of
              an existing image display window, and the current cursor is replaced with an hourglass cursor. Use
              +progress  to  disable  the progress monitor and busy cursor during display operations.  While the
              progress monitor is disabled for all operations, the busy cursor continues to be enabled for  non-
              display  operations  such  as  image processing. This option is useful for non-interactive display
              operations, or when a "clean" look is desired.

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG/TIFF compression level
               For the JPEG and MPEG image formats, quality is 0 (lowest image quality and highest  compression)
              to  100  (best  quality  but  least  effective  compression).  The default quality is 75.  Use the
              -sampling-factor option to specify the factors for chroma downsampling.  To use the  same  quality
              value as that found by the JPEG decoder, use the -define jpeg:preserve-settings flag.

              For the MIFF image format, and the TIFF format while using ZIP compression, quality/10 is the zlib
              compression level, which is 0 (worst but fastest compression) to 9 (best but slowest). It  has  no
              effect on the image appearance, since the compression is always lossless.

              For  the  JPEG-2000 image format, quality is mapped using a non-linear equation to the compression
              ratio required by the Jasper library. This non-linear equation is intended to loosely  approximate
              the  quality provided by the JPEG v1 format. The default quality value 75 results in a request for
              16:1 compression. The quality value 100 results in a request for non-lossy compression.

              For the MNG and PNG image formats, the quality value sets the zlib compression  level  (quality  /
              10)  and  filter-type (quality % 10). Compression levels range from 0 (fastest compression) to 100
              (best but slowest). For compression level 0, the Huffman-only strategy is used, which  is  fastest
              but not necessarily the worst compression.

              If filter-type is 4 or less, the specified filter-type is used for all scanlines:

                   0: none
                   1: sub
                   2: up
                   3: average
                   4: Paeth

              If filter-type is 5, adaptive filtering is used when quality is greater than 50 and the image does
              not have a color map, otherwise no filtering is used.

              If filter-type is 6, adaptive filtering with minimum-sum-of-absolute-values is used.

              Only if the output is MNG, if filter-type  is  7,  the  LOCO  color  transformation  and  adaptive
              filtering with minimum-sum-of-absolute-values are used.

              The  default  is  quality  is 75, which means nearly the best compression with adaptive filtering.
              The quality setting has no effect on the appearance of PNG and MNG images, since  the  compression
              is always lossless.

              For further information, see the PNG specification.

              When  writing  a  JNG  image  with transparency, two quality values are required, one for the main
              image and one for the grayscale image that conveys the opacity channel.  These are  written  as  a
              single  integer equal to the main image quality plus 1000 times the opacity quality.  For example,
              if you want to use quality 75 for the main image and quality 90 to compress the opacity data,  use
              -quality 90075.

              For  the  PNM  family  of formats (PNM, PGM, and PPM) specify a quality factor of zero in order to
              obtain the ASCII variant of the format. Note that -compress none used to be used to trigger  ASCII
              output but provided the opposite result of what was expected as compared with other formats.

       -raise <width>x<height>
              lighten or darken image edges

              This will create a 3-D effect. See -geometry for details details about the geometry specification.
              Offsets are not used.

              Use -raise to create a raised effect, otherwise use +raise.

       -random-threshold <channeltype> <LOWxHIGH>
              random threshold the image

              The channel or channels specified in the <channeltype> argument are reduced to  binary,  using  an
              random-threshold  method.  The choices for channeltype are All, Intensity, Red, Green, Blue, Cyan,
              Magenta, Yellow, Black, and Opacity

              When channeltype is "All", the color samples are thresholded into a graylevel and then  that  gray
              level is stored in the three color channels. Separately, the opacity channel is thresholded into a
              bilevel opacity value which is stored in the opacity channel. For each pixel, a new random  number
              is  used  to establish the threshold to be used. The threshold never exceeds the specified maximum
              (HIGH) and is never less than the specified minimum (LOW).

              When channeltype is "intensity", only the color  samples  are  thresholded.  When  channeltype  is
              "opacity"  or  "matte",  only  the  opacity  channel is thresholded. The other named channels only
              threshold the associated channel.

       -recolor <matrix>
              apply a color translation matrix to image channels

              A user supplied color translation matrix (expressed as a text string) is used  to  translate/blend
              the  image  channels  based  on  weightings  in  a  supplied matrix which may be of order 3 (color
              channels only), 4 (color channels plus opacity), or 5 (color channels plus  opacity  and  offset).
              Values  in  the columns of the matrix (red, green, blue, opacity) are used as multipliers with the
              existing channel values and added together according to the rows of the matrix.  Matrix values are
              floating point and may be negative.  The offset column (column 5) is purely additive and is scaled
              such that 0.0 to 1.0 represents the maximum quantum range (but values  are  not  limited  to  this
              range).  The  math  for the color translation matrix is similar to that used by Adobe Flash except
              that the offset is scaled to 1.0 (divide Flash offset by 255 for use with GraphicsMagick) so  that
              the results are independent of quantum depth.

              An  identity  matrix  exists  for  each matrix order which results in no change to the image.  The
              translation matrix should be based on an alteration of the identity matrix.

              Identity matrix of order 3

                1 0 0
                0 1 0
                0 0 1

              which may be formatted into a convenient matrix argument similar to (comma  is  treated  as  white

                -recolor "1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1"

              Identity matrix of order 4

                1 0 0 0
                0 1 0 0
                0 0 1 0
                0 0 0 1

              Identity  matrix of order 5.  The last row is required to exist for the purpose of parsing, but is
              otherwise not used.

                1 0 0 0 0
                0 1 0 0 0
                0 0 1 0 0
                0 0 0 1 0
                0 0 0 0 1

              As an example, an image wrongly in BGR channel order may be converted to  RGB  using  this  matrix
              (blue->red, red->blue):

                0 0 1
                0 1 0
                1 0 0

              and  an RGB image using standard Rec.709 primaries may be converted to grayscale using this matrix
              of standard weighting factors:

                0.2126 0.7152 0.0722
                0.2126 0.7152 0.0722
                0.2126 0.7152 0.0722

              and contrast may be reduced by scaling down by 80% and adding a 10% offset:

                0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
                0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.1
                0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.1
                0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.1
                0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

       -red-primary <x>,<y>
              red chromaticity primary point

       -region <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              apply options to a portion of the image

              The x and y offsets are treated in the same manner as in -crop.

              perform a X11 remote operation

              The -remote command sends a command to a "gm display" or "gm animate" which  is  already  running.
              The  only command recognized at this time is the name of an image file to load. This capability is
              very useful to load new images without needing to restart GraphicsMagick (e.g. for a slide-show or
              to  use  GraphicsMagick  as the display engine for a different GUI). Also see the +progress option
              for a way to disable progress indication for a clean look while loading new images.

              render vector operations

              Use +render to turn off rendering vector operations. This is useful  when  saving  the  result  to
              vector formats such as MVG or SVG.

       -repage  <width>x<height>+xoff+yoff[!]
              Adjust image page offsets

              Adjust  the  current  image page canvas and position based on a relative page specification.  This
              option may be used to change the location of a subframe (e.g.  part  of  an  animation)  prior  to
              composition.   If  the  geometry  specification  is  absolute  (includes  a  '!'), then the offset
              adjustment is absolute and there is no adjustment to page width and  height,  otherwise  the  page
              width  and  height values are also adjusted based on the current image dimensions.  Use +repage to
              set the image page offsets to default.

       -resample <horizontal>x<vertical>
              Resample image to specified horizontal and vertical resolution

              Resize the image so that its rendered size remains the same  as  the  original  at  the  specified
              target resolution. Either the current image resolution units or the previously set with -units are
              used to interpret the argument. For example, if a 300 DPI image renders at 3 inches by 2 inches on
              a  300  DPI  device,  when the image has been resampled to 72 DPI, it will render at 3 inches by 2
              inches on a 72 DPI device.  Note that only a small number of image formats (e.g.  JPEG,  PNG,  and
              TIFF)  are  capable  of  storing  the  image resolution. For formats which do not support an image
              resolution, the original resolution of the image must be specified via  -density  on  the  command
              line prior to specifying the resample resolution.

              Note  that  Photoshop  stores and obtains image resolution from a proprietary embedded profile. If
              this profile exists in the image, then Photoshop will continue to treat the image using its former
              resolution, ignoring the image resolution specified in the standard file header.

              Some image formats (e.g. PNG) require use of metric or english units so even if the original image
              used a particular unit system, if it is saved to a different format prior to resampling,  then  it
              may be necessary to specify the desired resolution units using -units since the original units may
              have been lost. In other words, do not assume that the resolution units are restored if the  image
              has been saved to a file.

       -resize <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image

              This is an alias for the -geometry option and it behaves in the same manner. If the -filter option
              precedes the -resize option, the specified filter is used.

              There are some exceptions:

              When used as a composite option, -resize conveys the preferred size of  the  output  image,  while
              -geometry conveys the size and placement of the composite image within the main image.

              When  used as a montage option, -resize conveys the preferred size of the montage, while -geometry
              conveys information about the tiles.

       -roll {+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              roll an image vertically or horizontally

              See -geometry for details the geometry specification.  The x and y offsets are not affected by the
              -gravity option.

              A  negative  x  offset  rolls the image left-to-right. A negative y offset rolls the image top-to-

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

              Positive angles rotate the image in a clockwise direction while negative  angles  rotate  counter-

              Use  >  to rotate the image only if its width exceeds the height.  < rotates the image only if its
              width is less than the height. For example, if you specify -rotate "-90>" and the  image  size  is
              480x640,  the  image  is  not  rotated.   However,  if  the image is 640x480, it is rotated by -90
              degrees.  If you use > or <, enclose it in quotation marks to prevent it from being misinterpreted
              as a file redirection.

              Empty  triangles left over from rotating the image are filled with the color defined as background
              (class backgroundColor).  The color is specified  using  the  format  described  under  the  -fill

       -sample <geometry>
              scale image using pixel sampling

              See -geometry for details about the geometry specification.  -sample ignores the -filter selection
              if the -filter option is present.  Offsets, if present in the geometry string,  are  ignored,  and
              the -gravity option has no effect.

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

              This  option specifies the sampling factors to be used by the DPX, JPEG, MPEG, or YUV encoders for
              chroma downsampling. The sampling factor must be specified while reading the raw YUV format  since
              it  is  not  preserved  in  the file header.  Industry-standard video subsampling notation such as
              "4:2:2" may also be used to specify the sampling factors. "4:2:2" is equivalent to a specification
              of "2x1"

              The  JPEG decoder obtains the original sampling factors (and quality settings) when a JPEG file is
              read. To re-use the original sampling factors (and quality setting) when JPEG is output,  use  the
              -define jpeg:preserve-settings flag.

       -scale <geometry>
              scale the image.

              See  -geometry  for  details  about  the  geometry  specification.   -scale uses a simpler, faster
              algorithm, and it ignores the -filter selection if the -filter option  is  present.   Offsets,  if
              present in the geometry string, are ignored, and the -gravity option has no effect.

       -scene <value>
              set scene number

              This option sets the scene number of an image or the first image in an image sequence.

       -scenes <value-value>
              range of image scene numbers to read

              Each  image  in the range is read with the filename followed by a period (.) and the decimal scene
              number.  You can change this behavior by embedding a %d, %0Nd, %o, %0No, %x, or %0Nx printf format
              specification in the file name. For example,

                  gm montage -scenes 5-7 image.miff montage.miff

              makes a montage of files image.miff.5, image.miff.6, and image.miff.7, and

                  gm animate -scenes 0-12 image%02d.miff

              animates files image00.miff, image01.miff, through image12.miff.

              specify the screen to capture

              This  option  indicates  that  the GetImage request used to obtain the image should be done on the
              root window, rather than directly on the specified window.  In this way, you can obtain pieces  of
              other  windows  that  overlap the specified window, and more importantly, you can capture menus or
              other popups that are independent windows but appear over the specified window.

       -set <attribute> <value>
              set an image attribute

              Set a named image attribute.  The attribute is set on the current (previously specified on command
              line) image.

       +set <attribute>
              unset an image attribute

              Unset a named image attribute.  The attribute is removed from the current (previously specified on
              command line) image.

       -segment <cluster threshold>x<smoothing threshold>
              segment an image

              Segment an image by analyzing the histograms of the color components and  identifying  units  that
              are homogeneous with the fuzzy c-means technique.

              Segmentation  is  a  very useful fast and and approximate color quantization algorithm for scanned
              printed pages or scanned cartoons. It may also be  used  as  a  special  effect.  Specify  cluster
              threshold  as  the  minimum percentage of total pixels in a cluster before it is considered valid.
              For huge images containing small detail, this may need to be a tiny fraction of  a  percent  (e.g.
              0.015)  so  that important detail is not lost.  Smoothing threshold eliminates noise in the second
              derivative of the histogram. As  the  value  is  increased,  you  can  expect  a  smoother  second
              derivative.  The default is 1.5. Add the -verbose option to see a dump of cluster statistics given
              the parameters used. The statistics may be used as a guide to help fine tune the options.

       -shade <azimuth>x<elevation>
              shade the image using a distant light source

              Specify azimuth and elevation as the position of the  light  source.  Use  +shade  to  return  the
              shading results as a grayscale image.

       -shadow <radius>{x<sigma>}
              shadow the montage

              use shared memory

              This  option  specifies  whether  the  utility  should  attempt  to use shared memory for pixmaps.
              GraphicsMagick must be compiled with shared memory support, and the display must support the  MIT-
              SHM extension.  Otherwise, this option is ignored.  The default is True.

       -sharpen <radius>{x<sigma>}
              sharpen the image

              Use a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).

       -shave <width>x<height>{%}
              shave pixels from the image edges

              Specify  the  width of the region to be removed from both sides of the image and the height of the
              regions to be removed from top and bottom.

       -shear <x degrees>x<y degrees>
              shear the image along the X or Y axis

              Use the specified positive or negative shear angle.

              Shearing slides one edge of an image along the X  or  Y  axis,  creating  a  parallelogram.  An  X
              direction  shear  slides  an edge along the X axis, while a Y direction shear slides an edge along
              the Y axis. The amount of the shear is controlled by a shear angle.  For  X  direction  shears,  x
              degrees  is  measured  relative  to the Y axis, and similarly, for Y direction shears y degrees is
              measured relative to the X axis.

              Empty triangles left over from shearing the image are filled with the color defined as  background
              (class  backgroundColor).   The  color  is  specified  using  the format described under the -fill

              operate silently

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

              Use this option to specify the width and height of raw images whose dimensions are unknown such as
              GRAY,  RGB,  or CMYK. In addition to width and height, use -size with an offset to skip any header
              information in the image or  tell  the  number  of  colors  in  a  MAP  image  file,  (e.g.  -size

              For Photo CD images, choose from these sizes:


              Finally,  use  this  option  to choose a particular resolution layer of a JBIG or JPEG image (e.g.
              -size 1024x768).

       -snaps <value>
              number of screen snapshots

              Use this option to grab more than one image from the X  server  screen,  to  create  an  animation

       -solarize <factor>
              negate all pixels above the threshold level

              Specify factor as the percent threshold of the intensity (0 - 99.9%).

              This  option produces a solarization effect seen when exposing a photographic film to light during
              the development process.

       -spread <amount>
              displace image pixels by a random amount

              Amount defines the size of the neighborhood around each pixel to choose a candidate pixel to swap.

       -stegano <offset>
              hide watermark within an image

              Use an offset to start the image hiding some number of pixels from the  beginning  of  the  image.
              Note this offset and the image size.  You will need this information to recover the steganographic
              image (e.g. display -size 320x256+35 stegano:image.png).

              composite two images to create a stereo anaglyph

              The left side of the stereo pair is saved as the red channel of the output image.  The right  side
              is  saved as the green channel.  Red-green stereo glasses are required to properly view the stereo

       -strip remove all profiles and text attributes from the image

              All embedded profiles and text attributes are stripped from the image.  This is useful for  images
              used for the web, or when output files need to be as small as possible

              Be  careful  not  to use this option to remove author, copyright, and license information that you
              are required to retain when redistributing an image.

       -stroke <color>
              color to use when stroking a graphic primitive

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.

              See -draw for further details.

       -strokewidth <value>
              set the stroke width

              See -draw for further details.

       -swirl <degrees>
              swirl image pixels about the center

              Degrees defines the tightness of the swirl.

       -text-font <name>
              font for writing fixed-width text

              Specifies the name of the preferred font to use in fixed (typewriter style) formatted  text.   The
              default is 14 point Courier.

              You  can  tag  a  font to specify whether it is a PostScript, TrueType, or X11 font.  For example,
              Courier.ttf is a TrueType font and x:fixed is X11.

       -texture <filename>
              name of texture to tile onto the image background

       -threshold <value>{%}
              threshold the image

              Modify the image such that any pixel sample with an intensity value greater than the threshold  is
              assigned the maximum intensity (white), or otherwise is assigned the minimum intensity (black). If
              a percent prefix is applied, then the threshold is a percentage of the available range.

              To efficiently create a black and white image from a color image, use

                  gm convert -threshold 50% in.png out.png

              The optimum threshold value depends on the nature of the image.  In order to threshold  individual
              channels,  use  the  -operator subcommand with it's Threshold, Threshold-White, or Threshold-Black

       -thumbnail <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image (quickly)

              The -thumbnail command resizes the image as quickly as possible, with more concern for speed  than
              resulting  image quality.  Regardless, resulting image quality should be acceptable for many uses.
              It is primarily intended to be used to generate smaller versions of the image,  but  may  also  be
              used to enlarge the image.  The -thumbnail geometry argument observes the same syntax and rules as
              it does for -resize.

       -tile <filename>
              tile image when filling a graphic primitive

       -tile <geometry>
              layout of images [montage]

       -title <string>
              assign title to displayed image [animate, display, montage]

              Use this option to assign a specific title to the image. This is assigned to the image window  and
              is  typically  displayed  in the window title bar.  Optionally you can include the image filename,
              type, width, height, Exif data, or other image attribute by embedding  special  format  characters
              described under the -format option.

              For example,

                   -title "%m:%f %wx%h"

              produces an image title of MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image titled bird.miff and whose width is
              512 and height is 480.

              transform the image

              This option applies the transformation matrix from a previous -affine option.

                  gm convert -affine 2,2,-2,2,0,0 -transform bird.ppm bird.jpg

       -transparent <color>
              make this color transparent within the image

              The color is specified using the format described under the -fill option.

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

              Normally, this integer value is zero or one. A value of zero or one causes the use of  an  optimal
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

              An  optimal  depth  generally  allows the best representation of the source image with the fastest
              computational speed and the least amount of memory.  However, the default depth  is  inappropriate
              for some images. To assure the best representation, try values between 2 and 8 for this parameter.
              Refer to quantize for more details.

              The -colors or -monochrome option, or writing to an image format which requires  color  reduction,
              is required for this option to take effect.

       -trim  trim an image

              This  option removes any edges that are exactly the same color as the corner pixels.  Use -fuzz to
              make -trim remove edges that are nearly the same color as the corner pixels.

       -type <type>
              the image type

              Choose   from:   Bilevel,   Grayscale,   Palette,   PaletteMatte,    TrueColor,    TrueColorMatte,
              ColorSeparation, ColorSeparationMatte, or Optimize.

              Normally,  when  a  format  supports  different  subformats  such  as bilevel, grayscale, palette,
              truecolor, and truecolor+alpha, the encoder will try to choose a suitable subformat based  on  the
              nature  of  the image. The -type option may be used to tailor the output subformat. By default the
              output subformat is based on readily available image information and is  usually  similar  to  the
              input format.

              Specify  -type  Optimize  in order to enable inspecting all pixels (if necessary) in order to find
              the most efficient subformat. Inspecting all of the pixels may be  slow  for  very  large  images,
              particularly  if  they are stored in a disk cache. If an RGB image contains only gray pixels, then
              every pixel in the image must be  inspected  in  order  to  decide  that  the  image  is  actually

              Sometimes  a  specific  subformat  is desired. For example, to force a JPEG image to be written in
              TrueColor RGB format even though only gray pixels are present, use

                  gm convert bird.pgm -type TrueColor bird.jpg

              Similarly, using -type TrueColorMatte will force the encoder to write an alpha channel even though
              the image is opaque, if the output format supports transparency.

              Some  pseudo-formats  (e.g. the XC format) will respect the requested type if it occurs previously
              on the command line.  For example, to obtain a DirectClass solid color canvas  image  rather  than
              PsuedoClass, use

                  gm convert -size 640x480 -type TrueColor xc:red red.miff

              Likewise,  specify  -type  Bilevel,  Grayscale,  TrueColor,  or  TrueColorMatte prior to reading a
              Postscript (or PDF file) in order to influence the type of image that Ghostcript returns.  Reading
              performance  will be dramatically improved for black/white Postscript if Bilevel is specified, and
              will be considerably faster if Grayscale is specified.

       -update <seconds>
               detect when image file is modified and redisplay.

              Suppose that while you are displaying an image the file  that  is  currently  displayed  is  over-
              written.   display  will  automatically detect that the input file has been changed and update the
              displayed image accordingly.

       -units <type>
              the units of image resolution

              Choose from: Undefined, PixelsPerInch, or PixelsPerCentimeter. This option  is  normally  used  in
              conjunction with the -density option.

       -unsharp <radius>{x<sigma>}{+<amount>}{+<threshold>}
              sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator

              The  -unsharp  option  sharpens  an  image. The image is convolved with a Gaussian operator of the
              given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger  than
              sigma. Use a radius of 0 to have the method select a suitable radius.

              The parameters are:


                    The radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel (default 0).


                    The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels (default 1.0).


                    The  percentage of the difference between the original and the blur image that is added back
                    into the original (default 1.0).


                    The threshold, as a fraction of MaxRGB, needed  to  apply  the  difference  amount  (default

              use the pixmap

              print detailed information about the image

              This  information  is  printed:  image  scene  number;  image  name;  image  size; the image class
              (DirectClass or PseudoClass); the total number of unique colors; and the number of seconds to read
              and  transform  the  image.  If the image is DirectClass, the total number of unique colors is not
              displayed unless -verbose is specified twice since it may take  quite  a  long  time  to  compute,
              particularly  for deep images.  If the image is PseudoClass then its pixels are defined by indexes
              into a colormap. If the image is DirectClass then each pixel includes a complete  and  independent
              color specification.

              If  -colors  is  also  specified,  the  total unique colors in the image and color reduction error
              values are printed. Refer to quantize for a description of these values.

              print GraphicsMagick version string

       -view <string>
              FlashPix viewing parameters

       -virtual-pixel <method>
              specify contents of "virtual pixels"

              This option defines "virtual pixels" for use in operations that  can  access  pixels  outside  the
              boundaries of an image.

              Choose from these methods:


                    Use the image background color.


                    Extend the edge pixel toward infinity (default).


                    Mirror the image.


                    Tile the image.

               This option affects operations that use virtual pixels such as -blur, -sharpen, -wave, etc.

       -visual <type>
              animate images using this X visual type

              Choose from these visual classes:

                   visual id

              The  X  server  must support the visual you choose, otherwise an error occurs.  If a visual is not
              specified, the visual class that can display the most simultaneous colors on the default screen is

       -watermark <brightness>x<saturation>
              percent brightness and saturation of a watermark

       -wave <amplitude>x<wavelength>
              alter an image along a sine wave

              Specify amplitude and wavelength of the wave.

       -white-point <x>,<y>
              chromaticity white point

       -white-threshold red[,green][,blue][,opacity]
              pixels above the threshold become white

              Use  -white-threshold  to  set  pixels  with values above the specified threshold to maximum value
              (white). If only one value is supplied, or the red, green, and blue  values  are  identical,  then
              intensity thresholding is used. If the color threshold values are not identical then channel-based
              thresholding is used, and color distortion will occur. Specify a negative value (e.g. -1)  if  you
              want  a  channel  to  be  ignored  but  you do want to threshold a channel later in the list. If a
              percent (%) symbol is appended, then the values are treated as a percentage of maximum range.

       -window <id>
              make image the background of a window

              id can be a window id or name.  Specify root to select X's root window as the target window.

              By default the image is tiled onto the background of the target window.   If backdrop or -geometry
              are specified, the image is surrounded by the background color.  Refer to X RESOURCES for details.

              The  image will not display on the root window if the image has more unique colors than the target
              window colormap allows.  Use -colors to reduce the number of colors.

              specify the window group

       -write <filename>
              write an intermediate image [convert, composite]

              The current image is written to the specified filename and then processing  continues  using  that
              image.  The  following  is  an  example  of  how several sizes of an image may be generated in one
              command (repeat as often as needed):

                  gm convert input.jpg -resize 50% -write input50.jpg \
                            -resize 25% input25.jpg

       -write <filename>
              write the image to a file [display]

              If filename already exists, you will be prompted as to whether it should be overwritten.

              By default, the image is written in the format that it was read in as.  To  specify  a  particular
              image  format,  prefix  filename  with  the image type and a colon (e.g., ps:image) or specify the
              image type as the filename suffix (e.g., Specify file as - for standard output. If file
              has  the  extension  .Z  or  .gz, the file size is compressed using compress or gzip respectively.
              Precede the image file name with | to pipe to a system command.

              Use -compress to specify the type of image compression.

              The equivalent X resource  for  this  option  is  writeFilename  (class  WriteFilename).   See  "X
              Resources", below, for details.


              Output  screen  width. Used when formatting text for the screen. Many Unix systems keep this shell
              variable up to date, but it may need to be explicitly exported in order for GraphicsMagick to  see

              X11 display ID (host, display number, and screen in the form hostname:display.screen).

       HOME   Location   of   user's   home  directory.  GraphicsMagick  searches  for  configuration  files  in
              $HOME/.magick if the directory exists. See  MAGICK_CODER_MODULE_PATH,  MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH,  and
              MAGICK_FILTER_MODULE_PATH if more flexibility is needed.

              When  set  to  TRUE, command line monitor mode (enabled by -monitor) will also show files accessed
              (including temporary files) and any external commands which  are  executed.  This  is  useful  for
              debugging,  but  also  illustrates arguments made available to an access handler registered by the
              MagickSetConfirmAccessHandler() C library function.

              The minimum coder stability level before it will  be  used.  The  available  levels  are  PRIMARY,
              STABLE,  UNSTABLE,  and  BROKEN.   The  default  minimum  level  is UNSTABLE, which means that all
              available working coders will be used. The purpose of  this  option  is  to  reduce  the  security
              exposure  (or  apparent  complexity)  due  to  the huge number of formats supported. Coders at the
              PRIMARY level are commonly used formats with very well maintained implementations. Coders  at  the
              STABLE  level  are  reasonably  well  maintained  but  represent  less used formats. Coders at the
              UNSTABLE level either  have  weak  implementations,  the  file  format  itself  is  weak,  or  the
              probability the coder will be needed is vanishingly small. Coders at the BROKEN level are known to
              often not work properly or might not be useful in their current state at all.

              Search path to use when searching for image format coder modules.  This path allows  the  user  to
              arbitrarily  extend the image formats supported by GraphicsMagick by adding loadable modules to an
              arbitrary location rather than copying them into the GraphicsMagick  installation  directory.  The
              formatting  of  the  search path is similar to operating system search paths (i.e. colon delimited
              for Unix, and semi-colon delimited for Microsoft Windows). This user specified search path is used
              before trying the default search path.

              Search  path  to  use when searching for configuration (.mgk) files.  The formatting of the search
              path is similar to operating system search paths (i.e. colon delimited for  Unix,  and  semi-colon
              delimited  for  Microsoft  Windows).  This  user  specified  search path is used before trying the
              default search path.

              Debug options (see -debug for details).  Setting debug options  via  an  environment  variable  is
              currently necessary to see the complete initialization process.

              Search  path  to  use  when searching for filter process modules (invoked via -process). This path
              allows the user to arbitrarily extend GraphicsMagick's image processing  functionality  by  adding
              loadable  modules  to  an  arbitrary  location  rather  than  copying them into the GraphicsMagick
              installation directory. The formatting of the search path is similar to  operating  system  search
              paths  (i.e.  colon delimited for Unix, and semi-colon delimited for Microsoft Windows). This user
              specified search path is used before trying the default search path.

              For Microsoft Windows, specify the path to the Ghostscript installation rather than searching  for
              it  via the Windows registry.  This helps in case Ghostscript is not installed via the Ghostscript
              Windows installer or the user wants more control over the Ghostscript used.

              Path to top of GraphicsMagick installation directory. Only observed  by  "uninstalled"  builds  of
              GraphicsMagick which do not have their location hard-coded or set by an installer.

              If  MAGICK_MMAP_READ  is set to TRUE, GraphicsMagick will attempt to memory-map the input file for
              reading. This usually substantially improves repeated read performance since the file  is  already
              in  memory  after  the first time it has been read. However, testing shows that performance may be
              reduced for files accessed for the first time since data is accessed via page-faults  (upon  first
              access)  and  many  operating systems fail to do sequential read-ahead of memory mapped files, and
              particularly if those files are accessed over a network.  If many large input files are read, then
              enabling  this  option  may harm performance by overloading the operating system's VM system as it
              then needs to free unmapped pages and map new ones.

              If MAGICK_IO_FSYNC is set to TRUE, then GraphicsMagick will request that the output file is  fully
              flushed and synchronized to disk when it is closed. This incurs a performance penalty, but has the
              benefit that if the power fails or the system crashes, the file should be valid on disk. If  image
              files  are  referenced from a database, then this option helps assure that the files referenced by
              the database are valid.

              The amount of I/O buffering (in bytes) to use when reading and writing encoded files. The  default
              is  16384, which is observed to work well for many cases. The best value for a local filesystem is
              usually the the native filesystem block size (e.g. 4096, 8192, or even 131,072 for ZFS)  in  order
              to  minimize the number of physical disk I/O operations.  I/O performance to files accessed over a
              network may benefit significantly by tuning this option. Larger values are not necessarily  better
              (they  may  be  slower!), and there is rarely any benefit from using values larger than 32768. Use
              convert's -verbose option in order to evaluate read and write rates in  pixels  per  second  while
              keeping in mind that the operating system will try to cache files in RAM.

              Maximum amount of disk space allowed for use by the pixel cache.

              Maximum number of open files.

              Maximum  size  of  a memory mapped file allocation.  A memory mapped file consumes memory when the
              file is accessed, although the system may reclaim such memory when needed.

              Maximum amount of memory to allocate from the heap.

              Maximum number of total pixels (image rows times image colums) to allow for  any  image  which  is
              requested  to  be  created or read.  This is useful to place a limit on how large an image may be.
              If the input image file has image dimensions larger than the pixel limit, then  the  image  memory
              allocation is denied and an error is returned immediately.  This is a per-image limit and does not
              limit the total number of pixels due to multiple image frames/pages (e.g. multi-page  document  or
              an animation).

              Maximum pixel width of an image read, or created.

              Maximum pixel height of an image read, or created.

              Path  to  directory  where  GraphicsMagick should write temporary files. The default is to use the
              system default, or the location set by TMPDIR.

       TMPDIR For POSIX-compatible systems (Unix-compatible), the path to the directory where  all  applications
              should write temporary files.  Overridden by MAGICK_TMPDIR if it is set.

       TMP or TEMP
              For  Microsoft Windows, the path to the directory where applications should write temporary files.
              Overridden by MAGICK_TMPDIR if it is set.

              As per the OpenMP standard, this specifies the number of threads to use in parallel regions.  Some
              compilers  default  the  number of threads to use to the number of processor cores available while
              others default to just one thread. See the OpenMP specification for other standard adjustments and
              your compiler's manual for vendor-specific settings.


       GraphicsMagick uses a number of XML format configuration files:

              colors configuration file

                <?xml version="1.0"?>
                  <color name="AliceBlue" red="240" green="248" blue="255"
                         compliance="SVG, X11, XPM" />

              delegates configuration file

              logging configuration file

                <?xml version="1.0"?>
                  <log events="None" />
                  <log output="stdout" />
                  <log filename="Magick-%d.log" />
                  <log generations="3" />
                  <log limit="2000" />
                  <log format="%t %r %u %p %m/%f/%l/%d:\n  %e"  />

              loadable modules configuration file

                <?xml version="1.0"?>
                  <module magick="8BIM" name="META" />

              master type (fonts) configuration file

                <?xml version="1.0"?>
                  <include file="type-windows.mgk" />
                    fullname="AvantGarde Book"


       Animate  displays  a  sequence  of  images  on any workstation display running an X server. animate first
       determines the hardware capabilities of the workstation. If the number of unique colors in  an  image  is
       less  than  or  equal  to  the number the workstation can support, the image is displayed in an X window.
       Otherwise the number of colors in the image is first  reduced  to  match  the  color  resolution  of  the
       workstation before it is displayed.

       This  means  that a continuous-tone 24 bits-per-pixel image can display on a 8 bit pseudo-color device or
       monochrome  device.  In  most  instances  the  reduced  color  image  closely  resembles  the   original.
       Alternatively,  a monochrome or pseudo-color image sequence can display on a continuous-tone 24 bits-per-
       pixel device.

       To help prevent color flashing on X server visuals that have colormaps, animate creates a single colormap
       from  the  image sequence. This can be rather time consuming. You can speed this operation up by reducing
       the colors in the image before you "animate" them. Use mogrify to color reduce the  images  to  a  single
       colormap.  See  mogrify(1)  for  details.  Alternatively,  you  can use a Standard Colormap; or a static,
       direct, or true color visual.  You can define a Standard Colormap  with  xstdcmap.  See  xstdcmap(1)  for
       details.  This method is recommended for colormapped X server because it eliminates the need to compute a
       global colormap.


       To animate a set of images of a cockatoo, use:

           gm animate cockatoo.*

       To animate a cockatoo image sequence while using the Standard Colormap best, use:

           xstdcmap -best
           gm animate -map best cockatoo.*

       To animate an image of a cockatoo without a border centered on a backdrop, use:

           gm animate +borderwidth -backdrop cockatoo.*


       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

              display the image centered on a backdrop.

       -background <color>
              the background color

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

       -borderwidth <geometry>
              the border width

       -chop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              remove pixels from the interior of an image

       -colormap <type>
              define the colormap type

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -delay <1/100ths of a second>
              display the next image after pausing

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

       -foreground <color>
              define the foreground color

       -gamma <value>
              level of gamma correction

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

       -help  print usage instructions

       -iconGeometry <geometry>
              specify the icon geometry

              iconic animation

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -map <type>
              display image using this type.

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

       -mattecolor <color>
              specify the color to be used with the -frame option

              show progress indication

              transform the image to black and white

       -name  name an image

       -noop  NOOP (no option)

       -pause <seconds>
              pause between animation loops [animate]

              perform a X11 remote operation

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -scenes <value-value>
              range of image scene numbers to read

              use shared memory

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

       -text-font <name>
              font for writing fixed-width text

       -title <string>
              assign title to displayed image [animate, display, montage]

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

       -trim  trim an image

       -type <type>
              the image type

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

       -visual <type>
              animate images using this X visual type

       -window <id>
              make image the background of a window

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

              Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect for the group of images following it,
              until  the  group is terminated by the appearance of any option or -noop.  For example, to animate
              three images, the first with 32 colors, the second with an unlimited number  of  colors,  and  the
              third with only 16 colors, use:

                  gm animate -colors 32 cockatoo.1 -noop cockatoo.2
                           -colors 16 cockatoo.3

              Animate  options  can appear on the command line or in your X resources file. See X(1). Options on
              the command line supersede values specified in your X resources file.  Image filenames may  appear
              in  any  order  on  the  command  line if the image format is MIFF (refer to miff(5) and the scene
              keyword is specified in the image. Otherwise the images will display in the order they  appear  on
              the command line.


       Press  any button to map or unmap the Command widget. See the next section for more information about the
       Command widget.


       The Command widget lists a number of sub-menus and commands. They are


               Auto Reverse





           Image Info

       Menu items with a indented triangle have a sub-menu. They are represented above as the indented items. To
       access  a  sub-menu  item, move the pointer to the appropriate menu and press a button and drag. When you
       find the desired sub-menu item, release the button and the command is executed.  Move  the  pointer  away
       from the sub-menu if you decide not to execute a particular command.



                    Press to load an image from a file.

                    Press to display the next image in the sequence.

                    Press to speed-up the display of the images.  Refer to -delay for more information.

                    Press to slow the display of the images.  Refer to -delay for more information.

                    Press  to  display  information  about  the  image.   Press  any  key or button to erase the
                    This information is printed: image name;  image size; and the total number of unique  colors
                    in the image.

                    Press to display helpful information about animate(1).

                    Press to discard all images and exit program.


       Animate  options  can  appear on the command line or in your X resource file. Options on the command line
       supersede values specified in your X resource file. See X(1) for more information on X resources.

       All animate options have a corresponding X resource. In addition, the animate program uses the  following
       X resources:

               background (class Background)

                    Specifies the preferred color to use for the Image window background. The default is #ccc.
               borderColor (class BorderColor)

                    Specifies the preferred color to use for the Image window border. The default is #ccc.
               borderWidth (class BorderWidth)

                    Specifies the width in pixels of the Image window border. The default is 2.
               font (class Font or FontList)

                    Specifies the name of the preferred font to use in normal formatted text.  The default is 14
                    point Helvetica.
               foreground (class Foreground)

                    Specifies the preferred color to use for text within  the  Image  window.   The  default  is
               geometry (class geometry)

                    Specifies  the preferred size and position of the image window. It is not necessarily obeyed
                    by all window managers.  Offsets, if present, are handled  in  X(1)  style.   A  negative  x
                    offset  is  measured  from the right edge of the screen to the right edge of the icon, and a
                    negative y offset is measured from the bottom edge of the screen to the bottom edge  of  the
               iconGeometry (class IconGeometry)

                    Specifies  the  preferred  size  and  position of the application when iconified.  It is not
                    necessarily obeyed by all window managers.  Offsets, if present, are  handled  in  the  same
                    manner as in class Geometry.
               iconic (class Iconic)

                    This  resource  indicates that you would prefer that the application's windows initially not
                    be visible as if the windows had be immediately iconified by you. Window managers may choose
                    not to honor the application's request.
               matteColor (class MatteColor)

                    Specify the color of windows. It is used for the backgrounds of windows, menus, and notices.
                    A 3D effect is achieved by using highlight  and  shadow  colors  derived  from  this  color.
                    Default value: #ddd.
               name (class Name)

                    This  resource specifies the name under which resources for the application should be found.
                    This resource  is  useful  in  shell  aliases  to  distinguish  between  invocations  of  an
                    application,  without  resorting  to  creating  links to alter the executable file name. The
                    default is the application name.
               sharedMemory (class SharedMemory)

                    This resource specifies whether animate  should  attempt  use  shared  memory  for  pixmaps.
                    ImageMagick  must  be  compiled with shared memory support, and the display must support the
                    MIT-SHM extension. Otherwise, this resource is ignored. The default is True.
               text_font (class textFont)

                    Specifies the name of the preferred font to use in fixed (typewriter style) formatted  text.
                    The default is 14 point Courier.
               title (class Title)

                    This  resource  specifies  the  title  to  be used for the Image window. This information is
                    sometimes used by a window manager to provide some sort of header  identifying  the  window.
                    The default is the image file name.



       batch  executes  an arbitary number of the utility commands (e.g. convert) in the form of a simple linear
       batch script in order to improve execution efficiency, and/or to allow use as  a  subordinate  co-process
       under the control of an arbitrary script or program.


        To drive 'gm batch' using a shell script (or a program written in any language), have the script/program
       send commands to 'gm batch' via its standard input.  Specify that standard input should be used by  using
       '-'  as  the  file  name.  The following example converts all files matching '*.jpg' to TIFF format while
       rotating each file by 90 degrees and stripping  all  embedded  profiles.   The  shell  script  syntax  is
       standard Unix shell:

         for file in *.jpg
           outfile=`basename $file .jpg`.tiff
           echo convert -verbose "'$file'" -rotate 90 \
           +profile "'*'" "'$outfile'"
         done | gm batch -echo on -feedback on -

       We  can  accomplish  the same as the previous example by putting all the commands in a text file and then
       specifying the name of the text file as the script to execute:

         for file in *.jpg
           outfile=`basename $file .jpg`.tiff
           echo convert -verbose "'$file'" -rotate 90 \
           +profile "'*'" "'$outfile'"
         done > script.txt
         gm batch -echo on -feedback on script.txt


       Options are processed from left to right and must appear before any filename argument.

       -echo on|off
              command echo on or off

              Specify on to enable echoing commands to standard output as they are read or off to disable.   The
              default is off.

       -escape unix|windows
              Parse using unix or windows syntax

              Commands  must  be parsed from the input stream and escaping needs to be used to protect spaces or
              quoting characters in the input. Specify unix to use unix-style command line  parsing  or  windows
              for  Microsoft  Windows  command  shell  style  parsing. The default depends on if the software is
              compiled for Microsoft Windows or for a Unix-type system (including Cygwin on Microsoft  Windows).
              It is recommended to use unix syntax because it is more powerful and more portable.

       -fail text
              text to print if a command fails

              When  feedback  is  enabled, this specifies the text to print when the command fails.  The default
              text is FAIL.

       -feedback on|off
              enable error feedback

              Print text (see -pass and -fail options) feedback after each command to indicate the  result,  the
              default is off.


              Prints batch command help.

       -pass text
              text to print if a command passes

              When  feedback  is enabled, this specifies the text to print when the command passes.  The default
              text is PASS.

       -prompt text
              Prompt text to use for command line

              If no filename argument was specified, a  simple  command  prompt  appears  where  you  may  enter
              GraphicsMagick  commands.   The  default  prompt  is GM>.  Use this option to change the prompt to
              something else.

       -stop-on-error on|off
              Specify if command processing stops on error

              Normally command processing continues if a command encounters an error.  Specify -stop-on-error on
              to cause processing to quit immediately on error.



       benchmark  executes  an  arbitrary  gm  utility  command  (e.g.  convert) for one or more loops, and/or a
       specified execution time, and reports many execution  metrics.   For  builds  using  OpenMP,  a  mode  is
       provided  to  execute  the benchmark with an increasing number of threads and provide a report of speedup
       and multi-thread execution efficiency.  If benchmark is used to execute a command without any  additional
       benchmark options, then the command is run once.


       To obtain benchmark information for a single execution of a command:

           gm benchmark convert input.ppm -gaussian 0x1 output.ppm

       To obtain benchmark information from 100 iterations of the command:

           gm benchmark -iterations 100 convert input.ppm \
             -gaussian 0x1 output.ppm

       To  obtain  benchmark  information by iterating the command until a specified amount of time (in seconds)
       has been consumed:

           gm benchmark -duration 30 convert input.ppm \
             -gaussian 0x1 output.ppm

       To obtain a full performance report with an increasing number of  threads  (1-32  threads,  stepping  the
       number of threads by four each time):

           gm benchmark -duration 3 -stepthreads 4 convert \
             input.ppm -gaussian 0x2 output.ppm

       Here is the interpretation of the output:

           threads - number of threads used.
           iter - number of command iterations executed.
           user - total user time consumed.
           total - total elapsed time consumed.
           iter/s - number of command iterations per second.
           iter/cpu - amount of CPU time consumed per iteration.
           speedup - speedup compared with one thread.
           karp-flatt - Karp-Flatt measure of speedup efficiency.

       Please note that the reported "speedup" is based on the execution time of just one thread.  A preliminary
       warm-up pass is used before timing the first loop in order to ensure that  the  CPU  is  brought  out  of
       power-saving  modes  and that system caches are warmed up.  Most modern CPUs provide a "turbo" mode where
       the CPU clock speed is increased (e.g. by a factor of two) when only one or two cores are active.  If the
       CPU  grows excessively hot (due to insufficient cooling), then it may dial back its clock rates as a form
       of thermal management.  These factors result in an under-reporting of speedup compared to if "turbo" mode
       was disabled and the CPU does not need to worry about thermal management.  The powertop utility available
       under Linux and Solaris provides a way to observe CPU core clock rates while a benchmark is running.


        Options are processed from left to right and must appear before any argument.

       -duration duration
              duration to run benchmark Specify the number of seconds to  run  the  benchmark.  The  command  is
              executed repeatedly until the specified amount of time has elapsed.


              Prints benchmark command help.

       -iterations loops
              number of command iterations Specify the number of iterations to run the benchmark. The command is
              executed repeatedly until the specified number of iterations has been reached.

              Print results in CSV format Print results in a comma-separated value (CSV) format which is easy to
              parse  for plotting or importing into a spreadsheet or database.  The values reported are threads,
              iterations, user_time, and elapsed_time.

       -stepthreads step
              execute a per-thread benchmark ramp
               Execute a per-thread benchmark ramp, incrementing the number of  threads  at  each  step  by  the
              specified  value.   The  maximum  number  of  threads  is  taken from the standard OMP_NUM_THREADS
              environment variable.


       compare compares two similar images using a specified statistical method (see -metric) and/or by  writing
       a  difference  image (-file), with the altered pixels annotated using a specified method (see -highlight-
       style) and color (see -highlight-color). Reference-image is the original image and compare-image  is  the
       (possibly) altered version, which should have the same dimensions as reference-image.


       To compare two images using Mean Square Error (MSE) statistical analysis use:

           gm compare -metric mse original.miff compare.miff

       To create an annotated difference image use:

           gm compare -highlight-style assign -highlight-color purple \
             -file diff.miff original.miff compare.miff


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       only for the image that follows.  All options are reset to their default values after each image is read.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

       -file <filename>
              write annotated difference image to file

       -help  print usage instructions

       -highlight-color <color>
              pixel annotation color

       -highlight-style <style>
              pixel annotation style

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

       -maximum-error <limit>
              specifies the maximum amount of total image error

       -metric <metric>
              comparison metric (MAE, MSE, PAE, PSNR, RMSE)

              show progress indication

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

       -type <type>
              the image type

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       composite composites (combines) images to create new images.  base-image is the base  image  and  change-
       image  contains  the  changes.   ouput-image is the result, and normally has the same dimensions as base-

       The optional mask-image can be used to provide opacity information for change-image when it has  none  or
       if  you  want  a different mask.  A mask image is typically grayscale and the same size as base-image. If
       mask-image is not grayscale, it is converted to grayscale and  the  resulting  intensities  are  used  as
       opacity information.


       To composite an image of a cockatoo with a perch, use:

           gm composite cockatoo.miff perch.ras composite.miff

       To compute the difference between images in a series, use:

           gm composite -compose difference series.2 series.1

       To composite an image of a cockatoo with a perch starting at location (100,150), use:

           gm composite -geometry +100+150 cockatoo.miff
                     perch.ras composite.miff

       To tile a logo across your image of a cockatoo, use

           gm convert +shade 30x60 cockatoo.miff mask.miff
           gm composite -compose bumpmap -tile logo.png
                     cockatoo.miff mask.miff composite.miff

       To composite a red, green, and blue color plane into a single composite image, try

           gm composite -compose CopyGreen green.png red.png
           gm composite -compose CopyBlue blue.png red-green.png
                     gm composite.png


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       only for the image that follows.  All options are reset to their default values after each image is read.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

       -background <color>
              the background color

       -blue-primary <x>,<y>
              blue chromaticity primary point

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

       -compose <operator>
              the type of image composition

       -compress <type>
              the type of image compression

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

       -displace <horizontal scale>x<vertical scale>
              shift image pixels as defined by a displacement map

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

       -dissolve <percent>
              dissolve an image into another by the given percent

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

       -encoding <type>
              specify the text encoding

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

       -filter <type>
              use this type of filter when resizing an image

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

       -gravity <type>
              direction primitive  gravitates to when annotating the image.

       -green-primary <x>,<y>
              green chromaticity primary point

       -help  print usage instructions

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -label <name>
              assign a label to an image

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

              show progress indication

              transform the image to black and white

              replace every pixel with its complementary color

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

       -profile <filename>
              add ICM, IPTC, or generic profile  to image

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG/TIFF compression level

       -recolor <matrix>
              apply a color translation matrix to image channels

       -red-primary <x>,<y>
              red chromaticity primary point

              render vector operations

       -repage  <width>x<height>+xoff+yoff[!]
              Adjust image page offsets

       -resize <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -scene <value>
              set scene number

       -set <attribute> <value>
              set an image attribute

       +set <attribute>
              unset an image attribute

       -sharpen <radius>{x<sigma>}
              sharpen the image

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

       -stegano <offset>
              hide watermark within an image

              composite two images to create a stereo anaglyph

       -strip remove all profiles and text attributes from the image

       -thumbnail <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image (quickly)

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

       -trim  trim an image

       -type <type>
              the image type

       -units <type>
              the units of image resolution

       -unsharp <radius>{x<sigma>}{+<amount>}{+<threshold>}
              sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

       -watermark <brightness>x<saturation>
              percent brightness and saturation of a watermark

       -white-point <x>,<y>
              chromaticity white point

       -write <filename>
              write an intermediate image [convert, composite]

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       The Magick scripting language (MSL) will primarily benefit those that want  to  accomplish  custom  image
       processing  tasks but do not wish to program, or those that do not have access to a Perl interpreter or a
       compiler.  The interpreter is called conjure and here is an example script:

           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <image size="400x400" >
             <read filename="image.gif" />
             <get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
             <resize geometry="%[dimensions]" />
             <get width="width" height="height" />
             <print output=
               "Image sized from %[base-width]x%[base-height]
                to %[width]x%[height].\n" />
             <write filename="image.png" />

       invoked with

           gm conjure -dimensions 400x400 incantation.msl

       All operations will closely follow the key/value pairs defined in PerlMagick, unless otherwise noted.


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       until  it  is  explicitly  changed  by  specifying  the option again with a different effect, or if it is
       changed by a statement in the scripting language.

       You can define your own keyword/value  pairs  on  the  command  line.   The  script  can  then  use  this
       information  when  setting  values  by  including %[keyword] in the string.  For example, if you included
       "-dimensions  400x400"  on  the  command  line,  as  illustrated  above,  then  any   string   containing
       "%[dimensions]"  would  have  400x400  substituted.  The "%[string]" can be used either an entire string,
       such as geometry="%[dimensions]" or as a part of a string such as filename="%[basename].png".

       The keyword can be any string except for the following reserved strings (in any upper,  lower,  or  mixed
       case variant): debug, help, and verbose, whose usage is described below.

       The value can be any string.  If either the keyword or the value contains white space or any symbols that
       have special meanings to your shell such as "#", "|", or "%", enclose the string in  quotation  marks  or
       use "\" to escape the white space and special symbols.

       Keywords and values are case dependent.  "Key", "key", and "KEY" would be three different keywords.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -help  print usage instructions

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string


       The Magick Scripting Language (MSL) presently defines the following elements and their attributes:


                    background, color, id, size

                    Define  a new image object.  </image> destroys it. Because of this, if you wish to reference
                    multiple "subimages" (aka pages or layers), you  can  embed  one  image  element  inside  of
                    another. For example:

                        <read filename="input.png" />
                        <get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
                        <image height="base-height" width="base-width">
                        <image />
                        <write filename="output.mng" />

                        <image size="400x400" />


                    Define  a  new  group  of  image objects.  By default, images are only valid for the life of
                    their <image>element.

                        <image>   -- creates the image
                        .....     -- do stuff with it
                        </image>  -- dispose of the image

                    However, in a group, all images in that group will stay around for the life of the group:

                        <group>                           -- start a group
                            <image>                       -- create an image
                            ....                          -- do stuff
                            </image>                      -- NOOP
                            <image>                       -- create another image
                            ....                          -- do more stuff
                            </image>                      -- NOOP
                            <write filename="image.mng" />  -- output
                        </group>                          -- dispose of both images



                    Read a new image from a disk file.

                        <read filename="image.gif" />

                    To read two images use

                        <read filename="image.gif" />
                        <read filename="image.png />


                    Write the image(s) to disk, either as a single  multiple-image  file  or  multiple  ones  if

                         <write filename=image.tiff" />


                    Get  any  attribute  recognized  by  PerlMagick's  GetAttribute()  and stores it as an image
                    attribute for later use. Currently only width and height are supported.

                        <get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
                        <print output="Image size is %[base-width]x%[base-height].\n" />


                    background, bordercolor, clip-mask, colorspace, density, magick, mattecolor,  opacity.   Set
                    an attribute recognized by PerlMagick's GetAttribute().


                    Read one or more IPTC, ICC or generic profiles from file and assign to image

                        <profile iptc="profile.iptc" generic="generic.dat" />

                    To remove a specified profile use "!" as the filename eg

                        <profile icm="!" iptc="profile.iptc" />


                        fill, geometry, height, width

                        radius, sigma

                        radius, sigma

                        geometry, height, width, x, y

                        geometry, height, width, x, y

                        compose, geometry, gravity, image, x, y

                        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                            <image id="image_01">
                                <read filename="cloud3.gif"/>
                                <resize geometry="250x90"/>
                            <image id="image_02">
                                <read filename="cloud4.gif"/>
                                <resize geometry="190x100"/>
                                <read filename="background.jpg"/>
                                <composite image="image_01" geometry="+740+470"/>
                                <composite image="image_02" geometry="+390+415"/>
                            <write filename="result.png"/>



                        radius, sigma






                        fill, geometry, height, width, x, y, inner, outer


                        height, width

                        red, green, blue

                        background, color, id, size










                        blur, filter, geometry, height, width

                        geometry, x, y



                        geometry, height, width

                        geometry, height, width

                        radius, sigma

                        geometry, height, width

                        x, y










       Convert converts an input file using one image format to an output file with a differing image format. In
       addition, various types of image processing can be performed on the converted image during the conversion
       process. Convert recognizes the image formats listed in GraphicsMagick(1).


       To make a thumbnail of a JPEG image, use:

           gm convert -size 120x120 cockatoo.jpg -resize 120x120
                   +profile "*" thumbnail.jpg

       In  this  example,  '-size  120x120'  gives  a  hint  to  the  JPEG decoder that the image is going to be
       downscaled to 120x120, allowing it  to  run  faster  by  avoiding  returning  full-resolution  images  to
       GraphicsMagick  for  the  subsequent  resizing  operation.   The  ´-resize 120x120' specifies the desired
       dimensions of the output image.  It will be scaled so its largest dimension is 120 pixels.  The ´+profile
       "*"'  removes any ICM, EXIF, IPTC, or other profiles that might be present in the input and aren't needed
       in the thumbnail.

       To convert a MIFF image of a cockatoo to a SUN raster image, use:

           gm convert cockatoo.miff sun:cockatoo.ras

       To convert a multi-page PostScript document to individual FAX pages, use:

           gm convert -monochrome fax:page

       To convert a TIFF image to a PostScript A4 page with the image in the lower left-hand corner, use:

           gm convert -page A4+0+0 image.tiff

       To convert a raw Gray image with a 128 byte header to a portable graymap, use:

           gm convert -depth 8 -size 768x512+128 gray:raw

       In this example, "raw" is the input file.  Its format is "gray" and it has the dimensions and  number  of
       header  bytes  specified  by  the  -size option and the sample depth specified by the -depth option.  The
       output file is "image.pgm".  The suffix ".pgm" specifies its format.

       To convert a Photo CD image to a TIFF image, use:

           gm convert -size 1536x1024 img0009.pcd image.tiff
           gm convert img0009.pcd[4] image.tiff

       To create a visual image directory of all your JPEG images, use:

           gm convert 'vid:*.jpg' directory.miff

       To annotate an image with blue text using font 12x24 at position (100,100), use:

           gm convert -font helvetica -fill blue
                   -draw "text 100,100 Cockatoo"
                   bird.jpg bird.miff

       To tile a 640x480 image with a JPEG texture with bumps use:

           gm convert -size 640x480 tile:bumps.jpg tiled.png

       To surround an icon with an ornamental border to use with Mosaic(1), use:

           gm convert -mattecolor "#697B8F" -frame 6x6 bird.jpg

       To create a MNG animation from a DNA molecule sequence, use:

           gm convert -delay 20 dna.* dna.mng


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       for the set of images that follows, until the set is terminated by the appearance of any option or -noop.
       Some options only affect the decoding of images and others only the  encoding.   The  latter  can  appear
       after the final group of input images.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

              join images into a single multi-image file

       -affine <matrix>
              drawing transform matrix

              remove pixel aliasing

              append a set of images

        -asc-cdl <spec>
              apply ASC CDL color transform

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

              orient (rotate) image so it is upright

              average a set of images

       -background <color>
              the background color

       -black-threshold red[,green][,blue][,opacity]
              pixels below the threshold become black

       -blue-primary <x>,<y>
              blue chromaticity primary point

       -blur <radius>{x<sigma>}
              blur the image with a Gaussian operator

       -border <width>x<height>
              surround the image with a border of color

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

       -box <color>
              set the color of the annotation bounding box

       -channel <type>
              the type of channel

       -charcoal <factor>
              simulate a charcoal drawing

       -chop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              remove pixels from the interior of an image

       -clip  apply the clipping path, if one is present

              merge a sequence of images

       -colorize <value>
              colorize the image with the pen color

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

       -compose <operator>
              the type of image composition

       -compress <type>
              the type of image compression

              enhance or reduce the image contrast

       -convolve <kernel>
              convolve image with the specified convolution kernel

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

       -cycle <amount>
              displace image colormap by amount

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

              break down an image sequence into constituent parts

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -delay <1/100ths of a second>
              display the next image after pausing

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

              reduce the speckles within an image

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

       -draw <string>
              annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives

       -edge <radius>
              detect edges within an image

       -emboss <radius>
              emboss an image

       -encoding <type>
              specify the text encoding

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

              apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image

              perform histogram equalization to the image

       -extent <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              composite image on background color canvas image

       -fill <color>
              color to use when filling a graphic primitive

       -filter <type>
              use this type of filter when resizing an image

              flatten a sequence of images

       -flip  create a "mirror image"

       -flop  create a "mirror image"

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

       -format <string>
              output formatted image characteristics

       -frame <width>x<height>+<outer bevel width>+<inner bevel width>
              surround the image with an ornamental border

       -fuzz <distance>{%}
              colors within this Euclidean distance are considered equal

       -gamma <value>
              level of gamma correction

       -gaussian <radius>{x<sigma>}
              blur the image with a Gaussian operator

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

       -gravity <type>
              direction primitive  gravitates to when annotating the image.

       -green-primary <x>,<y>
              green chromaticity primary point

       -hald-clut <clut>
              apply a Hald CLUT to the image

       -help  print usage instructions

       -implode <factor>
              implode image pixels about the center

       -intent <type>
              use this type of rendering intent when managing the image color

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -label <name>
              assign a label to an image

       -lat <width>x<height>{+-}<offset>{%}
              perform local adaptive thresholding

       -level <black_point>{,<gamma>}{,<white_point>}{%}
              adjust the level of image contrast

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -list <type>
              the type of list

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -loop <iterations>
              add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation

              magnify the image

       -map <filename>
              choose a particular set of colors from this image

       -mask <filename>
              Specify a clipping mask

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

       -mattecolor <color>
              specify the color to be used with the -frame option

       -median <radius>
              apply a median filter to the image

       -minify <factor>
              minify the image

       -modulate brightness[,saturation[,hue]]
              vary the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image

              show progress indication

              transform the image to black and white

       -morph <frames>
              morphs an image sequence

              create a mosaic from an image or an image sequence

       -motion-blur <radius>{x<sigma>}{+angle}
              Simulate motion blur

              replace every pixel with its complementary color

       -noise <radius|type>
              add or reduce noise in an image

       -noop  NOOP (no option)

              transform image to span the full range of color values

       -opaque <color>
              change this color to the pen color within the image

       -operator channel operator rvalue[%]
              apply a mathematical, bitwise, or value operator to an image channel

       -ordered-dither <channeltype> <NxN>
              ordered dither the image

       -orient <orientation>
              Set the image orientation attribute

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

       -paint <radius>
              simulate an oil painting

       -pen <color>
              (This option has been replaced by the -fill option)

       -ping  efficiently determine image characteristics

       -pointsize <value>
              pointsize of the PostScript, X11, or TrueType font

       -preview <type>
              image preview type

       -process <command>
              process a sequence of images using a process module

       -profile <filename>
              add ICM, IPTC, or generic profile  to image

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG/TIFF compression level

       -raise <width>x<height>
              lighten or darken image edges

       -random-threshold <channeltype> <LOWxHIGH>
              random threshold the image

       -recolor <matrix>
              apply a color translation matrix to image channels

       -red-primary <x>,<y>
              red chromaticity primary point

       -region <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              apply options to a portion of the image

              render vector operations

       -repage  <width>x<height>+xoff+yoff[!]
              Adjust image page offsets

       -resample <horizontal>x<vertical>
              Resample image to specified horizontal and vertical resolution

       -resize <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image

       -roll {+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              roll an image vertically or horizontally

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

       -sample <geometry>
              scale image using pixel sampling

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -scale <geometry>
              scale the image.

       -scene <value>
              set scene number

       -set <attribute> <value>
              set an image attribute

       +set <attribute>
              unset an image attribute

       -segment <cluster threshold>x<smoothing threshold>
              segment an image

       -shade <azimuth>x<elevation>
              shade the image using a distant light source

       -sharpen <radius>{x<sigma>}
              sharpen the image

       -shave <width>x<height>{%}
              shave pixels from the image edges

       -shear <x degrees>x<y degrees>
              shear the image along the X or Y axis

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

       -solarize <factor>
              negate all pixels above the threshold level

       -spread <amount>
              displace image pixels by a random amount

       -strip remove all profiles and text attributes from the image

       -stroke <color>
              color to use when stroking a graphic primitive

       -strokewidth <value>
              set the stroke width

       -swirl <degrees>
              swirl image pixels about the center

       -texture <filename>
              name of texture to tile onto the image background

       -threshold <value>{%}
              threshold the image

       -thumbnail <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image (quickly)

       -tile <filename>
              tile image when filling a graphic primitive

              transform the image

       -transparent <color>
              make this color transparent within the image

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

       -trim  trim an image

       -type <type>
              the image type

       -units <type>
              the units of image resolution

       -unsharp <radius>{x<sigma>}{+<amount>}{+<threshold>}
              sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator

              use the pixmap

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

       -view <string>
              FlashPix viewing parameters

       -virtual-pixel <method>
              specify contents of "virtual pixels"

       -wave <amplitude>x<wavelength>
              alter an image along a sine wave

       -white-point <x>,<y>
              chromaticity white point

       -white-threshold red[,green][,blue][,opacity]
              pixels above the threshold become white

       -write <filename>
              write an intermediate image [convert, composite]

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       Display  is  a  machine  architecture independent image processing and display program. It can display an
       image on any workstation screen running an X server. Display can read and write many of the more  popular
       image formats (e.g. JPEG, TIFF, PNM, Photo CD, etc.).

       With display, you can perform these functions on an image:

                o  load an image from a file
                o  display the next image
                o  display the former image
                o  display a sequence of images as a slide show
                o  write the image to a file
                o  print the image to a PostScript printer
                o  delete the image file
                o  create a Visual Image Directory
                o  select the image to display by its thumbnail rather than name
                o  undo last image transformation
                o  copy a region of the image
                o  paste a region to the image
                o  restore the image to its original size
                o  refresh the image
                o  half the image size
                o  double the image size
                o  resize the image
                o  crop the image
                o  cut the image
                o  flop image in the horizontal direction
                o  flip image in the vertical direction
                o  rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise
                o  rotate the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise
                o  rotate the image
                o  shear the image
                o  roll the image
                o  trim the image edges
                o  invert the colors of the image
                o  vary the color brightness
                o  vary the color saturation
                o  vary the image hue
                o  gamma correct the image
                o  sharpen the image contrast
                o  dull the image contrast
                o  perform histogram equalization on the image
                o  perform histogram normalization on the image
                o  negate the image colors
                o  convert the image to grayscale
                o  set the maximum number of unique colors in the image
                o  reduce the speckles within an image
                o  eliminate peak noise from an image
                o  detect edges within the image
                o  emboss an image
                o  segment the image by color
                o  simulate an oil painting
                o  simulate a charcoal drawing
                o  annotate the image with text
                o  draw on the image
                o  edit an image pixel color
                o  edit the image matte information
                o  composite an image with another
                o  add a border to the image
                o  surround image with an ornamental border
                o  apply image processing techniques to a region of interest
                o  display information about the image
                o  zoom a portion of the image
                o  show a histogram of the image
                o  display image to background of a window
                o  set user preferences
                o  display information about this program
                o  discard all images and exit program
                o  change the level of magnification
                o  display images specified by a World Wide Web (WWW) uniform resource locator (URL)


       To  scale an image of a cockatoo to exactly 640 pixels in width and 480 pixels in height and position the
       window at location (200,200), use:

           gm display -geometry 640x480+200+200! cockatoo.miff

       To display an image of a cockatoo without a border centered on a backdrop, use:

           gm display +borderwidth -backdrop cockatoo.miff

       To tile a slate texture onto the root window, use:

           gm display -size 1280x1024 -window root slate.png

       To display a visual image directory of all your JPEG images, use:

           gm display 'vid:*.jpg'

       To display a MAP image that is 640 pixels in width and 480 pixels in height with 256 colors, use:

           gm display -size 640x480+256

       To display an image of a cockatoo specified with a World Wide Web (WWW) uniform resource  locator  (URL),

           gm display

       To display histogram of an image, use:

           gm gm convert file.jpg HISTOGRAM:- | gm display -


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       until it is explicitly changed by specifying the option again with a different  effect.  For  example  to
       display  three  images,  the first with 32 colors, the second with an unlimited number of colors, and the
       third with only 16 colors, use:

           gm display -colors 32 cockatoo.miff -noop duck.miff
                        -colors 16 macaw.miff

       Display options can appear on the command line or in your X resources file.  See  X(1).  Options  on  the
       command line supersede values specified in your X resources file.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

              display the image centered on a backdrop.

       -background <color>
              the background color

       -border <width>x<height>
              surround the image with a border of color

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

       -borderwidth <geometry>
              the border width

       -colormap <type>
              define the colormap type

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

       -compress <type>
              the type of image compression

              enhance or reduce the image contrast

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -delay <1/100ths of a second>
              display the next image after pausing

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

              reduce the speckles within an image

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

       -edge <radius>
              detect edges within an image

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

              apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image

       -filter <type>
              use this type of filter when resizing an image

       -flip  create a "mirror image"

       -flop  create a "mirror image"

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

       -foreground <color>
              define the foreground color

       -frame <width>x<height>+<outer bevel width>+<inner bevel width>
              surround the image with an ornamental border

       -gamma <value>
              level of gamma correction

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

       -help  print usage instructions

       -iconGeometry <geometry>
              specify the icon geometry

              iconic animation

              make image immutable

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -label <name>
              assign a label to an image

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -magnify <factor>
              magnify the image

       -map <type>
              display image using this type.

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

       -mattecolor <color>
              specify the color to be used with the -frame option

              show progress indication

              transform the image to black and white

       -name  name an image

              replace every pixel with its complementary color

       -noop  NOOP (no option)

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

              disable progress monitor and busy cursor

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG/TIFF compression level

       -raise <width>x<height>
              lighten or darken image edges

              perform a X11 remote operation

       -roll {+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              roll an image vertically or horizontally

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

       -sample <geometry>
              scale image using pixel sampling

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -scenes <value-value>
              range of image scene numbers to read

       -set <attribute> <value>
              set an image attribute

       +set <attribute>
              unset an image attribute

       -segment <cluster threshold>x<smoothing threshold>
              segment an image

              use shared memory

       -sharpen <radius>{x<sigma>}
              sharpen the image

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

       -text-font <name>
              font for writing fixed-width text

       -texture <filename>
              name of texture to tile onto the image background

       -title <string>
              assign title to displayed image [animate, display, montage]

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

       -trim  trim an image

       -type <type>
              the image type

       -update <seconds>
               detect when image file is modified and redisplay.

              use the pixmap

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

       -visual <type>
              animate images using this X visual type

       -window <id>
              make image the background of a window

              specify the window group

       -write <filename>
              write the image to a file [display]

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       The effects of each button press is described below. Three buttons are required. If you have a two button
       mouse, button 1 and 3 are returned.  Press ALT and button 3 to simulate button 2.

       1       Press this button to map or unmap the Command widget . See the next section for more  information
              about the Command widget.

       2       Press and drag to define a region of the image to magnify.

       3        Press  and  drag  to  choose  from  a  select  set  of  display(1) commands. This button behaves
              differently if the image being displayed is a visual image directory. Choose a particular tile  of
              the  directory and press this button and drag to select a command from a pop-up menu.  Choose from
              these menu items:


              If you choose Open, the image represented by the tile is displayed.  To return to the visual image
              directory,  choose  Next from the Command widget (refer to Command Widget).  Next and Former moves
              to the next or former image respectively.  Choose  Delete  to  delete  a  particular  image  tile.
              Finally,  choose  Update  to  synchronize  all  the  image tiles with their respective images. See
              montage and miff for more details.


       The Command widget lists a number of sub-menus and commands. They are


           Visual Directory...




           Half Size
           Original Size
           Double Size


           Rotate Right
           Rotate Left
           Trim Edges




           Reduce Noise
           Add Noise
           Edge Detect...


           Oil Paint...
           Charcoal Draw...

           Image Edit

           Add Border...
           Add Frame...
           Region of Interest...


           Image Info
           Zoom Image
           Show Preview...
           Show Histogram
           Show Matte
           Slide Show


           Browse Documentation
           About Display

       Menu items with a indented triangle have a sub-menu. They are represented above as the indented items. To
       access  a  sub-menu  item, move the pointer to the appropriate menu and press button 1 and drag. When you
       find the desired sub-menu item, release the button and the command is executed.  Move  the  pointer  away
       from the sub-menu if you decide not to execute a particular command.


       Accelerators are one or two key presses that effect a particular command.  The keyboard accelerators that
       display understands is:

           Ctl+O     Press to load an image from a file.
           space     Press to display the next image.

       If the image is a multi-paged document such as a PostScript document, you can skip ahead several pages by
       preceding  this  command  with a number.  For example to display the fourth page beyond the current page,
       press 4space.

           backspace Press to display the former image.

       If the image is a multi-paged document such as a PostScript document, you can skip behind  several  pages
       by  preceding  this  command with a number.  For example to display the fourth page preceding the current
       page, press 4n.

           Ctl-S    Press to save the image to a file.
           Ctl-P    Press to print the image to a
                    PostScript printer.
           Ctl-D    Press to delete an image file.
           Ctl-N    Press to create a blank canvas.
           Ctl-Q    Press to discard all images and exit program.
           Ctl+Z    Press to undo last image transformation.
           Ctl+R    Press to redo last image transformation.
           Ctl-X    Press to cut a region of
                    the image.
           Ctl-C    Press to copy a region of
                    the image.
           Ctl-V    Press to paste a region to
                    the image.
           <        Press to halve the image size.
           .        Press to return to the original image size.
           >        Press to double the image size.
           %        Press to resize the image to a width and height
                    you specify.
           Cmd-A    Press to make any image transformations
                    By default, any image size transformations are
                    applied to the original image to create the
                    image displayed on the X server.  However, the
                    transformations are not permanent (i.e. the
                    original image does not change size only the
                    X image does). For example, if you press ">"
                    the X image will appear to double in size, but
                    the original image will in fact remain the same
                    size.  To force the original image to double in
                    size, press ">" followed by "Cmd-A".
           @        Press to refresh the image window.
           C        Press to crop the image.
           [        Press to chop the image.
           H        Press to flop image in the horizontal direction.
           V        Press to flip image in the vertical direction.
           /        Press to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.
           \        Press to rotate the image 90 degrees
           *        Press to rotate the image
                    the number of degrees you specify.
           S        Press to shear the image the number of degrees
                    you specify.
           R        Press to roll the image.
           T        Press to trim the image edges.
           Shft-H   Press to vary the color hue.
           Shft-S   Press to vary the color saturation.
           Shft-L   Press to vary the image brightness.
           Shft-G   Press to gamma correct the image.
           Shft-C   Press to spiff up the image contrast.
           Shft-Z   Press to dull the image contrast.
           =        Press to perform histogram equalization on
                    the image.
           Shft-N   Press to perform histogram normalization on
                    the image.
           Shft-~   Press to negate the colors of the image.
           .        Press to convert the image colors to gray.
           Shft-#   Press to set the maximum number of unique
                    colors in the image.
           F2       Press to reduce the speckles in an image.
           F2       Press to emboss an image.
           F4       Press to eliminate peak noise from an image.
           F5       Press to add noise to an image.
           F6       Press to sharpen an image.
           F7       Press to blur image an image.
           F8       Press to threshold the image.
           F9       Press to detect edges within an image.
           F10      Press to displace pixels by a random amount.
           F11      Press to shade the image using a distant light
           F12      Press to lighten or darken image edges to
                    create a 3-D effect.
           F13      Press to segment the image by color.
           Meta-S   Press to swirl image pixels about the center.
           Meta-I   Press to implode image pixels about the center.
           Meta-W   Press to alter an image along a sine wave.
           Meta-P   Press to simulate an oil painting.
           Meta-C   Press to simulate a charcoal drawing.
           Alt-X    Press to composite the image
                    with another.
           Alt-A    Press to annotate the image with text.
           Alt-D    Press to draw a line on the image.
           Alt-P    Press to edit an image pixel color.
           Alt-M    Press to edit the image matte information.
           Alt-X    Press to composite the image with another.
           Alt-A    Press to add a border to the image.
           Alt-F    Press to add a ornamental frame to the image.
           Alt-Shft-!   Press to add an image comment.
           Ctl-A    Press to apply image processing techniques to a
                    region of interest.
           Shft-?   Press to display information about the image.
           Shft-+   Press to map the zoom image window.
           Shft-P   Press to preview an image enhancement, effect,
                    or f/x.
           F1       Press to display helpful information about
                    the "display" utility.
           Find     Press to browse documentation about
           1-9      Press to change the level of magnification.

       Use the arrow keys to move the image one pixel up, down, left, or right within  the  magnify  window.  Be
       sure to first map the magnify window by pressing button 2.

       Press ALT and one of the arrow keys to trim off one pixel from any side of the image.


       Display  options  can  appear on the command line or in your X resource file. Options on the command line
       supersede values specified in your X resource file. See X(1) for more information on X resources.

       Most display options have a  corresponding  X  resource.  In  addition,  display  uses  the  following  X

       background (class Background)
               Specifies the preferred color to use for the Image window background. The default is #ccc.

       borderColor (class BorderColor)
               Specifies the preferred color to use for the Image window border. The default is #ccc.

       borderWidth (class BorderWidth)
               Specifies the width in pixels of the image window border. The default is 2.

       browseCommand (class browseCommand)
                Specifies  the  name  of the preferred browser when displaying GraphicsMagick documentation. The
              default is netscape %s.

       confirmExit (class ConfirmExit)
               Display pops up a dialog box to confirm exiting the program when exiting the  program.  Set  this
              resource to False to exit without a confirmation.

       displayGamma (class DisplayGamma)
                Specifies the gamma of the X server.  You can apply separate gamma values to the red, green, and
              blue channels of the image with a gamma value list delineated  with  slashes  (i.e.  1.7/2.3/1.2).
              The default is 2.2.

       displayWarnings (class DisplayWarnings)
                Display  pops  up a dialog box whenever a warning message occurs.  Set this resource to False to
              ignore warning messages.

       font (class FontList)
               Specifies the name of the preferred font to use in normal formatted  text.   The  default  is  14
              point Helvetica.

       font[1-9] (class Font[1-9])
                Specifies  the name of the preferred font to use when annotating the image window with text. The
              default fonts are fixed, variable, 5x8, 6x10, 7x13bold, 8x13bold, 9x15bold, 10x20, and 12x24.

       foreground (class Foreground)
               Specifies the preferred color to use for text within the image window.  The default is black.

       gammaCorrect (class gammaCorrect)
               This resource, if true, will lighten or darken an image of known gamma to match the gamma of  the
              display (see resource displayGamma). The default is True.

       geometry (class Geometry)
                Specifies  the  preferred size and position of the image window. It is not necessarily obeyed by
              all window managers.

              Offsets, if present, are handled in X(1) style.  A negative x offset is measured  from  the  right
              edge  of  the  screen  to the right edge of the icon, and a negative y offset is measured from the
              bottom edge of the screen to the bottom edge of the icon.

       iconGeometry (class IconGeometry)
               Specifies the preferred size  and  position  of  the  application  when  iconified.   It  is  not
              necessarily obeyed by all window managers.

              Offsets, if present, are handled in the same manner as in class Geometry.

       iconic (class Iconic)
                This  resource  indicates  that you would prefer that the application's windows initially not be
              visible as if the windows had be immediately iconified by you. Window managers may choose  not  to
              honor the application's request.

       magnify (class Magnify)
               specifies an integral factor by which the image should be enlarged. The default is 3.  This value
              only affects the magnification window which is invoked with button number 3  after  the  image  is

       matteColor (class MatteColor)
               Specify the color of windows. It is used for the backgrounds of windows, menus, and notices. A 3D
              effect is achieved by using highlight and shadow colors derived from this  color.  Default  value:

       name (class Name)
                This resource specifies the name under which resources for the application should be found. This
              resource is useful in shell aliases to distinguish between invocations of an application,  without
              resorting  to  creating  links  to  alter the executable file name. The default is the application

       pen[1-9] (class Pen[1-9])
               Specifies the color of the preferred font to use when annotating the image window with text.  The
              default colors are black, blue, green, cyan, gray, red, magenta, yellow, and white.

       printCommand (class PrintCommand)
                This  command  is  executed  whenever  Print  is issued.  In general, it is the command to print
              PostScript to your printer. Default value: lp -c -s %i.

       sharedMemory (class SharedMemory)
                This  resource  specifies  whether  display  should  attempt  use  shared  memory  for  pixmaps.
              GraphicsMagick  must be compiled with shared memory support, and the display must support the MIT-
              SHM extension. Otherwise, this resource is ignored. The default is True.

       textFont (class textFont)
               Specifies the name of the preferred font to use in fixed (typewriter style) formatted  text.  The
              default is 14 point Courier.

       title (class Title)
                This resource specifies the title to be used for the image window. This information is sometimes
              used by a window manager to provide a header identifying the window. The default is the image file

       undoCache (class UndoCache)
                Specifies, in mega-bytes, the amount of memory in the undo edit cache.  Each time you modify the
              image it is saved in the undo edit cache as long as memory is available. You can subsequently undo
              one or more of these transformations. The default is 16 Megabytes.

       usePixmap (class UsePixmap)
                Images  are  maintained  as  a  XImage by default. Set this resource to True to utilize a server
              Pixmap instead. This option is useful if your image exceeds the dimensions of your  server  screen
              and  you  intend to pan the image. Panning is much faster with Pixmaps than with a XImage. Pixmaps
              are considered a precious resource, use them with discretion.

              To set the geometry of the Magnify or Pan or window, use the geometry resource.  For  example,  to
              set the Pan window geometry to 256x256, use:

                  gm display.pan.geometry: 256x256


       To  select  an image to display, choose Open of the File sub-menu from the Command widget. A file browser
       is displayed.  To choose a particular image file, move the pointer to the filename and press any  button.
       The  filename  is copied to the text window. Next, press Open or press the RETURN key. Alternatively, you
       can type the image file name directly into the text window. To descend directories,  choose  a  directory
       name and press the button twice quickly. A scrollbar allows a large list of filenames to be moved through
       the viewing area if it exceeds the size of the list area.

       You can trim the list of file names by using shell globbing characters.  For example, type *.jpg to  list
       only files that end with .jpg.

       To select your image from the X server screen instead of from a file, Choose Grab of the Open widget.


       To  create a Visual Image Directory, choose Visual Directory of the File sub-menu from the Command widget
       . A file browser is displayed. To create a Visual Image Directory from all  the  images  in  the  current
       directory,  press  Directory or press the RETURN key.  Alternatively, you can select a set of image names
       by using shell globbing characters. For example, type *.jpg to include only files that end with .jpg.  To
       descend  directories,  choose  a  directory name and press the button twice quickly. A scrollbar allows a
       large list of filenames to be moved through the viewing area if it exceeds the size of the list area.

       After you select a set of files, they are turned into thumbnails and tiled onto a single image. Now  move
       the  pointer  to  a  particular  thumbnail  and  press button 3 and drag. Finally, select Open. The image
       represented by the thumbnail is displayed at its full size. Choose Next from the  File  sub-menu  of  the
       Command widget to return to the Visual Image Directory.


       Note  that  cut  information  for  image  window  is  not retained for colormapped X server visuals (e.g.
       StaticColor, StaticColor, GRAYScale, PseudoColor).  Correct cutting behavior may require a  TrueColor  or
       DirectColor visual or a Standard Colormap.

       To  begin,  press choose Cut of the Edit sub-menu from the Command widget. Alternatively, press F3 in the
       image window.

       A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in  cut  mode.
       In cut mode, the Command widget has these options:


       To  define  a  cut  region, press button 1 and drag. The cut region is defined by a highlighted rectangle
       that expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with the cut region,  release
       the button.  You are now in rectify mode. In rectify mode, the Command widget has these options:


       You  can  make  adjustments by moving the pointer to one of the cut rectangle corners, pressing a button,
       and dragging. Finally, press Cut to commit your copy region. To exit without  cutting  the  image,  press


       To  begin, press choose Copy of the Edit sub-menu from the Command widget. Alternatively, press F4 in the
       image window.

       A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in copy  mode.
       In copy mode, the Command widget has these options:


       To  define  a copy region, press button 1 and drag. The copy region is defined by a highlighted rectangle
       that expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with the copy region, release
       the button.  You are now in rectify mode. In rectify mode, the Command widget has these options:


       You  can  make adjustments by moving the pointer to one of the copy rectangle corners, pressing a button,
       and dragging. Finally, press Copy to commit your copy region. To exit without copying  the  image,  press


       To begin, press choose Paste of the Edit sub-menu from the Command widget. Alternatively, press F5 in the
       image window.

       A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in Paste mode.
       To exit immediately, press Dismiss.  In Paste mode, the Command widget has these options:




       Choose a composite operation from the Operators sub-menu of the Command widget. How each operator behaves
       is described below. image window is the image currently displayed on your X server and image is the image
       obtained with the File Browser widget.

       over     The result is the union of the two image shapes, with image obscuring image window in the region
              of overlap.

       in      The result is simply image cut by the shape of image window.  None of the  image  data  of  image
              window is in the result.

       out     The resulting image is image with the shape of image window cut out.

       atop     The  result is the same shape as image window, with image obscuring image window where the image
              shapes overlap. Note this differs from over because the portion of image  outside  image  window's
              shape does not appear in the result.

       xor     The result is the image data from both image and image window that is outside the overlap region.
              The overlap region is blank.

       plus    The result is just the sum of the image data. Output values are cropped to the maximum value  (no
              overflow). This operation is independent of the matte channels.

       minus    The result of image - image window, with underflow cropped to zero. The matte channel is ignored
              (set to opaque, full coverage).

       add     The result of image + image window, with overflow wrapping around (mod MaxRGB+1).

               The result of image - image window, with underflow wrapping around (mod MaxRGB+1).  The  add  and
              subtract operators can be used to perform reversible transformations.

               The result of abs(image - image window). This is useful for comparing two very similar images.

               The result of image * image window. This is useful for the creation of drop-shadows.

               The result of image window shaded by window.

              The resulting image is image window replaced with image.  Here the matte information is ignored.

              The  image  compositor  requires  a matte, or alpha channel in the image for some operations. This
              extra channel usually defines a mask which represents a sort of a  cookie-cutter  for  the  image.
              This  is the case when matte is 255 (full coverage) for pixels inside the shape, zero outside, and
              between zero and 255 on the boundary. If image does not have a matte channel,  it  is  initialized
              with  0  for any pixel matching in color to pixel location (0,0), otherwise 255. See Matte Editing
              for a method of defining a matte channel.

              Note that matte information for image window is not retained  for  colormapped  X  server  visuals
              (e.g. StaticColor, StaticColor, GrayScale, PseudoColor).  Correct compositing behavior may require
              a TrueColor or DirectColor visual or a Standard Colormap.

              Choosing a composite operator is optional. The default operator is  replace.   However,  you  must
              choose  a  location  to  composite your image and press button 1. Press and hold the button before
              releasing and an outline of the image will appear to help you identify your location.

              The actual colors of the pasted image is saved. However, the color that appears  in  image  window
              may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen image window will appear black or white even
              though your pasted image may have many colors. If the image is saved to a file it is written  with
              the  correct  colors.  To  assure the correct colors are saved in the final image, any PseudoClass
              image is promoted to DirectClass.  To  force  a  PseudoClass  image  to  remain  PseudoClass,  use


       To  begin,  press choose Crop of the Transform submenu from the Command widget. Alternatively, press C in
       the image window.

       A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in crop  mode.
       In crop mode, the Command widget has these options:


       To  define  a  cropping  region, press button 1 and drag. The cropping region is defined by a highlighted
       rectangle that expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with  the  cropping
       region,  release  the  button. You are now in rectify mode. In rectify mode, the Command widget has these


       You can make adjustments by moving the pointer to one of  the  cropping  rectangle  corners,  pressing  a
       button,  and  dragging.  Finally, press Crop to commit your cropping region. To exit without cropping the
       image, press Dismiss.


       An image is chopped interactively. There is no command line argument to chop an image. To  begin,  choose
       Chop of the Transform sub-menu from the Command widget. Alternatively, press [ in the Image window.

       You are now in Chop mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss.  In Chop mode, the Command widget has these




       If the you choose the horizontal direction (this is the default), the area of the image between  the  two
       horizontal  endpoints  of  the  chop  line  is removed.  Otherwise, the area of the image between the two
       vertical endpoints of the chop line is removed.

       Select a location within the image window to begin your chop, press and hold any button. Next,  move  the
       pointer  to  another location in the image.  As you move a line will connect the initial location and the
       pointer. When you release the button, the area within the image to chop is determined by which  direction
       you choose from the Command widget.

       To  cancel  the  image  chopping, move the pointer back to the starting point of the line and release the


       Press the / key to rotate the image 90 degrees or \ to rotate -90 degrees.  To interactively  choose  the
       degree  of  rotation, choose Rotate...  of the Transform submenu from the Command Widget.  Alternatively,
       press * in the image window.

       A small horizontal line is drawn next to the pointer. You are now in rotate mode.  To  exit  immediately,
       press Dismiss. In rotate mode, the Command widget has these options:

           Pixel Color





       Choose  a  background  color from the Pixel Color sub-menu. Additional background colors can be specified
       with the color browser. You can change the menu colors by setting the X resources pen1 through pen9.

       If you choose the color browser and press Grab, you can select the background color by moving the pointer
       to the desired color on the screen and press any button.

       Choose  a  point  in  the  image window and press this button and hold. Next, move the pointer to another
       location in the image. As you move a line connects the initial location and the pointer. When you release
       the  button, the degree of image rotation is determined by the slope of the line you just drew. The slope
       is relative to the direction you choose from the Direction sub-menu of the Command widget.

       To cancel the image rotation, move the pointer back to the starting point of the  line  and  release  the


       An  image  is  annotated interactively. There is no command line argument to annotate an image. To begin,
       choose Annotate of the Image Edit sub-menu from the Command widget. Alternatively, press a in  the  image

       A  small  window  appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in annotate
       mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss.  In annotate mode, the Command widget has these options:

       Font Name











       Font Color












       Box Color












       Rotate Text












       Choose a font name from the Font Name sub-menu. Additional font names can  be  specified  with  the  font
       browser. You can change the menu names by setting the X resources font1 through font9.

       Choose  a font color from the Font Color sub-menu. Additional font colors can be specified with the color
       browser. You can change the menu colors by setting the X resources pen1 through pen9.

       If you select the color browser and press Grab, you can choose the font color by moving  the  pointer  to
       the desired color on the screen and press any button.

       If  you  choose  to  rotate the text, choose Rotate Text from the menu and select an angle. Typically you
       will only want to rotate one line of text at a time. Depending on the angle you choose, subsequent  lines
       may end up overwriting each other.

       Choosing  a  font  and  its  color is optional. The default font is fixed and the default color is black.
       However, you must choose a location to begin entering text and press a button.  An  underscore  character
       will  appear  at  the location of the pointer. The cursor changes to a pencil to indicate you are in text
       mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss.

       In text mode, any key presses will display the character at the location of the  underscore  and  advance
       the underscore cursor. Enter your text and once completed press Apply to finish your image annotation. To
       correct errors press BACK SPACE. To delete an entire line of text, press DELETE.  Any text  that  exceeds
       the boundaries of the image window is automatically continued onto the next line.

       The  actual color you request for the font is saved in the image. However, the color that appears in your
       Image window may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen the text will appear  black  or  white
       even  if  you  choose  the color red as the font color. However, the image saved to a file with -write is
       written with red lettering. To assure the correct color text in the final image, any PseudoClass image is
       promoted to DirectClass (see miff(5)). To force a PseudoClass image to remain PseudoClass, use -colors.


       An  image composite is created interactively. There is no command line argument to composite an image. To
       begin, choose Composite of the Image Edit from the Command widget. Alternatively, press x  in  the  Image

       First a popup window is displayed requesting you to enter an image name.  Press Composite, Grab or type a
       file name. Press Cancel if you choose not to create a composite image. When you  choose  Grab,  move  the
       pointer to the desired window and press any button.

       If  the  Composite  image  does  not have any matte information, you are informed and the file browser is
       displayed again. Enter the name of a mask image. The image is typically grayscale and the  same  size  as
       the  composite  image.  If  the  image  is  not grayscale, it is converted to grayscale and the resulting
       intensities are used as matte information.

       A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now  in  composite
       mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss.  In composite mode, the Command widget has these options:


















       Choose a composite operation from the Operators sub-menu of the Command widget. How each operator behaves
       is described below. image window is the image currently displayed on your X server and image is the image

       over     The result is the union of the two image shapes, with image obscuring image window in the region
              of overlap.

       in      The result is simply image cut by the shape of image window.  None of the  image  data  of  image
              window is in the result.

       out     The resulting image is image with the shape of image window cut out.

       atop     The  result is the same shape as image window, with image obscuring image window where the image
              shapes overlap. Note this differs from over because the portion of image  outside  image  window's
              shape does not appear in the result.

       xor     The result is the image data from both image and image window that is outside the overlap region.
              The overlap region is blank.

       plus    The result is just the sum of the image data. Output values are cropped  to  255  (no  overflow).
              This operation is independent of the matte channels.

       minus    The result of image - image window, with underflow cropped to zero. The matte channel is ignored
              (set to 255, full coverage).

       add     The result of image + image window, with overflow wrapping around (mod 256).

               The result of image - image window, with  underflow  wrapping  around  (mod  256).  The  add  and
              subtract operators can be used to perform reversible transformations.

               The result of abs(image - image window). This is useful for comparing two very similar images.

               The result of image window shaded by window.

               The resulting image is image window replaced with image.  Here the matte information is ignored.

              The  image  compositor  requires  a matte, or alpha channel in the image for some operations. This
              extra channel usually defines a mask which represents a sort of a  cookie-cutter  for  the  image.
              This  is the case when matte is 255 (full coverage) for pixels inside the shape, zero outside, and
              between zero and 255 on the boundary. If image does not have a matte channel,  it  is  initialized
              with  0  for any pixel matching in color to pixel location (0,0), otherwise 255. See Matte Editing
              for a method of defining a matte channel.

              If you choose blend, the composite  operator  becomes  over.   The  image  matte  channel  percent
              transparency  is  initialized  to  factor.  The image window is initialized to (100-factor). Where
              factor is the value you specify in the Dialog widget.

              Displace shifts the image pixels as defined by a displacement map.  With  this  option,  image  is
              used  as  a  displacement  map.  Black,  within  the  displacement  map,  is  a  maximum  positive
              displacement.  White  is  a  maximum  negative  displacement  and  middle  gray  is  neutral.  The
              displacement  is scaled to determine the pixel shift. By default, the displacement applies in both
              the horizontal and vertical directions. However, if you specify mask, image is  the  horizontal  X
              displacement and mask the vertical Y displacement.

              Note  that  matte  information  for  image window is not retained for colormapped X server visuals
              (e.g.  StaticColor,  StaticColor,  GrayScale,  PseudoColor).   Correct  compositing  behavior  may
              require a TrueColor or DirectColor visual or a Standard Colormap.

              Choosing  a  composite  operator  is optional. The default operator is replace.  However, you must
              choose a location to composite your image and press button 1. Press and  hold  the  button  before
              releasing and an outline of the image will appear to help you identify your location.

              The actual colors of the composite image is saved. However, the color that appears in image window
              may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen Image window will appear black or white even
              though  your  composited image may have many colors. If the image is saved to a file it is written
              with the correct colors. To  assure  the  correct  colors  are  saved  in  the  final  image,  any
              PseudoClass  image  is promoted to DirectClass (see miff).  To force a PseudoClass image to remain
              PseudoClass, use -colors.


       Changing the the color of a set of pixels is performed interactively. There is no command  line  argument
       to  edit  a  pixel.  To  begin,  choose  Color  from  the  Image  Edit  submenu  of  the  Command widget.
       Alternatively, press c in the image window.

       A small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in color  edit
       mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss.  In color edit mode, the Command widget has these options:






       Pixel Color











       Border Color




















       Choose  a  color editing method from the Method sub-menu of the Command widget. The point method recolors
       any pixel selected with the pointer unless the button is released. The replace method recolors any  pixel
       that  matches  the  color  of the pixel you select with a button press. Floodfill recolors any pixel that
       matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press and is a  neighbor.   Whereas  filltoborder
       changes  the  matte  value of any neighbor pixel that is not the border color.  Finally reset changes the
       entire image to the designated color.

       Next, choose a pixel color from the Pixel Color sub-menu. Additional pixel colors can be  specified  with
       the color browser. You can change the menu colors by setting the X resources pen1 through pen9.

       Now  press  button 1 to select a pixel within the Image window to change its color. Additional pixels may
       be recolored as prescribed by the method you choose. additional pixels by increasing the Delta value.

       If the Magnify widget is mapped, it can be helpful in positioning your pointer within the image (refer to
       button  2).  Alternatively  you  can  select  a pixel to recolor from within the Magnify widget. Move the
       pointer to the Magnify widget and position the pixel with the  cursor  control  keys.  Finally,  press  a
       button to recolor the selected pixel (or pixels).

       The  actual  color  you  request for the pixels is saved in the image. However, the color that appears in
       your Image window may be different. For example, on a monochrome screen the pixel will  appear  black  or
       white even if you choose the color red as the pixel color. However, the image saved to a file with -write
       is written with red pixels. To assure the correct color text in the final image, any PseudoClass image is
       promoted to DirectClass To force a PseudoClass image to remain PseudoClass, use -colors.


       Matte  information  within  an  image is useful for some operations such as image compositing. This extra
       channel usually defines a mask which represents a sort of a cookie-cutter for the image. This is the case
       when  matte is 255 (full coverage) for pixels inside the shape, zero outside, and between zero and 255 on
       the boundary.

       Setting the matte information in an image is done interactively. There is no  command  line  argument  to
       edit a pixel. To begin, and choose Matte of the Image Edit sub-menu from the Command widget.

       Alternatively, press m in the image window.

       A  small window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in matte edit
       mode. To exit immediately, press Dismiss.  In matte edit mode, the Command widget has these options:






       Border Color





















       Choose a matte editing method from the Method sub-menu of the Command widget. The  point  method  changes
       the  matte  value  of  the  any pixel selected with the pointer until the button is released. The replace
       method changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a  button
       press. Floodfill changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with
       a button press and is a neighbor. Whereas filltoborder recolors any neighbor pixel that is not the border
       color.  Finally  reset  changes the entire image to the designated matte value.  Choose Matte Value and a
       dialog appears requesting a matte value.  Enter a value between 0 and 255. This value is assigned as  the
       matte  value  of  the selected pixel or pixels.  Now, press any button to select a pixel within the Image
       window to change its matte value. You can change the matte value of additional pixels by  increasing  the
       Delta  value.  The Delta value is first added then subtracted from the red, green, and blue of the target
       color. Any pixels within the range also have their matte value updated.  If the Magnify widget is mapped,
       it can be helpful in positioning your pointer within the image (refer to button 2). Alternatively you can
       select a pixel to change the matte value from within the Magnify widget.  Move the pointer to the Magnify
       widget  and  position the pixel with the cursor control keys. Finally, press a button to change the matte
       value of the selected pixel (or pixels).  Matte  information  is  only  valid  in  a  DirectClass  image.
       Therefore,  any PseudoClass image is promoted to DirectClass. Note that matte information for PseudoClass
       is not retained for colormapped X server visuals (e.g. StaticColor, StaticColor, GrayScale,  PseudoColor)
       unless  you  immediately  save  your image to a file (refer to Write). Correct matte editing behavior may
       require a TrueColor or DirectColor visual or a Standard Colormap.


       An image is drawn upon interactively. There is no command line argument to draw on an  image.  To  begin,
       choose  Draw  of  the  Image  Edit sub-menu from the Command widget.  Alternatively, press d in the image

       The cursor changes to a crosshair to indicate you are in draw mode. To exit immediately,  press  Dismiss.
       In draw mode, the Command widget has these options:





       fill rectangle


       fill circle


       fill ellipse


       fill polygon































       Choose a drawing primitive from the Primitive sub-menu.

       Next,  choose a color from the Color sub-menu. Additional colors can be specified with the color browser.
       You can change the menu colors by setting the X  resources  pen1  through  pen9.  The  transparent  color
       updates the image matte channel and is useful for image compositing.

       If  you choose the color browser and press Grab, you can select the primitive color by moving the pointer
       to the desired color on the screen and press any button. The transparent color updates  the  image  matte
       channel and is useful for image compositing.

       Choose  a  stipple,  if appropriate, from the Stipple sub-menu. Additional stipples can be specified with
       the file browser. Stipples obtained from the file browser must be on disk in the X11 bitmap format.

       Choose a line width, if appropriate, from the Width sub-menu. To  choose  a  specific  width  select  the
       Dialog widget.

       Choose  a  point  in  the  image  window  and  press button 1 and hold. Next, move the pointer to another
       location in the image. As you move, a line connects the  initial  location  and  the  pointer.  When  you
       release  the  button,  the  image is updated with the primitive you just drew. For polygons, the image is
       updated when you press and release the button without moving the pointer.

       To cancel image drawing, move the pointer back to the starting point of the line and release the button.


       To begin, press choose Region of Interest of the  Pixel  Transform  sub-menu  from  the  Command  widget.
       Alternatively, press R in the image window.

       A  small  window appears showing the location of the cursor in the image window. You are now in region of
       interest mode. In region of interest mode, the Command widget has these options:



       To define a region of interest, press button 1  and  drag.  The  region  of  interest  is  defined  by  a
       highlighted  rectangle  that  expands or contracts as it follows the pointer. Once you are satisfied with
       the region of interest, release the button. You are now in apply mode. In apply mode the  Command  widget
       has these options:










       Rotate Right

       Rotate Left
















       Reduce Noise

       Add Noise




       Edge Detect...










       Oil Paint

       Charcoal Draw...


       Image Info

       Zoom Image

       Show Preview...

       Show Histogram

       Show Matte



       You can make adjustments to the region of interest by moving the pointer to one of the rectangle corners,
       pressing a button, and dragging. Finally, choose an image processing technique from the  Command  widget.
       You  can choose more than one image processing technique to apply to an area. Alternatively, you can move
       the region of interest before applying another image processing technique. To exit, press Dismiss.


       When an image exceeds the width or height of the X server screen, display maps a small panning icon.  The
       rectangle  within the panning icon shows the area that is currently displayed in the the image window. To
       pan about the image, press any button and drag the pointer within the panning icon.   The  pan  rectangle
       moves  with  the  pointer and the image window is updated to reflect the location of the rectangle within
       the panning icon. When you have selected the area of the image you wish to view, release the button.

       Use the arrow keys to pan the image one pixel up, down, left, or right within the image window.

       The panning icon is withdrawn if the image becomes smaller than the dimensions of the X server screen.


       Preferences affect the default behavior of display(1). The preferences are either true or false  and  are
       stored in your home directory as .displayrc:

                display image centered on a backdrop"

                    This  backdrop  covers the entire workstation screen and is useful for hiding other X window
                    activity while viewing the image. The color of the backdrop is specified as  the  background
                    color. Refer to X Resources for details.
                confirm on program exit"

                    Ask for a confirmation before exiting the display(1) program.
                correct image for display gamma"

                    If  the  image  has a known gamma, the gamma is corrected to match that of the X server (see
                    the X Resource displayGamma).
                display warning messages"

                    Display any warning messages.
                apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to image"

                    The basic strategy of dithering is to trade intensity resolution for spatial  resolution  by
                    averaging  the  intensities  of several neighboring pixels.  Images which suffer from severe
                    contouring when reducing colors can be improved with this preference.
                use a shared colormap for colormapped X visuals"

                    This option only applies when the default X server visual is PseudoColor or GRAYScale. Refer
                    to  -visual  for  more details. By default, a shared colormap is allocated. The image shares
                    colors with other X clients.  Some image colors could be approximated, therefore your  image
                    may look very different than intended. Otherwise the image colors appear exactly as they are
                    defined. However, other clients may go technicolor when the image colormap is installed.
                display images as an X server pixmap"

                    Images are maintained as a XImage by default. Set this resource to True to utilize a  server
                    Pixmap  instead.  This  option is useful if your image exceeds the dimensions of your server
                    screen and you intend to pan the image. Panning is much faster  with  Pixmaps  than  with  a
                    XImage. Pixmaps are considered a precious resource, use them with discretion.


              Identify  describes  the  format  and  characteristics  of  one  or more image files as internally
              supported by the software. It will also  report  if  an  image  is  incomplete  or  corrupt.   The
              information displayed includes the scene number, the file name, the width and height of the image,
              whether the image is colormapped or not, the number of colors in the image, the number of bytes in
              the  image,  the  format of the image (JPEG, PNM, etc.), and finally the number of seconds in both
              user time and elapsed time it took to read and process  the  image.   If  -verbose  or  +ping  are
              provided as an option, the pixel read rate is also displayed. An example line output from identify

                  images/aquarium.miff 640x480 PseudoClass 256c
                         308135b MIFF 0.000u 0:01

              If -verbose is set, expect additional output including any image comment:

                  Image: images/aquarium.miff
                  class: PseudoClass
                  colors: 256
                  signature: eb5dca81dd93ae7e6ffae99a527eb5dca8...
                  matte: False
                  geometry: 640x480
                     depth: 8
                  bytes: 308135
                  format: MIFF
                  Imported from MTV raster image: aquarium.mtv

              For some formats, additional format-specific information about the file will  be  written  if  the
              -debug coder or -debug all option is used.


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       for the set of images immediately following, until the set is terminated by the appearance of any  option
       or -noop.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

       -format <string>
              output formatted image characteristics

       -help  print usage instructions

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -ping  efficiently determine image characteristics

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       Import  reads  an  image  from any visible window on an X server and outputs it as an image file. You can
       capture a single window, the entire screen, or any rectangular portion of the screen.   Use  display  for
       redisplay, printing, editing, formatting, archiving, image processing, etc. of the captured image.

       The  target  window can be specified by id, name, or may be selected by clicking the mouse in the desired
       window. If you press a button and then drag, a rectangle will form which expands  and  contracts  as  the
       mouse  moves.  To  save  the portion of the screen defined by the rectangle, just release the button. The
       keyboard bell is rung once at the beginning of the screen capture and twice when it completes.


       To select an X window or an area of the screen with the mouse and save it in the MIFF image format  to  a
       file entitled window.miff, use:

           gm import window.miff

       To  select an X window or an area of the screen with the mouse and save it in the Encapsulated PostScript
       format to include in another document, use:

           gm import figure.eps

       To capture the entire X server screen in the JPEG image format in  a  file  entitled  root.jpeg,  without
       using the mouse, use:

           gm import -window root root.jpeg

       To capture the 512x256 area at the upper right corner of the X server screen in the PNG image format in a
       well-compressed file entitled corner.png, without using the mouse,  use:

           gm import -window root -crop 512x256-0+0 -quality 90


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       until it is explicitly changed by specifying the option again with a different effect.

       Import  options  can  appear  on  the  command line or in your X resources file. See X(1). Options on the
       command line supersede values specified in your X resources file.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -delay <1/100ths of a second>
              display the next image after pausing

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

              obtain image by descending window hierarchy

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

       -encoding <type>
              specify the text encoding

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

       -frame include the X window frame in the imported image

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

       -help  print usage instructions

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -label <name>
              assign a label to an image

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

              show progress indication

              transform the image to black and white

              replace every pixel with its complementary color

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

       -pause <seconds>
              pause between snapshots [import]

       -ping  efficiently determine image characteristics

       -pointsize <value>
              pointsize of the PostScript, X11, or TrueType font

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG/TIFF compression level

       -resize <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -scene <value>
              set scene number

              specify the screen to capture

       -set <attribute> <value>
              set an image attribute

       +set <attribute>
              unset an image attribute

              operate silently

       -snaps <value>
              number of screen snapshots

       -thumbnail <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image (quickly)

       -transparent <color>
              make this color transparent within the image

       -trim  trim an image

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       Mogrify transforms an image or a sequence of  images.  These  transforms  include  image  scaling,  image
       rotation,  color  reduction,  and others. Each transmogrified image overwrites the corresponding original
       image, unless an option such as -format causes the  output  filename  to  be  different  from  the  input

       The graphics formats supported by mogrify are listed in GraphicsMagick(1).


       To convert all the TIFF files in a particular directory to JPEG, use:

           gm mogrify -format jpeg *.tiff

       To convert a directory full of JPEG images to thumbnails, use:

           gm mogrify -size 120x120 *.jpg -resize 120x120 +profile "*"

       In  this  example,  '-size  120x120'  gives  a  hint  to the JPEG decoder that the images are going to be
       downscaled to 120x120, allowing it  to  run  faster  by  avoiding  returning  full-resolution  images  to
       GraphicsMagick  for  the  subsequent  resizing  operation.   The  ´-resize 120x120' specifies the desired
       dimensions of the output images.  It will be  scaled  so  its  largest  dimension  is  120  pixels.   The
       ´+profile  "*"'  removes  any  ICM,  EXIF, IPTC, or other profiles that might be present in the input and
       aren't needed in the thumbnails.

       To scale an image of a cockatoo to exactly 640 pixels in width and 480 pixels in height, use:

           gm mogrify -resize 640x480! cockatoo.miff


       Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on the command line remains in effect
       for the set of images that follows, until the set is terminated by the appearance of any option or -noop.

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

       -affine <matrix>
              drawing transform matrix

              remove pixel aliasing

        -asc-cdl <spec>
              apply ASC CDL color transform

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

              orient (rotate) image so it is upright

       -background <color>
              the background color

       -black-threshold red[,green][,blue][,opacity]
              pixels below the threshold become black

       -blue-primary <x>,<y>
              blue chromaticity primary point

       -blur <radius>{x<sigma>}
              blur the image with a Gaussian operator

       -border <width>x<height>
              surround the image with a border of color

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

       -channel <type>
              the type of channel

       -charcoal <factor>
              simulate a charcoal drawing

       -colorize <value>
              colorize the image with the pen color

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

       -compose <operator>
              the type of image composition

       -compress <type>
              the type of image compression

              enhance or reduce the image contrast

       -convolve <kernel>
              convolve image with the specified convolution kernel

              create output directory if required

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

       -cycle <amount>
              displace image colormap by amount

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -delay <1/100ths of a second>
              display the next image after pausing

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

              reduce the speckles within an image

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

       -draw <string>
              annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives

       -edge <radius>
              detect edges within an image

       -emboss <radius>
              emboss an image

       -encoding <type>
              specify the text encoding

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

              apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image

              perform histogram equalization to the image

       -extent <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              composite image on background color canvas image

       -fill <color>
              color to use when filling a graphic primitive

       -filter <type>
              use this type of filter when resizing an image

       -flip  create a "mirror image"

       -flop  create a "mirror image"

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

       -format <type>
              the image format type

       -frame <width>x<height>+<outer bevel width>+<inner bevel width>
              surround the image with an ornamental border

       -fuzz <distance>{%}
              colors within this Euclidean distance are considered equal

       -gamma <value>
              level of gamma correction

       -gaussian <radius>{x<sigma>}
              blur the image with a Gaussian operator

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

       -gravity <type>
              direction primitive  gravitates to when annotating the image.

       -green-primary <x>,<y>
              green chromaticity primary point

       -hald-clut <clut>
              apply a Hald CLUT to the image

       -help  print usage instructions

       -implode <factor>
              implode image pixels about the center

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -label <name>
              assign a label to an image

       -lat <width>x<height>{+-}<offset>{%}
              perform local adaptive thresholding

       -level <black_point>{,<gamma>}{,<white_point>}{%}
              adjust the level of image contrast

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

              the line width for subsequent draw operations

       -list <type>
              the type of list

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -loop <iterations>
              add Netscape loop extension to your GIF animation

              magnify the image

       -map <filename>
              choose a particular set of colors from this image

       -mask <filename>
              Specify a clipping mask

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

       -mattecolor <color>
              specify the color to be used with the -frame option

       -median <radius>
              apply a median filter to the image

       -minify <factor>
              minify the image

       -modulate brightness[,saturation[,hue]]
              vary the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image

              show progress indication

              transform the image to black and white

       -motion-blur <radius>{x<sigma>}{+angle}
              Simulate motion blur

              replace every pixel with its complementary color

       -noise <radius|type>
              add or reduce noise in an image

       -noop  NOOP (no option)

              transform image to span the full range of color values

       -opaque <color>
              change this color to the pen color within the image

       -operator channel operator rvalue[%]
              apply a mathematical, bitwise, or value operator to an image channel

       -ordered-dither <channeltype> <NxN>
              ordered dither the image

       -output-directory <directory>
              output files to directory

       -orient <orientation>
              Set the image orientation attribute

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

       -paint <radius>
              simulate an oil painting

       -pen <color>
              (This option has been replaced by the -fill option)

       -pointsize <value>
              pointsize of the PostScript, X11, or TrueType font

       -profile <filename>
              add ICM, IPTC, or generic profile  to image

              preserve the original timestamps of the file

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG/TIFF compression level

       -raise <width>x<height>
              lighten or darken image edges

       -random-threshold <channeltype> <LOWxHIGH>
              random threshold the image

       -recolor <matrix>
              apply a color translation matrix to image channels

       -red-primary <x>,<y>
              red chromaticity primary point

       -region <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              apply options to a portion of the image

              render vector operations

       -repage  <width>x<height>+xoff+yoff[!]
              Adjust image page offsets

       -resample <horizontal>x<vertical>
              Resample image to specified horizontal and vertical resolution

       -resize <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image

       -roll {+-}<x>{+-}<y>
              roll an image vertically or horizontally

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

       -sample <geometry>
              scale image using pixel sampling

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -scale <geometry>
              scale the image.

       -scene <value>
              set scene number

       -set <attribute> <value>
              set an image attribute

       +set <attribute>
              unset an image attribute

       -segment <cluster threshold>x<smoothing threshold>
              segment an image

       -shade <azimuth>x<elevation>
              shade the image using a distant light source

       -sharpen <radius>{x<sigma>}
              sharpen the image

       -shave <width>x<height>{%}
              shave pixels from the image edges

       -shear <x degrees>x<y degrees>
              shear the image along the X or Y axis

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

       -solarize <factor>
              negate all pixels above the threshold level

       -spread <amount>
              displace image pixels by a random amount

       -strip remove all profiles and text attributes from the image

       -stroke <color>
              color to use when stroking a graphic primitive

       -strokewidth <value>
              set the stroke width

       -swirl <degrees>
              swirl image pixels about the center

       -texture <filename>
              name of texture to tile onto the image background

       -threshold <value>{%}
              threshold the image

       -thumbnail <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image (quickly)

       -tile <filename>
              tile image when filling a graphic primitive

              transform the image

       -transparent <color>
              make this color transparent within the image

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

       -trim  trim an image

       -type <type>
              the image type

       -units <type>
              the units of image resolution

       -unsharp <radius>{x<sigma>}{+<amount>}{+<threshold>}
              sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

       -view <string>
              FlashPix viewing parameters

       -virtual-pixel <method>
              specify contents of "virtual pixels"

       -wave <amplitude>x<wavelength>
              alter an image along a sine wave

       -white-point <x>,<y>
              chromaticity white point

       -white-threshold red[,green][,blue][,opacity]
              pixels above the threshold become white

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       montage  creates  a  composite  image  by  combining several separate images. The images are tiled on the
       composite image with the name of the image optionally appearing just below the individual tile.

       The composite image is constructed in the following manner. First, each image specified  on  the  command
       line,  except  for  the last, is scaled to fit the maximum tile size. The maximum tile size by default is
       120x120.  It can be modified with the -geometry command line argument or X resource. See Options for more
       information  on  command  line  arguments.  See  X(1) for more information on X resources.  Note that the
       maximum tile size need not be a square.

       Next the composite image is initialized with the color specified by the -background command line argument
       or  X  resource.  The  width  and height of the composite image is determined by the title specified, the
       maximum tile size, the number of tiles per row, the tile border width and height, the image border width,
       and  the label height. The number of tiles per row specifies how many images are to appear in each row of
       the composite image. The default is to have 5 tiles in each row  and  4  tiles  in  each  column  of  the
       composite.   A  specific  value  is specified with -tile. The tile border width and height, and the image
       border width defaults to the  value  of  the  X  resource  -borderwidth.  It  can  be  changed  with  the
       -borderwidth or -geometry command line argument or X resource. The label height is determined by the font
       you specify with the -font command line argument or X resource. If you do not specify a font, a  font  is
       chosen  that  allows the name of the image to fit the maximum width of a tiled area.  The label colors is
       determined by the -background and -fill command line argument or X resource. Note, that if the background
       and pen colors are the same, labels will not appear.

       Initially,  the  composite  image  title is placed at the top if one is specified (refer to -fill). Next,
       each image is set onto the composite image, surrounded by its border color, with its name  centered  just
       below  it. The individual images are left-justified within the width of the tiled area.  The order of the
       images is the same as they appear on the command line unless the images have a scene keyword. If a  scene
       number  is  specified  in  each image, then the images are tiled onto the composite in the order of their
       scene number. Finally, the last argument on the command line is the name assigned to the composite image.
       By default, the image is written in the MIFF format and can be viewed or printed with display(1).

       Note,  that  if the number of tiles exceeds the default number of 20 (5 per row, 4 per column), more than
       one composite image is created. To ensure a single image is produced, use -tile to increase the number of
       tiles to meet or exceed the number of input images.

       Finally, to create one or more empty spaces in the sequence of tiles, use the "NULL:" image format.

       Note, a composite MIFF image displayed to an X server with display behaves differently than other images.
       You can think of the composite as a visual image directory. Choose a particular tile of the composite and
       press a button to display it. See display(1) and miff(5)


       To create a montage of a cockatoo, a parrot, and a hummingbird and write it to a file called birds, use:

           gm montage cockatoo.miff parrot.miff hummingbird.miff

       To  tile  several  bird  images  so  that  they are at most 256 pixels in width and 192 pixels in height,
       surrounded by a red border, and separated by 10 pixels of background color, use:

           gm montage -geometry 256x192+10+10 -bordercolor red
                   birds.* montage.miff

       To create an unlabeled parrot image, 640 by 480 pixels, and surrounded by a border of black, use:

           gm montage -geometry 640x480 -bordercolor black
                   -label "" parrot.miff bird.miff

       To create an image of an eagle with a textured background, use:

           gm montage -texture bumps.jpg eagle.jpg eagle.png

       To join several GIF images together without any extraneous graphics (e.g.  no  label,  no  shadowing,  no
       surrounding tile frame), use:

           gm montage +frame +shadow +label -tile 5x1
                   -geometry 50x50+0+0 *.png joined.png


       Any  option you specify on the command line remains in effect for the group of images following it, until
       the group is terminated by the appearance of any option or -noop.  For example,  to  make  a  montage  of
       three images, the first with 32 colors, the second with an unlimited number of colors, and the third with
       only 16 colors, use:

           gm montage -colors 32 cockatoo.1 -noop cockatoo.2
                    -colors 16 cockatoo.3 cockatoos.miff

       For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.

              join images into a single multi-image file

       -affine <matrix>
              drawing transform matrix

       -authenticate <string>
              decrypt image with this password

       -background <color>
              the background color

       -blue-primary <x>,<y>
              blue chromaticity primary point

       -blur <radius>{x<sigma>}
              blur the image with a Gaussian operator

       -bordercolor <color>
              the border color

       -borderwidth <geometry>
              the border width

       -chop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              remove pixels from the interior of an image

       -colors <value>
              preferred number of colors in the image

       -colorspace <value>
              the type of colorspace

       -comment <string>
              annotate an image with a comment

       -compose <operator>
              the type of image composition

       -compress <type>
              the type of image compression

       -crop <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}
              preferred size and location of the cropped image

       -debug <events>
              enable debug printout

       -define <key>{=<value>},...
              add coder/decoder specific options

       -density <width>x<height>
              horizontal and vertical resolution in pixels of the image

       -depth <value>
              depth of the image

       -display <host:display[.screen]>
              specifies the X server to contact

       -dispose <method>
              GIF disposal method

              apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the image

       -draw <string>
              annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives

       -encoding <type>
              specify the text encoding

       -endian <type>
              specify endianness (MSB, LSB, or Native) of image

       -fill <color>
              color to use when filling a graphic primitive

       -filter <type>
              use this type of filter when resizing an image

       -font <name>
              use this font when annotating the image with text

       -frame <width>x<height>+<outer bevel width>+<inner bevel width>
              surround the image with an ornamental border

       -gamma <value>
              level of gamma correction

       -geometry <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{@}{!}{^}{<}{>}
              Specify dimension, offset, and resize options.

       -gravity <type>
              direction primitive  gravitates to when annotating the image.

       -green-primary <x>,<y>
              green chromaticity primary point

       -help  print usage instructions

       -interlace <type>
              the type of interlacing scheme

       -label <name>
              assign a label to an image

       -limit <type> <value>
              Disk, File, Map, Memory, Pixels, Width, Height or Threads resource limit

       -log <string>
              Specify format for debug log

       -matte store matte channel if the image has one

       -mattecolor <color>
              specify the color to be used with the -frame option

       -mode <value>
              mode of operation

              show progress indication

              transform the image to black and white

       -noop  NOOP (no option)

       -page <width>x<height>{+-}<x>{+-}<y>{%}{!}{<}{>}
              size and location of an image canvas

       -pen <color>
              (This option has been replaced by the -fill option)

       -pointsize <value>
              pointsize of the PostScript, X11, or TrueType font

       -quality <value>
              JPEG/MIFF/PNG/TIFF compression level

       -red-primary <x>,<y>
              red chromaticity primary point

              render vector operations

       -repage  <width>x<height>+xoff+yoff[!]
              Adjust image page offsets

       -resize <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image

       -rotate <degrees>{<}{>}
              rotate the image

       -sampling-factor <horizontal_factor>x<vertical_factor>
              chroma subsampling factors

       -scenes <value-value>
              range of image scene numbers to read

       -shadow <radius>{x<sigma>}
              shadow the montage

       -sharpen <radius>{x<sigma>}
              sharpen the image

       -size <width>x<height>{+offset}
              width and height of the image

       -strip remove all profiles and text attributes from the image

       -stroke <color>
              color to use when stroking a graphic primitive

       -strokewidth <value>
              set the stroke width

       -texture <filename>
              name of texture to tile onto the image background

       -thumbnail <width>x<height>{%}{@}{!}{<}{>}
              resize an image (quickly)

       -tile <geometry>
              layout of images [montage]

       -title <string>
              assign title to displayed image [animate, display, montage]

              transform the image

       -transparent <color>
              make this color transparent within the image

       -treedepth <value>
              tree depth for the color reduction algorithm

       -trim  trim an image

       -type <type>
              the image type

              print detailed information about the image

              print GraphicsMagick version string

       -white-point <x>,<y>
              chromaticity white point

              For a more detailed description of each option, see Options, above.


       Montage options can appear on the command line or in your X resource file. Options on  the  command  line
       supersede values specified in your X resource file. See X(1) for more information on X resources.

       All montage options have a corresponding X resource. In addition, montage uses the following X resources:

       background (class Background)
              background color

              Specifies the preferred color to use for the composite image background.  The default is #ccc.

       borderColor (class BorderColor)
              border color

              Specifies the preferred color to use for the composite image border. The default is #ccc.

       borderWidth (class BorderWidth)
              border width

              Specifies the width in pixels of the composite image border. The default is 2.

       font (class Font)
              font to use

              Specifies  the  name of the preferred font to use when displaying text within the composite image.
              The default is 9x15, fixed, or 5x8 determined by the composite image size.

       matteColor (class MatteColor)
              color of the frame

              Specify the color of an image frame. A 3D effect is achieved by using highlight and shadow  colors
              derived from this color. The default value is #697B8F.

       pen (class Pen)
              text color

              Specifies the preferred color to use for text within the composite image.  The default is black.

       title (class Title)
              composite image title

              This  resource  specifies the title to be placed at the top of the composite image. The default is
              not to place a title at the top of the composite image.



       time executes an arbitrary gm utility command (e.g. convert) and reports the user and elapsed time.  This
       provides  way to measure command execution times similar to the Unix ´time' command but in a portable and
       consistent way.


       To obtain time information for the execution of a command:

       % gm time convert input.ppm -gaussian 0x2 output.ppm convert input.ppm -gaussian 0x2 output.ppm    22.60s
       user 0.00s system 2354% cpu 0.960 total

       Here is the interpretation of the above output:

           user - the total user time consumed.
           system - the total system time consumed.
           total - the total elapsed time consumed.


       The time command reqires no options other than the gm command to execute.



       version  displays  the  software  release  version,  build  quantum  (pixel  sample) depth, web site URL,
       copyright notice, enabled features support, configuration parameters, and final  build  options  used  to
       build  the  software.   The available information depends on how the software was configured and the host


       To display the version information:

         GraphicsMagick 1.3.27a 2017-12-11 Q16
         Copyright (C) 2002-2017 GraphicsMagick Group.
         Additional copyrights and licenses apply to this software.
         See for details.
         Feature Support:
           Native Thread Safe       yes
           Large Files (> 32 bit)   yes
           Large Memory (> 32 bit)  yes
           BZIP                     yes
           DPS                      no
           FlashPix                 no
           FreeType                 yes
           Ghostscript (Library)    no
           JBIG                     yes
           JPEG-2000                yes
           JPEG                     yes
           Little CMS               yes
           Loadable Modules         no
           OpenMP                   yes (201307)
           PNG                      yes
           TIFF                     yes
           TRIO                     no
           UMEM                     no
           WebP                     yes
           WMF                      yes
           X11                      yes
           XML                      yes
           ZLIB                     yes
         Host type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
         Configured using the command:
           ./configure  ...
         Final Build Parameters:
           CC       = ...
           CFLAGS   = ...
           CPPFLAGS = ...
           CXX      = ...
           CXXFLAGS = ...
           LDFLAGS  = ...
           LIBS     = ...


       The version command does not currently support any options.