Provided by: opensvc_1.8~20170412-3_all 

nodemgr - OpenSVC agent's node management command.
In the OpenSVC infrastructure, the node is an operating system instance with an OpenSVC agent installed. The node may host OpenSVC services instances. The nodemgr program provides commands to configure and execute all the agent functions that interact with the node.
COLLECTOR MANAGEMENT nodemgr collector ack action acknowledge an action error on the node. an acknowlegment can be completed by --author (defaults to root@nodename) and --comment --author=AUTHOR the acker name to log when used with the 'collector ack action' action --comment=COMMENT a comment to log when used with the 'collector ack action' action --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector alerts display node alerts --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector asset display asset information known to the collector --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector checks display node checks --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector cli open a Command Line Interface to the collector rest API. The CLI offers autocompletion of paths and arguments, piping JSON data from files. This command accepts the --user, --password, --api, --insecure and --config parameters. If executed as root, the collector is logged in with the node credentials. --user=USER authenticate with the collector using the specified user credentials instead of the node credentials. Required for the 'register' action when the collector is configured to refuse anonymous register. --password=PASSWORD authenticate with the collector using the specified user credentials instead of the node credentials. Prompted if necessary but not specified. --api=API specify a collector api url different from the one set in node.conf. Honored by the 'collector cli' action. --insecure allow communications with a collector presenting unverified SSL certificates. --config=CONFIG specify a user-specific collector api connection configuration file. defaults to '~/.opensvc-cli'. Honored by the 'collector cli' action. --refresh-api The OpenSVC collector api url --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector create tag create a new tag with name specified by --tag --tag=TAG a tag specifier used by 'collector create tag', 'collector add tag', 'collector del tag' --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector disks display node disks --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector events display node events during the period specified by --begin/--end. --end defaults to now. --begin defaults to 7 days ago. --begin=BEGIN a begin date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --end=END a end date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector list actions list actions on the node, whatever the service, during the period specified by --begin/--end. --end defaults to now. --begin defaults to 7 days ago --begin=BEGIN a begin date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --end=END a end date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector list filtersets show the list of filtersets available on the collector. if specified, --filterset <pattern> limits the resulset to filtersets matching <pattern> --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector list nodes show the list of nodes matching the filterset pointed by --filterset --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector list services show the list of services matching the filterset pointed by --filterset --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector list tags list all available tags. use --like to filter the output. --like=LIKE a sql like filtering expression. leading and trailing wildcards are automatically set. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector log log a message in the collector's node log --message=MESSAGE the message to send to the collector for logging --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector networks display network information known to the collector for each node ip --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector search report the collector objects matching --like [<type>:]<substring>, where <type> is the object type acronym as shown in the collector search widget. --like=LIKE a sql like filtering expression. leading and trailing wildcards are automatically set. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector show actions show actions detailed log. a single action is specified by --id. a range is specified by --begin/--end dates. --end defaults to now. --begin defaults to 7 days ago --begin=BEGIN a begin date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --id=ID specify an id to act on --end=END a end date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector show tags list all node tags --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector tag set a node tag (pointed by --tag) --tag=TAG a tag specifier used by 'collector create tag', 'collector add tag', 'collector del tag' --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr collector untag unset a node tag (pointed by --tag) --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit COMPLIANCE nodemgr compliance attach attach ruleset specified by --ruleset and/or moduleset specified by --moduleset for this node --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --ruleset=RULESET compliance, set ruleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance attach moduleset attach moduleset specified by --moduleset for this node --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance attach ruleset attach ruleset specified by --ruleset for this node --ruleset=RULESET compliance, set ruleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance auto run compliance checks or fix, according to the autofix property of each module. --ruleset <md5> instruct the collector to provide an historical ruleset. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance check run compliance checks. --ruleset <md5> instruct the collector to provide an historical ruleset. --attach attach the modulesets specified during a compliance check/fix/fixable command --force force action --module=MODULE compliance, set module list --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --ruleset-date=RULESET_DATE compliance, use rulesets valid on specified date --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance detach detach ruleset specified by --ruleset and/or moduleset specified by --moduleset for this node --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --ruleset=RULESET compliance, set ruleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance detach moduleset detach moduleset specified by --moduleset for this node --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance detach ruleset detach ruleset specified by --ruleset for this node --ruleset=RULESET compliance, set ruleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance env show the compliance modules environment variables. --module=MODULE compliance, set module list --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance fix run compliance fixes. --ruleset <md5> instruct the collector to provide an historical ruleset. --attach attach the modulesets specified during a compliance check/fix/fixable command --force force action --module=MODULE compliance, set module list --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --ruleset-date=RULESET_DATE compliance, use rulesets valid on specified date --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance fixable verify compliance fixes prerequisites. --ruleset <md5> instruct the collector to provide an historical ruleset. --attach attach the modulesets specified during a compliance check/fix/fixable command --force force action --module=MODULE compliance, set module list --moduleset=MODULESET compliance, set moduleset list. The 'all' value can be used in conjonction with detach. --ruleset-date=RULESET_DATE compliance, use rulesets valid on specified date --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance list module list compliance modules available on this node --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance list moduleset list available compliance modulesets. --moduleset f% limit the scope to modulesets matching the f% pattern. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance list ruleset list available compliance rulesets. --ruleset f% limit the scope to rulesets matching the f% pattern. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance show moduleset show compliance rules applying to this node --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance show ruleset show compliance rules applying to this node --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr compliance show status show compliance modules status --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit MISC nodemgr prkey show persistent reservation key of this node --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit NODE ACTIONS nodemgr collect stats write in local files metrics not found in the standard metrics collector. these files will be fed to the collector by the 'pushstat' action. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr dequeue actions dequeue and execute actions from the collector's action queue for this node and its services. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr logs fancy display of the node logs --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr print schedule print the node tasks schedule --verbose add more information to some print commands: +next in 'print schedule' --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr provision provision the resources described in --resource arguments --resource=RESOURCE a resource definition in json dictionary format fed to the provision action --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr reboot reboot the node --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr rotate root pw set a new root password and store it in the collector --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr scanscsi scan the scsi hosts in search of new disks --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr schedule reboot mark the node for reboot at the next allowed period. the allowed period is defined by a "reboot" section in node.conf. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr schedule reboot status tell if the node is scheduled for reboot --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr scheduler run the node task scheduler --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr schedulers execute a run of the node and services schedulers. this action is installed in the system scheduler --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr shutdown shutdown the node to powered off state --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr unschedule reboot unmark the node for reboot at the next allowed period. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr updatecomp upgrade the opensvc compliance modules. the modules must be available as a tarball behind the node.repo/compliance url. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr updatepkg upgrade the opensvc agent version. the packages must be available behind the node.repo/packages url. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr wol forge and send udp wake on lan packet to mac address specified by --mac and --broadcast arguments --broadcast=BROADCAST list of broadcast addresses, comma separated, used by the 'wol' action --mac=MAC list of mac addresses, comma separated, used by the 'wol' action --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit NODE CONFIGURATION nodemgr edit authconfig open the auth.conf configuration file with the preferred editor --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr edit config open the node.conf configuration file with the preferred editor --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr get get the value of the node configuration parameter pointed by --param --param=PARAM point a node configuration parameter for the 'get' and 'set' actions --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr print authconfig open the node.conf configuration file with the preferred editor --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr print config open the node.conf configuration file with the preferred editor --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr register obtain a registration number from the collector, used to authenticate the node --app=APP Optional with the register command, register the node in the specified app. If not specified, the node is registered in the first registering user's app found. --password=PASSWORD authenticate with the collector using the specified user credentials instead of the node credentials. Prompted if necessary but not specified. --user=USER authenticate with the collector using the specified user credentials instead of the node credentials. Required for the 'register' action when the collector is configured to refuse anonymous register. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr set set a node configuration parameter (pointed by --param) value (pointed by --value) --param=PARAM point a node configuration parameter for the 'get' and 'set' actions --value=VALUE set a node configuration parameter value for the 'set --param' action --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr unset unset a node configuration parameter (pointed by --param) --param=PARAM point a node configuration parameter for the 'get' and 'set' actions --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit PUSH DATA TO THE COLLECTOR nodemgr checks run node sanity checks, push results to collector --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushasset push asset information to collector --sync use synchronous collector rpc. to use when chaining a compliance run, to make sure the node ruleset is up-to-date. --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushbrocade push Brocade switch configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushcentera push EMC Centera configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushdcs push Datacore configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushdisks push disks usage information to collector --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushemcvnx push EMC CX/VNX configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pusheva push HP EVA configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushfreenas push FreeNAS configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushgcedisks push Google Compute Engine disks configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushhds push HDS configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushhp3par push HP 3par configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushibmds push IBM DS configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushibmsvc push IBM SVC configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushnecism push NEC ISM configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushnetapp push Netapp configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushnsr push EMC Networker index to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushpatch push patch/version list to collector --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushpkg push package/version list to collector --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushstats push performance metrics to collector. By default pushed stats interval begins yesterday at the beginning of the allowed interval and ends now. This interval can be changed using --begin/--end parameters. The location where stats files are looked up can be changed using --stats-dir. --begin=BEGIN a begin date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --end=END a end date expressed as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm'. used with the 'collector ack action' and pushstats action --stats-dir=STATS_DIR points the directory where the metrics files are stored for pushstats --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushsym push symmetrix configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --symcli-db-file=SYMCLI_DB_FILE [pushsym option] use symcli offline mode with the specified file. aclx files are expected to be found in the same directory and named either <symid>.aclx or <same_prefix_as_bin_file>.aclx --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr pushvioserver push IBM VIO server configuration to collector --object=OBJECTS an object to limit a push* action to. multiple --object <object id> parameters can be set on a single command line --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit nodemgr sysreport push system report to the collector for archiving and diff analysis --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit SERVICE ACTIONS nodemgr discover discover vservices accessible from this host, cloud nodes for example --color=COLOR colorize output. possible values are : auto=guess based on tty presence, always|yes=always colorize, never|no=never colorize --cron cron mode --debug debug mode --format=FORMAT specify a data formatter for output of the print* and collector* commands. possible values are json or table. -h, --help show this help message and exit
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OpenSVC is developped and maintained by the OpenSVC company. 2017-01-03 NODEMGR(1)