bionic (1) pkcomposite.1.gz

Provided by: pktools_2.6.7.3+ds-1_amd64 bug


       pkcomposite - program to mosaic and composite geo-referenced images


       pkcomposite -i input [-i input] -o output [options] [advanced options]


       pkcomposite  can  be used to {mosaic} and {composite} multiple (georeferenced) raster datasets.  A mosaic
       can merge images with different geographical extents into a single larger  image.   Compositing  resolves
       the  overlapping pixels according to some rule (e.g, the median of all overlapping pixels).  This utility
       is complementary to GDAL, which currently does not support a composite step.   Input  datasets  can  have
       different bounding boxes and spatial resolutions.

       Example:  Calculate the maximum NDVI composite of two multispectral input images (e.g., red is band 0 and
       near infrared is band 1)

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -o output.tif -cr maxndvi -cb 0 -cb 1

       Example: Calculate the minimum nadir composite of two input images, where the forth band  (b=3)  contains
       the view zenith angle

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -o minzenith.tif -cr minband -cb 3

       Example: Calculate the minimum of two input images in all bands

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -o minimum.tif -cr minallbands


       -i filename, --input filename
              Input image file(s).  If input contains multiple images, a multi-band output is created

       -o filename, --output filename
              Output image file

       -b band, --band band
              band index(es) to crop (leave empty if all bands must be retained)

       -dx xres, --dx xres
              Output resolution in x (in meter) (empty: keep original resolution)

       -dy yres, --dy yres
              Output resolution in y (in meter) (empty: keep original resolution)

       -e vector, --extent vector
              get boundary from extent from polygons in vector file

       -cut, --crop_to_cutline
              Crop the extent of the target dataset to the extent of the cutline

       -eo options, --eo options
              Special              extent             options             controlling             rasterization:

       -m mask, --mask mask
              Use the first band of the specified file as a validity mask (0 is nodata)

       -msknodata value, --msknodata value
              Mask value not to consider for composite

       -mskband value, --mskband value
              Mask band to read (0 indexed)

       -ulx ULX, --ulx ULX
              Upper left x value bounding box

       -uly ULY, --uly ULY
              Upper left y value bounding box

       -lrx LRX, --lrx LRX
              Lower right x value bounding box

       -lry LRY, --lry LRY
              Lower right y value bounding box

       -cr rule, --crule rule
              Composite rule (overwrite, maxndvi, maxband, minband, mean, mode (only for byte  images),  median,

       -cb band, --cb band
              band  index  used  for  the  composite  rule (e.g., for ndvi, use --cband=0 --cband=1 with 0 and 1
              indices for red and nir band respectively

       -srcnodata value, --srcnodata value
              invalid value for input image

       -bndnodata band, --bndnodata band
              Bands in input image to check if pixel is valid (used for srcnodata, min and max options)

       -min value, --min value
              flag values smaller or equal to this value as invalid.

       -max value, --max value
              flag values larger or equal to this value as invalid.

       -dstnodata value, --dstnodata value
              nodata value to put in output image if not valid or out of bounds.

       -r resampling_method, --resampling-method resampling_method
              Resampling method (near: nearest neighbor, bilinear: bi-linear interpolation).

       -ot type, --otype type
              Data type for output image ({Byte / Int16 / UInt16 / UInt32 / Int32 / Float32 / Float64 / CInt16 /
              CInt32 / CFloat32 / CFloat64}).  Empty string: inherit type from input image

       -of GDALformat, --oformat GDALformat
              Output image format (see also gdal_translate(1)).  Empty string: inherit from input image

       -co NAME=VALUE, --co NAME=VALUE
              Creation option for output file.  Multiple options can be specified.

       -a_srs EPSG:number, --a_srs EPSG:number
              Override  the  spatial  reference  for  the  output file (leave blank to copy from input file, use
              epsg:3035 to use European projection and force to European grid)

       -v, --verbose

       Advanced options

       -file, --file
              write number of observations (1) or sequence nr of selected file (2) for each pixels as additional
              layer in composite.  Default: 0

       -w weight, --weight weight
              Weights (type: short) for the composite, use one weight for each input file in same order as input
              files are provided).  Use value 1 for equal weights.

       -c name, --class name
              classes for multi-band output image: each band represents  the  number  of  observations  for  one
              specific class.  Use value 0 for no multi-band output image.

       -ct filename, --ct filename
              colour table in ASCII format having 5 columns: id R G B ALFA (0: transparent, 255: solid)

       -align, --align
              Align output bounding box to first input image

       -scale value, --scale value
              Scale value output=scale*input+offset

       -off value, --offset value
              Offset value output=scale*input+offset

       -d description, --description description
              Set image description


       Create a composit from two input images. If images overlap, keep only last image (default rule)

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -o output.tif

       Create  a  composit  from  two  input  images.   Values  of 255 in band 1 (starting from 0) are masked as
       invalid.  Typically used when second band of input image is a cloud mask

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -srcnodata 255 -bndnodata 1 -dstnodata 0 -o output.tif

       Create a maximum NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) composit.  Values of 255  in  band  0  are
       masked  as  invalid and flagged as 0 if no other valid coverage.  Typically used for (e.g., MODIS) images
       where red and near infrared spectral bands are stored in bands 0 and 1 respectively.  In this  particular
       case,  a  value of 255 in the first input band indicates a nodata value (e.g., cloud mask is coded within
       the data values).

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -cr maxndvi -rb 0 -rb 1 -srcnodata 255 -bndnodata 0 -dstnodata 0 -o output.tif

       Create a composite image using weighted mean: output=(3/4*input1+6/4*input2+3/4*input2)/3.0

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -i input3.tif -o output.tif -cr mean -w 0.75 -w 1.5 -w 0.75

       Create a median composit of all GTiff images found in current directory that cover (at least part of) the
       image coverage.tif.  Values smaller or equal to 0 are set as nodata 0 (default value for -dstnodata)

       pkcomposite -i large.tif $(for IMAGE in *.tif;do pkinfo -i $IMAGE --cover $(pkinfo -i coverage.tif -bb);done) -cr median -min 0 -o output.tif


       Q1. First question

       A1. For individual invalid value(s) in input image, use -srcnodata

       Usage:  use  unique  value  for  each invalid bands set in --bndnodata or use a single value that will be
       applied to all invalid bands


       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -o output.tif -srcnodata 0 -srcnodata 255 -bndnodata 0 -bndnodata 1

       will consider 0 in band 0 and 255 in band 1 of input images as no value

       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -o output.tif -srcnodata 0 -bndnodata 0 -bndnodata 1

       will consider 0 in both bands 0 and 1 of input images as no value

       For range(s) of invalid values in input images: use -min (--min) and -max (--max) Usage: use unique range
       set for each invalid bands set in -bndnodata


       pkcomposite -i input1.tif -i input2.tif -o output.tif -min 0 -max 200 -min 0 -max 2 -bndnodata 0 -bndnodata 1

       will  consider all negative values in band 0 and 1 of input images as invalid.  Values larger or equal to
       200 in band 0 will be invalid, as well as values larger or equal to 2 in band 1

       Q2. If I take the mean value as composit rule for multi-band input images, will the output image  contain
       the mean value of overlapping images in each band?

       A2. Yes

                                                07 February 2018                                  pkcomposite(1)