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       pyzo - Pyzo Documentation

       API docs in progress.

       IEP  is organized in several subpackages, some of which can be used completely independent from the rest.
       Although IEP the IDE requires Qt and Python 3, some of its subpackages can  safely  be  imported  without
       these dependencies…



       This  subpackage  is  independent  of  any other components of IEP and only has Qt (PySide or PyQt4) as a
       dependency. It works on Python version 2.7 and up (including 3.x).

       Content and API will come here.


       Yoton is a Python package that provides a simple interface to communicate between two or more processes.

       Yoton is independent of any other component of IEP and has no dependencies except Python itself. It  runs
       on any Python version from 2.4.

       Yoton is 

              • lightweight

              • written in pure Python

              • without dependencies (except Python)

              • available on Python version >= 2.4, including Python 3

              • cross-platform

              • pretty fast


       How it works:

          • Multiple contexts can be connected over TCP/IP; the interconnected contexts together form a network.

          • Messages are send between channel objects (channels are attached to a context).

          • Channels  are bound to a slot (a string name); a message send from a channel with slot X is received
            by all channels with slot X.

          • Yoton may be used procedurally, or in an event-driven fashion.

       Messaging patterns:

          • Yoton supports the pub/sub pattern, in an N to M configuration.

          • Yoton supports the req/rep pattern, allowing multiple requesters and repliers to exist in  the  same

          • Yoton supports exchanging state information.

       Some features:

          • Yoton is optimized to handle large messages by reducing data copying.

          • Yoton has a simple event system that makes asynchronous messaging and event-driven programming easy.

          • Yoton also has functionality for basic client-server (telnet-like) communication.

   A brief overview of the most common classesyoton.Context

                • Represents a node in the network.

                • Has a bind() and connect() method to connect to other nodes.



                • Represents a connection to another context.

                • Wraps a single BSD-socket, using a persistent connection.

                • Has  signals  that  the  user  can  connect  to  to be notified of timeouts and closing of the


         Channel classes (i.e. yoton.BaseChannel )

                • Channels are associated with a context, and send/receive at a particular slot (a string name).

                • Messages send at a particular slot can only be received by channels associated with  the  same

       One end

          import yoton

          # Create one context and a pub channel
          ct1 = yoton.Context(verbose=verbosity)
          pub = yoton.PubChannel(ct1, 'chat')

          # Connect

          # Send
          pub.send('hello world')

       Other end

          import yoton

          # Create another context and a sub channel
          ct2 = yoton.Context(verbose=verbosity)
          sub = yoton.SubChannel(ct2, 'chat')

          # Connect

          # Receive

   Abstract example
       This example shows four connected contexts. In principal, all contexts are the same (a context is neither
       a client nor a server). Yet, different contexts can  play  different  roles  in  the  network,  by  using
       different channels:

              • The upper left context publishes a stream of messages.

              • The upper right context employs a reply-channel, thereby taking on a server role.

              • The  bottom  left context takes on a client-like role by subscribing to the “stream” channel and
                by having a request-channel on “data”.

              • The bottom right context has no channels and thus only serves  as  a  means  of  connecting  the
                different contexts.

   Simple client server
       Two contexts. One takes a server role by having a publish-channel and a reply-channel. The other takes on
       a client role by deploying the corresponding subscribe-channel and request-channel.  [image]

   Multiple request/reply
       This network contains only two types of context: requesters and repliers. Yoton performs  a  simple  load
       balancing scheme: when the user posts a request, the req-channel first asks all repliers whether they can
       want to handle it. Eventually all repliers will answer that they do, but the actual request is only  send
       to the first to respond. Requesters that are handling a previous request are unable to respond quickly so
       that the request will be handled by a “free” replier automatically. If all requesters are busy, the first
       to “come back” will handle the request.  [image]

       This  network  consists  of context which all take the same role; they all send chat messages and receive
       chat messages of the other nodes. One big chat room!  [image]

   IDE / kernel
       This network illustrates a simplified version of what yoton was  initially  designed  for:  client-kernel
       communication.  IEP uses yoton for its kernel-client communications, see here which channels IEP uses for

       The network consists of one kernel and two clients which are connected via a  broker.  Both  clients  can
       control  the kernel via an stdin stream and receive output on stdout. The kernel also has a reply-channel
       so that the IDE’s can obtain introspection information (think auto-completion). The broker also publishes
       some status messages. The bottom kernel is apparently only interested in kernel control.  [image]

       class yoton.Context(verbose=0, queue_params=None)
              Inherits from object

              A  context  represents  a  node in the network. It can connect to multiple other contexts (using a
              yoton.Connection.  These other contexts can be in another process  on  the  same  machine,  or  on
              another machine connected via a network or the internet.

              This  class  represents  a  context  that can be used by channel instances to communicate to other
              channels in the network. (Thus the name.)

              The context is the entity that queue routes the packages produced by the  channels  to  the  other
              context in the network, where the packages are distributed to the right channels. A context queues
              packages while it is not connected to any other context.

              If messages are send on a channel registered at this context while the context is  not  connected,
              the messages are stored by the context and will be send to the first connecting context.

              Example 1

                 # Create context and bind to a port on localhost
                 context = yoton.Context()
                 # Create a channel and send a message
                 pub = yoton.PubChannel(context, 'test')
                 pub.send('Hello world!')

              Example 2

                 # Create context and connect to the port on localhost
                 context = yoton.Context()
                 # Create a channel and receive a message
                 sub = yoton.SubChannel(context, 'test')
                 print(sub.recv() # Will print 'Hello world!'

              Queue params

              The  queue_params  parameter  allows  one  to specify the package queues used in the system. It is
              recommended to use the same parameters for every context in the network. The value of queue_params
              should  be  a  2-element  tuple  specifying  queue  size and discard mode. The latter can be ‘old’
              (default) or ‘new’, meaning that if the queue is full, either the oldest or  newest  messages  are


                     Get  the  number of connected contexts. Can be used as a boolean to check if the context is
                     connected to any other context.

                     Get a list of the Connection instances currently active for this context.  In  addition  to
                     normal  list  indexing,  the connections objects can be queried  from this list using their

                     Get a list of all Connection instances currently associated with  this  context,  including
                     pending  connections  (connections  waiting  for  another  end to connect).  In addition to
                     normal list indexing, the connections objects can be queried from  this  list  using  their

              id     The 8-byte UID of this context.


              bind(address, max_tries=1, name='')
                     Setup  a  connection  with another Context, by being the host.  This method starts a thread
                     that waits for incoming connections.  Error messages are printed when an  attemped  connect
                     fails.  the  thread  keeps  trying  until  a  successful  connection  is made, or until the
                     connection is closed.

                     Returns a Connection instance that represents the connection to the  other  context.  These
                     connection objects can also be obtained via the Context.connections property.


                            str  Should  be  of  the  shape  hostname:port. The port should be an integer number
                            between 1024 and 2**16. If port does not represent a number, a valid port number  is
                            created using a hash function.

                            int  The  number of ports to try; starting from the given port, subsequent ports are
                            tried until a free port is available.  The final port  can  be  obtained  using  the
                            ‘port’ property of the returned Connection instance.

                     name   string  The name for the created Connection instance. It can be used as a key in the
                            connections property.

                     Notes on hostname

                     The hostname can be:

                            • The IP address, or the string hostname of this computer.

                            • ‘localhost’: the connections is only visible from this computer.   Also  some  low
                              level  networking  layers  are bypassed, which results in a faster connection. The
                              other context should also connect to ‘localhost’.

                            • ‘publichost’: the connection is visible by other computers on  the  same  network.
                              Optionally  an  integer  index  can  be  appended  if  the machine has multiple IP
                              addresses (see socket.gethostbyname_ex).

                     Close the context in a nice way, by closing all connections and all channels.

                     Closing  a  connection  means  disconnecting  two  contexts.  Closing   a   channel   means
                     disasociating  a  channel  from  its  context.   Unlike connections and channels, a Context
                     instance can be reused after closing (although this might not always the best strategy).

                     Close all channels associated with this context. This does not close the  connections.  See
                     also close().

              connect(self, address, timeout=1.0, name='')
                     Setup  a  connection  with another context, by connection to a hosting context. An error is
                     raised when the connection could not be made.

                     Returns a Connection instance that represents the connection to the  other  context.  These
                     connection objects can also be obtained via the Context.connections property.


                            str  Should  be  of  the  shape  hostname:port. The port should be an integer number
                            between 1024 and 2**16. If port does not represent a number, a valid port number  is
                            created using a hash function.

                            int  The  number of ports to try; starting from the given port, subsequent ports are
                            tried until a free port is available.  The final port  can  be  obtained  using  the
                            ‘port’ property of the returned Connection instance.

                     name   string  The name for the created Connection instance. It can be used as a key in the
                            connections property.

                     Notes on hostname

                     The hostname can be:

                            • The IP address, or the string hostname of this computer.

                            • ‘localhost’: the connection is only visible from this  computer.   Also  some  low
                              level  networking  layers  are bypassed, which results in a faster connection. The
                              other context should also host as ‘localhost’.

                            • ‘publichost’: the connection is visible by other computers on  the  same  network.
                              Optionally  an  integer  index  can  be  appended  if  the machine has multiple IP
                              addresses (see socket.gethostbyname_ex).

                     Wait until all pending messages are send. This will flush  all  messages  posted  from  the
                     calling  thread. However, it is not guaranteed that no new messages are posted from another

                     Raises an error when the flushing times out.

       The  connection  classes  represent  the  connection  between  two  context.  There  is  one  base  class
       (yoton.Connection)  and  currently  there  is  one implementation: the yoton.TcpConnection. In the future
       other connections might be added that use other methods than TCP/IP.

       class yoton.Connection(context, name='')
              Inherits from object

              Abstract base class for a connection between two Context objects.  This  base  class  defines  the
              full interface; subclasses only need to implement a few private methods.

              The  connection classes are intended as a simple interface for the user, for example to query port
              number, and be notified of timeouts and closing of the connection.

              All connection instances are intended for one-time use. To make a new  connection,  instantiate  a
              new Connection object. After instantiation, either _bind() or _connect() should be called.


              closed Signal  emitted  when  the  connection  closes. The first argument is the ContextConnection
                     instance, the second argument is the reason for the disconnection (as a string).

                     Get the hostname corresponding to this end of the connection.

                     Get the hostname for the other end of this connection.  Is empty string if not connected.

              id1    The id of the context on this side of the connection.

              id2    The id of the context on the other side of the connection.

                     Get whether this connection instance is alive (i.e. either waiting or connected, and not in
                     the process of closing).

                     Get whether this connection instance is connected.

                     Get  whether this connection instance is waiting for a connection.  This is the state after
                     using bind() and before another context connects to it.

              name   Set/get the name that this connection is known by. This name can  be  used  to  obtain  the
                     instance  using the Context.connections property. The name can be used in networks in which
                     each  context  has  a  particular  role,  to  easier  distinguish  between  the   different
                     connections. Other than that, the name has no function.

              pid1   The pid of the context on this side of the connection.  (hint: os.getpid())

              pid2   The pid of the context on the other side of the connection.

              port1  Get  the  port  number corresponding to this end of the connection.  When binding, use this
                     port to connect the other context.

              port2  Get the port number for the other end of the connection.  Is zero when not connected.

                     This signal is emitted when no data has been received for over ‘timeout’ seconds. This  can
                     mean that the connection is unstable, or that the other end is running extension code.

                     Handlers  are called with two arguments: the ContextConnection instance, and a boolean. The
                     latter is True when the connection times out, and False when data is received again.

                     Set/get the amount of seconds that no data is received from the other side after which  the
                     timedout signal is emitted.


                     Close  the  connection,  disconnecting  the  two  contexts  and stopping all trafic. If the
                     connection was waiting for a connection, it stops waiting.

                     Optionally, a reason for closing can be specified. A closed connection cannot be reused.

                     Disconnect the connection, stopping all trafic. If it was waiting for a connection, we stop

                     Optionally,  a reason for stopping can be specified. This is highly recommended in case the
                     connection is closed due to a problem.

                     In contrast to the normal close() method, this method does not try to notify the other  end
                     of the closing.

                     Wait  until all pending packages are send. An error is raised when the timeout passes while
                     doing so.

       class yoton.TcpConnection(context, name='')
              Inherits from Connection

              The TcpConnection class implements a  connection  between  two  contexts  that  are  in  differenr
              processes or on different machines connected via the internet.

              This  class  handles  the  low-level  communication for the context.  A ContextConnection instance
              wraps a single BSD socket for its communication, and uses TCP/IP as the  underlying  communication
              protocol.  A  persisten connection is used (the BSD sockets stay connected). This allows to better
              distinguish between connection problems and timeouts caused by the other side being busy.

       The channel classes represent the mechanism for the user to send messages into the  network  and  receive
       messages from it. A channel needs a context to function; the context represents a node in the network.

       To  be  able to route messages to the right channel, channels are associated with a slot (a string name).
       This slot consists of a user-defined base name and an extension to tell the message  type  and  messaging
       pattern.  Messages  send  from a channel with slot X, are only received by channels with the same slot X.
       Slots are case insensitive.

   Messaging patterns
       Yoton supports three base messaging patterns. For each  messaging  pattern  there  are  specific  channel
       classes. All channels derive from yoton.BaseChannel.

       publish/subscribe  The  yoton.PubChannel  class  is  used  for sending messages into the network, and the
       yoton.SubChannel class is used to receiving these messages.  Multiple  PubChannels  and  SubChannels  can
       exist  in  the  same  network  at  the same slot; the SubChannels simply collect the messages send by all

       request/reply The yoton.ReqChannel class is used to do requests, and the yoton.RepChannel class  is  used
       to  reply  to  requests.  If  multiple ReqChannels are present at the same slot, simple load balancing is

       state The  yoton.StateChannel  class  is  used  to  communicate  state  to  other  state  channels.  Each
       yoton.StateChannel can set and get the state.

   Message types
       Messages  are  of a specific type (text, binary, …), the default being Unicode text. The third (optional)
       argument to a Channel’s initializer is a  MessageType  object  that  specifies  how  messages  should  be
       converted to bytes and the other way around.

       This  way,  the  channels  classes  themself  can  be agnostic about the message type, while the user can
       implement its own MessageType class to send whatever messages he/she likes.

       class yoton.BaseChannel(context, slot_base, message_type=yoton.TEXT)
              Inherits from object

              Abstract class for all channels.


                     yoton.Context instance The context that this channel uses to send messages in a network.

                     string The base slot name. The channel appends an extension to indicate  message  type  and
                     messaging  pattern  to  create  the  final  slot  name.   The final slot is used to connect
                     channels at different contexts in a network

                     yoton.MessageType instance (default is yoton.TEXT) Object to convert messages to bytes  and
                     bytes  to  messages.  Users can create their own message_type class to enable communicating
                     any type of message they want.


              Messages send via a channel are delivered asynchronically to the corresponding channels.

              All channels are associated with a context and can be used to send messages to other  channels  in
              the network. Each channel is also associated with a slot, which is a string that represents a kind
              of address. A message send by a channel at slot X can only be received by a channel with slot X.

              Note that the channel appends an extension to the user-supplied slot  name,  that  represents  the
              message type and messaging pattern of the channel. In this way, it is prevented that for example a
              PubChannel can communicate with a RepChannel.


              closed Get whether the channel is closed.

                     Get the number of pending incoming messages.

                     Signal that is emitted when new data is received. Multiple arrived messages may result in a
                     single  call  to this method.  There is no guarantee that recv() has not been called in the
                     mean time. The signal is emitted with the channel instance as argument.

                     Get the incoming slot name.

                     Get the outgoing slot name.


                     Close the channel, i.e. unregisters this channel at the context.  A closed  channel  cannot
                     be reused.

                     Future  attempt  to  send()  messages  will  result  in  an  IOError being raised. Messages
                     currently in the channel’s queue can still be  recv()’ed,  but  no  new  messages  will  be
                     delivered at this channel.

       class yoton.PubChannel(context, slot_base, message_type=yoton.TEXT)
              Inherits from BaseChannel

              The  publish  part  of the publish/subscribe messaging pattern.  Sent messages are received by all
              yoton.SubChannel instances with the same slot.

              There are no limitations for this channel if events are not processed.


                     yoton.Context instance The context that this channel uses to send messages in a network.

                     string The base slot name. The channel appends an extension to indicate  message  type  and
                     messaging  pattern  to  create  the  final  slot  name.   The final slot is used to connect
                     channels at different contexts in a network

                     yoton.MessageType instance (default is yoton.TEXT) Object to convert messages to bytes  and
                     bytes  to messages.  Users can create their own message_type class to let channels any type
                     of message they want.


                     Send a message over the channel. What is send as one message will also be received  as  one

                     The  message  is  queued and delivered to all corresponding SubChannels (i.e. with the same
                     slot) in the network.

       class yoton.SubChannel(context, slot_base, message_type=yoton.TEXT)
              Inherits from BaseChannel

              The subscribe part of the publish/subscribe messaging pattern.  Received messages were sent  by  a
              yoton.PubChannel instance at the same slot.

              This  channel  can  be  used  as  an  iterator,  which  yields  all pending messages. The function
              yoton.select_sub_channel can be used to synchronize multiple SubChannel instances.

              If no events being processed this channel works as normal, except that the  received  signal  will
              not be emitted, and sync mode will not work.


                     yoton.Context instance The context that this channel uses to send messages in a network.

                     string  The  base  slot name. The channel appends an extension to indicate message type and
                     messaging pattern to create the final slot  name.   The  final  slot  is  used  to  connect
                     channels at different contexts in a network

                     yoton.MessageType  instance (default is yoton.TEXT) Object to convert messages to bytes and
                     bytes to messages.  Users can create their own message_type class to let channels any  type
                     of message they want.


              next() Return the next message, or raises StopIteration if non available.

                     Receive  a  message  from the channel. What was send as one message is also received as one

                     If block is False, returns empty message if no data is available.  If block is True,  waits
                     forever until data is available.  If block is an int or float, waits that many seconds.  If
                     the channel is closed, returns empty message.

                     Receive a list of all pending messages. The list can be empty.

                     Receive a list of messages. Use  only  after  calling  yoton.select_sub_channel  with  this
                     channel as one of the arguments.

                     The  returned  messages  are  all  received  before  the first pending message in the other
                     SUB-channels given to select_sub_channel.

                     The combination of this method and the function select_sub_channel enables users to combine
                     multiple SUB-channels in a way that preserves the original order of the messages.

                     Set  or  unset  the  SubChannel  in  sync  mode.  When in sync mode, all channels that send
                     messages to this channel are blocked if the queue for this  SubChannel  reaches  a  certain

                     This  feature  can  be used to limit the rate of senders if the consumer (i.e. the one that
                     calls recv()) cannot keep up with processing the data.

                     This feature requires the yoton event loop to run  at  the  side  of  the  SubChannel  (not
                     necessary for the yoton.PubChannel side).

       yoton.select_sub_channel(channel1, channel2, ...)
              Returns  the  channel  that has the oldest pending message of all given yoton.SubCannel instances.
              Returns None if there are no pending messages.

              This function can be used to read from SubCannels instances in the order that  the  messages  were

              After  calling  this  function,  use channel.recv_selected() to obtain all messages that are older
              than any pending messages in the other given channels.

       class yoton.ReqChannel(context, slot_base)
              Inherits from BaseChannel

              The request part of the request/reply messaging pattern.  A ReqChannel instance sends request  and
              receive the corresponding replies. The requests are replied by a yoton.RepChannel instance.

              This  class adopts req/rep in a remote procedure call (RPC) scheme.  The handling of the result is
              done using a yoton.Future object, which follows the approach specified in PEP 3148. Note that  for
              the use of callbacks, the yoton event loop must run.

              Basic load balancing is performed by first asking all potential repliers whether they can handle a
              request. The actual request is then send to the first replier to respond.


                     yoton.Context instance The context that this channel uses to send messages in a network.

                     string The base slot name. The channel appends an extension to indicate  message  type  and
                     messaging  pattern  to  create  the  final  slot  name.   The final slot is used to connect
                     channels at different contexts in a network


              One performs a call on a virtual method of this object. The  actual  method  is  executed  by  the
              yoton.RepChannel  instance.  The method can be called with normal and keyword arguments, which can
              be (a combination of): None, bool, int, float, string, list, tuple, dict.


                 # Fast, but process is idling when waiting for the response.
                 reply = req.add(3,4).result(2.0) # Wait two seconds

                 # Asynchronous processing, but no waiting.
                 def reply_handler(future):
                     ... # Handle reply
                 future = req.add(3,4)

       class yoton.RepChannel(context, slot_base)
              Inherits from BaseChannel

              The reply part of the request/reply messaging pattern.  A RepChannel instance receives request and
              sends the corresponding replies. The requests are send from a yoton.ReqChannel instance.

              This class adopts req/rep in a remote procedure call (RPC) scheme.

              To  use a RepChannel, subclass this class and implement the methods that need to be available. The
              reply should be (a combination of) None, bool, int, float, string, list, tuple, dict.

              This channel needs to be set to event or thread mode to function (in the first case  yoton  events
              need to be processed too).  To stop handling events again, use set_mode(‘off’).


                     yoton.Context instance The context that this channel uses to send messages in a network.

                     string  The  base  slot name. The channel appends an extension to indicate message type and
                     messaging pattern to create the final slot  name.   The  final  slot  is  used  to  connect
                     channels at different contexts in a network


              echo(arg1, sleep=0.0)
                     Default procedure that can be used for testing. It returns a tuple (first_arg, context_id)

                     Set the replier to its operating mode, or turn it off.


                            • 0 or ‘off’: do not process requests

                            • 1 or ‘event’: use the yoton event loop to process requests

                            • 2 or ‘thread’: process requests in a separate thread

       class yoton.Future(req_channel, req, request_id)
              Inherits from object

              The Future object represents the future result of a request done at a yoton.ReqChannel.

              It enables:

                     • checking whether the request is done.

                     • getting the result or the exception raised during handling the request.

                     • canceling the request (if it is not yet running)

                     • registering callbacks to handle the result when it is available


                     Attaches  the  callable  fn  to  the future. fn will be called, with the future as its only
                     argument, when the future is cancelled or finishes running.

                     Added callables are called in the order that they were added.  If  the  callable  raises  a
                     Exception  subclass,  it will be logged and ignored. If the callable raises a BaseException
                     subclass, the behavior is undefined.

                     If the future has already completed or been cancelled, fn will be called immediately.

                     Attempt to cancel the call. If the call is currently being executed and cannot be cancelled
                     then the method will return False, otherwise the call will be cancelled and the method will
                     return True.

                     Return True if the call was successfully cancelled.

              done() Return True if the call was successfully cancelled or finished running.

                     Return the exception raised by the call. If the call hasn’t yet completed then this  method
                     will  wait  up  to timeout seconds. If the call hasn’t completed in timeout seconds, then a
                     TimeoutError will be raised. timeout can be an int or float. If timeout is not specified or
                     None, there is no limit to the wait time.

                     If the future is cancelled before completing then CancelledError will be raised.

                     If the call completed without raising, None is returned.

                     Return  the  value  returned by the call. If the call hasn’t yet completed then this method
                     will wait up to timeout seconds. If the call hasn’t completed in timeout  seconds,  then  a
                     TimeoutError will be raised. timeout can be an int or float. If timeout is not specified or
                     None, there is no limit to the wait time.

                     If the future is cancelled before completing then CancelledError will be raised.

                     If the call raised, this method will raise the same exception.

                     Return the value returned by the call. If the call hasn’t yet completed  then  this  method
                     will  wait up to timeout seconds. If the call hasn’t completed in timeout seconds, then the
                     call is cancelled and the method will return None.

                     Return True if the call is currently being executed and cannot be cancelled.

                     Set the timeout after which the call is automatically cancelled if it is not done  yet.  By
                     default, this value is 10 seconds.

                     If timeout is None, there is no limit to the wait time.

                     Sets  the  result  of  the work associated with the Future to the Exception exception. This
                     method should only be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.

                     Sets the result of the work associated with the Future to result.  This method should  only
                     be used by Executor implementations and unit tests.

                     This  method  should  only  be called by Executor implementations before executing the work
                     associated with the Future and by unit tests.

                     If the method returns False then the Future was cancelled, i.e.  Future.cancel() was called
                     and returned True.

                     If  the  method  returns  True  then  the  Future was not cancelled and has been put in the
                     running state, i.e. calls to Future.running() will return True.

                     This method can only be called once and  cannot  be  called  after  Future.set_result()  or
                     Future.set_exception() have been called.

       class yoton.StateChannel(context, slot_base, message_type=yoton.TEXT)
              Inherits from BaseChannel

              Channel  class for the state messaging pattern. A state is synchronized over all state channels of
              the same slot. Each channel can send (i.e. set) the state and recv (i.e. get) the  current  state.
              Note  however,  that  if two StateChannel instances set the state around the same time, due to the
              network delay, it is undefined which one sets the state the last.

              The context will automatically call this channel’s send_last() method when a  new  context  enters
              the network.

              The  recv()  call  is  always  non-blocking and always returns the last received message: i.e. the
              current state.

              There are no limitations for this channel if events are not processed, except  that  the  received
              signal is not emitted.


                     yoton.Context instance The context that this channel uses to send messages in a network.

                     string  The  base  slot name. The channel appends an extension to indicate message type and
                     messaging pattern to create the final slot  name.   The  final  slot  is  used  to  connect
                     channels at different contexts in a network

                     yoton.MessageType  instance (default is yoton.TEXT) Object to convert messages to bytes and
                     bytes to messages.  Users can create their own message_type class to let channels any  type
                     of message they want.


                     Get the state of the channel. Always non-blocking. Returns the most up to date state.

                     Set the state of this channel.

                     The  state-message  is  queued  and  send  over  the  socket by the IO-thread.  Zero-length
                     messages are ignored.

                     Resend the last message.

   Event system

       Yoton comes with a simple event system to enable event-driven applications.

       All channels are capable of running without the event system, but some channels have limitations. See the
       documentation of the channels for more information. Note that signals only work if events are processed.

       class yoton.Signal
              Inherits from object

              The purpose of a signal is to provide an interface to bind/unbind to events and to fire them.

              One  can  bind()  or unbind() a callable to the signal. When emitted, an event is created for each
              bound handler. Therefore, the event loop must run for signals to work.

              Some signals call the handlers using additional arguments to specify specific information.


              type   The type (__class__) of this event.


                     Add an eventhandler to this event.

                     The callback/handler (func) must be a callable. It is called with one argument:  the  event
                     instance, which can contain additional information about the event.

              emit(*args, **kwargs)
                     Emit the signal, calling all bound callbacks with
                     args and
                     kwargs.   An  event is queues for each callback registered to this signal.  Therefore it is
                     safe to call this method from another thread.

              emit_now(*args, **kwargs)
                     Emit the signal now. All handlers are called from the calling thread. Beware,  this  should
                     only be done from the same thread that runs the event loop.

                     Unsubscribe a handler, If func is None, remove all handlers.

       class yoton.Timer(interval=1.0, oneshot=True)
              Inherits from Signal

              Timer class. You can bind callbacks to the timer. The timer is fired when it runs out of time.


                     number The interval of the timer in seconds.

                     bool Whether the timer should do a single shot, or run continuously.


                     Set/get the timer’s interval in seconds.

                     Set/get whether this is a oneshot timer. If not is runs continuously.

                     Get whether the timer is running.


              start(interval=None, oneshot=None)
                     Start the timer. If interval or oneshot are not given, their current values are used.

              stop() Stop the timer from running.

       yoton.call_later(func, timeout=0.0, *args, **kwargs)
              Call the given function after the specified timeout.


              func   callable The function to call.

                     number  The  time  to  wait  in  seconds.  If zero, the event is put on the event queue. If
                     negative, the event will be put at the front of the event queue,  so  that  it’s  processed

              args   arguments The arguments to call func with.

              kwargs: keyword arguments.
                     The keyword arguments to call func with.

              Process  all  yoton events currently in the queue.  This function should be called periodically in
              order to keep the yoton event system running.

              block can be False (no blocking), True (block), or a float blocking for maximally ‘block’ seconds.

              Enter an event loop that keeps calling yoton.process_events().  The  event  loop  can  be  stopped
              using stop_event_loop().

              Stops the event loop if it is running.

              Embed  the  yoton  event  loop  in another event loop. The given callback is called whenever a new
              yoton event is created. The callback should create an event in the other event-loop, which  should
              lead to a call to the process_events() method. The given callback should be thread safe.

              Use None as an argument to disable the embedding.

   clientserver  Request-reply pattern using a client-server model

       Yoton  comes  with a small framework to setup a request-reply pattern using a client-server model (over a
       non-persistent connection), similar to telnet. This allows one process to  easily  ask  small  pieces  of
       information from another process.

       To   create  a  server,  create  a  class  that  inherits  from  yoton.RequestServer  and  implement  its
       handle_request() method.

       A    client    process    can     simply     use     the     yoton.do_request     function.      Example:
       yoton.do_request('', 'GET http/1.1\r\n')

       The  client  server  model  is  implemented  using  one  function  and  one  class:  yoton.do_request and


       The server implements a request/reply pattern by listening at a socket.  Similar to telnet, each  request
       is handled using a connection and the socket is closed after the response is send.

       The  request  server  can setup to run in the main thread, or can be started using its own thread. In the
       latter case, one can easily create multiple servers in a single process, that listen on different ports.

       The client  server  model  is  implemented  using  one  function  and  one  class:  yoton.do_request  and

       yoton.do_request(address, request, timeout=-1)
              Do  a  request at the server at the specified address. The server can be a yoton.RequestServer, or
              any other server listening on a socket and following a REQ/REP pattern, such as  html  or  telnet.
              For example: html = do_request('', 'GET http/1.1\r\n')


                     str Should be of the shape hostname:port.

                     string The request to make.

                     float  If  larger  than  0, will wait that many seconds for the respons, and return None if
                     timed out.

              Notes on hostname

              The hostname can be:

                     • The IP address, or the string hostname of this computer.

                     • ‘localhost’: the connections is only visible from this computer.   Also  some  low  level
                       networking  layers  are bypassed, which results in a faster connection. The other context
                       should also connect to ‘localhost’.

                     • ‘publichost’: the connection is visible by other computers on the same network.

       class yoton.RequestServer(address, async=False, verbose=0)
              Inherits from Thread

              Setup a simple server that handles requests similar to a telnet server, or asyncore. Starting  the
              server  using  run()  will run the server in the calling thread. Starting the server using start()
              will run the server in a separate thread.

              To create a server, subclass this class and re-implement the handle_request method. It  accepts  a
              request and should return a reply. This server assumes utf-8 encoded messages.


                     str Should be of the shape hostname:port.

              async  bool  If  True,  handles  each  incoming  connection  in  a separate thread.  This might be
                     advantageous if a the handle_request() method takes a long time to execute.

                     bool If True, print a message each time a connection is accepted.

              Notes on hostname

              The hostname can be:

                     • The IP address, or the string hostname of this computer.

                     • ‘localhost’: the connections is only visible from this computer.   Also  some  low  level
                       networking  layers  are bypassed, which results in a faster connection. The other context
                       should also connect to ‘localhost’.

                     • ‘publichost’: the connection is visible by other computers on the same network.

   Internals (if you want to know more)
       In yoton, the yoton.Context is the object that represents the a node in the network.   The  context  only
       handles  packages.  It  gets  packages  from  all its associated channels and from the other nodes in the
       network. It routes packages to the other nodes, and deposits packages in channel instances if the package
       slot matches the channel slot.

       The  yoton.Connection  represents  a one-to-one connection between two contexts. It handles the low level
       messaging. It breaks packages into pieces and tries to send them as  efficiently  as  possible.  It  also
       receives bytes from the other end, and reconstructs it into packages, which are then given to the context
       to handle (i.e. route).  For the yoton.TcpConnection this is all done by dedicated io threads.

       Packages are simply a bunch of bytes (the encoded message), wrapped in a header. Packages are directed at
       a  certain  slot. They also have a source id, source sequence number, and optionally a destination id and
       destination sequence number (so that packages can be replies  to  other  packages).  When  a  package  is
       received, it also gets assigned a receiving sequence number (in order to synchronize channels).

   Levels of communication
       Two  yoton.Connection  instances  also  communicate  directly  with  each-other.  They do this during the
       handshaking procedure, obviously, but also during operation they send each-other heart beat  messages  to
       detect  time-outs.  When  the  connection  is closed in a nice way, thet also send a close message to the
       other end. A package addressed directly at the Connection has no body (consists only of a header).

       Two contexts can also communicate. They do this to notify each-other of new formed  connections,  closing
       of contexts, etc.  A package directed at a context uses a special slot.

       Channel  instances can also communicate. Well, that’s what yoton is all about… A sending channels packs a
       message in a package and gives it to the contect. All other contexts will receive the package and deposit
       it  in  the  channel’s  queue if the slots match.  On recv’ing, the message is extracted/decoded from the

   Persistent connection
       Two yoton.TcpConnection instances are connected using a single BSD-socket (TCP/IP). The  socket  operates
       in  persistent  mode; once the connection is established, the socket remains open until the connection is
       closed indefinetely.

       Would we adopt a req/rep approach (setting up the connection for each request), failure could mean either
       that  the  kernel  is  running  extension  code,  or  that the connection is broken. It’s not possible to
       differentiate between the two.

       On initialization of the connection, TcpConnection’s perform a small handshake procedue to establish that
       both are a yoton.TcpConnection objects, and to exchange the context id’s.

       There  is  one  thread dedicated to receive data from the socket, and subsequently have the context route
       the packages. Another dedicated thread gets data from a queue (of the Connection) and sends the  packages
       over  the  sockets.   The  sockets and queues are blocking, but on a timeout (the receiving thread uses a
       select() call for this). This makes it easy to periodically send heartbeat  packages  if  necessary,  and
       their absence can be detected.

       In  a  previous  design,  there  was  a  single io thread per context that did all the work. It would run
       through a generator function owned by the connections to send/receive data. This  required  all  queueing
       and  io  to  be  non-blocking. After changing the design the code got much smaller, cleaner and easier to
       read, and is probably more robust. We could also get rid of several classes to buffer data, because  with
       blocking threads the data can sinply be buffered at the queues and sockets.

   Message framing
       To  differentiate  between messages, there are two common approaches.  One can add a small header to each
       message that indicates how long the message  is.  Or  one  can  delimit  the  messages  with  a  specific

       In  earlier  designs,  yoton  used  the second approach and was limited to sending text which was encoded
       using utf-8. This meant the bytes 0xff and 0xfe could be used for delimiting.

       The first approach is more complex and requires more per-message processing. However, because the message
       size  is  know,  messages can be received with much less copying of data. This significantly improved the
       performance for larger messages (with the delimiting approach we would get memory errors when Yoton tried
       to encode/decode the message to/from utf-8).

       The current design is such that as little data has to be copied (particularly for larger messages).

   Heart beat signals
       If  there  is  no  data  to  send for a while, small heart beat messages are produced, so that connection
       problems can be easily detected.  For TCP one needs to send data in order to  detect  connection  problem
       (because no ACK’s will be received). However, the TCP timeout is in the order of minutes and is different
       between OS’s. Therefore we check when the last time was that data was received,  enabling  us  to  detect
       connection problems in the order of a few seconds.

       Note  that  when  two Context’s are connected using ‘localhost’, there is no way for the connection to be
       lost, as several network layers are bypassed. In such a situation, we can  therefore  be  sure  that  the
       reason  for  the  timeout  lies  not  in the connection, but is caused for example by the process running
       extension code.

   When the process runs extension code
       With respect to client-kernel comminication: the kernel will not be able to send any data (neither  heart
       beat  signals)  if  its  running extension code. In such a case, the client can still send messages; this
       data is transported by TCP and ends up in the network buffer until the kernel returns from extension code
       and starts receiving messages again.

       For  this  reason,  in  a  client-kernel  configuration, the kernel should always be connected to another
       process via ‘localhost’, and should use a proxi/broker to connect with clients on another box.

       In that case, the client can detect that the kernel is running extension code because the kernel  stopped
       sending data (incl heartbeat messages).

   Congestion prevention
       In  any communication system, there is a risk of congestion: one end sends data faster than the other end
       can process it. This data can be buffered, but as the buffer fills, it consumes more memory.

       Yoton uses two approaches to solve this problem. The first (and most common) solution is that all  queues
       have  a  maximum size. When this size is reached and a new messages is added, messages will be discarted.
       The user can choose whether the oldest or the newest message should be discarted.

       The second approach is only possible for  the  PUB/SUB  channels.  If  the  yoton.SubChannel  is  put  in
       sync-mode (using the set_sync_mode method), the yoton.SubChannel will send a message to the corresponding
       PubChannels if its queue reaches a certain size. This size is relatively small  (e.g.  10-100).   When  a
       yoton.PubChannel  receives the message, its send method will block (for at most 1 second). The SubChannel
       sends a second message when the queue is below a certain level again. Note that  it  takes  a  while  for
       these  control messages to be received by the PubChannel. Therefore the actual queue size can easily grow
       larger than the threshold.  In this situation, the first approach (discarting messages is still used as a
       failsave,  but  messages  are very unlikely to be discarted since the threshold is much much smaller than
       the maximum queue size.

       An important aspect for the second approach is that the queue that buffers packages before they are  send
       over  the  socket  remains small.  If this is not the case, the PubChannel is able to spam the queue with
       gigantic amounts of messages before the SubChannel even receives the first message. To  keep  this  queue
       small,  much  like the queue of the SubChannel, it has a certain threshold. If this threshold is reached,
       subsequent pushes on the queue will block for maximally 1 second.  The threshold is in the same order  of
       magnitude as the queue for the SubChannel.


   Experiments with sockets
       I performed a series on tests on bot Windows and Linux. Testing sockets on localhost and publichost (what
       you get with gethostname()), for killing one of the processes, and removing  the  connection  (unplugging
       the cable).

       I wanted to answer the following questions:

              • When and how can we detect that the other process dropped (killed or terminated)?

              • When and how can we detect connection problems?

              • Can  we still send data if the other end stops receiving data? And if not, can we still detect a
                connection drop?

   On Windows, same box
          • If hosting on network level, and killing  the  network  device,  the  disconnection  is  immediately
            detected (socket.error is raised when calling send() or recv()).

          • Killing either process will immediately result in an error being raised.

          • This is true for hosting local or public.

          • -> Therefore, when hosting on localhost (the connection cannot be lost) we do not need a heartbeat.

   On Linux, same box
          • I  cannot  kill the connection, only the process. When I do, the other side will be able to receive,
            but receives EOF (empty bytes), which looks like a nice exit. Note that this behavior  is  different
            than on Windows.

          • When the other side does not receive, I can still send huge amounts of data.

          • This applies when hosting as localhost or as gethostname.

   On Linux & Windows, different boxes
          • When  I  kill the connection (remove network cable), it takes a while for either end to see that the
            connection is dead. I can even put the cable back in and go on communicating. This is a  feature  of
            TCP to be robust against network problems. See

          • When I keep the connection, but kill the process on either end, this is detected immediately (in the
            same way as described above, depending on the OS); there’s still low-level communication between the
            two boxes, and the port is detected to be unavailable.

          • On  Linux I can keep sending huge amounts of data even if the other end does not receive. On Windows
            I can’t. In both cases they can detect the other process dropping.

          • On local machine (broker-kernel), we use localhost so that we will not have network problems. We can
            detect if a process drops, which is essential.

          • Between  boxes,  we  use  a heartbeat signal to be able to determine whether the connection is still
            there. If we set that timeout low enough (<30 sec or so) we can even distinguish a  network  problem
            from  a  process  crash. This should not be necessary, however, because we can assume (I guess) that
            the broker and client close nicely.

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       2017, Pyzo contributors