bionic (1) pfspanoramic.1.gz

Provided by: pfstools_2.1.0-3_amd64 bug


       pfspanoramic - Perform projective transformations of spherical images


       pfspanoramic  <source  projection>+<target  projection>  [--width  <val>]  [--height <val>] [--oversample
       <val>] [--interpolate] [--xrotate <angle>] [--yrotate <angle>] [--zrotate <angle>]


       Transform spherical maps between  various  projections.  Currently  polar  (latitude-longitude),  angular
       (light  probe), mirrorball and cylindrical are supported. The syntax for specifying the transformation is
       source_projection+target_projection, where source_projection is the current  mapping  that  source  image
       uses  and  target_projection  is the projection you'd like it to be transformed to. If the projection has
       some optional parameters, you can specify them with  syntax:  <source  projection>/<argument>/...+<target

       As  of  now  only  angular supports a parameter - angle - which defines how many degrees from the viewing
       direction the projection should cover, e.g. angular+angular/angle=180 converts angular image to show only
       half of a hemisphere around the viewing direction.


       --width <val>, -w <val>

       --height <val>, -h <val>

              Make  the  target  image respectively <val> pixels wide and/or high. If only one is specified, the
              other is computed from the target projection's typical W/H ratio.  If neither  is  specified,  the
              width is taken from the source image and height is computed as above.

       --oversample <val>, -o <val>

              Oversample  each  target  pixel <val>x<val> times, improving quality in areas that are scaled down
              with respect to the source image. Reasonable values are 2 to 5, while setting it higher  may  make
              the reprojection unbearably slow.

       --interpolate, -i

              Use bilinear interpolation when sampling the source image. Increases quality in magnified areas.

       --xrotate <angle>, -x <angle>

              Rotate the spherical image <angle> degrees around X axis.

       --yrotate <angle>, -y <angle>

              Rotate the spherical image <angle> degrees around Y axis.

       --zrotate <angle>, -z <angle>

              Rotate the spherical image <angle> degrees around Z axis.


       pfsin grace_probe.hdr | pfspanoramic angular+polar -i -o 3 -y 90 -w 500 | pfsout grace.hdr

              Transform   grace   angular   map  to  polar  (latitude-longitude)  projection  applying  bilinear
              interpolation and 3x3 oversampling, while rotating it by 90 degrees around Y axis. The image  will
              be  resized  to 500x250 pixels (as the polar projection has 2:1 width-to-height ratio) and finally
              saved in grace.hdr.


       pfsin(1) pfsout(1)


       Please report bugs and comments to Miloslaw Smyk <>.
