bionic (8) ipmiutil.8.gz

Provided by: ipmiutil_3.0.7-1build1_amd64 bug


       ipmiutil - a meta-command to invoke various IPMI functions.


       ipmiutil <command> [-x -NUPREFJTVY] [other command options]


       This  utility  performs various IPMI functions.   Each of the individual commands in the ipmiutil project
       can be invoked via this meta-command.  The <command> is one of the following:
          alarms   show/set the front panel alarm LEDs and relays
          leds     show/set the front panel alarm LEDs and relays
          cmd      send a specified raw IPMI command to the BMC
          config   list/save/restore BMC configuration parameters
          dcmi     get/set DCMI parameters
          discover    discover all IPMI servers on this LAN
          ekanalyzer  run FRU-EKeying analyzer on FRU files (deprecated, see fru)
          events   decode IPMI events and display them
          firewall show/set firmware firewall functions
          fru      show decoded FRU inventory data, write asset tag
          fwum     OEM firmware update manager extensions
          getevt   get IPMI events and display them, event daemon
          getevent get IPMI events and display them, event daemon
          health   check and show the basic health of the IPMI BMC
          hpm      HPM firmware update manager extensions
          lan      show/set IPMI LAN parameters and PEF table
          picmg    show/set picmg extended functions
          reset    cause the BMC to reset or power down the system
          sel      show/clear firmware System Event Log records
          sensor   show Sensor Data Records, readings, thresholds
          serial   show/set IPMI Serial & Terminal Mode parameters
          sol      start/stop an SOL console session
          smcoem   SuperMicro OEM functions
          sunoem   Sun OEM functions
          delloem  Dell OEM functions
          tsol     Tyan SOL console start/stop session
          wdt      show/set/reset the watchdog timer
       For help on each command (e.g. 'sel'), enter:
          ipmiutil sel -?
       For man pages on each command, its man page is named "i<command>", or refer to SEE ALSO below.

       This utility can use either the /dev/ipmi0 driver from OpenIPMI, the  /dev/imb  driver  from  Intel,  the
       /dev/ipmikcs driver from valinux, direct user-space IOs, or the IPMI LAN interface if -N is used.


       Command options are described in the man page for each command.  Below are a few of the common options.

       -x     Causes extra debug messages to be displayed.

       -N nodename
              Nodename  or  IP  address  of  the  remote  target  system.   If a nodename is specified, IPMI LAN
              interface is used.  Otherwise the local system management interface is used.

       -U rmt_user
              Remote username for the nodename given.  The default is a null username.

       -P/-R rmt_pswd
              Remote password for the nodename given.  The default is a null password.

       -E     Use the remote password from Environment variable IPMI_PASSWORD.

       -F drv_t
              Force the driver type to one of the followng: imb, va, open, gnu, landesk, lan, lan2, lan2i,  kcs,
              smb.   Note  that  lan2i means lan2 with intelplus.  The default is to detect any available driver
              type and use it.

       -J     Use  the  specified  LanPlus  cipher  suite  (0  thru  17):  0=none/none/none,   1=sha1/none/none,
              2=sha1/sha1/none,  3=sha1/sha1/cbc128, 4=sha1/sha1/xrc4_128, 5=sha1/sha1/xrc4_40, 6=md5/none/none,
              ... 14=md5/md5/xrc4_40.  Default is 3.

       -T     Use a specified IPMI LAN Authentication Type: 0=None, 1=MD2, 2=MD5, 4=Straight Password, 5=OEM.

       -V     Use a specified IPMI LAN privilege  level.  1=Callback  level,  2=User  level,  3=Operator  level,
              4=Administrator level (default), 5=OEM level.

       -Y     Yes, do prompt the user for the IPMI LAN remote password.  Alternatives for the password are -E or


       ipmiutil sel
       Shows the IPMI System Event Log entries.

       ipmiutil wdt
       Shows the watchdog timer values.


       ialarms(8)  iconfig(8)  icmd(8)  idiscover(8)  ievents(8)  ifirewall(8)   ifru(8)   ifruset(8)   ifwum(8)
       igetevent(8)  ihealth(8)  ihpm(8)  ilan(8)  ipicmg(8)  ireset(8)  isel(8)  isensor(8)  iserial(8) isol(8)
       isunoem(8) iwdt(8) ipmiutil(8) ipmi_port(8)


       See for the latest version of ipmiutil and any bug fix list.

       Copyright (C) 2009  Kontron America, Inc.

       See the file COPYING in the distribution for more details regarding redistribution.

       This utility is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.


       Andy Cress <arcress at>

                                            Version 1.1: 10 May 2012                                 IPMIUTIL(8)