Provided by: rasterlite2-bin_1.0.0~rc0+devel1-6_amd64 

rl2tool - CLI tool for RasterLite2
rl2tool mode [ARGLIST]
rl2tool is a CLI tool for RasterLite2.
Mode: CREATE will create a new RasterLite2 Raster Coverage -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -smp keyword, --sample-type keyword Sample Type keyword (see list) -pxl keyword, --pixel-type keyword Pixel Type keyword (see list) -bds integer, --num-bands integer Number of Bands -cpr keyword, --compression keyword Compression keyword (see list) -qty integer, --quality integer Compression Quality [0-100] -tlw integer, --tile-width integer Tile Width [pixels] -tlh integer, --tile-height integer Tile Height [pixels] -srid integer, --srid integer SRID value -nosrid, --no-srid No SRID -res number, --resolution number pixel resolution(X and Y) -xres number, --x-resol number pixel resolution(X specific) -yres number, --y-resol number pixel resolution(Y specific) -nd pixel, --no-data pixel NO-DATA pixel value SampleType Keywords: 1-BIT 2-BIT 4-BIT INT8 UINT8 INT16 UINT16 INT32 UINT32 FLOAT DOUBLE PixelType Keywords: MONOCHROME PALETTE GRAYSCALE RGB MULTIBAND DATAGRID Compression Keywords: NONE DEFLATE LZMA GIF PNG JPEG WEBP LL_WEBP FAX3 FAX4 Mode: DROP will drop an existing RasterLite2 Raster Coverage -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name Mode: IMPORT will create a new Raster Section by importing an external image or raster file -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -src pathname, --src-path pathname input Image/Raster path -dir pathname, --dir-path pathname input directory path -ext string, --file-ext string extension file extension (e.g. .tif) -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -srid integer, --srid integer optional: force SRID value -wf>, --worldfile requires a Worldfile -pyr, --pyramidize immediately build Pyramid levels Mode: EXPORT will export an external image from a Coverage -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -dst pathname, --dst-path pathname output Image/Raster path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -res number, --resolution number pixel resolution (X and Y) -xres number, --x-resol number pixel resolution (X specific) -yres number, --y-resol number pixel resolution (Y specific) -minx number, --min-x number X coordinate (lower-left corner) -miny number, --min-y number Y coordinate (lower-left corner) -maxx number, --max-x number X coordinate (upper-right corner) -maxy number, --max-y number Y coordinate (upper-left corner) -cx number, --center-x number X coordinate (center) -cy number, --center-y number Y coordinate (center) -outw number, --out-width number image width (in pixels) -outh number, --out-height number image height (in pixels) In order to export a raster you are expected to specify: - the intended resolution (-res OR -xres AND -yres) - the output image size (-outw AND -outh) - a single tie-point, defined as one of: - Output Image Center point: -cx AND -cy - Output Image LowerLeft corner: -minx AND -miny - Output Image LowerRight corner: -maxx AND -miny - Output Image UpperLeft corner: -minx AND -maxy - Output Image UpperRight corner: -maxx AND -maxy Mode: DELETE will delete a Raster Section -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -sec string, --section string Section's name Mode: PYRAMIDIZE will (re)build all Pyramid levels supporting a Coverage -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -sec string, --section string optional: Section's name default is "All Sections" -f, --force optional: rebuilds from scratch Mode: PYRAMIDIZE-MONOLITHIC will (re)build all Pyramid levels (Monolithic) supporting a Coverage -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -lev number, --virt-levels number number of virt-levels could be one of: 1, 2 or 3 Mode: DE-PYRAMIDIZE will delete Pyramid levels -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -sec string, --section string optional: Section's name default is "All Sections" Mode: LIST will list Raster Sections within a Coverage -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -sec string, --section string optional: Section's name default is "All Sections" Mode: MAP will output a PNG Map representing all Raster Sections within a Coverage -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -dst pathname, --dst-path pathname output Image/Raster path -outw number, --out-width number image width (in pixels) -outh number, --out-height number image height (in pixels) Mode: CATALOG will list all Coverages from within a RasterLite2 DB -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path Mode: HISTOGRAM will create a PNG showing a band Histogram -db pathname, --db-path pathname RasterLite2 DB path -cov string, --coverage string Coverage's name -sec string, --section string optional: Section's name default is "All Sections" -bnd integer, --band-index integer a valid band index default is band index 0 -dst pathname, --dst-path pathname output PNG path default is ./hist_cov_sec_idx.png optional DB specific settings: -cs num, --cache-size num DB cache size (how many pages) -m, --in-memory using IN-MEMORY database -jo, --journal-off unsafe [but faster] mode 18 October 2017 rl2tool(1)