Provided by: ipmiutil_3.0.7-1build1_amd64 

iseltime - synchronize BMC SEL time with OS system time
seltime [-sx -NUPRETVF]
seltime is a program that uses IPMI commands to set the BMC SEL time from the OS system time. The OS system time should be in sync with the BIOS Real-Time-Clock. The OS system time may also be kept from drifting via an NTP server. Normally the BIOS will set the BMC time from the RTC during boot, but running this command may be necessary periodically if the system does not reboot for many weeks, for instance. Note that this command should not be run too frequently to avoid BMC timing issues. Once per day should be sufficient. Run with no options, this command reads the BMC SEL time without setting anything. This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 openipmi driver, the /dev/imb Intel driver, the /dev/ipmikcs valinux driver, a driverless interface, or IPMI LAN.
-s Sets the SEL time (no more than once a day). -x Causes eXtra debug messages to be displayed. -N nodename Nodename of the remote target system. If a nodename is specified, IPMI LAN interface is used. Otherwise the local system management interface is used. -P/-R password Remote password for the nodename given. The default is a null password. -U username Remote username for the nodename given. The default is a null username. -E Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD. -F drv_t Force the driver type to one of the followng: imb, va, open, gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i, kcs, smb. Note that lan2i means lan2 with intelplus. The default is to detect any available driver type and use it. -J Use the specified LanPlus cipher suite (0 thru 14): 0=none/none/none, 1=sha1/none/none, 2=sha1/sha1/none, 3=sha1/sha1/cbc128, 4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128, 5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40, 6=md5/none/none, ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40. -T Use a specified IPMI LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2, 2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM. -V Use a specified IPMI LAN privilege level. 1=Callback level, 2=User level, 3=Operator level, 4=Administrator level (default), 5=OEM level. -Y Yes, do prompt the user for the IPMI LAN remote password. Alternatives for the password are -E or -P.
ipmiutil(8) isel(8) ievents(8) icmd(8)
See for the latest version of ipmiutil and any bug fix list.
Copyright (C) 2013 Kontron America, Inc. See the file COPYING in the distribution for more details regarding redistribution. This utility is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Andy Cress <arcress at> Version 1.0: 01 Apr 2013 ISELTIME(8)