Provided by: mitmproxy_2.0.2-3_all 

pathod - a pathological HTTP/S daemon
pathod [-h] [--version] [-p PORT] [-l ADDRESS] [-a ANCHOR] [-c CRAFTANCHOR] [--confdir CONFDIR] [-d STATICDIR] [-D] [-t TIMEOUT] [--limit-size SIZELIMIT] [--nohang] [--nocraft] [--webdebug] [-s] [--cn CN] [-C] [--cert SPEC] [--ciphers CIPHERS] [--san SAN] [--ssl-version {all|TLSv1_2|secure|TLSv1_1|TLSv1|SSLv3|SSLv2}] [-e] [-f LOGFILE] [-q] [-r] [-x] [--http2-framedump]
pathod is a pathological HTTP daemon designed to let you craft almost any conceivable HTTP response, including ones that creatively violate the standards. HTTP responses are specified using a small, terse language which pathod shares with its evil twin, pathoc. To start playing with pathod, fire up the daemon: $ pathod By default, the service listens on port 9999 of localhost, and the default crafting anchor point is the path /p/. Anything after this URL prefix is treated as a response specifier. So, hitting the following URL will generate an HTTP 200 response with 100 bytes of random data: http://localhost:9999/p/200:b@100 See the language documentation ( to get (much) fancier.
Optional Arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. --version Show program's version number and exit. -p PORT Port. Specify 0 to pick an arbitrary empty port. (Default: 9999) -l ADDRESS Listening address. (Default: -a ANCHOR Add an anchor. Specified as a string with the form pattern=spec or pattern=filepath, where pattern is a regular expression. -c CRAFTANCHOR URL path specifying prefix for URL crafting commands. (Default: /p/) --confdir CONFDIR Configuration directory. (Default: ~/.mitmproxy) -d STATICDIR Directory for static files. -D Daemonize. -t TIMEOUT Connection timeout. --limit-size SIZELIMIT Size limit of served responses. Understands size suffixes, e.g. 100k. --nohang Disable pauses during crafted response generation. --nocraft Disable response crafting. If anchors are specified, they still work. --webdebug Debugging mode for the web app (dev only). SSL: -s Run in HTTPS mode. --cn CN CN for generated SSL certs. (Default: -C Don't expect SSL after a CONNECT request. --cert SPEC Add an SSL certificate. SPEC is of the form "[domain=]path". The domain may include a wildcard, and is equal to "*" if not specified. The file at path is a certificate in PEM format. If a private key is included in the PEM, it is used, otherwise the default key in the conf dir is used. Can be passed multiple times. --ciphers CIPHERS SSL cipher specification. --san SAN Subject Altnernate Name to add to the server certificate. May be passed multiple times. --ssl-version {all|TLSv1_2|secure|TLSv1_1|TLSv1|SSLv3|SSLv2} Set supported SSL/TLS versions. SSLv2, SSLv3 and all are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+. Controlling Logging: Some of these options expand generated values for logging. If you're generating large data, use them with caution. -e Explain responses. -f LOGFILE Log to file. -q Log full request. -r Log full response. -x Log request/response in hexdump format. --http2-framedump Output all received & sent HTTP/2 frames.
pathod was written by Aldo Cortesi. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux system, but its use elsewhere is encouraged.
pathod documentation and examples are available online at <>. November 2016 pathod(1)