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Provided by: python3-azure-cosmosdb-table_1.0.5+git20191025-5_all bug


       azurecosmosdbsdkforpython - Azure CosmosDB SDK for Python 1.0.6


       Please      refer      to      the     Github     page     for     the     installation     instructions:

       If  you  are  looking  for  Azure  Service  Bus  or  the  Azure  management   libraries,   please   visit


Table Getting Started Doc -- (API)

       • Reference Documentation - All Services


       • Table

         • Create/Read/Update/Delete Tables

         • Create/Read/Update/Delete Entities

         • Batch operations

         • Advanced Table Operations


       The  supported  Python  versions  are  2.7.x,  3.3.x, 3.4.x, and 3.5.x.  To download Python, please visit

       We  recommend  Python  Tools  for  Visual  Studio  as  a  development  environment  for  developing  your
       applications. Please visit for more information.


       Be  sure to check out the Microsoft Azure Developer Forums on Stack Overflow if you have trouble with the
       provided code.


   Contribute Code or Provide Feedback:
       If you would like to become an active  contributor  to  this  project,  please  follow  the  instructions
       provided in Microsoft Azure Projects Contribution Guidelines.

       If you encounter any bugs with the library, please file an issue in the Issues section of the project.

       Microsoft Azure Python Developer Center

       • genindex

       • modindex

       • search


       This  guide  is intended to help upgrade code written for the Azure Storage Python library before version

       The best way to see how to upgrade a specific API is to take a look at the usage samples in  the  Samples
       directory  on  GitHub.  A very specific set of changes as well as additions can be found in the ChangeLog
       and BreakingChanges documents. The below is a summary of those documents  containing  the  most  relevant
       pieces for the upgrade scenario.


       In general, we attempted to use more appropriate Python types for parameter and return values rather than
       always taking and receiving strings. Parameter and return  values  previously  prefixed  with  x_ms  were
       simplified  by  removing  this  prefix,  and  parameter  values  are  divided  by '_' between words as is

       Listing returns  a  generator  rather  than  a  result  segment.  This  generator  automatically  follows
       continuation tokens as more results are requested.

       SAS  methods  take  several  individual  parameters  rather than a single paramter object. Similarly, ACL
       getters and setters take dictionaries mapping id to AccessPolicy rather than a list of  SignedIdentifiers
       each holding an id and an AccessPolicy.


       The  single  BlobService  object  was  divided  into  three  subservices  for  the  different  blob types
       (BlockBlobService,  PageBlobService,   AppendBlobService)   with   common   methods   in   the   abstract
       BaseBlobService  these  inherit  from.  This  was  done  for two reasons. First, to reduce confusion when
       blob-type specific methods were used on the incorrect blob type.  Second,  to  simplify  the  BlobService
       object which had grown to be quite extensive when append blob was added.

       ContentSettings  objects  have  replaced all content_* and cache_control parameters and return values for
       applicable APIs. This is intended to highlight that  the  semantics  of  setting  content  properties  is
       replace rather than merge, meaning that setting any one property will cause any unspecified properties to
       be cleared on the blob.

       On the performance side, single-threaded blob download APIs will now download the blob  without  chunking
       to  improve  perf  and  not  do  an  initial  get  to find the size of the blob. However, as a result the
       progress_callback may receive None for its total parameter when parallelism is  off  to  allow  for  this


       The  largest  change to the QueueService class is that queue messages are both XML encoded and decoded by
       default. In past versions, either messages were not encoded or  decoded  by  default,  or  only  encoded.
       Encoding  and decoding methods can be modified using the QueueService encode_function and decode_function
       instance variables.

       Methods operating on queue messages and which  have  return  values  will  return  QueueMessage  objects.
       QueueMessages  objects  contain  essentially the same fields as previously, but the times are returned as
       dates rather than strings and the dequeue count is returned as an int.


       Rather than having a boolean switch for turning batching on and off, batches are an object which  can  be
       populated  and  then  committed.  Entities can be sent as dictionaries or as Entity objects, and returned
       entities are accessible as either objects or dictionaries. Methods which access and modify  entites  have
       been  simplified  so  that  if they take an entity object they extract the partition key and row key from
       that object rather than requiring these be sent separately.

       All table entity integer values are stored on  the  service  with  type  Edm.Int64  unless  the  type  is
       explicitly  overridden  as Edm.Int32. Formerly, the type was decided based on the size of the number, but
       this resulted in hard to predict types on the service. So, the more consistent option was chosen.

       Operations no longer echo content from the service  and  JSON  is  used  instead  of  AtomPub,  improving


   azure.cosmosdb package
   azure.cosmosdb.table package
   azure.cosmosdb.table.models module
       exception azure.cosmosdb.table.models.AzureBatchOperationError(message, status_code, batch_code)
              Bases: azure.common.AzureHttpError

              Indicates that a batch operation failed.

              Variablesmessage (str) -- A detailed error message indicating the index of the batch request which
                       failed and the reason for the failure. For example, '0:One of the request inputs  is  out
                       of  range.'  indicates the 0th batch request failed as one of its property values was out
                       of range.

                     • status_code (int) -- The HTTP status code of the batch request. For example, 400.

                     • batch_code (str) -- The batch status code. For example, 'OutOfRangeInput'.

       exception azure.cosmosdb.table.models.AzureBatchValidationError
              Bases: azure.common.AzureException

              Indicates that a batch operation cannot proceed due to invalid input.

                     message (str) -- A detailed error message indicating the reason for the failure.

       class azure.cosmosdb.table.models.EdmType
              Bases: object

              Used by EntityProperty to represent the type of the entity property to  be  stored  by  the  Table

              BINARY = 'Edm.Binary'
                     Represents byte data. Must be specified.

              BOOLEAN = 'Edm.Boolean'
                     Represents a boolean. This type will be inferred for Python bools.

              DATETIME = 'Edm.DateTime'
                     Represents a date. This type will be inferred for Python datetime objects.

              DOUBLE = 'Edm.Double'
                     Represents a double. This type will be inferred for Python floating point numbers.

              GUID = 'Edm.Guid'
                     Represents a GUID. Must be specified.

              INT32 = 'Edm.Int32'
                     Represents  a number between -(2^15) and 2^15. Must be specified or numbers will default to

              INT64 = 'Edm.Int64'
                     Represents a number between -(2^31) and 2^31. This is the default type for Python numbers.

              STRING = 'Edm.String'
                     Represents a string. This type will be inferred for Python strings.

       class azure.cosmosdb.table.models.Entity
              Bases: dict

              An entity object. Can be accessed as a dict or as an obj. The attributes of  the  entity  will  be
              created dynamically. For example, the following are both valid:

                 entity = Entity()
                 entity.a = 'b'
                 entity['x'] = 'y'

       class azure.cosmosdb.table.models.EntityProperty(type=None, value=None, encrypt=False)
              Bases: object

              An entity property. Used to explicitly set EdmType when necessary.

              Values which require explicit typing are GUID, INT32, and BINARY. Other EdmTypes may be explicitly
              create as EntityProperty objects but need not be. For example, the below with both  create  STRING
              typed properties on the entity:

                 entity = Entity()
                 entity.a = 'b'
                 entity.x = EntityProperty(EdmType.STRING, 'y')

              Represents an Azure Table. Returned by list_tables.

              Parameterstype (str) -- The type of the property.

                     • value (EdmType) -- The value of the property.

                     • encrypt (bool) -- Indicates whether or not the property should be encrypted.

       class azure.cosmosdb.table.models.Table
              Bases: object

              Represents an Azure Table. Returned by list_tables.

                     name (str) -- The name of the table.

       class azure.cosmosdb.table.models.TablePayloadFormat
              Bases: object

              Specifies  the  accepted content type of the response payload. More information can be found here:

              JSON_FULL_METADATA = 'application/json;odata=fullmetadata'
                     Returns  minimal  type  information  for  the  entity  properties  plus  some  extra  odata

              JSON_MINIMAL_METADATA = 'application/json;odata=minimalmetadata'
                     Returns minimal type information for the entity properties.

              JSON_NO_METADATA = 'application/json;odata=nometadata'
                     Returns no type information for the entity properties.

       class  azure.cosmosdb.table.models.TablePermissions(query=False,  add=False,  update=False, delete=False,
              Bases: object

              TablePermissions class to be used with the generate_table_shared_access_signature() method and for
              the AccessPolicies used with set_table_acl().

              VariablesTablePermissions.QUERY (TablePermissions) -- Get entities and query entities.

                     • TablePermissions.ADD (TablePermissions) -- Add entities.

                     • TablePermissions.UPDATE (TablePermissions) -- Update entities.

                     • TablePermissions.DELETE (TablePermissions) -- Delete entities.

              Parametersquery (bool) -- Get entities and query entities.

                     • add  (bool)  --  Add  entities.  Add  and  Update  permissions  are  required  for upsert

                     • update (bool) -- Update entities. Add and Update  permissions  are  required  for  upsert

                     • delete (bool) -- Delete entities.

                     • _str (str) -- A string representing the permissions.

              ADD = <azure.cosmosdb.table.models.TablePermissions object>

              DELETE = <azure.cosmosdb.table.models.TablePermissions object>

              QUERY = <azure.cosmosdb.table.models.TablePermissions object>

              UPDATE = <azure.cosmosdb.table.models.TablePermissions object>

       class azure.cosmosdb.table.models.TableServices
              Bases: azure.cosmosdb.table.common.models.Services

              Parameterstable (bool) -- Access to the .TableService_str (str) -- A string representing the services.

   azure.cosmosdb.table.tablebatch module
       class    azure.cosmosdb.table.tablebatch.TableBatch(require_encryption=False,    key_encryption_key=None,
              Bases: object

              This is the class that is used for batch operation for storage table service.

              The Table service supports batch transactions on entities that are in the same table and belong to
              the same partition group. Multiple operations are supported within a single transaction. The batch
              can include at most 100 entities, and its total payload may be no more than 4 MB in size.

              delete_entity(partition_key, row_key, if_match='*')
                     Adds a delete entity operation to the batch. See delete_entity() for  more  information  on

                     The operation will not be executed until the batch is committed.

                     Parameterspartition_key (str) -- The PartitionKey of the entity.

                            • row_key (str) -- The RowKey of the entity.

                            • if_match (str) -- The client may specify the ETag for the entity on the request in
                              order to compare to the  ETag  maintained  by  the  service  for  the  purpose  of
                              optimistic  concurrency.  The  delete operation will be performed only if the ETag
                              sent by the client matches the value maintained by the server, indicating that the
                              entity  has  not  been  modified since it was retrieved by the client. To force an
                              unconditional delete, set If-Match to the wildcard character (*).

                     Adds an insert entity operation to the batch. See insert_entity() for more  information  on

                     The operation will not be executed until the batch is committed.

                            entity  (dict  or  Entity)  --  The  entity  to insert. Could be a dict or an entity
                            object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                     Adds an insert or merge entity operation to the  batch.  See  insert_or_merge_entity()  for
                     more information on insert or merge operations.

                     The operation will not be executed until the batch is committed.

                            entity  (dict  or  Entity)  --  The entity to insert or merge. Could be a dict or an
                            entity object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                     Adds an insert or replace entity operation to the batch. See insert_or_replace_entity() for
                     more information on insert or replace operations.

                     The operation will not be executed until the batch is committed.

                            entity  (dict  or  Entity) -- The entity to insert or replace. Could be a dict or an
                            entity object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

              merge_entity(entity, if_match='*')
                     Adds a merge entity operation to the batch. See  merge_entity()  for  more  information  on

                     The operation will not be executed until the batch is committed.

                     Parametersentity  (dict  or  Entity)  --  The  entity to merge. Could be a dict or an entity
                              object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                            • if_match (str) -- The client may specify the ETag for the entity on the request in
                              order  to  compare  to  the  ETag  maintained  by  the  service for the purpose of
                              optimistic concurrency. The merge operation will be performed  only  if  the  ETag
                              sent by the client matches the value maintained by the server, indicating that the
                              entity has not been modified since it was retrieved by the  client.  To  force  an
                              unconditional merge, set If-Match to the wildcard character (*).

              update_entity(entity, if_match='*')
                     Adds  an  update entity operation to the batch. See update_entity() for more information on

                     The operation will not be executed until the batch is committed.

                     Parametersentity (dict or Entity) -- The entity to update. Could be  a  dict  or  an  entity
                              object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                            • if_match (str) -- The client may specify the ETag for the entity on the request in
                              order to compare to the  ETag  maintained  by  the  service  for  the  purpose  of
                              optimistic  concurrency.  The  update operation will be performed only if the ETag
                              sent by the client matches the value maintained by the server, indicating that the
                              entity  has  not  been  modified since it was retrieved by the client. To force an
                              unconditional update, set If-Match to the wildcard character (*).

   azure.cosmosdb.table.tableservice module
       class azure.cosmosdb.table.tableservice.TableService(account_name=None, account_key=None, sas_token=None,
       is_emulated=False,     protocol='https',     endpoint_suffix='',    request_session=None,
       connection_string=None, socket_timeout=None)
              Bases: azure.cosmosdb.table.common.storageclient.StorageClient

              This is the main class managing Azure Table resources.

              The Azure Table service offers structured storage in the form of  tables.  Tables  store  data  as
              collections  of  entities.  Entities are similar to rows. An entity has a primary key and a set of
              properties. A property is a name, typed-value pair, similar to a column. The  Table  service  does
              not  enforce  any  schema for tables, so two entities in the same table may have different sets of
              properties. Developers may choose to enforce a schema on the client side. A table may contain  any
              number of entities.

              Variableskey_encryption_key (object) -- The key-encryption-key optionally provided by the user. If
                       provided, will be used to encrypt/decrypt in supported methods.   For  methods  requiring
                       decryption,  either the key_encryption_key OR the resolver must be provided.  If both are
                       provided, the resolver will take precedence.  Must implement the  following  methods  for
                       APIs  requiring  encryption:  wrap_key(key)--wraps  the  specified  key  (bytes) using an
                       algorithm   of   the   user's   choice.   Returns   the   encrypted   key    as    bytes.
                       get_key_wrap_algorithm()--returns the algorithm used to wrap the specified symmetric key.
                       get_kid()--returns a string key id  for  this  key-encryption-key.   Must  implement  the
                       following  methods for APIs requiring decryption: unwrap_key(key, algorithm)--returns the
                       unwrapped form of the specified  symmetric  key  using  the  string-specified  algorithm.
                       get_kid()--returns a string key id for this key-encryption-key.

                     • key_resolver_function(kid)  (function)  -- A function to resolve keys optionally provided
                       by the user. If provided, will be used to decrypt  in  supported  methods.   For  methods
                       requiring  decryption, either the key_encryption_key OR the resolver must be provided. If
                       both are provided, the resolver will take precedence.  It uses the kid string to return a
                       key-encryption-key implementing the interface defined above.

                     • row_key,  property_name)  encryption_resolver_functions  (function(partition_key,)  --  A
                       function that takes in an entity's partition key, row key, and property name and  returns
                       a boolean that indicates whether that property should be encrypted.

                     • require_encryption  (bool)  --  A  flag  that  may  be  set  to  ensure that all messages
                       successfully uploaded to the queue and all those downloaded and  successfully  read  from
                       the  queue  are/were  encrypted  while  on  the server. If this flag is set, all required
                       parameters for encryption/decryption must be provided. See  the  above  comments  on  the
                       key_encryption_key and resolver.

              Parametersaccount_name  (str)  --  The  storage account name. This is used to authenticate requests
                       signed with an account key and to construct the storage endpoint. It is required unless a
                       connection string is given.

                     • account_key (str) -- The storage account key. This is used for shared key authentication.

                     • sas_token  (str)  --  A  shared  access  signature  token to use to authenticate requests
                       instead of the account key. If account key and sas token are both specified, account  key
                       will be used to sign.

                     • is_emulated  (bool) -- Whether to use the emulator. Defaults to False. If specified, will
                       override all other parameters besides connection string and request session.

                     • protocol (str) -- The protocol to use for requests. Defaults to https.

                     • endpoint_suffix (str) -- The host base component of the  url,  minus  the  account  name.
                       Defaults   to   Azure   (   Override   this  to  use  the  China  cloud

                     • request_session (requests.Session) -- The session object to use for http requests.

                     • connection_string (str) -- If specified, this will override all other parameters  besides
                       request                                    session.                                   See
                       for the connection string format.

                     • socket_timeout  (int) -- If specified, this will override the default socket timeout. The
                       timeout specified is in seconds.  See DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT  in  for  the
                       default value.

              batch(table_name, timeout=None)
                     Creates a batch object which can be used as a context manager. Commits the batch on exit.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to commit the batch to.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

              commit_batch(table_name, batch, timeout=None)
                     Commits a TableBatch request.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to commit the batch to.

                            • batch (TableBatch) -- The batch to commit.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            A list of the batch responses corresponding to the requests in the batch.  The items
                            could either be an etag, in case of success, or an error object in case of failure.

                     Return type
                            list(AzureBatchOperationError, str)

              create_table(table_name, fail_on_exist=False, timeout=None)
                     Creates a new table in the storage account.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to create. The table  name  may  contain
                              only  alphanumeric  characters  and  cannot begin with a numeric character.  It is
                              case-insensitive and must be from 3 to 63 characters long.

                            • fail_on_exist (bool) -- Specifies whether to  throw  an  exception  if  the  table
                              already exists.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            A  boolean  indicating  whether  the  table was created. If fail_on_exist was set to
                            True, this will throw instead of returning false.

                     Return type

              delete_entity(table_name, partition_key, row_key, if_match='*', timeout=None)
                     Deletes an existing entity in a table. Throws if the entity does not exist.

                     When an entity is successfully deleted, the entity is immediately marked for  deletion  and
                     is  no  longer  accessible  to  clients. The entity is later removed from the Table service
                     during garbage collection.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table containing the entity to delete.

                            • partition_key (str) -- The PartitionKey of the entity.

                            • row_key (str) -- The RowKey of the entity.

                            • if_match (str) -- The client may specify the ETag for the entity on the request in
                              order  to  compare  to  the  ETag  maintained  by  the  service for the purpose of
                              optimistic concurrency. The delete operation will be performed only  if  the  ETag
                              sent by the client matches the value maintained by the server, indicating that the
                              entity has not been modified since it was retrieved by the  client.  To  force  an
                              unconditional delete, set If-Match to the wildcard character (*).

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

              delete_table(table_name, fail_not_exist=False, timeout=None)
                     Deletes the specified table and any data it contains.

                     When  a  table  is  successfully  deleted,  it is immediately marked for deletion and is no
                     longer accessible to clients. The table is later removed  from  the  Table  service  during
                     garbage collection.

                     Note  that  deleting  a  table  is  likely  to take at least 40 seconds to complete.  If an
                     operation  is  attempted   against   the   table   while   it   was   being   deleted,   an
                     AzureConflictHttpError will be thrown.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to delete.

                            • fail_not_exist  (bool)  --  Specifies  whether  to throw an exception if the table
                              doesn't exist.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            A boolean indicating whether the table was deleted. If  fail_not_exist  was  set  to
                            True, this will throw instead of returning false.

                     Return type

              exists(table_name, timeout=None)
                     Returns a boolean indicating whether the table exists.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of table to check for existence.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            A boolean indicating whether the table exists.

                     Return type

              generate_account_shared_access_signature(resource_types,  permission, expiry, start=None, ip=None,
                     Generates a shared access signature for the table service.  Use the returned signature with
                     the sas_token parameter of TableService.

                     Parametersresource_types (ResourceTypes) -- Specifies the resource types that are accessible
                              with the account SAS.

                            • permission (AccountPermissions) -- The  permissions  associated  with  the  shared
                              access signature. The user is restricted to operations allowed by the permissions.
                              Required unless an id is given referencing a stored access policy  which  contains
                              this  field.  This field must be omitted if it has been specified in an associated
                              stored access policy.

                            • expiry (datetime or str) -- The time at which the shared access signature  becomes
                              invalid.   Required unless an id is given referencing a stored access policy which
                              contains this field. This field must be omitted if it has  been  specified  in  an
                              associated  stored  access  policy.  Azure will always convert values to UTC. If a
                              date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.

                            • start (datetime or str) -- The time at which the shared access  signature  becomes
                              valid.  If  omitted,  start  time for this call is assumed to be the time when the
                              storage service receives the request. Azure will always convert values to UTC.  If
                              a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.

                            • ip  (str)  --  Specifies  an  IP  address or a range of IP addresses from which to
                              accept requests.  If the IP address from which the  request  originates  does  not
                              match  the  IP address or address range specified on the SAS token, the request is
                              not    authenticated.     For    example,     specifying     sip=     or
                              sip= on the SAS restricts the request to those IP addresses.

                            • protocol (str) -- Specifies the protocol permitted for a request made. The default
                              value is https,http. See Protocol for possible values.

                            A Shared Access Signature (sas) token.

                     Return type

              generate_table_shared_access_signature(table_name,   permission=None,   expiry=None,   start=None,
              id=None, ip=None, protocol=None, start_pk=None, start_rk=None, end_pk=None, end_rk=None)
                     Generates  a  shared  access  signature for the table.  Use the returned signature with the
                     sas_token parameter of TableService.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to create a SAS token for.

                            • permission (TablePermissions) -- The permissions associated with the shared access
                              signature.  The  user  is  restricted  to  operations  allowed by the permissions.
                              Required unless an id is given referencing a stored access policy  which  contains
                              this  field.  This field must be omitted if it has been specified in an associated
                              stored access policy.

                            • expiry (datetime or str) -- The time at which the shared access signature  becomes
                              invalid.   Required unless an id is given referencing a stored access policy which
                              contains this field. This field must be omitted if it has  been  specified  in  an
                              associated  stored  access  policy.  Azure will always convert values to UTC. If a
                              date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.

                            • start (datetime or str) -- The time at which the shared access  signature  becomes
                              valid.  If  omitted,  start  time for this call is assumed to be the time when the
                              storage service receives the request. Azure will always convert values to UTC.  If
                              a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.

                            • id  (str)  --  A  unique  value up to 64 characters in length that correlates to a
                              stored access policy. To create a stored access policy, use set_table_acl().

                            • ip (str) -- Specifies an IP address or a range  of  IP  addresses  from  which  to
                              accept  requests.   If  the  IP address from which the request originates does not
                              match the IP address or address range specified on the SAS token, the  request  is
                              not     authenticated.     For    example,    specifying    sip=''    or
                              sip=''  on  the  SAS  restricts  the  request  to  those   IP

                            • protocol (str) -- Specifies the protocol permitted for a request made. The default
                              value is https,http. See Protocol for possible values.

                            • start_pk (str) -- The minimum partition key accessible  with  this  shared  access
                              signature.  startpk must accompany startrk. Key values are inclusive.  If omitted,
                              there is no lower bound on the table entities that can be accessed.

                            • start_rk (str)  --  The  minimum  row  key  accessible  with  this  shared  access
                              signature.   startpk must accompany startrk. Key values are inclusive. If omitted,
                              there is no lower bound on the table entities that can be accessed.

                            • end_pk (str) -- The maximum partition  key  accessible  with  this  shared  access
                              signature. endpk must accompany endrk. Key values are inclusive. If omitted, there
                              is no upper bound on the table entities that can be accessed.

                            • end_rk (str) -- The maximum row key accessible with this shared access  signature.
                              endpk  must  accompany  endrk.  Key  values are inclusive. If omitted, there is no
                              upper bound on the table entities that can be accessed.

                            A Shared Access Signature (sas) token.

                     Return type

              get_entity(table_name,              partition_key,              row_key,              select=None,
              accept='application/json;odata=minimalmetadata', property_resolver=None, timeout=None)
                     Get an entity from the specified table. Throws if the entity does not exist.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to get the entity from.

                            • partition_key (str) -- The PartitionKey of the entity.

                            • row_key (str) -- The RowKey of the entity.

                            • select (str) -- Returns only the desired properties of an entity from the set.

                            • accept  (str)  -- Specifies the accepted content type of the response payload. See
                              TablePayloadFormat for possible values.

                            • property_resolver (func(pk, rk, prop_name,  prop_value,  service_edm_type))  --  A
                              function  which  given  the partition key, row key, property name, property value,
                              and the property EdmType if returned by the service, returns the  EdmType  of  the
                              property. Generally used if accept is set to JSON_NO_METADATA.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            The retrieved entity.

                     Return type

              get_table_acl(table_name, timeout=None)
                     Returns  details  about  any stored access policies specified on the table that may be used
                     with Shared Access Signatures.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of an existing table.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            A dictionary of access policies associated with the table.

                     Return type
                            dict(str, AccessPolicy)

                     Gets the properties of a storage account's Table service, including logging, analytics  and
                     CORS rules.

                            timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            The table service properties.

                     Return type

                     Retrieves  statistics  related  to  replication for the Table service. It is only available
                     when read-access geo-redundant replication is enabled for the storage account.

                     With geo-redundant replication, Azure Storage maintains your data durable in two locations.
                     In  both  locations,  Azure  Storage constantly maintains multiple healthy replicas of your
                     data. The location where you read, create, update, or delete data is  the  primary  storage
                     account  location.   The  primary  location exists in the region you choose at the time you
                     create an account via the Azure Management Azure classic portal, for example, North Central
                     US.  The location to which your data is replicated is the secondary location. The secondary
                     location is automatically determined based on the location of  the  primary;  it  is  in  a
                     second  data  center  that  resides  in  the same region as the primary location. Read-only
                     access is available from the secondary location, if read-access  geo-redundant  replication
                     is enabled for your storage account.

                            timeout (int) -- The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds.

                            The table service stats.

                     Return type

              insert_entity(table_name, entity, timeout=None)
                     Inserts  a  new  entity  into the table. Throws if an entity with the same PartitionKey and
                     RowKey already exists.

                     When inserting an entity into a table, you must specify values  for  the  PartitionKey  and
                     RowKey  system  properties.  Together,  these  properties  form the primary key and must be
                     unique within the table. Both the PartitionKey and RowKey values  must  be  string  values;
                     each  key  value  may be up to 64 KB in size. If you are using an integer value for the key
                     value, you should convert the integer to a fixed-width string, because they are canonically
                     sorted. For example, you should convert the value 1 to 0000001 to ensure proper sorting.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to insert the entity into.

                            • entity  (dict  or  Entity)  --  The entity to insert. Could be a dict or an entity
                              object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            The etag of the inserted entity.

                     Return type

              insert_or_merge_entity(table_name, entity, timeout=None)
                     Merges an existing entity or inserts a new entity if it does not exist in the table.

                     If insert_or_merge_entity is used to merge an entity,  any  properties  from  the  previous
                     entity will be retained if the request does not define or include them.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table in which to insert or merge the entity.

                            • entity  (dict  or  Entity) -- The entity to insert or merge. Could be a dict or an
                              entity object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            The etag of the entity.

                     Return type

              insert_or_replace_entity(table_name, entity, timeout=None)
                     Replaces an existing entity or inserts a new entity if it does  not  exist  in  the  table.
                     Because  this  operation  can  insert  or update an entity, it is also known as an "upsert"

                     If insert_or_replace_entity is used to replace an entity, any properties from the  previous
                     entity will be removed if the new entity does not define them.

                     Parameterstable_name  (str)  --  The  name  of  the  table in which to insert or replace the

                            • entity (dict or Entity) -- The entity to insert or replace. Could be a dict or  an
                              entity object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            The etag of the entity.

                     Return type

              list_tables(num_results=None, marker=None, timeout=None)
                     Returns  a  generator to list the tables. The generator will lazily follow the continuation
                     tokens returned by the service and stop when all tables have been returned  or  num_results
                     is reached.

                     If  num_results  is  specified  and  the  account  has more than that number of tables, the
                     generator will have a populated next_marker field once it finishes. This marker can be used
                     to create a new generator if more results are desired.

                     Parametersnum_results (int) -- The maximum number of tables to return.

                            • marker  (obj)  --  An opaque continuation object. This value can be retrieved from
                              the next_marker field of a previous generator object if num_results was  specified
                              and  that generator has finished enumerating results. If specified, this generator
                              will begin returning results from the point where the previous generator stopped.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds. This function may  make
                              multiple  calls  to  the service in which case the timeout value specified will be
                              applied to each individual call.

                            A generator which produces Table objects.

                     Return type

              merge_entity(table_name, entity, if_match='*', timeout=None)
                     Updates an existing entity by merging the entity's properties. Throws if  the  entity  does
                     not exist.

                     This  operation does not replace the existing entity as the update_entity operation does. A
                     property cannot be removed with merge_entity.

                     Any properties with null values are ignored. All other properties will be updated or added.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table containing the entity to merge.

                            • entity (dict or Entity) -- The entity to merge. Could  be  a  dict  or  an  entity
                              object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                            • if_match (str) -- The client may specify the ETag for the entity on the request in
                              order to compare to the  ETag  maintained  by  the  service  for  the  purpose  of
                              optimistic  concurrency.  The  merge  operation will be performed only if the ETag
                              sent by the client matches the value maintained by the server, indicating that the
                              entity  has  not  been  modified since it was retrieved by the client. To force an
                              unconditional merge, set If-Match to the wildcard character (*).

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            The etag of the entity.

                     Return type

              query_entities(table_name,    filter=None,     select=None,     num_results=None,     marker=None,
              accept='application/json;odata=minimalmetadata', property_resolver=None, timeout=None)
                     Returns  a generator to list the entities in the table specified. The generator will lazily
                     follow the continuation tokens returned by the service and stop when all entities have been
                     returned or num_results is reached.

                     If  num_results  is  specified  and  the account has more than that number of entities, the
                     generator will have a populated next_marker field once it finishes. This marker can be used
                     to create a new generator if more results are desired.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table to query.

                            • filter (str) -- Returns only entities that satisfy the specified filter. Note that
                              no more than 15 discrete comparisons are permitted within a  $filter  string.  See
                         for    more
                              information on constructing filters.

                            • select (str) -- Returns only the desired properties of an entity from the set.

                            • num_results (int) -- The maximum number of entities to return.

                            • marker (obj) -- An opaque continuation object. This value can  be  retrieved  from
                              the  next_marker field of a previous generator object if max_results was specified
                              and that generator has finished enumerating results. If specified, this  generator
                              will begin returning results from the point where the previous generator stopped.

                            • accept  (str)  -- Specifies the accepted content type of the response payload. See
                              TablePayloadFormat for possible values.

                            • property_resolver (func(pk, rk, prop_name,  prop_value,  service_edm_type))  --  A
                              function  which  given  the partition key, row key, property name, property value,
                              and the property EdmType if returned by the service, returns the  EdmType  of  the
                              property. Generally used if accept is set to JSON_NO_METADATA.

                            • timeout  (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds. This function may make
                              multiple calls to the service in which case the timeout value  specified  will  be
                              applied to each individual call.

                            A generator which produces Entity objects.

                     Return type

              set_table_acl(table_name, signed_identifiers=None, timeout=None)
                     Sets stored access policies for the table that may be used with Shared Access Signatures.

                     When you set permissions for a table, the existing permissions are replaced.  To update the
                     table's permissions, call get_table_acl() to fetch all access policies associated with  the
                     table,  modify  the access policy that you wish to change, and then call this function with
                     the complete set of data to perform the update.

                     When you establish a stored access policy on a table, it may take up to 30 seconds to  take
                     effect.  During this interval, a shared access signature that is associated with the stored
                     access policy will throw an AzureHttpError until the access policy becomes active.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of an existing table.

                            • signed_identifiers (dict(str, AccessPolicy)) -- A dictionary of access policies to
                              associate  with  the  table. The dictionary may contain up to 5 elements. An empty
                              dictionary will clear the access policies set on the service.

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

              set_table_service_properties(logging=None,  hour_metrics=None,   minute_metrics=None,   cors=None,
                     Sets  the  properties  of  a  storage  account's  Table  service,  including  Azure Storage
                     Analytics. If an element (ex Logging) is left as None, the existing settings on the service
                     for that functionality are preserved.  For more information on Azure Storage Analytics, see

                     Parameterslogging (Logging) -- The logging settings provide request logs.

                            • hour_metrics (Metrics) -- The hour metrics settings provide a summary  of  request
                              statistics grouped by API in hourly aggregates for tables.

                            • minute_metrics (Metrics) -- The minute metrics settings provide request statistics
                              for each minute for tables.

                            • cors (list(CorsRule)) -- You can include up to five CorsRule elements in the list.
                              If  an  empty  list is specified, all CORS rules will be deleted, and CORS will be
                              disabled for the service. For detailed information about CORS rules and evaluation
                              logic, see

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

              update_entity(table_name, entity, if_match='*', timeout=None)
                     Updates  an  existing  entity  in  a  table.  Throws  if  the  entity  does not exist.  The
                     update_entity operation replaces the entire entity and can be used to remove properties.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- The name of the table containing the entity to update.

                            • entity (dict or Entity) -- The entity to update. Could be  a  dict  or  an  entity
                              object.  Must contain a PartitionKey and a RowKey.

                            • if_match (str) -- The client may specify the ETag for the entity on the request in
                              order to compare to the  ETag  maintained  by  the  service  for  the  purpose  of
                              optimistic  concurrency.  The  update operation will be performed only if the ETag
                              sent by the client matches the value maintained by the server, indicating that the
                              entity  has  not  been  modified since it was retrieved by the client. To force an
                              unconditional update, set If-Match to the wildcard character (*).

                            • timeout (int) -- The server timeout, expressed in seconds.

                            The etag of the entity.

                     Return type

   Module contents
   Module contents
   Module contents


       class azure.cosmosdb.table.sharedaccesssignature.TableSharedAccessSignature(account_name, account_key)
              Bases: azure.cosmosdb.table.common.sharedaccesssignature.SharedAccessSignature

              Provides a factory for creating file and share access signature tokens with a common account  name
              and  account  key.   Users can either use the factory or can construct the appropriate service and
              use the generate_*_shared_access_signature method directly.

              Parametersaccount_name (str) -- The storage  account  name  used  to  generate  the  shared  access

                     • account_key (str) -- The access key to generate the shares access signatures.

              generate_table(table_name,    permission=None,    expiry=None,   start=None,   id=None,   ip=None,
              protocol=None, start_pk=None, start_rk=None, end_pk=None, end_rk=None)
                     Generates a shared access signature for the table.  Use the  returned  signature  with  the
                     sas_token parameter of TableService.

                     Parameterstable_name (str) -- Name of table.

                            • permission (TablePermissions) -- The permissions associated with the shared access
                              signature. The user is  restricted  to  operations  allowed  by  the  permissions.
                              Required  unless  an id is given referencing a stored access policy which contains
                              this field. This field must be omitted if it has been specified in  an  associated
                              stored access policy.

                            • expiry  (datetime or str) -- The time at which the shared access signature becomes
                              invalid.  Required unless an id is given referencing a stored access policy  which
                              contains  this  field.  This  field must be omitted if it has been specified in an
                              associated stored access policy. Azure will always convert values  to  UTC.  If  a
                              date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.

                            • start  (datetime  or str) -- The time at which the shared access signature becomes
                              valid. If omitted, start time for this call is assumed to be  the  time  when  the
                              storage  service receives the request. Azure will always convert values to UTC. If
                              a date is passed in without timezone info, it is assumed to be UTC.

                            • id (str) -- A unique value up to 64 characters in  length  that  correlates  to  a
                              stored    access    policy.    To    create    a   stored   access   policy,   use

                            • ip (str) -- Specifies an IP address or a range  of  IP  addresses  from  which  to
                              accept  requests.   If  the  IP address from which the request originates does not
                              match the IP address or address range specified on the SAS token, the  request  is
                              not     authenticated.      For     example,    specifying    sip=    or
                              sip= on the SAS restricts the request to those IP addresses.

                            • protocol (str) -- Specifies the protocol permitted for a request made. The default
                              value is https,http. See Protocol for possible values.

                            • start_pk  (str)  --  The  minimum partition key accessible with this shared access
                              signature. startpk must accompany startrk. Key values are inclusive.  If  omitted,
                              there is no lower bound on the table entities that can be accessed.

                            • start_rk  (str)  --  The  minimum  row  key  accessible  with  this  shared access
                              signature.  startpk must accompany startrk. Key values are inclusive. If  omitted,
                              there is no lower bound on the table entities that can be accessed.

                            • end_pk  (str)  --  The  maximum  partition  key accessible with this shared access
                              signature. endpk must accompany endrk. Key values are inclusive. If omitted, there
                              is no upper bound on the table entities that can be accessed.

                            • end_rk  (str) -- The maximum row key accessible with this shared access signature.
                              endpk must accompany endrk. Key values are inclusive.  If  omitted,  there  is  no
                              upper bound on the table entities that can be accessed.


       2020, Microsoft