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query_module - 向内核查询和模块有关的各个位. /* 查询有关的位?? */
#include <linux/module.h> int query_module(const char *name, int which,void *buf, size_t bufsize, size _t *ret);
query_module请求和可加载模块有关的来自内核的信息.信息的细致的特性和格式依赖于 which参数,一些函数要 求name参数来命名当前被加载的模块.一些允许参数name为null, 指明内核是正确的.: which的值 0 Always returns success. Used to probe for the system call. 0 总是返回成功,用来探测系统调用. /* 参见 insmod -p 和前 面文章 */ QM_MODULES Returns the names of all loaded modules. The output buffer format is adjacent null-terminated strings; ret is set to the number of mod ules. 返回所有已加载的模块的名字.输出缓冲区的格式是邻近的以null终止的字符串;ret 被 设置为模块的数目. QM_DEPS Returns the names of all modules used by the indicated module. The output buffer format is adjacent null-terminated strings; ret is set t o the number of modules. 返回所有被name参数指定的模 块使用的模块的名字.输出 缓 冲区格式是邻近的以null终止的字符串;ret被设置为模块的数目. QM_REFS Returns the names of all modules using the indicated module. This is the inverse of QM_DEPS. The output buffer format is adjacent null-te rminated strings; ret is set to the number of modules. 返回所有正使用被name参数指定的模块的模块名字.这和QM_DEPS是相反的.输出缓冲 区 格式是以邻近的null终止的 字符串;ret被设置为模块的数目. QM_SYMBOLS Returns the symbols and values exported by the kernel or t he indicated module. The buffer format is an array of: struct module_symbol { unsigned long value; unsigned long name; }; followed by null-terminated strings. The value of name is the character offset of the string relative to the start of buf; ret is set to t he number of symbols. 返回被内核或指定模块导出(开放)的符号和值对.缓冲区格式是一个以null终止的 结构数组,name的值是相对缓冲区 的开始的字符串的字符偏移;ret被设置为符号的数目. struct module_symbol { unsigned long value; unsigned long value; } QM_INFO Returns miscelaneous information about the indicated module. The output buffer format is: struct module_info { unsigned long address; unsigned long size; unsigned long flags; }; where address is the kernel address at which the module reside s, size is the size of the module in bytes, and flags is a mask of MOD_RUNNI NG, MOD_AUTOCLEAN, et al that indicates the current status of the module. re t is set to the size of the module_info struct. 返回各种和指定模块相关的各种信息,输出缓冲区的格式如下: struct module_info { unsigned long address; unsigned long size; unsigned long flags; } address是模块在内核空间中驻留的地址,size是模块以字节计数的大小,flags是MOD_R UNING,MOD_AUTOCLEAN等指示模 块当前状态的标志的按位或组成的掩玛.ret被设置为mod ule_info结构的大小.
ENOENT 被name指定的模块不存在. EINVAL ENOSPC 提供的缓冲区太小,ret被设置为需要的最小大小. EFAULT name,buf或ret中至少一个越出了程序可访问的地址空间. "雷勇" <>
本页面中文版由中文 man 手册页计划提供。 中文 man 手册页计划: query_module(2)