Provided by: libmotif-dev_2.3.8-2build1_amd64 

XmStringTableUnparse — A convenience function that converts a table of compound strings to an array of text "XmStringTableUnparse"
#include <Xm/Xm.h> XtPointer * XmStringTableUnparse( XmStringTable table, Cardinal count, XmStringTag tag, XmTextType tag_type, XmTextType output_type, XmParseTable parse, Cardinal parse_count, XmParseModel parse_model);
XmStringTableUnparse takes an array of compound strings, allocates a string array for the type of characters determined by type with an equal number of slots, calls XmStringUnparse on each compound string in table, and inserts the resulting string in the corresponding slot in the array. table Specifies an XmStringTable containing the compound string to be converted. count Specifies the number of compound strings in table. tag Specifies the tag to be used in matching with text segments. The two types of tag types are XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG and _MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE. Only segments tagged with tag will be returned. If tag is NULL, all segments will be matched. tag_type Specifies the type of tag to be searched for. These types include XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, XmWIDECHAR_TEXT, and XmCHARSET_TEXT. output_type Specifies the type of text to be generated. These types include XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, XmWIDECHAR_TEXT, and XmCHARSET_TEXT. parse Specifies the parse table to be used. parse_count Specifies the number of items in parse. parse_model Specifies which non-text components to be considered in matching in parse_table. Possible values are: XmOUTPUT_ALL Puts out all matching components. XmOUTPUT_BETWEEN Puts out only those matching components that are between two matching text components. XmOUTPUT_BEGINNING Puts out only those matching components that are at the beginning of a matching text component. XmOUTPUT_END Puts out only those matching components that are at the end of a matching text component. XmOUTPUT_BOTH Puts out only those matching components that are at the beginning or end of a matching text component.
Returns an allocated array of allocated strings. The application is responsible for managing the allocated space. The application can recover the allocated strings space by calling XtFree count times (that is, one time for each allocated string). The application can then recover the allocated array by calling XtFree on the allocated array itself.
XmStringTab. XmStringTableUnparse(3)