bionic (1) variantCaller.1.gz

Provided by: pbgenomicconsensus_2.1.0-1_all bug


       variantCaller - variant-calling algorithms for PacBio sequencing data


       variantCaller is invoked from the command line.  For example, a simple invocation is:

              variantCaller -j8 --algorithm=quiver \
                                -r lambdaNEB.fa        \
                                -o variants.gff        \

       which  requests  that  variant  calling  proceed,  -  using  8  worker  processes, - employing the quiver
       algorithm, - taking input from the file aligned_reads.cmp.h5, - using the FASTA file lambdaNEB.fa as  the
       reference, - and writing output to variants.gff (see pbgff(5)).

       A  particularly  useful option is --referenceWindow/-w: this option allows the user to direct the tool to
       perform variant calling exclusively on a window of the reference genome, where the


              variantCaller --help

       will provide a help message explaining all available options.


   Input and output
       variantCaller requires two input files:

       • A file of reference-aligned reads in PacBio's standard cmp.h5 format;

       • A FASTA file that has been processed by ReferenceUploader.

       The tool's output is formatted in the GFF format, as described in (how to link to other file?).  External
       tools  can  be used to convert the GFF file to a VCF or BED file---two other standard interchange formats
       for variant calling.


              Input cmp.h5 file requirements

              variantCaller requires its input cmp.h5 file to be be sorted.  An unsorted  file  can  be  sorting
              using the tool

              The  quiver(1)  algorithm  in  variantCaller  requires its input cmp.h5 file to have the following
              pulse features: - InsQV, - SubsQV, - DelQV, - DelTag, - MergeQV.

              The plurality(1) algorithm can be run on cmp.h5 files that lack these features.

       The input file is the main argument to variantCaller, while the output file is provided as an argument to
       the -o flag.  For example,

              variantCaller aligned_reads.cmp.h5 -r lambda.fa  -o variants.gff

       will  read  input  from  aligned_reads.cmp.h5, using the reference lambda.fa, and send output to the file
       variants.gff.  The extension of the filename provided to the -o flag is meaningful, as it determines  the
       output file format.  The file formats presently supported, by extension, are

       .gff   GFFv3 format

       .txt   a simplified human readable format used primarily by the developers

       If  the  -o  flag  is  not  provided,  the default behavior is to output to a variants.gff in the current


              variantCaller does not modify its input cmp.h5 file in any way.  This is in contrast  to  previous
              variant callers in use at PacBio, which would write a consensus dataset to the input cmp.h5 file.

   Available algorithms
       At this time there are two algorithms available for variant calling: plurality and quiver.

       Plurality  is  a  simple and very fast procedure that merely tallies the most frequent read base or bases
       found in alignment with each reference base, and reports  deviations  from  the  reference  as  potential

       Quiver  is  a  more complex procedure based on algorithms originally developed for CCS.  Quiver leverages
       the quality values (QVs) provided by upstream  processing  tools,  which  provide  insight  into  whether
       insertions/deletions/substitutions  were  deemed likely at a given read position.  Use of quiver requires
       the ConsensusCore and ConsensusCore2 libraries as well as trained parameter set,  which  will  be  loaded
       from  a  standard  location  (TBD).   Arrow  and Quiver can be thought of as local-realignment procedures
       (QV-aware in the case of Quiver).

       Both algorithms are expected to converge to zero  errors  (miscalled  variants)  as  coverage  increases;
       however  quiver  should  converge  much  faster  (i.e., fewer errors at low coverage), and should provide
       greater variant detection power at a given error level.

   Confidence values
       Both quiver and plurality make a  confidence  metric  available  for  every  position  of  the  consensus
       sequence.   The  confidence  should  be interpreted as a phred-transformed posterior probability that the
       consensus call is incorrect; i.e.

              QV = −10log~10~(p~err~)

       variantCaller clips reported QV values at 93---larger values cannot be encoded in a standard FASTQ file.

   Chemistry specificity
       The Quiver algorithm parameters are trained per-chemistry.  SMRTanalysis software loads metadata into the
       cmp.h5  to  indicate  the chemistry used per movie.  Quiver sees this table and automatically chooses the
       appropriate parameter set to use.  This selection can be overridden by a command line flag.

       When multiple chemistries are represented in  the  reads  in  a  cmp.h5,  Quiver  will  model  each  read
       appropriately using the parameter set for its chemistry, thus yielding optimal results.

   Performance Requirements
       variantCaller  performs  variant  calling  in  parallel  using  multiple  processes.   Work splitting and
       inter-process communication are handled using the Python multiprocessing module.  Work can be split among
       an  arbitrary  number  of processes (using the -j command-line flag), but for best performance one should
       use no more worker processes than there are CPUs in the host computer.

       The running time of the plurality algorithm should not exceed the  runtime  of  the  BLASR  process  that
       produced the cmp.h5.  The running time of the quiver algorithm should not exceed 4x the runtime of BLASR.

       The  amount  of  core  memory  (RAM)  used among all the python processes launched by a variantCaller run
       should not exceed the size of the uncompressed input .cmp.h5 file.


   Basic running instructions
       Basic usage---using 8 CPUs to compute consensus of mapped reads and variants relative to a reference---is
       as follows:

              % quiver -j8 aligned_reads{.cmp.h5, .bam, .fofn, or .xml} \
              >     -r reference{.fasta or .xml} -o variants.gff        \
              >     -o consensus.fasta -o consensus.fastq

       quiver  is  a  shortcut  for variantCaller --algorithm=quiver.  Naturally, to use arrow you could use the
       arrow shortcut or variantCaller --algorithm=arrow.

       in this  example  we  perform  haploid  consensus  and  variant  calling  on  the  mapped  reads  in  the
       aligned_reads.bam which was aligned to reference.fasta.  The reference.fasta is only used for designating
       variant calls, not for computing the consensus.  The consensus quality score for every  position  can  be
       found in the output FASTQ file.

       Note  that  2.3  SMRTanalysis  does  not support "dataset" input (FOFN or XML files); those who need this
       feature should wait for the forthcoming release of SMRTanalysis 3.0 or build from GitHub sources.

   Running a large-scale resequencing/polishing job in SMRTanalysis

       We do not recommend attempting to construct a single giant cmp.h5 file and then processing it on a single
       node.   This  is  inefficient  and  users  attempting  to  do  this  have run into many problems with the
       instability of the HDF5 library (which PacBio is moving away from, in favor of BAM.)

       To run a large-scale resequencing job (>50 megabase genome @ 50x coverage,nominally), you want to  spread
       the computation load across multiple nodes in your computing cluster.

       The smrtpipe workflow engine in SMRTanalysis 2.3 provides a convenient workflow automating this---it will
       automatically spread the load for both mapping and quiver jobs among your available cluster nodes.   This
       is  accessible  via  the  SMRTportal UI; the simplest way to set up and run thse workflows is via tha UI.
       Nonetheless, we include command-line instructions for completeness.

       If you have to run the smrtpipe workflow manually from the command line, a recipe is as folows:

       1. Make sure the reference you will align and compare against  is  present  in  a  SMRTportal  "reference
          repository".   Even  if  you  don't  want  to  use  SMRTportal, you need to build/import the reference
          appropriately, and the simplest way to do that is via SMRTportal.  If  you  don't  have  a  SMRTportal
          instance, you can use the referenceUploader command to prepare your reference repository.

       2. Prepare an "input.fofn" file listing, one-per-line, each "bax.h5" file in your input data set.

       3. Convert the "input.fofn" to an "input.xml" file that SMRTpipe can understand:

           $ input.fofn > input.xml

       4. Prepare  your  "params.xml"  file.  Here is a params.xml template (./params-template.xml) you can use;
          you should just need to edit the reference path.

       5. Activate your SMRTanalysis environment, and invoke smrtpipe:

           $ source <SMRT Analysis>/etc/ $ --distribute --params=params.xml xml:input.xml

       6. After successful execution is complete, the results should be available as  data/[aq].gz
          and data/variants.gff.gz, etc.

       Please  consult  the SMRTpipe reference manual (
       Reference-Guide.pdf) for further information.

       Note that resequencing (mapping  reads  against  a  reference  genome  and  then  calling  consensus  and
       identifying variants) and polishing (mapping reads against a draft assembly and then taking the consensus
       output as the final,  polished,  assembly)  are  the  same  algorithmic  operation,  the  only  effective
       difference  is  that  the "variants.gff" output is not biologically meaningful in the polishing case---it
       just records the edits that were made to the draft to produce the polished assembly.

   Running a large-scale quiver/arrow job in SMRTanalysis 3.0+


       quiver(1) arrow(1) plurality(1) pbgff(5) blasr(1)
